Town Topics Newspaper, April 13, 2022

Page 1

Volume LXXVI, Number 15

Spring Home & Real Estate Pages 21-28 Historic Farmstead in Skillman to Tell a True Story . . . . . . . . . . 5 Police Are Cracking Down on Distracted Drivers, Walkers, And Cyclists . . . . . . . . .12 Progress on Establishment Of a Dog Park, or Parks, In Town . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lewis Powers PU Baseball To 2-1 Weekend Against Cornell . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Surace Stars as PDS Girls’ Lax Rallies to Win over Hillsborough . . . . . . . 36

Chekhov’s Poetry is Especially Meaningful at Time of War . . . . . . . . 17 Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 30 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 41 Luxury Living . . . . . . . . 2 Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . 16 New To Us . . . . . . . . . 31 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . 39 Performing Arts . . . . . 18 Police Blotter . . . . . . . . 6 Real Estate . . . . . . . . 41 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Topics of the Town . . . . 5 Town Talk . . . . . . . . . . 6

As COVID Rates Rise, Princeton Wonders “What’s to Come?” Philadelphia has just announced the reinstating of its indoor mask mandate, the first major city in the country to do so, and as new COVID-19 case numbers rise locally and throughout the northeast many wonder if this is the start of a larger surge in infections. Princeton Deputy Administrator for Health and Community Services Jeff Grosser wrote in an email, “As witnessed in other countries (UK and around Europe), the increase in cases sometimes demonstrates a ‘What’s to come?’ scenario, and I believe that’s where we are right now.” He cited the “extremely contagious BA.2 variant” as the primary cause of the uptick during the past month, “along with the relaxation of public health precautions and restrictions in places like schools and other indoor settings.” Grosser continued, “We also have waning immunity among those who have received their booster more than four to six months ago,” but he went on to emphasize that despite the increase in cases there was no increase in severity of the outbreak or hospitalizations. “This does not discount the need for disease surveillance, but we need to keep this in mind when we talk about return of restrictions or closures due to increasing cases,” he said. The Princeton Health Department on April 4 reported 45 new COVID-19 cases in the previous seven days, a total of 2,518 cases in Princeton since the start of the pandemic. Princeton Public Schools (PPS) reported 31 new cases for the week ended April 8, 14 of those cases at Princeton High School. PPS had only 12 cases in the week ended April 1 and only seven the week before that. Princeton University reported a 4.02 percent positivity rate for the week ended April 2, with case severity remaining “mild.” The transmission rate in New Jersey climbed to 1.29 on Tuesday, April 12, denoting a growing outbreak, with any number over 1 indicating that each new case is creating more than one additional new case. The state’s seven-day average for new cases was up 37 percent from a week ago and up 64 percent from a month ago. Grosser noted several top priorities for the Princeton Health Department among Continued on Page 10

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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

BOH Raises Red Flags on Cannabis At a meeting last night that occurred after press time, the Princeton Board of Health (BOH) was expected to vote to recommend that Princeton Council delay licensing of cannabis sales in Princeton until health safeguards are implemented and further planning has taken place. BOH draft resolutions were proposed that would also urge Council to adopt a slate of a dozen least-harm cannabis usage guidelines (LHCUG). “It’s simple,” said BOH Chair George DiFerdinando. “Minimize harm.” Princeton Council, on March 29, listened to more than three hours of public comment and debate on the question of cannabis in Princeton and is planning to meet again on Tuesday, May 17, to continue listening, before eventually deciding whether or not to create an ordinance to approve retail sales of recreational cannabis in Princeton. Last night’s 7:30 p.m. BOH meeting was scheduled to begin with a period of public input. At its February 8 meeting, the BOH created an ad hoc committee to research the health impacts of recreational cannabis use and to consider a recommendation from the town’s Cannabis Task Force (CTF) that would allow for up to three retail cannabis establishments in town.

The BOH committee — which includes Ferdinando, an internist and longtime public health program director; Meredith HodachAvalos, an internist at Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center; and Rick Strauss, a pediatrician — prepared a detailed background document and a draft resolution, which it revised following comments at the March 8 meeting and expanded to include detailed information on preparations that are needed to minimize potentially harmful effects of cannabis sales in Princeton.

“Prevention first,” DiFerdinando wrote in summing up the committee’s cautionary stance. “Before considering approving local sale, assess current local use and local prevention needs,” he said. “Before considering if we should have one or more retail cannabis stores, we should plan, and plan to implement, education and outreach to assure that the public is aware of lower risk cannabis usage guidelines to prevent as many negative effects as possible of recreational cannabis use.” Continued on Page 8

Work Sessions on Two Key Streets Dominate Princeton Council Meeting

After considering a request from Princeton Council to further investigate whether it is possible to have a bike lane and underground utilities on Phase 2 of the Witherspoon Street redesign plan, which spans Green Street to Franklin Avenue, municipal staff has concluded that it is not. “We looked at comments from the community, the PBAC (Princeton Bicycle Advisory Committee), and Council, and compiled our findings in a 12-page design report,” the town’s Assistant Municipal Engineer Jim Purcell told the governing body at its meeting Monday night, April 11.

“We simply cannot find a way to provide dedicated bike lanes within this limited corridor. It would not be safe for all of our users.” Purcell added that after a recent meeting with PSE&G, “We now understand that undergrounding utility lines is unfeasible.” Staff is sticking with its recommendation from the Council meeting two weeks ago that a concept that doesn’t include bike lanes and underground utilities be the one to be approved. Each of the three phases involved in the project comes with a grant from the New Continued on Page 10

HONORING A HOMETOWN HERO: Councilman Leighton Newlin, left, and Mayor Mark Freda read a proclamation at the Arts Council of Princeton last Saturday, as part of the annual Paul Robeson Week of Remembrance. In addition to the inauguration of the Robeson Scholars Recognition Program, the day celebrated Robeson’s legacy with song, poetry, storytelling, spoken word, and more. (Photo by Charles R. Plohn)

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From our farm to your yard

Same soil, same climate From our farm to your yard Same soil, same climate soil, same climate 19 acres of fine quality specimen plant Same material 19 acres of fine quality specimen plant material 19 acresofofunique fine quality specimen plant material Currently offering 20 varieties Currently offering 20 varieties of unique Currently offering 20 varieties of unique Redbuds and 20 varieties of Dogwoods Redbuds and 20 varieties of Dogwoods Redbuds and 20 varieties of Dogwoods 609.924.6767 •hard Route 27,27, We grow unique• and to find trees &Princeton shrubs 609.924.6767 4339 Route Princeton We grow unique and hard to find trees & shrubs We grow unique and hard to find trees & shrubs Introducing the2 newest varieties available in the industry miles north of Kingston newest varieties available in the industry 2 milesIntroducing north ofthe Kingston

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Introducing the newest varieties available in the industry Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sunday 9am - 4pm

Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sunday 9am - 4pm

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1234 Street$000,000 Ave., Anytown Marketed by: Agent Name $000,000 PRESENTING

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1234 Street Ave., Anytown

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1234 Street Ave., Anytown 1234 Street Anytown 1234 Street Ave.,Ave., Anytown

440 S MainMarketed Street, Hightstown Boro Marketed by: Agent Agent Name by: Name• $599,900 Marketed by: Agent Name Marketed by: Rocco D’Armiento $000,000 $000,000 $000,000

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Marketed by: 20 Coburn Road, Hopewell Twp. Marketed by:Agent AgentName Name• $475,000 Marketed by: Agent Name $000,000 Marketed by: Sita Philion $000,000 $000,000

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MAKING AN IMPACT: Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS) President Wendy Mager, left, is shown with Lawrenceville residents Helen Trpisovsky and George Point, along with FOPOS’ Natural Resources Manager Anna Corichi, at the entrance to the site they are helping restore.

Residents Begin Phase II Of Environmental Project


Spring in Style

Lawrenceville residents H e l e n Tr p i s o v s k y a n d George Point, recognized for completing the Rutgers Environmental Steward program at a virtual “Rutgers Environmental Stewards Impact Summit,” have recently begun Phase II of their joint project. After completing 60 hours of classroom work, Trpisovsky and Point participated in the design and implementation of project consisting of the restoration of an 18-plus-acre area located within the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve. The restored site will provide sustaining habitat for birds, pollinators, mammals, and other wildlife, while providing a muchenhanced experience for hikers, runners, bicyclists, birdwatchers, and ot her park users. In addition to helping

clear out invasive plant species and plant thousands of native flora at the restoration site, they worked with Friends of Princeton Open Space ( FOPOS ) Director of Natural Resources and Stewardship Anna Corichi to develop and conduct a survey to evaluate the first year survival rate of the plantings, which exceeded expectations. In Phase II, currently underway, Trpisovsky and Point have joined with other volunteers from Princeton and surrounding communities to remove remaining invasive species and help ensure that the plantings continue to thrive. “We were pleased to host Helen and George’s RES project and appreciate their effort and enthusiasm,” says FOPOS President Wendy Mager. “The survey methodology they developed in consultation with Anna Corichi is expected to provide sound guidance for future FOPOS restoration efforts,

as well as for other organizations undertaking similar restoration projects.” Since 2005 the Rutgers E nv i r o n m e n t a l S te w a r d program has trained nearly 1,000 volunteers on how to help solve environmental problems in their communities concerning climate change, soil health, alternative energy, water resource protection, invasive species, habitat conservation, pollinator health, environmental policy, and more. St udent s are cer t if ie d as Rutgers Environmental Stewards once they’ve completed 60 hours of classroom instruction and minimum of 60 hours of a volunteer internship that helps them get real world experience by working on environmental issues in their communities. There are no prerequisites for the Rutgers Environmental Steward program. For more information, visit ———

Topics In Brief

A Community Bulletin


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Volunteers Needed: For Share My Meals, which delivers meals to underprivileged local families to help fight food insecurity and the environmental impact of food waste by recovering and delivering healthy meals. Help Victims of Ukraine: Princeton’s Human Services department supports the victims of Ukraine by sharing a list of organizations accepting donations for medical care, food, emergency support, and more. For information on how to make a donation, call (609) 688-2055 or email Free COVID-19 Testing: Princeton Pop-Up Clinic, 237 North Harrison Street, rear entrance. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Princetonnj. gov. Also, Montgomery Township sponsors the site at Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products Skillman Campus, 199 Grandview Road, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Testing is in the lobby of the North Building. Free Seedlings: Princeton Shade Tree Commission will give out free seedlings of several species from the New Jersey Forest Service, in conjunction with the New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign, at Hinds Plaza on Saturday, April 23 from 12-6 p.m. Register for Aquatic Programs and Pool Membership: Early bird rates end April 17 for Community Park Pool membership (both both Princeton residents and non-residents), Bluefish Swim/Dive Team, Youth Swim/Dive lessons, and Deepwater Exercise Class. Composting Webinar: On Wednesday, April 20 from 6-7:15 p.m., the Watershed Institute and Priscilla Ellen Hayes will host a conversation about home composting. Email questions to with any questions.

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TRUE STORY: The historic farmstead that was home to the True family in Skillman will be the new headquarters of the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum and Sourland Conservancy.

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Preservation of Historic Property Is Result of Collaborative Purchase

A p r op e r t y or i g i n a l l y owned by an African American Union army veteran after the Civil War has been saved by a partnership of the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum

(SSAAM) and Sourland Conservancy. The two nonprofits have purchased the True family farmstead in Skillman, which not only preserves the historic site, but will also provide permanent office space for both organizations.

and tomatoes, and whatever else they grew, and my father’s favorite, Jersey white corn. He loved Jersey white corn. They literally trucked all these green groceries down to Trenton. It was a big deal to come all the way from Hopewell /Skillman and truck it down to Trenton.” The True family has lived in central New Jersey for five generations, beginning w h e n Fr i d ay Tr u e h a r t’s enslaver brought him to Hopewell from South Carolina. Closely connected “Ever ything will be to- to the tight-knit African gether,” said Kariina Rand American community that Continued on Next Page of Sourland Conservancy. “We’ve never really had a proper home accessible to the public.” Spencer True was a descendant of the former slave Friday Truehart, who had gained his freedom in 1819 and became an early African 330 COLD SOIL ROAD PRINCETON, NJ 08540 American landowner in the Sourland region. Spencer and his wife, Corinda, lived on the farmstead, which th th originally included the land on which the National Historic Register-listed Mt. Zion • Self-Guided Treasure Hunt AME Church stands today. • Pony Rides The church is now home to the museum. • Spring food tent Descendants of the True • Children Activities & Games family sold the adjoining farmstead to the Normile • Bunny Crafts $5 family in 1994. “We heard • Wine Tasting the family might be moving, and we were able to make • Live Music the purchase,” said Rand. • Barnyard & Play Area “We had a relationship with them already. It was very fortuitous timing, just as Online Tickets Required* they were considering putting it on the market.” By recombining the two Admission $10 Online/$14 At Gate (3 yrs. & older) parcels, the Tr ue family story comes full circle. “It is *Required for farm store & winery access a beautiful thing to be able to reclaim the land and have Collect Everything You Need For The Holiday! it in perpetuity,” Rand said. In a press release about • Fruits & Vegetables • Crisp, Juicy Apples the sale, SSAAM advisory • Fresh Herbs & Flowering Plants • Fresh Cider b o a r d m e m b e r Pat r i c i a Payne, a descendant of the • Homemade Baked Goods • Doughnuts Trueheart and True families, recalled visiting her grandparents on the family farmstead. There was a time when she knew every inch of the landscape of trees, ponds, and trails that surJoin us in the Winery every Saturday & Sunday rounded the property. 12pm-5pm • Enjoy live music, fresh open air “We grew up on a fiveacre farm,” she said. “We (609) 924-2310 • had plenty of gardens. They raised peaches and apples Mon-Fri 9-6; Sat & Sun 9-5 and sold greens from the garden. They certainly had huge collards, and greens


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Historic Property Continued from Preceding Page





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about local and national issues.

Question of the Week:

“Why is it important to honor Paul Robeson?” (Asked Saturday of Robeson scholars at a celebration honoring Robeson at the Arts Council of Princeton) (Photos by Charles R. Plohn)

“Paul Robeson is a black mentor for all kids, or I would say all minority kids in Princeton. He grew up here and was an activist and artist and athlete. He really did it all, and is living proof that us kids can really make it in life.” —Mojisola Ayodele, Princeton

“It’s important because everything Paul Robeson did was for the youth. He left his legacy to us, and now it’s our time to grab the torch and continue to be well-rounded intellectual human beings making a change in the world, just like him.” —Sheena Ash, East Windsor

“I think it’s important to honor his name, because he was a man who lived in our town for many years and achieved major accomplishments. So, I think that to honor somebody who was so significant to our town is something that we should constantly do. And it should not just be him, I think we should honor more people in the future.” —Joycelyn Brobbey, Princeton

Police Blotter

lived on and around Hollow Road in Skillman, the Trues remained on the mountain and in the Hopewell Valley until Payne and her cousins dispersed to go to college and live elsewhere. The proposed Sourland Education and Exhibit Center will sit on the parcel of land adjacent to the museum and the farmstead. Grants from the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission and New Jersey Historic Trust have funded the development of a master plan for the center, which will welcome school groups and host public programming. A capital campaign to build the center and restore the church and farmstead is currently underway. “Until recently I, like many others, had no idea that there was a substantial African American presence in the Sourland Mountain and Hopewell Valley region,” said Donnet ta Johnson, SSAAM’s executive director. “Nor did I know that the Sourland Conservancy was founded by an African American resident of the mountain named Robert Garrett, who organized a group of residents concerned with protecting the area from overbuilding.” John Buck, SSAAM president, said evidence of the families, their homesteads, and their histories has all but disappeared. “People who have moved into the area over the past 35 years have no idea of the culture and contributions of these families who worked hard to develop the unique character and economy of the region with back-breaking farming, and the strong cultural bonds of family and camaraderie of neighbors that was a key feature of life on the mountain and in the Hopewell Valley,” he said. The conservancy played a key role in the preservation of the Mt. Zion AME Church and the formation of the SSAAM. “Combining our environmental work with the history of the African American presence is such an impactful collaboration,” said Rand. “To be next to them, day in and day out — so many things can come from that partnership.” —Anne Levin

© TOWN TALK A forum for the expression of opinions

On April 3 at 6:44 p.m., an individual reported that her Trek bicycle (Bontrager FX Series 7.2) was stolen from the bike rack locat ed in front of Saint Paul’s Church, 216 Nassau Street, sometime between 5 and 6 :44 p.m. that day. The Detective Bureau is investigating. On April 2, at 1 p.m., a Governors Lane resident reported that he was involved in an email scam in which he believed he owed money for a Microsoft Defender application to individuals identifying themselves as Microsoft representatives. He repor ted a monetar y loss of $88,000. The Detective Bureau is investigating. Unless otherwise specified, individuals arrested were later released.

“I think it’s important to recognize the youth of an area. Paul Robeson was the youngest of his siblings, and was able to rise past his brothers and become a staple, something that we know in Princeton.” —Christopher “CJ” Foreman, Princeton

“As a student of color, born in Princeton, and who had the privilege to attend Princeton High School, I know how important it is to continue to honor his name and continue to be an activist for him.” —Jealyn Vega Ramos, Princeton

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to avoid any risk for harm from using cannabis is to abstain from its use;” and 2) ”Frequent cannabis use, and especially intensive use over longer periods, can lead to a ‘cannabis use disorder’ or cannabis dependence, that may require treatment.” The first resolution proposed by the BOH committee calls for any action to approve retail sale of cannabis in Princeton to be “deferred until such time that realistic plans for increased education, outreach, access to acute and non-acute services, and data collection to assess the impact of recreational sale of cannabis in New Jersey and in Princeton, are available to be approved at the same time.” That draft resolution expresses concern about those in the community most vulnerable to negative health effects from cannabis: youth, those pregnant, older adults, and those with particular mental health issues. It also warns that support for recreational cannabis use could create a perception that the town is encouraging cannabis use. “Never be cheerleading,” said DiFerdinando in emphasizing the importance of “prevention first” and minimizing the potential harm from cannabis. “If you find yourself cheerleading for cannabis use, then you’re in the wrong place.” The second resolution proposed to the BOH last night called for Council to adopt LHCUG guidelines in Princeton. Noting a number of concerns about potential negative effects of cannabis and the absence of guidelines from the NJCRC, the proposal recommends that “in the absence of state or county

continued from page one

In a March 11 phone conversation, DiFerdinando emphasized that there is no need to rush a local ordinance to approve cannabis dispensaries in Princeton, but it is urgent to address the effects of legal recreational cannabis. “Recreational sales are imminent in Princeton,” he said, “no matter what Council does. The state is not waiting for us to figure out what we’re going to do. We have to be ready because this is about to happen.” New Jersey voters approved the legalization of recreational cannabis in a November 2020 referendum vote, the governor signed the necessary legislation in February 2021, and on Monday the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJCRC) approved seven medical dispensaries, known as alternative treatment centers, to begin selling recreational cannabis. Deliveries could arrive in Princeton within the next few weeks. The BOH committee’s proposal recommends the LHCUG, created by a consortium of Canadian health organizations and recently updated by an international group of organizations, researchers, and experts, as “an excellent framework for education of the public in Princeton, as well as directing us to those groups in Princeton most vulnerable to potential harms from RCU (recreational cannabis use).” The committee proposal highlights two general precautions noted by the LHCUG workgroup: 1) “People who use cannabis need to know that there is no universally safe level of cannabis use; thus, the only reliable way

resources, Princeton adopt the LHCUG to guide community actions around recreational cannabis education and harm reduction.” Urging the community not to encourage or glamorize recreational cannabis sales, the second proposed resolution goes on to emphasize the need for specific planning and actions to minimize harm, to inform the community about risks, and “to counter commercial efforts to normalize consumption and promote increased use of the product.” The proposal also calls for resources and training to enforce regulations, laws, and advertising restrictions and to monitor and report on the impact of recreational cannabis policies. The ad hoc committee, in a response to questions from Council President Leticia Fraga, went on to warn that “an approval for opening an RCS (retail cannabis store) prior to discussion and planning for education and interventions could likely be read as enthusiasm for RC (recreational cannabis) sale and, consequently RC use.” The committee reported that its research was inconclusive on the question of the potential impact of the location or the number of particular cannabis stores. Repeatedly calling for preparations to avoid potential harms, the committee noted, “There is strong evidence that recreational sale within New Jersey, which will include delivery into Princeton, will lead to increased use of cannabis products among all age groups legally permitted to purchase such products.” —Donald Gilpin

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Federal Reserve Bank President and FBI director’s special way. We are hoping this as s is t a nt f rom 1991 to event will continue to grow To Appear at Rider University

Patr ick T. Harker, the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, will deliver a lecture, “The Economy and the Job Market: Where We’re Going, Where We’ve Been,” during an appearance at Rider University on April 14 from 6 to 7 p.m.

Patrick T. Harker Harker took office on July 1, 2015, as the 11th president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. In this role, he participates on the Federal Open Market Committee, which formulates the nation’s monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia serves the Third Federal Reserve District, which consists of eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware. It is one of the 12 regional Reserve Banks that, together with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up the Federal Reserve System. As the nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve System works to ensure the strength and integrity of the economy and financial system. Previously, Harker was president of the University of Delaware, where he also was a professor of business administration and civil and environmental engineering, and dean of the University of Pennsylvania’s W harton School, where he had served in several roles. A White House fellow in 1991

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In honor of Sexual Ass au lt Aw are n e s s Mont h ( SA A M ) this month, the Womanspace Education and Community Outreach Committee is holding a “Turn the Town Teal Scavenger Hunt” to spread awareness throughout Mercer county. With the support of local business es, Hightstow n, Lawrence, Trenton, Ewing, Hamilton, and Rider University are participating in this campaign. Danielle Scollins, Coordinator of Prevention and Community Education, said: “Our goal is to involve the community to learn more about sexual assault in an accessible and engaging


Womanspace Plans Event To Target Sexual Assault

each year.” Committee members are placing teal r ibbons attached to posters with QR codes in small businesses, restaurants, and local parks. Participants will scan the QR code on their smartphones to learn how to support survivors, talk about consent, and facts on the reality of sexual assault. Teal ribbons attached to flyers will be located at Little Key Coffee, Hightstown Public Library, and Association Park in Hightstown; Starbucks, The Gingered Peach, Purple Cow, and Weeden Park in Lawrence; Mercer County Board of Social Services, Cooper’s Riverview, The Big Easy, and Serenity Garden in Trenton; Pizza City, Timeless Hair Gallery, Wawa, and Planet Fitness in Ewing ; Gifted Boutique, Jersey Girl Café, Starbucks on Route 33 in Hamilton; the Lake Drive Gazebo in Robbinsville; and Saxbys, Daly’s, Starbucks, and Cranberries at Rider University. The scavenger hunt began April 8 and continues throughout the month of April. Participants who complete the scavenger hunt will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win door prizes, including Beats by Dre, an Amazon Echo Dot, and Ulta & Lowe’s Home Improvement gift cards. The raffle will be drawn the first week of May and winners will be contacted by a Womanspace staff member. Visit for more information.

Earth Day Birthday 52

1992, Harker was named a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and a Charter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in 2012. He received a doctorate in civil and urban engineering, a master’s in economics, and a master’s and bachelor’s in civil engineering, all from the University of Pennsylvania. The appearance is sponsored by Rider’s Norm Brodsky College of Business and Gail Bierenbaum Women’s Leadership Council. The appearance is held in the Science and Technology Center, room 102, on the Rider University campus. It is free and open to the campus community and the public, but advanced registration is requested by visiting rider. edu/harker.



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Work Sessions continued from page one

Jersey Department of Transportation. The deadline for the second phase funding, which is $625,000, is November 19. Purcell said staff has consulted numerous individuals and departments, including Sgt. Thomas Murray of the Princeton Police Department’s traffic safety bureau; Elizabeth Kim of the Historic Preservation Commission; Municipal Arborist Taylor Sapudar; and others. “All of us spent the last two weeks looking at all the different oppor tunities and alternatives that could be considered,” he said. “We request that you approve us moving forward with the design on this concept.” The presentation was part of a work session, and no formal action was taken. The first phase of the project, from Nassau to Green streets, is currently underway. The third phase will cover Franklin Avenue to Valley Road. Another work session was held on establishment of the Prospect Avenue Historic District, which the town’s Planning Board determined — after much controversy and discussion last year — is consistent with the goals and objectives of Princeton’s master plan. Historian Clifford Zink, author of a book on Princeton University’s famed eating clubs located on Prospect Avenue, made the presentation. Since the distr ict was first proposed in 1993, four buildings have been demolished and one has been moved. The current proposal includes 17 current

and former eating clubs, two residences, an architecturally distinctive and historic wall and gateway, and an apartment building. At the request of Princeton University, 91 Prospect Avenue will be outside the proposed historic district. The University revised its original proposal for the street, which was part of its planned Environmental Studies and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences complex, last fall after plans to tear down three Queen Anne Victorian houses caused much resistance from the community. Zink noted that the University has agreed to include the Ferris Thompson wall and gate, built in 1911. Like the Fitzrandolph Gate on Nassau Street, it was designed by the prominent architectural firm McKim, Mead & White. It was originally the entrance to the athletic fields, and the annual “P-rade” used to march through it. “So these are very important historic designs that indicate the history of Prospect Avenue,” he said. The University took down the ironwork several years ago because it was in poor shape, but since then the original drawings have been found. “The University has a project underway to restore the ironwork,” Zink said. “The whole idea of a historic district is not to freeze time and not allow any changes on the street. It is rather to help manage change that comes along in the future; that complements and respects the history of the neighborhood.”

Councilman L eighton Newlin suggested that the historic district designation recognize contributions by African Americans, particularly from the WitherspoonJackson neighborhood, who have worked at the clubs over the years. Zink was in favor of the idea, and said photos and artifacts could be displayed inside. He noted that there is also a history of musicians, including Louis Armstrong, who played at the clubs but were not welcome to stay in local hotels. Local historian Shirley Satterfield has talked about the African American community taking these musicians in when they played for proms and lawn parties at the clubs, he said. Also at the meeting, there was a public hearing on the 2022 municipal budget. Council voted to approve the figure of $68.2 million, up approximately $621,000, or .92 percent, from the previous year. The Council also voted in favor of an ordinance establishing a CAP Bank, which Chief Financial Officer Sandy Webb said is a safety net in case it is needed. Details of the budget are posted on —Anne Levin

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continued from page one

cur rent pressing issues. “Clearly the current outbreak is of top level priority, along with distribution of the recently approved second booster doses to those over 50 years of age or those with pre-existing medical conditions,” he said. Other health department priorities include large-scale food distribution events involving department environmental health specialists and mitigation of Lyme disease, Princeton’s number one repor ted illness before the COVID pandemic. Health department investigations of Lyme illnesses have increased due to the increased outdoor activities of many residents during the pandemic. “Public health is typically multitasking and adapting to the changing environment around us,” Grosser added. As far as the upcoming holiday weekend is concerned, Grosser adv ised residents who will be traveling to do some research to determine the COVID activity level in the area they are traveling to. He recalled Easter 2020, at the start of the pandemic when family gatherings or travel of any sort was frightening and potentially dangerous. “T here were s o ma ny uncer tainties back then, no vaccine, no therapeutics,” he said. “It’s hard to think about going back to that time and having to go through that again.” He went on, “We need to continue to support one another and look out for those who may be more vulnerable to COVID-19. T hat includes infor ming those eligible for the second booster. I would argue that we are in an exponentially better place than we were that spring of 2020, which should continue to motivate us as we are working towards brighter days.” T he Pr inceton Healt h Department will be hosting free COV ID -19 vaccine clinics on Wednesday, April 13, at Monument Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. and on Thursday, April 28, at La Mexicana on 150 Witherspoon Street from 5 to 8 p.m. Princeton University is hosting a vaccine clinic, free and open to the public, on Wednesday, April 20, at the Frist Campus Center in Multipurpose Room B from 1 to 4 p.m. —Donald Gilpin

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Mercer Sustainability Coalition’s cifically with Catholic-based institutions, that will effec“Greening Together” Events

tively support Saint Peter’s mission while continuing to advance our strategic vision for the future,” said Leslie D. Hirsch, FACHE, president and CEO of Saint Peter’s Healthcare System. “We welcome Ed to the Saint Peter’s family and look forward to his leadership and expertise to help position Saint Peter’s as an employer of choice and to provide our employees with a great work environment and experience.” Prior to joining Saint Peter’s, Daech was with Ascension, one of the nation’s largest Catholic health systems that operates 141 hospitals and other health care facilities in over 20 different states with 150,000 employees. During his nine years at Ascension, he served in various Human Resource leadership positions, most recently as a regional vice president of human resources. In this role, he served as the human resources leader for Ascension’s Nursing and Clinical Operations Division, as well as the Health Ministry Markets in Indiana, Tennessee, and Alabama, which consisted of 35 hospitals and 32,000 employees. Previously at Ascension, he held positions as the vice president of human resources for the Tennessee Ministry Market and executive director of human resources for Saint Thomas Health. Prior to Ascension, Daech was with Community Health Systems, a company that operates over 80 affiliated hospitals in 16 states, where he first served as the human resources director, and then the assistant chief executive officer of Heartland Regional Medical Center. In this role he had a wide variety of operational responsibilities. “Saint Peter’s is truly a special place filled w ith people who are passionate about the work we do,” said Daech. “Our organization is one that engages its employees, fostering an environment of mutual support and collaboration in implementing best practices to provide the highest level of quality care to our patients. I welcome the opportunity to lead a human resources team whose goal is to attract, retain, and engage skilled and compassionate employees who believe in Saint Peter’s Catholic mission and strive for service excellence.”

A week-long environmental celebration, “Green ing Together,” will be held April 23-30 by the Mercer County Sustainability Coalition. Several free events are planned. Me mb er s of t h e com munity can participate in cleanups of parks and local waterways. Discussions of climate change, health, lantern fly trapping, energy tools for the homeowner, and the ability of plants to help solve water problems are scheduled. An Arbor Day tree planting will be held in several locations, including Lawrence Nature Center. The week culminates Saturday, April 30 with “Green Get-Together and Bike Rodeo” in the Lawrence High School parking lot. Kids can bring bikes, get a new helmet from Capital Health Safe Kids Program, learn to ride safely on the rodeo trail, and cover the parking lot with drawings made of colorful chalk. Sustainable vendors, composters, a native plant program, tree seedlings, a clothing repair demonstration, a PSE &G clean energy program, and other topics are included in the day, which is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information and specific times and topics, visit

Edward Daech Daech Named New Human Resources Officer at St. Peter’s

Saint Peter’s Healthcare System, the parent company of Saint Peter’s University Hospital, has appointed Edward “Ed” Daech as vice president and chief human resources officer. Daech is a human resources leader with 24 years of experience in the corporate and healthcare sectors. “Ed has a wealth of experience in health care, spe-

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EARTH DAY CELEBRATION: FLEURS & TOURS TUESDAY, APRIL 26TH TOURS BETWEEN 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Get a glimpse of our vibrant community and take home spring flowers and a sweet treat. RSVP By April 24th to Leslie Conover at 609.285.5427


ool Classes fo Police Department Launches Distracted Driving Campaign

protocols, n place ents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,142 people died in the United States due to distracted driving in 2020. The statistics have only gotten more troubling as time has gone on. Princeton is no exception. Apr i l is Nat iona l D is tracted Driving Awareness Month, and the Princeton Police Department is taking the opportunity to raise awareness about the dangers of eating, drinking, fiddling with entertainment or navigation systems, talking on hand-held phones, or — worst of all — texting, while behind the wheel. Anything that takes a driver’s eyes off the road, even for a few seconds, is being addressed this month and next. “It’s a very rapidly growing concern, especially with more people returning to the roads since COVID,” said Sgt. Thomas Murray, of the department’s traffic safety bureau. “Accident report data continues to show that people are not paying attention. And they are openly admitting it.” Officers on foot and in


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cars are on alert not only for drivers, but for people texting while walking, or bicycling in an unsafe manner. “We like to educate as much, if not more, than enforce,” said Murray. “We are making an effort to be pro-active in educating people, but we’ll be a little more proactive in issuing summonses for blatant violations.” Approximately 80 percent of all of the crash investigation reports handled by the Princeton Police department on an annual basis identify “driver inattention” or some other type of unsafe driving behavior, such as speeding and following too closely, as contributing to crashes. Relying on rear bumper sensors when backing up isn’t always enough. And there has been a dramatic increase in people confusing the brake pedal with the accelerator. “When we get the volume during peak times, all it takes is a split second of turning your eyes off the road,” Murray said. “People have a lot on their mind these days, and it just isn’t always compartmentalized when they get behind the

wheel. Hopefully, some education will help with that.” T he police depar t ment has identified documented and potential problem areas around town on which to focus their efforts. In the central business district, they will be on foot, handing out information cards to walkers and bicyclists who might have their eyes on their phones instead of in front of them. “We’re looking at any area with a high amount of congestion,” Murray said. “We have a lot of rear-ending and side-swiping accidents on Bayard Lane, where people are changing lanes. There is also a lot on Nassau Street, North Harrison and South Harrison streets.” According to a press release from the police department, sending or reading a text takes eyes off the road for five seconds. At 55 miles per hour, that is like driving the length of an entire football field with eyes closed. “We’re all creatures of habit,” Murray said. “If you text or talk or eat while driving and get away with it, you think, ‘Okay, it’s fine.’ But when you seriously injure someone or yourself, it becomes very real.” —Anne Levin

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Princeton dogs and their owners have been looking forward for a long time to enjoying the many benefits of neighborhood dog parks. The Princeton Dog Park Alliance, a group of local dog owners that has been working with Princeton Council to establish a dog park in town, is finally seeing its goal in sight. “Dog parks are great for dogs,” said Calvin Chin, chair of the Dog Park Alliance Board of Trustees and owner of a 16-month-old cockapoo named Gatsby. “They allow dogs to socialize and exercise. Better socialized dogs make for better behaved dogs, and even more important than the benefit to the dogs is the benefit to the community.” Councilwoman Mia Sacks,

who has been leading the municipalit y’s ef for ts to create a dog park, agreed. “Dog parks build community, and the physical, emotional, and social benefits of these recreational spaces for both humans and dogs are well documented,” she said. Chin expanded on the multiple benefits that a dog park can bring. “Dog parks are a place where people f rom all dif ferent backgrounds can come together to join in community and talk with one another and be with each other, and the thing that they share is the love for their dogs,” he said. Pointing out the surge in new dog owners during the pandemic, Chin went on, “One of the things that the pandemic also showed us is how important community

is. It was getting together with other dog owners and meeting them and being able to connect with them and find community with them that really made me realize how important and how lovely it would be if there was a place in Princeton where we could do that.” A Princeton dog park is long overdue, according to Sacks. “Our residents have been pleading for a dog park for more than a decade, and Princeton is embarrassingly behind other communities in the area, and the rest of the country, in making one available,” she said. In July 2019 Princeton Council — noting the potential of a dog park to help build community, to promote interaction among residents, to provide physical and men-

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GATSBY!: The Princeton Dog Park Alliance recently celebrated the birthdays of two canine members, Gatsby and Frankie. The Alliance is teaming up with Princeton Council to establish a dog park in Princeton. (Photo by Mitia Tikov)

tal health benefits for dogs and owners, and to promote public safety — passed a resolution to establish a Dog Park Task Force that would lay the groundwork for a Princeton dog park. With Sacks as its leader the Dog Park Task Force investigated possible sites and examined logistical issues related to construction and operation. The Dog Park Alliance made a presentation to Princeton Council last November, and Council directed staff to work on finalizing a location and logistics. Creation of a dog park in Princeton was included as one of Council’s goals for 2022. “One issue is whether it makes more sense to have a larger park for the whole town or a series of smaller, walkable, neighborhoodfocused recreation areas,” said Sacks. “Plans are in the works for a small, centrally located, enclosed recreation area, and we will use that as a pilot to determine next steps.” The Dog Park Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and is soliciting funds from the public to help create and maintain facilities for dogs and their owners. For further information and an opportunity to donate to support the group’s efforts, visit the Princeton Dog Park Alliance website at Chin described his cockapoo Gatsby as very social. “He loves running around and socializing,” said Chin. “I love seeing how happy he is when he gets a chance to play with other dogs.” —Donald Gilpin

Arbor Day Celebration At Marquand Park

On Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., an Arbor Day celebration will be held at Marquand Park Children’s Arboretum, 87 Lovers Lane. A walking tour is also planned. The rain date is April 24. Free seedlings, cookies and lemonade, and a free children’s book featuring the park’s special trees will be available at this event, which is open to children of all ages. The walking tour, “The Magic and History of Marquand Park, will be held from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., in conjunction with the Historical Society of Princeton. Marquand Park and Arboretum is a 17-acre historic preserve of trees and woodlands that offers a variety of recreational and educational experiences. Originally the landscaped garden of a 19th-century estate, the park has a rich collection of native and exotic trees reflecting the interest and tastes of its previous owners and its current beneficiaries. Some trees in the park are the largest of their kind in New Jersey. Marquand Park includes in its collection over 140 different tree specimens, among them some rare evergreens and a Dawn Redwood, known only as a fossil until 1944 when it was discovered growing in China. In the wooded area are huge specimens of native trees such as beech; hickory; and black, white and red oaks. The park’s tree planting program ensures the continuous acquisition of new trees. The Marquand Foundation, established in 1954,

supports planting and special maintenance programs to preserve the park as an arboretum for the public to enjoy. To that end, the Foundation has purchased or been given more than 100 species of trees and shrubs over the years. In addition, the Foundation maintains close relationships with the municipality of Princeton, which owns the park, to ensure proper routine maintenance and raise awareness, if special attention is needed to the condition of trees and shrubs. Parking is available in the Lovers Lane parking lot, and overflow parking is available on nearby Olden Avenue. In addition, visitors can park on Springdale Road and the southbound side of Mercer Street between Hibben Road and Springdale Road and enter the park through the Mercer Street entrance acros s f rom S pr i ng da le Road. Visit for more information.


Dog Park Alliance and Princeton Council Work Together to Bring Dog Park to Town


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recent of h is nu merous books are Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks; Judging Shaw; Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain; and The Politics of Pain: Postwar England and the Rise of Nationalism.

HSP, IAS Host Launch For Biography of von Neumann

The Historical Society of Princeton and the Institute for Advanced Study will host a virtual book launch for The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann (Norton $30) on Wednesday, April 20 at 12 p.m. In a 30-minute talk, author Ananyo Bhattacharya will discuss some of von Neumann’s mathematical ideas. He will be introduced by Marina von Neumann Whitman, who will share personal insights on her father and the new biography. According to the Literary Review’s John Gribbin, “Bhattacharya is a firstclass science writer with an impeccable pedigree and he does the best job I have seen of explaining the significance of von Neumann’s work across many different fields… A fine tribute to von Neumann’s genius and his contributions to science.” To register for the Zoom Labyrinth Presents Fintan O’Toole program visit The book is availIn Hybrid Event Thursday, April 14 able for purchase at LabyIrish Times columnist and times, but he is graceful rinth Books. Princeton professor Fin- enough to know that there tan O’Toole will be talking is humor and light in the You Can’t about and reading from his cracks. . . . But the real acFind Your new book, We Don’t Know complishment of this book is Town Topics Ourselves:A Personal His- that it achieves a conscious tory of Modern Ireland form of history-telling, a Newspaper? (Norton $32) on Thursday, personal hybrid that feels Come visit our April 14 at 6 p.m. Cospon- distinctly honest and humble office at 4438 sored by Princeton Univer- at the same time. O’Toole sity’s Humanities Council has not invented the form, Routh 27 North and Lewis Center for the but he comes close to perin Kingston, Arts, the hybrid event will be fecting it.” where you can held in person at Labyrinth; Reviewing We Don’t Know purchase a copy for information about covid Ourselves in the NewYorker, for 75 cents policy or to register for the James Wood likened O’Toole (3 quarters livestream, visit labyrinth- to “a great tragicomic Irish required) from our novel, rich in memoir and recoin-operated In his cover ar ticle in cord, calamity and critique.” newspaper boxes, New York Times Book ReFintan O’Toole is a reguview, Colum McCann says lar contributor to the New 24 hours a day/ “O’Toole writes brilliantly York Review of Books and 7 days a week. and compellingly of the dark the Guardian. The most

“We are extraordinarily sciences, arts, mathematics, Rider Announces Merger lucky to have both Dr. Vod- technology, and science. Of Two Existing Colleges Rider University announced the merger of two existing colleges to create the new College of Arts and Sciences. The restructuring, effective July 1, will merge the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with Westminster College of the Arts. The new, single College of Arts and Sciences will consist of four schools, three of them new: Westminster Choir College; the School of Media and Performing Arts; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and the School of Science, Technology, and Mathematics. “The creation of the new college will enable greater faculty and student connections across the University’s programs and more interdisciplinary opportunities for students,” says Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs DonnaJean A. Fredeen. Kelly Bidle has been appointed dean of the newly created College of Arts and Sciences. Bidle joined Rider’s faculty as a biology professor in 2001 and has served as the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Rider’s largest college, since 2019. Her leadership supported the creation of the new $9 million wing of Rider’s Science and Technology Center and its corresponding academic programs. She has also played an instrumental role in helping to shape Rider’s ongoing response to the pandemic as co-chair of the University’s COVID-19 implementation team. Bidle’s leadership team will include associate deans Brooke Hunter and Jason Vodicka ’03, ’09. Hunter is currently an associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and an associate professor of history. A two-time alumnus of Westminster Choir College as well as a singer, conductor and organist, Vodicka is currently the chair of the Choir College’s Department of Music Education and an associate professor of music education.

icka and Dr. Hunter on our leadership team,” Bidle said “They are each uniquely suited to contribute towards helping Rider thrive in the years to come, all the while preser v ing and car r y ing on important legacies and traditions of our programs across the arts and science disciplines.” Marshall Onofrio, who has served as dean of the Westminster College of the Arts since 2017, has announced his plans to retire in August. The decision marks the end of a more than 40-year career in higher education for Onofrio. “The merger is intended to extend and enhance his accomplishments in helping to create artists able to perform at the height of their abilities and thrive in an ultra-competitive 21stcentury marketplace,” Fredeen said. Despite the restructuring, Fredeen emphasized that the day-to - day academic aspects of students’ lives will continue as usual with minimal disruption. “Our students should feel confident that this new structure and leadership will not impact the quality and delivery of their educational experience,” she says. Likewise, the decision to preserve the unique identity of Westminster Choir College, which has operated under the umbrella of the larger Westminster College of the Arts since 2007, represents the continuation of Rider’s ongoing commitment to its legacy of musical excellence. Since the Choir College was integrated into Rider’s Lawrenceville campus in 2020, the University has invested more than $12 million into facilities and other accommodations to support Westminster students and faculty. W hile t he merger w ill reduce expenses and save money — about $500,000 annually, based on initial calculations — Fredeen says the decision was inspired by a larger vision of integrating the humanities, social

“We believe this merger will foster creativity across disciplines and provide enriching new opportunities for research, collaboration, and performance,” she says. “The new College of Arts and Sciences will play a significant role in the transformative growth and leadership we seek to instill in our students.”

Lawrence Hopewell Trail Hosts Walk and Bike Ride

In recognition of “Celebrate Trails Day,” the Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) will host a combined walk and bicycle ride on Saturday, April 23, starting at 9:30 a.m. The LHT’s Saturday Morning Walking Club is inviting bicycle riders to join its walking members for this special day, meeting at the trail at ETS, off Rosedale Road in Lawrence Township. After brief greetings, the trail enthusiasts will divide into two groups, with walkers going north and riders going south. The event starts at the ETS parking lot on Assessment Road south of Messick Hall, near the trail kiosk. Leading the walkers on a two-mile walk will be LHT Trustees Becky Taylor and Leslie Floyd, while Trustee Ruth Markoe will lead cyclists on an eight-mile ride. The cycling route will go through Carson Road Woods on to Princeton Pike, before circling back to ETS. Walkers will head to the historic truss bridge over the Stony Brook, and then turn back. “Celebrate Trails Day” was started by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in 2013. The celebration encourages people across the country to get outside and enjoy the nation’s exceptional trails and trail systems. The Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) is a 22+ mile bicycle and pedestrian trail and transportation corridor through public and private land in Lawrence and Hopewell Townships in Mercer County. For more information, visit

Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Thursday, April 14, 8pm Chancellor Green Rotunda Scan for registration

All are welcome to a very special Maundy Thursday service in the magnificent Chancellor Green Rotunda. Music by the Princeton University Chapel Choir. This event is sponsored by the Office of Religious Life.



Mailbox Physician Hopes to Dispel Some of the Misinformation Circulating Regarding Cannabis

To the Editor: As a physician practicing internal medicine for over 30 years, medicinal marijuana was suggested to me, but I was very reluctant to start the program. I felt that this would invite patients into my office who just wanted to use marijuana for recreational use. After some persistence from my office manager, I slowly started to introduce qualified patients requesting medicinal cannabis to my practice. To my surprise, the patients requesting to participate in the program proved to be some of the most complex patients that I have ever treated: crippling back pain with multiple failed surgeries that opiates insufficiently treated, war veterans and rape victims with PTS, anxiety not responding to conventional treatments, crippling pain from shingles, neuropathy, and much more. The patients ages have ranged from 15-98 years old. I have treated police officers, lawyers, physicians, state workers, therapists, university professors, politicians, and anyone who has failed conventional medical treatments. Many older adults have expressed their concern trying the program but came in because nothing else has helped them. In a relatively short time of treatment, I started to observe real control of disease that I haven’t witnessed in over 30 years of using conventional medicine. I started taking several courses and seminars in cannabis realizing that there was much more to learn as clinical data was sparse. So, I made spreadsheets from the thousands of patients that I treated and made my own analyses and published a paper with my results and conclusions. I have realized that specific strains and dosing of cannabis were most effective with certain conditions. Cannabis has improved some conditions more than 50 percent with up to 100 percent pain control of certain diseases (testimonials on I hope that the information that I’ve provided from my clinical experience with cannabis dispels some of the misinformation that has been circulating in our community. BRIAN SHAFFER MD, FACP Bunn Drive

Lesser Celandine’s Spread is Problem That Requires Individual Action to Stop

To the Editor: Blooming in many people’s yards right now is a small yellow flower that, upon closer inspection, proves not to be a dandelion. Variously called lesser celandine or fig buttercup, its radical invasiveness triggers a predictable progression of emotions in the homeowner. Delight at its pretty flower soon turns to alarm as year by year it takes over the yard, spreading through flower beds, across lawns and into neighboring properties. What may start as a few scattered, harmless-seeming clumps quickly becomes the equivalent of a rash upon the landscape. Unlike the dandelion, lesser celandine also spreads into nature preserves. Poisonous to wildlife, it forms thick stands reminiscent of pavement. Over time, our nature preserves become less and less edible to the wildlife they were meant to support. Native diversity shifts towards non-native monoculture.

Vermeer Quartet in Concert Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ Free Admission Princeton University Chapel Wednesday, April 13 7pm Pre-Concert Lecture • 8pm Performance The renowned Vermeer Quartet in a rare encore performance of one of their signature works. Questions:

The solution to this aesthetic and ecological problem is straightforward. Learn to identify the plant’s flower and leaves, catch infestations early, then spot spray with a systemic herbicide that will kill lesser celandine’s tenacious roots. This simple prescription, however, often comes up against various romantic views of nature. There’s the let-it-be view that nature will take care of itself. This has been repeatedly proven untrue but has the enduring appeal of excusing the individual from taking action. There’s also the common, seemingly high-minded view that all synthetic pesticides are “poisons.” Yet organic means of controlling lesser celandine have not proven practical. Digging more than a few up is not only time-consuming but also means more trash headed to the landfill. So-called organic herbicides don’t kill the roots. It’s worth noting that most people who prefer organic foods also take synthetic medicines to defend the body from invasions. Those medicines invariably have toxicities, which we minimize by limiting the dose. The same holds for synthetic herbicides to mend nature. Lesser celandine is so invasive in part because it produces above-ground bulblets that can be spread by runoff, animals, and possibly by lawnmowers. Each new population, whether in a private yard or a town park, sets the stage for additional spread through a neighborhood. Since it dies back in early summer, it can easily hitchhike when gardeners dig up this or that plant to give to friends later in the season. Those of us living in areas where lesser celandine is just beginning to invade must learn from the massive populations in Pettoranello Gardens and elsewhere. Keep an eye out and take quick action. As with the pandemic, it is we as individuals who are on the front lines. Though indiscriminate use of herbicides can be harmful, our biggest environmental threats come in the guise of too much of a good thing, be it carbon dioxide or a pretty flower. Lesser celandine’s spread is an unintended, collective problem that requires individual action to stop. STEVE HILTNER North Harrison Street

Princeton Environmental Commission Honors the Late Deb Mercantini

To the Editor: The Princeton Environmental Commission (PEC) would like to honor commission secretary Debra Mercantini, fondly known as Deb, who recently transitioned unexpectedly. Deb served as the PEC secretary for many years, but she was more to most of us than just a Commission secretary. Deb’s warm, kind manner was apparent in many ways as she performed her duties for PEC and went above and beyond in thinking ahead and doing what needed to be done — sometimes before being asked. Deb’s visible care for commissioners made us feel like family and her heart was full of compassion when personal concerns occurred. Whether it was warmly greeting you with a smile as you walked into the clerk’s office or remembering that you were on vacation and truly being interested in hearing about it upon your return, Deb’s kindness never failed. The PEC is struck by the loss of Deb and our hearts go out to Deb’s family during this difficult time. May we all reflect the kindness that Deb so easily exemplified on a daily basis, in spite of the whirlwind that oftentimes funnels us in forgetting just how far kindness can take us and those on the receiving end. TAMMY L SANDS Chair, Princeton Environmental Commission & PEC Commissioners EVE NIEDERGANG PEC Council Liaison

PNS Thanks All Who Supported Gala Fundraiser, Announces New Director

To the Editor: On April 2, the community came together at the Starry Starry Evening Gala at Bedens Brook Country Club to support the incredible work of Princeton Nursery School (PNS). The event raised funds for PNS and celebrated our community’s commitment to ensuring that all local children build strong minds, strong bodies, and strong connections. Exciting news about the school’s future was also shared, as PNS announced a new executive director, Leanna Jahnke, after a comprehensive search. PNS was founded in 1929 by Margaret Matthews-Flinsch to help working mothers who felt forced to choose between supporting their families or caring for their children. Today, the school honors this history by helping children and families break the cycle of poverty through a successful start to their education. Through the hard work and the support of staff, volunteers, and board members, PNS has been able to continue its mission of empowering children through exceptional early education and supportive family services that are affordable for all. All the funds raised during A Starry Starry Evening will sustain essential services provided by PNS, including providing high-quality education, nutritious meals, and comprehensive family support. As the new executive director, Leanna will be continuing the school’s impactful programming and building upon its strong foundation. The board of trustees was certain that Leanna was the perfect candidate given her extensive experience in education, her charismatic personality, and her commitment to advancing equity. She has spent 13 years working in education, leading school communities and equitable education initiatives as a teacher, school administrator, and nonprofit program manager and director. Leanna graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2009 with a B.A. in Hispanic studies and is now pursuing her M.S. in nonprofit leadership from her alma mater. PNS and its board of trustees would like to send a sincere thank you to all of our generous donors and corporate sponsors of the event. Our wonderful community made it an evening to remember, with an impact that will carry on through our students and families. We are excited to watch as Leanna

continues our commitment to creating brighter futures for children and families through an excellent preschool education. More information about PNS can be found at DANIELLE BENTSEN President of the Board of Trustees, Princeton Nursery School

When Thinking About Cannabis Shops in Town, Consider Their Effect on the Young

To the Editor: I am a psychotherapist and an LCADC (a state Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor) practicing in Princeton. Some years ago, I asked the social worker at a Princeton High School, “What do you see as the top three problems facing the kids we work with?” He replied, “Stress, stress, and stress.” Our schools have heavy course loads. In our meritocracy, our teenagers are facing a competitive, high-pressure marketplace to get into good colleges. Marijuana is prescribed to adults to treat anxiety. Because it can relieve stress and anxiety, it is very seductive to youth. But with heavy use, it can also weaken motivation, and the ability to work hard. People in general are not good at assessing their own capacity for addiction, teenagers even less so. Retail, on-street shops for selling marijuana, even though they will not sell to kids, will normalize its use and weaken our adult warnings about its risks. Youth use will go up. And with more kids using, more will get addicted. When you think about weed shops in town, consider their effect on the young. LUCY HARMAN, LCSW, LCADC Broadmead

Arguments By Proponents Supporting Cannabis Stores in Town are Flawed

To the Editor: Local Cannabis store proponents base their arguments on appeals to democracy, safe supply, and social justice. However, all of these arguments are flawed. 1) The majority of Princeton voters did vote to legalize cannabis possession and use in New Jersey. I was one of those voters. However, while I supported cannabis decriminalization because of racially biased enforcement of prior laws, I oppose the siting of stores in town within walking distance of schools. Decriminalization and siting are two separate issues, and the latter has not been voted upon. 2) I agree that legalization improves the quality of cannabis supply. As a result, users already have several, safe options available including home delivery, a large dispensary conveniently located (a 15-minute drive) on Route 1 near Quaker Bridge Mall, and up to 10 shops (including small businesses) in Trenton. Most Princeton residents cannot walk to a competitively priced grocery store to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Why should they expect to walk to a cannabis store? 3) Some proponents have presented the opening of local cannabis stores as a social equity issue arguing that sales tax revenues can be used to compensate minorities for past injustices. However, if our relatively wealthy town really cares about social justice, the logical conclusion is that we should not open competing shops in Princeton. Instead, adult Princeton users should spend their money in nearby Trenton and Lawrence (47.4 percent and 9.3 percent African American population, respectively) compared to Princeton (5.7 percent African American) so that our neighbors’ tax revenues can benefit more minorities. SMITA BRUNNERMEIER Maclean Circle

Pot Shops Would Not Be Appealing on Nassau Street

To the Editor: I agree that filling empty storefronts on Nassau Street should be a big priority for the town. But how should we fill those empty spaces? In addition to pot shops, why not add vape shops and smoke shops as well as more liquor stores? Would Nassau Street then be a place all residents and visitors find more appealing and welcoming? Not me. CYNTHIA MOORHEAD Clover Lane

Letters to the Editor Policy Town Topics welcomes letters to the Editor, preferably on subjects related to Princeton. Letters must have a valid street address (only the street name will be printed with the writer’s name). Priority will be given to letters that are received for publication no later than Monday noon for publication in that week’s Wednesday edition. Letters must be no longer than 500 words and have no more than four signatures. All letters are subject to editing and to available space. At least a month’s time must pass before another letter from the same writer can be considered for publication. Letters are welcome with views about actions, policies, ordinances, events, performances, buildings, etc. However, we will not publish letters that include content that is, or may be perceived as, negative towards local figures, politicians, or political candidates as individuals. When necessary, letters with negative content may be shared with the person/group in question in order to allow them the courtesy of a response, with the understanding that the communications end there. Letters to the Editor may be submitted, preferably by email, to, or by post to Town Topics, PO Box 125, Kingston, N.J. 08528. Letters submitted via mail must have a valid signature.

Reading Chekhov — Human Poetry in Time of War


think of National Poetry Month as a celebration not only of poems on the printed page but of poetry in the largest sense, as a metaphor encompassing everything from a stunning sunset to the power of the human spirit mounted against a humanitarian crisis like the one consuming Ukraine. As it happens, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), one of the foremost poets of the human spirit, was born an easy drive from the razed port city of Mariupol, where hundreds of men, women, and children perished during the bombing of the theater in which his plays were regularly performed. Chekhov the Ventriloquist A Washington Post story on the bombing of the Drama Theater of Mariupol imagines Chekhov weeping at the spectacle of such “savagery perpetuated in Russia’s name.” Uncle Vanya might weep but surely not Chekhov. I prefer to imagine him as an enlightened ventriloquist speaking furious, hard, enduringly relevant truths through characters like Dr. Astroff in Uncle Vanya. His speech in the first act could almost be shaped to fit the occasion, as if he were bravely tending to the survivors: “Such dirt there was, and smoke! Unspeakable! I slaved among those people all day, not a crumb passed my lips, but when I got home there was still no rest for me; a switchman was carried in from the railroad; I laid him on the operating table and he died in my arms under chloroform, and then my feelings that should have been deadened awoke again, my conscience tortured me as if I had killed the man. I sat down and closed my eyes ... and thought: will our descendants two hundred years from now ... remember to give us a kind word? No, they will forget.” Chekhov’s Poetry In a November 1888 letter to his chief correspondent A.S. Suvorin, Chekhov, then 28, refers to a poet’s article about his work: “he calls me a poet, he styles my stories as ‘novelli’ and my heroes ‘failures’.” Referring to one such character, “How is he a failure? He believed in God, he had enough to eat and he had the gift of composing poetry .... One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.” I n fac t Ch e k h ov’s hu m a n p o e t r y

transcends the story form, the drama, and the language barrier, whatever the translation. And there are flashes of his poetic vision of life throughout Constance Garnett’s translation of his letters. Writing from his summer home in Sumy in August 1888, he says of a road in the Caucasus: “I have never in my life seen anything like it. It is not a road, but unbroken poetry, a fantastic story written by the Demon in love with Tamara.” In the letter to Savorin, he writes of “a Siberian kitten with long white fur and black eyes” that “takes people for mice: when it sees anyone, it lies flat on its stomach, stalks one’s feet and rushes at them....I imagine the thought of being more terrifying than anyone in the house affords it the greatest delight.” Of literary society: “If we had critics I should know that I provide material that to men who devote themselves to the study of life I am as necessary as a star is to an astronomer.” Of his two professions: “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature is my mistress. When I get tired of one I spend the night with the other.” His Literary Godfather Writing from Moscow in October 1899 to Alexey N. Pleshcheyev, an elderly poet whom he called his literary godfather, Chekhov declares, “I am not a liberal, not a conservative, not a believer in gradual progress, not a monk, not an indifferentist. I should like to be a free artist and nothing more .... I regard trade-marks and labels as a superstition. My holy of holies is the human body, health, intelligence, talent, inspiration, love, and the most absolute freedom—freedom from violence and lying, whatever forms they may take. This is the programme I would follow if I were a great artist.” Acting as Poetry You know this fellow is many-sided, a tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, ... always hopeful of romance and adventure. —Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

When I think of the poetry of acting, of the actor as a free artist, Charlie Chaplin comes immediately to mind. He was born on April 16, 1889, the same year Chekhov was writing The Wood Demon, reworked ten years later as Uncle Vanya, which made its debut at the Moscow Art Theatre, with Konstantin Slanislavski directing as well as playing the part of Dr. Astroff. While Chaplin is not among the renowned actors who have appeared in Uncle Vanya over the years, a list that includes Laurence Olivier and Michael Redgrave, he was there in spirit when Peter O’Toole made his entrance in the title role of the production my wife and I saw at the Bristol Old Vic. Chekhov’s stage direction for Vanya’s entrance is simple enough: “Enters from the house. He has been asleep after dinner and looks rather dishevelled. He sits down on the bench and straightens his collar.” While the right costume can make anyone look “rather dishevelled,” the instant O’Toole crept limply, brokenly, Chap linesquely into view, he delivered the character. It was a “To Be Or Not To Be” of benignly disordered body English. As he took several breathlessly unsteady steps forward, everything about him, every inch, was skewed, untuned, amiss, his face in a transport of uneasy lassitude, eyes lost, at sea in a dream world, the sort of loser you can’t help hoping will carry the day in the end; you feel for the actor and character as one being, you’re on their side, they have you. The applause that erupted the instant O’Toole made his gracefully ungainly entrance may have been a tribute to the movie star ten years after Lawrence of Arabia (1963), but when the ovation soared toward a cheer, it was for the Vanya he’d delivered without a word, the dreamer, the closeted poet, cosmic victim, fool, and indolent prophet. It was as if Chekhov himself had slyly taken the stage. When Dr. Astroff asks if he has any news, Vanya says “I don’t do anything

now but croak like a raven.” When the beautiful woman he’s hopelessly in love with says what “a fine day it is” (played by Chekhov’s future wife, Olga Knipper in the Moscow production), he says, “A fine day to hang oneself.” The play has barely begun and you already know Vanya is its embattled Hamlet. Chekhov’s Gun Chekhov would likely have mixed feelings about the popularity of the theory he expounded to a friend in 1889: “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.” Chekhov was true to his own theory a decade later when Vanya fired twice and missed his human target, Professor Serebrakoff. Like Keats’s “chameleon poet” who “has no identity” but is “continually in for and filling some other body,” Chekhov inhabits both Vanya and Dr. Astroff, whose views have the most in common with his own. In his Act I conversation with Vanya, Astroff expounds on the destruction of the forests: “The woods of Russia are trembling under the blows of the axe. Millions of trees have perished. The homes of the wild animals and birds have been desolated; the rivers are shrinking, and many beautiful landscapes are gone forever....It is, on the whole, the picture of a regular and slow decline.” Silents in the Metro According to the March 9, 2022 Guardian, a woman who works at Kyiv’s national film archive said the city authorities had started showing some of its collection in metro stations, used by locals as shelter from Russian artillery. They were screening silent films and cartoons, and although Chaplin isn’t mentioned, it’s hard to imagine the program leaving out his tramp, the Little Fellow who waddles into the sunset after many battles, wins and losses, jaunty and undaunted. he same story goes on to note that “concerns have been raised about the fate of a small museum devoted to Anton Chekhov in Sumy, in north-eastern Ukraine, where the Russian playwright spent time as a youth in the late 1880s. Fighting has been reported close to the museum.” —Stuart Mitchner


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4/30 SATURDAY 8:00 PM

Titans of the Tenor Saxophone SMALL GROUP A guest saxophonist SEAMUS BLAKE SMALL GROUP I guest saxophonist TONY MALABY

Jazz Vespers


Scan for ticketing information and the latest COVID guidelines. As guidelines continue to change, on the day of the event visit for the latest safety requirements.

Wednesday, April 20 8:00pm Princeton University Chapel Jazz Vespers is an interfaith experience of poetry, music, and quiet centering, featuring jazz clarinetist Audrey Welber, pianist Adam Faulk, and members of the Chapel Choir. Come to listen, to speak, and to rest. All are welcome.


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book review


Performing Arts

Princeton University Glee Club

for the

ENDANGERED The Walter Nollner Memorial Concert A performance for Earth Day featuring Sarah Kirkland Snider, Mass for the Endangered Works by Lili Boulanger Gabriel Crouch, Conductor

Friday April 22nd, 2022 7:30pm ET

A FAVORITE RETURNS: The “Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show” stops at New Brunswick’s State Theatre New Jersey on its current tour, April 19-21.

“Riverdance” Anniversary Show Works by Three Composers on NDR Elbphilharmonie OrComes to State Theatre NJ Princeton Symphony Program chestra and Alan Gilbert, and

Richardson Auditorium | Alexander Hall Tickets $15 General | $5 students MUSIC.PRINCETON.EDU

For ticketing information and the latest COVID guidelines, scan the QR code. As guidelines continue to change, on the day of the event visit for the latest safety requirements.

After Noon Concert Series Thursdays at 12:30pm Princeton University Chapel


Performing April 21, 2022 David Tinoco

First Presbyterian Church of Inglewood Inglewood, CA No performance April 14. Please note April 21 is the final After Noon Concert of the Spring 2022 term.

This service is open to the public for those fully vaccinated against Covid-19. To register in advance, use the QR code.

T h e Riv e rda nc e 25th Anniversary Show comes to the State Theatre New Jersey for three performances April 19-21 at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $40-$98. The popular dance phenomenon from Ireland comes to New Brunswick as part of an anniversary tour. Composer Bill Whelan has rerecorded his soundtrack while producer Moya Doherty and director John McColgan have completely reimagined the show with innovative lighting, projection, stage, and costume designs. Director John McColgan said, “We have assembled an extraordinary company of performers and we are thrilled for this brand new 25th anniversary production of Riverdance to be on the road again welcoming a u d i e n c e s b a c k to t h e theater.” T he company includes TikTok sensations Matthew and Michael Gardiner and Morga n B u l lo ck, whos e performance of Megan Thee Stallion’s “Savage Remix” went viral on the platform in 2020 and will make her professional U.S. stage debut in this production. The cast will also feature, for the first time, children of original Riverdance cast members, Cian Porter and Faith Moore. The North American tour was shut down in March 2020 during a sold-out return engagement to New York City’s Radio City Music Hall due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, Riverdance celebrated a return to the stage in the United Kingdom, where the show played to sold out audiences in 27 cities across the country. Then it followed its debut at Expo 2020 Dubai with a special production of presenting a multi-cultural experience including artists from the Middle East region. A highlight of the four-week run was the performance at the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai for their Thanksgiving Day celebrations. For tickets, more information, or group discounts, call State Theatre Guest Services at (732) 246-SHOW (7469 ) or visit online at The theater is at 15 Livingston Avenue.

On Saturday, May 7 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, May 8 at 4 p.m., the Princeton Symphony Orchestra (PSO) presents its Milanov & Jackiw concert featuring violin virtuoso Stefan Jackiw. Jackiw performs Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s lush Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 on a program with Gabriela Lena Frank’s Elegía Andina and Felix Mendelssohn’s “Scottish” Symphony No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 56. Edward T. Cone Music Director Rossen Milanov conducts both concerts at Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall, on the campus of Princeton University. Milanov and Jackiw are no strangers, having performed with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 2015, the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra in 2019, and, most recently, with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra this past October. Milanov invited the violinist to play with the PSO in March 2020, but that performance was pre-empted by the pandemic. Milanov said, “I’m so pleased to finally be able to collaborate with Stefan Jackiw here with the Princeton Symphony Orchestra in such an intimate setting as Richarsdson Auditorium. His intelligent and virtuosic interpretation of Korngold’s concerto is not to be missed.” Jackiw is one of America’s foremost violinists, captivating audiences with playing that combines poetry and purity with an impeccable technique. He has appeared as soloist with the Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco symphony orchestras, among others. In the 2021– 2022 season, highlights include performances with the

with Orchestre National de Lyon under Nikolaj Znaider. Born to physicist parents of Korean and German descent, he began playing the violin at the age of four. His teachers have included Zinaida Gilels, Michèle Auclair, and Donald Weilerstein. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University, as well as an Artist Diploma from the New England Conservatory, and is the recipient of a prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant. Jackiw plays a violin made in 1750 in Milan by G.B. Guadagnini, on generous loan from a private collection. Leading off the concert program is contemporary composer Gabriela Lena Frank’s Elegía Andina (Andean Elegy), written in 2020. Frank’s work explores what it means to be of several ethnic persuasions. Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s Violin Concerto was dedicated to Alma Mahler, widow of his childhood mentor Gustav Mahler, and Felix Mendelssohn’s “Scottish” Symphony was inspired by the composer’s tour of the ruined chapel of Holyrood Castle near Edinburgh, Scotland. Both concerts take place at the orchestra’s home venue of Richardson Auditorium, on the campus of Princeton University. All attendees are required to wear masks at all times while inside the building, be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, and must have received boosters, if eligible. Tickets for the May 7 and May 8 performances at Richardson Auditorium start at $20, youth (ages 5-17) are half price, and may be ordered at princetonsymphony. org or by calling (609) 4970020.

VIOLIN VIRTUOSO: Stefan Jackiw is the soloist with the Princeton Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Rossen Milanov, at Richardson Auditorium May 7 and 8. (Photo by Sangwook Lee)

On Saturday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m., Princeton Pro Musica will perform its final concert of the season titled Shout For Joy! At Princeton University Chapel. Featuring University Organist Eric Plutz, the concert will open with the Requiem by Maurice Duruflé. Also included on the program will be Trinity Te Deum by Eriks Ešenvalds, and Shout For Joy by Adolphus Hailstork. Artistic Director Ryan James Brandau leads the chorus, orchestra and soloists. S oloists are Margaret Lias and Dominic Inferrera. Brandau serves as artistic director of Princeton Pro Musica, Monmouth Civic Chorus, and Amor Artis in New York City. As an orchestral and choral arranger, he has created many works for his and others’ ensembles. Tickets are available at, or by calling (609) 683-5122. All patrons must wear a mask and provide proof of COVID vaccination and booster along OPERAS, POPS, JAZZ AND MORE: Storm Large stars in Kurt Weill’s “The Seven Deadly Sins” at with photo ID. the June 10 opening of the Princeton Festival, outdoor at Trinity Church and Morven. World Premiere Musical


Princeton Pro Musica Performs at University

BRINGING JOY: Princeton Pro Musica presents “Shout for Joy” at Princeton University Chapel. questions,” said Passage Artistic Director C. Ryanne Domingues. “GROUP! asks if the current mental health care system can really support a path towards long term recovery. Featuring an all-female cast and an all-female and non-binary production team, the show is exactly the type of work Passage Theatre strives to present; work that is a reflection of our culture and society today.” Directed by Maria Patrice Amon, GROUP! Tells the story of five women from all walks of life who have been court-ordered to attend group therapy. Jessica, a therapist assigned to facilitate the

LY MUSIC PRINCETON Tickets Now On Sale For Princeton Festival


The Princeton Symphony Orchestra ( PSO ) has announced that tickets are now available for the 18 th Princeton Festival, June 1025, by phone at (609) 4970020 and online at This year’s festival will include three staged operas, chamber music, orchestral and pops concer ts, plus cabaret and jazz nights all taking place under the festival’s outdoor performance tent being erected on the grounds of Morven Museum & Garden. Baroque concerts will be held across the way at Trinity Episcopal Church. The new artistic head of the Princeton Festival responsible for its creative programming is Princeton Symphony Orchestra’s Edward T. Cone Music Director Rossen Milanov. “This is an extraordinary event,”

One-Year Subscription: $10 Two-Year Subscription: $15

he said. “I love bringing a community together through shared musical experiences. My hope is that people who come to the festival will see it as a relaxed and welcoming environment in which to try something new, like attend an opera, sit in on a jazz set, or learn about Baroque music. It is all that a summer festival should be.” Having recently merged with the Princeton Festival, the PSO plays an integral role, both as Festival organizer and performance orchestra. The orchestra is performing in the opening concert starring Storm Large and, later in the Festival, accompanying Broadway star Sierra Boggess. It will also provide the music underlying three operas : a double bill which pairs Derrick Wang’s opera Scalia/Ginsburg about the two Supreme Court justices with W. A. Mozart’s The Impresa-

rio centered on rival divas, and Benjamin Britten’s only comic opera, Albert Herring. The Festival is capped by a family pops concert of orchestral favorites. All performances start at 7 p.m. with the exception of the opening night concert, which begins at 7:30 p.m. The festival opens June 10 with Kurt Weill’s Seven Deadly Sins, starring Storm Large, on a program with Rodion Shchedrin’s Carmen Suite. Future programs include a Stephen Sondheim tribute, the Baroque ensemble The Sebastians, an exploration of Schubert’s String Quar tet in D Minor with musicologist Ron Kapilow, and several other events. Tickets range from $10$130; ticket packages are $18 and up. For a full list and details, visit


PRINCETON Wendy Young, Director

EMP Singers Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, Director EMP Viol Consort Sarah Cunningham, Director EMP Chamber Players Nancy Wilson, Director with music by William Byrd, Thomas Tomkins, Antonio Vivaldi, Dario Castello, Jacob van Eyck, Vittoria Aleotti, Hildegard von Bingen & Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek

Saturday, April 23, 2022 7:30pm Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall Free, Unticketed. For the latest COVID guidelines, scan the QR code. As guidelines continue to change, on the day of the event visit for the latest safety requirements.

Subscription Information: 609.924.5400 ext. 30 or subscriptions@

From Passage Theatre

Passage Theatre Company presents the world premiere of the new musical GROUP!, which explores the lives of six women who meet during therapy sessions, running at the Mill Hill Playhouse, 205 East Front Street, Trenton, May 5-22. The show, with lyrics by Eloise Govedare, music by Aleksandra M. Weil, and a book by Julia B. Rosenblatt, examines moments of fear, celebration, and everything in between as these women grapple with their mental health in the face of sobriety. “We are thrilled to present the world premiere of this important new musical that will challenge audiences to grapple with tough

41 Leigh Avenue, Princeton

sessions, has never managed a group before. Together, these six women from vastly different worlds come together to battle the great equalizer: addiction. As the women wonder who will make it through therapy, and if any of them will fall off the proverbial wagon, they become closer and learn to embrace the process. The all-female cast includes Nicole Stacie, Tamara Rodriguez, Samantha Bruce, Laura Turnbull, Liz Barnett, and Deja Fields. The production is suggested for audience members aged 17 and older. Single tickets are currently on sale at

Available for Lunch & Dinner Mmm..Take-Out Events • Parties • Catering (609) 924-5143

oving oving M Moving orward F orward Forward

A CConversa+on onversa+on A A About bout LLife ife AA2er 2er IIncarcera+on ncarcera+on A Conversa+on About Life A2er Incarcera+on

Thursday, A April pril 221, 1, 2 Thursday, 2022 022 77pm pm –– 99pm pm Presbyterian hurch o Thursday, April 21, 2022 7pm – 9pm Presbyterian CChurch of f LLawrenceville awrenceville 2688 Lawrenceville Road Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville 2688 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, N J 0 8648 2688 L awrenceville R oad Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Be our guest as WorkWell Advisory Board member, Dora Dunn, Be our guest as WorkWell Advisory Board member, Dora Dunn, moderates a ps anel of three WorkWell graduates, aD nd is jDoined Be our guest WorkWell Advisory Board member, ora unn, moderates a paanel of three WorkWell graduates, and is joined by B arry J ohnson, D irector o f U pli? S oluAons i n P hiladelphia. moderates a p anel o f t hree W orkWell g raduates, a nd i s j oined by Barry Johnson, Director of Upli? SoluAons in Philadelphia. by Barry Johnson, Director of Upli? SoluAons in Philadelphia. You will hear stories of the harsh reality of re-­‐entry and the You will hear stories of the arsh reality of re-­‐entry and the wondrous achievement f fhull reintegraAon—and vital You will haear stories of toohe harsh reality of re-­‐entry tthe and the rrole wondrous chievement f f ull r eintegraAon—and he v ital ole WorkWell in the process. wondrous palays chievement of full reintegraAon—and the vital role WorkWell plays in the process. WorkWell plays in the process. The lively conversaAon will conclude with a quesAon and The lively conversaAon will conclude with a quesAon and answer period and refreshments. The lively conversaAon will conclude with a quesAon and answer p eriod a nd r efreshments. answer period and refreshments. Pre-­‐registra+on is encouraged but not required. This program is free of charge, Pre-­‐registra+on bbut ot his pprogram rogram is free free oof f charge, charge, but an offering ois f is e$encouraged 20 to support WnnorkWell is suggested. Pre-­‐registra+on ncouraged ut ot rrequired. equired. TThis is but a n o ffering o f $ 20 t o s upport W orkWell i s s uggested. Visit ink www.movingforward-­‐ but athe n olffering of $20 to support WorkWell is suggested. or scan QR code below. Visit he link wwww.movingforward-­‐ can lQive QR R coode cn ode below. For tthose nable to aGend this in-­‐person event, it will be broadcast below. Visit the lu ink ww.movingforward-­‐ oor r sscan For t hose u nable t o a Gend t his i n-­‐person e vent, i t w ill b e b roadcast l ive o n The W orkWell P artnership F acebook p age: w For those unable to aGend this in-­‐person event, it will be broadcast live on The WW orkWell The orkWell PPartnership artnership FFacebook acebook ppage: age: w



“STORY OF THE HUNT”: Works from the estate of female American modernist Peter Miller will be on view in an exhibition running April 23 through May 1 at The Gratz Gallery and Conservation Studio in Doylestown, Pa. “PLAYHOUSE REFLECTIONS”: This oil painting by George Thompson is featured in “Side by Side: A Celebration of Work from Our Studio,” his dual exhibit with Emily Thompson, on view through May 1 at Stover Mill Gallery in Erwinna, Pa.

Stover Mill Gallery in Pa. they work. This show high- she documents the ordinary, Presents “Side by Side” lights their different painting the ever yday, the disap Stover Mill Gallery in Erwinna, Pa., now presents “Side by Side: A Celebration of Work from Our Studio,” on view through May 1. This two-person exhibit features works created in t he Plumsteadv ille, Pa., studio of artists Emily and George Thompson. The couple shares a studio and while they rarely collaborate, they are motivated and benefit from each other’s influence and feedback. Inspiring one another has always been an important part of how

styles and techniques, ranging from traditional to contemporary. As they embrace the art community that they have now been a part of for 22 years, they reflect on the work they’ve done and continue to do so, “side by side.” Emily Thompson attended the High School of Art & Design and earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York. She is a nationally recognized, award-winning artist. Through her painting

pearing, the nostalgic, the abandoned, and the identity of the American landscape. Inspiration comes from urban and industrial scenery, roadside and rural locations and vintage signage and typography. Her work is part of private collections throughout the United States and has been exhibited at the Woodmere Museum in Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Sketch Club, The Trenton City Museum, The Monmouth Museum, and the John F. Peto

artist conversation

Elizabeth Colomba and Autumn Womack Thursday, April 21, 5:30 p.m. The artist Elizabeth Colomba and Autumn Womack, assistant professor of English and African American studies, discuss Colomba’s portrayal of the eighteenth-century poet Phillis Wheatley—on view in Repainting the Story at Art@Bainbridge— in the context of Wheatley’s life, fame, and legacy.

Stream it live

LATE THURSDAYS! This event is part of the Museum’s Late Thursdays programming, made possible in part by Heather and Paul G. Haaga Jr., Class of 1970. Additional support for this program has been provided by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Curtis W. McGraw Foundation. Image: Elizabeth Colomba, Phillis (detail), 2010. Courtesy of the artist. Artwork © Elizabeth Colomba / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Museum in New Jersey, as well as galleries in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and California. She was chosen as one of the 50 Most Memorable Artists of 2015 by The Artist Portfolio Magazine, was featured in the June 2017 issue of The Artist’s Magazine, and included as part of “Artists We’re Loving Now: 30 Competition Winners” in March 2018 issue of The Artists Magazine. George Thompson earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Pratt Institute in New York and also studied painting and drawing at The Art Students League. He specializes in landscape, portrait, and figure painting in a contemporary, traditional style. His nationally recognized, award-winning work has been exhibited at the The Woodmere Museum in Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Sketch Club, and The Trenton City Museum in New Jersey. His paintings are also part of the permanent collection at The Art Students League and hang in collections throughout the United States. His portraits have appeared twice on the cover of The Artist’s Magazine and he has written articles for them as well. As an art educator, Thompson has taught painting and drawing at Delaware Valley University and continues to teach workshops, classes and private lessons. Stover Mill Gallery is located at 852 River Road in Erwinna, Pa. It is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5 p.m. Free admission. For more information, call (610) 294-9420.

“Peter Miller” Exhibit at Gratz Gallery in Doylestown

Gratz Gallery and Conservation Studio Inc. has announced its 40t h an niversary celebration and upcoming exhibition of the estate of Peter Miller, a female American modernist, on view April 23 through May 1. A preview and anniversary party for “Peter Miller – Forgotten Woman of American Modernism” will be held on April 23 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the gallery in Doylestown, Pa. A selection of her works will also be featured at the 60th Annual Philadelphia Show, held April 28 to May 1 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. For 40 years, Gratz Gallery has taken pride in supporting the arts and communities of New Hope, Bucks

County, Philadelphia, and the Delaware Valley. They have worked with many organizations over the years, including the James A. Michener Ar t Museum, the Princeton Universit y Ar t Museum, Morven Museum & Garden, the Drumthwacket Foundation, Princeton Universit y, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Mercer Museum, the Woodmere Art Museum, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, The Pennsylvania Historical Society, the Travis Manion Foundation, AIDS Walk New Hope, and the Salvation Army, to name a few. This year the gallery has announced its commitment for a portion of their sales to be designated to the Philadelphia organization Philabundance. O ver t he years, Grat z Gallery has promoted and featured many important female, American ar tists from the New Hope Circle, The Philadelphia Ten, and students from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. It has always been their belief that female artists more often do not receive the deserved recognition for their work and talent. It is their hope that women artists from history and current times are finally being seen, reevaluated, and honored for their contributions to the American art community. According to the gallery, the Peter Miller collection, and her story, is one of the most fascinating and impor tant discoveries they have made over their 40 years representing American painters. It is their great pleasure and honor to present the estate of Peter Miller. Born Henrietta Myers in 1913, Miller attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 1933. To demonstrate her passion and determination, she wrote in her application that “she would rather fail at painting than succeed at anything else in life.” She adopted her childhood nickname, Peter, and became Peter Miller after marrying fellow academy student Earle Miller in 1935. Thinking she might be taken more seriously by fellow artists, collectors, and critics with a male sounding name, she was hoping to enhance her career in a world heavily dominated by men. Miller came from a very affluent family in Hanover, Pa., and later settled at Rock

Raymond Farm in Chester County, Pa. She designated the 350-acre farm and property to be donated to the Brandywine Conservancy after her death in 1996. Miller exhibited at the pre s t ig iou s Ju l ie n L e v y gallery in two one-woman shows in 1944 and 1946. She studied under famed Pennsylvania Impressionist Daniel Garber, and privately with modernist Arthur Carles for 10 years. Peter and Earle Miller split their personal time between Pennsylvania and their spiritual home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Peter was the goddaughter of mystic Edith Warner and San Ildefonso Pueblo Indian, Tilano Montoya, both know n for r unning “Teahouse at Otowi Bridge,” a small, self-sustaining destination for hungry travelers and sometimes even the families of nearby working scientists of the Manhattan project in Los Alamos. Miller left her high society life to become an artist, immersed herself in the ancient history and ceremonies of the Native Americans, and drew passion and inspiration from these deeply connected friendships. But she was also friends with the Calders, Henri Matisse, Max Ernst, and all of the surrealists of that time living in New York. Miller’s paintings combine the influences of early modernist painters such as Pablo Picasso, Jean Miro, Fernand Leger, Arthur Carles, and Paul Klee with Native American symbols, petroglyphs, and ceremonial objects. The exhibition is accompanied by a first ever published monograph on the artist, fully illustrated, with text written by art historian Francis M. Naumann. Gratz Gallery and Conservation Studio is located at 5230 Silo Hill Road in Doylestown, Pa. It open Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday 12 to 6 p.m., and by appointment. Call (215) 3482500 or visit gratzgallery. com for more information. Continued on Page 29

well loved and well read since 1946


Spring Home & real eState Town Topics

Addison Wolfe Real Estate 550 Union Square, New Hope, PA O: (215) 862-5500 Addison Wolfe Real Estate is recognized as both a brand and a culture that is synonymous with quality, elegance and sophistication. Our agents are trusted advisers, offering you in-depth industry knowledge with the highest level of ethics and integrity. We’ve brought together some of the region’s top real estate talent, marketing, transactional support, and technologies to create a new paradigm for the next generation of regional boutique real estate brokerages. Barbara Blackwell Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty 4 Nassau Street, Princeton O: (609) 921-1050 | M: (609) 915-5000 bblackwell@ Home to Princeton University, picturesque Palmer Square, and historic Nassau Street, Pr inceton is one of New Jersey’s most

enchanting tow ns. A s a Princeton native, I will share with you my knowledge of and passion for this beautiful, historic, and culturally rich community. With a graduate degree in the history of architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and years of hands-on experience in home construction and renovation, I bring special skills to the process of home selling, buying, and renovation. With over 30 years experience, I look forward every day to helping new buyers and sellers navigate the housing market. I deeply value my client relationships, past and present, and I love the real estate business. Beatrice Bloom Princeton Residential Specialist Weichert Realtors 350 Nassau Street, Princeton O: (609) 921-1900 | M: (609) 577-2989 Beatrice’s strong sales and excellent negotiation skills stem from her earned MBA degrees in finance and international business and a lucrative career on Wall

Street as a bond trader. Her international upbringing as well as her foreign language skills offer a unique service for an all-inclusive clientele. Whether you’re moving to, moving within, or moving from Princeton, Beatrice is your best resource for real estate. Her professionalism, dedication, and the added value of Weichert All-UnderOne-Roof is your guarantee fort a stress-free home buying and selling experience. Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty 4 Nassau Street, Princeton O: (609) 921-1050 We live where we work. We love where we live. Our expertise is local. Our reach is global. Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty is central New Jersey’s premier real estate firm. Combining a rich heritage and deeply rooted local expertise with an innovative marketing platform and unparalleled international reach, we are uniquely qualified to serve communities that are at once small and tight-knit, yet a magnet for the world’s best and brightest. We are a locally ow ned market leader, serving the Greater

Princeton Area with four offices throughout central New Jersey, including Lambertville, Montgomery, Pennington, and Princeton. We believe that luxury is an experience, not a price point, and the real estate experience that our remarkable, best-in-class agents provide to each and every one of our clients is unrivaled. Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty is the exclusive local affiliate of Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, LLC. The Sotheby’s International Realty network has more than 25,000 sales associates located in approximately 1,000 offices in 77 countries and territories worldwide, connecting the finest independent real estate companies to the most prestigious clientele in the world and providing a powerful marketing and referral program for luxury listings.

(Photo courtesy of Raynor Woodworking & Building Co. )

custom-made pieces, and one-of-a-kind accessories for your home – all destined to become your heirlooms. A family business that first started in the 1965, Cane Farm Furniture has continued to grow as the Cane family has a natural talent for design and quality, custom-made furniture. We can give you that piece of furniture impossible to find anywhere else! Find beautiful furniture that will stand the test of time.

priority to create beautiful landscape designs and lush, picturesque gardens. We accomplish this by paying attention to not only the big-picture goals, but also to the small details. We continually strive to exceed expectations by ensuring that each landscape design or remodeling project is completed on time and under budget. Before you begin Cane Farm Furniture planning your next outdoor 99 Route 519 (Kingproject, speak with one of wood-Stockton Road), our landscape professionRosemont als first. Learn how you can Cedar Creek Landscapes benefit from our years of (609) 397-0606 Pennington experience, knowledge, and (609) 403-6270 expertise by contacting us Welcome to Cane Farm today. We look forward to Furniture, home of artisanAs a premier landscaping working with you! crafted reproductions of company, it is our highest authentic vintage furniture, Continued on Next Page



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Town Topics

Spring Home & real eState

Spring Home





Continued from Preceding Page

Cifelli Electrical Inc. (609) 921-3238 At Cifelli Electrical, Inc. our mission is to provide the best customer experience through solutions-driven employees with integrity and drive, while providing a place of employment for our employees to be the envy of the industry. Our goal of providing quality residential and commercial services combined with honesty has made us the first choice of many residential and commercial clients in Central New Jersey. You can count on us to take care of your electrical needs today!

Expert Chimney & Roofing LLC (732) 520-9554 Expert Chimney & Roofing LLC in Fair Lawn has established an excellent reputation for its skill with new roofs, chimneys, gutters, and repair work in all areas, including fireplace repair and remodeling. Complete attention to detail and personalized service are their specialty.




Cranbury Design Center 145 W. Ward Street, Hightstown (609) 448-5600 Specializing in the design of kitchens, bathrooms and interiors, Cranbury Design Center offers many services to support remodeling of the home and office environments. Known for our experience and expertise in the industry, and personalized dedication to each project,

Flesch’s Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., Inc. Mercerville (609) 503-4407 Voted Best Roofing Company in the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 Town Topics Readers’ Choice Awards. For all your roofing, flashing, and gutter needs. You can count on our family-owned and -operated business to put more than 35 years of experience to work for you. We are dedicated to your complete satisfaction and we strive to meet all of your needs quickly and efficiently. Our workmanship speaks for itself.


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Continued on Page 28



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Spring Home & real eState Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA

Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA ServingCentral CentralNJ NJand andBucks Bucks County, County, PA PA Serving Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA

Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA


Town Topics


Serving Central NJ and Bucks County, PA

CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING OUTDOOR LIVING •HARDSCAPING LANDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS • CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING UTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPIN OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL HARDSCAPING • OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL REMOVAL CUSTOM POOLS •• POOLS HARDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLSSNOW HARDSCAPING CUSTOM POOLS CUSTOM Looking for a yard that complements OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL CUSTOM POOLS • HARDSCAPING RDSCAPING • OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAP OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL REMOVAL Looking aSNOW yard that complements yourforbeautiful home? CUSTOM POOLS HARDSCAPING • OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING ARDSCAPING • OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING your beautiful home? OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL Call Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, NJ HARDSCAPING • OUTDOOR LIVING • LANDSCAPING COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL Call Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, NJ Looking for a yard that complements Looking for a yard thattoday. complements at 609-403-6270 COMMERCIAL SNOW REMOVAL atafor 609-403-6270 today. LookingLooking for yard complements a yardthat that home? complements your beautiful Lookingfor foraa yard yard that complements Looking that complements your beautiful home? your beautiful home? Looking for a yard that complements your beautiful home? Looking a yard that home? complements yourforbeautiful Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, NJ your beautiful home? Call Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, NJ your beautiful your beautiful home? home? at 609-403-6270 today. Call Creek Landscapes of Pennington, Call Cedar Creek Landscapestoday. of Pennington, NJ NJ NJ at 609-403-6270 CallCedar Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, Call Cedar Creek Landscapes of Pennington, NJ Call Landscapesof ofPennington, Pennington, CallCedar Cedar Creek Creek Landscapes NJ NJ at 609-403-6270 today. at 609-403-6270 today. at 609-403-6270 609-403-6270 today. at today. at 609-403-6270 today. at 609-403-6270 today.

Lafferty Lafferty



Hughes Lefkowitz LeRay Lefkowitz LeRay November er ughes Lefkowitz Hughes son LeRayLuthra Luthra Lang *Lafferty Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Luthra es Nosnitsky bader Lang * Coldwell Lefkowitz LeRay Kostenbader Mills** Kerr Janick Kostenbader Lang *Associate Lang * Luthra Lafferty Sales Associate Gloria Nilson Lang * Luthra Lang *Berkshire Lafferty Associate Murray* Sales Associate Lafferty Lafferty Sales Associate Moskowitz Lafferty Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Lefkowitz LeRay Lu Monsport Sales Associate Sales Janis Kerr Lefkowitz Lefk LeRay Luthra Sales Associate Kostenbader Broker Associate Sale Janick Janis Kerr Sales Associate Harriet Susan Sales Associate Kostenbader Lefkowitz Lefkow Susan Sales Associate Janis Kerr Janick Janis Kerr Lefkowitz Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Kostenbader Kostenbader ® Associate Harriet Susan Janick Janis Janis Kerr Kerr Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Kostenbader Kostenbader Sales Associate Harriet Broker Associate Harriet Susan roker Associate Gloria Nilson Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Realtor Jenifer Elisabe Broker Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Associate Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Bet Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate SalesSales Associate Sales Associate sociate Lori Jenifer Sales Associate &Sales Co. Real Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Associate Sales Associate Associate Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Broker ofAssociate Record Sales Associate Sales Associate te sociate Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record sociate Banker Berkshire Callaway Broker of Record Broker Broker of Record of Record Callaway ete Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Broker Associate Berkshire Callaway Callaway Berkshire C" Hathaway Fox & Sales Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Berkshire Berkshire Sales Associate Hughes Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Associate Broker Associate Hughes Sales Associate Sales Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hughes Broker Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Assoc Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker ofHudson Record Sales Associate Sales Associate Hughes Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Hudson Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Estate Broker of R Berkshire llaway Callaway Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Owner Berkshire way Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Hudson Berkshire & Co. Real Berkshire Berkshire Hudson Robin Joan C. Madolyn Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Weichert, ichert, Weidel Vanessa Berkshire Berkshire omas Robin Robin Robin Joan Joan C. Joan C. C. Madolyn Madolyn Madolyn Janis K Thomas LisaWeidelHathaway Robin Joan C.Gloria Henderson Residential Gloria & Hathaway Fox &Henderson Janick Janis Kerr Gloria & Gloria &Nilson Gloria Nilson &Nilson Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Harriet Susan Vanessa Henderson ® Gloria Nilson & Janick Janis Nilson &Mark Hathaway Fox & Nilson Henderson K Gloria Nilson &Realty Henderson Gloria & Fox & Janick Janis Kerr Gloria Nilson Harriet Susan Gloria Nilson && Gloria Nilson &Mark Janick Janis Kerr hert, He Realty Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Realty Hathaway Fox & Nilson Berkshire Roach Realtors Harriet Harriet Susan Susan Hathaway Fox &Hathaway Associate Fox &Weichert, Berkshire Realty Mark Broker Associate Hathaway Fox &Broker Realty Mark Realty Realty Mark Mark Lori Weichert, Berkshire Berkshire Mark Broker Associate Weichert, Harriet Susan Berkshire Berkshire Lori Broker Associate Harriet Susan Gloria Nilson & Harriet Susan Henderson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Lori Henderson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Gloria Nilson & nderson Keller Williams Henderson Hathaway Fox & ® Weichert, Weidel Gloria Nilson & rson Gloria Nils Joan C. Madolyn ox & Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Realt Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Weichert, Gloria Nilson & Froehlich Greve Realty Mark Sales Associate Vanessa ® Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Weichert, Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Thomas Madolyn Robin Joan C. Madolyn Roach Realtors Gronczewski Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Froehlich Froehlich Froehlich Greve Greve Greve Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weidel ® C. Hathaway Fox & Froehlich Weichert, ® Weichert, Vanessa Vanessa Sotheby's Thomas Robin Joan Madolyn Sales Associate Brokerage Realty M Sotheby's Roach Realtors ® ® ® Sales Associate Gronczewski Gronczewski Gronczewski Hughes Weichert, Weichert, ® Gronczewski Sales Associate Vanessa Estate Sotheby's ® ® ® Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Sotheby's Sotheby's Roach Realtors Hughes ® Sales Associate Sales n dman George Hathaway Fox & S Friedman Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate thaway Fox &Hathaway Roach Realtors Realtors altors Realtors Hughes Hughes Roach Realtors Callaway Roach Realtors George George George Hathaway Fox & Realtors ® Folmer Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway George Roach Realtors Hathaway Realtors Hathaway Fox Fox & & Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Asso Co. Real Estate SA Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Hudson Joan Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Karma Callaway Joan Joan Karma Karma Co. Real Estate Hughes ®& Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Callaway ®Fox Co. Real Estate Hughes Hudson Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate ®Thomas Joan ors Advantage ® Karma Co. Real Estate Hughes Sotheby's Co. Real Estate Advantage ® ® Hudson Hudson Karma Sotheby's Advantage heby's Sotheby's Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Jo ® Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Realtors Advantage Roach Realtors Advantage Advantage Janick Thomas Susan"Suzy" an"Suzy" Barbara Barbara Lisa Lisa Robin Joan C. by's Realtors Greve ® ® ors Roach Realtors Advantage Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Hudson Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Hathaway Fox & ® ® Janick Gronczewski Roach Realtors Hudson Roach Realtors Greve Froehlich Greve Sales Sales Associate Associate Associate Co. Real Estate ® Estate ® Thomas Barbara Robin Joan C. Madolyn Sales Associate Hudson ®® Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Co. Estate Hathaway Fox & Fox & Co. Real Estate Janick Ja Thomas Robin Joan C.Advantage Madolyn Thomas saGeorge Robin Joan C. Madolyn Gronczewski Gronczewski International Va Froehlich Greve ® Hathaway ® ® ® Co. ®Real Estate Co. Re ® ®Real ® Sales Co. Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox &Real International Greater Broker Associate Vanessa ® ® ® ® Vanessa Realtors Realtors Gronczewski ® International Co. Real Estate Co. Real E Friedman Realtors Realtors Realtors International Adv International Weichert, Broker Associate Joan ®Lisa ® Henderson Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Realtors Co. Real Estate Karma Int riedman Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors George Broker Associate Broker Associate Weichert, Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Henderson ®® Realtors Realtors Weichert, George Advanta Weichert, Realtors Realtors Associate ate Henderson Sales Thomas an"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Broker Associate Weichert, W Roach Realtors Henderson Broker Associ Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Associate ® Broker Associate International ® Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Weichert, Weichert, International Callaway Callaway Sales Sales Associate Associate Associate ®Associate Weichert, Weichert, Weide national nternational Broker Associate Sales Associate DiMeglio Froehlich ®Sales Associate Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Princeton ®Sales ® Sales Sales Associate iMeglio DiMeglio Froehlich Callaway Roach Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ional Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Eisenberg ach Realtors ® Callaway Estaphanous Eisenberg Eisenberg Estaphanous Estaphanous Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate DiMeglio Froehlich Callaway Callaway Callaway Roach Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Roach Realtors Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Froehlich Greve Eisenberg eton Friedman Estaphanous Sales Associa Sales Associate Roach Realtors Froehlich Greve Friedman Friedman Froehlich Greve Estaphanous Realty Gron Realty Sales Associate Callaway Gronczewski Facompre’ Folmer Ge Sales Associate Friedman Gronczewski Sales Associate Facompre’ Facompre’ Folmer Folmer George Realty Princeton Friedman Realty ® Sales Associate Realty Princeton Sales Associate SalesS Callaway Friedman Folmer George ® Friedman Facompre’ Folmer Callaway ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Roach Realtors ®Callaway George Roach Realtors Princeton mer George Associate ® ® ® George Roach Realtors ®Facompre’ Sotheby's Froehlich es Associate ® Princeton Callaway Roach Realtors ales Associate Roach Realtors ® Sotheby's Callaway Eisenberg Princeton Estaphanous Sales Associate Sales Associate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Callaway Realty Callaway Princeton sales Associate Associate Sales Associate ® Sales Associate Realty Henderson Henderson ® ® ® Associate ® Callaway Realtors ealty Realty Princeton Friedman Sales Associate Sales Associate Princeton Callaway Callaway Callaway Realtors Sales Associate Henderson Realtors ySales Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson kshire eMeglio ® ® Sales Associate Sales Princeton Henderson Berkshire Callaway Callaway ® ® Callaway Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Facompre’ Folmer George ® ® ® Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Rea Henderson Henderson Henderson Sales Henderson Realtors Realtors Realtors Callaway Sales Associate RE/MAX Weichert, Sales Associate Realtors Realtors RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Realtors Realtors Realtors Weichert, Henderson Weidel RE/MAX Realtors Realtors Realtors Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Weichert, Weichert, Sales Associate Owner Owner Sales Sales Associate Associate Henderson Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Weichert, Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Henderson Henderson International Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Associate Sales Associate International iate Weichert, Broker Associate Weichert, Sales Associate Weichert, Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate International Sales Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Associa Weichert, Sales Associate Weichert, We Henderson Callaway Callaway International Henderso allaway Callaway Callaway Broker Associate Sales Assoc Henderson Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Henderson Sales Associate Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Callaway Callaway Sotheby's Callaway Callaway Henderson Henderson Cal Henderson Henderson erkshire RE/MAX Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Callaway Sotheby's Princeton Callaway Owner Sales Associate Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate & ox ay & Fox & Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Princeton Sales Associate ® Sotheby's ® Sotheby's Princeton RE/MAX Princeton ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway ® ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Tri County Realtors Realtors Realty rllaway Realty ® Tri County Tri County Tri County Realtors Tri County Realty ® Sotheby's RE/MAX ® RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Realtors Realtors Realty ® Sotheby's RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson nderson Henderson Berkshire Berkshire Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & ® Sotheby's ® Realtors Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & RE/MAX

2021: Nearly $1 Billion in sales and over 1,600 transactions

RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire International International Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's RE/MAX Realtors Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Sotheby's Realtors International Realtors International International International International Henderson Henderson Berkshire Weidel RE/ International Gloria Nilson &RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Sotheby's Sotheby's Hen Sotheby's Sotheby's Weidel Weidel RE/MAX Realtors Realtors Re International International International Henderson International athaway Fox &RE/MAX Henderson Weidel RE/MA ®away ®International ® ® Weidel RE/MAX Fox & International International idel RE/MAX Realtors ors Roach Realtors International Tri County RE/MAX ® nderson Henderson Berkshire International International Tri ® Tri ® County ®County Gloria Nilson & ® International Sotheby's Sotheby's Internation Weidel RE/MAX Sotheby's theby's Sotheby's International International Realtors Princeton Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Realty International Hathaway Fox & International International International Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Realtors Realtors Realtors Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Princeton Realtors ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Sotheby's Sotheby's International International Sot International International ® ® Hathaway Fox & Greater Princeton Realty Realty Realty of Princeton Sotheby's Princeton Princeton Princeton Princeton Hathaway Fox & International of of Princeton ® Sotheby's Realty Princeton Co. Real athaway Fox &®Greater Hathaway Fox &Real Estate Co.®Co. Real Real Estate Estate Greater Princeton ® Greater Realtors ofPrinceton Princeton ton Realtors Realtors Realty ® Realtors Roach of®Princeton Co. Real EstateEstate Princeton Tri C Co. Realtors h Realtors Realty Tri Count Princeton theby's Sotheby's Realty Realty Tri Coun tors ® Tri County Tri & County Tri County ® Realtors Hathaway Fox Realty International International Realty ®International nternational rnational International Realtors Realty Realty Greater Princeton of Princeton nternational International Realty ® Realtors Co. Real Estate Realty Realty Realty International ® ®® International International Realtors Realtors International International Realty Realty Inter Realty Realty International Roach Realtors International Tri County ® Realty Roach Roach Realtors Realtors ® ® Roach Realtors Roach Realtors oach Realtors Roach Realtors national International ® ® ® Rea® Realty Realty Realtors Realty Realty Realty Roach Realtors Realty Realty Realtors Realty Realtors® RealtorsRealty Realty Realty RealtyRealty Realty Realty Realtors Realtors® R ealty Realty Michele DeLiberto

ales Associate

Susan"Suzy" DiMeglio

Sales Associate

Joan Eisenberg

Karma Estaphanous

Barbara Facompre’

Lisa Folmer

Thomas Friedman

Robin Froehlich

Sales Associate

Joan C. George

Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway dwell Banker RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Weidel RE/MAX Smita Denise 'Dee' James Betsy Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Ann Jan&Helen Linda Blanche Dawn EvaEstate Mary Jan Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary onna Jan Linda rta Blanche Dawn Eva Sotheby's Sotheby's JanFox Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Jan Linda Linda Roberta Roberta Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Mary Mary Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Hathaway Residential ® Mary Greater Princeton of Princeton Co. Real Shaughnessy Realtors Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva M Sherman Jan Linda Roberta Linda Mary Blanche D Tri County Ann Donna Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Parker Linda Reiling Linda Roberta Roberta Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Eva Dawn Mary Ann AnnAnn November Shah Schulz Donna Donna Ann Ann Petruzziello International International Donna onna Donna Nosnitsky Paul Silverman a Donna er Pecsi ®Petrozzini Parker Parker Petruzziello Petruzziello Parker urray* Paul Roach Realtors Petruzziello Paul Reiling Petruzziello November Petruzziello Petruzziello Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Paul Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Petruzziello Reiling Paul Paul Paul Reiling Brokerage Reiling Reiling Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Paul Reiling Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini ® Rutkowski Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Petrozzini Sales Associate Ru Pecsi Petrozzini Parker Broker Sales Parker ® Associate November Associate Parker Parker Petruzziello November Parker Parker Realtors Realty Realty Nosnitsky Paul November Rei Realtor November Nosnitsky PaulBroker Reiling November November Pecsi Petrozzini Sales Petruzziello Rutkowski Pecsi Petr Nosnitsky Nosnitsky Paul oker Broker Sales Sales Paul Broker Sales Nosnitsky Nosnitsky Paul Paul Reiling Pecsi Petrozzini Pecsi Petrozzin Sales Associate ® Murray* Sales Associate Murray* Sales Associate Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Petrozzini Moskowitz Murray* Murray* Broker Associate Broker Associate Realtor Associate kowitz Moskowitz Broker Owner Lin Sales Associate Sales Associate witz Linda Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Broker Sales Sales Associate Ann Broker Sales Associate Linda Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Ann Broker Sales Linda Broker Associate Callaway oker Associate ® Associate Broker Owner Sales Associate Associate Broker Sales Linda Broker Broker Sales Sales Broker Owner Broker Sales te Broker Sales Donna Donna Ann Broker Sales Broker Associate Dawn Donna Donna Broker Sales Broker Sales Ann ® ® Broker Owner Broker Associate Realtor Broker Broker Associate Associate Dawn Ann Sales Associate Broker Owner Broker Sales Associate Broker Broker Owner Owner ® ® Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Realtor Broker Associate Donna Donna Broker Owner Dawn Donna Donna Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Dawn Realtor Associate Donna Donna Realtor Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Broker Sales Sales Associate Associate Dawn ate Realtor Associate RealtorSales Associate Sale Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Associate Sales Associate Owner Broke Associate Sales Associate Broker Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate les Associate Sales Associate Broker Broker Sa Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Owner Broker Ow Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Owner Broker Owner Associate Gloria Nilson & Owner Coldwell Banker Associate Broker Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Nove Associate Sales Associate ales Associate Sales Associate Maura November Broker Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate bie Berkshire ociate Henderson Associate Sales Associate Associate Debbie aundra "Sandy" Berkshire Berkshire Maura Maura Maura Ellen Nosnitsky Lisa Rachna Maura RE/MAX Associate Associate November RE/MAX Berkshire Nosnitsky Novemb Associate Berkshire Berkshire Associate Berkshire Berkshire November Ellen Ellen Ellen Lisa Lisa Lisa Rachna Rachna Rachna Ellen Coldwell Banker Lisa Berkshire Nosnitsky Associate Nosnitsky Owner Associate Associate Associate Nosnitsky Berkshire Murray* Owner kshire & Associate RE/MAX Murray* RE/MAX hire Berkshire Moskowitz Berkshire Owner Owner Moskowitz erkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Murray* Gloria Nilson & Monsport Berkshire Berkshire RE/MAX Owner Owner RE/MAX RE/MAX Murray* Monsport Berkshire Moskowitz Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Murray* Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Berkshire Moskowitz Berkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Moskowitz Monsport Berkshire Glor Monsport Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Monsport Asso Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Associate ® Berkshire Donna Donna Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Maura Dawn ® Hathaway Fox Berkshire Realtor RE/MAX ® oria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Associat Debbie Hathaway Fox Mills** Realtor Associate Berkshire Donna ® Realtor RE/ Lisa g *Gloria Rachna Maura Dawn Sotheby's Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Lang *LeRay Hathaway Fox Debbie RE/MAX Mills** Mills** Mills** Realtor Associate Donna D®& Donna Donna Mills** Berkshire Berkshire RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & RE/MA Asso Maura Dawn Berkshire Ellen Berkshire Lisa Rachna Rachna Berkshire Hathaway Fox Realtor Associate Nilson &Real Co. Estate RE/MAX RE/MAX Berkshire Residential Hathaway Fox &Sales Berkshire Berkshire Sales Associate Lafferty Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Ellen Lisa Sales Associate Nilson & oria Nilson & ox Donna Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Berkshire Berkshire Dawn son & Donna Residential Hathaway Fox & Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox &Banker & Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Dawn Berkshire ay Fox Hathaway Fox Donna Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & athaway Fox Coldwell Banker Dawn Sales Associate RE/MAX Hathaway haway Fox Fox Coldwell Banker Lefkowitz Lefkowitz Lefkowitz LeRay LeRay Luthra Luthra Luthra Greater Greater Princeton Lefkowitz LeRay Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Hathaway Fox Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Associate Sales Associate Coldwell Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker RE/MAX Sales Associate Hathaway Fox RE/MAX Sales Associate te Coldwell Banker RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & way Fox & Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Hathaway Fox & Greater Sales Associate Sales Associate Debbie Debbie Saundra Saundra "Sandy" "Sandy" Sales Associate Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Magdalena Amira Christopher Avallon Greater Princeton Hathaway Fox Greater Greater Princeton Princeton Michelle Blane Rashmi Bhanot Harveen Bhatla Barbara Blackwell Co. Real Estate Mills** Co. Real Estate Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Sales Associate Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Hathaway Fox & Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Ingela Greater Princeton Hathaway Fox Lori Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Elisabeth "Beth" "Beth" Sales Associate Ellen Hathaway Fox & L®N Co. Sales Associate Lang *Greater Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Ingela Ingela Hathaway Fox Ellen Ellen Lisa Lisa Co. Real Hathaway Fox &Brokerage H te sociate Coldwe Mills** Hathaway Fox & Debbie International M Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Ow Debbie Sandy" & Roach Hathaway Fox & ang *Roach Ingela Hathaway Fox & & Coldwell Banker Ellen Maura Lisa Murray* Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Elisabeth "Beth" Maura Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Ingela Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Ellen Co. Real Estate Lisa Rachna & Roach Moskowitz Owner ® Ellen Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Lisa Rachna o. Real Estate Co. Real Estate ® Ellen Lisa Rachna Owner Coldwell Ba Monsport Owner &Hathaway Roach LeRay Luthra Moskowitz Greater Princeton ® Murray* Mu ®Mills** Greater ® Fox ® Debbie Co. Real Estate Monsport Roach Realtors Moskowitz Moskowitz ach &Estate Roach Broker Associate Roach Realtors Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Luthra ® & Roach & Roach & Greater Princeton Greater Princ ales Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Monsport Brokerage Roach Realtors Hathaway & & Roach & Roach Lefkowitz Co. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Saundra "Sandy" Roach Realtors Greater Princeton Greater Princeton Roach Roach Realtors Realtors & Roach & Roach & Roach Hathaway Fox &Owner Hathaway Fox &LeRay Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Roach Realtors Moskowitz Greater & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate eal Estate Broker of Record o. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Moskowit Hathaway Fox Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Fox & Gloria Nilson & Fox Hathaway Fox & Monsport Estate Ingela Moskowitz Ellen Lisa Nilson & Residential Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Monsport Broker Broker of Broker Record of Record of Record Residential Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Lang * Greater Sales Associate Greater Callaway Associate Broker ® Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Monsport Lang Lang * * Residential Greater Greater Princeton ®Gloria Residential Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate & Roach Callaway Callaway Callaway Residential Residential ®Greater ® Hathaway Callaway Lang * Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Residential & Roach Lafferty Sales Associate Roach Realtors Berkshire Lang * Sales Associate & Roach Lafferty Lafferty ® ® hire Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Lang * Realty M & Roach & Roach & Roach Roach Realtors Berkshire Lang * Realtors Gloria Nilson & Keller Williams Realtors Associate Berkshire Lafferty Mills** Princeton ® Sal Gloria Nilson & & Roach & Roach Mills** Berkshire ® & Roach & Roach Lafferty Berkshire Realtors Roach Realtors ®Keller Keller Williams &Luthra Roach & Roach Lefkowitz RE/ LeR ®Associate ® Lefkowitz rty Keller Williams ®Kerr RE/MAX Lefkowitz Lefkowitz Janick Kerr LeRay LeRay ® Williams ® ® Princeton ® Realtors Roach Kostenbader anick Janick Janis Kerr Kerr Roach Realtors Resid ® Sales Associate ® Roach Sales Associa ® Kostenbader Kostenbader Lefkowitz RE/MAX LeRay Residential ® Sales Roach ® Janis ® Lefkowitz Coldwell Banker RE/MA ors Realtors Janick Janis Kerr Keller Williams Realty ales Coldwell Banker Keller Williams Callaway Henderson Callaway Henderson Lefkowitz Realtors LeRay Roach Realtors Luthra Kostenbader Roach Realtors Realtors ® RE/MAX Sales Associate ealtors Realtors ® Sales Associate LeRay Roach Realtors Kostenbader LeRay Luthra Lang * ®Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Broker of Record Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Realtors Realtors Berkshire Sales Associate Realtors Associate Associate Broker of Record Broker of Record ® Callaway Sales Associate ®& Lafferty ® Resident Co. Estate Sales S ® Sales Associate Henderson Ha oria Nilson &Nilson Gloria Nilson &Realtors Co. Real Estate Sales Associa ®& Callaway Sales Associate Associate Callaway ® ®Associate ® Roach Realtors ® Sales Associate ® ®Realtors ® Sales Realtors Henderson Henderson Henderson Sales Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria & Nilson & & Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson &Realtors Nilson & & Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Princeton Henderson Sales Associate ®®Sales ® Real Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson ® Mark ® Broker ®Gloria Realtors Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Berkshire Princeton Sales Associate ®Co. Sales Lefkowitz LeRay Realtors Real Estate Realty Mark Sales Associate Brokerage x y & Fox & Roach Realtors nick Janis Kerr Roach Realtors Realty ales Associate Brokerage Realtors ®Associate ® Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Reatly Princeton Realty Sotheby’s International Sotheby’s International Sales Associate Kostenbader Princeton rkshire Princeton Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Realty Realty Realty Mark Mark Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors Brokerage Associate Princeton Princeton Realtors Realtors Brokerage Broker Broker Associate Associate Brokerage Brokerage Realtors Realtors Brokerage Co. Real Estate Broker Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Glo Gre Sales Sales Associate Associate Co. Real Estate Sales Sales Associate Associa ssociate Greater Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Sales Assoc Sales Associate les Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Greater Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Greater Sales Sales Associate Associate Brok Sales Associate Greater Sales Associate Sales Associate ales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Brokerage Sales Associate Realty Realty Sales Associate Berkshire Broker of Record Henderson oria Nilson & Sales of Mark Record Gloria Nilson &Gloria Berkshire Broker of Callaway Record Sotheby's Keller Williams Berkshire Berkshire Brokerag Henderson Ca Gloria &Gloria ®Realty ® Fox Nilson &SalesBroker Gloria Nilson &Gloria Nilson &Nilson ® Gloria Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Keller Williams Sotheby's Berkshire Realty Mark Berkshire Ber Callaway Henderson Gloria Nilson &Associate Nilson &Estate thaway & Berkshire Keller Williams ealtors rs Berkshire Mark Realty Roach Realtors Berkshire Nilson &Nilson way Fox & Sales Associate Sales Associate Gloria Hathaway Fox & o. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Gloria & Keller Williams Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Keller Williams Co.Nilson Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Co. Real Co. Sotheby's Real Estate Associate Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Advantage Berkshire Advantage Advantage Advantage ®Williams ® Keller Berkshire Berkshire

Prou Mercer County

hire ® Gloria Co Gloria & Nilson Roach Realtors Gloria ® Gloria Prin Gloria Nilson Nilson &Nilson && Roach Realtors Gloria Gloria Nilson & ®Fox Sotheby's Princeton Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, International Gloria Nilson ® Gloria Nilso Roach Realtors Hathaway Hathaway Fox &Real && Princeton Weichert, eichert, Weichert, Weidel Weidel Sotheby's Roach Realtors Hen Nilson & Nilson &Real Princeton Weichert, Roach Realtors International International International ® Henderson Princeton Gloria Nilson &Co.Nilson International Gloria Nilson & Weichert, Hathaway Fox Weichert, Henderson Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Gloria &Weidel Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & oach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Gloria Weidel Co. Estate Weichert, thaway Fox & Hathaway Fo Realty Mark Hathaway Fox &Weichert, Berkshire h Realtors o. Real Estate Realty Mark Co. Estate Realty Mark Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Advantage Hathaway Hathaw Fox && Co. Real Estate Real Estate Advantage Advantage Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson Co. Real Estate Co. Real Esta ® Ha Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Weichert, ichert, Weidel ® ® ®® Weichert, Roach Realtors International Roach Realtors Realty ® Roach Roach Realtors Realtors International Hathaway Fox & Sot ® ® Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Realty Realty Realty Sotheby's ® ® ® Realty Roach Realtors Sotheby's International ®®Co. Real ®& ®®Roach ®Realtors ®® Co. Fox Roach &Estate ®Hathaway Co. Real Estate Co. Re oach ® ®® Realtors Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Co. Co. Real Real Estate Est Hathaway & y FoxRealtors Realtors Realtors Co. Real Estate Co. Real Es Realtors Realtors altors Realtors ®Realtors Co. Fox Real Co. Real Estate Realtors Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Estate Real Estate Realtors® Realtors ® Realtors Roach Realto Advantage ® Advantage Advantage Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox &International Roach Realtors Roach ® Realtors Realtors ® Realty ® Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Ro Inter International RealtorsRealty ltors® Realty Realtors ® ® ®® Roach Realtors ® Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors Realtors Princeton Princeton Princeton ealtors Princeton Susan® R Realty Realty Debbie Saundra ® "Sandy" Lori Princeton Jenifer Roach Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ellen Lisa Roach Realtors Princeton Hughes

oker Associate

Callaway Henderson Sotheby's nternational Realty ise 'Dee'


Sales Associate

Weichert, Beatrice Bloom ® Realtors





Broker Associate

Lang *


Sales Associate

Sales Associate


Sales Associate

Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Weidel Weichert, “Sandy” Brown Fox & Roach JudithRealtors Budwig ® Co. RealEllen Calman Co. Real Estate Estate Realtors®Mary Brandt Realtors® Helen Hathaway Real Estate Salesperson Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Roach Princeton Compass® EXP Realty Berkshire HathawayRealtors Fox Berkshire Hathaway Gough "Winn Coldwell " Banker Carole Betsy "Winn Valerie Alison "Ally" William Gough""Winn " CaroleBernard William Gough Carole

Sales Associate

Weichert, Amanda Botwood ® Realtors

Sales Associate

Sales Associate

WeichertHelen Realtors® Diane Bernard Alison "Ally" Diane Bernard Alison "Ally" William Gough ""Winn Carole Gough "Winn ""Winn Carole William Diane Gough Gough "Winn " "Ally" " & Roach, Carole erie Bernard Alison "Ally" Diane W Diane Gough "Winn " Diane Carole Bernard Alison "Ally" REALTORS® Valerie Bernard Bernard Alison Alison "Ally" "Ally" Fox & William Roach Realtors® Princeton Reatly Diane Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison Robin L. Helen Kenneth "Ken" Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Gough "Winn "Alison Carole Dia William Helen Smita Denise Helen Gough "Winn "'Dee' Gough Denise 'Dee' Carole Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" ughnessy Diane Helen Helen ta Smita Denise 'Dee' Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Ivy Gough "Winn Gough Sherman Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Gough "Winn " Gough "Winn ""W Carole Betsy Valerie Bernard "Ally" Diane Betsy Valerie Betsy Bernard Valerie Alison "Ally" Bernard Alison "Ally" Thompson Tosches Smith Smolowitz Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Silverman Thompson Tosches Steffens Usab, Jr Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Usab, Jr Smolowitz Urbanek Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Thompson Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Urbanek ith Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Smith Urbanek Smolowitz Smolowitz Smolowitz Steffens Steffens Urbanek Smith Urbanek Urbanek Smolowitz Urbanek Steffens Shaughnessy Sherman Steffens Steffens Steffens Silverman Sherman Shaughnessy Steffens Wallack Shaughnessy Associate Shaughnessy Sherman Sherman Thompson Tosches Sherman Sherman Thompson ThoU Tosches Usab, Jr Smith Verbeyst Smith Broker Associate Smolowitz Urb Smith Shah Wen Thompson Thomps Smolowitz Urbanek Thompson Thompson Tosches Silverman Shah Smith Shah Smolowitz Steffens Smolowitz Sales Associate Silverman Smith Smith h Steffens Smolowitz Smolowitz Sales Associate Sales Associate Urbane Silverman Silverman Steffens Steffens Silverman Silverman Broker Associate Steffens Steffens Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' ate Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate James Broker Associate sociate Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Sales Associate NJ & PA B James Helen Sales Associate Sales Associate Smita Denise 'Dee' Sales Associate Broker Associate Betsy Broker Associate Helen Sales Associate Sales Associate Smita Denise 'Dee' Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate roker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate James Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Brok James Betsy Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Betsy Broker Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate Betsy Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA llaway Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate Sales Associate NJ &Sales PA Sales Associate Associate NJ & NJ PA &James PA Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Broker Associate Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Asso Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales A Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA yBroker Shaughnessy Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Shaughnessy Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Sherman Sales Associate way r Associate ®Sherman roker Associate Sherman Sales Assoc ® Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate NJ & PA Shaughnessy Callaway Sales Associate sociate Shaughnessy Callaway Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate NJ & PA ® Shaughnessy Sherman Sales Associate Sales Associate ® ® Keller Williams Callaway Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Keller Williams Sherman Sales Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Keller Shah Schulz Keller Williams Callaway Shah Callaway Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Schulz nderson Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Keller Williams Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson &Williams & Berkshire Callaway Gloria Nilson Kelle Shah Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Schulz Silv Shah Schulz Silverman Callaway Keller Shah Schulz Keller Coldwell Banker Callaway Silverman Gloria Nilson & Keller Gloria & Gloria Nilson Keller Gloria Nilson Callaway Callaway Keller Keller Silverman ® Nilson Henderson Berkshire Smita Denise 'De Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Keller Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Gloria Nilson Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Smita Denise 'Dee' Gloria Nilson &Silverm James Jan Dawn Eva Mary Gloria Nilson Keller Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Berkshire Smita Smita Denise 'Dee' Den n/MAX Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Jan Jan Jan da Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Mary Mary Mary Berkshire James Jan Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nils Sales Associate Coldwell Banker erson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & James James Sales Associate Henderson Keller Broker Associate Berkshire Sales Associate Henderson Keller Broker Associate Sales Associate Smita Gloria N Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Gloria Nilson Smita Henderson Hathaway Fox Keller James Gloria Nilson & Keller Broker Associate Gloria Nilson James Broker Associate RE/MAX Keller Keller Henderson Henderson Broker Associate theby's James Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson ® Henderson RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilso Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson SA Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & AX Henderson Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Henderson Williams Sales Associate Princeton Realty Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Hathaway Fox & Princeton Realty ® Mary ® Broker Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Henderson Henderson Residential Sales Associate Princeton Realty Sotheby's Broker Associate ox Shaughnes Sales Associate Princeton Realty ® Henderson Henderson Princeton Realty Jan Eva & Co. Sales Associate ® ® ® Sales Princ Broker Associate Williams Shaughnessy Williams Sales Associa ® Broker Associate Broker Associate Jan Jan Linda Mary Dawn Eva Mary Williams Shaughnessy Shau s Callaway Sales Associate Williams Williams Williams Co. Real Estate Sales Asso Callaway Jan inda Dawn Eva Mary Co. Real Estate & Co. Williams Petruzziello Sales Associate & Co. Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & eby's Hathaway Fox Shah Schulz Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Callaway Sotheby's Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Re & Co. Residential Petruzziello Petruzziello Co. Real Estate Reiling Callaway Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Co. Real Estate Estate Sotheby's & Co. Petruzziello & Co. & Co. Callaway Shah Schulz Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estat Co. Real E Rutkowski Petrozzini ®Realty &Rutkowski Co. Princeton Hathaway Fox Reiling Reiling Reiling Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Paul Co. Estate Fox Co. &Real Estate H ® Hathaway Shah Shah Schulz Hathaway Fox Hathaway FoxSotheby's Rutkowski Rutkowski si Petrozzini Petrozzini Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Sotheby's Sotheby's national ®Schulz ® Schulz Williams Sotheby's Roach Realtors ® ®Real Williams Berkshire ® Residential ® Berkshire Shah Hathaway Fox Williams Residential Co. Rea Sotheby's Shah ®& Co. Schulz &Ann Roach Williams Williams Co. Real Estate Berkshire ® Roach &Sales Co. ® Williams Residential Residential Berkshire Roach Realtors Sotheby's Sotheby's Greater Roach Realtors Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn E International ® Sales Associa Berkshire Residential Residential Linda Linda Roberta Roberta Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Sotheby's Sotheby's &Schulz Co. & Co. Roach Realtors reater Greater Co. Real Es Brokerage Roach Realtors & Co. & Co. Associate Realtors Coldwell Banker Ann Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva ter Princeton Coldwell Banker Ann Roach Realtors Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Mary Sales Associate Sales al Henderson etruzziello Jan Linda Dawn Mary Donna Ann Coldwell Banker Jan Linda Henderson he Dawn Eva Mary B onna Donna RE/MAX Coldwell Banker tional Reiling RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Petruzziello ® Henderson International Princeton Donna Princeton Rutkowski Real Estate Henderson ® Eva Coldw ®Eva International RE/MAX Henderson Coldwell Bank Petruzziello Reiling Reiling Princeton Sales Associate RE/MAX International Princeton RE/MAX Roach Realtors Rutkowski Rutkowski Pecsi Brokerage Petrozzini Princeton Princeton Broker Sales Coldwell Banker Reiling ® Sales Associate Princeton Sales Sales Associate Associate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Coldwell B Sales Associate International International Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Realty Real Estate Coldwell Banker Broker Broker Sales Broker Sales Sales Real Estate International roker Owner & Roach Broker Associate Sales Associate & Roach Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Real Estate Roach Realtors &Owner Roach Real Estate roker Associate International Broker Owner BrokerBroker Owner Real Real Estate Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Sales Associate International Real Estate &November Roach Ann & Roach Brokerage Broker Associate Broker Associate & Roach &November Roach Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate ciate Associate International Princeton International Brokerage Sales Associate Sales Associate Parker Realty Callaway onna Sales Associate Princeton Parker Parker International International Sales Associate Brokerage Brokerage ® Parker November Callaway Princeton Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Princeton Parker Brokerage Brokerage Petru Hathaway Fox Broker Assoc Princeton Princeton Petruzziello Petruzziell Callaway Ca Sotheby's Real Estate Broker Associate Nosnitsky Paul November Realtors & Roach Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Nosnitsky Nosnitsky Real Estate Paul Paul Petruzziel Hathaway Fox November Pecsi Petrozzini Princeton Hathaway Fox Petruzziello Sotheby's Realty Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Nosnitsky Real Estate Real Estate Paul Residential esPrinceton Associate Sotheby's Petruzziello Realty Realty Residential inceton Petruzziello Sotheby's Real Estate Real Estate Paul Broker Sales Reiling Murray* Pecsi Petrozzini ton Realty urray* Murray* Reiling Sales Associate llty Rut Residential Pecsi Petrozzini Reiling Residential Residential Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Broker Sales Broker Sales **Petrozzini Current President Mercer County TopResi Produ Realty Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Realty Residential Murray* Sales Associate Berkshire Realty Greater Realty Realty Residential Broker Sales Greater Residen Parker Broker Owner Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Realty Residential Associate Berkshire Realty Realty Greater Realty Realty Broker Sales Broker Owner Realty Greater November Coldwell Banker Realty Broker Broker Sales Sales ® Sales Associate Sales Associate er Sales Associate Associate Associate Associate ® Greater ® Petruzziello ® ® ® Realty Realty Broker Sales Henderso Coldwell Banker Sales Associate ales Associate Nosnitsky RE/MAX Paul Realty Realty Broker Sales ® ® Realtors ® RE/MAX Realtors Realtor Associate Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Pecsi Petrozzini Gloria Nilson & Henderson RE/MAX RE/MAX ®®Associate ® Realtor Realtor Associate Associate Realtors RE/MAX Berkshire RE/MAX Henderson Hen Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Nilson & & International Realtor Associate Realtors Realtors Gloria Nilson & Realty rray* International RE/MAX RE/MAX Realtor Realtors Realtors Coldwell Banker Realty hire 4 Berkshire Sales A Coldwell Banker Sales Associate International Sales Sales Associate Associa Realty Sales Sales Associate Associate Coldwell Banker Realty International International Realty Realty & Roach Sales Associ Sales Associate Broker Associate ® & Roach RE/MAX Owner Sales Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Berkshire Broker Broker Owner Owner RE/MAX Broker Sales Sales Associate Broker Sales &Associate Roach Sales Associate Broker Associate &Broker Roach Bro Broker Sales ® Associate Brokerage Realtors Broker Owner Broker Sales Broker Sales & Roach Associate Brokerage Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Associate Brokerage Broker Broker Sales Sales Associate Associate Broker Owner Associate es Associate Associate ssociate Broker Owner Brokerage Berkshire Associate Associate Brokerage Broker Owner Associate Associate Broker Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Realtor Brokera les Associate Brokerage Brokerage Sales Broker Sales Associate Associate Associate Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox &Owner & Sales Associate er Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sotheby's Associate HI Gloria Nilson &Brokerage Princeton RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Princeton Sales Associate Sotheby's Sales Associate Residential Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Hathaway Fox Coldwell Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Banker Owner Princeton Sotheby's So Realty Princeton Owner Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Realty Princeton Residential Broker Associate Broker Owner Owner kshire eater Princeton Realty Co. Real Estate Residential Residential Owner Lisa Candella-Hulbert* Susan “Sue” Dehaven* Realty Greater Radha Cheerath Teresa Cunningham James Datri Jennifer E. Curtis Realty Broker Sales Associate Greater Princeton Greater Princeton Associate Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Berk Associate Greater Berkshire Berkshire Residential Gloria & Residential ® Greater Greater Berkshire xhaway yColdwell & Fox &FoxBanker Gloria Nilson Nilson &Nilson && Hathaway Fox &Hathaway Residential ®Associate Berkshire &Gloria Gloria Nilson Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire ® Realtors Berkshire Berkshire Realtors & ® ® Realtors ® RE/MAX Berkshire Fox & RE/MAX RE/MAX Greater Associate Berkshire Associate Berkshire ® ® Owner Greater ® Berkshire Realtors Internation Berkshire Coldwell Banker Hathaway Fox & Residential RE/MAX Roach Realtors Berkshire Broker Associate Berkshire Realtors RE/MAX Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire International Berkshire kshire RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Roach Roach Realtors Realtors RE/MAX Roach Realtors & Berkshire Roach Gloria hire Berkshire International Inter Berkshire Gloria Nilson &Brokerage Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Berkshire Co. Real Estate Berkshire Sales Associate Berkshire Broker, Owner Sales Associate Sales Linda Associate/Owner Broker Associate RE/MAX Residential Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX RE/MAX Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Brokerage Residential Residential RE/MAX Ann Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Berkshire RE/MAX Brokerage thaway Fox & RE/MAX Donna Donna Berkshire Compass RE Brokerage Hathaw way Fox & Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fo & ® Hathaway Fox Princeton Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox kshire Hathaway Fo ® Realtors ® ® Brokerage Hathaway Fox ® Fox Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Hathaway Fox Princeton Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate ch Weidel Realtors® Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Berkshire Hathaway Brokerage RE/MAX Callaway Henderson Hathaway Fox & Realty Hathaway Fox ® ® ealtors rs Princeton Princeton Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Realty RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Realtors Roach Realtors y Fox Coldwell Banker Greater Princeton Realty R Coldwell Banker Parker Greater Greater Princeton Princeton Princeton Residential Princeton Greater Princeton November Petruzziello Hathaway Fox & Residential Residential Greater Princeton Hathaway Fox & Co. R Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Hathaway Fox & haway way Fox Fox & & Nosnitsky Greater Princeton Paul Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton Greater Residential Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox & Pecsi Greater Greater Petrozzini haway Fox & Princeton Fox & Roach Realtors® of Princeton Sotheby’s International Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Hathaway Fox Greater Co. Real Estate haway Fox & Murray* Hathaway Fox & Greater ® Moskowitz Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage & RoachSales& Roach & Roach &&Roach Roach & Roach Roach Roach Realtors Realto Roach &&Roach ® ® Associate ach Realtors Greater®Princeton ® Broker & Roach Roach Realt®R Roach Realtors &Realtor Roach Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Roach Fox &® Realtors ach ay Fox &®® ® ® ®Brokerage Realty Greater Sales Associate Residential Sales Associate Residential Residential & Roach Broker Associate ® Broker Owner ® ® Roach Realtors ® ® & Roach Brokerage Brokerage ® Roach Broker Sales Associate ® les ®Associate ®® Sales Associate ® ®® Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors ® Brokerage Roach Realtors Realtors Princeton ®Princeton Realtors Realtors ch Realtors Realtors Princeton Realtors Roach Realtors ® Realtors Realtors Realtors ach Realtors Princeton Roach Realtors ®Associate Princeton ach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors®Realtors Owner rs ® ® ® ® GloriaPrinceton Nilson & Realtors Roach Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Berkshire BrokerageBerkshire RE/MAX Berkshire Brokerage Brokerage oria Nilson & Berkshire Berkshire RE/MAX Sales Associate

Visit: TopProduc

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Roach Realtors®

G. Ivy G.Amy Yael L. Yael Nancy Amy G.Amy Yael L.G. Nancy G. Yael L.Saman Nancy Saman Amy G.Amy Yael L. Nancy Amy G. Yael L.Saman L.Saman Nancy Nancy Saman Saman Amy G. Nancy Yael L.Amy Nancy h "Ken" Robin L. IvyIvy Ivy Amy obin L. Robin L. Amy G. YaL Nancy n L. G. Yael L. Nancy Saman Ivy Nancy Nan Amy G. Yael Nancy Nancy Worthington Zakut Wen Zakut Worthington Zakut Worthington Willever Jennifer Dionne Patricia ‘Trish’ Ford Zakut Zakut Zakut Mehnaz “Mona” Joan Eisenberg Karma Estaphanous Lisa Folmer Worthington Zakut Worthington Worthington Worthington Worthington Zeeshan Zeeshan Willever Willever Zeeshan Zeeshan Zeeshan Zeeshan Willever Willever Willever Willever eyst Willever Za Wallack Zakut Worthington Wallack Wallack Worthington Gajee-Khan SalesWillever ack Zaku Worthington Willever Associate Zeeshan WenWenWen Sales Associate Kenneth W Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Wen Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Wille Sales Associate Sales Associate Robin L.Ivy Sales Sales Associate Associate Willever Willever Sales Associate s Associate Willever Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" Sales Associate Sales Associate Kenneth "Ken" Sales Associate Robin L. Sales Associate Robin L. Sales Sales Associate Associate "Ken" Robin L. 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Robin Callaway Weichert, Realty Callaway Weichert, Weichert, Realty of Robin Princeton Kenneth "Ken" Berkshire Robin L.Robin William Carole Kenneth "Ken" Callaway rkshire Berkshire Diane Henderson Robin L. Callaway L. hire shire IvyC William William Hathaway Fox Gough "Winn Carole Kenneth "Ken" Kenneth "Ken" Hathaway Fox Diane Diane Berkshire Alison "Ally" William Hathaway Fox Ivy Gough "Winn " "Tosches Carole Thompson Tosches Callaway Usab, Jr Hathaway Fox Diane Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox L. Berkshire on "Ally" Callaway Henderson Robin LW Henderson Kenneth "Ken" Hathaway Fox Ivy Thompson Thompson Thompson Tosches Tosches Berkshire Usab, Usab, Jr Usab, Jr Jr Weichert, Tosches Kenneth "Ken" Usab, Jr Urbanek Robin L. Callaway Callaw Henderson Henderson Kenneth "Ken" Broker Associate Henderson Henderson Henderson Callaway Callaway Smolowitz away Fox & Urbanek Urbanek Urbanek Broker Associate Urbanek Henderson Broker Associate fens Steffens Broker Associate Henderson Broker Associate Henderson Hatha Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Hathaway Fox Henderson Broker Associate Henderson Henderson Henderson Helen Denise 'Dee' ® Sales Associate ® Helen Helen Denise 'Dee' Henderson Henderson Sales Associate Broker Associate Gough "Winn " Ca Hathaway Sales Associate Broker Associate ® Henderson Helen Denise 'Dee' Carole Gough "Winn " Broker Associate ® ® ® Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Wallack Betsy Betsy Valerie Bernard Bernard Alison Alison "Ally" "Ally" Realtors Gough "Winn " Carole Realtors Henderson W Gough "Winn " Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Wallack Tosches Sotheby's Usab, Jr Realtors William Diane Gough "Winn " Fox Carole Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" William Carole Realtors Realtors Diane Henderson Wallack Wallack Alison "Ally" Diane Hathaway Fox ard Alison "Ally" Thompson Wen Usab, Jr Usab, Jr Henderson He & &Verbeyst Roach Urbanek &Berkshire Roach Hathaway &Tosches away Hathaway Fox Thompson Tosches Sotheby's ales Associate Sales Associate Henderson Usab, Jr Hende &Verbeyst Roach Wen Sotheby's Broker Associate Sotheby's Urbanek Urbanek Verbeyst & Roach ay Fox Hathaway Fox & &Verbeyst Roach &Realtors Roach Wallack Hathaway Fox Henderson Henderson ® ® Sales Sotheby's Sales Sales Associate Associate Associate Sales Sales Sales Associate Associate Wallack Wen way Fox Sales Associate Hathaway Fox &Associate Broker Broker Associate Broker Associate Associate Urbanek Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Wallack Helen ise 'Dee' Sotheby's Berkshire Verbeyst Sales Associate effens Sotheby's h Realtors Broker Associate Berkshire Verbeyst Sotheby's Gough "Winn "& Roach Carole Realtors Verbeyst Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Sotheby's Sales Associate Berkshire Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's ate A &Steffens NJ PA &Fox PA Shaughnessy Sales Associate NJ && PA Berkshire haughnessy Sotheby's & R Berkshire Sherman Berkshire & Roach Sherman Sherman haughnessy Sotheby's Berkshire Sotheby's Berkshire Sherman Berkshire Thompson Tos Berkshire & Roac Berkshire Tosches Thompson Smith Smolowitz Berkshire Sotheby's Broker Associate Smith Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Smolowitz Berkshire Sotheby's International Berkshire Thompson Sotheby's So ® ® Us les Associate Smith ® Broker Associate Silverman Smolowitz Broker Associate Thompson Tosches Steffens ® Usab, Jr Tosches Silverman Silverman Smith Usab, Jr Steffens Steffens Sotheby's Smolowitz Sotheb ® ® Broker Associate Broker Associate Urbanek Sales Associate Sales Associate ® ® ® ® ® International ®Helen Sales Assoc Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Broker Associate Realtors Silverman owitz International Urbanek Steffens Realtors International Broker Associate ®Carole Urbanek ® Berkshire ® ® ®Broker Roach Realtors Silverman Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Steffens Broker Associate Realtors ghnessy Sales Associate International Keller Williams Smita oria Nilson & Berkshire Denise 'Dee' Steffens Realtors International Associate Roach Realtors Realtors Realtors & Roach Broker Associate International International Roach Realtors Steffens International Sherman ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association International Broker Asso Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Sales Associate Sale International Gough "Winn " Roach Realtors Keller Keller Williams Keller Williams Williams Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Nilson & Berkshire & Berkshire Keller Williams Broker Associate Broker Associate Roach Berkshire & Roach Broker Associate Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Associate NJ & PA International Sales Associate International ach International International Sales Associate Thompson Tosches les Associate ociate NJ & PA International Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association nts of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Broker Associate Smith ® oach Smolowitz ales Associate Broker Associate Hathaway Fox Gloria Nilson & Broker Associate n * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Keller Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate of* Past the Mercer County Top Producer Association Rea Hathaway Fox & International ociation residents Association *Presidents Past Presidents of the of Mercer the Mercer County County Top Producer Top Producer Association Silverman Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria &Current Nilson & & of Hathaway Fox & Steffens Realtors International sident Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents ofAssociation the**Mercer County Top Producer Association on Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Gloria Nilson Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & eNilson Hathaway Fox International Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Hathaway Fox && Realtor Sales Associate Sales Associa Hathaway Fox & International International InteA President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Mercer Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Associatio Realty ®Nilson Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associ Internationa Internat Sales Associate Realty Broker Broker Associate Associate Associate International Shaughnessy ® ®Association Hathaway Fox Broker ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *President Past Presidents the Mercer County Top Producer Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Keller Williams Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate Sherman sociation ** Current Mercer County Top Producer Association *Sales Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Sales Associate NJ PA Broker Associate Realty Associate Realty Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate NJ NJ & PA & PA Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Fox Berkshir Keller Williams Keller Williams ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Sales Past®*Association Presidents ofAssociate theInternational County Top Producer Association Realty ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Gloria & Berkshire Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Realty ssociate Realty Thompson Tosches Sales Associate Associate NJ & PA Hathaway Fox Realty Sales Sales Associate Associate ** President Mercer County Top Producer ** Current Association President Mercer * Past County Presidents Top of Producer theRealty Mercer Association County Top * Producer Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Realty Realty Sales Associate Keller Williams Realty Broker Associate Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Smith Sales Associate NJ & PA Shah Sales Associate Realty Smolowitz Realty Berkshire Realty ® Sales Associate Callaway o. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate NJ &Nilson PA Berkshir Callaway Realty Berkshire B Sales Associate Silverman Gloria Nilson & ® Berkshire ®Co. Steffens Co. Co. Real Real Estate Real Estate Hathaway Estate Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Fox & Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Princeton Realty Callaway Sales Associate ®Current Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & ® Princeton Princeton Princeton Realty Realty Realty Gloria Nilson Princeton Realty ealtors Realtors ® ® Gloria Nilson & Realty Broker Associate Callaway ors ia Nilson Callaway ® ® Realty Roach Realtors Berkshire ® Roach Realtors Berkshire ® Realty Callaway Williams Sales NJ & PA Berkshire Sales Associate &Keller Roach Co. Real Estate Berkshire Callaway Realty tors & Roach Roach Realtors Realty Berkshire Berkshire Real Roach Sales Associate Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Gloria Nilson & Ber Realty Realty Roach Realtors Broker Associate Co. Co. Real Estate & Roach Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire & Co. & Roach ® Associate ® Realtors & Roach laway Gloria Nilson & Berkshir Sales Associate Keller Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Sales Associate Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Keller Williams Hathaway Fox haway Fox & Berkshire Keller Keller Broker Associate Henderson Hathaway F& ® Henderson Hathaway Fox Gloria Nilson Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Princeton Realty Keller & Roach Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson Callaway oker Associate Hathaway Fox & & Roach Keller Sales Associate NJHathaway & PA ** Current Henderson ® ®Coldwell ® Sales Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox &&Banker ®Princeton Princeton Realty Gloria Nilson er Roach Realtors Hathaway Hath Fox Roach Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Gloria Nilson & Associate Gloria Nilson & Roach Nilson &Princeton Realty Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Realty Gloria Nilson &Gloria Roach Roach Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Realtors Henderson Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox Callaway Henderson Hathaway Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Hathaway Fox H ** Current President Mercer Co Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox President Mercer County Top PA Henderson Fox Henderson Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer & Co. **President Current President Mercer County T Hathaway Hathaway Fox Callaway ** Fox Current Mercer County Top Produ Co. Real Estate Keller ® & Co. ®Hathaway derson Princeton Gloria Nilson Berkshire ® Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Hathaw Realtors ® Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fo Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Realtors ® Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Hathaway Fox Coldwell Banker ® Sotheby's Co. Real Estate Hathaway F Estate e Realtors ® Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Real Estate Co. Real Estate Realtors ®Realty ®® ® Henderson xms Realtors Co. Hathaway Fox ® 4 ach Hathaway Fox & Sotheby's Keller Roach Real ®4 & Prince Williams Henderson ®Banker Williams Williams Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson Princeton Realty & Roach 4 RE/MAX Roach Realtors Residential ®Realtors 4 Sotheby's ®Princeton Williams Residential Residential 4 Roach Realtors Sotheby's ®Henderson Coldwell & Roach Roach Realtors Roac & Co. Williams & Co. & Co. Residential Sotheby's ® & Roach & Roach Realtors Residential ® Sotheby's & Co. Realtors ® Co. Real Estate & Co. Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Realtors Co. Real Estate & Co. Co. Realtors Roach Realtors &Roach Roach heby's & Roach & Roach Co. 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Weichert Realtors®

Coldwell Banker Realty

Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty

Weichert Realtors® Princeton Junction

Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty

AmyAmy G.Amy YaelNancy L. Yael Nancy G. Amy G. G. Yael L. Yael L. L.Saman Nancy Nancy Nancy Saman Saman Saman Robin L. L. Amy G. Nancy Ivy Amy G. Yael L. Saman Zakut Amy G. Yael Yael L. Nancy Saman Saman Worthington Zakut Zakut Zakut Debbie Lang* Lisa LeRay Marna Brown-Krausz Anjani Kumar Elisabeth “Beth” Kerr Ingela Kostenbader Amy G. Yael L. Nancy Saman Worthington Worthington Worthington Zeeshan Willever Zeeshan Zeeshan Zeeshan Willever Willever Willever Willever Wallack Worthington Nancy Amy G. Nancy Wen Ivy Realtor®Sales Zakut IvyIvy AmyAm GS Nancy Sales Associate Willever Worthington Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Zakut Zakut Broker Associate Nancy Associate Sales Associate Amy G. Yael L. Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Amy G. L. Nancy Saman Worthington Amy G.Yael Yael L. 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Put Putus ustotowork work for foryou! you!

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Callaway Certo Burke Hulbert Coldwell Banker Brown Calman Burke Coldwell Hulbert Berkshire Brown Calman Berkshire Callaway Certo Burke Gloria Nilson “Sandy” Brown Hulbert Callaway Berkshire Callaway Callaway “Sandy” Brown 2Gloria 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 “Sandy” Brown Brown Calman RE/MAX Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Brown Calman Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Coldwell Associate Brown Calman Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Banker Coldwell Associate Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & & Co. Real RE/M Coldwell Banker Coldwell Associate Coldwell Henderson Associate Nilson Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Richard "Rick" Marion Coldwell Banker RE/MA Coldwell Coldwell Associate Associate Beatrice Berkshire Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Callaway Richard "Rick" Marion Ellen hire Berkshire Banker Callaway Berkshire Beatrice Beatrice Berkshire Richard "Rick" Richard "Rick" Marion Marion Elle Berkshire Michelle Helen Callaway Callaway Beatrice Berkshire Berkshire Henderson Blane Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson &Henderson alBlackwell Barbara Michelle Harveen Helen Banker Gloria Nilson & hire Richard "Ric Marion Banker Coldwell Banker Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell Hathaway Fox & Blane Blane Blane Broker Sales Blackwell Rich Marion Blane Gloria Nilson Sales Broker Sales Bloom Barbara Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Michelle Harveen Helen Helen Gloria Nilson & Broker Sales Associate Banker Gloria Nilson &Sales erkshire Richard Marion Gloria Nilson Henderson Banker Broker Sales Associate Banker Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Sales Associat Coldwell Banker Broker Sales Bloom Bloom Bloom Coldwell Banker Banker Berkshire Bloom Broker Associate SaA Gloria Nilson Broker Sales Gloria Nilson Henderson Broker Sales Associate Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Broker Associate Sales Asso Broker Sales Hathaway Fox & Henderson Henderson Henderson Broker Sales Associate Helen Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson Broker Associate Helen & Co. Real hatla Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Bhatla Sales Associate Broker Associate Helen & Co. Real Broker Associate Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate & Co. Real & Co. Real Estate Residential Hathaway Fox & Residential Sales Associate Broker Associate Sotheby's & Co. Real & Co. Real Beatrice Banker Berkshire Sales Associate Broker Associate Beatrice Sales Associate Broker Associate Banker Berkshire Greater Princeton Henderson Co. Real Estate ofGloria Princeton Beatrice &Blane Co. Real Banker Co. Real Estate Berkshire Banker Residential Berkshire Residential Burke Burke Henderson Barbara Deborah Michelle Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn Beatrice Residential Co.Fox Real Estate Banker Banker Berkshire Berkshire Co. Real Estate Barbara Deborah Michelle Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn Beatrice Hathaway Fox & Blane Co. Real Estate “Sandy” Brown Henderson Beatrice Residential Henderson Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Burke Sotheby's Greater P Fox & Hathaway & Residential Co. Real Estate Barbara Deborah Michelle Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn Broker Associate Sales Associate Henderson Henderson Residential Brown Hathaway Fox & International C Residential Blackwell Blane “Sandy” Brown Tri Coun Barbara Deborah Michelle Harveen ay Burke Wen Kathryn Bloom Fox &Nilson Hathaway Fox & Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Barbara Harveen Michelle ® Hathaway Broker Associate Sales Associate Calman Barbara borah Michelle Harveen Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Blackwell “Sandy” Brown “Sandy” Brown Gloria Sotheby's Bloom Bloom Nilson Sotheby's Associate Brown Brown Calm & Broker Co. Real Residential Fox & Burke Residential Col Associate Sotheby's Roach Realtors Bloom Gloria Nilson Sotheby's Residential Sotheby's Sotheby's way Fox &Associate ® Residential Gloria Nilson “Sandy” Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Burk Bhatla Coldwell ® Associate Gloria Nilson Residential “Sandy” Brown Hathaway Fox & Estate Beatrice Residential Associate Co. Real Estate International Brown Residential Hathaway Fox & Coldw Associate “Sandy” Brown Estate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Residential Residential Bhatla Berkshire Brown Sales Associate ® Roach ® Co. Real Estate Berkshire Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Brown Roach Realtors Estate ® Estate Residential Residential Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Associate iate ® Barbara & Co. Real Deborah Michelle Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn Sales Associate Berkshire International Estate Estate Residential Residential Berkshire & Co. Real Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson &Broker &&Co. Real Sotheby's & Co. Real Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson Residential Hathaway Fox Sotheby's & Co. RealBlackwell Co. Real Blackwell Blane Residential Hathaway Fox Blackwell Blane Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Brokerage Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sotheby's Gloria Nilson ®&Residential Sotheby's International Gloria Nilson &Berkshire Brokerage Fox &International Broker Sales Residential Hathaway Fox & Blackwell Blane ®®Callaway ®Gloria Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson & & Sotheby's Sotheby's Bloom ® Hathaway Gloria Nilson Bloom Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Residential Hathaway Fox& & Hathaway Fox &International Blackwell Blane Nilson Broker Sales Sales Broker Sales ® ® Residential Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Blackwell Blane Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson Callaway Callaway Blane Bloom Broker Associate Sales Associate Brokerage Broker Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate ® International ®Co. & Real Bhatla Brokerage altors Roach Realtors Brokerage Brokerage Roach Realtors Benedetti Amira Bash Baxter & Co. Real Bloom Bhatla International Sales Associate Broke Benedetti Amira Bash Baxter Brokerage Bloom Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Estate Sales Associate Bloom Broker Sales Brokerage Bhatla & Co. Real International Br Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Sales Associate Broker Associa International Benedetti Amira Bash Baxter ®Callaway & Co. Real Broker Sales Associate Brokerage Bhatla & Co. Real Broker Broker Sales Associate ® Realtor Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Benedetti Bash Baxter Brokerage altors Realty Realty Bhatla Brokerage Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker As Ba Berkshire Bhatla ® Broker Sales Associate edetti Sales Associate Brokerage h Realtors Sales Associate Banker Berkshire Brokerage Brokerage Roach Realtors Berkshire Blackwell Blane Brokerage Realty Roach Realtors Berkshire esHenderson Associate Sales Associate Weichert, Hathaway & ® ® ® Sales Associate ® Bash Hathaway Fox & Fox Estate Brokerage Sales Associate Bloom International Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, Brokerage Brokerage Weichert, Hathaway Fox & ® International Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox &Banke Williams ams ® Brokerage Broker Associate Sales Associate Keller Williams Brokerage Hathaway Fox &Associate Callaway Gloria Nilson International International Realty Brokerage Brokerage Benedetti Amira Baxter ® ® Bhatla Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Henderson International International Brokerage Roach Realtors Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson ®Estate ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Brokerage Roach Realtors Estate Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate Associate Co. Real Estate Henderson Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Estate Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson Roach Realtors Brokerage Estate Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Realty Estate Sales Associate Realty Associate Brokerage Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Estate Sales Associate Estate Co. Real Estate Realty Co. Real Estate Estate Estate Realty Sales Associate Realty Realty Co. Real Estate Estate Sales Associate &Realty Co. Real Sales Associate Estate Gloria Nilson Broker Associate Sales Associate & Co. Real Sales Associate Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate & Brokerage Co. Real Assoc Glori Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate &Realty Co. Real Hathaway Fox & Weichert, & Brokerage Co. Real Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales ®Associate Hathaway Fox & Sales ® Associate Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson ® Sales Associate Sales Weichert, Weichert, Hathaway Fox &Real ®Gloria NiRA eAssociate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson Hathaway Fox &Nilson ® Associate Keller Williams Residen Hathaway Fox &Gloria Realty ® Realtors Callaway Callaway Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson ® Resid Callaway Callaway ® Weichert, ® ®Associate Roach Realtors er Williams ® Sales Associate ® Residential & Co. Realty Realty Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Roach Realtors Realtors Henderson Henderson & Co. Real Callaway Callaway Roach Gloria Nilson Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Roach Realtors Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Realtors Realtors Callaway Callaway Henderson Henderson & Co. Real & Co. Real Realtors Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson nceton nHenderson Princeton Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate & Co. Real Berkshire Berkshire & Co. Real ® & Co. Real ® Weichert, ®Callaway Callaway Weichert, ® ®® ® L sa Cande a Berkshire Callaway Callaway Keller Williams ®en ® Be ® Keller Keller Williams Weichert, ® Coldwell Berks Callaway ® Williams® Keller Williams ® Weichert, ® ® Keller Williams Keller Williams® Keller Williams Roach Realtors Callaway Weichert, Brok Weichert, Roach Realtors ® Keller Williams ® ® RR Ma a R cha d "R ck" Ma on E Henderson Henderson Estate oan Keller Williams® Keller Williams Ka ma Keller Williams Co. Henderson Henderson Estate Keller Williams Brokerage Roach Realtors Sotheby's Coldwell Banker Estate Keller Williams® Keller Williams R Ma a ® L sa Cande a R cha d "R ck" Ma on E en Realtors B Roach Realtors oan Banker Ka ma Henderson Henderson Brokera International International Roach Realtors Co. Real Esta Williams® Sotheby's Sotheby's Maria Lisa CandellaRichard Estate Henderson Henderson Coldwell Banker Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen Realtors Realtors He en International International International International International International Susan “Sue” che eRadha Susan"Suzy" Co. Real Ba b Henderson Henderson International International ker &Ma Co. Real Princeton Henderson Henderson Radha Maria Jennifer Richard "Rick" Marion Ellen Radha Ma ache enn L sa Cande R"R cha d"Rick" "R ck" Ma on Sotheby's Sotheby's Estate Estate Ma adEstate enn eJennifer L en sa Cande ad"Rick" R cha dLisa ck" Ma onMarion Eck" en Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaEllen Realtors Maria Jennifer Jennifer He en Lisa CandellaMarion Ellen Ellen Susan “Sue” M eRadha Susan"Suzy" Ba Radha Maria Lisa CandellaRichard Marion Ellen Radha Ma aWeichert, enn eCo. RCande cha dRichard Ma on Princeton E & Co. Real Radha Ma aM enn eReal L sa Cande aEstate Ma on E®"Rick" enck" Ma aRadha enn enn eReal eRadha LaEstate Cande aen R"R cha d "R Ma on E en E en Helen ® Callaway aaeen L sa Cande adcha RMa cha "R ck" Ma on E Fox & Estate & Co. & Helen Keller Williams Princeton He en Helen Helen Estate Hathaway Fox & He en Keller Williams® Keller Williams Princeton Princeton ealty Princeton He en HeMarion en Realty Radha asa L sa Cande ack" Rsa cha "R ck" Ma on E Henderson & Co. Real He en Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & Radha CandellaLisa Richard "Rick" Richard "Rick" Marion Marion Ellen Henderson & Co. Real Henderson Henderson ® Radha Ma aL L sa Cande R cha d "R ck" on Eon Real Coldwell Banker ® sa Cande aCandellaRR cha "R Ma on E en Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen Radha L Helen sa aHe L aM R cha d "R ck" R cha dEstate MaRealty onPrinceton Ma on EHathaway en Henderson Radha Ma a& L sa Cande a"R sa aoasa R d "R ck" Ren cha d ck" Ma on Ma on Eon en EE Henderson Hathaway Fo M ® LCande sa Cande aCande cha d "R ck" Ma E be en He en L sa Cande aMa R dck" "RCurtis ck" Ma Eg Ma en Hatha Helen Helen Sotheby's Sotheby's Radha Ma aLLCo. Ma L"R sa Cande aEECurtis Cande R cha dCerto "R ck" Ren cha d "R ck" Ma on Ma on E en en ®cha Ce o Bu ke Realtors Hu Hathaway Sotheby's Sotheby's He en ® Realtors International Realtors He en ® Helen Princeton He en Realty He en “Sandy” B own Ce Bu ke D Meg o Princeton Hu be Ch en He en Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Realty B own Ca man Realtors He en He en senbe g International International “Sandy” B own Es aphanous Sotheby's Sotheby's Certo Burke D Meg o Princeton Princeton Realty Princeton Hulbert Certo Ch Realtors He en He en Burke Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Hulbert Sotheby's Sotheby's B own Ca man Princeton Princeton Realty Realty Sotheby's Sotheby's senbe Realtors Princeton International International “Sandy” Brown Es aphanous Certo Burke Ce o Bu ke DeL be o Hu be Ce o Cheerath Bu ke Princeton Certo Hu be Burke Cheerath Hulbert Curtis Hulbert Brown Princeton Princeton Realty Princeton “Sandy” Brown Brown Calman DeHaven* Certo Burke “Sandy” B own Ce o Bu ke Hulbert Residential “Sandy” Brown DeL be o Cheerath Facom “Sandy” Brown Princeton Princeton Realty Chee a h Cu s Ce o Ce o Princeton Bu ke Chee a h Hu be Cu s Brown Calman Cheerath Curtis Residential Hu be B own Henderson Curtis Curtis “Sandy” Brown “Sandy” B own B own Ca man DeHaven* Ce o Brown Calman ® Bu ke Brown Calman Calman Hu be on Realty Cheerath “Sandy” B own Chee a h Cu s Faco “Sandy” B own ® he ABuo ke Brown Calman own “Sandy” Ca man aSa Cu sEstate Residential Cu Cu sCalman s ooRealtors Princeton Princeton B own B own B Realty Caown man Realty B own man Ca man Chee aHu ® Hulbert BBoke own Ca man Roach Realtors Sotheby's Realty Bu ke ®Chee ®C be Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Burke Burke Hulbert Realtors Roach “Sandy” B own Ce Bu ke Hu be Bea ce aRealto hh Princeton “Sandy” Brown “Sandy” Brown Sotheby's Burke ake eHu Bu ke Bu ke be B Ca Estate Hu be Hu Cheerath Debo Roach Realtors Sa ebe AA oRoach aHulbert eaRoach “Sandy” own BA oke Sa eChee Ce oeRealtors Ce Bu ke Bu Sotheby's Brown Hu Hu “Sandy” B own Bea ce aRoac “Sandy” Brown “Sandy” B own “Sandy” B own Bu Bu ke BB Sa eCa AA oInternational aB eown Sa eoke Ake oA ao ebe Hu be Ca man Hu Estate Estate Princeton Chee a“Sandy” h Princeton International “Sandy” B “Sandy” B own Debo ah Sa eh oa Chee abe eahhbe BA oke Sa eA B own Ca man Ce Ce Ba M che ePrinceton Brown Ha veen Debo ah Calman Bu ke Bu ke BRealty ownBroker Bman own Ca Hu be Hu be International International Chee “Sandy” B own B own Realty oke Sa eoke oown a“Sandy” eown BCa oke A ooRoach aCe eoe man B own B own Ca man Ca man “Sandy” B own B own Sales Associate Broker Sales B own Ca man Baba baaRealty a Brown M che eSales B own Ha veen Debo ah ah Ca man Sales Associate Broker Sales Chee International International B oke A o a Broker Associate B B own Ca man man Residential Realty Estate Sales Associate Broker Sales International International Sa e A o a e Re B oke Sa e Sa e A o a e B A o a e Sa e A o a e B oke Sa e Sales Associate Estate Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate International International M Sa e o a B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate B oke International International Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Sales Associate Realty Estate A o a e B oke Sa e Broker Sales Associate Sa A o a e B oke a e Sa e A o a e Sa e o a e B oke Sa e Broker Sales Associate Marion Owne Sa e A a B oke Sa e A o a e Sa e o a e B oke A o a B oke A o e B oke Princeton B A o a e Sa e A o a e B oke e B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Realty Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Ma Princeton Sales Associate Broker Associate Realty B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Ma o Owne Sa e A o a e Helen Sotheby's B oke A o a e Broker Associate Sa e A Sales Associate BAson AB o eAeBroker Helen Associate Sales Associate B oke A oSa aA Broker eeea Sa A oB aa oB eeB Sa Aae eoAssociate eSa ae eAssociate Princeton eSales A ePrinceton oAssociate eSa BBRealty oke AA aaB eoeInternational Broker BBoAssociate oke aSa eeB He en Broker Associate oke A oAssociate aoke eB Sa Sa eMa Realty Sa oSales aSa Princeton Helen Sales Associate Broker He en B oke A aBo eA Sa A oAssociate aAeeaeoSales eA oaeoke aHelen eCo Sales A aSales o oke oAssociate aoke eAssociate oke eeeo oaBroker Sales Associate Helen Realty Sa A aeSales o Beeoke aBroker Princeton A o aAssociate eBBoke oke oB AA aA oeBoSa aSa Broker Broker Sales Sa eo A Realty Magda oke A o aA A aBroker eA Ca en Realty Sa eA A oaBeAssociate aaBroker eBN BaSa aA eoBroker BaB oke A aaBeoeB Sa eao A oAssociate A aaeeaoke oke Sa Broker Sales Sa eeo Sa eA oAssociate aA eoBaA eB Realty eeA oke eBroker International Broker International B oke A oeA aen eA BGloria oke SaNilson eSa oke B Sa eAssociate oe or eA oke A oSa eA Brokerage Ca away oke eoke eAeaSa Sa oke oke Sa Associate BBrokerage oke SaInternational e Associate A oBBaWen e B oke Sa eeCo A ece Broker Broker aoke N eS oke Sa eeBSales International oke Sa Sa oA Sa oCo B oke oeB eABroker ackwe dwe B A oA eSa Sa eColdwell A oeSales aSa oke A aen eoke B oke eAssociate oke eSa oke edwe A o aAssociate Broker Sa eBroker aBroker B oke A BHa oke A ooke aBa eoke Brokerage G son Sa aG oke A oSa aBea B oce eA o aBB eoAssociate Sales Associate ackwe Co dwe B ane BHe aaAaeA A aeoAssociate eaAadwe Realty Realty Bea ce BaHe aeA eoAssociate oke A aaoeoeeeoeSa BBRealty oom Sa eB aBche oke eaway Gloria Nilson Realty Realty edwe oSales o Sales Associate oke A oCa BaHe A o aooke eoke SaWen eRealty AWen o Ka aKa eGloria eeoeAssociate oke aoke eB Benede Coldwell oke AA Bea Bea ce Bea ce ce Associate oom Bea ce Sa eche A o ache Sa edwe AA aColdwell aaoB eeoB BBaoke oA eore G or aTopProducer3:top NInternational oke A aBea eA Realty Realty Princeton Nilson Sa eB B Berksh oke A aeo“Sandy” eoAssociate Bha aena Sa eaCo BSa A a“Sandy” eo Gloria Nilson Realty Coldwell Benede Realty aA M eBche Debo Ha veen ena hane yn B oke A aSa A oAssociate a2 eoBa Benede Bea ce Bea ce ce Berksh Realty Realty A oh aHa eAssociate Coldwell Gloria Nilson Bea eche A o aor eoke Sa eSa BoBanker ooke oke eA oBerksh e aor oke ooke aB ere G or N son Associate G or ahKa N son Bha aRealty Coldwell G or aah N son Associate Ba Ba a12:58 ba aSa M che M eeoor M eaeor eSales Debo Debo ah Debo ah ah Ha veen Ha Magda Magda ena Magda ena ena Wen Ka hKa yn hh Ka yn hahson yn Co Aveen aG eba ba aoba M eoke Debo ah Realty Ha veen Realty Magda Wen h yn BBrown oke A Benede Ba ba M che eAeBanker veen Magda ena Wen Ka h Berkshire Co Gyn or aveen N son Berkshire Aor aoaeba “Sandy” Brown G aBaaCallaway N & Realty Callaway Brown Co A o eN Ba ba Ba ba Ba aor ba aHa M M che eAssociate M che eeoGloria eGloria Debo Debo ah Debo ah ah Ha veen veen Ha veen Magda Magda ena Magda ena ena Wen Wen Ka yn Ka yn Ba ba aNilson M che Ha veen Magda Wen Ka yn Berksh re Co Berksh re “Sandy” B own Berkshire B Berkshire G or N son away G N son “Sandy” Brown “Sandy” B own Ca away International Berkshire Callaway “Sandy” Brown producer 4/8/15 PM Page 1 Co dwe Banker Co Brown Berksh re RE/MAX or aG N son Berksh Ca away G N son & Brokerage RE/MAX Henderson or aor N son “Sandy” B own Gloria & away Gloria re Ca Ca away away Co dwe A odwe eN “Sandy” Booown TopProducer3:top producer 2B 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 Bro G or adw NN Coldwell “Sandy” B own B own RE/MAX G aBa N son Associate Gloria Nilson & G son & Coldwell Banker RE/MAX Henderson Gloria Nilson G or aBea N son & G or aaaMichelle N son Nilson Gloria Nilson G or aNilson N son G or aaaCo son Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Co dwe Aaor oeN adwe e Beatrice & Co B Realty G or adw Coldwell Co Co dwe Banker ason eCa G or aaG N son Gloria Nilson & A oyn aSaGloria eReal Aa& o Callaway adwe e Callaway GaB or a& N son & Co dwe Banker BMagdalena oke AAyn o eWen Sa eeWen A oah aena Realty Gloria Nilson Coldwell Realty Realty G or N son G or N son G ache N G or aB N son & G or aoNilson N son Co dwe Co dw Gloria A o eson A oA eBerksh G or GBarbara aRea or N aor son N son & & & Co Rea Gloria Nilson Beatrice Berksh re Coldwell Banker Co dwe Co ABanker oeAssociate aCallaway eBerksh A oAssociate ere G or aNilson N son G or aaMichelle N son G aare son & Gloria Nilson B okeDeborah o aaah e Nilson Sa A o& aeReal eRea Gason or aBarbara N son Realty Co dwe Banker Berkshire Berkshire Co dwe Co dw G or aeNilson N A o ABanker o aoBanker G or ache N son Co. Real Banker Bea ce Berksh re re Co dwe Banker Beatrice Beatrice Realty or a N son Berksh re Berkshire Berksh re Berksh re Michelle Deborah Harveen gdalena Kathryn & Co. & Co Rea Banker re Berksh re Berksh re ce Bea ce & Co. & Co. Real ackwe Berksh re B ane Berksh re G or a N son & e A a Ba ba a M che e Debo Ha veen agda ena & Co. Real Wen Ka h Barbara Michelle & Co Rea Deborah Harveen Harveen Wen Kathryn Kathryn Banker Bea ce Gloria Nilson & Berksh Berksh re Berkshire BBoke Banker & Co Berkshire Co dwe Banker & Co Rea B ackwe B ackwe ackwe Ha haway Fox & B ane B ane B ane B ackwe B ane G or a N son & ackwe B ane G a N son Sa e A o a e eWen A o a e B oom Barbara Coldwell Banker & Co Rea Deborah Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn Ba ba a Ba ba a M e M e Debo Debo ah Ha veen Ha veen Magda ena Wen Wen Ka h yn Ka h yn G or a N son & Broker Sales Associate Banker Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Banker G or a N son & Berksh re Gloria Gloria Nilson Henderson oke Banker Berksh re Co dwe Banke Banker Broker Sales Associate Henderson B ackwe ackwe B ackwe Ha haway Fox & B ane B ane B ane ke A oA Banker Berkshire G or a N son & G or a N son & B ackwe B ane G or a N son B oom B oom B oom SaAm e A o a e B oom Ba ba a Co dwe Banker M che e Debo ah Ha veen Magda ena Wen Ka h yn Banker Berkshire G or a N son & B oom B oke Sa e A o a e Banker G or a N son & G or a N son Berksh re Gloria Nilson Henderson G or a N son G or a N son Henderson Broker Sales Associate Bha a Co dwe Banker Banker B oke Sa e A o a e Henderson Hathaway Fox & oke A oAaaoeoe aaee Sa Henderson Banker Berksh re Henderson Henderson G or a N son & G or a N son & Benede a Bash Bax e Broker Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & G or a N son G or a N son B oom B oom B oom Banker Berksh re B oom Broker Associate G or a N son & Co Rea G or a N son Henderson Bha Bha a Bha a a So heby s BBanker oke SaoeSales ACo oAdwe aSa eon Bha a Banker Bha a Ha haway Fox & Henderson Benede Benede Benede Am aCo aRea aCa Bash Bash Bax Bax e e Bax e Co. Real & Co. Real Henderson Henderson Benede AmAm a&& Bax e B oke eaBeatrice A o aSa eA Ha haway Fox & G or a N son G or a N son Hathaway Fox & Am a Bash Bax e Realty Hathaway Fox & Sale B oke Sa e o e & Co Rea Bha Bha a Bha a a So heby s Hathaway Fox & Co Rea Es a e & Co Rea Bha a & Co. Real Benede Benede Benede Am Am a Am Am a Ca a Bash Bash BashBash Bash Bax Bax e e Bax e & Co Rea Es a e Res Ha haway Fox & Am a Bash Bax e Res den a Sales Assoc Ha haway Fox & Sa & Co Rea & Co Rea Berksh re away Ca away Ha haway Fox & Co Rea Es a e & Co Rea & Co Rea Sales A Es a e Berkshire Berkshire Res Res den a Sa e o & Co Rea & Co Rea Grea er Pr nce on Banker Berksh re away Ca away Co Rea Es a e Pr nce & Co Rea B Co. Real Estate e A Berksh re Berkshire Berksh re Berksh re Estate Residential Ba ba a Debo ah Ha veen Magda ena Wen Ka h yn Residential Co Rea Banker Bank Grea er Pr nce on Berksh re Berksh re Co. Real Estate Barbara Co Rea Es a e M Deborah Harveen Magdalena Wen Kathryn o Pr nce on Beatrice & Co Rea Blackwell Ha haway Fox & Blane B Co Rea Es a e Berksh re Co. Real Estate Berksh re Estate Beatrice Residential Co. Co. Real e aWe den ace Ba ba ace Debo ah Ha veen ena Wen Ka h Estate Res den aveen Co Rea Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox && Estate Banker Bank Co. Estate Ba ba aBea Berksh re Berksh reaA Debo ah Ha veen Magda Wen Ka h yn oke A o& aWen eBo Sa eBarbara A aaaeeEstate Es aoEstate eSa den aNilson haway Fox &a& Bea ce & Co. Real B ackwe Ha haway Fox & B ane Estate Residential Co Rea Es aRea Blackwell Blane Blane Es e& Bea Res den & Co. Real Co Co Rea Es aoeEs eA Barbara Michelle Deborah Harveen Magdalena Kathryn Bloom Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox & Es aaEs e aWen Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox Res den Es aCo ee Real BBha oke A A aaeoReal A aveen eBlackwell aackwe eReal Sa eRea Sa A Sa ayn ea eoeeoe AaA eB a& eResidential Co Es aKa eCo Ba ba aden Debo ah Ha veen Magda ena Wen h yn B oke A o aa ee Sa eBa A o Harveen Magdalena Michelle Wen Kathryn Res den aN haway Fox B oke A oaeRes aRea Sa eRes A ooRes Barbara &&eoBenedetti Co. Real Michelle Deborah Harveen Magdalena Kathryn Ha haway Fox & Ha haway & Co Rea Blackwell Es ahaway eBaBhatla den aeG B ackwe B B ane B ane Gloria Nilson Co Rea Ba as& M eRes Debo ah Ha Magda ena Ka hA && Co. oom & Real Ha Fox & Sotheby's Ha haway Fox & Bloom Nilson Sotheby's B oke A BCo o A oke eoRea A ae eo o aMagda Sa eena ehaway aEs aBlane eoa oRes a®& eeRes ba ah Ha veen Magda che Wen Ka h Bhatla & Co. B oke A aeHa eHa Sa eeResidential A ayn ea Hathaway Fox & Ba ba aM Co Rea M eyn Debo ah Ha Magda ena Wen hHa Fox haway Fox & Residential B ackwe Hathaway Benedetti Amira Bash G or a& N Sotheby's Rea Bloom & Rea So heby oom oom Gloria Nilson cher G aFox N son So heby Sotheby's Sotheby's Fox Bha ayn Gloria Co den aCo ee A o aeeResidential eoReal Ha haway & Rea aerna eHa ® den aA haway Fox Benede Am aW Bash eoSa erer W ams® Gloria Nilson Residential Hathaway Fox & Benedetti Benedetti Amira Bash Baxter a& Res ason So heby sRes Roach Rea Ke W Co. Real n ona G or aGloria N son We cher Residential So heby Hathaway Fox den aCo Estate Estate So heby So heby sRes Sa A aeResidential eFox oeoCo A ache eCo o aB Ha Fox & Residential or aRes son eaane o eSa Co Rea Es ahaway eSa aWen ehaway o asCo eeRoach Sa eDeborah A aeFox eHathaway ® den aeKathryn Ke ams® ® G aor N son den Fox & Benede Am aaea& Bash eAssociate Co Rea Es aors eHa eoke Co. 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Sales Associate We Henderson Ca ®ams Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Ca yams away Ca away Sa e A o a e Sa e o e C ® ® Ke er W ams® KeRes erRea W Henderson Henderson Keller Williams Keller Williams® Keller Williams® ellerer Williams Keller Williams Ke er W ams Ke W Henderson Henderson Henderson We cher Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Henderson Ca away Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Ca away well Banker Ca C So heby s So s ® ® Rea Keller Williams® Keller Williams Henderson Henderson Ke er W ams Ke er W ams® Ke er W ams® Ke W ams Ke er W Pr nce on Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson A ana koswk Pr nce on So So s s s So heby So heby s s we Banker Ca away So heby s So heby s Callaway Callaway Coldwell Banker So heby s So heby s Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Callaway Callaway Rea Ke er W ams® Ke er W ams Henderson Gee a Ka pesh Pr nce on Rea ors Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Donna Lucare Ca away Ca away Rea y Broker Associate Sales Associate Pr nce Pr nce on Pr on nce on Pr nce Rachna 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Keller Williams So heby sKe Callaway ® Ke erams® W ams® Ke er W ams ® So heby We cher Henderson Ke ererWilliams® W Ke er W ams Henderson KeWilliams WHenderson ams Keller Williams away Henderson We cher Keller Williams Sotheby's Co dwe Weams cher So heby heby sHenderson heby sSo Keller Williams® Keller Williams Ke er®ona WWeichert, Ca away ® ® ® heby sBanker Coldwell Banker Henderson Ca Henderson Ke Wnce ams® Ke er W ams Williams® Keller Williams Henderson HH nSotheby's erna ona ona Ke er Estate Keller Williams® Keller Williams Ke WnRealtors ams So heby syRea sams Co dwe Banker Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Ke er W ams® Ke Wona ams Henderson ®ors Rea ors Co dwe Banker Realtors Realtors Est nheby erna ner erna nona erna ona ona nRea erna nona ona n ona ona Ke er W ams® KeBanker er W ams Henderson nSo erna ona n erna Henderson Henderson Es aHe e Pr nce on n erna nRea erna Ke W ams® er W ams Coldwell Princeton Princeton Henderson Henderson Princeton Princeton Realty Sotheby's Sotheby's hebyCallaway sPrKeller So heby sBanker So heby syer So heby snce Henderson Henderson Realtors Co dwe Banker Coldwell Banker Rea ors Es ® Coldwell nW erna non erna ner erna ona ona nRea erna n®yerna erna ona nerna erna ona ona Henderson Henderson Princeton n erna ona nors erna ona Co dwe Banker Pr nce on Pr nce Henderson Henderson PrHenderson nce on Pr nce on Rea y So heby sCa SoWilliams heby son Princeton Princeton Princeton Realty Princeton Realty Rea Co dwe Banker ® ona Co dwe Banker Callaway Pr nce on Keller Pr nce Princeton Princeton Realty Pr nce Pr nce on Pr nce on Rea y Pr nce on Rea Rea y Ca away sidential den a on Residential Keller Williams® Keller Pr nce Pr on Pr on nce on Ke er W ams Pr nce on Pr nce on nce on Rea Rea y Rea y y Pr on Rea y Henderson Residential Rea y Res den a Ke er W ams® Ke er W ams Pr nce Pr nce on Pr on nce on Henderson Henderson Hend Rea Rea y Rea y y Pr nce on Sotheby's R o ® y Henderson Coldwell Banker Rea Rea y Rea y y Res den a Rea y 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Madolyn nce on Pr nce Rea y Pr nce Res den Princeton Princeton Henderson Rea Realty Pr nce Pr nce on Rea ynce on Rea Residential Vanessa Realty Harriet Princeton Res den aden Pr nce on Prheby nce on So son Realty Rea yW Rea Res den ak on Sotheby's Sotheby's Soth Rea yThomas International Realty Realty Pr nce on Res den a Residential Thomas aaokerage Robin Joan C. So snce Rea y yPrinceton Res den aRea Thomas Robin Joan C. Madolyn Princeton okerage So sheby Rea yyon So So Realty yaden nd nResidential erna ona Rea yLisa ySusan International International Saundra Harriet Robin Joan C. Madolyn Vanessa Rea y Rea yRea y Pr nce So heby snd Princeton R on oVanessa ® Ellen Rea Sotheby's Brokerage KRea merna Thomas Robin Joan C. Madolyn yPrinceton Princeton nnserna ona Thomas Robin Robin Joan Joan C. C. Madolyn Madolyn Rea y Rea International nThomas erna n® erna ona R yyVanessa M C w y Hheby So s Realty International Inte Thomas Lori Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Realty Realty Rea yPr yBarbara Brokerage So heby s ySotheby's S ona ABarbara oJoan Vanessa Brokerage Ingela Rea yPr Vanessa Vanessa Pr nce on Pr onRealty Rea ySusan erna ona So heby sRea Lisa nynce ona nnheby erna ona nnh Vanessa Karma Rea yVanessa Rea yy Residential Realty Realty Realty Realty Brokerage International International Karma erna ona International International Joan C. Madolyn International Realty Jenif Res den awSotheby's Rea Rea yHheby Rea Rea yC.International nDebbie erna ona nRea erna ona Joan Joan Karma nCyerna ona nRealty erna ona n erna ona erna ona yyLori Rea yBrokerage Rea yC. Karma Karma Realty Sotheby's Thomas Lisa Robin Joan C.yRealty Madolyn Rea ykRea Thomas Susan"Suzy" nLisa JoanEstaphanous C.Realty Madolyn Robin C. Madolyn Rea ynyJoan So heby serna Princeton Vanessa Realty Princeton Vanessa Vanessa Rea y Princeton Realty Thomas usan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan Madolyn Thomas Susan"Suzy" Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Rea Froehlich Greve n ona Pr nce on Rea y Rea y International Thomas n"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Barbara Thomas Lisa Robin Joan C. Robin Madolyn Joan Madolyn International Intern Pr nce on Eisenberg Realty Vanessa Vanessa Pr nce on Rea y Realty Gronczewski Rea n erna ona Brokerage Hughes Rea y Realty n erna ona Vanessa Vanessa Realty n erna ona n ern Rea y Brokerage Realty Rea International Brokerage Rea y Friedman n erna ona Froehlich Greve International So h by n n on Rea y Brokerage Rea y International Froehlich Greve Realty Rea y Rea y n erna ona Realty Brokerage Brokerage Lang * R y M C n Brokerage P n on R y Hughes Gronczewski n erna ona Froehlich Greve Gronczewski Brokerage Rea y n erna ona Facompre’ Folmer George C n So h by n n on Rea y Rea y Froehlich Greve Froehlich Froehlich Greve Greve Brokerage Realty K Friedman W Magdalena m Brokerage Gronczewski Realty Realty Froehlich Greve Friedman Gronczewski Hudson Rea y Realty Realty Gronczewski Gronczewski Lafferty Friedman Realty Realty Rea y Beatrice nous Rea y Rea y Gronczewski Realty Friedman Rea y Rea y er George Rea y Rea y Friedman George Greve Friedman Rea y International Friedman Hudson Barbara Deborah Michelle Harveen Wen Kathryn olmer George Gronczewski Brokerage George Folmer George George Lefkowitz LeRay n erna ona Janick Facompre’ Folmer George Janis Kerr Froehlich Greve Brokerage Kostenbader Sales Associate Sales Associate Rea y DiMeglio ich Greve Froehlich Estaphanous Gronczewski Realty Realty Rea Eisenberg Sales Estaphanous Gronczewski Gronczewski Janick Rea y Greve DiMeglio Froehlich DiMeglio Froehlich George Rea yAssociate Jan Rea y Re Eisenberg Meglio Froehlich Froehlich Greve Greve Eisenberg Friedman Gronczewski Estaphanous Gronczewski Associate Sales Associate Rea y y Greve Realty Friedman Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Realty Estaphanous Estaphanous Gronczewski Gronczewski Rea yAssociate Facompre’ Folmer George Sales Associate RRealty yKarma Associate Sales Associate Rea yAssociate Sales Associate Friedman Friedman Rea ySales George Facompre’ George Associate Sales Associate Sales Sales 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Associate Michele Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C Sales Associate Sales Associate Bhatla lesAssociate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Benedetti Amira Bash Baxter Sales Associate Sales Asso Callaway Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate sociate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway er Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Sales Associate te Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Sales Associate Sales Ass Callaway ciate Callaway Callaway Broker Associate Callaway Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Owner Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Associate Callaway Sales 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Callaway Eisenberg Gloria Nilson & Callaway DeHaven* Estaphanous Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer Callaway Callaway Radha Maria Jennifer DeLiberto Friedman Facompre’ Folmer Geo Weichert, DeLiberto Friedman Sales Associate Sales Associate DeHaven* Henderson Henderson DeLiberto Berkshire Friedman Joan Radha Radha Radha Maria Maria Maria Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer dellaaCandellaHenderson Henderson Berkshire Karma Weidel RE/MAX Radha Maria Jennifer DeHaven* Lisa CandellaEllen Facompre’ Folmer George Henderson DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Henderson Facompre’ Folmer George Joan Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Karma Gloria Nils Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Berkshire Weichert, Henderson AX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Callaway Callaway JoanHenderson JoanRE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Karma Karma del RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Henderson Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Michele T Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Henderson Weidel RE/MAX Weichert, Henderson Sales Associate Sales Associate Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Weidel RE/MAX RE/MAX Sales Associate Sales Associate Joan Karma ker Weidel RE/MAX Henderson Joan Weich Weichert, Karma Susan “Sue” Susan “Sue” Michele Michele Thom Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Barbara Barbara Lisa Lisa Sales Associate Sales Associate Joan Karma RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Sales Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX Sales Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX rson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson &Radha Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Henderson Henderson ® Michele Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Susan “Sue” Sotheby's Sotheby's Michele Susan"Suzy" Barbara RE/MAX Weichert, derson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Susan “Sue” Radha Jennifer ®Sales Henderson Michele Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lis Henderson Callaway Weidel RE/MAX Sotheby's Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson &®Berkshire Keller Williams Sales Associate Henderson Henderson RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Fox &Michele Radha Maria Jennifer Jennifer Lisa CandellaOwner Sales Associate Keller Williams® Keller Williams Broker Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Owner Sales Associate Sales Associate Weidel RE/MAX Weidel RE/MAX Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Associate Broker Associate Associate Sales Associate Maria Jennifer sa Sales Associate ® Weidel Weidel RE/MAX RE/MAX Sotheby's Certo Sales Associate Henderson Henderson Sotheby's ® Associate ater Princeton Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Sotheby's of Princeton Broker Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Coldwell Banker Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Certo Certo Certo Owner Sales Associate Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Sotheby's Hathaway Fox &Hathaway Sotheby's Sotheby's Hulbert ert Broker Associate Associate Certo Cheerath Curtis Sales Associate Hulbert Sotheby's Sotheby's Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate ®CandellaRealtors Roach Realtors ® Hathaway Fox & Sotheby's Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales A DiMeglio Sotheby's Realtors Hathaway & Cheerath Cheerath Cheerath Curtis Curtis Curtis Hathaway Fox Fox &RE/MAX &Associate Sales Associate Callaway Hathaway Fox & Sales Curtis Eisenberg ®Calman Callaway Callaway Estaphanous Sotheby's Hathaway Fox &Cheerath Tri County Broker Associate Sales Associate ® ®Sotheby's ® Sotheby's DiMeglio ® Fox Broker Associate Sal ®Sales Sotheby's Broker Sales Assoc Eisenberg Callaway Callaway ®Sotheby's rs Co. Real Estate Estaphanous Co. Real E Realtors DiMeglio DiMeglio DeLiberto Callaway Callaway Fr eton Callaway Callaway Sotheby's Eisenberg Eisenberg ealtors ® Callaway DeHaven* Estaphanous Estaphanous Tri County Co. Real Estate Realtors Realtors Realtors by's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Tri County DeLiberto Friedman Realtors Facompre’ Folmer Henderson Realtors DiMeglio Tri County Sotheby's Sotheby's DeHaven* Realtors Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Radha Maria DeLiberto DeLiberto Jennifer Friedm Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Hathaway Fox & Marion Ellen International International ®Associate Tri County DiMeglio Facompre’ Folmer Tri County Tri County Eisenberg Radha Radha Maria Maria Jennifer Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen Ellen heby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Estaphanous Hathaway Fox & Sotheby's DiMeglio Tri County Sotheby's DeHaven* DeHaven* Eisenberg Realto Realtors ® International Estaphanous Facompre’ Facompre’ Folmer Folmer Eisenberg Sotheby's Sotheby's Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen ton Hathaway Fox & Estaphanous Hathaway Fox & of Princeton ® Sotheby's Sotheby's DeLiberto Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen Greater Princeton Realtors Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & of Princeton International International ® DeLiberto ® Co. Real Estate Tri County International International Radha Maria Jennifer Princeton Lisa CandellaHelen DeHaven* Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaEllen DeLiberto Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton ® ® Greater Princeton International Helen Realtors DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer International of Princeton International International Sales Associate Roach Realtors Facompre’ Certo International International DeHaven* Princeton Princeton Realty Cheerath Curtis Sales Associate Hulbert International International International International of Princeton of Princeton Coldwell Banker Co. Real Estate ® Helen Facompre’ FolmF International ® Tri County Coldwell Banker International International Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate International Co. Real Co.Associate Real Estate Realtors Realtors Sales Associate International International Hulbert Tri County Tri County Sales Associate Cheerath Curtis Curtis International ®Estate International Realtors Coldwell Banker Residential RE/MAX ®Certo Gloria Nilson & ®International ®Gloria Henderson Henderson Berkshire Coldwell Banker Roach Realtors RE/MAX Tri County Tri County Gloria Nilson & ®RE/MAX Roach Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Cheerath RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire International ® Coldwell Banker er te ociate Associate Gloria Nilson & Broker Associate Tri County Tri County Gloria Nilson & Roach Realtors RE/MAX International Gloria Nilson &Realtors RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Roach Realtors RE/MAX Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Nilson & Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire Broker Associate RE/MAX Sales Associate Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Roach Realtors RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire International International Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Broker Associate ®Curtis Sales Associate Sales Associate ® ional International International International International Gloria Nilson & Broker Broker Associate Broker Associate Associate Weidel RE/M Sales Sales Associate Associate Princeton International oan Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Ka ® Weidel ® Owner Sales Associate International International ternational International International Sales Associate International International International Broker Associate Realtors RE/MAX ® ® Realty Realty Sale ®Sales ®Sales oan Sales Ka ma R Helen International International national International International International International ®ma ® International International Weidel RE/MA Owner Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Princeton Roach Realtors Joan Associat Karma International International Joan Associate Karma ® Susan “Sue” ® M eKarma Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aRobin LWeidel sa Rob nnBroker oan CCSales Mad Certo Burke Roach Realtors Owner Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Hulbert Broker Associate Broker Associate Joan Certo Certo oan Burke Realtors Sales Associate ® ® Karma Sales Ass Roach Realtors Realty Realty KaBroker ma Hulbert oan ® Weidel Realtors Joan Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Joan Joan KaSales ma Realty Susan “Sue” Karma Mche che eKa Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aJoan L sa Rob oan Ma Ha eRobin Susan “Sandy” Brown Karma Sales Associate Joan oan Cheerath Realty “Sandy” Brown Curtis Karma Certo Burke Realtors Realty Princeton Sales Associate Ka ma Sales Associate Sales Associate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hulbert Realty Realty Callaway oan Realty Brown oan oan Calman Cheerath Cheerath Curtis Curtis Ka ma Realtors Michele Ha eRob Thomas Susan"Suzy" Susan Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Ka ma ma Associate Princeton Realtors Realtors Realty Realty Certo Burke Owner Sales Associate Michele Sales Associate Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Brown Calman Calman oan Associate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hulbert Broker Associate “Sandy” Brown Ka Realtors Realty ® Sales Associate Certo Realty Realty Vanessa ue” Sales Associate Broker Associate Hulbert Michele Cheerath Thomas Susan"Suzy" Certo Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn ”Sue” Curtis Callaway M eche Vanessa Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aAssociate L ma sa Rob n oan C Mado yn Realty Associate Broker Associate Coldwell wn Hulbert Realty Realty M“Sue” che eche ® ®Owner Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aSotheby's L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn Sales Associate Michele Sales Associate Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin C. Madolyn n usan “Sue” Brown Calman Michele Michele Thomas Thomas Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Joan Joan C. C. Madolyn Madolyn Associate Broker Associate Realty Cheerath Curtis Sales Associate Realty Vanessa Susan “Sue” Realty Michele Vanessa Thomas Susan"Suzy" Lo Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn en eBroker EEC sabe hRob "Be h" Sales Associate M eSales Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aSotheby's L Susan"Suzy" sa Rob nKarma oan C Mado yn Brown Calman Callaway Callaway Vanessa Vanessa Sales Associate Sotheby's Cheerath nge Curtis Vanessa Coldwell Coldwell Coldwell Broker Associate ® ®Owner M eche Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aBarbara Loan sa Rob oan C Mado yn Susan an “Sue” “Sue” Cheerath Curtis M che M che eSales eRealty Thomas Thomas Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Ba ba aSusan"Suzy" L sa Rob nKarma nRealty oan oan CBarbara C Mado Mado yn yn Realtors Coldwell oan Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Vanessa Sales Associate Ka ma Vanessa Susan “Sue” alman M che eReal Thomas Susan"Suzy" Lo Ba ba aaphanous LanaKa sa Rob n oan C Mado yn en eVanessa sabe h "Be h" International ® ® Joan Vanessa Broker Associ ng Vanessa Vanessa oker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Realty Brokerage Brok Sotheby's Sotheby's Vanessa Ka ma oan Hathaway Fox & Residential Joan Sotheby's Sotheby's Callaway oan Broker As Callaway Ka ma Realtors Hathaway Fox & Residential Sotheby's Callaway Realty Realty oan Broker Associate Ka ma ma Sales Associate Sales Associate hire erkshire ® sa oan Realtors Realtors oan Susan “Sue” Berkshire M che e Thomas Ba ba L sa Rob n oan Mado yn ty Realty Realty Realty Realty Callaway Ka ma ® Callaway Callaway Callaway Realty Realty Hathaway Fox & Residential Greater Princeton Susan “Sue” oan Callaway Michele Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Robin Co. Estate of Princeton Certo Ka ma Ka ma Burke Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Residential Greater Princeton Hulbert Realtors Realtors Susan “Sue” Realty Realty Co. Real Estate M che e Realty Realty Realty Thomas Ba ba L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn of Princeton Realty Realty Realty Hathaway Fox & Residential ® Susan “Sue” Vanessa Susan “Sue” Co. Real Estate M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa n oa Michele Thomas Lisa Robin Susan “Sue” M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn Ba ba a Rob noan Realtors Realtors D Meg o F oeh ch G ® “Sandy” Brown ealty Realty Realty Realty Realty Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton Susan “Sue” Susan “Sue” Realty M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Ba ba a Thomas L sa Rob n oan C Rob Mado n yn C Realty ® Co. Real Estate Cheerath Realtors Curtis of Princeton E senbe g Greater Princeton Susan “Sue” Vanessa Coldwell Banker Susan “Sue” Es M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n o M che e Co. Real Estate Thomas Susan"Suzy" L Rob n Brown Calman Realtors of Princeton D Meg o F oeh ch G Hughes Realty Realty Greater Princeton Gloria Nilson & Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Coldwell Banker Susan “Sue” Susan “Sue” of Princeton M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Ba ba a Thomas L sa Rob n oan C Rob Mado n yn oan E senbe g Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Broker Sales Es aphanous Coldwell Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Banker Realtors DeL be o F edman DiMeglio Hughes Froehlich Greve Coldwell Banker Co. Real Estate Sales Sales Associate Associate Tri Co Broker Sales DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Realtors Broker Sales Associate Coldwell Banker Eisenberg DeHaven* Realtors Estaphanous Eisenberg Gronczewski Broker Sales Associate RE/MAX DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Gloria Nilson & Estaphanous DeL be o F edman Gronczewski D Meg o F oeh ch G eve RE/MAX Henderson Be Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Sales Associate Tri County Broker Sales D Meg o F oeh ch G eve DiMeglio Froehlich Greve DiMeglio DiMeglio Froehlich Froehlich Greve Greve Eisenberg Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Broker Associate E senbe g Tr Estaphanous DeHaven* Gronczewski Gloria Nilson & Es aphanous E senbe g Sales Associate G onczewsk Broker Sales DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Broker Sales Associate Eisenberg D Meg o F oeh ch G eve Eisenberg Eisenberg Es aphanous Broker Associate Tri Coun DeLiberto G onczewsk Friedman Estaphanous RE/MAX Gronczewski Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Hudson Estaphanous Estaphanous Gloria Nilson & Gronczewski Gronczewski DeLiberto Friedman RE/MAX Henderson Berkshire D Meg o F oeh ch G eve Sales Associate D Meg D Meg o o F oeh F oeh ch ch G eve G eve Eisenberg ociate E senbe g Sales Associate Estaphanous Gronczewski Es aphanous G onczewsk Realty D Meg o F oeh ch G eve E senbe g DeLiberto Friedman E senbe E senbe g g Coldwell Gloria Nilson & Broker Associate DeL be o F edman Es aphanous G onczewsk RE/MAX RE/MAX Hudson Facompre’ Folmer George Es aphanous Es aphanous G onczewsk G onczewsk DeL be o Gloria Nilson Gloria & Nilson & F edman DeLiberto Friedman Sales Associate Broker Associate RE/MAX RE/MAX Facompre’ Folmer George Henderson Henderson Berksh DeLiberto DeLiberto Friedman Friedman E senbe g International International Coldwell Banker Es aphanous n* G onczewsk Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Weidel DeLiberto Friedman International International DeL be o F edman Ba ba a Ha veen Magda ena Debo ah Wen Ka h yn M he Coldwell Banker Broker Associate Coldwell Facompre’ Folmer George Gloria Nilson Gloria & Nilson & Sales Associate Haven* DeHaven* Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Broker Associate Banker DeL be o F edman Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Facompre’ Folmer George DeL DeL be o be o F edman F edman Broker Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate Facompre’ Folmer George George Sales Sales Associate Associate DeHaven* Coldwell Banker en* Callaway Salesbe Associate Broker Associate DeL o Banker F edman International International an ck Facompre’ Folmer George an sedman Ke Weidel Ba ba aWeidel Ha Magda ena Debo ah Wen Ka h M hA Facomp Fo me Geo ge F oeh ch G eve Haven* DeHaven* RE/MAX Kos Nilson & Banker Banker RE/MAX International eeHenderson A oesenbe aasenbe eFo Sa A oveen aGeo eNilson Sa een A Facomp eSa me Geo ge Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Facomp eBroker Fo me ge ge Berkshire Sales Associate DeHaven* Henderson RE/MAX Froehlich Greve Froehlich Banker E gogMeg ® Gloria Nilson & International International RE/MAX Henderson Es aphanous an ck Facomp esenbe Fo me Geo ge an sGeo Ke Weidel Callaway F ch G eve Gloria Associate Eisenberg Sales Associate RE/MAX rway Associate Kos en Nilson & Estaphanous RE/MAX Sa A oGloria eGloria Sa eSales A oedman eeGloria Sa eG Henderson D Meg oBroker Fa& oeh ch DiMeglio Froehlich Nilson Berkshire D Meg oge F oeh ch G eve F& oeh ch Henderson Henderson Henderson senbe Associate Sales Associate ® Es aphanous Broker Associate Associate E senbe gg Meg oBroker D o FAssociate oeh F®FInternational oeh ch G eve Roach Realtors Eisenberg DeL be oBrokerage F edman Callaway Gloria Nilson & senbe ® Estaphanous Es aphanous Sales Associate G Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate D Meg oDiMeglio F oeh ch Roach Realtors D Meg oeGeo F oeh ch DeLiberto ® Friedman E senbe gbe Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate oke ASa aGeo eedman DeHaven* Es aphanous Es aphanous Coldwell Banker E xer Fox & & Fox & D Meg o DeL D Meg o Broker Sales F ch oeh ch G eve Weidel ESotheby's senbe gaSa DeL be oCallaway F edman Facomp eHenderson me Geo ge Sales Es aphanous DeHaven* Hathaway Sales DeL be oE Sa eSales Aae eSales oAssociate aNilson eoSa Sa eSales A aeSales e“Sue” Sa A aeme eSa F edman DeLiberto Friedman Roach Realtors DeL Fage edman gOwne Sa eBanker A oAssociate aGloria eo Sa eColdwell AE oAssociate eAssociate eoe A oAssociate aeSales eyn Facompre’ George Facompre’ Sales Sales Sales B AGeo oSales aedman eSales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Es aphanous Es aphanous G Realtors be oE edman F Weid DeHaven* Sales Joan DeHaven* Facomp e“Sue” Fo ge Associate Sa eRoach oAssociate aeF eSa Coldwell Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Brokerage DeHaven* Karma Roach Realtors Sa ADeHaven* aDeHaven* e& Sa eA A o aeGronczewski eAssociate Sa A o aA eo Sa A oenn aaeSales Sa eA o aech eAssociate DeL be obe Sales Associate DeL o F Joan Fo me Folmer Sales Associate Associate Facomp e Fo me Facomp e Karma Sa eResidential AAssociate Sa eSusan A o ag eoAssociate Sa ee A o aeeFo eoAssociate DeHaven* Sa eFox A eOwner o A aBroker oeAssociate a Sa eSa Sa Sa A oFo A aonczewsk oB eme aoke eFacomp Sa eFo A eFo ooeh A aeoeh oA aA eF Sales Associate DeL be o F edman F DeHaven* Sa e A o a e Facomp e Fo me Facomp me ge Geo g oan DeHaven* Sa eFolmer A oeSales aBrokerage eaD Sa e A o a e Sa A o e Coldwell Banker Brokerage Sa e A o a Ka ma Joan Sa e A o e Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e oan Facomp e me G me Sa e A e o A a o e a e Karma Sa e A o a Ka ma DeHaven* DeHaven* Joan Gloria Nilson e A o a e Karma Sales Associate Coldwell Associate Sa e A o a e ®Ge Joan Brokerage Facomp e Fo me Facomp e Fo Geo Geo Karma Owne Sa e A o a e B a kwe oan B an Coldwell Coldwell Sales Associate Associate B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Susan “Sue” Ka ma es Associate Michele Susan"Suzy" Broker Associate Sa a e Associate oan Radha Ma a Gloria Nilson enn e e A o a e L sa Cande a E en Susan Ka ma Michele Susan"Suzy" B oan Sotheby's Ka ma Sales Associate Sales Associate B a kwe B an Sa e A o a e Sa e o a e Sa e A o a e Associate on Broker Associate Owner Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Susan “Sue” e o a e e A o a e M che Susan"Suzy" Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Co. Real Estate Sales Sales Associate Associate B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Radha Ma a Hatha Residential e L sa Cande a E en Associate Michele Susan"Suzy" Barbara Susan “Sue” Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Residential Residential Residential M che e Susan"Suzy" B Coldwell Associate Susan “Sue” Owner Sales Associate Residential Sales Associate Michele Susan"Suzy" Sotheby's Sotheby's Owne Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Realty Realty Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Berkshire B oke A o e Owne Sa e A o a e Susan “Sue” Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Ca away Ca away Ca Sales Associate Michele Susan"Suzy" Coldwell Barb Owner Owner Sales Sales Associate Associate Sa e A o a e ® Sa e A o a e Real B oke A o a e Sales Associate Broker Associate ciate Sales Associate Sa e Sa A e o A a o e a e Bha a Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Susan “Sue” Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty Realty Coldwell Broker Broker Associate Associate e Sa e A o a e M che eaCallaway Susan"Suzy" Ba ba ab Sa eResidential Sa eCallaway A oaColdwell aSa eaColdwell aASa eSR Callaway Fox Sales Sales Associate Associate Residential Benede h Bax eeSa Owner Associate Susan “Sue” Associate ales Owne SaaOwne eeSotheby's ASa oeSa aA eHenderson Sa eeSotheby's M eePrinceton Susan"Suzy" Broker Greater Princeton Sa eoBerkshire A o eo Sa A oBerkshire eeoke Sa eaCallaway o eaway Sa A Sa eooA aaA eo oCallaway eSa oke A aACo. Callaway Callaway Sales Sales Associate Real Estate Susan “Sue” Sa eo A aGloria eNilson Sa A Ca Ca away Ca A oSa aeCallaway eaway che eGreater Sales Associate Sa eNilson A eCallaway oAooB& Henderson Sa A aaway Banker Realtors BSa oke oaaway othaway eAssociate aSales eGloria aCallaway A aSales eoA eSaooSa ao eoaaA Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales A aoAssociate eA eRealtors ae® eoeeBa oke B oke A A aaSa eSa aeSa eA Realty ®eeRealtors Sales Associate AeA oSa Berkshire Broker Associate A o A o eeAm aA Am aoSales Benede hCa Bax Hathaway Residential Owne o aoBroker eaSa Sa A®aeResidential oA a oeResidential a ®eResidential Realty Realty Sotheby's B oke oa& aeoBroker Co. eaway oSa eA Sa A ao eRealtors Sa A eSa Sa eSales oA aCo. eeGloria Sa eaCa oe aAssociate aReal eeSa Sa eeSa A eHathaway aaA eeA Sa eA o eeoke Callaway Sa eSales A o aePrinceton eof Realtor Princeton Callaway SaNilson eaway ACallaway o aCallaway e Owne Realty Realty Co. Real Broker Sotheby's Banker Callaway Callaway Sa eeeeoRealty eeeoAssociate B oke A aBeaB eaColdwell Sa eA A oAssociate eSa Sa eA A oReal aAeao eoke B oke o ao eA eeSales A oColdwell aBa eAssociate Associate Associate Berkshire Sales Sales Associate Ca Nilson Sotheby's Berkshire Sa aSa eeOwner Sa A oCallaway eA Sa eoSa A oBha aSales eReal Sa Callaway eaeeBeeeSales Callaway Callaway Co. Real Estate Callaway Ca away Ca away Ca away Princeton Greater Princeton Associate Sales Callaway B o aA eAssociate Sa o aPrinceton eAssociate Estate Co. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Sotheby's Ca Callaway away Ca away Princeton of Princeton Sa A Callaway Callaway Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Residential A aeA eeoAssociate eoke AeoBa o aeoM eof Residential Banker oke A eeo Sa eeSa oche A aCallaway eSusan"Suzy" Callaway Residential Owne eCallaway A & Ca Callaway Hathaway Fox & eSotheby's A aSa Ca away Ca away o aaBanker eeSa Residential Co. Real Estate Ca away Banker Banker oke Sa A eooReal eaof A aeaoke eA Callaway Callaway aAssociate Sales Associate Ca Ca away A oeoA aaOwne eooSotheby's eSa A aoeSa ® Ca Ca away away Ca Ca away Ca Ca away away Gloria Gloria Broker Associate Residential ®Henderson Associate Realtors Ca away Owne oeCa aBeA oA aaway Ca Ca away Gloria Fox & Banker BoSa oke eSa Sa eCa A aGreater eoeA Coldwell Associate Coldwell away eOwne A o aaGreater eaway Owner Ca away away Co. Estate eA A oB aA eoSa B kA AA A Sa A aBaway Sa eNilson ae& eo of Sa AGloria eoNilson Associate B aeA eaway eaEstate A Sales Sales Associate Sa A e® Real Estate Ca away ah Nilson & Sa Associate of Princeton Owne A o& Sa A oEstate aHenderson Sa eaSa A o aeSa eSa oke oInternational aOwne eoaeInternational oke oeoke aSa eoke eB A o aCa Co. Estate Sa A aB eoPrinceton Sa A aA eo Gloria Nilson Owne AA oSales aaBCallaway eooeAssociate Owne Sa eBroker B k A Co. Real Estate Coldwell Banker Sa eMa A oSales aaeResidential Sa eHenderson A oA aCa eo B A oGreater aA eGreater egEs of oke A eooeSa altors rs Realtors aA Co. Estate eSa eoEs Banker A aN eColdwell Sa eePrinceton eA Sa eSa ao eoaCa Roach Realtors aen eoAssociate DiMeglio Sa eCu Aaaway aReal Owne e& A aCo. Realtors & Co. Real Broker Associate Sales Associate B oke A oBerkshire oke A o aaway eA eCa oAssociate Sa eBanker oeA aAebe Ca Ca away DiMeglio Sa ooA aaooke eHenderson Sa A oA aA eA Co dwe Banker & Co. Real Eisenberg Sa eSa Aee®Residential oSa eAssociate Sa eBerkshire A oABerkshire ao B oke A aA eWe eaEstate A aReal eaEstate Sa eHenderson A o eoAssociate International Estaphanous Residential Berkshire Callaway Callaway Callaway Eisenberg B A aaPrinceton eMeg eFa D oeCo. Broker SoA Ba oke A od aCa eE Sa eaway A oaa aSa eBanker Estaphanous DiMeglio Sa eSales oA aB eInternational Sa aoeo eDeLiberto Ca Ca away D o Callaway Co dwe & Co. Real B o aae B aPrinceton ere Sa eCa oaA aReal Sa eRealto AA E senbe DiMeglio Callaway away Ca away Ce o RE/MAX Es aphanous Callaway Callaway Eisenberg G or aNilson son Ca away Ca Ca away Ca away Hu be RE/MAX E senbe geoeCa Henderson Hend Berksh BD oke A oAssociate eo Sa eR DiMeglio oke A asenbe eeE S Estaphanous aphanous lwell D Meg oBHenderson Ca away Ca away Ca away Ca away Estaphanous Coldwell Banker Banker Eisenberg BN oke A o aaway oke A aoenn ere aoeg eaphanous Sa eSa G aBroker son & D Meg oE Banker DeHaven* Estaphanous Ca away Ca away Ce oRE/MAX RE/MAX BoMeg ko A A away Ca away gEisenberg G or aInternational N son & Banker Hu be Henderson Henderson Hen Berksh Chee a& h sE Meg DeL be o“Sue” International DeHaven* Ma aMa enn eCa L sa Cande aL R cha d ck" on EAeSa senbe DeLiberto Ca man away Ca away Ca away away Ca away Coldwell o Es aphanous Co dwe Banker Fac senbe gACo. G or aDeHaven* N son & We cher dwe Banker DeHaven* Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Es aphanous Bo k“Sue” A A Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker A A Banker Berkshire RE/MAX DeHaven* Chee h RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson DeLiberto Cu sor DeHaven* Radha Radha Radha Ma aaNilson Ma aRadha enn enn eDeLiberto eDeL L sa L Cande sa LWeidel Cande sa aCande ade aG R cha R"R cha d R "R d cha ck" "R ck" "R ck" Ma Ma on Ma on on E en Eea& en en RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Ma aFox Henderson Henderson Berkshire enn eRE/MAX L sa Cande ack" R cha d "R ck" Ma on EeMa en Coldwell Banker RE/MAX DeL be ooDeLiberto Radha Ma aenn enn eaway Roach Ca man L sa Cande aaor Ren cha d "R on E en Co dwe Banker Facompre Sotheby's Banker Coldwell Banker Berkshire We cher Gloria Nilson & be o Henderson DeHaven* RE/MAX Co Banker Henderson RE/MAX son & Gloria Nilson dwe Co dwe Banker Banker Brokerage A AHenderson RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire & Gloria Nilson RE/MAX DeHaven* Henderson RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson DeL be Berksh re RE/MAX Facom Radha Radha Radha aN& Ma aRE/MAX aRadha enn eHenderson enn eDeL ede Lcha sa L sa Cande sa aCande aCa aMa Joan Banker R cha R cha d R "R d cha ck" "R d ck" "R ck" Ma Ma on Ma on on en Eson en E RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re International RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire oria Nilson Nilson & &Co Co dwe Banker We de RE/MAX Radha Ma aenn RE/MAX RE/MAX eaway DeHaven* L sa Cande R dCande "R ck" Ma on Banker Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson E en Berkshire Berkshire Facomp International Gloria Nilson & Roach Realto He en RE/MAX Hathaway G N son & DeHaven* Henderson RE/MAX Gloria & Sotheby's Sotheby's RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire son & G or aBanker N son & Henderson Gloria Nilson & Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re Gloria Nilson & Ca away Ca aw Henderson Jo Henderson RE/MAX International Facom Brokerage oan Brokerage Henderson RE/MAX RE/MAX Residential RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re International International a& or N adwe son N son & & RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh Berksh re re Henderson Gloria & We cher We cher We de He He en en He en Susan Weidel RE/MAX GFox or aE N son & International Michele Roach Re Susan"Suzy" He en Henderson RE/MAX Henderson Hathaway Fox & Henderson He en G or aNilson N son & Sotheby's RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berksh re G or aa& N & G or aReal N son & Ca away Ca aw oC Henderson ® Henderson Henderson Weidel RE/MAX We ch Hathaway & Residential We de RE/MAX Brokerage ® Sales Associate or aMa son & We cher We cher We de Co dwe Banker He He en en He en Susan “Sue” Brokerage We de RE/MAX Susan Weidel RE/MAX M che e Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Henderson Michele Weidel RE/MAX RE/MAX & Co. Real He en Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Coldwell Banker Hathaway Fox & Weidel RE/MAX We RE/MAX We c Brokerage Brokerage Sa eaHenderson A oeBerksh aHenderson eSusan ® Susan “Sue” Susan “Sue” Co dwe Banker Michele Michele Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Susan “Sue” Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage We de RE/MAX M che e Susan"Suzy" Sales Associate We de RE/MAX RE/MAX Sa e A o e RE/MAX Brokerage Co dwe Banker Coldwell Banker G or a N son & Co dwe Banker RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berksh re Sales Associate Roach Realtors We de RE/MAX RE/MAX Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Co dwe Banker Susan “Sue” Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire M che e M che e Susan"Suzy" Susan"Suzy" Co. Estate G or a N son & Sa e A o a e RE/MAX Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker G or a N son & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berksh re Sa e A o a Estate Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Banker Residential Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX ach Realtors Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Michele G or a N son Susan"Suz Henderson RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Henderson Henderson Sa e A o a e Berksh re Brokerage RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berkshire G or N son & Co dwe Banker Estate RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re Residential Residential Susan “Sue” So heby s So heby s So h G or a N son & Sa e A o a e Michele S Realty RE/MAX Brokerage G or a N son & G or a N son & RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re re G or a N son & Co. Real Estate Susan “Sue” Radha Maria G or a N son & G or a N son & Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen RE/MAX Michele Susan Susan “Sue” RE/MAX Ca away M che e G or a N son & Susan"Su Henderson We de RE/MAX G or a N son & Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re Sales Associate RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berksh re Brokerage Estate Residential “Sue” G or a N son & G or a N son & So heby s So heby s So h Sa e A o a e M che e S Ke e W am Co. Real Estate Sales Associate H RE/MAX Weidel RE/MAX G or a N son & G or a N son & Realty RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re Berksh re G or a N son & & Co. Real Susan “Sue” Ha haway Fox & Radha Ma a Res den a enn e L sa Cande a R cha d "R ck" Ma on E en M che e Susan Residential Radha Radha Maria Maria Jennifer Jennifer B oke A o a e Lisa CandellaLisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Richard "Rick" Marion Marion Ellen Ellen Ca away Owner Sales Associate We de RE/MAX Sa e A o a e Ke e W am ® Ke e W am Broker Associate eal Estate & Co. Real G or aHu N son & aam son Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Owner Sales Associate Sales Associate Ke eheby W am de RE/ Weidel Residential Sa eSales A o Hathaway Fox & Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's We de RE/MAX Sales Associate Broker Realty Realty Residential Ha haway Fox & Res den aCa Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Ellen Sales Radha Radha Ma Ma aheby enn e®oFox easSo oke A o“Sandy” eown Lnce sa Cande aPr L sa Cande a& R cha d "R cha d "R Ma Ma on ® EB en EBu en We de We de RE/MAX RE/MA Owne Sa esheby aA eaAssociate heby senn Ce oman Associate Bu ke Hende on Grea er Pr nce on Ke ede W am ® eSales Ke eA Bon oke oeASales asAs eE Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hu be Helen & Co. Real Owner Sales Associate Rea Es aAnce eBu Sotheby's So heby sGreater So heby saA So heby sWe oHa Pr nce on A o aoke eSales o aSa We RE Sotheby's We de Associate oke A eden So heby sB So heby So heby Sa aeCu BHende o aSa eA Sotheby's Sotheby's Owner Sales Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's eChee A oeSotheby's aCa eSo Broker Sales Sotheby's Radha Ma aSotheby's Hathaway Fox & Residential enn ee®&®aSotheby's Lbe sa Cande aon R cha d "R E en & Co. Real B Residential osA eSa Hathaway Fox & Ce Ce o Ce o Owner Associate Bu Bu ke Bu ke ® We de We RE/MAX RE/M Co Rea Es aeaRealty So heby oman Hathaway Fox esidential Sa A ose& asAssociate Bu ke oke A o ake eheby Hende International Sa eCa A oEs aman eCo So heby sA Sotheby's Sotheby's Hu Hu be be Hu be Broker Associate Sales Associate Grea Pr nce Ce ke So heby sGreater So heby heby sSotheby's Hu be He en Owne Sa oSo aSa Chee aCo h sTri Co Rea Es aPrinceton eHathaway So heby sDeLiberto Helen Residential Residential Hu oo Pr nce on & BA A o eSo oke oaeaon aa eae“Sandy” Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales So heby sck" So sBanke So heby sCallaway ®er Rea B own eH Ca man Owne oeBAMeg aTr eosoke Co dwe heby So heby snce sRealty So heby So seoG sA So heby So heby sSotheby's sSotheby's Hathaway Fox & Residential ® “Sandy” “Sandy” B B own B own BD oke oMeg aHende Sa esSales A oRealty aAssociate eCu Ha haway Fox & Res aB“Sandy” S DiMeglio “Sandy” BResidential own Ce Ce Ce oResidential Owne Sa eSa A oe esSotheby's aBroker e DiMeglio Bu ke Bu ke Brokerage Co Es aheby Rea ors So heby s®eL ® “Sandy” B own Ha haway Fox & es den BMa oke o ake eaSotheby's Sa eFox A ock" eck" Hathaway & Residential So sR heby sde So Hu be Hu oke aAssociate eMa Sa eCu ose eCoun Chee Chee aFox h Chee aBanke hseRea h oyaW Princeton Cu Cu soor seRichard Bu ke Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Residential Residential Helen Chee abe hdwe Callaway eo He en be heby sOwne International International of Princeton Greater Princeton Hathaway Fox & hon Cu sDeL ® So heby Sotheby's ®Ce Sa eSa A o ah eCe B own B own own oA Ca man Ca man of Princeton ® Rea ors B own man Callaway Hathaway Fox Residential Coun y B own Ca Ha haway Fox & Res den aBrokerage ® ®A ® “Sandy” “Sandy” B own BeCo own ® o Realty Realty Realty So ®o Residential Rea ors Co. Estate Hathaway Fox & Brokerage “Sandy” B own Greater Princeton Ha Fox & Res Realty Chee Chee aAssociate h Chee aAssociate h aRealty Grea er PrB nce on Cu Cu sSo Cu sN sors state Co. Real Estate haway haway Fox & & Res Res den den aown aaown Sa He en Sotheby's of Princeton Ca away eRoach o Pr nce on Grea er Pr on ® Chee adck" h International Cu sCounty Princeton ® ® own BCo B own Ca man Ca man man Greater Greater Princeton Callaway oer Pr on Realtors of Ca away o. eal Real Estate Estate Ha haway & Res den aBMarion Tr Coun ySotheby's of Princeton of Princeton BReal own Ca Residential ® ®So ® DiMeglio DiMeglio ® DeLiberto Callaway Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate D o Greater Princeton Co Es aden eRea Grea er Pr on ® Co. Real Estate of Es aBrokerage eA Co Rea aEstate ePr Realtors Co. o nce on So heby sbe heby Estate Co. Real Estate ® Eisen Residential Grea er Pr nce Eheby senbe Realtors Grea Grea Pr er nce on away DeHaven* Rea ors oon Pr nce on Brokerage ® ea Rea Es aoden Es County oEs Pr o nce Pr nce on on Co. Real Estate Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's ors D Meg oeSa Realtors DeL be oRadha ® Tri County Ca away Rea Es ack" eHu Realtors Grea er nce on Co Rea Es aSo once Pr nce on Roach Realtors Ca away Co Rea Es aaCa eeerna So heby So heby Hende Co Rea Es ance eRea EeDiM se Realtors ors DeHaven* DiMeglio Tri County Sotheby's DeHaven* Rea o So heby sehaway So sA Tr ycha Sotheby's Sotheby's Co Rea Es aHa eCo Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors So heby sbe So heby soCandellaSo heby So sheb asAssoci DeLiberto DeLiberto sa Cande aSales R cha "R ck" Ha Fox & Ma on Res den E Roach Realtors Rea ors nRes erna ona erna ona ern Tr Coun Tri County Rea ors Tri County Tri County R Maria Maria Lisa "Rick" Marion Ellen Ellen So heby saReal So heby seRoach So heby sen So heby So soMeg heby sEisenber Hathaway Fox & Residential Hende on & Co. Real Realtors Rea ors Tri DeHaven* DeHaven* D Meg ®erna Tr Coun yEs So heby sFox DeHaven* Rea Realtors So heby sePr So heby sJennifer heby sRealtors So heby seSales Ma asn DeL be oeTr DeL be o L sa Cande aSa R cha d "R ck" Ha haway Fox & Ma on Res den aeMarion E nGrea ona n erna ona n ern Tr Coun yerna Tr Coun Tr Coun y y ST dwe Ma aD ® Lhaway sa Cande aeaSales R dLhaway "R Ma on E en Grea er Pr nce on R Ma aRE/MAX Ha haway & Res den aA Eerna en Hathaway Fox & Residential So heby sRea So heby sPr So heby sen So heby So soheby sheby Rea Es aown eEs Ha haway Fox & Res den aRoach o on So heby So D M Tr Coun y DeHaven* DeHaven* DeLiberto ® Maria Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Ellen Greater Princeton Co. Estate Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Res den aRealtors of Princeton International International ® DeLiberto Certo Sotheby's Burke ® Rea Es aMaria eMarion dwe Ma aoerna ® L sa Cande International International International R cha dInternational "R ck" Radha Maria Ma on E en Jennifer Po nCandellaon Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Hulbert Ellen Grea er Pr on Ha Fox & aPr He en DeHaven* Ha haway Fox & Res den aPrinceton Co Rea Es aEstate eon Radha Jennifer Lisa Richard "Rick" Ellen o Pr nce on So heby So he DeLiberto Residential Co. Real Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Grea er Pr nce on ® ® DeL be oheby Greater Princeton ona Helen Rea ors Radha Ma asnona DeHaven* enn sa Cande a Co Rea Es aReal eoke R cha d "R ck" Ma on E en Grea er Pr nce on International Co. Real Estate of Princeton Co Rea Es International International Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Res den a dy” Brown o Pr nce on International n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona Sa eSo A o aence eCounty B oke Sa eBCo ® DeL be Roach Rea ors Ce o Bu ke ® Co Rea Es a e Certo Certo Burke Burke n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona Radha Ma a Realtors enn e PTr n eFox on L sa Cande a R cha d "R ck" er Pr on Ma on Hu be E en International International International DeHaven* P n en on P nRealtors eHenderson on Rea y Cheerath Curtis He en Associate Berksh re Hulbert Hulbert Co Rea Es a e Co Rea a e International International International International International International DeHaven* Radha Ma a o nce on o Pr nce on enn e Coldwell Banker L sa Cande a R cha d "R Ma on E en Co Rea Es a e ® He en DeL be o BBRoach oke Sa eBn A oRealty aInternational eona Co Rea a e Co Rea Es a e Brown Calman Grea er Pr nce on ® ® Grea er Pr nce on n ona International ® Rea ors DeHaven* Co Rea Es a e ®a Tr Coun y n erna Coldwell Banker Ca away Co Rea Es a e International International International o Pr nce on n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona Sa Sa A o Sa A e e A a e o a e dy” B own B oke oke Sa e B Sa oke e Sa e n ona Sa A o a e “Sandy” Brown Brokerage B oke Sa e International Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Roach Rea ors Rea ors Certo Burke Helen Sa e A o a e International International Ce o Ce o B Sa e Bu ke Bu Rea ors Grea er nce on Hulbert erna n erna ona n erna ona DeHaven* P n e on P n e on Rea y Chee a h Tri Cu s e A o a e Berksh re Hu be Hu be Co Rea Es a e Rea Es a e n erna n erna ona ona n erna n erna ona ona n erna n erna ona ona Sales Associate Cheerath Cheerath Curtis Curtis International o Pr nce on o Pr nce on Co dwe Banker Co Rea a e Brokerage Brokerage ® B oke oke Sa e B Sa oke A e o A Sa a e e o A a e o a e He en International Helen oke Sa e A o a e Brokerage B oke A o a e B own Ca man Rea ors Rea ors n erna ona Coldwell Banker B oke Sa e A o a e Brown Brown Re den a Calman Calman RE/MAX Coun y Co dwe Banker Ca away Helen n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona ® International International Gloria Nilson & Sa Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e ® ® “Sandy” Brown B oke B oke Sa B Sa oke e Sa e ® “Sandy” B own n erna ona Coldwell Banker Co Rea Es a e Rea Es a e Rea ors Ce o Roach Realtors Bu ke Rea ors RE/MAX He en Sa e A o a e Tr C n erna n erna ona ona B Sa Gloria Nilson & Hu be Roach Realtors Associate Sales Associate Cheerath Tr Coun y Curtis RE/MAX Henderson ® Sa A o a e Chee a h Chee a h Coldwell Banker Cu s Cu s ® Roach Realtors Brokerage B oke B oke Sa e B Sa oke A e o A Sa a e e o A a e o a e B oke B oke A B o A oke a o e A a e o a e n ona He en Brokerage B oke o a e Brown Calman Rea ors Rea ors Co dwe Banker B oke Sa e A o a e B own B own Re den a B oke A o a e Ca man Ca man Tr Coun y Tr Cou RE/MAX or a N son & He en International G or a N son & “Sandy” B own RE/MAX Gloria Henderson Roach Realtors RE/MAX Co dwe Banker Roach Rea ors Sa e A o a e B oke A a e Brokerage RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Tr RE/MAX Henderson G or a N son & Roach Rea ors Sa e A o a Sa e e A o a e Chee a h Cu s RE/MAX Henderson Roach Realtors RE/MAX Realty Realty Co dwe Banker ® Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Gloria Nilson & Ra Maria International B oke B oke A B o A oke a o e A a e o a e Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Co dwe Banker Ellen RE/MAX Henderson Brokerage B own Ca man Brokerage Brokerage B oke A o a e RE/MAX Roach Realtors B oke A o a e Coun y Tr Cou Sa e A o a e or a N son & rokerage So heby Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilso Roach Realtors Brokerage RE/MAX Henderson G or Roach Rea ors n erna ona n erna ona Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e B oke B oke A B o A oke a o e A a e o a e Sales Assoc RE/MAX International ® Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Brokerage Brokerage G or a N son & Roach Realtors Gl RE/MAX Henderson Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e International ® Sales Associate Rea RE/MAX Sa Realty Roach Rea Rea ors ors ®erna son & R Ma aona International International International LRE/MAX sa Cande aSales Brokerage R Ma on dwe E en Gloria N RE/MAX Henderson Brokerage BBrokerage oke oke oeor A aaa oence A aSa oson aSa Sa e& Sa A Sa AaAaeors eeSo B Roach oke A oA aBRealty AaN o aeeoeo Pr nce on Brokerage heby GB N G or soSN Beoy oke A oRea ake eors Brokerage Sa eerna o eSa Roach Rea RE/MAX Sales A Brokerage Brokerage neA nona erna SaSales eBrokerage SaAe Estate oSa A aeoCo e AaEstate eo Brokerage a e Banker Beoke Bona oke A oke Aa eoAssociate a eInternational Sa ea A Roach Realtors ®a G Owne Sa A o BaoA e a oeSales BRoach oke Aona o ona a“Sandy” eors International Sa A aAssociate eRea nnerna ona erna Sales International International Rea na nerna ona n erna erna ona neOwne erna ona Brokerage ®a Gona aAss Rea yABrokerage Rea ySa Re BRea oke Bn oke A BRea ooke A oke oG ey A aor eon oa ®ck" en Sa A A Sa aeeo eona eocha od a"R Pr Associate Roach B oke A o®eors aHenderson eors Sa o aAssociate eona Helen Sa ence A nn eeAssociate na ona n eN na noke erna erna ona n erna ona n erna n erna ona Brokerage Brokerage Estate ® ® Own Owner Sales Sales Associate erna ona n erna ona eaman A oRea aeHulbert eRea n erna nors erna ona Brokerage Rea ors Brokerage Rea yBrokerage Rea Re n Sa A oA aSa eRoach Sales Associate He en eA na n na naBroker erna ona erna ona ona noSa erna naway ona erna ® Ce o Bu ke Roach Rea Owner Sale Hu be Sa A A oRea aSales eoRea eChee A Certo Certo Burke Realtors Roach Realtors Realty Realty Realtors Sales Associate nC Realty Realty Realty Sa A oAssociate aeRealty en “Sandy” own Broker Associate Ce oor Bu Roach Sa Hu be Banker o Bu Realtors Realty Pr Sales Ce oRea Rea ors Rea ors Hu Roach Realty Realty Callaway Sales Associate Roach ors y Rea ySales BA own Brokerage Ca man Ch Rea ors Realtors Sa A o aeSa eserna A oRoach eSa Rea Rea y Realtors Realtors Realty Realty Realty Certo Burke “Sandy” own eCalman een Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty BRealtors oke Sa eown ybe Brown International Sa eSales A o aeona eCe Sales Sales Hulbert Roach Rea Roach ors Sales “Sandy” BBB own G or aAssociate N son Realtors Rea y Realty Banker Ce oona Bu Certo ors Rea Pr nc Henderson Sa A oCa aCu eOwne Realty Realty Realty ors Sales Associate Hu Roach ors Rea Rea yCo Rea ySotheby's Ca away Hulbert SaSales eBrokerage A o a e Estate Associate Certo Callaway Burke ® Rea yRea own Brokerage Ca Broker Sales Ch Co dwe Rea “Sandy” Hulbert Realty A o aN ® Rea Rea ors ors Sales Associate Rea ySales Ce osey B own Ca man Bu ke oAssociate aof Sales Associate Rea Rea yoAssociate y Rea Rea ydwe yEstate Rea Rea yheby yheby Broker Sales Brokerage ybe Ca man Brokerage Sa A oBrokerage eBuSa Sa eBerksh A aB ey be Roach Rea ors Rea ors Bor oke Sa eson oke Cheerath Curtis G or G aoBrokerage or N G aRea or N ason N son Brokerage “Sandy” own Realty “Sandy” G or aBroker N son Rea ors Rea yeaRea Rea yeRea or son Ce ooey Associate ke Henderson “Sandy” Brown yG Rea yCalman Rea yaenof Brown Calman Callaway Callaway Sa A o eRealty Hu be Broker Associate Ae eAssociate oSa aeBrokerage e aBroker Ce o Ca away Sotheby's Cheerath ke Curtis Co Co dwe dwe Ha haway Fox & B“Sandy” oke Sa eBrown AAssociate Broker Broker Associate Rea y A AaRealty eBeoown eBurke Co dwe “Sandy” B be Rea Rea yyRealtors A o Cheerath Curtis A ay ePr dwe A ooAssociate aore B own Ca man Brown Sotheby's Sa edwe A oBrown aRea oke Sa Sales aRea h G ay or N G ayson or N aSales son N son Calman Rea yseCa B n eRea na ona Brokerage Rea yRea Roach or aAN son Realty eaGreater A oGrea aRea eoors “Sandy” BG own B Ca man Ca away oke Sa ey ARealty aEstate eo oa eaSales Broker Associate So Chee aB hors sHu Co haway Fox &Realty B oke eaBroker By oke A odwe aeown eCo A o eoaBrown A o aB eBu Sales Associate B oke age Chee aden h Realty sman Sotheby's Co A oaA aeRealty Berksh re BAssociate own Ca man So heby Sa eG A aSales eB oke A oeA aRea eaeeoRealtors B Ca man Broker Sales Associate Broker Associate Callawa nRes eke ona Ca away ors Residential Sotheby's Bown oke A oeCo eCo C ySa yReal B oke oaRealtors ao Sa eBrown AAssociate o eB Broker Broker Associate oke age Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty Berksh Berksh re Berksh re re heby sCalman Berksh re Associate Associate Realty den aeeCu Sa e Associate A B oke eBroker Sa eson A oeoea aao BBrokerage oke A aoBrown eRea So seSales Ca aw Ca Ca away away away Rea yAssociate Rea Ca away Residential Greater Princeton Realty Rea ors Res ake Ca away heby sRealty Co. Real Rea yRoach yRea Princeton Certo Burke Broker Associate Sales Residential B oke aRea eBroker B oke A o Sa A adwe eHu Sa eCu A aSo eSa Greater Princeton re Berksh re re Hulbert Rea Realty Co. Real Estate Rea yAssociate y Rea ors Princeton Realty Realty re eG A oa aaAssociate BBrokerage oke A oBerksh eBerksh Residential Rea y Rea y Rea yEstate Rea yCalla Realty Ca away Ca Rea yA Rea or aRea N Res den aAssociate Rea Rea er nce on “Sandy” Ca away Co aSa eden Rea y yon Rea y oRea nce on Ce o Bu ke B oke A oCa eaway o aRealty eona Greater Princeton Res den Grea er Pr nce on Hu be Co. Real Re Che of Princeton Res den Rea y Co Es aaEs eeaway Rea yA Rea y oSales Pr nce on Rea ydwe Rea yaA Princeton Res aResidential Co dwe Banker Co. Real Estate Brown Calman of Princeton G or GaG aason or N G aG son or N aoke son N & son & GAssociate or aRea N son & Greater Princeton Rea ors o G or aaden N son o Esaoaeea eHa G or aAssociate N son & “Sandy” B own Real Estate Es y Rea ydwe Rea yPr Coldwell Banker of Princeton Co R Grea er Pr nce on Co aBanker eRea Ch CR o Res den aA Sa eCo. aReal eEs B oke eSo Co Co Co Banker Banker er Pr nce Co dwe Banker Co aeaEs eCa B own Ca Co Banker Co. o Pr on or ay or a& son or N a& son & N & son &Sales Sales Associate GG or G N G aGaeSales son or N aBson N Broker Sales Grea er nce on G or aoden N Geyoke or aSales N son & B oke Sa eaRealty aAssociate eRea Co Es aSa eRea Co G or N son Co dwe Banker Pr nce on Coldwell C Broker Sales Associate R Sa eRealty oCo. aRea eor B oke Sa Co dwe Co dwe Co Banker Banker Gloria Nilson & Henderson riaRea Nilson Sa ey o eCo BA oke Sa eGloria Co dwe Banker Sa eRea A o ance eA or GBaeA aor or N son or NSa aAssociate son N son Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker B Sa eCo. A oeRea aA eSa B oke A oo ance eBanker G or N son Co Banker Coldwell Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales B oke Sa eBerksh A o aRea &&Co Rea Broker Associate RE/MAX So heby sN G or aHenderson N son & Gloria Nilson & Henderson or aRea N Es son Sa eRea A o aHenders eoRea Sales Associate Bdwe oke Sa ea Gloria Nilson Broker Sales Broker Associate Sales Res ason Broker Sales Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker BBroker oke A oon aBanker Rea yAssociate Co dwe A aBroker &&Rea Co &&oCo Rea && Rea Co Rea Sa eNilson A o aGrea ePr Coldwell Coldwell B oke Sa eEs B oke Sa edwe A o aBanker eodwe Associate Associate oke A ooHenderson adwe ePr Co Rea Broker Sales Associate RE/M & Co Rea Realty RE/MA Nilson Gloria & & So heby s eoHenderson AaA oHenderson aoBroker eAssociate BAssociate oke A oona aBanker eB Henderson Henderson G or a N son & Gloria Nilson Henderson International Sa eoke A odwe aA eedwe G or N son BG oke Sa Coldwell B oke Sa e A o a Broker Sales Associate Broker Broker Associate Sa o a e Res a B Sa e International Rea y Coldwell Banker Coldwell Co Co Rea Rea Co Rea Co dwe Co dwe A a e A o a e B oke A a e B oke Sa e A o a Broker Berkshire RE/ Banker Berksh re & Co Rea G or a N son G or & a N son & oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Broke Bro Sa e o a e B oke A o a e Henderson Henderson G or a N son n erna Coldwell Banker Co Callaway Sa e A B oke A o a e B oke A o a e B oke A o a e International n erna ona Co dwe Banker Co dwe A o a e Gloria Nilson & Banker Banker Banker International Berksh Berksh re re Henderso B A o a e Berksh re Associate Broker Associate Banker Berksh re B Roach ors Berkshire Berkshire Henderson Banker Berksh re B oke A o a e B oke Gloria Nilson & International Co dwe Banker H Ca away e A o a e B oke A o a e Sales Associate Broker Associate Callaway Callaway n erna ona Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Gloria Nilson & Hend G or a N son & Banker Banker Banker n erna ona Berksh Berksh re Berksh re re Berkshire Sa e A o a e B oke A a e Henderson Henderson B Roach Rea ors Berksh re Berksh re Broker Associate Henderson Sales Associate Banker Berksh re G or a N son & n erna ona Broker Sales Associate H Ha haway Fox & Gloria Nilson & Callaway Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Ca away Ca away B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Sales G or a N son & Hend Berksh re Henderson Henderson B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Coldwell Banker Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox & & Fox & Broker Sales Associate BBrokerage oke Aoke oaway aoBrokerage Sa e oke A Associate oAHenderson a eo a e Ha haway Fox & G or a N son & Ha haway Fox & Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & SaColdwell eSotheby's A odwe aCo e sdwe BCa Sa eA Brokerage Co dwe Banker Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox & & Fox & B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Brokerage Gloria Nilson & Ha haway Fox & G Es or aaaNilson N son G or a N son & G or a N son & Gloria Gloria Nilson Coldwell Banker Brokerage B oke A o a e G or a N son Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker Brokerage G or a N son & Gloria Nilson Brokerage GReal or N sonGloria G or a N son Gloria Nilson Sales Associate Broker Co o a e Co. Coldwell Co Rea Es a e Co dwe Banker Associate Brokerage G or a N son Broker Brokerage G or a N son G or a N son e Brokerage Res den a n erna ona Sa e A o a e B dwe A o a e So heby Co ReaaNilson Sotheby's Brokerage & Co. Real Co A a e Gloria Nilson Co Co Rea Rea Co Es a Rea Es e a Es e a e Co dwe Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e B oke Residential Brokerage Es a Es e a Es e a e Res Res den den Res a den a a G or a N son EsBerkshire e Gloria Nilson Coldwell Res den a Associate Es a e Res den a n erna ona Gloria Nilson Sotheby's Sotheby's & Co. Real So heby s Realty Banker Berkshire Berksh re Co dwe Coldwell A oCo. aBerksh eCo. G or a N son Co Co Rea Rea Co Es aRea Es e a Es e a e Associate Realty Coldwell Associate Co Rea Es a e & Co Berkshire Res den a Residential Es aEse re aMa Es e G ahe eBrokerage Thomas Morr s Res Res den Res den a a or a&& NRea son Co dwe A oden aaey eGloria Es aFox eHa Brokerage Grea Res den a G or aCo NHathaway son So heby s So heby s Co. Real Estate Barbara Mosquera & Co Rea Rea y Banker Berksh re Berksh re Henderson Banker Banker Berkshire Co dwe A ore aFox eRea Realty Berksh re Co & Co Rea & Rea Co Rea Rea y Co dwe A o a e & Co Rea Residential Residential Dawn Monspor Hea her Mor Res den a Co Rea Donna s Realty Sotheby Maura M s* So heby s Gre Greater Princ Berkshire Co Rea Es a e Realty Real Estate S Banker Berkshire Henderson Banker Banker Berksh Berksh re Henderson Henderson Res den a Ha haway & Rea y Berksh re Co & Co Rea & Rea Rea Callaway Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Res den a Res den a G or a N son & Soth Co Berkshire Rea y So heby So heby So heby So s heby s s Greater P So heby s Callaway Grea er Pr n re Real Estate Co. Real Estate Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & So heby s Rea y Co Rea Es a e Callaway Banker Berksh Henderson Res Res den den Res a den a a Ha Ha haway haway Fox haway Fox & & Fox & Residential Henderson Henderson Res den a Ha haway Fox & Ca away Berksh re Ha haway & Res den a Ha haway Fox & Fox & Hathaway Fox & G or a N son & So h Berksh re Residential G or a N son Coldw Cold So heby So heby So s heby s s Grea er G or a N son & Ca away Co Rea Es Co a e Rea Es a e G or a N son & So heby s Gloria Nilson Nilson Ca away Residential Henderson Res Res den den Res a den a a Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox & & Fox & Res den a Gloria Nilson & Res den a Hathaway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Coldwell Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Associate Co Res den a G or a N son Co. Real Estate Co dw Roach Rea ors G or a N Co son &Real Gloria Nilson GGResidential or aaNN son G or N son Co. Gloria & Coldwell Banker Res den a nBanker & Ha haway Fox Gloria Co dwe ABerkshire o a eBerksh Co Co. Estate Coldwell Rea EsReal aEs eCo Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea Rea ors ors Roach Rea ors Coldwell Banker G or aEstate N son & or son Rea ors Gloria && Co Rea Co Rea Es an eerna GReal or aNilson N & or dwe Co. Real Estate &&Roach Co. Real G N son Co Rea aEstate eFox International Co dwe Banker Estate Residential Roach Roach Rea Rea ors Rea orsson ors Berkshire Co dwe Banker Roach Rea ors G orCo. aNilson N son Co Ge orHathaway aNilson NBerkshire son yyFox Co Rea Es aGloria Co Rea Co. Estate Co. Real Estate Rea nBanker erna ona Es&& a Co. eCo Real International Res den a&aNilson Berksh re Estate Residential & Co. re Co. Real & Co Rea &&haway Co. Real Co Es a& e& Co Rea Es a& Co. Real Banker Banker Rea & Co. Real International International ona Residential Ese Real aRea Res aeors aona & Co Rea Banker Berksh re Nilson & Co Rea Es aden Rea Banker Berksh re Gloria & Cohaway Rea Fox & Real & Co Rea nBanker erna ona erna aCo Res den aBanker Sotheby's Banker Berkshire Brokerage G or a& N son & Residential Gloria Nilson Hathaway Fox & Internatio Banker Banker Berksh Co. Real Ha haway Fox & nnaRes erna ona Rea & & Co Rea Banker Berkshire InRno So heby saoaRea Hathaway Sotheby's Banker Co dw Berksh re Henderson Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Intern Res aeRoach G or N son Brokerage nColdwe erna Residential Residential Hathaway &Estate nnden erna nona erna nona erna ona ona Banker Berksh re Co HaBrokerage haway Fox &Realty erna Henderson Banker n erna ona re Ha Fox & Sotheby's So heby s®& So heby Henderson Brokerage Brokerage nona ern Hathaway Fox Brokerage Hathaway Fox Brokerage ®Ha Res aBerksh Res den Ha Fox &Es haway Fox & Co. erna nReal erna nEstate erna ona ona Brokerage Rea ors Henderson nRea erna Co. Real Henderson Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors So shaway Hathaway Fox & Brokerage ® Es eeFox Ha Fox & Res den aEs Ha haway Fox Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea Rea ors ors Brokerage Rea ors Brokerage Roach &Residential Co Ha haway Fox Roach Rea ors Roach Realtors Roach Ha haway Fox e& eRoach eRoach Brokerage EsaaaEs e aEs SSotheby's A o res Henderson Co Rea Es ahaway eBrokerage Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Es aden e& Rea Roach Rea ors Rea ors ors Brokerage Roach Rea ors E Ag n& Es Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Berkshire Realtors Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors Brokerage Estate Bden okRea oRoach SRea A aEs eaEs aEs Es eRoach eCo. S A oHa Co Rea Es aRBrokerage ehaway Brokerage SRoach A oors Es a& e®& Co Rea Es aaHathaway eHa aeeBrokerage Co Rea EsResidential aEs eona Banker Berksh re Rea Brokerage Es aaBrokerage e& Brokerage R Re Co. Rea ySo Realty Brokerage && Co Rea Residential Co eBrokerage Real Estate Real Estate & Co. Real Brokerage Es ehaway Estate Residential Fox & Co Rea Es aerna eheby Realty Realty Residential Rea y Co Rea Res den aBanker Co Rea EsACo. aors eRoach & Co Rea Co Rea Es aRealtors eors Es eEs Res den aRea Fox & Brokerage aa& ea& Rea yden Rea yResi Res den aRoach & Real Res den aRes Ha haway Fox & International Residential Residential Hathaway Fox & & Co Real ® Estate & Co. Real Realty Brokerage Rea yRea Brokerage Brokerage &Co. Co Res den a Ha haway Fox & nResidential erna Res a International International Ha haway Fox & ® ors Sotheby's Res den a Co Rea Rea & Co Rea Rea Rea Rea y Rea y y ® ® Rea y Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Sotheby's Brokerage Brokerage Rea y Sotheby's Brokerage Roach Realtors International Res den a n erna ona n erna ona Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox & heby sRey Residential Roach Rea Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate ® Rea y Rea y y ® Res den a Ha Fox & Brokerage So heby s Roach Realtors Estate Rea y Estate So heby s Brokerage Roach Rea ors n ona Brokerage Brokerage ® Rea Roach Roach Realtors Res den a Ha haway Fox & ® ona Res den a Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox & Co Rea Es a e Roach Rea ors Es Ca Realtors eRea Es a e Estate Estate Res Brokerage Roach Realtors Brokerage Brokerage Roach ors Roach Rea ors Realtors Roach Rea ors & Co. Real Roach Realtors Estate Roach Realtors Es a e Es a e Brokerage Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors Co dwFox B&& nk ® W h R & Co Rea Rea Roach ors BRea Es aC e w y H nd on K W m Roach Realty kRea horsHy h w y Fox w y H nd on Hathaway ®o ® Residential Res den a Ha haway Fox Bro B Realty Roach Realtors Br Brokerage Realty International Roach Rea ors Brokerage Brokerage Roach Rea ors International ®Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Roach Realtors Brokerage International Realty ReaEstate y a e Brokerage Rea y Es aaBrokerage eBrokerage ® n erna ona ® Brokerage Roach Rea ors Estate Brokerage Roach Rea ors n erna ona Brokerage n erna ona Rea y Es e Brokerage Roach Realtors Es a e Brokerage Roach Rea ors Roach Realtors Brokerage Roach Realtors Brokerage Roach Rea ors Es a e Estate Estate Brokerage Roach Rea ors Brokerage Roach Rea ors Es Radha Maria Jennifer Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Es a e Marion Ellen Bro Es a e R ors y® P n on R y & Ro h R o ® Estate So h by n n on So h by n n on Helen Brokerage Roach Brokerage Realty RoachRealtors Rea Es a e Realty Realty Rea yBro Rea y Rea y Debbie Saundra Maura Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela EllenMauraRachna Lisa Rachna Certo Burke Debbie andy" Debbie Maura “Sandy” Brown Maura R y Ellen R Rachna y"Sandy" DebbieEllen aJenifer "Sandy" Cheerath Curtis Debbie y" Brown Calman Debbie undra Saundra "Sandy" "Sandy" Maura LisaLisa Rachna Lisa Maura Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Maura Ellen Rachna Ellen Lisa Rachna Ellen Lisa Rachna Rachna Beth" Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Ingela Ellen Lisa Ann Hulbert Rachna Magdalena Magda ena Amira Am a

Wen Wen Bash Bash

Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Donna Donna Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Maura Dawn Maura Maura Donna Ann Elisabeth "Beth" Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Ingela Ellen Lisa Ellen Lang * Mills** Rachna Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Maura Maura Ingela Debbie Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Saundra "Sandy" Ellen Lisa Lisa Rachna RachnaMaura Mills** Donna Maura Lori "Beth" Sales Associate Lori Elisabeth "Beth" Broker Sales Dawn Ingela Ingela Ellen Lisa Rachna Ellen Lisa Rachna Broker Sales Associate ori Elisabeth "Beth" Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ingela Ellen Lisa Lisa Rachna Rachna *Jenifer Lang * Lang Broker Associate Mills** Mills** Lang *Jenifer Lang *Jenifer Lang * Elisabeth Mills** y Janis Sales Associate Broker Associate Lang *Lafferty Lefkowitz Luthra Mills** Broker Associate Sales Associate Kerr Mills** fferty Kostenbader Lafferty Lafferty Parker Lafferty Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra November Petruzzie Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Lang *Lafferty Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Luthra Nosnitsky Paul Lang * LeRay Mills** Lefkowitz LeRay Sales AssociateLuthraMills** Mills** Mills**Petrozzini Pecsi Kostenbader Lang *Associate Lang * Luthra Lafferty Sales Associate Gloria Nilson Mills** Mills** Lang * Lang * Lafferty Nosnit Luthra Coldwell Associate Murray* Mills** Sales Associate Lafferty Lafferty Sales Associate Moskowitz Lafferty Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Monsport Sales Associate Berkshire Sales Kerr Murray* itz Lefkowitz LeRay LeRay Luthra Sales Associate Kostenbader Callaway Broker Associate Sales Associate Janick Janis Kerr Sales Associate Moskowitz Harriet Susan Sales Associate Kostenbader Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Lefkowitz Susan LeRay Luthra Sales Associate Broker Sales Janick Janis Kerr Janick Janis Kerr Monsport Lefkowitz Lefkowitz LeRay LeRay Luthra Luthra Kostenbader Kostenbader ® Harriet Susan nick Janis Kerr Kerr Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Kostenbader Kostenbader Sales Associate Harriet Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Harriet Susan Coldwell Banker Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Gloria Nilson eAssociate es Associate Realtor Associate Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Broker of Record Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Sales Associate eociate Ingela roker Broker Associate AssociateSalesSales Sales Associate Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ellen Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Sales Associate Sales Associate Ingela Ellen Broker Associate Sales Li Sales Associate Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Lori Jenifer Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate &Sales Co. Real Sales Associate Ingela Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ellen Associate LisaLisa Sales Associate Ingela Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ellen Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Assoc Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Broker ofAssociate Record Sales Associate Sales Associate Ellen Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Banker Berkshire Callaway Broker ofBroker Record Broker Broker of Record of Record Callaway Broker Associate iateAssociate Broker Record Broker Owner Broker Associate Sales Ass Sales Associate Callaway Henderson Broker Associate Berkshire Callaway Callaway Berkshire Callaway Broker Sales Associate Hathaway Fox &of Sales Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Berkshire Broker of Record Berkshire Sales Associate Hughes Sales Associate Berkshire Broker Associate Associate Associate Hughes ciate Sales Associate Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hughes Broker ofSales Record Berkshire Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate *Sales Broker ofHudson Record Record Sales Associate Associate Hughes Sales Associate Associate *LLLang Sales Associate es Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker ofdLafferty Record Broker ofLafferty Co. 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Henderson Kostenbader Weichert, Residential Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox & Janick Janis Kerr Gloria Nilson & Henderson Gloria Nilson & Berkshir Gloria Nilson & Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Harriet Susan Kostenbader Vanessa Henderson ® Lefkowitz Gloria Nilson & Janick Janis Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox & Ha e Susan Henderson Kostenbader Gloria Nilson & Lefkowitz Henderson Gloria Nilson & LeRay Hathaway Fox & Janick Janis Kerr Gloria Nilson & Harriet Susan Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Kostenbader Janick Janis Kerr Henderson Realty Mark Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Realty Mark Ha e D Saundra "Sandy" Susan Hathaway Fox & Berkshire Roach Realtors Harriet Harriet Susan Susan Hathaway Fox & Broker Associate Hathaway Fox & Debb e Saund a "Sandy" Berkshire Realty Mark Broker Associate Susan Hathaway Fox & Realty Mark Gloria Ni Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Realty Realty Mark Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" RE/MAX Debb eCa Ingela Saund aRachna "Sandy" Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Realty Mark Lo EEe& sabe hheEllen "Be h" tSusan Susan Broker Associate Susan Weichert, nge aLaEllen E"Beth" en Susan LCe sa Ra Debbi Saundra "Sandy" "Sandy" Susan Harriet Susan arriet Harriet Sales Associate Susan Susan Berkshire Berkshire Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Bu ke Debbie "Sandy" Broker Associate Harriet Hu be Susan Sales Associate Lo en e"Sandy" sabe "Be h"en Harriet Susan Ingela Debbie Saundra "Sandy" eich Susan Gloria & nge Maura E&Ingela en LCe saoo Saundra Ra Susan Berkshire “Sandy” B& own Ha Ha e& eWeichert, Harriet Susan Susan Henderson Susan Maura Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson Lori Lori Jenifer Jenifer "Beth" Elisabeth Realty "Beth" Mark Debbie "Sandy" Bu ke Chee Debb e& Saund aSaundra "Sandy" Hu be Ha eRealty Susan Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Sales Associate Debb eFox Saund aSaundra "Sandy" Ingela Debbie Saundra "Sandy" B Henderson Henderson Ca Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Debbie Saundra son Gloria & Maura Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Ingela Mau aAssociate Sales Lisa Rachna Saundra "Sand Ingela “Sandy” B own Ha eSaund Mau aman Keller Lisa Maura Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Maura Debb Saund aen "Sandy" Sales Associate Chee Saund Lori Hathaway & Jenifer Elisabeth ®sabe Weidel Lo e® EhSusan sabe h®"Beth" "Be h" Debb aSaundra "Sandy" B own man Henderson Maura Gloria Nilson Ingela Lo en EGronczewski sabe "Be h" Debb eEllen Saund Saund aeEstate "Sandy" a"Sandy" "Sandy" Gloria Nilson & Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Mau Gloria Nilson & Ellen Gloria Nilson nge aeSusan Lisa Rachna Gloria Nilson & Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Elisabeth "Beth" "Beth" Sotheby's en Madolyn Lown sa Rachna "S Hathaway Fox & nge aBerkshire Ha eMark Ingela Weichert, Weidel E en sa Mau aL Rachna Brokerage Ellen Ingela Debb eElisabeth Saund aNilson "Sandy" Realty Mark Lisa Rachna Mau Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Lisa Rachna Rachna Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Henderson Lo en eESusan EhNilson sabe "Be h" Nilson Nilson & Weichert, International Gloria Nilson Nilson & Robe LIngela nda Associate Ingela Ingela Mau Ha een Greve Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Ellen nge aSusan Lisa Rachna Mark Realty Mark Lo Sales Associate en enge sabe "Be h" E en Vanessa L sa Rachna en eHathaway E sabe Eh sabe h "Be h "Be h" ®h" Fox & RE/MAX Broker Associate Weichert, Hathaway & nge aeGloria Weichert, Weidel Weichert, Weichert, Weidel E Williams aHathaway L sa Robin Joan Madolyn Harriet Susan Roach Realtors E LRachna sa Rachna Rachna "Beth" Lo en eSotheby's Enge h "Be h" Robe LSaundra nda Gronczewski nge a*Sales Ingela Ann Fox & Hathaway Fox & Ha eGronczewski Susan EBroker oehlich Greve Greve Greve Realty sa Rachna chert, Weidel Weidel Realty Mark ® C. Hathaway Fox & Froehlich Weichert, Ha eLo ® Weichert, Broker Associate Weichert, Harriet Vanessa Vanessa Ha Susan Sotheby's Robin Madolyn Sales Associate Hughes eSaund Saund aen "Sandy" Realty Realty Mark Roach Realtors Broker Associate ® ® Sales Associate Gronczewski Ha eeWilliams Ha eCallaway Ann Susan Hughes Sales Associate Weichert, Weichert, Donna Donna ®C. Debbie Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Broker Associate Gronczewski Ha eEstate Sales Associate Susan Ha eFox Susan Sales Vanessa Sales A Dawn Estate Sotheby's ®Joan Hughes Debb aSales "Sandy" Maura ®Lo Lo en e& E sabe hGloria "Be h" Co. Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Ha eHughes Ha e"Beth" Sotheby's Susan Susan Debb eA Saund aElisabeth "Sandy" "Sandy" Sotheby's Roach Realtors nge aE Donna Donna Debb Debb eLafferty Saund aMills** "Sandy" Hughes E en LLBerkshire Lang *k*Henderson Rachna Lori Associate Jenifer Jenifer Sales Associate Elisabeth "Beth" Associate Dawn Associate George Fox & Hughes Friedman Ingela Ingela Debb Debb eaSales Saund asabe "Sandy" aSaundra "Sandy" Hathaway F Mau Ellen Ellen Lisa Rachna Sales Associate Sales Associate Hughes Lo e Real E sabe hLang "Be h" Associate Sales La Roach Realtors Debb aHenderson "Sandy" easa akMills** "Sandy" nge Lo eAssociate E sabe hSaund "Be h" Realtors Realtors EBerkshire en Lori Aen Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" sa Hughes Hughes Lang Rachna B kekMark Sales Associate Assoc Roach Realtors Lo enHughes eFox en eaGloria E h h" Roach Realtors nge aJenifer Ingela Hathaway Fox E George George George Hughes Ellen aHudson nge aeen way Fox & Debb Debb ekDebbie Saund aAssociate "Sandy" aSaund "Sandy" Hudson E en ESales BAssociate k*Mark A L sa Rachna Lo en een en een EReal sabe h "Be sabe h "Be h" eLuthra yayDebb Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Hughes Advantage George Hughes Hughes Hughes Roach Realtors & nge aKeller Lang *LkaPa Realtors thaway Hathaway Fox &Weichert, & en EAssociate en Lo enge E sabe hLori "Be h" Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales LLafferty sa Rachna Lo A en eaE E sabe h "Be h" Co. Real Estate BSaund Lang Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Lang *eAdvantage Co. Real Estate nge Hughes nge aeSaund Hudson Joan EAssociate en Bkow Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Hathaway Fox ESales en Hathaway Fox & Estate Sales Associate B k*Sotheby's A Karma Lo Lo en eCo. en eBrokerage EySales sabe h "Be h" sabe henbade "Be h" eLu Callaway Hughes Hughes Hughes Mills** Joan Joan aE nge aInternational Lang Lang E en E LeRay en Karma Karma LeASales LkSal sa Rachna Co. Real Estate Hughes ® *en Co. Real Estate Berkshire Hughes Lang *Robin Lang *h" B kDebb Lang Co. Real Estate Callaway Co. Real Estate Mills** Hudson Co. Real Estate M s** Co. Real Lafferty A"Be BSotheby's A ®Thomas M s** Joan Lafferty Lang *aLa Le zsa Lu Mills** Lang *Hughes Advantage ® Karma Co. Real Estate Sotheby's Hughes Co. Real Estate Advantage BB A an ck sSales Ke ®* Lang *Sales Mills** Lang M s** Lafferty Co. Real Berkshire Kos Hudson Hudson eBroker Sotheby's Sotheby's A nge BE A LeRay Lafferty Lafferty La eFox yHudson udson Hudson M s** Lafferty Lang *La Le kow zsa LeRay L M s** Lafferty Lafferty Berkshire Advantage Realty Pa kLA Thomas Barbara Lisa Joan C. Madolyn ® an ck Sales Associate an seAssociate Ke Hudson ® Berkshire on Men s** Hughes Lafferty Advantage Roach Realtors La ean yReal Advantage Advantage Kos enbade Janick Janis Kerr Greater Princeton Sotheby's Thomas Barbara Barbara Lisa Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Sotheby's Hudson La eLa yHudson Hughes Lefkowitz Kostenbader LeRay Luthra Greve La La y yenbade ®® ® Roach Realtors Lefkowitz LeRay Hathaway Fox & Vanessa Sales Associate k Hudson Novembe Janick Janis Kerr ociate sudson en Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Realtors Sotheby's Hughes La e y Janis Kerr Sales Associate Kostenbader Vanessa Thomas Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Hathaway Fox & ® Lafferty Hughes Kostenbader Janick Janis Kerr Hughes Lefkowitz Hudson LeRay Luthra Gronczewski Hughes Le kow z LeRay Lu h a B oke A o a e Roach Realtors Hudson Lang * Roach Realtors Le kow z Kostenbader LeRay h a Lefkowitz La LeRay Janick Janis Kerr Luthra Froehlich Greve Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Co. Real Estate Lefkowitz Novembe an ck LeRay an s Ke Luthra Luthra ® ®Janick ® Thomas Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Hughes Hughes Nosn sky Kostenbader Sales Associate an ck an s Ke Janick Janis Kerr Lang * Lang * Hathaway Fox & Kos enbade Vanessa Janick Janis Kerr Kerr ® Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Lefkowitz Hathaway Fox & Luthra Hughes Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Hathaway & Kos enbade Laffer Co. Real Estate Hughes Le kow z Hudson Kostenbader Janick Janick LeRay Janis Janis Kerr Kerr Advantage Lu h a Robin Joan C. Madolyn Kostenbader B oke A o a e Lang * Mills** Janick Janis Kerr homas Robin Joan C. Madolyn Gronczewski Gronczewski Le kow z Kostenbader Kostenbader LeRay an ck an s Ke Lu h a International Vanessa Le kow z Froehlich Greve LeRay Lu h Lu a h a ® ® ® state Co. Real Estate Hughes Hughes ® ® ® Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Kostenbader Berkshire Lang * Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Nosn sky Lang * Hudson International Kos enbade an ck an s Ke Lang * Lang * La e y Greater an ck Sa e A o a e an s Ke Ke Le kow z Associate LeRay Lu h a Vanessa Berkshire Kos enbade G o a N on Kos enbade Hudson Broker Associate ® ® ® ® Lang * Lang * Vanessa M s** Realtors an ck an s Ke Lafferty Gronczewski er Associate ® International Co. Real Estate ® Co. Real Estate Co dwe Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate A Kos Lang * Co. Real Estate Lang * Hudson Mu ay* La e y Sa e A o a e Realtors Realtors Realtors International Advantage International Hathaway Fox & Hudson Janick Janis Kerr Weichert, Hudson Berkshire Broker Associate G o a N on Sales Associate Broker Associate Joan ® ® La e y Hudson B oke A o a e Lafferty Lang * Lang * Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Realtors Co. Estate Co. Real Estate La e y Sales Associate Moskow z Karma Kostenbader ke A o a e Broker Associate Berkshire Janick Janis Kerr International Advantage Advantage Broker Broker Associate Associate Co dwe A Hudson Hudson Mu ay* La e y La e y Realtors Kostenbader Sales Realtors Realtors Realtors Sales Associate Berkshire Realtors Realtors Realtors Broker Associate Hudson Sales Associate Hudson Janick Janis Kerr Le kow z oke ARealtors a George eoCallaway Sa A oAssociate aGloria eA LeRay Lu h a Monspo La e y Broker Associate Broker Associate La e y Henderson Sa ey A oAssociate aezSales ezSa Moskow z Sales Kostenbader Be keAssociate h eeBroker B oke AB o aBse oke Sales & Roach an ck an s Ke Advantage tors Realtors Realtors B ooke ARob An anGeorge oe a e Weichert, Advantage Lefkowitz Lefkowitz Hudson Hudson LeRay Luthra Henderson ® ck La e y La e Sales Associate Kos enbade Realtors Realtors Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Sales Associate Weichert, Gloria Nilson & Janick Janis Janis Kerr B oke A o a e e A o a Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Le kow z Sales Associate LeRay Lu h a Harriet Monspo Susan Advantage Advantage Sales Associate Kostenbader Kostenbader Weichert, Roach Real Sa e A o a e Gloria Nilson & Be k h Gloria N Le kow z Sa e A o a e an ck Realtors Realtors Le an s Ke Lefkowitz Susan & Roach Le kow z Le kow z LeRay Lu h a Sales Associate B oke Henderson Sa e A o a e Kos enbade Sales Associate an ck an s Ke Mado yn Janick Janis Kerr B oke A o a e Sa e A o a eS an ck an an s Ke Thomas Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Sa e A o a e Le kow Le kow z Sales Asso LeRay LeRa Lu h a Sa e A o a e Kos enbade Ha e Susan Broker Associate Kostenbader Hathaway Fox & Sa e A o a e Kos enbade Kos enbade Weichert, Weidel Harriet Susan an an ck Nilson & an s an s Ke Ke Le kow z Gloria Nilson & L Roach Realtors Le kow z Susan G o a N on & Henderson Broker Associate Hathaway Fox & Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Kos enbade Kos enbade B oke Sa e A o a e Harriet an ck an s Ke Gloria Nilson & Mado yn Glor an ck an s Ke Broker Associate Vanessa Thomas oan C Sales Associate Le kow Le kow z ® LeRay LeRa Lu h a Harriet Susan Broker Associate Kos enbade Co dwe Kos enbade B oke A o a e International Broker Associate Weichert, Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nils Associate Ha e Susan an ck an ck an s an s Ke Ke G o a N on G o a N on & Sales Associate Sales Associate Weichert, Hathaway Fox & Broker Associate Sa e o a e Kos enbade Kos enbade Sa e A o a e Ha e Weichert, Weichert, International International Vanessa Broker Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Rea o A o a e B oke A o a e Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" ciate Thomas Rob oan C B oke Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate e Hathaway Fox & Ha e ® Susan B oke A o a e Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Co dwe Broker Associate B oke A o a e Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Froehlich Greve Associate ales Associate G o a N on Hathaway Fox & ® Sales Associate B oke A o a e Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Broker Associate Princeton Sales Associate In ®Sales ® B AAssociate ooke Weichert, Broker Sales Sales Associate Sales International Ca away Froehlich Greve Callaway ltors International BAssociate AA oAssociate Sa oB eo oa eaSales eRealty A eSales oAAssociate aeBGronczewski eSa Sales Associate Sales Sales oElisabeth A asabe eAssociate Associate way Callaway Callaway Callaway en eAssociate EohBroker hIngela "Be h" Sales Associate o aeEisenberg eaway B Ass oke Eisenberg Realty 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oan B oke o Re o d Callaway oan Berkshire Realty Ka Ka ma ma Ka ma Callaway Ca away oan Callaway Ka ma Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa A o a e Ca away We cher Ka ma Henderson G onczewsk ® ® Sales Associate Owne Berksh re Co E a e F edman Roach Realtors Sa e A o a e Realty Realty Sa e A o a e Ca away Ca away Sales Associate Ca away Hudson Henderson Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A Sa o e a e A o a e Sa e A o a e ® ® ® E a e Re d oan oan oan Berkshire Berkshire Callaway G or a N son & Berkshire Realtors G or aBEstate N son & oke oaHenderson Re o dEstate Roach Realtors Berksh re Hudson Ka Ka ma ma Ka ma Ca away oan Sales Associate Ca away Princeton Berksh re Friedman Sales Associate Sales Associate ede A oNilson aHudson eNilson Sa eVanessa A o& eGloria Hathaway Fox & Princeton Berkshire Callaway Callaway Ka ma ®aHa Henderson Realtors & Co Rea Roach Realtors Berkshire Berkshire Hudson Co. Real Estate Owne Berksh re Sales Associate Thomas Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn F edman Geo ge Realty Hathaway Fox & Henderson Realty Ca away Ca away Hudson ® Realtors Berksh re Berkshire rson nderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Co. Real ® ® Co. Rea Sales Associate Sales Associate Princeton Princeton Berksh re Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh re G or a N son & Ha haway Fox & Berkshire We cher We cher We de Hathaway Fox & Henderson Berkshire Sales Associate rt, Callaway Callaway ® ® ® Berksh re Vanessa Callaway Callaway Henderson Realty Realty & Co Rea Berksh re Berksh re Berksh Berksh re re Hudson Thomas Thomas Thomas uzy" Ba ba Ba a ba Ba a ba a L sa L sa L sa Rob Rob n Rob n n oan oan C C oan C Mado Mado yn Mado yn yn Sales Associate Sales Associate Facompre’ Folmer George Thomas Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn enderson Janis Kerr ichert, Weichert, Geo ge M che e Rea Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C ® ® ® Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Realtors Henderson Henderson Henderson Hudson Berksh re ® Sales Associate Berksh re Berksh re Henderson Co. Real Estate We cher Co. Real Re den Gloria & haway Fox & Janick Janis Kerr Gloria Nilson Ha haway Fox & Henderson Henderson We cher We cher We Weichert, Gloria Nilson & Realtors Realtors Realtors Gloria Nilson & er ® Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Harriet Callaway Berkshire Susan Kost Henderson Co. Real Estate Vanessa Co. Henderson Sales Associate Berksh re Berksh re Thomas Thomas Thomas Suzy" Ba ba Ba a ba Ba a ba a L sa L sa L sa Rob Rob n Rob n n oan oan C C oan C Mado Mado yn Mado yn yn Vanessa RE/MAX Weichert, Henderson Sales Associate an s Ke Henderson e We cher cher M che e Rea Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Realtors Co. Real Estate Henderson Henderson Co. Real E Henderson Henderson Gloria Nilson & Janick Janis Gloria Nilson & We cher Re den a G or a N son & Ha haway Fox & an ck an s Ke G or a N son & Hathaway Fox & Henderson We cher Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Henderson Realtors G or a N son & Kostenbad Henderson G or a N son & G or a N son & Henderson Gloria & Realtors Realtors Hathaway Fox & Janick Janis Kerr Vanessa Vanessa Gloria Nilson & Ha e Susan Kos Henderson Harriet Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Berkshire Berkshire Susan Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Vanessa RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX K Janick Janis Kerr Henderson Realtors Realtors Realtors We cher Realty Mark Weichert, Henderson Henderson Henderson Sa e A o a e Henderson Nilson & RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & G or a N son & an ck an s Realty Mark G or a N son & Weichert, Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Ha haway Fox & Realtors Realtors Realtors Berksh re Roa h Rea o We cher We cher We de Henderson Weichert, Realtors Kos enbad Henderson G or a N son & Harriet Harriet Henderson Susan Susan G or a N son & Ha haway Fox & an ck an s Ke G or a N son & Hathaway Fox & Ha e We cher We cher We de Susan G or a N son & Broker Associate G or a N son & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weidel Owner Sales Associate Berks K Berkshire Realtors an ck an s Ke Realty Mark We cher Henderson Associate Rea yBerksh Mark Broker Weichert, Weichert, Sa e We A oWe a eWe G aMark N & G or aHarriet N son & Weichert, Hathaway & Rea y Mark Sales Associate wner er Sales Sales Associate Associate Sa eeJoan A oocher aBroker eAssociate Weichert, Weidel We cher Ha haway Fox &Realty Realty Mark Henderson We cher We cher de Realty Realty Mark Mark Berksh re Lori Roa hor Rea o or Broker Broker We cher Ha ere ereHarriet Susan Susan Weichert, Ha haway Fox &Ha We cher Berkshire Sales Associate Associate oke oFox ason e& We We cher de haway Fox &G Berksh re Berkshire We cher We cher de We de Mark Berks Berksh Rea y or Mark Broker Associate Hathaw BaFox oke A o aor Sa eWe A o acher eHenderson Weichert, Ber Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weichert, Ha haway Fox & Sales Associate Sa ASotheby's aAssociate eBroker We cher We cher We de Owner Sales Associate Rea yeA Susan Henderson Henderson Berksh re Berksh re Rea Rea Mark Mark Lo International Lori Jenifer Karma Broker We cher We cher Broker Associate Harriet Susan Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Berksh Henderson Berksh re Sales Associate Sales Associate Berksh re y Mark G or N son International BAssociate oke A oN aAssociate eB cher Weichert, Weichert, Sa e Robin AWeichert, oWeichert, acher eSales We cher Weichert, iate We cher Susan Henderson Hathaway Fox Ha eWeichert, Susan G or ayWeidel N son & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Sales Associate G N son & Berksh re Berksh re Lori Lori Jeni Lo en eGl Ka ma Weichert, Karma We cher cher BWe oke A oWeichert, a& eAssociate Ha eaRealty Sales Susan Henderson Sales Associate Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & G or aHa son & International We cher We Henderson Associate Ke er W ams Henderson Broker Broker Associate Associate Sales Associate Weichert, Ha eG Susan Henderson Weichert, Hathaway ®®ba So heby scher Joan G or aHa N son & or aRea N son & Associate Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weidel Henderson Lo Lo en Ha haway Fox & oan We cher We We de Karma Ka ma We cher We cher Callaway Callaway G or aBRea N Henderson G or aH Henderson Gloria Nilson & International Henderson Thomas Barbara Lisa Joan C. Madolyn G or aWe N son & G or a& N son & G or aWe son & Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, B oke Rea y Mark Callaway Callaway Henderson Ke er W ams Lori Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate G ay N son & G aCo N son & We cher So heby soan Weichert, Henderson G or aSales N son & G or aSales N oan Ha haway Henderson We cher We We de F oeh ch G eve Ka ma Callaway Mark Sales Vanessa G or aRea N son & Henderson Henderson G or asH G or ason N son & Ha haway Fox & RE/MAX G Weichert, Weichert, Hathaway Fox Associate Sales Associate Thomas We cher We cher We de Ba ba a®Associate L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Thomas Thomas Barbara Lisa Barbara Robin Lisa Joan C. Madolyn Robin Joan C. Madolyn Roach Rea ors Callaway We cher We cher We cher We de B ok Lo Rea y Mark senbe gsg®aSales Callaway Callaway Lo H Henderson Es aphanous G or a N son & G or a N son & We cher onczewsk Rea ors G or a N son & G or a N Sotheby's haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Sales Associate Weichert, Weichert, Weidel o F oeh F oeh ch F oeh ch ch G eve G eve G eve We cher cher We cher cher We de We de ® C. F oeh ch G eve otheby's aE eDeL A oAssociate eSotheby's Rea y Mark Sa eWeidel A oHa aEstate eVanessa Ha haway Fox & Henderson Henderson Sales Associate Vanessa D Meg o F oeh ch We cher ®N Weichert, Callaway Callaway Vanessa Vanessa Ha haway Fox & RE/MAX We cher We cher Ha haway Fox & Sotheby's Weichert, Weichert, Weidel We cher We cher We de Thomas n"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Madolyn Sales Associate We cher We cher We de Thomas Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Ba Rob a n L sa C Mado yn Rob n oan C Mado yn E senbe E senbe E g senbe g g Roach Rea ors Callaway Sotheby's B oke age y Mark Sotheby's Roa h Rea o Lo senbe ®Roach ® ® by's otheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Es aphanous Es aphanous Es aphanous Sales Associate E senbe g G onczewsk G onczewsk G onczewsk ® Hughes We cher cher Es aphanous Callaway Callaway G onczewsk Rea ors Weichert, So heby s Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Es aphanous ® Sotheby's g o F oeh F oeh ch F oeh ch ch G eve G eve G eve G onczewsk Weichert, We cher We cher We cher We cher We de We de Callaway Callaway F edman Henderson Henderson So heby a e A o a e Sales Associate Sotheby's haway Fox & Callaway D Meg o Vanessa F oeh ch Henderson Henderson We cher ® Sotheby's Sotheby's E a e We cher Sotheby's Vanessa Vanessa ®Joan Weichert, So heby s ® Thomas n"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Mado yn Sa e A o a e ® E senbe E senbe E g senbe g g Co Rea Es a e Realtors oke age Rea y Mark Co Rea Es a e So heby s Roa h Rea o Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's ® ® ® ® Sotheby's Es aphanous Es aphanous Es aphanous Sotheby's Callaway Roach Realtors Sa e A o a e E senbe g G onczewsk G onczewsk G onczewsk ® Hughes So heby s We cher We cher Hughes ® Ca away Sotheby's Princeton Weichert, Es aphanous Associate Sales Associate F edman F edman F edman Callaway G onczewsk rusan"Suzy" Sales F edman Sa e A o a e Henderson Facomp e Fo me Geo ge So heby s Hathaway Fox & DeL be o Sotheby's F edman Broker Associate ® ® ® Sa e A o a e So heby So heby s s E a e So heby s Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Roach Realtors ® Co Rea Es a e Roach Rea ors Es a e So heby s ® ® ® ® Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors So heby s So heby s Hughes Hughes Hathaway Fox & Roach Rea ors s Roach Realtors RE/MAX Hughes Callaway Ca away ® ® Roach Realtors Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e F edman F edman F edman Ha hawa Ca away Facomp Facomp Facomp e e e Fo me Fo me Fo me Geo Geo ge Geo ge ge Hathaway Fox & Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Ha haway Fox & be o So heby s F edman ® Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Sa e A o a e altors Realtors Adv Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Roach Realtors Princeton Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Roach Rea ors ® Rea ors Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® ® ® ® Co. Real Sotheby's Sales Associa ® ® ® Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors ® Realtors ® Hughes Hughes Co. Real Estate Sa e Princeton Co. Real Estate rs Ca away Roach Rea ors Ca away Hudson RE/MAX oan ® ® ® Roach Rea ors Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® ® ® Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors Co aaRealtors Ca away SM ® ®® Realtors ® ®®oan Facomp Facomp Facomp eors eSo Fo me Fo me Fo me Geo Geo ge Geo ge ge Ka ma Ha haway Fox & ® Callaway Princeton ®A eRoach ARea o& aEs eRobin Sa esa A oAdvantage aHathaway eThomas Ca away Joan Joan a Rea ors ors Adv Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Roach Rea ors Roach Realtors Ha haway Fox & Karma Karma Co. Real Estate Hughes ®®Susan"Suzy" ® ® ® Co. Real Estate Rea ors ®® Ha Ha haway haway Fox Fox & & Co Rea Es a e Sa e aA AeCo. oSaReal aCo eFox Sa eRob Aee oAdvan aJanick en Sa e aA oSaRealtors aHa e Ahaw ®Susan ® ® Co Rea Es a e eC oM ® Rea ors Realtors Realtors Realtors ® Co Rea Es a e ® Co Rea Es a e Sotheby's Ca away Co. Real Estate Callaway ® Co. Real Estate Hudson oan heby s Broker Associate Sales Associate Hudson Realtors Realtors Realtors Co. Real Estate Sa e A o Sa e A o Sa e A o e ®e ® ® Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox & Rea Es a e S ® ®e Ka ma Ca away oan Rea ors oan Advantage ® Ka ma Co. Real Estate ® Hughes Sotheby's Estate Ka ma Roach Realtors Co Rea Es a e Hughes Advantage ® ® Co Rea Es a e Roach Realtors ® ® Hughes Realtors Realtors Joan Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Realtors ® Callaway Callaway Hudson Hudson Co Rea Es a e ® ® Ca away Sotheby's Sotheby's ® Co Rea Es a e Hughes Karma Roach Realtors Tri County Sotheby's So heby s Hudson Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Realtors Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Realtors Realtors Realtors Realty Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Princeton oan Joan Advantage ® Hathaway Fox & Rea ors So heby s Roach Realtors ® Advan age Susan “Sue” Sotheby's ® Ka ma Karma Joan Co Rea Es a e M che e ® Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob oan Hughes Realty So heby s Sa e o a e Sa e A o a e Co Rea Es a e Realtors ® n erna ona Advan age Princeton Realtors Realtors Realtors Rea ors Advantage Karma Roach Rea ors Rea Rea ors Rea ors Advantage Susan Susan “Sue” “Sue” Janick Callaway Roach Rea ors Michele Michele Thomas Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Barbara Lisa Lisa Joan C. Realtors Hudson Hudson ® ® ® ® So heby s So heby s Ka ma Realtors So heby s Rea ors Tri County Tri County Tri County Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Froehlich Greve Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Rea ors Rea ors Rea Rea ors ors Advantage Realtors oan Ha haway Fox & Tri County Advan age Sa e A o a e ® So heby s ® “Sue” So heby s o a e Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Realtors Ka ma oan M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L Rob n oan C Realtors Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Realty Hathaway Fox & n erna ona Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Advan age Ka ma Hudson Susan “Sue” Roach Rea ors Princeton M che Susan"Suzy" Advan Advan age age Ba ba a L sa n oan C Susan “Sue” an ck ® ® ® Janis aphanous M che e ® Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Roach Rea Gronczewski Rea ors ® ® ® So heby s So heby s Sotheby's RE/MAX Rea ors Rea ors Hudson Roach Princeton F oeh ch G eve ® ® ® Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors RE/MAX DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Froehlich Greve age Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Susan “Sue” Co Rea Es a e Henderson Henderson Berkshire Realtors Realtors Ha haway Fox & Michele ® ® ® ® Thomas Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Sa e A o a e Realty Rea ors ® Sotheby's Realtors RE/MAX RE/MAX e o a e Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a o e A a e o a e Sa e o a e Rea ors Rea ors Hudson Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & International ® Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors RE/MAX RE/MAX Ha haway Fox & Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Henderson Henderson Hudson Berkshire Berkshire Susan “Sue” Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Co Rea Es a e Janick Janick Jan M che e Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba ba a L sa Rob n oan C Eisenberg Thomas usan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Joan Madolyn Ha haway & ®Thomas ® Lisa ®®Estate an ck an sCo aphanous G Gloria Nilson Estaphanous Rea ors Rea ors eOwne Barbara Robin Joan C. Madolyn ®Rob Gronczewski Gronczewski Sotheby's ors Hudson Roach ors ® International Friedman Vanessa Meglio Froehlich Greve ®® ®®n Henderson ® ® ® Co. Real Estate Co. Estate ® ®C. ®Weichert, ® ® ® ®® ®e D Meg ooere Fba G eve FRobin oeh ch GHenderson Sa e®eve Sa A oors Sa A a& e® oeHenderson A aors eVanessa oRealtors a®Henderson Co. Real Susan “Sue” Co Rea Es aeHenderson e®Rea Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Realtors Realtors Realtors International M eoeFacompre’ Thomas Ba ba aEs L sa Rob oan C Mado yn Rea ors Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Rea ors Grea er Sa eRea A oFox aaona eeRoach International Hudson Henderson nRealtors erna ona ®®oan Roach Rea ors Roach ors Ha haway & Eisenberg Henderson Berkshire Co Rea Es aBroker eoAssociate Ha haway Fox & Ha haway & Co Rea Es aGrea ean ck an ck ®ors ® ®ors ® ® ® E senbe Vanessa Thomas Susan"Suzy" Ba aoea& L sa n oan C Mado yn erna ona Rea Rea Rea ors International Estaphanous Gronczewski aphanous International ® ors Rea ors eSotheby's Thomas Ba ba aFolmer LAFA Rob n C Mado yn International G G onczewsk Rea Es aReal eage Co Re Co. Real nEs erna ona Fo“Sue” edman Vanessa Meg o FJoan oeh ch G eve ® ® ® ® Facompre’ George Co Rea Es aRealtors e®Rea Co Rea Es aRoa ean Sotheby's Friedman Friedman ® ® ® Co aonczewsk eRE/MAX Realtors Ha haway Fox X Realtors nRealtors erna ona Henderson Henderson Berkshire Realtors Realtors Realtors International Nilson & Advan International er International Realtors Realtors Realtors Janick Weichert, n ona BRea oke A aona eaBroker Broker Associate ®ors ® Henderson Henderson International Fox Co Rea Es aRealtors Co Rea Es aRea eAdvan Rea Co Rea aoke eBCo Co Rea ES E senbe g Realtors al ional International International International Karma ®ors ® ® Vanessa Rea ors ors n ona aphanous Henderson Henderson Weidel RE/MAX International Advantage G onczewsk n naAaBeB®erna ona ona n erna ona ® Gloria Nilson & Co Rea aoEstate eerna Hathaw Co R Co Es aage ean Henderson Henderson rkshire Friedman Sotheby's Sotheby's C Realtors Realtors Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Facomp eoke Geo ge ®® ® ® Feme edman edman Henderson Realtors Realtors Sotheby's Facompre’ Folmer Facompre’ George George Weidel Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Rea Realtors nFox erna Jani age Sa eRE/MAX A aeSusan"Suzy" nWe erna Broker Broker Associate ck We cher Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors B oke A aRea eAssociate ®ors ® Henderson oke A oRE/MAX ag eBo ®Co ® ® eFox Co Rea Es aEs arnational eSotheby's A o aA Rea International International International Co Rea Es eRealtors Co Rea & Berksh Ka ma Weichert, Sa oSa a®eage Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors ors Rea ors ona Advan age Rea ors Henderson edman ® Rea ors Sotheby's ors Rea ors Rea ors Folmer George Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors ® ® ® Fo me Geo me Geo ge Owne Owne Sa Owne ere Sa eaeeeerna o A Sa aBa® eB o eeerna A o aB eoke RE/MAX Advan age an eernational Sa eerna A o eInternational B oke A o Bn aRea oke A o aJoan eoan Weichert, Realtors Realtors oke A aEs oeoOwne A aEs eFolmer o aSa eeGloria en A aPr ® Rea oke A oeInternational aB eA Sa eFacomp A o aSusan"Suzy" eRea A o aeerna eche Pr Sa A Sa A aSusan"Suzy" eInternational eCa o aona eo B oke Aoeh ach eoke & Ro Henderson Berksh cher A oSa aen eBerkshire Rea ors ors ors Rea ors Rea ors Henderson Sa eonczewsk A o aRea e®eeo Henderson Weidel RE/MAX Susan Rea ors Rea ors Michele Thomas Barbara Lisa Robin C. Mad We cher ® eSusan"Suzy" Fo Geo Associate Weichert, Weidel Owne Sa Owne A A Sa o eHenderson eInternational o®Sotheby's aB Advan We cher Roach Rea ors oke A ooke A oke aon eSa A aRE/MAX eFo oSa aSa Henderson RE/MAX Realtors Realtors Owne eA A oSusan eA Sa oSa aeaors A ance e& o“Sue” aon eerna Broker Associate Rea ors Rea ors n ona International Sa eGloria A oSa aSotheby's eA Weichert, Weidel Sa oeSa A aSusan"Suzy" eoeerna o eerna asa eCa oF aRea eerna B oke A oHenderson aoke eaWeidel RE/MAX Sa eFo A oA aeo Sa eAssociate o B oke A oona eB Sa eoan A e®oRea ® Realtors RE/MAX che eA Thomas Ba ba aA LVanessa sa Rob C Mad Associate International ® B AWe ooke aHathaway eWe We cher We de Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Roach ors Realtors We Roach Sa A eNilson ooSa A eaona oeeFacomp annce eFacomp aon eerna Weichert, Weichert, BSa A aWe on Realtors Realtors International n We We cher We de away Ca away Sa eA o B oke B oke o oM eoHenderson A aSa eebe o aDeL eeA Sa eAssociate Sa A Sa 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oerna aHenderson eGreve D Meg FBroker oeh ch Rea yPrinceton Estaphanous Sa A aaway eWe We cher We cher de Pr nce on Sales Sales Sales Associate D Meg oRea Focher oeh ch Ca Ca away away cher Realtors Tri County Sa eme A oAssociate aeFriedman eRealtors Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate DaHathaway Meg Ca Roach ors Pr nce ato e Associate A aSa eRealtors Sa eheby A aPr Sa eRea A o aFox eo Sa eors A oeech ance Sa eG A on aSotheby's eCa n erna erna ona way Ca Ca away Ca away Ca Ca away away Ca away Ca away E senbe g Roach ors Roach Realtors Ca away Ca Roach Realtors ®E ® aphanous DiMeglio Froehlich Greve E senbe g Pr nce on E g be oenPrinceton FF edman aphanous ® Realty Sale Sales Associate Es aphanous Sales Associate Roach Realtors Princeton Sa ech A o aedman Sa eRealtors eGeorge A o ayWeichert, eSa Sa eoeh o aAaeInternational eeaEstaphanous Sa eHenderson ASotheby's oeRealtors aGronczewski D Meg oRoach FAssociate oeh ch DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Ca Ca away away Ca away Roach Rea Realty A o ayooeo Sa esenbe A o aPrinceton Sa eSales A oon aA eFriedman Tri County DeLiberto DeLiberto Eisenberg Friedman Princeton DiMeglio Ca Estaphanous Realty Gronczewski Roach ors DeHaven* Roach Rea Rea ors Realty D Meg o Fheby oeh G eve E senbe Eisenberg Pr nce on Sales Associate be oFolmer edman Realty Es aphanous Estaphanous DeHaven* DeHaven* Eisenberg Sotheby's Facomp e®ors Fo me Geo Rea Sa eGeo aRealty eeege Princeton Sa eGronczewski ARea o aSotheby's Sales Associate Sales Associa Roach Rea ors Pr on Estaphanous DeL be o F edman D Meg F eve Rea Realty Sales DeL o senbe g F edman Weidel RE/MAX Pr nce Facompre’ Facompre’ Folmer Folmer George Realty Realty D Meg o F oeh ch G eve Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Es aphanous Princeton Pr nce on G onczewsk DeHaven* International Rea y DeLiberto Realty senbe g Sales Associate Realty DeHaven* Realty Sotheby's Sa e A o a e Rea y Ca away Es aphanous DeHaven* Sales As Sales Associate Sales Associate E senbe g Callaway So s G onczewsk Facomp e Fo Geo ge Princeton Sa e A o a e Sa A o Es aphanous DeL be o F G onczewsk Friedman Facomp e Fo me ge Rea y e A o a e Realtors ®Callaway ker Facomp e Fo me Rea Rea y y Pr nce on DeHaven* Friedman Rea y Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Pr nce on Pr nce on Sales Associate International ®Sales DeL be o F edman & Rea y Facompre’ Folmer Sa e A a e Rea y DeHaven* nce on Rea y Callaway Princeton Pr on International International ® Sa e A Sa e A o a Sa e e A o a e Ca away So heby s Pr nce on Sotheby's Sotheby's Rea So heby s Roach Rea ors Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & F edman ®Callaway Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Owner Sales Associate Facompre’ Folmer George Roach Rea ors Rea y Realtors Realtors Realtors Sotheby's ke A a e Sotheby's Realty o DeHaven* F edman Pr nce on Sales Associate Broker Associate Pr nce on Pr nce on Facompre’ George Realty y Realty Realty Realty Sa e A o a e Princeton Realtors ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Associate Sales Associate Associ Realty Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Roach Realtors Sotheby's Sotheby's International International Pr nce on ® Ca away Ca away Pr nce on So heby s Sotheby's So s nternational International ® ® Sale Rea So heby s Owner Sales Associate Roach Rea ors Hathaway Fox & ® Sotheby's Owne Sa e A o a e Facomp e Fo me Geo ge Greater Princeton Roach Rea So heby s Broker Associate Realty Realty Realty Pr nce on Sa e A o a e Roach Realtors B oke A o a e Pr nce on Pr nce on Facomp e Fo me Geo ge DiMeglio Froehlich Gre of Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Sales Associate Princeton Princeton ® Sales As Callaway Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Realty Roach Rea ors Broker Associate Sales Associate haway Fox & Sa e A o Roach Realtors ater reater Princeton Princeton Sotheby's Roach Rea ors Hathaway Fox & International ® ® ® So heby s of of Princeton Princeton Sotheby's Realtors Callaway Rea y ® Eisenberg Sa Pr nce on Owne Sa e A o a e ® Co. Real Estate Estaphanous So heby s Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors B oke A o a e Sales Associate Callaway Callaway D Meg o F oeh ch G Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Realty Callaway Sa e A o a e ® Roach Realtors Sa e A way Fox & Ca away Princeton Princeton Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sale Rea B®or oke AG oN aReal e& Sa eA A oaoRea aHenderson Co. Co. Real Estate Estate haway Fox & ® dwe Roach Rea orsRealtors Greater Princeton Broker Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX ® Realtors ofAssociate Princeton So heby snce CaRealtors away Realty Rea y Sales EeCallaway senbe gaway RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Pr nce on ®ors ®®o ® Callaway Es aphanous Sa eo aSotheby's Sa eoAssociate oRealtors e away Roach Rea ors Rea ors yTri Realtors Realtors Realty Sa eN A oCallaway aWe Ca away Ca away DeLiberto Pr nce on Friedman Princeton Sa eRealty A Sa e® ARealtors aA eRealtors Sa yoHenderson Ca Callaway Callaway Callaway on Realtors Pr nce on Pr nce on ere eHenderson aA Roach Roach Realtors Broker Associate Sales Associate Real Estate oaCallaway Banker aRE/MAX N son ® Ba oke A oRE/MAX aGG eRealtors BeBerksh oke Sa A A oeBerksh ooo aRea are eaRea eSa Sa eHenderson A oon aHenderson eHenderson RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson RE/MAX Realtors Rea yWe y RE/MAX RE/MAX son Henderson y Berksh Berksh Berksh re re Princeton ® ®We Sales Associate Sales Sales Pr nce nce on Henderson Berksh re ® Realtors ® DeHaven* Tri County RE/MAX Ca away Henderson Henderson Rea ors Co. Real Estate Callaway Callaway Rea yoA ® ®A ®A Realtors Rea yPrinceton away Callaway be Pr nce FaWeichert, edman Sa eFox aeeOwner Sa eors A ePrinceton les Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Ca away Ca Ca away Ca Ca away Facompre’ Folmer Realty ors Tri County Princeton G or G aCo. G ay son or N ason & N & son Bde A oeBerksh aare SaoBroker eaA A oBance aHenderson e Realtors Princeton or aCoun N son ® ®Roach Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Henderson Henderson RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX ®® or aeao & Sales Associate Henderson ors Rea yeeaway yHenderson RE/MAX RE/MAX rson Henderson Henderson Henderson re Berksh re Henderson RE/MAX ® ® Sa A aoke eBroker Saon eRealtors ARoach oSales Sa ePrinceton o® aaGeorge eRea Pr nce on Realtors Realtors DeHaven* RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Berksh Associate Ca away Ca away ® ®aors ®Rea We RE/MAX away Ca away away Tr y Sales Associate edwe A oBanker aSales eSaRE/MAX Sa eBerksh AAssociate oRE/MAX aere eA Sa eRea A oHenderson aRea ePr Sotheby's Facomp eHenderson Fo me Geo ge G or aor N G a& son or N son & & son & Realty Realty Tri County Realtor ® ® ® eOwner A n oRE/MAX ePrinceton oA eoke Sa A oPrinceton aInternational eon Princeton Princeton Rea Rea ors Henderson Henderson G N & Sa eA o®®a Rea aors eSa Henderson Roach Rea ors away Sa A eeRea County de We de We RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Sa ePr A oerna aRoach eAssociate We de RE/MAX Realtors Realtors cher Sotheby's Weichert, Henderson Tr Coun Sa eWeichert, A eA We de RE/MAX Sales Associate Associate Roach Realtors Tri Realtors Tri County ors Rea ors ®RE/MAX Owne Sa eoeore A eo A aSa de We de RE/MAX BHenderson oke aCa eSa & Weichert, Rea ors Rea ors We cher Sa A o eson Sa eoaeHenderson A aSa eRea Henderson Owner Sales Sales Associate We de RE/MAX n erna ona eG A oSa aN eHathaway Realty Sa e& o aoRealty eDeL Broker Associate Associate Rea ors Princeton Rea ors Rea ors Associate Associate al International International Sales Realty Owne Sa aeoke eoke ®de W Weichert, International oSales aSales eHenderson Sa eSa oPr aCallaway eSales cher We cher eRE/MAX A aSa eoB Sa eor ason e eRoach Sa A oWeichert, aRealtors eWeichert, Owne eSa oA Henderson n erna ona B A oasoon eeoRea Realty Sa o aSa eWe o eAaA ciate erna ona eaeors aRea Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales 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Henderson Berksh Rea ors Rea ors RE/MAX Rea y ® Realty So heby G or a N son & RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson H Berksh re n erna ona n erna ona Realtors Co dwe Banker G or a N son & RE/MAX Henderson Berksh re Sotheby's Realty Realty Realtors RE/MAX So heby s So heby s G or a N son & Realty Realty ® So Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Realtors Realty Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire ® G or a N son & R Rea Realtors Banker G or a N son & RE/MAX n erna ona RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & Realtors G or a N son & ona n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona RE/MAX Henderson Henderson H Berksh re RE/MAX n erna ona n erna ona RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire We de RE/MAX Realty So sWeidel n erna ona nheby erna ona Gloria Nilson &RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Sotheby's Sotheby's ® ® Realty Henderson RE/MAX heby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Weidel Weidel RE/MAX Realtors So heby sEs So heby s So heby s So heby s So heby s G or ance Ne®®Murray* son & RE/MAX Rea ors Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re Realto Realtors Realtors G or a N son & ®® on Gloria Nilson Rea ors Rea ors n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona n erna ona Henderson RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Ha haway Fox & Rea ors ona n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona n erna ona Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Henderson RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re We de RE/MAX Sotheby's n erna ona n erna ona G or a N son & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berksh re So heby s So heby s We de RE/MAX Henderson heby s So heby s So heby s Princeton We de Rea ors Rea Rea ors Rea ors G or a N son & n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona ® Mary Re ng Henderson G or a N son & RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & n erna ona Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Henderson Co. Real Estate Roach Rea ors So heby s We de RE/MAX Greater Princeton Weidel Realtors Pr nce on International L nda Pesc Dawn Pe rozz n of Princeton Weidel RE/MAX ® Realtors R ® Coldwell Banker B anche Pau We de RE/MAX Ha haway Fox & Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea ors Rea ors ors Co Rea Es a Roach Rea ors Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton Roach Rea ors Realt Donna Grea er Pr on We de RE/MAX Rea ors of Princeton n erna ona International o Pr nce We de RE/MAX Susan McKeon ® Rea ors R Tri County Realtors Realtors Co dwe Banker Realtors Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea ors Rea ors ors Co. Real Estate RE/MAX Realty Realty Co Rea a e Co Rea Es a e Grea er Pr nce on Roach Rea ors Gloria Nilson & Rea RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Hend Berkshire International International o Pr nce on n erna ona Realtors Tr Coun y Rea ors Rea ors Brokerage Tri County Tri County Gloria Nilson & Realty Co Rea Es a e RE/MAX G or a N son & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Hend Berksh re n erna ona n erna ona Rea ors Tri County Brokerage Tr Coun y Tr Coun y G or a N son & International So heby s So heby s International Weidel RE/MAX Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's So Tr Coun y International International International n erna ona So heby s So heby s Rea ors n erna ona Princeton So heby s So heby s S Rea y Rea y We de RE/MAX So heby s International Ha haway Fox & Res den a n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona ternational International International International International Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Residential Residential Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Rea y Rea ors ® Pr nce on y Rea Rea y Rea y y Rea Rea y Rea y y Princeton So heby s So heby s Rea ors Rea y Rea y ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's n erna ona Rea y Rea y Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's International International Ha haway Fox & Res den a Sotheby's national International International ® ® nna erna ona n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona n erna ona Ha haway Fox & Res den a So heby s So heby s So heby s Grea er Pr nce on Ha haway Fox & Res den a Rea Rea y Rea y y Co Rea Es a e Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors o Pr nce on Rea y Sotheby's Princeton Princeton ya heby Rea Rea y&®haway Rea yer y Rea Rea y Co. Rea y®Co. yRea Rea yyCounty PrSotheby's nce on haway Greater Greater Princeton Princeton ®Rea Rea ors ®heby So So heby son So heby s Hathaway Fox & Residential Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate International Rea y Estate Rea y of of Princeton Princeton hebyer sCo So heby snce So heby s n erna ona n erna ona ® So heby s ona s SoGreater n erna ona n erna ona ® Roach Realtors Co Rea Es a e Ha Fox & Res den a Hathaway Fox Grea er Pr nce on Rea Rea y Rea y y Co Rea Es a e Hathaway Fox & ial o Pr nce on Real Real Estate Estate So heby s Pr nce on Pr nce on Grea er Pr nce ® Rea Co Rea Es eerson Grea Pr nce on So s Rea ors o Pr on Ha haway Fox & Res den aCo Co Es aEs eaCo. n erna ona o Pr nce on ® ® Greater Princeton Realtors Realtors Roach Rea ors Realty Co Rea Es a e ®® Realtors Roach Realtors Roach Co. Real Ha haway Fox & Princeton of Princeton Co Es a e Ha Fox & Co Rea Es a e ® Grea er Pr nce on Princeton Princeton Rea a e Rea ors o Pr nce on of Princeton Greater Princeton Tr Coun y Co. Real Estate of Princeton Rea ors ® Grea er Pr nce on Rea ors Roach Realtors Rea y Realty Tri County Princeton Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors Rea Es a e Pr nce on o Pr nce on ® Co Rea Es a e Co. Real Estate Realtors Grea Pr nce on Real Estate Pr nce on o Pr nce on Grea er Pr nce on Tr Coun y Co Rea Es a e o Pr nce on Rea ors Sotheby's Sotheby's Soth Realtors Pa Realty Realty Tr Coun y Roach Rea ors Rea y Pr nce on Realtors Co Rea Es a e ® ® Rea ors Co Rea Es a e Tri So heby s So heby s So h Rea ors Rea y Rea y Tr Coun y Tri County Rea ors ® A o Hathaway Fox Tr &Rea Counors yInternational nona erna ona nnnAerna ona Tr Tr Coun y aona Inte ok o Realty Haona haway Fox & Res a y ors International Realty Realty Realty Rea y Realty Princeton Co. nors erna erna ona of Princeton S Coun BRealty okors®International An oerna Rea y nRealtors erna ona nnSerna ona nn ® nInternational erna Realty BRealty ok AyGreater oona er Realtors Realtors Rea Rea y on Co. Real Estate Rea yInternational Realty Realty Realty Realty International Grea nce ® ® B A o Co Real Rea Estate EsInternational anRea eernay Residential oRealtors Pr nce nRea erna ona erna ona International International Realtors Rea yon Realty Rea Rea ors yTri alty Realty Realty CoCounty Rea Es Rea ona y International S Rea Rea y International Rea yeInternational ona den erna ona International Roach International nternational erna nPrerna ona n erna Rea

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H h wRealtors y Fox RE MAX Roach Rea Realtors ors Rea®Rea ors BRea hRea Hyyh w Rea y Robin y Roach Rea y yyyRealtors Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Rea ors®nCo RE Karma ReaA Brokerage yBrokerage Rea y yRealtors B ok o Rea ors Realty Rea y Rea y Thomas Lisa Joan Madolyn Rea ors Rea ReaVanessa yRealty Reaors y Rea Rea y Realty Rea Realty Realty Rea ors Rea y Rea y Re R y & Ro h R o ® P d P o on Fox & Ro h R o ® Froehlich Greve C w y H nd on Estaphanous Gronczewski Friedman Facompre’ Folmer George ales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate So h by n n on Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate oan Sales Associate oan Associate Ka Sales Associate Kama ma Su “Sue” M Thoma Su Suzy Rob oan Mado Broker Associate Sales Su an an “Sue” Callaway Callaway Callaway Ba M he heee Thoma Suan an Suzy Baba baaaCallaway LL aa Robnn oanCC Mado R y DDMeg FFoeh GGev EE enbe gg EE aphanou Megoo oeh hh ev enbe aphanou DeL be FF edman RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire DeHaven Fa Fo Geo DeL be oo edman Gloria Nilson & DeHaven Fa omp ompeHenderson e Fome me Geoge ge Weidel RE/MAX Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Gough "Winn " Carole James A A AA Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Hel Smita Denise 'Dee' Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary A A James Ann Jan&Jan Linda enche Dawn EvaEstate Jan Linda Dawn Eva Mary AA JanFox Own AA Linda Dawn Eva Eva Sotheby's Sotheby's BB kk Jan AA Sotheby's AA Linda Dawn Eva Mary AMary Jan Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Mary Mary Sotheby's Own Linda Roberta Blanche Dawn Eva Mary AA A Shaughnessy Hathaway BB kk AA AA ® Mary Ca away Ca away Ca aw Mary Greater Princeton of Princeton Co. Real Ca away Ca away Ca aw Realtors Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Sherman Jan Jan Linda Roberta Linda Mary Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Tri County Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Shaughnessy Parker Ann Thompson Tosche Jan Jan Linda Linda Roberta Roberta Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Eva Dawn Mary Eva Mary Sherm Ann Ann Petrozzini November Smith Shah Schulz Donna Smolowitz Ann Petruzziello RE/MAX nternational International International Co dwe Banke Donna Donna osnitsky Paul Reiling Silverman Steffens nna Co dwePetruzziello Banke Schulz RE/MAX Rutkowski Pecsi G aReiling on Hende on Hende Hende Be kkhShah ®Petrozzini Petruzziello G oo aaNN International on &&a Petruzziello Parker RE/MAX GooPetrozzini aNNSales on&& RE/MAX Hende on Reiling Hende on on Hende Be h ee He Roach Realtors Petruzziello onanche Reiling Petruzziello We de RE/MAX er Petruzziello Petruzziello Rutkowski Pecsi aul en Sm Den se Dee Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Reiling Paul Paul We de RE/MAX Reiling Reiling Reiling Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini He en Sm aMa Den se Dee Paul ames Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini ® Rutkowski Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Petrozzini Be sy Va e Associate Pecsi nda Robe aDawn Lnda nda B Dawn Eva M Parker ames Broker Sales sy Parker nda Robe a GEva LPLinda nda B anche Dawn Eva M Reiling Ann ® Pecsi November Broker Associate Parker Parker Sales Associate Petruzziello November Jan Linda Linda Dawn Eva Mary Ann Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Donna Donna Parker Parker Petruzziello Realtors Realty Realty Realty Dawn Paul Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Mary November Reiling Realtor Associate November an LGPetrozzini nda aRoberta LAssociate nda B Dawn Eva yLL So heby So So heb Ann an L nda Robe L nda B anche Dawn Eva yRea Jan Linda Nosnitsky Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Mary Donna Donna Paul Jan Linda Ann Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Mary Mary Petruzziello Reiling Reiling Sales Associate Broker A November November Rutkowski Pecsi Dawn Petrozzini Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary an L aRoberta L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ma y Sales Associate Sales Assoc So heby Soheby heby SoVa he Ann Petruzziello Petruzziello Ann Rutkowski Rutkowski Petrozzini Nosnitsky an LPecsi nda Robe L nda BaAnn Dawn Eva Ma yoShaughnessy Nosnitsky Donna Paul Donna Ha haway Fox & Re den aanche an L nda L nda Ann Robe Robe L nda LRea nda B anche Bnda anche Dawn Eva Eva Ma Ma y yLinda Paul Ann Reiling Ann Ann Donna Donna Reiling an LRea nda Robe La anche nda BLinda anche Dawn Eva Ma yTBe Broker Sales Nosnitsky Ann ®® Paul Paul Ann Rutkowski Reiling Pecsi Donna Donna Rutkowski Pecsi Donna Donna Ha haway Fox & Re den aBlanche Associate Ann G ea eeaPetrozzini nAssociate eReiling on Sales Ann Ann Donna Donna Co Rea EaRoberta aAnn Donna Donna oMa PRoberta nPa ePetruzziello on Sales Associate Murray* Donna Donna Donna sray* Associate Rutkowski Rutkowski Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Dawn Donna Donna Broker Sales Co Rea EEEva aaBroker eRealty Donna Donna Dawn ea PAssociate nPetrozzini eRobe on n Co ERobe aeaBroker eRobe Donna Donna oaa P n enda on Murray* Donna Donna Donna Rea oMa Murray* Broker L nda L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ma yJan Dawn Sales Associate NJ & PA Donna Donna Co eRoberta Broker Associate ciate She man Dawn Jan Linda Roberta Linda Mary Blanche Dawn Broker Owner Coun yo Shaughnessy Linda Roberta Blanche Dawn Sales Associate Sales Associate L nda Robe L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ma y Sales Associate Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Ev Sales L nda Roberta L B anche Dawn EE Linda Linda Blanche Dawn She man Broker Sales an L nda Robe a L nda y B anche Dawn ke Broker Sales T Coun y Ann Broker Sales Broker Associate Sales Associate L nda L nda Robe a Robe a L L nda B anche B anche Dawn Eva Dawn Ma y Ann Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Linda Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Ann Broker Sales Sales Associate ® Associate Donna Donna L nda Robe a L nda B anche Dawn Sales Sales Associate Associate L nda Robe a L nda B anche Dawn Ann Ann Broker Sales Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Ann ociate Pa ke Callaway Ann Novembe Dawn Sm Shah Schu z Donna Donna ® Broker Owner Sales Associate Associate Broker Sales Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva L nda L nda Robe a Robe a L nda L nda B anche B anche Dawn Eva Dawn Ma y Broker Sales Sales Ann Ann Pe uzz e Broker Owner Broker Sales Dawn Broker Sales Donna Donna Donna Donna n e na ona n e na ona n eEva na Ann Ann Ann Broker Sales Parker Associate Novembe Dawn Donna Donna Sm Donna Shah Dawn Donna Donna Donna Schu z Parker Nosn sky Donna Donna Broker Sales Broker Sales ® Ann Pau ® Broker Owner e Dawn Re Realtor Dawn S ve man Ann Ann Pe uzz e o oker Broker Associate Associate Dawn Dawn Ann Donna Donna Donna Donna Sales Associate Broker Owner Broker Sales Associate n e na ona n e na ona n eEva na Broker Broker Owner Owner Parker ® ® Sales Associate oker Sales Associate Pa ke Dawn Dawn Realtor Associate Pecs Broker Associate Pe ozz nGloria November Donna Callaway Donna Donna Donna Pa ke Nosn sky Donna Donna Parker November Pau Parker Parker Broker Owner Dawn Re Dawn S ve man Petruzziello Dawn Donna Donna Donna Donna Donna Donna Broker Sales Petruzziello Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Parker Pa ke November Dawn Dawn Dawn Realtor Associate Donna Donna Pecs Pe ozz n Novembe Realtor Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Nosnitsky Pa ke Novembe Mu ay* Sales Associate Paul Broker Broker Sales Sales Associate Associate November Pa ke Pa ke Callaway Dawn Nosnitsky November November Roa h Rea o Petruzziello Reiling Paul Pe uzz e o Reiling Realtor Associate Realtor Associate Pe uzz e o Petruzziello Pa ke Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate November Petruzziello Petruzziello Moskow z Sales Associate Novembe Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Nosnitsky Paul Nosn sky ees Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Mu ay* Pau Novembe Petruzziello Reiling Owner Nosn sky Novembe Novembe Roa h Rea o Pe uzz e o Re ng Nosnitsky Pau Paul Sales Associate Nosnitsky Nosnitsky Broker Sales Paul Paul Re ng Reiling Monspo Associate B oke age Pe uzz e o Reiling Reiling Sales Associate Novembe Pe Pe uzz uzz e o e o Moskow z Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Nosnitsky Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Paul Nosn sky Pau Broker Sales Broker Sales Ru kowsk Reiling Pecs Pe ozz n Rutkowski Murray* Pecsi Petrozzini Pe uzz e o Berkshire Re ng Rutkowski Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Petrozzini Nosn sky Murray* Sales Associate Pau Nosn Nosn sky sky Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Pau Pau Re ng Monspo Broker Associate B oke age Sales Associate Re Re ng ng Sales Associate Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Moskowitz Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Pa ke Nosn sky Broker Owner Pau oskowitz Broker Sales Murray* Sales Associate Sales Associate Re ng Broker Sales Ru kowsk Mu ay* B oke Sa e Pecs Broker Associate Pe ozz n Nilson & Berkshi Ru kowsk Pecs Pecs Pe Pe ozz ozz n n Parker Sales Associate Mu ay* Murray* Broker Owner Sa e A o a e Murray* Murray* Moskowitz Ru kowsk Pecs Peke ozz n Broker Sales Broker Sales Moskow zMoskowitz Pa ke Novembe Murray* oskow Bn oke A oPecsi aaePecsi Moskowitz Mu ay*Mu Broker BAoke Sa e Pau Parker Broker Associate Parker Berks Pa Sales Associate Sales Associate Pe uzz ePe oPe ay* November Broker Owner rt Mu ay* ay* Broker Moskowitz Moskow zMu Pa ke Pa ke Parker Broker Associate Broker Associate ooooPetruzziello Monsport Sales Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Mu ay* Rea yNovembe Rea Bn oke A oPecs eyPecs Moskow z Lisa Nosn sky Moskow zEllen Sales Associate Broker Broker Owner Broker Sales Pa ke Pa ke Parker Associate ng Rea oeNovember A o ake esky November Broker Sales Pe uzz eSa oozz Monsport Novembe oDebb ia Nilson & Nosnitsky Moskow z Berkshire Paul Coldwell Banker Pe u Pe Pa Pa ke Reiling Sa eRea A ® Broker Associate Novembe Novembe Rea Sales Associate Pe ozz Monspo Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate ® Associate Rea yMurray* Rea Keller Nosn sky Broker Sales Associate Pau B oke SaAssociate eMoskowitz Sales Associate Maura Novembe ng Rea oBerkshire A oNosn aNovember eOwner Novembe Pe uzz eyeHenderson oLinda Pe uzz oke Sa eAssociate Monspo Rutkowski Nosn sky Broker Sales Nosnitsky Pau Broker Broker Sales Paul sky Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate Pau Parker ® Pe ue P Henderson Re ng Sa eRea AR Associate ssociate Novembe Novembe Associate Pecs Pe ozz Berkshire Broker Sales Nosn sky Nosn sky Petruz ®Maura Berkshire BeSa oke Sa ezOwner eDebbie Pau Parker Mu ay* ®e ®Mu Maura Re Pecs nPetrozzini Gloria Nilson Petrozzini Realtor Pe uzz oL Pe uzz Ru kowsk Nosnitsky Lisa Rachna Pe ozz n Nosn sky B oke Sa Nosn Paul eozz A aRe eL Pau Maura RE/MAX Rachna Associate Associate Realtor Associate B oke oke Sa eSales Sa Pau Mau ®e Sa eNovembe ooeAssociate aPau Banker Sa es Assoc aaay* eBeNovember Moskow zSa RE/MAX Berkshire Nosnitsky Pecs Pecs Pe ozz Pe nozz November oke Sa Associate Nosn Nosn sky B oke Debb e zOwner Pau ay* Berkshire Associate Realtor Re Pecs Pe n Berkshire Pe ozz nnda oBerkshire A aA November Pecsi Petrozzini llen Lisa Lisa Rachna Rachna Rachna Pet Sa eRea A aRe ePetruzzie Mu ay* Rachna oAssociate eoaAssociate Murray* Monspo Realtor Mau EAssociate en oke A ooke aeAssociate ePecs Sa eParker A aPau eeDawn Mu ay* L sa Rachna Realtor Realtor Associate Coldwell Banker Sa es Assoc Moskow zRea Pecsi Petrozzini Nilson & Berkshire Pecs Nosnitsky Pe ozz nnda Paul Broker Assoc aDonna eeeSales B ok Mu ay* ay* Realtor Associate Moskow A oAssociate aMonsport eaoAssociate Nosnitsky Moskow BPecsi oke Owne Linda Associate Sales Mu ay* Associate Associate RE/MAX Mu Rea A EA en BA oke A oaPecs eoke LMonspo sa Rachna Nosnitsky Rea oBMonspo A eo aMurray* eSa Sales Associate Berkshire Sales Associate Moskow zeaRea Moskow zBoMurray* Ro Linda Paul Sa es Assoc eng Pecsi Owner Sales Associate Monsport Broker aPaul Associate Broker Sales RE/MAX Mu ay* Mu ay* Henderson oBroker o aBroker Moskow oke Sa eAssoc Moskow zNilson Petrozzini Broker Sales BoAnn oke Owne Sales Sa eDonna aColdwell eeAssoc Moskowitz Ann B oke Sa eoke A oDonna an Sales Associate Roberta Petrozzini Broker Sales Sa eeoeAssociate A oRE/MAX aMonspo eaA Sa A oeAssociate aA eBAssociate eBroker aRea ez Sa es Assoc aBerkshire eoMaura Moskow zMonspo Moskow Ro Lozz Sales Sa Assoc aSa eng Sales Associate Owner Ann Monspo Sa Assoc aMonsport eees Owner Sales Associate Broker Sales Linda Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate oke Sa eDonna Ca away Gloria RE/MAX BOwner oke Sa eOwner Broker Associate Bo Sa ®AAssociate Broker Sales A aRea eeAssociate Rober Linda Gloria & Sa eBroker A Broker Broker Sales Sales Monsport Berkshire kshire Monspo Monspo Sales Ann Sales Associate RE/MAX B eSales oPecsi an eSa Broker Sales Owner Assoc eoRea Robe aaaAaF nda RE/MAX B Sa eDonna oo eaaes eMurray* ABroker oMoskowitz az esky Sa o aoke eoAssociate Ann Associate Sa eGloria Sa A eBroker o A aPaul eOwne Monsport Broker Sales Ann Sa eLisa A oes aA eSa Sa aSa eeRea Boke oke Sa eA Moskowitz LBBaSales nda Berkshire Berkshire ae& eSa Donna Donna Sa Assoc Assoc aBerkshire eaoMonspo Ca away BSa eA B oke Sa Ann Gloria & Broker Owner Assoc aMu eAAssoc Associate Bo Owne Sa eeSales A aSales Rea A oeSa eASales A o a®oke eSales B oke Sa Robe LeEstate Li Roberta Broker Broker Associate Dawn BSa B oke Sa eAssoc Sa eAssociate Sa eaDonna Berkshire Sa aAA eNilson Sales Broker Owner Broker Sales Associate B oke Sa Gloria Nilson & Broker Broker Owner Donna Nilson & RE/MAX Sales Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Realtor Associate BAaReal oke Sa enda Monsport Associate Assoc aBBerkshire Sa oaMoskowitz aSales eMoskowitz Donna Dawn Donna Broker Owner Boke eoke B eDonna Ann B Owne Gloria Nilson & Broker Assoc azNilson eoke Broker Sales Dawn Rea oe A o ae eBroker Donna Associate Broker Assoc eaAes aBe®aSales Dawn Associate Associate Ann Associate Sa es Assoc aeBroker eePetrozzini B oke Owne oke Sa oAssoc aoke eoB Linda Linda Blanche Roberta & B oke BBroker Owne oeOwne aBroker Donna Sa eSales aBerkshire eSa Monsport Realtor Sa A aeMonspo ees Associate Sa es Assoc aAssociate eAnn B eo A o eo Associate oOwner aSales Broker Sales aooA eBroker esre ABerkshire oAssociate aMaura eAssociate Associate Broker Sales Sales Associate Associate Sa eSales oRE/MAX aeSales eAssociate Sales Donna Donna Associate Dawn ® Sales Associate Berkshire Associate Associate BaeBo oke Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Associate Rea oAssociate A oBroker aAssociate oAssociate A aDawn Dawn Donna Associate Donna A eSa Associat Broker Sales Associate ® es Assoc aA oke eBroker A aSa ee Sa eAssoc A aRoberta eBerksh Sales Associate AM oMurray* aA eoMurray* Associate Associate Sa eBerkshire ASales o aeGloria eBerkshire Linda Roberta Blanche Roberta Sa A o aOwner Rea A aAnn eAssoc Donna Donna Associate o A oSales aaBerkshire ee es aor eeAssociate Sales Berkshire Berkshire Sa es aBroker eSa B oke Sa aRE/MAX eB iate Ann Sa es aBlanche eBes oke BOwne oke eoke Sa A aaa o eeRea aSa eo Sa eASales A o eoAssociate Ca Sa eA A o eoAssociate Dawn Donna oeBerkshire aLisa eaeoSales oke Sa Sa A e ees oA aAssoc oeSa aARE/MAX Associate Berkshire Sales Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate AeeaeDawn oAssociate aSa eoBerkshire Co. Hathaway Nilson & Rea oAssoc A oBea eaSa Rea ooke A o aDawn Associate ales Maura es Assoc Associate BoeAssoc oke Sa eo A oSa aoke eLinda Sa eeSales Sa oSaund aes eA eFox AMoskowitz o aBerkshire eOwne Broker Broker Sales A aAssoc eaoSa Hathaway Fox Lang *Lang Berksh re o A aBroker o eAssoc aBroker ea Sa es Assoc aor eeGloria Berkshire Sales Associate Realtor eBla aeEllen eAssociate RE/MAX Sa Nilson & Associate Associate Broker aaAnn es Assoc aOwne oke Sa eCa Hathaway Fox & Mills** A o aSa eOwne M s** Realtor Associate Berkshire Sa es aDonna eoRea Donna ® B oke Owne aen aAeaGloria RE/MAX eSales A oSa eoA Sa eeeSa A o Broker Associate Rachna oke eSotheby's Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Lang *oBerkshire Sa es Assoc aSa eG Sa Assoc aDonna eBroker Berksh re Sotheby's Berkshire Sa A aAssociate eSales Berkshire Broker Owner *en Sa eAs Owner SooA Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox Assoc aaoBBAeoeA eoke BBOwne oke Sa eAssociate ® Owner Linda es ae®aSa eBRea Sa es Assoc eBroker X Mills** Mills** Mills** s** Realtor Associate Donna Donna Donna B oke Owne Donna Broker Assoc aLinda eaNosnitsky Mills** Berkshire Berkshire Broker Associate Sa oaBlanche aeoo& esky Sa A Gloria & Gloria Nilson RE/MAX Broker Assoc aNosn eSa B Sa A o aLinda eB re Realtor Associate Badwe oke Roberta Blanch es Assoc eeSa Sa es Assoc aAssociate eBroker Dawn Hathaw Sa eNilson A oMaura aSa eA Broker Owner Sa ea& oBanker Owner Berkshire Ellen BNovembe oke Owne Rachna Berkshire Owne Ann Broker Broker Assoc a e Hathaway Fox oke Sa eSa Realtor Associate Sales Associate & Associate Owne Susan Real Estate Owner RE/MAX RE/MAX Sales Associate Owner Owner Sales Associate oke Owne B oke Owne Pa A oAssoc Broker Assoc a e Ann Lu h a Berkshire Coldwell Banker Residential Hathaway & Broker Assoc a e Berkshire Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate B oke Sa e A o a e G a N son & Berkshire Berksh re Debb e a "Sandy" Hathaway Fox & oke Owne Owner A Co dwe Banker Sa e A o a e B oke Owne Sales Sa e A o a Sotheby's Owne Williams Associate Lisa B oke e A o e Sa e A o a e Associate Sales Associate Broker Assoc a e Broker Assoc a e Ann November Sa es Assoc a e A a e B oke o a e A o a e Susan Sales Associate Owne Sales Associate Mau a Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Sa e A o a Owne Parker Sa e A o a e B oke Owne B oke Owne Donna P A o a e Berkshire Lu h a November Berkshire Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Sa Le kow z B oke Sa e A o a e B oke Sa e A o a e Debb Debb e Debb e e Saund Saund Saund "Sandy" a "Sandy" a "Sandy" LeRay Lu h a erkshire a N son & Berkshire Debb e Saund a "Sandy" Berkshire Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Henderson Owne A Co dwe Banker o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Dawn Associate Donna Donna Sales Debb e Saund a "Sandy" e E sabe h "Be h" Berkshire A o a e Residential Hathaway Fox & Berksh re B oke Sa e A o a Park Sa e A o a e B oke Sa e A a e LeRay Luthra Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & Sales Associate Broker Associate Mau Mau a Mau a Sa e A o a e nge a Berkshire Berkshire Sa A o a e Sa e A o a e Dawn Sa e A o a e Mau a Sale E en Nosnitsky L sa Rachna Pa ke shire Mau RE/MAX A o e A a e e A o e November Donna Fox Donna Sales Associate Broker Owner Novembe Sales Associate Residential Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Sa Hathaway Fox & Le kow z oke Sa e A o a e B oke Sa RE/MAX e A o a e Berkshire Debb Debb e Debb e e Saund Saund Saund "Sandy" a "Sandy" a "Sandy" LeRay Lu h a Nosnitsky Sales Assoc Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e November Henderson en en e e en e E sabe E sabe E h "Be sabe h "Be h" h h" "Be h" o a e A o a e Associate Coldwell A o Dawn & Co. Debb e Saund a "Sandy" en e E sabe h "Be h" Broker Owner Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Berksh re Sales Associate RE/MAX Berkshire Associate Berksh re Lo en e E sabe h "Be h" Sa e A o a e Sa e o a e Pa k Coldwell Banker Berkshire Berkshire nge nge a a nge a kowitz itz November LeRay LeRay LeRay Luthra Luthra Luthra Mau Mau a Mau a E en E en E en nge a L sa L sa L sa Rachna Rachna Rachna Greater E en Nosn L sa nge a Rachna Greater Princeton Lefkowitz LeRay Mau a RE/MAX A o a e A a e E en Sa e A o a e Novembe Co Banker L sa Sa e A o a e Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox way Fox RE/MAX Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Broker Associate RE/MAX Berksh re sky Associate G or a N son & Novembe en en e e e E sabe E sabe E h "Be sabe h "Be h" h h" "Be h" A o a e Coldwell Banker G or a N son & Nosnitsky Berksh re Broker Sales Associate Broker Owner Owne Gloria Nilson & Berksh re A o a e Lo en e E sabe h "Be h" Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e athaway Hathaway Fox Fox G or a N son & Broker Associate Berkshire Associate Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Berksh Berksh re re nge nge a a nge a Sales Associate Novembe Sales Associate Associate Associate E en E en E en L sa L sa L sa Rachna Rachna Rachna Berkshire Nosnitsky Coldwell Banker nge a Berksh re Broker Owner Broker Sales Associate Murray* Parker Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker E en Co dwe Banker Broker Associate LOwner sa Berksh re RE/MAX Associate Gloria & Berksh re Hathaway Fox RE/MAX Sales Associate sky Associate G or ason N son & RE/MAX Hende Az oBroker aMurray* ea Murray* Broker Associate RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Nosn sky Berkshire Berkshire Owne G or aAssociate N son & Moskowitz G or aSa N Berksh re A oMaura eMurray* G or G aHathaway or NSales aSaundra son NSales son & & Berkshire A oA aMu oa eAssociate aNosn eBanker RE/MAX RE/MAX Associate Nosn sky Ke er W ams Berkshire Greater Fox Berksh re Owne Owner Moskowitz Berkshire Berkshire ay* Broker Sales Owne Berksh re G aeeNilson N son & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Parker Ason oOwner aPaul e Donna Sa eBerksh Ason oHathaway are RE/MAX Hend Murray* Greater Princeton Gloria Nilson & ay* Monsport Broker Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Berkshire Berkshire RE/MAX RE/MAX Greater Princeton Owne Owne Berksh re Berksh re Sales Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX RE/MAX Sales Associate Moskow Gloria Nilson & Real Estate Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Berksh re Monsport Berkshire Sales aeams Nilson Moskowitz Ke er W Berksh re Berkshire Berkshire Associate Hathaway Fox Berkshire Greater A aMills** Owne Sales Associate Moskow zRE/MAX Berksh Berksh re re Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Debbie Debbie Saundra "Sandy" "Sandy" Berkshire Berkshire G or aAssociate N son & RE/MAX eEllen A oor aMaura Moskowitz Parker Parker Maura Mu ay* Sales Associate Coldwell Associate Berkshire Greater Princeton Berksh re Berkshire GMu or N son & Gloria Nilson Monspo Berksh re Berksh re November Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Owne Owne Nilson & Nosnitsky Moskowitz RE/MAX RE/MAX Mu ay* Sales Associate G ae& N son & Monsport Maura Maura Associate Greater Princeton Monspo Hathaway Fox Berksh re Berkshire Greater Greater Princeton Princeton reebe aHughes N Co. Real Estate Moskow z& Berksh Berksh re Gloria Nilson & Berksh Gloria Nilson Mu ay* A oor a& eor Co. Real Estate Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Sales Associate Monsport G or a& N son & Berksh re Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Berksh re Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Moskow zaDawn Berkshire Berkshire Berksh re G or a& N son & Sales Sales Associate Associate Associate Ingela Berksh Berksh re Greater Princeton Berkshire Hathaway Fox Brok Monsport G N son & A o& eAnn Jenifer Elisabeth Elisabeth "Beth" "Beth" Sales Ellen Gloria & Hathaway Fox & Berkshire Fox & Lisa Rachna November November G orFox aParker N & Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX G a& N son & Sales Moskow zColdwell ® Monspo Berkshire ® Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Ingela Nosnitsky ams Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox Berksh re Paul Ellen Ellen G or aoson NGloria son so Associate Lisa Lisa Berkshire Rachna eori G or aaDonna N son G or aHathaway NoaoMills** son & ®Donna Berksh re Monspo Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Berksh re Coldwell Banker ller Williams Saundra "Sandy" Hathaway Fox & Broker Sales Berksh re Berksh Berksh Berksh re re G or aRE/MAX N son & International Maura Hathaway Fox Berksh re BePP o Monspo A Ann Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Sales Associate G or aaIngela & Berksh Berksh re re Owner Co. Real Estate ebbie Donna RE/MAX & Roach Berksh re Hathaway Fox & G or are N son Ber Parker Keller Gloria Nilson & Berksh re RE/MAX Maura Hathaway Fox & & Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker G or aa& N son & Dawn Ellen Maura Paul A o aHathaway eOwne ®re Berksh re Lisa Rachna Lang *& Owner Broker SD Murray* Rea Fox Ha haway eth" Berkshire Realtor Associate RE/MAX er W ams ®Paul Saund aW "Sandy" Mills** G or aAssociate N son & or aGreater N son & oke Sa eo Berksh re Berksh Parker Hathaway Fox & Debbie Debbie A eo Saundra "Sandy" Saundra "Sandy" Hathaway Fox Hughes beth "Beth" Ingela Ha & RE/MAX M s** Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors November Realtor Associate Ellen Berksh re Donna RE/MAX Real Estate Lisa Rachna Donna ® Berksh re & Roach G or a& N son Moskowitz Ke ams G or aPrinceton N son & RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Mau asa Pecsi RE/MAX Lisa Banker Lang Lang *Co. Lang *N *Gloria Rachna Dawn Maura RE/MAX Dawn Lang *G November So heby sor Owner B oke Berksh re Berkshire Berkshire Ha haway *LeRay ® Ellen Fox Hathaway Fox Lisa Rachna Berksh re oaaDonna A aBerk Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox RE/MAX Debbie Saundra "Sandy" G or a& N son & G or aRE/MAX N son & Ellen Lisa Rachna M M s** s** M s** Debb eIngela Debb ezFox A aPecsi eB Saund "Sandy" Saund aenbade "Sandy" International Owner h h" Associate Ha haway RE/MAX M s** Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker La e®ams y Donna Donna Donna Donna Lori Elisabeth "Beth" Rea o oRE/MAX eo Berksh re November M s** Donna Berksh re Berksh re RE/MAX Monsport G aERe N & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX nge Realtor Associate Owner Maura RE/MAX E en Ingela Ingela Dawn & Roach Nosnitsky Luthra sa Lang Lang *Hathaway Lang *Ha *G Rachna Sa eJenifer A aer eWilliams Mau aFox Sa eBerkshire A oHathaway aRea eNilson Berksh re RE/MAX RE/MAX Ellen Ellen Moskowitz Paul re Lisa Rachna Berkshire So heby sHa Berksh re B oke oson Re d& Berksh re Berksh re Greater Princeton Lang *re Berksh re Ha haway Fox ®Hathaway Nilson & Co Rea Es a& eG Co. Real Estate RE/MAX Ha haway Fox Murray* Murray* Nosnitsky Debb eHathaway Saund aRE/MAX "Sandy" RE/MAX M M s** s** M s** La La een y eoer La y eSusan yKeller Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Rea oRE/MAX A oRea aDonna eRea Berkshire dwe Res den aSales Hathaway Fox La eeHa Donna Berksh re Berksh re Lo en eaSales E sabe h "Be h" ® Sales Associate M s** Berksh re Berksh re La eFox yzhaway RE/MAX Berkshire Greater Princeton ® ® G or ason son International G or aNosnitsky N son & RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & Ingela Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate oFox A aaCo eoePaul Mau aBerksh Ellen nge aN Monsport Dawn Roach Realtors Lisa Sa A a"Beth" eW Nosnitsky Sa eh A o eN Berksh re Ke er W ams E en Sales Associate Berksh re L Rachna Moskowitz Berksh re Moskowitz h B oke oHathaway Re d G or aFox N son & Gloria Nilson Roach Realtors Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra G Berksh re Ha haway Fox Berks Rea ohaway A o aoRE/MAX eRoach or akow N son & B oke oKe o ® Co Rea Es aFox eFox RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Donna Berksh re Berkshire Hathaway Fox & La La yKe eoeFox La yer eBerksh yKe Williams en eCo. E sabe "Be Hathaway Fox Berksh Co dw Res den aSa Ha haway Fox & Berksh re Broker Berksh re Berksh re Berkshire Dawn Sa es Assoc aDonna eAssociate La ekow y& or aReal N & or aFox N son Donna Berksh re Ha haway Fox & Greater Princeton Res den aFox nge aN Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Co. Real Estate Le kow LeRay Lu h E en Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Sales So he L sa Monsport Residential Brokerage Realtors & Ro Berksh Berksh re Ke er W ams Sa es Assoc aDonna eRealtor Dawn Hathaway Fox & G or aFox N son & & Roach Roach G or aL N son & Berksh re G Lefkowitz Don Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Donna B oke oCallaway oson LeRay an s"Be Berkshire Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Donna Ha haway Donna Murray* enk Debbie Gloria Nilson & Saundra "Sandy" er W ams Princeton Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors Berksh re Greater Princeton Greater Princeton Keller Williams Hathaway Fox Berksh re Ha haway & Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Ca away er W ams Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox Kos enbade Coldwell Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Berksh re Dawn Fox Berksh re Sales Associate RE/MAX & Roach & Roach Dawn B Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox G or aor & G or ahaway son & Coldwell Banker Broker Murray* Le Le kow Le zHathaway kow zFox zLang Res den aCo. LeRay LeRay Lu h Lu a"Sandy" h Lu ance hMurray* aeRachna Ha haway & Hathaway Fox & Le kow LeRay Grea er Lu h a& Ha haway Ha haway Fox & ciate Associate es aEs ence So h Maura Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Ke er ams Ke W ams re Berksh re Grea er Pr on Le kow znce Roach Realtors LeRay Dawn Moskowitz Berkshir Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Greater saAssociate an sEs sIngela Ke Ke Ke re Berksh re & Roach Associate Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Don Ha Fox Ha Donna an san Ke Sa es Assoc aen ere Co Es aRea eRoach W haway Fox & Broker of Record an ck an sh" Gloria & Ke er W ams haway Berkshire Kos Kos enbade Kos enbade Banker Hathaway Fox Moskowitz ® Ca away Co Rea Es aEstate eKeller Kos enbade Co dwe Banker Co. Real Dawn Ha haway Hathaway Assoc aFox eRealtor RE/MAX Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Co. Co. Real Estate Estate re Kos edRoach Ha Ha haway haway Fox Sales Associate Jenifer Elisabeth Susan Hathaway & Greater Co dwe Banker Le kow Le zHathaway kow zHa zHathaway Gloria Nilson & LeRay LeRay LeRay Coldwell Banker Lu h Lu h Lu aA aenge Broker Sales Broker Sales away Fox Berkshire Grea er Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Hathaway & Ke er W ams Ke W ams Monsport er Pr nce on RE/MAX Le kow zaPrinceton Sales Brokerage Ingela Hathaway Fox RE/MAX Sales Harriet Susan Susan Moskowitz Co. Real Ha haway Fox Ellen Ha haway Fox RE/MAX RE/MAX kerksh an an san an seKe Ke Ke Ke Lisa Rachna Gloria Nilson Co Rea Es ange Residential Fox & Fox & Banker an ck an s& Ke Co Rea aams e& Monsport Broker of Broker Record of Record of Record Kos Kos enbade Kos enbade enbade dwe Banker Ha Fox Berkshire Residential Sales Associate ® ® ay Fox & Co Rea Es aCallaway eG RE/MAX Ha haway haway Fox RE/MAX RE/MAX Ass ehaway A oSa aeBanker eCo. Co Co Rea Es ay Es eeGloria aKe Berksh re Kos Lang *Nilson Ha eder haway & Sa eSales A oeAssociate aRea eSales Susan Greater Greater Co dwe Banker Callaway haway Fox & Associate Co dwe Co dwe Banker Berkshire Sales Associate Berkshire Ha eSales Susan ® Sales Associate RE/MAX Greater Monsport Sa A aAssociate ere Real Estate Ha haway Fox RE/MAX Sa eDebb A o aSa e®e Lang *Co **Rachna Co Rea Es aaLori eCo Co. Real Estate Greater Princeton Realtor Associate Sales Sales Associate Mills** Sales Associate Residential Real Estate Debb eGrea aColdwell "Sandy" Co dwe Banker Co Rea Es aenbade ere Greater Greater Harriet Susan ®Fox Associate Ha haway Fox & Princeton Grea er RE/MAX RE/MAX Sales Associate RE/MAX A Sales Associate Ha haway Fox & ®Fox Mills** Mills** Debbie Debbie Saundra "Sandy" "Sandy" Residential Gloria Nilson & Sales & Roach Broker Sales Callaway Ha haway Fox & Residential Residential ®enbade Sa eSales A oSa ahaway eoaSa eBerkshire A oe®Ha ao ehaway Greater Princeton Sa A o aAssociate e®Fox Ha e*Re Susan eHa A o aAssociate eRealtor Berkshire Grea er Pr on RE/MAX Co. Real oke A o asSales eFox Berkshire Callaway *haway No Co Rea Es aEstate eE Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Grea er Pr nce on Associ Broker Sales Greater Princeton eaHa A oSa a& ePrinceton Sa eBerkshire A oRE/MAX enge Realtor Realtor Associate Berkshire Sa eResidential A o aCo Ha haway Fox Co Rea Es aSa eAssoc Debb ees Saund aCo "Sandy" Greater Greater Princeton Princeton Berkshire Residential Roach Real Estate Co. Real RE/MAX Lafferty Mills** Ha e®Broker Co. Real Estate Susan Lo en eFox E sabe h "Be h" ® Sales Berkshire A oEstat aHa eaF ® Ha haway Fox & ® Grea er Debb eMoskowitz Saund aAssociate Real Estate Sa oBerksh aSa e"Sandy" Sa eBerksh A o"Sandy" ay eHa A oCo. ee Roach Realtors Fox & Mills** Saund aSaund "Sandy" Berkshire Lang Berkshire Sa eLeRay A eHa aLuthra ehaway eSaundra A aA eSa o eoa nge aFox Greater Hathaway Fox Associate Associate & Roach Broker Sales Hathaway Fox & Lori Jenifer Elisabeth Elisabeth "Beth" "Beth" Sales Associate Sa eo A oaSa aon e®A E en Lafferty Lafferty Fox & Ha haw Grea er Pr nce on LMau sa ®& Real Hat aColdwell een Lang *& Lang *Lo Hathaway Fox & oke A oRoach aJanis eEstate Debbie Saundra Ingela Ingela Nosnitsky Sa ea A o ah ® Williams Ha Fox Gloria Nilson & A oN Ellen Ellen Grea er Pr on Roach Realtors Lisa Lisa Rea Es a e Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox Realty Mills** Grea er Pr er Pr nce on & Co Rea a e Co Rea a e & Roach & Roach Roach Realtors Berkshire M s** Lafferty Co Rea Es a e en e E sabe h "Be h" Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Sa A o Sa eey"Sandy" Sa A een oRoach Sa aLang eEstate oeRoach A aLang eLo oRoach aLo eLe ng * Co dwe Banker Mills** Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Debb Saund "Sandy" Rea Es a e Greater Realtors Princeton Sa eEs A o aeRoach eA Debbie Saundra Nilson Keller Williams n erna ona Co. Real Estate Maura Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox Hathaway Lo en e E sabe h "Be h" Sa eA A oLuthra aFox ehaway Co. Real Estate Berkshire Hathaway Fox & Sa ence A eHa o Sa A aFox eo e& A aeM eo& aSales eFox a Owner Co. Real Estate Greater Grea er Pr nce on Fox Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Ha haway Fox & E sabe h "Be h" Sa eGrea aAssociate ehaway E & Roach Ha haway Fox & Lafferty Ha haw Mills** L sa Princeton Co Rea Es Hathaway & Lang * Berkshire Sa eaFox A oBanker aEs e®Fox ® Sales Associate a Gloria Nilson & Lang * Lang * Hathaway Hathaway Fox & & Coldwell Banker & Roach & Roach Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox & en Mills** Maura Debb e Saund "Sandy" nge a L sa Nosn sky Owner Berkshire Co. Real Estate Murray* Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & Ha haway Roach Realtors ® E en Ha haway Fox haway Fox L sa Lori Realtor Associate Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Roach Realtors Broker Associate Maura Berkshire & Roach Mills** & Roach La e y Hathaway Fox Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Greater Sa e Sa A o Sa A a e o e A e o a e Lafferty Co dwe Banker M s** Berkshire Ha haway Fox Lafferty Lafferty Ingela Ha Fox & Grea er Debb e Hathaway Fox Saund a n erna ona Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Roach Rea ors Realtors a Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox & Keller Williams Ellen Co. Real Estate Lisa Ha haway Fox Rachna Ha haway Fox Realtor Associate en e E sabe h "Be h" Sa e A o a e Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Roach Owne Co Rea Es a e Grea er Debb e Saund a "Sandy" Moskowitz Greater & Roach Ha haway Fox & Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Lang Greater Greater Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" nge a Ha haway Fox & & Co dwe Banker Ingela Sales Associate Owner Keller Williams Roach & Lefkowitz RE/MAX Ha haway Fox & E LeRay Mau a Ellen L sa Owne Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Lisa Rachna Co Rea Es a e Mu ay* Ha Ha haway haway Fox Fox & & Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e ® Ingela Ha haway Fox Fox Lo e E sabe h "Be h" Associate Mau a Ellen Realty Lisa Rachna Greater Owner s** Lafferty Keller Williams Ha Fox & Co dwe Banker Grea er Broker Associate RE/MAX Lefkowitz Lefkowitz Kerr LeRay LeRay Ha haway Fox Luthra La e y La e ® ® nge a Ha haway Fox Monsport Co Rea Es a e Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox & E en B oke A o a e Co Rea Es a e L sa Rachna Lo Owner en e E sabe h "Be h" Lefkowitz Realtors & Roach & Roach LeRay Luthra Moskow z Grea er Kostenbader & Grea Grea er er Lo en e E sabe h "Be h" Janis Kerr Kerr Grea er Pr nce on Roach Realtors Residential ® nge a Owne Broker Sa & Roach ® Murray* Murray* E en Kerr Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox L sa Rachna Harriet Susan Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Sales Associate nge a ® Sales Associate ® Kostenbader Kostenbader E en L sa Rachna Grea er ® Owne Kostenbader La e Co dwe Banker Greater Princeton ® ® n erna Lefkowitz Broker Associate Broker Associate RE/MAX LeRay B oke B oke A B o A oke a o e A a e o a Luthra Monspo Co. Real Estate Residential Residential Realty Monsport Roach Realtors B oke A o a e Owne Moskowitz Le kow z Moskowitz & & Roach & Roach LeRay Lu h a B oke A o a e Roach Realtors ® ® Roach Realtors Moskow z Lefkowitz Lefkowitz & Roach LeRay Luthra Luthra ® RE/MAX s Associate Janis Kerr Grea er Pr nce on & Roach Sales Associate Henderson & Roach & Roach Mu ay* Mu ay* Ke G or a N son & Lefkowitz G or a N son & LeRay Roach Realtors Ha e Susan & & Roach Janick Janis Kerr Broker Sales Associa Kostenbader Roach Roach Realtors Realtors ® Grea er Pr nce on RE/MAX Co Rea Es a e Greater Princeton Brokerage Kos enbade Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Grea er Pr nce on Associate n erna Sa e o a e Gloria Nilson & Kostenbader Kostenbader Res dM Monsport Brokerage Roach Realtors B oke B oke A B o A oke a o e A a e o a e Residential ® Co Rea Es a e Monspo Residential Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox & & Roach Sales Associate & Roach Lefkowitz Rea y Mark LeRay Moskow z Luthra Moskow z Lefkowitz & Roach & Roach B oke A o a e LeRay Ha haway Fox & Roach Realtors Roach Rea ors Le kow zRoach Le kow zoElisabeth Murray* Co. Real Estate Debbie Gloria Nilson Saundra "Sandy" Lu aoAssociate Lu hRoach Roach Realtors Grea er Pr nce on Grea er Pr nce on Kostenbader Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra & Roach Roach Roach Realtors Realtors ltors & Roach Henderson Co Sales Associate & Roach & Roach & Roach ick Janis Kerr G or aSa N son & Hathaway Fox & Associate G or a N son & away Fox &a& & Roach & Lang * an ck Hughes an s Ke M Sales Associate Residential Residential Sales Associate Broker Sales As B Grea er Pr nce on Fox & Co Rea Es a e Sa eRoach Sa A ehaSales ohaway Sa a& eaa oHathaway ehaway A aen eHathaway okow aeFox eGrea Grea er Pr nce on Sa eRoach Sa AFox e®Realtors Sa ae®eaAssociate oeoeSales A aSales e®oke oeSa aLeRay eoke Brokerage Kostenbader H Roach Realtors Sa ere A oSa eA Broker of Record Associate Sales Associate Moskowitz Sa eSa A oer ao eA G or a N son Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Realtors Kos enbade Kos enbade Res Monspo Brokerage Roach Rea ors Broker Associa er & Roach Sa e"Be A o& aRoach eAssociate A oGloria aFox eoGloria Sa ean A o aeoaeeoaSa Hughes Hughes Sa eo A oao aer eCa Ha haway Fox & & Roach Roach Rea y Mark Co Rea Es a e Le z B oke o Re o d Murr Co. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & LeRay Mills** Ha haway Fox & Hathawa Moskowitz Mu ay* Co Rea Es e Rea y Mark Debb e G or a N son Saund a "Sandy" Sales Associate Roach Rea ors Grea er Pr nce on Grea er Pr nce on Broker Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors Ha haway Fox & Lori Jenifer "Beth" & Roach Realtors Co Hathaway Fox & Sa e A o a e Greater & Roach & Gloria Nilson & n ck s Ke Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Ber Associate Associate haway Fox & Hughes Monsport les Associate Ingela Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Hathaway Fox Ha haway Fox & Sales Associate Realtors Sa e A e Sa A e o e A a e o a Moskowitz Sa e Sa A e o Sa A e A a o a e Ellen Kos enbade Lisa Roach Rea ors Rac Gloria Nilson & Hughes Moskow z Sa e Sa A e Sa A e o e A a e o a e a e Sa e Sa A A a e o e A a e o a e Residential Grea er Broker Ass e A a e Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & e A o a e Sa e A o e Hughes Sa e A a e Monsport B oke B oke o B Re o oke o Re d o o Re d d Sales Associate Co Rea Es a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o e Sa e A o a e Broker of Record Hathaway Fox Residential Associate ® B o Re o d Mu Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Ha Fox & G or a N son & Moskow z Rea y Mark Lang * Hathaway Fox & Callaway Grea er Sales Associate ® Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Greater Lafferty Ca away Ha haway Fox & Lo E sabe h h" Hughes Ha haway Fox & Sa e A o a e Grea Berkshire G or a N son & Sales Sales Associate Associate Ha Fox Monsport Sa e A o a e Be Ha haway & Lang Lang * * Monspo Hatha nge a Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Hathaway Fox Moskow z E en L sa Ra Residential Co. Real Estate Sales G or a N son & Hughes o Sa a e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Sa A o Sa A a e o e A a e o a ® Grea er Grea er Sales Associate ® Res den a Sales Associate Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox Ca away Monspo B B oke o B Re o oke o Re d o Re d o d Pr nce on Brokerage Henderson Hathaway F s Sa e A o a e Sa e A a e Sa e A o a e Res den a Sa e A o a e Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Berksh Residential Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate & Roach Co. Real Estate Lang * Ca Ca away away Ca away Residential Residential Associate Grea er Sales Associate Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e Grea er ® Sales Sales Associate Associate Ca away Hughes Realty Berksh re Ca away Lang * Sales Associate Berksh re Callaway Monspo Sa e A o a e Hathaway Fox Gloria Nilson & Associate Lang * Hudson Berkshire Residential & Roach Realt La e y Res den a ® Realtors ® Grea Grea er Sales Associate ® Sales Associate ® ® Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Sales Associate Roach Rea ors Ca away Associate Berkshire Pr nce on Hudson Realtors Lang * es Henderson Henderson Henderson Sales Sales Associate & Sales Berks Lafferty Lafferty Res den a Hathaway Fox G or a N son & & on Nilson & & e A a & Roach Nilson Gloria Nilson & Nilson & & Ca Ca away away away Res Res den den a a Co. Real Estate Sales Princeton Henderson Sales Associate ® ® Berksh Berksh re Berksh re Keller Williams Roach Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Ca away Gloria Nilson & Lang * Lang * Berksh re ® ® Rea y G or a N son & ® Mills** & Roach Callaway Owner Hathaway Fox Realtors Associate & Roach & Roach Roach Realtors Hudson Roach Rea ors Berksh re Berksh re Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Res den a & Roach Sales Associate Lang * La e y Rea ors Gloria Nilson & Keller Williams Roach Rea ors Sales Associate Hudson Princeton ® Sales Sa eRealtors oRealtors eRealtors Sa ere oCo. aFox eRealtors ® Roach ors Hathaway Fox Sales Lefkowitz Berksh re La eN LeRay Luthra nce on *Rea Real Estate Sa eR Sa e& Aor o eyson &ams Roach Realty ® Sales Associa La eOwner y& Gloria Nilson & &Realtors Roach & Roach Mills** Berkshire ® ®Princeton Sales Associate Roach ®s Pr Brokerage Roa Roach Berksh Berksh re Berksh re Ke er W ams Hudson Janis Kerr G or aRea N son & & Roach Roach Realtors ®y ® Mark Lang *Kerr &Berksh Roach Rea y M s** & Roach Brokerage Lafferty Realtors ®Associate ® & Berkshire Roach Owner hHathaway Realtors Realtors Roach Rea ors Realtors Berksh re Roach Realtors Fox & ors Williams Lang *®eAssociate Associate ors Kostenbader G aRoach & Ke er W Rea ors eSa A oAck ao& eRealtors Hudson Berksh re Broker Associate Greater Princeton Roach Rea Rea La eaLefkowitz yBerkshire M s** ®Keller Pr nce on Lafferty Keller Williams & Roach & Roach Le kow zaeazPrinceton RE/MAX LeRay Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Sa es Assoc GRealtors or aLafferty N son & Roach & Roach Realty Mark Realty Mark Mark ® ® Realtors ®Princeton M s** Lafferty re Realtors Realtors Roach Greater Brokerage Keller Williams ® RE/MAX Hudson Broker Associate Lefkowitz Lefkowitz an ck an sLefkowitz Ke & Roach LeRay LeRay ®Ke ® & ® ®B Princeton La eden yRea Berksh re Realtors ® ® Roach Realtors ®Princeton ®Kerr Rea ors Ke W ams Kos enbade Brokerage Realtors Roach Realtors Janick Janick Janis Kerr Kerr Roach Realtors Broker Associate Associate den aHa Brokerage Brokerage oke A oA e aSales Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ®Mills** Realtors Associate Broker Associate Roach Realtors La eEstate Princeton Ke er W ams & Roach & Roach Sales Associate Le kow RE/MAX ®Rea LeRay Sales Associate ® Kostenbader Kostenbader Hughes eors Princeton Le kow zors RE/MAX LeRay Greater Residential er W ams Rea Brokerage RE/MAX Le kow zePrinceton an ck an Ke ®Sales LeRay Co. Real Roach Realtors ® ® Owner Roach Rea ors Gloria Nilson Realtors an an Ke Sales Associate Roach Realtors Kos enbade Sales Associate Greater Princeton Rea ors Roach Rea ors an ck Ke Roach Rea Hathaway Fox & Res den aBrok Broker Associate Realtors LeRay Roach Luthra Associate Co. Real Estate Princeton So heby sA Rea ors Kos enbade Roach Roach Realtors ® B oke A oAssociate aSales eRealty Boke oke A eo Roach Rea RE/MAX Realtors Pr nce on Owner Hathaway & Sa A aRea ez Roach Realtors Sa eRE/MAX ARes aRoach eHathawa Sales Associate Berksh re Kos enbade Hughes Realtors Realtors Roach Greater Princeton Pr nce on Janick Janis Hathaway Fox & Princeton Le kow Sales Associate RE/MAX Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Res aKos Princeton Princeton Rea Hathaway Fox Associate Sales Associate Kostenbader Roach ors Sales LeRay Luthra Roach Realtors Rea Rea ors an an sRealtors Ke Sa eA ooaaRealtors aSales eeaAssociate Roach Rea ors Janick Janis eB A aG ence Lang *Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate aA Sales Princeton Associate Le kow zRoach Gloria Nilson & Rea ors LeRay Roach ors Lu h BeReal oke A o eon Greater Janick Janis Realtors Pr nce on Sales Associate So heby Co. Real Estate enbade Sales Sales Associate Associate Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors Broker of Record Sales Associate Sales Associate Berksh Berksh re Berksh re re Rea ors Associate Sales Realtors Realtors Roach Rea ors Sa A o aeEstate eFox Berksh Rea Rea Rea ors ors Bre oke oRoach aSa eRealtors Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors Brokerage Berkshire Berksh re an ck sLa Ke Pr nce on Sales Sa eHenderson A o& Hathaway Fox & Greater Le kow zaaon Sales Associate LeRay Lu h& aLang Estate Pr nce Pr on nce Roach ors Realtors Hathaway Fox & Broker Broker Associate Associate Kos enbade Le kow zaway LeRay Lu h aeNilson Rea ors Sales Associate Roach Rea Associate an ck Hathaway & an sRealtors Ke Sales Associate Rea ors Lang *Berkshire Co. Real Estate e Broker A oCo. aBroker Sa A o eN Res den Sa eBrokerage o aer eAssociate Associate Associate Pr on esch A aors e echer Hathaway Fox ck an sRealtors Ke Gloria Nilson & Rea ors Sales Associate es Associate Associate Sales Associate B oke Re oors dof Sa eRea A o aRealtors Sa eoReal oAssociate eSa Berksh Berksh re Berksh re Sales Associate Broker of Record Kos enbade Sa oBerkshire aden eoeoHathaway eHa o eRo Rea Rea ors ors Broker of Record Broker Record Hatha ach ors Hathaway Fox & BA oke aG eFox Hudson enbade re Berkshire Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sa eBroker A aors eAssociate Hathaway & Sa e& A o aBerkshire eors Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate B A asA Broker of Record Associate ors B oke o eo Sales Associate ® Sales Associate eN oBroker eRea Co. Sales Sa eN A aBrokerage Rea ors ®& Associa Greater ® Sales Associate Sa eCo. aLefkowitz eRoach Sales Associate ssociate Associate Henderson Sa e®Associate A o eBroker eSa A oWe aMark Sa eKerr A oSales aa Broker Associate FR or ay N son & G or aors N son & Co. Real Estate oke o Re oSales d B oke oSa Re o& d& h Associate Co Rea Es aade eNilson Sale Sales Associate Co Rea Es aaAssociate eere Greater Associate Associate Hudson Sales Ca Sa A o ao eRea Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate La y Callaway Ha Sales Associate eRea A o aWe ean eSa A oA aKostenbader Bors oke A ohaway aan eFox Sales Berkshire Berkshire Callaway Broker of Record ® Gloria Nilson & Henderson ciate Roach Rea Associate ® Brokerage Brokerage Ass ® ® Advan Es aeeSales eALeRay eSales Aors o eLeRay ors Sa eSales oLu Roach Rea ors Associate eCo o aeRea eRoach Henderson Henderson Henderson Berk Sa echer A oSales ao eNilson A oWe eSales Sa eSales A oSales aAssociate echer Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Henderson G or Gre ack N son N aRea son & N son & te Gloria G or G aason or N G son or ason & N & son B oke A o aSa eSa & Roach Estate Sales Associate haway F G or aBerksh N son & Pr nce Berkshire G or ance N son & e& oors aA eeors haway Fox & Co Rea Es aBerkshire eA Record eaRE/MAX ASa aAssociate eaBerkshi Co Rea Es aSales eRoach Roach Realtors Henderson G or aoRea N son Sa We We de Co Rea Es eWe G or aof N son Sa eors A aOwner eaA Callaway Realtors Sa eKostenbader o ere Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Sales Associate away H Gloria Sales Associate Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Princeton Sales Henderson ® Sales Associate oria acher eao Roach Rea ors Sa ARes oRoach aSa Broker of Record LeRay Brokerage Lu Sa eaBrok A Rea ors Co. Real Advan age Ha haw Brokerage Gloria Nilson & Rea yAssociate Mark Rea ors Berkshire Roach Rea ors Henderson Henderson Henderson Advan age Sa eSales A oA aBer eR Roach Broker of Record Sales Associate Sotheby's G or G aor or N G a& son or N aRea son & & son & Brokerage G or G aGloria or N G aGreater son N or ason & & son & Keller Williams We cher Gloria Nilson & Ha Ha haway Ha haway Fox & & Fox & Roach Rea ors Rea Es aA eAssociate Sa A o eCo Janick Janis Kerr & Roach & Roach Pr nce on Henderson Berkshire Sa e& A oRoach aeReal eo rstate cher We cher We de We de We de haway Fox & Sales Associate Brokerage Rea ors Roach Rea G or a& N son & Roach Rea We cher We de Realtors G or aof N son & Realtors Roach Realtors Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Berkshire Ca away Rea ors We cher We cher We Sales Associate Kostenbader Roach Rea ors Co Rea Es aSales eRE/MAX Sa eA A ooaCallaway aors eNilson Brokerage Sa eaRea A o aSa eeEstate Pr nce on Henderson Berkshire Roach Princeton Berkshire Berksh Berksh re Pr on Callaway Gloria Nilson & Sa eSales oRealtors aA eSa Gloria & Roach Rea ors ence A oRoach a& eRea Le kow zeoaRea Rea Rea yeRea Mark Rea y Mark yBroker Mark Rea ors Co Es Rea ors Rea ors Rea yA Mark Roach Rea ors ors Gloria Nilson Gloria & Nilson & Brokerage & Roach Advan age B oke A oe aeAssociate eSales We We cher cher Berkshire Sa A o aa eors Realtors Brokerage Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's We cher Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox & Fox & Roach Pr Pr nce on an ck an sAssociate Ke Broker Associate Sa eoeaode oKos aaHa eHa Rea Rea ors er We We cher cher We We de We de Roach Callaway Sa e& A oRoach aa eor Berkshir We cher Brokerage Rea ors Roach Rea ors Keller Williams Brokerage Rea ors Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox & Sotheby's Berkshire Realty Broker Broker Associate Associate Brokerage Brokerage We cher We cher We de Sa eaSa A oA aCa eors Berkshire Berkshire Kos enbade Callaway Roac Pr nce on Sales Associate Berksh Pr nce on Henderson & Roach Berkshire Berkshire Nilson & Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors Gloria & Rea ors Rea ors Rea Rea y Mark Rea y Mark y Mark Brokerage Roach Realt Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Roach Co. Real Estate Brokerage B oke A oors aA eSa We We cher cher We cher & Roach Berkshire Glori Pr nce on Pr nce on Sa oeBroker eRoach Rea ors Rea We cher B oke A a e Brokerage Co. Real Estate Keller Williams B oke o e Brokerage Brokerage eA A aA eage Hathaway Fox & Realty Mark Roach Realtors Rea ors Rea Hathaway Fox & kshire Broker Associate Sa e A o a e A o a e Associate Brokerage Nilson & Co Rea Es a e Sales Associate G or Gloria Nilson Berkshire Greater Sales Sales Associate RE/MAX Co. Real Estate Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate B oke A o a e Sales Associate Broker Associate Co Es a e Gloria Nilson & Sa e A a e Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Broker Associate Greater Co. Real Estate n erna ona Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox & B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Berkshire Co. Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa A o a e Sa e A o a e Hathaway Fox & Sa e A a Sa e A o a e G or a N so Berksh re Grea er Sa e o e Co Rea Es a e Sa e A o a e RE/MAX RE/MAX Berkshire Berkshire B oke A o a e Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate Keller Williams Hathaway Fox & Sa e A o a e Greater Berkshire Brok B oke A o a e Sales Associate Grea er es Associate Sales Associate Co Rea Es a Sales Associate Sales Associate n erna ona Ha haway Fox & Record eal e Estate Greater Keller Williams Sales Sales Associate Associate Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Ca away Co Rea Es a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o e Sa e A o a e Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox & Brokerage Co. Real Estate Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Sales Sa e A o a e Greater Sales Associate Berkshire Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Callaway Callaway Berkshire Berksh re Berksh re Sales Associate Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e B o Ha haway Fox & Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Sa e A o a e Grea er Sa e A o a e Brokerage Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Berkshire Berkshire Advantage Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Grea er Sa e A o a e & R Ca away Berkshire Broker of Record Henderson Brokerage Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Sa eHenderson A ae eors Ca away Grea er SaNilson e& Berksh re Callaway eRea ooe& eors ehaway A oson aFox e& ee Nilson oo& aa e& Sales Hathaway Fox Sales Associate es Associate Sales away RE/MAX Sa eGloria aaAA eGloria Sa e& A oEstate aSo eReal BB Broker of Record GaRealtors or a& son & Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Brokerage of Record So heby sSo Sa eRealtors A oBerksh aBroker eheby Keller Williams RE/MAX Berkshire Sales Associate & Roach Advantage Advantage eRea A oors aG eSa Sa ohaway aCa eor Sa A oGloria eSa & ®s Berksh re Sales Associate Berkshire Berkshire B oke o®Fox Re oeHathaway dBrokerage Henderson Henderson G aFox N son & or ahaway N ®N Ca away Callaway Gloria & Nilson && Nilson & Weidel Sa oa aA eAssociate Sa e®a® A o®Weidel a® eAdvantage e®So Aheby oSotheby's aWeichert, es ®®e Associate Sa eWeidel A o®®a® eInternational So sSa Hathaway Fox RE/MAX ®y y Gloria Gloria &or Nilson & Co. Estate B oke oyRealtors Re oheby d & Roa Hathaway Fox Sa eBerkshire A®Weidel o® aAssociate e Callaway A oWe eors Sa eHa A oG aor G or aRoach N son Berkshire Berksh re heby So So soke heby sosMark Associate B Re ooaway dHenderson So heby sEs Callaway Ke er W ams Ca away Sa e®oInternational AeHa oeN aA eFox Keller Williams & Roach Sales Associate So heby sG Berksh re Realty Mark Roach ors Berkshire Berkshire Callaway Sa eCallaway A oRoach aRea eSa Berksh re ® Brokerage Weichert, Gloria Nilson Gloria ® Ca away & G or aaA N son & G son We de Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox heby Weichert, Weichert, ® Berkshire ® ® or N son G & aFox N son & haway Fox & & Ro Realtors Hathaway Hathaway Fox Hathaway Henderson So So heby sReal ®e B oke A a®Ke eReal Co. Realtors Gloria Nilson Keller Williams Roach Realtors Ca & Roach Roach Rea ors ors ors er W ams Sa eWe A aaeNilson ® ® So heby sKe Berksh re Rea y Mark Roach Rea ors Berkshire Berksh re Berksh re Ca away Roach Realtors Realty Mark Realty Princeton ®® Roach Rea Henderson Henderson ® Henderson Berkshire We cher Gloria & Roach Realtors G or aaANilson N son & Gloria Nilson & G son & Weichert, Weichert, Hathaway Fox & ® ® Sotheby's Weichert, hert, Ha haway & Ha haway Fox & We cher cher We de Ha Ha haway haway Ha haway Fox & & Fox & Princeton re Sales Associate Ha haway Fox & Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox Fox Ha Berkshire Ke er W ams Co. Real Estate Realtors Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea Rea ors ors ® Co Rea Es a& eEs Berksh re ®®& ®® ® Es aaAssociate Hathaway Fox & Rea Mark Rea Mark Roach Realtors ® Roach Weidel International Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Weichert, ® Gloria Nilson Realtors Realtors G or aGloria N son & Gloria Nilson & Roach Realtors We cher We cher Ha haway Fox ® We cher cher We de Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Roach Ha haway haway Ha Fox Fox & & Keller Williams Princeton Weichert, Weidel Sa eNilson Aer oams aGloria Sa A oFox aCo. Berks G or ason N son & Hathaway Fox Roach Realtors Sales Sales Associate Sales Ha Fox Berksh rBR Henderson Realty ® ®® Broker Gloria Nilson & Co Co Rea Co Es a& Rea Es ea®Gloria aAssociate Es eEs Roach Realtors Keller Williams Gloria Nilson Co Rea Co Es Rea eor aSa Es eoor eN Princeton Co Rea a& e& ® ® Co Rea Es aA e& ®Hathaway Weichert, Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Co Rea Es aage eReal ea ors Rea Co Rea Es a®Mark esHenderson Sales Associate International G or a& N & cher Realty Mark ®Fox ®Nilson ®son Realtors Berksh re Henderson Princeton Gloria Nilson International Gloria & Fox Weichert, Weichert, Ke er W ams Henderson Weichert, Weidel Berks Gloria Nilson & Sotheby's Berkshire Berkshire Realtors Gloria Nilson & Advan age Sa eCo oNilson ae eReal Sa eRea A o aRea eEs Sa A oa aeNilson eage Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fo Co. Real Estate ® ® B oke Co Co Rea Rea Co a& Rea Es e& eCo aWe eRea Ke W ams Co Co Rea Co Es aEs Rea Es eeGloria aa& Es eNNilson aRea Rea ors say Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Rea Rea ors ors Rea ors ® Realtors Hathaway Fox & Co Es aNilson ere Rea ors Rea ors Co Rea aBroker eona Hatha Sa en A aMark eheby Realty Co. Estate Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Co. Real Estate Berksh re Rea y& er W Weichert, We cher Berksh re Advan Advan age Advan age age Ca away Hathaw Berksh re Advan ®Williams Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Rea Rea ors ors ors Co. Estate Realty Mark way Fox & Weichert, Rea ors Berkshire rs Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Rea Rea ors ors Rea ors ors ® Keller Berkshire Weichert, Co. Rea ors Rea ors Rea ors Berkshire Realty Rea y Co. Real Estate We cher Berksh re Berkshire Advan Advan age age Henderson Realty Mark Berkshire We cher Hathaway Fox Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors ®H ® Gloria Henderson Henderson Rea ors Berksh Co Real Esta G or ason son Roach Realtors or ae& N son & Berksh re Real Estate ® Co. Real Estate Weichert, Princeton Co. Estate Co. Estate Rea Berksh re Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Roach Realtors Henderson Gloria Nilson Nilson & ®ors Sotheby's Berksh re We cher Princeton Hathaway Fo Greater Henderson Henderson Advantage Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & Co Rea Es or ason N son & Roach Rea ors or ance N son & Ha haway Fox & Real Estate We cher cher We cher We de Co. Real Estate erna ona Henderson Pr on G or N & Realtors ® Mark ®Real G or aG N son & Roach Realtors Re G or aor N son & Roach Rea G or aor N son & Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & So heby sAdvan Princeton Weichert, Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weidel Sotheby's Pr nce on Roach Realtors Henderson Greater Greater Henderson nson erna ona Gloria Nilson &haway Nilson & Princeton on We cher Realto Roach Realtors Henderson Ha haway Fox & noHa erna nMark erna ona nRealty erna ona Re & Roach We cher We We Nilson & ®cher n erna ona Gloria & Henderson Princeton G a& & Rea ors Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox &&Rea G aG N son & Roach Rea ors n erna ona Gloria Nilson & Co. Estate Ha Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Henderson We cher We cher We de Ha haway Fox Gloria & Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & Pr nce on We cher We de So heby sReal Roach Rea ors Henderson Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors ®® Gre aRoach N son & nCo. erna G or a& N son & Hathaway Fox & Pr nce on Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel We cher Rea R Rea ors Co. Real Estate n erna nFox erna ona nRea erna ona ona & Henderson We cher Pr nce on G or aEstate N son & Hathaway Fox & Ha haway Fox n erna ona & Roach G or aEstate N son & Ha haway Fox & We cher Hathaway & Co. Real Henderson Hathaway Fox & Hathaway & Hathaway Fox & We cher We cher We de Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Weichert, Weidel G or aNilson N son & Hathaway Fox & So heby sor G aEstate N son Realty Mark Hathaway Fox & ®®®®Fox Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Berkshire Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Greater Co. Real Estate Weichert, Roach Rea ors Roach Rea haway Fox & Hathaway & ®ona ®®Advantage We cher We cher We de ® R Realty Mark Co Rea Es aN eRoach Co. Real Estate Greater Realty Mark Mark We cher Weichert, Hathaway Fox & & Roach & Roach Ha haway Fox & Roach Sotheby's Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & ®Fox ®ors We cher We cher We Weichert, Ha Fox & y Mark Ha haway Fox & We cher We cher We de Berksh Co Rea Es aRoach eRoach Roach Rea ors Co Rea Es aGloria eCo. ®Estate Greater We Co. Real Co. Real Estate Sotheby's Sotheby's ® ® ®Weichert, Co. Real Estate ealtors ® ®® Weichert, Co. Real Co. Real Estate Rea y& International Co Rea Es aEstate eaG yHenderson Mark We cher Ha haway Fox & Advantage & & Roach ® Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & We cher ® Realtors Co. 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Usab, Thompson Tosches Smo ow z Sm h Usab Shah Smith Shah Smith Smo ow z Silverman Shah Shah Urbanek Smolowitz Schulz U banek Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Smolowitz Steffens Silverman Usab Kenneth "Ken" Thompson Thompson Tosches Usab U banek Steffens Urbanek Smith Helen Shah Urbanek Urbanek Denise 'Dee' Schulz Sm h Shah Smolowitz Shaughnessy z Thompson Tosches Smo ow z Usab William Sm hzBernard Silverman Urbanek Gough "Winn " Carole Sm h S ve man Shah Shah U banek Smo ow z Steffens Schu z Betsy Shaughnessy Smo Smo ow ow z z S e ens S ve man Thomp Silverman She man Silverman Silverman S e ens U banek Diane Steffens Sm h William William Helen 'Dee' Shah U banek U banek Helen Winn "Shah Gough "Winn " Steffens Steffens Carole Carole Denise 'Dee' Schu z Smo ow z Shaughnessy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Amy G Nancy Robin L. Silverman Sherman S ve man U banek Shaughnessy Steffens Wa ack Diane Diane Shaughnessy S e ens yenise Shaughnessy Helen se 'Dee' Sa e A o a e Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Thom S ve man Kenneth "Ken" Ivy She man S ve S man ve man S e ens William William Gough "Winn " Carole S e S ens e ens Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Gough "Winn " Carole Sherman She man Sherman S ve man She man Thompson Tosches Shaughnessy S e ens Diane Wa ack Shaughnessy Diane William William Sa e A o a e Betsy Valerie Alison "Ally" Gough "Winn " Gough "Winn " Carole Carole Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" She man She man Thompson Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Ve beys Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Sm h Shah Diane Diane B oke A o a e She man Schu z She man Smo ow z Thompson Tosches Betsy Valerie Betsy Bernard Valerie Alison "Ally" Bernard Alison "Ally" U banek Smith Smith Shah Wen Sales Associate Schulz Thompson Tos Thompson Smolowitz She man She man Ivy Thompson Tosches Thompson Thompson Tosches Sales Associate Usab, Jr Usab Ve beys Urbanek Sm h Shah B oke A o a e Schu z Smo ow z Thompson Thompson Tosches Tosche Sm h S ve man Shah Smith Shah Schu z Sales Associate U banek Schulz Sm h Sm h Smolowitz S e ens Shah Wen Smolowitz Sa e A o a e Smith Schu Thompson To Thompson Smo ow z Sa e A o a e Smolowitz Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Silverman Sm h Sm h Shah Shah U banek Steffens Schu z Schu z Broker Associate Smo ow z Smo ow z Urbanek Thompson Thompson Sa eSeens A oen aS eHe Sa ee Betsy AA obanek aaeBetsy Tosches Tosch Broker Sm h Sales Associate S ve man Shah Sm h Shah Schu z U Sa ae eSmolowitz AB Sales o aeAssociate eAssociate Schu z Smo ow z S e ens Smo ow z S ve man Silverman Sa e A o Sa e A o a e S ve man Steffens Sa A o a e Steffens Sm h Sm h Shah Shah Broker Associate e ens Schu z Schu z Thompson Tosches B oke A o a e Smo ow z Smo ow z Usab, Jr Silverman Sa A o a e Sa o e Thompson Tosches oke A o a e S ve man S ve man Broker Associate Sa e A o a e Steffens Usab, Jr B oke A o a e Broker Broker Associate Associate U banek S e ens S e Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Sa e S ve man S ve man Sales Associate Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' e ens Broker S e ens B oke A o a e Sales Associate Thompson Tosches witz Usab, Jr Sales Associate Sales Associate Sa e A S ve man S ve man B oke A o a e B oke A o a e Sales Associate Sales Associate B oke B oke A o A a o e a e Broker Associate S e ens S e ens Urbanek Thompson en Tosches Sm a Den se Dee Usab, Jr Thompson Thompson Tosches James Broker Associate B oke A o a e Sa e A o a e Usab, Jr Urbanek Sales Associate Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Sa e A o a e He Sm a Den se Dee B oke Sa e A o a e N & PA James Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Helen Sales Associate Sales Associate Smita Denise 'Dee' Thompson Tosches olowitz Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Usab, Jr Sa e A Broker Associate V Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Broker Associate B oke A o a e Helen Sales Associate Sales Associate Smita Denise 'Dee' Urbanek Sa e A o a e Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate ames B oke A o a e Smolowitz Smolowitz Sales Associate B oke A o a e Steffens Broker Associate Sa e A o a e He en Sm a Den se Dee Broker Associate Sa es Assoc a e James Sa e A o a e N & PA Steffens Urbanek Smith Be sy ames Sales Associate Sales Associate Urbanek Urbanek Sales Associate Sa e A o a e He en Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sm a Den se Dee Sa e A o a e Broker Associate James Betsy Valerie Sales Associate Broker Associate B oke A o a e Be sy V B oke A o a e He en Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sm a Den se Dee Sales Associate Sa Sa ASa eBroker o AAssociate a oeUsab, a aSa e eNJ Sa eAssociate AoAssociate oeeSales aAA Urbanek iate James Betsy BBoke oke AASales aSa eoeeoke oSales aPA eA Broker BaeSa oke A oA aJr Shaughnessy Broker Broker eSa Sa Assoc eAssociate ker Associate Thompson Sa eeeoke eSa ames Sales Associate & PA Sales Betsy Sa oeAeaeaA eA Sa e aoUsab, oeeeUsab, aBeJroke ean Sa eA A oSa eNJ les B A oAssociate aSa NJ PA Ca away Ma ySales Steffens 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Sa eSales ACallaway aCa eDenise B oke A o Helen aoaway eBroker Sherman away aA Sales Associate NJ PA Sales Associate NJ & Callaway Sales Associate B oke oe o aSa eKe eSa o aman N & PA Shaughnessy Silverman Silverman or N son & Berksh Broker Associate B A oAssoc are eoeSa B oke A aCa eoAssociate SaBerkshire eCallaway A o aAssociate eCo Sa A oA aSmita eDenise Shaughnessy Steffens Helen Denise 'Dee' Berkshire Callaway She Sa es Assoc aSales eBetsy Sa ere A eAssociate N & PA eer A o"Ally" aKeller ea N & away ®PA B ANJ eoes Shaughnessy BoA oke A aCa eSales away Helen 'Dee' She man es Assoc Sa oCarole aG eSmith Sa A o aeShe eson N PA Ca Sales ® Sa A o"Ally" aPA N &NJ Shaughnessy es Assoc ® Sherman Sales Associate Sales Associate Williams Associate Callaway BAssociate oke A oSa aoeSmita eSales BAssociate oke A o aoSales e'Dee' Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Shaughnessy dwe Banker Berksh re Keller Williams Gough "A Sales Associate Sales Associate Ca Sa es Assoc aAssociate eaaway Sa es Assoc aSa Broker Associate Gloria Nilson Berkshire Sa eeSa A oeA N & eA A o aKe eSa & Berkshire James Shaughnessy Broker Associate Ke er Berkshire Berkshire Helen Gough "Winn ""Winn Smita 'Dee' Sa es aeoke Sa es Assoc aShah eBerksh & PA Valerie Bernard Alison Williams S Ca away Shah Callaway Nilson Berkshire ams Schulz Helen Sales Sales Associate Smita Denise Ca away G or a& N son & Berksh Berksh re dwe Banker Ke er W ams She man Keller Williams Sa es aCo eson Sa es Assoc aValerie eA or aNilson N son & Berksh re Broker Associate Betsy Bernard Alison Gloria Nilson Berkshire Williams G or a& N ociate Berksh re Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Smita Denise 'Dee' Ke er Ca away Berksh Berksh re Sales Associate Associate Associate G or aJames N son Shah Schu zBerkshire Sales Associate Gough "Winn "a& Broker Associate Keller Williams Associate Gloria & Sales Associate Ke er W ams Schulz S Ca away Silverman James Shah Ca away G or a& N Berksh re zeA Associate Associate Gough "Winn "oW Sales Associate Henderson rciate Shah Ke er W ams Silverman G or ason N son & Berksh re Broker Associate er W ams Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" G or a& Sales Associate G or G aSchulz or N aSchulz son N son & & Berksh re Associate Ca Carole Gough "Winn "aAse Keller Ca away Ca away Smi Shah G or ason N son Schulz Sales Associate Keller James RE/MAX Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" dwe Banker Ke er am Sm h eRE/MAX Shah G ason N son & Berksh re Schu zSales S ve man Callaway Callaway Broker Associate Associate anker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate Henderson Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" er Silverman Shah Schu zan eroker S ve man es Associate NJ & PA Henderson Gloria Nilson & or aBerk N Keller Sales Associate Ca away Broker Associate Ke er Sm dwell Banker Silverman Shah Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson Re ng Schu zson Ke er Keller RE/MAX Gloria Nilson Associate Co dwe Banker Ca away Sales Associate Pe uzz eAssociate oBanker Sales Associate Callaway Keller Broker Associate Silverman Ca away Ca away Sales Sales Associate Associate RE/MAX Coldwell Banker ®G Henderson Berksh re Smita Denise 'Dee' Henderson anker Henderson Sales Associate & PA Berksh re S ve man Gloria Nilson & Keller Henderson or a& N son & Ca away Ca away Henderson G or aBer N Ke er Sales Gloria Nilson Henderson dwe Banker S ve man Sales Associate NJ & PA G or are N son G or N son Re ng Gloria Nilson & Berkshire RE/MAX Sales Sales Associate Associate NJ & NJ PA & PA Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Re ng Ke er RE/MAX GKeller or aAssoc N son Ca away Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Pe uzz eaJames oSales Ca away Broker Associate Ke Ke er er Broker Associate S ve man Broker Associate Gloria Gloria Nilson Henderson Co dwe Banker Coldwell Banker Henderson Berksh re RE/MAX Sm aman Den Dee Henderson G or aeKeller N son & Berksh re Helen Sales Asso Smita Denise 'Dee' RE/MAX Berksh re Gloria Nilson Sales Associate NJ & PA an LCo nda Robe aRE/MAX LLRE/MAX nda Dawn Eva Ma yMa G or aBerksh N & Ke er Sales Associate Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Gloria Nilson Ca away Ca away Henderson G or aG N son Keller Williams Henderson Berksh re Broker Associate Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson Berkshire or aAssociate N & Berksh re RE/MAX Coldwell Banker G or G aSa or N aaSa son N son & & Sales Associate Sales Re ng Co dwe Banker G or aAssociate N Sales Associate G or G aAssociate or N ayMa Naway son Henderson Hel Smita Smita Denise 'Dee' Denise 'Dee' Co dwe Banker RE/MAX Broker Associate Henderson Coldwell Banker G or aBerkshire N son & Berksh re He en Sm aAssociate Den se Dee Sales Associate Berksh re Berksh re RE/MAX RE/MAX an an an L nda L nda Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Robe Robe aJames Robe aAssociate a L nda LSales nda LNJ nda B anche B anche B anche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Ma y y Ma y G or a N son & ames re James Henderson Sales Associate an L nda Robe nda Dawn Eva Ma ciate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Ru kowsk Pecs an Pe ozz n L nda G or a N son Robe a L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ann G or N son & Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Ke er W ams Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh re G or a N son Berksh re RE/MAX Broker Associate Broker Associate Coldwell Banker Callaway Co dwe Banker Sales Associate Henderson Broker Associate Ke Sales Associate He Sm a Sm a Den se Dee Den se Dee G or a N son & Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh Henderson Co dwe Banker A o a e Berksh re Berksh re James James an an Broker Associate L nda L nda Co dwe Co dwe Banker Banker Robe Robe a Robe a a Co dwe Banker L nda L nda L nda B anche B anche B anche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Ma y y Ma y Berksh re ames Henderson Henderson Ann Ann Ann Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate an Sales Associate L nda Henderson Robe a L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ann G or a N son & Sales Associate G or a N son & Sa e A o a e Ke er Ann Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Co dwe Banker Broker Associate Broker Associate Berksh re Coldwell Banker Sales Associate Broker Associate Denise 'D Henderson ® Broker Associate Henderson Ke Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate G or a N son & Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh Sales Associate Smita De ames ames Sales Associate Co dwe Broker Associate Broker Associate Henderson Ann Ann Ann G or a N son & Sa e A o a e Henderson Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & a Ke er Co dwe Banker Ann Coldwell Banker G or a N son B oke A o a e Smita Henderson Berkshire Berksh re dwe Banker Donna Broker Associate Donna e A o a e Associate Sales Associate Den se RE/MAX Broker Associate Ha haway Fox Henderson Keller James Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate NJ & PA Keller Broker Associate Ke er B oke A o a e Shaughnessy Gloria Nilson Sa e A o e Sm a D Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker te James Broker Associate RE/MAX G or a N son & Broker Broker Associate Ke er Ke er Sales Associate NJ & PA Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & a Sales Associate Shaughnessy Henderson Co dwe Banker Henderson Co dwe Banker G or a N son Broker Keller Williams Sm a Henderson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Donna Donna Sales So heby s RE/MAX James Sales Sales Associate Co dwe Banker Ha haway Fox Ke er ames G or a N son & Ke er B oke A o a e Broker Associate Gloria Nilson Sherman Gloria Nilson Sales Associate G or a N son Henderson Henderson RE/MAX Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker RE/MAX ® ames B oke A o a e RE/MAX Coldwell Banker G or a N son & Sherman Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Sales Associate NJ & PA Ke er Ke er Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Henderson Sales Associate NJ & PA G or a N son G or a N son Shaughnessy Henderson Sales Associate B oke A o a e Sales Associa Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & RE/MAX RE/MAX So heby sKeller Sa Co dwe Banker Hathaway Fox or a& N son Shaughnessy G or aon son Henderson Hathaway Fox ST Callaway Henderson Henderson RE/MAX Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate NJ Co dwe RE/MAX Res den aden Coldwell ®PA Sales Co Banker G or aSa N son & Shaughnessy Sales As Co. Estate Hathaway Fox & Sherman Co Rea Es aheby eBanker Ha Fox & Henderson Henderson W ams G or son G orG aFox N son Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales ® Keller Princeton Realty Sa eon A oA Rea Es aEstate edwe Ha haway Fox & Thompson RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Co. Hathaway Fox & ® Co Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker Ha Fox Sherman Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Hathaway Fox & Princeton Realty Sotheby's Keller Callaway Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Henderson Ha haway Fox ® Hathaway Fox Thompson Tosc Co dwe Banker Keller Williams Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Res den aoke Co dwe ®Williams Sherman Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate e®asdwe oeB aA eCo. Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Henderson Sa eRea Co Rea aehaway eBanker Ha haway Fox & Res den aReal Keller Sales Associate Henderson Henderson W ams Princeton Realty So heby sEs Broker Associate Sa eeMary A oA eBA Shah Hathaway Fox Shaughnessy Sotheby's Pr nce on Rea y Schulz Ha haway Fox So heby sKeller Co Rea Es aCo Ha Fox & Co dwe Banker Co Banker Smolowitz Co Rea Rea ahaway Es eHa aSmith Ha haway Fox & Pr nce on Rea yeSteffens Sales Associate Realty ®& So heby sBanker Henderson Henderson Williams Sotheby's Smith Callaway Princeton Realty Co Rea Shah Callaway Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Ha haway Fox Sotheby's Schulz Jan Linda Roberta Thompson inda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Tosches Ha Ha haway Fox Smolowitz Co Associate BFox A aCallaway e& ® Co Rea Es aPrinceton eCa Ha haway & Henderson ®an ® Co. Bnda oke eFox Keller Williams S Sales Henderson Res den aCo. Princeton Realt Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Williams Broker Associate Gloria Nilson & Sa eSales A oSo aAssociate eEs Sotheby's Williams Pr nce on Rea y®N Grea er Thompson Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Berkshire Be oke A ooke eCallaway Ha haway Fox Shaughnessy So heby sA Shaughnessy away Williams Gloria Nilson Sales Associate Co Rea ® ke Broker Associate Sa eMary oBanker aoke Pr nce on Rea yeames Sa eNosn A oheby aPa ehaway Henderson Henderson Tosche Thompson So heby s Nilson Pr nce Rea y Co Re Keller Williams Smith Shah So ske Nilson & Berkshire ial Schulz an L Silverman Robe aBerkshire nda BPa anche Dawn Eva Ma y Broker Associate & Co Smolowitz Sa eReal A o aSa Jan Linda Linda Roberta Roberta Blanche Dawn Blanche Eva Mary Dawn Eva Steffens Bhaway Sa eRes es Assoc aahaw eeen Smith Williams Pr nce Residential Shah o aSmolowitz eJan B oke Sa eRes heby saGloria W ams Grea er Residential Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Silverman Sotheby's Residential Shaughnessy Callaway Sales Associate Pa ke Pa ke W ams Callaway Steffens Sa es Assoc aAssociate eSherman Williams Sotheby's Co rL Pa ke Smith BHenderson oke A oReal a oeCallaway Shah Williams Williams Novembe Sa eLinda oden aPa eSchulz Schulz Pa ke Residential Co. Estate Sales Associate aNosn Coldwell Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva oke A o aa eNa Smolowitz Real Estate & an L nda L nda Robe aaNosn Robe aSo L nda B anche Dawn B anche Eva Ma y Dawn Eva Ma yAssociate Sher Callaway Williams Residential Pe uzz ePe oCo Sales Associate Ann & Co. She man W ams den Rea Es a Ha haway Fox & Sotheby's B oke Sa eSa Res den a Greater Shaughnessy Shaughnessy So heby s Silverman Res a haway Ca away Sa es Assoc a e Shah Residential Pa ke ke Pa ke Schulz BAnn oke Owne Greater W ams So heby s Steffens Residential Residential Ha haway Fox Novembe Novembe Novembe Gloria Nilson & Sotheby's Gloria Nilson & eller Callaw W W ams ams Novembe Co. Real Estate ® Sotheby's Pa ke Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Res den a Co Rea Es a e Silverman Sa es Assoc a e Novembe Ca away osn sky Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Co. an L nda Robe a L nda B anche Dawn Eva Ma y Co Rea Es a e & Co Residential Pe Pe uzz uzz e o e o Co. Real Estate Re ng Gloria Nilson Callaway Hathaway Fox Shaughnes Callaway Ha haway Fox & She W ams den a Pe uzz e o Callaway Co. Real Co. Real Estate Estate Sa es Assoc a e Keller Keller Sotheby's Ann & Co Silverman Greater Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & & Co. Pe uzz e o So heby s ®Pau ® Grea er Henderson Berkshire & Co. & Donna Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Steffens Ha haway Fox Sh Shah Res den a So heby s Shah Schu z B oke Owne Grea er Schulz Res Res den den a a Ha haway Fox Greater Novembe Novembe Novembe Co. Real Estate Co Rea Es a e Ha haw So heby s Gloria Nilson & Co. Real Estate Hat Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Greater Greater Co Rea Es a e Ca away So heby s Nosn sky sky sky Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Co Rea Es Sa es Assoc a e Callaway Callaway Sa e A o e & Co. Pau Pau Novembe osn sky Gloria Nilson & Co Princeton Realty Ha haway Fox sky Re Re ng Re ng ng Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Res den a Pau Pe uzz uzz e o e o Co Rea Es a e Gloria Nilson & Re ng away Ha haway Fox Shaughne Ann Berkshire Ha haway Fox & Greater Co Rea Co Rea Es a Es e a e Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & So heby s Co Rea Es a Ha haway Fox Co & Rea Es a e Ha haway Grea er & nna Pe uzz e o ® Gloria Nilson ®Williams & Co & Co Donna Gloria Gloria Nilson Shah Shah Ca away Sh Keller Williams Schulz Schulz Shah Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Ru Ru kowsk kowsk Ru kowsk Schu z Pecs Pecs Helen Pe ozz n Pe ozz n Grea er Smita Denise 'Dee' Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Ha Co Rea Es a e Ha Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Grea Grea er er Gloria Nilson & James Ca Nosn Nosn sky Nosn sky sky Jan Sa es Assoc a e Eva Mary Sa e A o a e Ru kowsk Pecs & Co Pe ozz n Pau Pau Pau So heby s Sotheby's Pr nce on Rea y Gloria Nilson Ha haway Fox Nosn sky Res a Re Re ng Re ng ng ® ® Ha haway Fox So heby s Pau Keller Williams Keller Williams n erna ona Berkshire Betsy Valerie Bernard Aliso son & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Grea er ® ® Co Rea a e Ha haway Fox Co & Rea Es a e Ha haway nna W ams Pr Berkshire Shah Shah So heby s So heby s Residential Schu z Schu z Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Ru Ru kowsk kowsk Ru kowsk Pecs Pecs Pe ozz n Pe ozz n Callaway Helen Helen Smita Smita Denise 'Dee' Denise 'Dee' Roach Rea ors Ca Sales Associate Berkshire Ru kowsk Pecs Jan Jan Jan Williams Pe ozz n * awn Eva Eva Mary Mary Mary So heby s Berkshire So heby s James Res den a Keller Williams Mu ay* Berkshire n erna ona Jan Linda Dawn Eva Keller Gloria Nilson & Berkshire ® Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Sales Associate Schulz Res den a W ams Callaw Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Res den a anker Pr ® Residential So heby s Berkshire So heby s So heby s Gloria Nilson & Res den a Shah Schulz Ca awa Williams Roach Rea ors Moskow z Ha haway Fox Williams Residential Keller Williams Keller Williams Co Rea Es a e W ams Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire y* Parker Sotheby's Res den aoke Res den aB James James & Co Mu ay* Berksh re Shah ®s Callaway International Schulz Schu zors Sales Associate Res den aaDawn & Roach W W ams International Co. Real Estate a Res den aDonna Berkshire Grea er Betsy Betsy Valerie Bernard Bernard "A Keller Res den aeKeller So heby snRes ®Rea Berksh re Co. Broker Associate Shah Berkshire den aams Schu z& Residential Sales Associate Helen Denise 'Dee' W ams Moskow zHenderson Berkshire Roach Realtors Ha haway Fox W Res den aAssociate So heby sRealtors Sotheby's Co Rea aCa eBrok Greater So sRea So heby sJan Roach Realtors L nda Robe aSo L nda Res den aAssociate Res den aBrokerage B anche Dawn Eva Berkshire B oke Sa eColdwell erna ona Keller Broker Associate ® International Sales Associate & Co Berkshire Sales Shah Smita 'Dee' nA ona Schu z& Res den aerna Res den aMa & Roach W ams W®Rea ams n erna ona Linda Linda Co Es aRoberta eRes Roberta Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Berksh reValerie So heby sRea So heby sAssociate Grea er International & Co. Gloria Nilson & Co. International Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & & Co Parker den aBanker Roach Realtors Gloria Nilson den anda Helen Berksh re Roach Rea ors Smita Grea erReiling Henderson So heby Greater Co aAssociate eBanker So heby sRealty er B B Sa B eheby Sa oke eEstate Sa ePecs Brokerage thaway Fox Roach Rea ors International L nda Robe aBroker L nda B anche Dawn Eva Roach Realtors Keller B oke Sa eSotheby's nRes erna ona Co & Co James Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & n ona Sa eRea A oEs aJan Keller Broker Associate Brokerage Berksh re Sales Associate Roach Coldwell Banker B oke Sa Ann L nda Robe aEstate LSo nda B anche Dawn Eva Res den aNilson Res den aDenise Gloria & Grea er Grea er L nda Robe adwe L nda B anche Dawn Eva heby so heby s& Pr nce on erna ona & Co Betsy Valerie Bernard James Broker Associate & Co Coldwell Banker n erna ona & Ann Roach Realtors ke Sales Roach ors Berkshire Parker Keller Henderson Grea er Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Grea er Henderson Co aAeEs eRoach Broker Associate Betsy Valerie Be Princeton B oke B oke Sa B eSales Sa oke ePa Sa ePetrozzini Brokerage n erna ona Roach ors Sales Gloria Nilson & & Co & Co International Sales James Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Brokerage Coldwell Banker Sa eSales A oAssociate aBanker eRea Roach Rea ors Henderson Co Banker Petruzziello B oke Sa eerna Ann oPa An oBrokerage aCo. eerna & Roach International L nda Gloria Nilson Robe L nda B anche Dawn Eva Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Gloria Nilson Donna & ® Grea er Ann Coldwell Banker Pr on derson Linda Linda Henderson Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Sales Associate Sales As Betsy Valerie Bernar Co dwe Banker Ann Roach Rea Roach B Parker Broker Dawn & Roach & Roach ovembe Coldwell Banker Donna Donna Pa ke Pa ke Donna Donna Nilson & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Coldwell November an LRea Robe L nda BeBRoach anche Dawn Ma yors A oozz a& Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Paul Berksh re Gloria Gloria Nilson Ann Brokerage Sa eBanker A o aAssociate Sa eEs eAlison oAssoci aRoa eSa Dawn Dawn n ona Reiling Rea Rea A o Rea oeHenderson A aoNovember eo eNovembe aRoach e& RE/MAX Banker Sales Associate & Roach Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Pe uzz eGrea o oRea A oBrokerage aRea Brokerage & Roach n erna ona Petruzziello Petruzziello an L nda Robe aAssoc Les nda anche Dawn Eva y International Rea oGrea A aen eHenderson Donna Henderson International Ann Co dwe Banker Ann Princeton Broker Associate an L nda Robe L nda Henderson B anche Eva Ma ynce Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Donna & Roach Donna ke Princeton B oke AHen oAoA Rutkowski Dawn Coldwell Banker Pecsi Petrozzini & Roach & Roach Donna Donna aHenderson eams Banker RE/MAX Henderson ®kowsk Sales Co dwe Banker Coldwell Associate International A aHathaway Brokerage Broker Associate Pau Dawn Berksh re Sales Sales Associate Sale nAssociate erna ona Co. Real Estate Hathaway & Ann Brokerage ge A oHenderson aA eoer RE/MAX Paul Dawn Re Rea o o A aAnn oerna eoAaSa A aSa eo o& aRoach eoke Henderson Henderson Williams RE/MAX Co Banker Donna & Roach Sal Donna Coldwell Banker erna ona Reiling Brokerage nce on Sales Brokerage Princeton Pe uzz eInternational oA Pe uzz eeColdwell naAssociate erna ona oBroker o aeRoberta eBaFox Brokerage Sales Sales Assoc Sa en A oEs aeShaughnessy Real Estate Hathaway RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Henderson n erna ona Pr nce on Ann Brokerage Dawn Co. Co. Real Real Estate Fox & Princeton Realty oke Assoc aSa eAssoc Donna Donna Donna Ann Pr nce on Ru International Pe ozz n ®es Princeton Novembe RE/MAX Rea Es aeoors eAssociate Henderson Roach Rea Sa eBRoach Rutkowski Rutkowski Pecsi Co dwe Banker Brokerage Petrozzini Princeton Princeton Donna Nosnitsky n ona Brokerage Paul Dawn Broker BGloria Sa Nosn sky Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & ge A oFox aBroker eo RE/MAX Pau Pau Coldwell Henderson Henderson Donna Donna Co dwe Banker uzz eRoach Re ng Re ng Sales Associate NJ & PA Pr nce on Sales Associate Brokerage Princeton Sales Sa eRea Sa A oeA aRea oAssociate ePe aL eors Roach Realtors Princeton Realty Roach Rea ors Brokerage Broker Associate Sotheby's Pr nce on Associate Sa eAnn A oSa RE/MAX Shaughnessy Coldwell Banker Brokerage Dawn Sa Sa Assoc es Assoc es aPrinceton Assoc eRea aBroker eRE/MAX aesky eoPaul Sa eAssociate A oaRea aAssoc erna ona Henders International sx Assoc aCo. e& Donna Sales NJ PA Sales Associate n erna ona Rutkowski Petrozzini Pr nce Princeton Realty Assoc aoeRoach eA RE/MAX Rea Real Estate Broker Coldwell Roach Rea ors Ru kowsk Brokerage Henderson Pe Pe ozz nRealty Pr nce Pr nce on on Donna Princeton avember Co. Real B oke B Sa BeShaughnessy Sa oke eReiling Sa eAssoc Nosn RE/MAX Pau B oke Sa Real Estate Jan Mary Murray* Co dwe & Co. Sales Associate Re ng erna ona n erna ona B oke & Broker Sa enda A aAssociate eEva Princeton Pr nce on ®Princeton Sa eeng A eeEs A aPetruzziello eeRoach aa eB Roach Sherman Sales Associate Henderso Associate Roach Rea & Princeton Realty He Broker Associate Co dwe Banker Princeton ms Sa es Sa Assoc es Sa aPr Assoc eRea aBNosnitsky eoke aFox eoon Sa eyes A oake aAssoc eSherman nRea erna ona erna ona Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Ma Real Estate Sales NJ Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Assoc aoeRoach eaA Roach Rea Roach Rea Associate Rea yOwne Rea enoke G or aRealty N son Co dwe Banker Co. Real Estate Broker Assoc Broker Assoc eyPr Assoc aBrokerage eNilson aBrokerage eSchulz Broker Associate & Bn oke oke Sa Beedwe Sa oke eRea Sa eAssoc ray* Rea aaShah eoke Real Estate Broker Assoc aon eRealty Mu ay* n erna ona Bo oke Owne Bn oke Owne Sales Associate NJ PA Real Real Estate Estate n erna erna ona B oke Ro Sales & Associate B oke A o aors eAssociate Pr nce on Broker Associate Sa eSales oAssociate aAssociate eEs Henderso Eva Mary oke Owne & Roach Sa es oke Sa en a& Pr nce Sherman Sales NJ & PA liams erksh re Real Estate L Robe ake Princeton nda BAssoc anche Dawn Eva M Shaughnessy Es aerna eSales & Roach Roach Rea ors Roach Re Ann & Roach G or aBrokerage son Callaway Sales Broker Broker Broker Assoc aBrokerage eJan Assoc an eaSa eoDonna & Roach ay* Sales Realty Brokerage a& eSales Williams Williams Broker Assoc aPrinceton en Princeton erna ona By oke Owne B oke Owne Brokerage Rea Rea Es ao Es eoke aEstate nce on Co. Real Broker Sa A o aAssociate Sa eHathaway A o& aPA eSa Sales Associate A o aPecs eo B oke oAssociate a& eAssociate Roach & Roach B oke Owne Jan Sa Assoc es Sa aerna Assoc eSilverman aRoach eFox aInternational B oke B Sa Sa eRutkowski o A aA ePecsi aOwne eeRoach Dawn Eva Mary Real Estate & Co. ona Sa es ake eees B oke A ooke a& eCo. Pr nce on International Brokerage Pr nce aeBroker Sherman Williams Berksh re Sa es Assoc aHa eA n neEs erna ona Es aRoach B oke Sa A o aShaughnessy eo Petruzziello ® Sales Associate Pr nce Pr nce on Pa & Realty Callaway Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & & Roach A o®on aSotheby's Sa eResidential A o aRealty e& Ann & y Smith Hathaway Fox Donna Donna Sales Associate Shah Princeton Sa ey Rea Parker Parker Brokerage Schulz n erna ona neCallaway erna ona Realty Pr on Sales Broker Sales Smolowitz Henderson Brokerage A A aPetruzziello eB oeona aBroker ePa Realty B A o B aEstate oke eReiling A oPe aBanker euzz Aes o aInternational e®oRutkowski Co. Estate Callaway Dawn Estate Hathaway & Co. Real Estate Hathaway & & Roach Sales Sa es Sa Assoc es Sa es an eerna aeRu eSilverman aRea eAssociate A oA ay eReal Brokerage BeN oke B Sa oke eeCallaway A Sa ePecsi o a& ePecs oRealty a& Brokerage n erna ona & Co. Pr nce on n erna ona Brokerage Brokerage aAssociate ePrinceton Sa es Assoc aRea eA B oke Sa ekowsk A o aEs Realty Pa Brokerage Petruzziello Petruzziello Co. Real Estate Rea ySa Reiling Callaway Hathaway Fox Rea yoAssociate Hathaway Fox Ca away Novembe ® aial eBeA A o e®es Callaway Co. Real Co. Real Estate Estate Sa A oPetrozzini aRea eReiling Sotheby's Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Co. Princeton Pa Donna Donna Sa eBroker oo eEs Brokerage Brokerage Pr nce on Sales & Co. Co. Pa ke ona n ona Rea y Princeton Realty Callaway oke eon B Sa eCo. November November Brokerage Brokerage Shaughnessy Smith A A a& aBroker ooke aParker eoke Rea y Pe eHende oaawa Shah Hathaway Fox Dawn Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Smolowitz eaFox A oSmith aozz eAssociate Co. Real Hathaway Fox & A aoona eEstate Brokerage Brokerage Pr nce on Pr nce on Parker ® & Co. Silverman Brokerage Petruzziello Petruzziello Sherman Rea ® Princeton Realty Princeton Realty Callaway Callaway Hathaway Fox Realty Ste Reiling Novembe Hathaway Fox Ca away Sotheby's aA een Pr nce on Broker Associate Ha haway Fox Sa ePetrozzini A oAssociate aFox e& Nosn sky Pr nce on Pa ke ® Callaway Pau Novembe Brokerage Brokerage Real Estate Hathaway Fox Co. & Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Sa eke ors ® Nosnitsky & Roach Novembe Brokerage Fox Parker Sotheby's or& oDawn aSa eaJan eHend o Smith Smith Ha haway Fox Shah Realtor Associate Nosnitsky Pr nce on Real Estate Schulz Schulz Paul Paul B oke A oeuzz ao eA Smolowitz Smolowitz Hathaway Fox Rutkowski Rutkowski ozzini Pe uzz eCa o Pr nce on Pr nce on Pa Hathaway Fox R ®Rutkowski November Callaway epRutkowski oauzz Realty Sherman Princeton Realty Ca away away Pecsi Rea yWilliams Princeton Realty Pecs ® Pe n Sotheby's Hathaway Fox & So heby sReal Owne Princeton Sotheby's Rea Es aColdwell ePrinceton Hathaway Fox B oke A oAssociate aBerkshire edu Nosn sky Rea Steffens Realty Pau Novembe Petruzziello November Rea ors Sotheby's Co. Real Estate ® Pecsi & Roach Petrozzini Nosn sky Ha haway Pa ke ® So heby sPecs Estate Realtor Associate Real Pau November Residential Rea A aerna ence Nosn sky Williams nce on Rea Es aden eBroker Sales Associate Pau Princeton Realty Princeton Realty Sotheby's Callawa heby's uzz Petruzziello Ha haway Fox Realty Rea y Novembe Rea yPecsi Residential Pr nce on Petruzziello Roach Realtors Owne Owne Owne Nosnitsky Princeton ozz n Sotheby's Rea aEs eRutkowski Rea Es aRea Paul ® ® ® Owne Pr nce on C Silverman Rea yeWilliams haway Williams ®on ®Brokerage Broker Sales Owne Rea yPr Mu ay* Steffen Pecs Pe ozz n Pe uzz eoke Novembe Callaway So heby sPecsi Rea yeRealtors Realtors Pecs Pe ozz nPe Ha haway Fox Nosn sky Berkshire Rea a e Rea oReiling A o aors eo Nosnitsky a e Pau Novembe Paul Pr nce nce on Res den a Realtors ®Broker Realty Schulz Residential B ®Murray* Sa eon A o aSales Murray* Nosnitsky Smolowitz So heby s Reiling Ca Callaway Sales Associate Sales Associate Paul Pe uzz e o ®Pr Sotheby's Rea y Residential Residential Pecsi Rea y Petrozzini Berkshire Moskow z Reiling Res den a Pr nce on Smith Sales Associate Pe uzz e o Shah Owne Owne Owne Nosn sky Pr nce on So heby s Schulz Rea Es a e Es a e Pau Sm Broker Associate Hathaway Fox Residential Residential Residential B oke Sa e Owne Re ng Realtors Co dwe Banker Moskowitz Moskowitz Mu ay* Pecs Co. Real Estate Pe ozz n Rutkowski Petrozzini Broker Broker Sales Sot Rea ors Sotheby's Cu Pe dEs M C uPe T pPe PRes Ha haway Fox & Broker Owner Nosn sky Rea y Gloria Nilson & Pecsi Petrozzini Realty & Co. Residential Mu ay* Pr nce on Pr nce Pau Smith Rea Shah Realtors ® Rea y B Sales Associate Mu ay* Schulz Nosn sky Berkshire Monspo Re ng Realtors Realtors Smolow Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Pau Roach den Res den a Ru kowsk Williams Williams Pecs Pe ozz Berksh re Realty Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Moskow z Re ng Gloria Nilson & Berks Berkshire Greater Sa es Assoc a e ® Realty Monsport Monsport Rea y Rea y Residential Murray* & Co. Silverman ® Moskow z Realtors Broker Assoc a e Res den a Res den Residential Broker Sales Sotheby's Residential Rea ors Co dwe Banker Broker Associate Associate Moskow z Greater Ru kowsk Pecs Berkshire Roach Realtors Pe ozz n B oke Sa e B oke Sa e So Sotheby's Cu P d M C u T P du A Co dwe Banker Sotheby's Residential B oke Owne Rea y Ru kowsk Pecs Pe ozz n Rea y Res den a Parker Mu ay* Silverman Roach Realtors Broker Owner Broker Owner Murray* Jan Berks Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Rea ors International Sa e ® Sales Associate Berksh r Sales Associate Monspo Broker Sales Associate Moskowitz Rea Rea ors ors Berkshire Berksh Berksh re re Realty Murray* Residential a N son & Berksh re Rea y Co. Real Estate Sa es Assoc a e Residential Residential Co. Real Estate Grea er A o a e Sothe Monspo Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Rea y Jan Linda Linda Roberta Roberta Linda Linda Blanche Blanche Dawn Dawn Eva Eva Mary Rea y Sotheby's Sotheby's Monspo Rea y Rea y Res a Mu ay* & Co. Realty & Co. Silverman Moskow z Rea ors Broker Associate Greater Realty Realty Hathaway Fox Sa e So heby Broker Assoc a e Broker Assoc a e Grea er B oke Sa e Gloria Nilson & B Roach Realtors itz Co dwe Banker Res den a Broker Owner Associate Monsport Realty Realty Pa ke Greater B oke Owne B oke Owne Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Mu ay* Berk November Banker Realty Broker Broker Sales Sales Sa es Assoc a e Brokerage B oke Sa e A o a e Moskow z Sotheby G or G a or N G a son or N a son & N & son & Berksh Berksh re re Rea y Gloria Nilson & Berkshi Mu ay* Roach Realtors Res den a & Co. & Co. Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate A o A a o e A a e o a e a N son & Sales Associate Roach Realtors Greater Coldwell Banker Ann A o a e So he Monspo G or a N son & Berksh re es Associate Rea y Jan Linda Roberta Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Petruzziello Rea y Berksh re Broker Assoc a e Grea er Rea Rea y y Princeton B oke Sa e Keller ® ® ® Coldwell Banker Rea y Ann Ann w z Roach Realty Broker Associate B oke Owne A o a e Monspo Rea y Rea y Grea er B oke Sa e Associate Associate Novembe Henderson Co dwe Banker Rea y Jan B oke Sa e Linda Coldwell Banker Roberta Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Keller G or G a or N G a son or N a son & N & son & Nosnitsky RE/MAX Sa es Assoc a e Sa es Assoc a e B oke Sa e A o a e B oke Sa e A o a e A o A a o e A a e o a e Paul Grea er Pr nce on sociate Grea er Sales Associate Sales Associate Rea y Rea y G or a N son & e A o a e Rei Co Rea Es a e Henderson Berksh Berksh re Pe uzz eSaHenderson Broker Sales Berksh re Rea ors Jan Dawn Eva Mary RE/MAX Berksh re Rea y&& Rea ors Ann Coldwell Banker Rea y Rea oRea A oSales aG eG Jan nda Dawn Eva Associate Gloria Nilson BGG oke eG Broker AN oFox aRoach eInternational A o aMary e RE/MAX Banker Coldwell Banker Petrozzini Henderson Associate Henderson aHenderson N son RE/MAX RE/MAX Co dwe Banker Sa es Assoc eColdwell BHenderson oke SaRE/MAX eRea A oors a®re ere RE/MAX Nosn sky Keller Coldwell Broker Sales Realtor Associate Pau Realtors Grea er Pr nce on oaa aN eAssociate RE/MAX Rea yAssoc Berksh re re re Gloria Nilson Re Co Rea Es are eLinda Berksh Berksh re Berksh re reaaBerksh BaAssoc oke Sa Reiling Keller Coldwell Banker Berksh ® Berksh Rea ors RE/MAX Berksh RE/MAX Petruzziello ®Associate Rea ors Sotheby's ®re Rea o Broker aAssociate eor Berksh re A Sales Associate Henderson on away Fox & Henderson or G aSa N aG son or N aBroker son N & son Keller Bo oke Sa Co dwe Banker Co dwe Banker Pecs Pe ozz n Henderson or aRea N son & RE/MAX RE/MAX International Broker Associate Broker Associate Rea oEva AoAColdwell a®A eBroker Rea ors Realtors BBerksh oke Sa eSales G or aAssociate N Rutkowski Rea o®ors A oors Rea y Murray* RE/MAX Real Estate Henderson ®re ®aInternational Banker Berksh Berksh re Berksh re re ® Gloria Nilson Owner International RE/MAX RE/MAX Berksh RE/MAX Realtor Associate RE/MAX or son & Rea Henderson Coldwell Banker Realty Berksh Berksh re re Sales Coldwell Petruzziello Reiling Gloria Nilson 4aoBanker Berksh re Moskowitz re haway & Henderson or G aor or N aa& son or N a& son & N & son Berksh re nceton Sales Sa eoaHenderson een RE/MAX erna ona Sales o oey aAssociate eors Coldwell Banker Rea ors Realtor Associate Berksh re Rea G or an N son & Gloria Nilson Rea y Sa es a®Realtor eRea Mu ay* ® Realtor Associate ® International Sales Sales Associate Associate Owne RE/MAX nPecsi erna ona Roach Rutkowski Rutkowski ge Owner Petrozzini Princeton Princeton RE/MAX RE/MAX Realty Sales Associate Associate Coldwell Banker Rea oA A oaSales aAssociate ees Realty Monsport Broker Sales International or son & Broker Associate Henderso Rea ors Rea ors Co dwe Banker Rea y& Berksh Berksh re re Henderson Coldwell Banker 4 Reiling Moskow zees re Berksh re Br ® Sales Associate eo o aaInter International Princeton Sales Sales Associate Associate Realtors Roach Realtors H Co dwe Banker Associate Roach Realtors Rea oBroker A o aSales ere Sales Associate Associate Berksh yoAssociate Rea y Coldwell Banker & Roach Sa es Assoc aeFox eOwner Sa eBrokerage A aA eHenders Sales Associate Rea oMonspo ABanker o eeeSales n erna ona ternational Sa eBrokerage A o eA Owner ® International RE/MAX Sa Assoc e& Owne Rutkowski Broker Assoc aAssociate eSales etrozzini & Roach Rea y Real Estate Sa es Assoc eaRealtors Co dwe Banker Coldwell Banker Rea yeason n erna ona RE/MAX Broker Broker Sales Sales Sales BOwner oke Owne Sales Associate Real Estate B& Broker Associate Broker Broker Associate Associate n erna ona Roach Realtors national Sales Associate H Roach Realtors & Roach Broker Associate Broker Associate Berkshire Rea yFox Rea y Broker Broker Owner Associate RE/MAX & Roach Henderson Sales Sa eBrokerage A oHathaway aSales eoAssocia Sales Associate RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Broker Sales Owne Asso RE/MAX & Roach Sa es Assoc a e Sales Sales Associate Broker Assoc a e Jan Roberta RE/MAX Linda Blanche Dawn Mary Roach Henderson Real Estate RE/MAX Sales Associate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Broker Assoc a e B oke Owne Sa e& A o aSales e& & Roach B Brokerage & Roach Broker Sales Broker a e Roach Rea ors Broker Associate Broker Associate Brokerage Henderson Sa Assoc a e Real Estate Rea ors B oke Owne Broker Sales B oke Sa A o a e International r Owner Sales Berksh re Roach Realtors Real Real Estate Estate & Roach B oke Owne Internation RE/MAX Sa e A o a e Associate Brokerage Sa e A o a e Berkshire Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate B oke Sa Sa e A o a e e Broker RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Broker Associate Brokerage Broker Owner B oke Sa e Broker Broker Sales Associate Associate & Roach Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Sa es Assoc a e Sales Associate I Sales Associate RE/MAX Sales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate NJ Broker Owner Sales Sales Associate Associate International Real Estate Sa es Assoc a e Broker Assoc a e Broker Associate & Roach & Roach A e Brokerage B oke Sa Ann & Roach Interna Roach Rea ors Brokerage Broker Associate Rea ors B oke Owne B oke Sa e B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Owner Brokerage Berkshire Roach Sales Associate Brokerage & Roach n erna o Sa A o a e Associate Associate A o a e Gloria Nilson & Sa e o e Brokerage Berksh re Berksh re Broker Associate Associate B oke Sa e A o a e Broker Assoc a e Brokerage Ha haway Fox Broker Broker Associate Realtor Associate Berkshire B oke Sa e A o e Sa e A o a e Sa A o a e Sa e A o a e & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Sa e A o a e Brokerage B oke Owne Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Sa International Hat Res den a Princeton Sales Associate International Brokerage Broker Assoc a e Brokerage Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate A o a e Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Parker n erna Realty Broker Brokerage Callaway Broker Assoc a e Sales Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX B oke Owne A o a e Ha haway Fox Brokerage Gloria Nilson & Berksh re A o a e Associate G or a N son & Brokerage Ha haway Ha haway Fox & & Sales Associate Princeton B oke Owne Parker Parker A o a e A o a e B oke Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Broker Sales Associate International International Broke Rea o A o a e Berksh re Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Ha haway & Sa e A o a e s Associate Sales Berkshire Berkshire Broker Sales Associate Sotheby's Brokerage Associate Ha Res den a Sales Associate ate F Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Brokerage Sales Associate Sales Associate Brokerage Brokerage Res den a Sa e A o a e Sa es Assoc a e ® B oke Sa e A o a e Co. Real Estate H Brokerage Gloria Nilson & Broker Ass Sa e A o a e Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox Fox Sa A o a e RE/MAX A o a e Rea Es a e Princeton Ha haway Fox Associate November G or a N son & RE/MAX RE/MAX Callaway o a e Ha haway Fox Ha haway Ha haway Fox Fox & & Princeton Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Hathawa Associate Princeton Parker Sa es Assoc a e Co dwe Banker Berksh re B oke Sa e A o a e Brokerage Brokerage Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Princeton Ha haway Fox & e A o a e Sa es Assoc a e Berksh re Berksh re B oke Sa e A o a e November November Sales Associate So heby s Hathaw Sotheby's A o a e Petruzziello a e Hathaway Fox Ha haway Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Berkshire Sales Associate Broker Associate Res den aHa Ha haway Ha Fox haway Fox Fox G or a N son & Princeton Princeton Parker Co Co Rea Rea Co Es a Rea Es e a Es e a e Ha Ha haway haway Ha Fox haway Fox Fox Residential Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Rea Es a e Petruzziello Petruzziello Pr nce on A oHa are ehaway Ha haway Fox Broke RE/MAX RE/MAX Callaway Callaway Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox Co dwe Co dwe Co Banker dwe Banker Banker Sa e AAssociate o aResidential eCo AHa oFox aEstate ePaul Sotheby's Co dwe Banker Berkshire Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Real Estate Owne Princeton Broker Associate Berksh re Berksh re Berksh re Nosnitsky Pr nce on Sotheby's Sotheby's Sa eReal A o Estate aHathaway ereInternati November Ha haw So heby s Realtors ® Realty & Roach Princeton Reiling Berksh Owner Owner Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Sales Associate Co. Hath Sa es Assoc e Berkshire Berkshire osnitsky Nosnitsky Ha Ha haway haway Fox haway Fox Real Estate Gloria Nilson & Paul Paul Realty Co Co Rea Rea Co Es a Rea Es e a Es e a e erkshire Res den a G or a N son & G or a N son & RE/MAX Princeton ® Residential Broker Associate Petruzziello Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox B oke Reiling Co. Real Estate F Sales Associate Co Rea Es a e Co dwe Co dwe Co Banker dwe Banker Banker Callaway Berksh re Owne Pr nce on Broker Owner Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini So heby s So heby s Hathaway Fox Owne Rea y International Pr nce on Owne Berkshire Petruzziello Grea er Pr nce on Sotheby's Sales Associate Berksh re Berksh re Rutkowski Pecsi Pecsi Petrozzini Petrozzini Realty Nosnitsky shire Co Rea Es a e Real Estate G or a N son & Real Estate Paul Rea y Residential Residential Berksh re Residential Pr nce on Res den a Broker Assoc a e ® Owner Reiling Sotheby's Callaway Realty Sotheby' Petruzziello Realty /MAX Realty B oke Owne Greater Williams Residential Callaway Petruzziello ® Realty Sotheby's Owne Real Real Estate Paul Broker Sales Associate S Owner Callaway Grea er Pr Grea nce on er Pr nce on Berksh re & Roach Sales Associate Grea er Pr nce on Broker Sales Reiling Sales Associate Co Co Rea Rea Co Es a Rea Es e a Es e a e Williams Owner Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Rea y sh re Grea er Pr nce on Co Rea Es a e ® Res den a Res den a Co Rea Es a e Berksh re Owne Rea y Realty So heby Berkshire E/MAX Reiling Sales Associate Grea er RE/MAX Greater Residential haway Fox & Berkshire Berkshire Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Callaway Callaway Reiling h Rea ors Rea y B oke Sa e A o a e Owne Sotheby's Grea er Pr Grea nce on er Pr nce on Residential Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Co Co Rea Rea Co Es a Rea Es e a Es e a e Owne R Williams Residential Residential Grea er Pr nce on Sales Associate Rutkowski Co Es a e Petrozzini Broker Sales Sotheby's G or a N son & Residential Berksh re ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Realty Rutkowski ecsi Williams Petrozzini Realty Residential o Rea Es a e ® RE/MAX Greater Greater & Co. Berksh Ha haway Ha haway Fox & Fox & Grea er A o a e Sales Associate Grea er Ha haway Fox &haway Berkshire Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson && && Berksh re er & Fox &Owner A ch Rea ors Ha Fox & Residential Berkshire yoker Williams ®Associate Res den Greater Realty Ha haway Fox & & Co. R Berkshire alty Residential Sa eRoach ABerkshire oBrokerage aSales eRealty G or ason N son & Broker Sales Res den aCallaway Sotheby's Greater Hathaway Fox && Grea Grea er Grea er er o aFox eBerkshire Residential RE/MAX G or ahaway N son Grea er Grea Berksh reaNilson Ha haway Ha Fox & Fox &Fox Grea er Berkshire re Parker Real Gre or aor N son Broker Owner Grea er Sotheby's Berkshire Berkshire & Fox & Es Berkshire ®aRealtors Ha Fox & Res den aCallaway Sales Associate Berkshire ealty Residential Rea y& Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Berkshire &LBerksh Co. Realtors Gloria Nilson Associate Berksh re Sotheby's Callaway Berkshire Hathaway Fox RE/MAX Greater ** Curre Realtors & Co. Realty Realty Ha haway Grea Grea er Grea er er ®ors Berksh re Broker Sales G ahaway N & Fox & Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson & Berksh re RE/MAX RE/MAX Berksh re Rea Greater Associate Grea er Realty Gloria Nilson Berksh reBanker Greater & Co. Berksh re Associate &RE/MAX Roach Berkshire Berkshire November Coldwell Banker Realty Broker Broker Sales Sales ® Berksh re Rea ors G or are N son & Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Owner Associate Associate A oerna aer eKeller Greater Ha haway Fox RE/MAX Greater ®N Hathaway Hathaway Fox Realtors International Rea Berkshire Petruzziello Coldwell Banker Hathaway Fox & Berksh re Ha haway Fox Ha haway & G or aRealtor N son & RE/MAX or a& N son & Roach Rea ors Grea A oBerksh aBanker e ors ® ® ®& Realty Berksh re G or aRealty son & Roach & Roach & Roach Realty Berksh re Aare oBerkshire aBerksh ea & Roach Berksh re re Broker Sales Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson & & Roach Realtors RE/MAX Henderson Berksh re Berkshire haway Fox Owne Coldwell Banker Associate Grea er Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox osnitsky Berkshire Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Paul Rea ors Berkshire nEva erna ona International Berksh re Co dwe Banker Realty Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Berkshire RE/MAX Reiling RE/MAX Keller Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors Glori or aInternational N son && Broker Sales Roach Rea ors Rea ors & Roach & Roach & Roach RE/MAX ® Realtors Berkshire re ® RE/MAX Roach Rea Roach Roach & Berkshire G or aG N son & Ke er W ams Berksh re Berksh re & Roach Gloria & G or aHathaway N son & Berkshire & Roach Realtor Associate Rea ors ®RE/MAX Berksh Berksh re Hathaway Fox Berksh re Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Rutkowski Pecsi Co. Real Estate Petrozzini Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Keller Keller Williams Williams Henderson Gloria Nilson & /MAX Berksh re International International Co Rea aAssociate eAssociate Berksh re Berksh re n®Keller ona Nilson & ®® Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Realtor Associate Berksh re Realtors RE/MAX & Co dwe Banker Co dwe Roach Roach Rea Rea ors Keller Gloria Nilson & & Roach & Roach Roach RE/MAX Berkshire Gloria Nilson Rea ors Berksh G or aG N son & Ke er W ams Berkshire Berkshire Greater Princeton Brokerage & Roach G or N son Coldwell Banker RE/MAX Berksh re Co. Real Estate Brokerage on & Ha haway Fox Ke er W ams Berksh re Berkshire Co Rea Es aEs eRE/MAX Ke er W ams nHathaway erna ona n erna ona Henderson Henderson Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Nilson & & Berksh re erkshire Berkshire G or N son & G or a& N son &haway International Co dwe Realtor Associate Realtors RE/MAX Realtors & Roach Berkshire Res aFox Gloria Nilson & G or aBerkshire N son & Realty Keller Williams Berksh Realtors Gloria Ni nda Robe L nda B an he Dawn Ma y International Gloria Nilson & Berksh re Realty Berksh re RE/MAX RE/MAX Grea er Pr nce on Asso Greater Princeton Greater Princeton RE/MAX RE/MAX Co Rea Es eAssociate Internation Brokerage te & R Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Ke er W ams Realtors Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Berksh re Realty Brokerage Berksh re Henderson Berksh re Int & Ro Res Res den Res aHa den aden aHa Berkshire RE/MAX Sales Roach R & Roach Berksh re Res den aa den Keller Hathaway Fox & Coldwell Banker Ke er W ams Realty Sales Associate Ann L nda Robe aGloria L BRE/MAX an he Dawn Eva Ma G or aRoach N son & International Greater Princeton A Sales Sales Associate Associate Grea er Pr nce on Grea er Pr nce K Co. Real Estate n& erna o Co Rea Es aors eRE/MAX Co Rea Es aAssociate eBrokerage Berkshire Realty Broker Sales Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker ales son Associate Associate Realty Brokerage International Henderson RE/MAX Brokerage n & R Res Res den den Res anda aRoach aBanker reater Jane “Jan” Tay or Lden saTheodore Ha Fox & Roach Realtors Henderson Kelle Broker Sales Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox & Henderson RE/MAX RE/MAX RE/MAX Ann Donna Donna away Fox & Realty Realty Grea er Pr nce on & Sales Associate Roac RE/MAX Co Rea Es aFox eFox Berkshire Dawn Berksh re Brokerage Brokerage ales Associate Broker Associate ® RE/MAX Brokerage & Roach Roach Real Ha haway Fox & RE/MAX Lee Ta Gough “W nn” Thomp on Susan Thompson Grea er K mber yRea SHa orce aBroker Hathaway Fox & Greater Broker Owner Sales Associate Henderson Henderson Broker Sales Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Broker Broker Associate Associate International yors Fox & RE/MAX RE/MAX Hathaway Fox Fox & Donna Donna haway Fox & RE/MAX ®Roach Broker Broker Owner Owner RE/MAX Berksh re Sales Dawn Sales Associate International Gloria Nilson & Ha haway Fox Brokerage Coldwell Banker Broker Sales & Sales Associate Princeton Ha haway Fox & Berkshire Greater Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Ha haway Fox & Grea er Berkshire Coldwell Banker Ha haway Fox && Broker Associate ay Fox & & Roach & Roach Ha haway Fox & Brokerage Broker Sales ® Brokerage Brokerage Realtors Sales Associate Broker Owner Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate Ha haway Fox ®Roach ®Associate Co Rea Es aSales eRoach G or aNilson N son & haway Fox & Roach International Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Associate Coldwell Banker Berkshire Roach Rea ors Brokerage Princeton ®Berksh Associate Brokerage Pr nce on Keller Williams Ha haway Fox Princeton Rea ors Hathaway Hathaway Fox re Sales Associate Grea Broker Broker Sales Sales Associate Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Roach Realtors haway Fox International Henderson Berksh re Ha haway Fox & Roach Broker Owner Fox & Pr nce on Princeton & Roach Cold Brokerage & Roach & Roach Hathaway Fox & Realty Associate Brokerage Hathaway Fox International ®Ha Henderson Ha haway Fox Co Rea Es aHathaway eRE/MAX Roach Roach Rea Rea ors Ha haway Fox & Broker Owner Berkshire Roach Rea ors Brokerage Princeton Princeton Ha haway Fox Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Associate Associate Co Rea Es aRoach eon Brokerage Ke er W ams Ha haway Fox Pr nce on Rea ors Rea Hathaway Fox Ha haway Fox Broker Owner Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Co Rea Es aEs eaGreater Rea ors Rea ors Realtor Associate Roach Rea ors Pr nce Pr on nce Pr on nce on Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox Co d Henderson Brokerage & Roach Ha haway Fox & Pr nce on & Roach & Roach & Roach Princeton Brokerage Pr nce on Brokerage & Roach & Roach Hathaway Fox haway Fox & Hathaway Fox Rea Realty Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox RE/MAX Brokerage Realtors Sales Broker Sales Associate Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors Coldwell Banker Princeton Brokerage Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Pr nce on Pr nce on Ha haway Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Hathaway Fox ors Associate Co Rea aBrokerage eRoach Roach Rea ors Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox Rea ors Associate Realtors Hathaway Fox Rea ors Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Roach Rea ors Pr nce Pr on nce Pr on nce on Princeton Co. Real Estate Roach Rea ors Rea ors Ha haway Fox Co Sales Associate Coldwell Banker & Roach & Roach & Roach & Roach Pr nce on Hathaway Fox & Grea er Pr nce on Realty Realty Coldwell Banker Ha haway Fox Sales Associate es Associate Sotheby's Rea ynce Co Rea Es aors eAssociate Real Estate Associate RE/MAX Hathaway Fox Pa ke Co dwe Banker Greater Greater Princeton Princeton Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors ® ooy Ha haway Fox Gloria Nilson & Real Estate Co Rea Es aBroker eColdwell Princeton Residential Rea ors Roach Rea ors Princeton Ha haway Fox RE/MAX Co Es aer eors Co dwe Banker & Roach Coldwell Banker Grea er Pr nce on Rea y Rea y Co dwe Banker Princeton Princeton Associate Grea er Pr nce on Novembe Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Sotheby's Pa ke Grea er Pr nce on Co Rea Es a e Associate Pr nce on Res den Real Estate ® Pe uzz e Ha haway Fox & Residential Residential Realty Co. Co. Real Real Estate Estate Residential Gloria Nilson & Gloria & RE/MAX Greater Princeton Ha haway Fox & Broker Sales Co. Real Estate Real Estate Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Banker Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Pr on Hathaway Fox & Owner Princeton Williams Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & No n ky Grea er Pr nce on Novembe Greater Princeton Pau Sotheby's Sotheby's Co Rea Es a e Co. Real Estate Real Estate Re n Realty Princeton Princeton Owner Owner Grea er Residential Co. Real Estate Co Rea Es a e Pe uzz e ® ® Ha haway Fox & Res den a Res den a Rea y Co Rea Es a e Grea er Pr nce on ® Gloria Nilson & Ha haway Fox & Realty Hathaway Fox Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Princeton Pe Greater Greater Pe ozz n Residential Broker Associate Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Co. Real Estate Ha haway Fox & Residential No n ky Grea er Pr nce on R Hathaway Fox Pau Broker Owner Williams Co Rea Es a e Sotheby's Re Grea er Pr nce on Hathaway Fox & Grea er Owner Res den a Co Rea Es a e Co Rea Es a e Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Hathaway Fox ® Grea er Co. Real Estate tate Ha haway Fox Realty Ha haway Fox & Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Pe Grea er Pe ozz n ® Mu ay Residential Residential Ha haway Fox & Coldwel & away Fox & Hathaway Fox & Co Rea Es a e Realty Realtors Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Sotheby's Greater Williams Williams Residential Ha haway Fox & Greater ® ® Mo kow z Sotheby's Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Ha haway Fox & ® Brokerage Realty Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sotheby's Ha haway Fox n Princeton Grea er Co Rea Es a e s a e Greater & Roach ® ® ® Ha haway Fox & Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Mu ay Greater ® ® Greater Princeton ® Co dwe away Fox & Ha haway Fox & Realt Mon po Co. Real Estate & Roach & Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox & Berkshire & Co. Roach Realtors Grea er Residential Realtors Mo kow z®Greater Brokerage Sotheby's Sotheby's Roach Rea ors Associate nceton Berkshire Berkshire Realty &A Roach Grea er &BBRoach ®Princeton ® ors ® ®ors Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Residential Grea er & Roach &&Roach && Roach Realty Rea Mon & Roach Roach Rea & Co Realtors Williams Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Gloria & Residential Rea orsBerkshire Greater Realtors Realtors h Realtors kkAssociate ®Associate Roach Rea ors &®& Roach ®Roach ria nce on Greater Greater Berkshire &Realty Roach Princeton Wi loria Nilson Nilson &Nilson && ®aors Roach Rea ors Associate Roach Rea ors Roach Hathaway Fox &Realtors Residential & Roach & Roach Roach Realty Roach Realtors Rea ors Berkshire Roach Rea ors Roach Rea Roach Realtors William Residential Realtors Realtors ealtors Greaors er Pr nce on Rea Rea &&RBrokerage Roach ch Rea ors Realty Sotheby's Roach Princeton Pr nce on Rea ors Gloria Nilson Residential Roach Co. Real Estate Berkshire & Roach Realty & Roach Sotheby's Roach & Roach Berkshire ® Realtors Hathaway Fox & S ors Aors o RE/MAX u ®Brokerage & Roach Roach Rea &Roach Roach Hathaway Fox && Berkshire Berkshire Roach Rea A& Realtors Rea ors Rea Rea Rea ors Residential ® Roach ® e Greater Associate Pr nce on Realtors ors Co Rea Es epo ® RE/MAX Berkshire Hathaway & & Roach RE/MAX Roach Rea ors S® ors A& oRealtors SResidential oA o Sotheby's Greater Associate P ®Fox dBerkshire nFox Ha haway Fox & &Berkshire Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox Berkshire Associate R ARealtors Berkshire Berkshire ® ®ors Owner Gloria Nilson & Greater RR Realtors International Berkshire oldwell Banker Hathaway &** RE/MAX Grea Gloria Nilson & Realty A Roach Realtors Residential Berkshire Sa A oo Eva aer eRea Berkshire RE/MAX BB kkRe Residential Residential Berkshire Nilson & International RE/MAX A Coldwell Banker Res den aRoach Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Sa e®Princeton A aRealtors eT RE/MAX Brokerage Roach Realtors Ba oke oRoach aRoach eRoach Realty Gloria Nilson & Res den aRealtors BSB kk A Own Res den Realty Berkshire ® ® ors Roach Realtors International International ® ®Roach ®Rea ® ®Realtors Roach Nilson Coldwell Banker & Roach Realty & Gloria Nilson & Brokerage BGloria oke oRoach aRoach eInternational Berkshire Brokerage Brokerage Own Berkshire k A Co. Real Estate A AADawn Roach Rea ors® ®Rea ®A International Roach Rea & Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors kshire ® Brokerage AA RE/MAX Roach Realtors Residential Pr nce on Brokerage Brokerage ® Blanche Realtors Realtors Roach Roach Realtors Realtors BRealtors k ARea Jan Linda Roberta Linda Mary aDonna Nilson RE/MAX RE/MAX A Princeton Associate AA &Brokerage Greater Princeton ®Gloria International ®& Estate Roach ors Co. Real Co. Real Estate ors Brokerage ® ® Rea ors Roach ors Brokerage Rea ors Brokerage International ® Rea ors Rea ors Pr nce on & Roach && Roach Residential Realtors Realtors Roach Rea ors Rea ors Roach Rea ors nce on RE/MAX Pr nce on Roach Resid Ann ater Princeton Roach Realtors ® Co. Real Estate Princeton International International Berkshire Rea ors Brokerage Roach Realtors Rea ors Rea ors Brokerage Realtors Rea ors Roach Rea ors h Realtors Roach Realtors Pr nce on Roach Realtors Princeton Princeton Roach Rea ors Res d Realtors Princeton Rea RE/MAX Roach Rea ors Pr nce Roach Rea ors Berkshire Rea ors Brokerage Brokerage Realtors Own & Roach Rea ors Brokerage ch Rea ors Roach Rea ors®Realtors Realtors Rea Roach Rea ors Pr on Fox Hathaway Fox & Princeton Princeton Rea ors Pr nce on Gloria Nilson &BRealtors Hathaway Hathaway Fox & & Rea Co dw Bon nkRealtors RPr E&& SFox p& on Rea ors®Fox Own & Roach Rea ors Hathaway Fox Princeton Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox ® Brokerage Hathaway Fox & Co dw B nkors B kors h®Rea H hors w yReal WRE/MAX dInternational RBrokerage o International ® Princeton ® Coldwell ® Princeton S Residential A Residential oHathaway International Brokerage ® Brokerage Estate Hathaway ®nce Be Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Princeton Brokerage Banker Hathaway Fox Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Real o. Real Estate Estate Pri Hathaway Fox & Brokerage Coldwell Banker Brokerage Real Est & G oors aPrinceton N on Roach Realty AA Hathaway Fox Br Bekkh h eeReal Realtors ® Roach Realtors Princet Princeton Princeton Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Coldwell Banker BB G o a N on Roach Rea ors Realtors Be k h e Hathaway Fox Rea ors Roach Rea ors Realty RE/MAX Pr nce on Coldwell Banker Be k h e Roach Realtors Brokerage Rea Coldwell Banker Be k h e Brokerage Greater Princeton Realty Realty Coldwell Banker Co. Estate Brokerage RE/MAX Parker Greater Greater Princeton Princeton Co. Real Estate G o a N on & Be k h e Princeton Residential Brokerage Be k h e Brokerage Be k h e Realty Princeton Greater Princeton November G o a N on & Co. Real Estate Ke e W am Be k h e Petruzziello Hathaway Fox & Residential Be k h e Realty ® Rutkowski Greater Princeton & Fox Co.RE/MAX Real Estate Realty Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox &R&Greater Hathaway Fox & Nosnitsky Greater Princeton eCo. W am Paul Co. Real Estate Reiling Greater Princeton Residential Real Estate ® Realty Realty Realty Fox Hathaway Fox & y ®Petrozzini Pecsi Greater Greater Brok Hathaway Fox RE/MAX ® Realtors ® Hathaway Fox Real Estate Murray* Coldwell Banker ® Realtors ay && Roach RE BrokB ® Realtors ® Realty Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Realty Ha haway & Roach R& yRoach Fox &Ha Ro h ®R Estate ® Realty B Brokerage kGreater h Realtors HGreater hRealtor w yHathaway Fox & Roach &&Roach Ha haway Fox ® Realtors Realty Realtors Ha hawayFox Fox&&Realty &Ke Roach Realty Roach Roach Realtors haway Fox Co Rea EE Realtors aaComp eRoach Roach & Roach & Roach Ha haway Fox Co dwe ®o ® Princeton Sales ® Broker Co. Real Realty Realty Roach Realtors Ha haway Fox Realtors Co Rea e & ® Associate Co dwe Roach Realtors & Roach Realtors Roach G ea e P n e on Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Residential R Residential G ea e P n e on Greater Co Rea E a e Realt Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox & Residential Co Rea EAssociate e® Ha ®haway Ha haway Fox & SalesRealtors Associate G & Residential Sales Associate ®Gea Residential eaeeBroker Sales Residential & Roach Broker &&Roa Broker Fox Owner ® & Roach ®a® Roach ® ®®Associate Roa &&Roa Roa h h Brokerage ® Roach Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate & Princeton Ro h Princeton REALTORS® RoahhRea Rea oo ® ®®Associate Roa hh Roach Realtors Realtors ses®Brokerage ® Brokerage Roach Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors ®Realtors®Princeton Realtors Re Roach Realtors ® Realtors Realtors Realtors Princeton Roach Realtors Residential Re den de Realtors Realtors Owner Roa Rea oo Roa Rea ® Rea Roa hhRea Rea oo Rea Roa hhRE/MAX Rea ooBrokerageBerkshire PP nneeon onAssociate Brokerage Rea o& o GloriaPrinceton Nilson & Realtors Roach Realtors Brokerage Realtors® Berkshire Brokerage Realtors® Berkshire Brokerage Gloria Nilson BBoke Berkshire Berkshire okea RE/MAXBrokerage Brokerage Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Coldwell Banker Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Greater Princeton Roach Realtors® haway Fox & Greater & Roach & Roach Residential Rob nnLL ® Kenne hh"Ken" Rob ® ® ®Robin Kenne "Ken" Ya Amy GG Nancy vy Robin "Ken" Roach Realtors Y Nancy Realtors ch Rob nL. LRobin Princeton vy Rob nhL. LRobin Robin Robin L. n" Realtors Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Kenneth eth "Ken" "Ken" Robin L. Yael L. Amy G. Nancy nL. L Rob nL. LRob "Ken" Rob Rob nKenneth L Ivy nL. L Ivy Ivy Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Yae L Yael Amy GAmy Nancy Saman Kenne ne hRealtors "Ken" "Ken" Rob n L Yae LG. Amy G Nancy Saman Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Yael L. L. Amy G. Nancy Nancy Saman Ivy vy Kenne h"Ken" "Ken" vy Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Ivy Ivy Yae LSaman Amy G Nancy Saman Kenne h "Ken" L Amy G Nancy Saman Ivy Yae Yae LSaman LSaman Amy Amy GYae G Nancy Nancy Saman Saman vy vy Yae L Amy Amy G Saman Nancy Saman vy vy hLRobin "Ken" Rob n vyWa Na Kenne hh"Ken" L. Kenneth "Ken" Rob nLKenne LKenne N Robin Kenne "Ken" Rob nNancy L vy Yae LLAmy Amy GGWo Nancy hh "Ken" Kenneth "Ken" Kenne hKenne "Ken" Rob nnLL Rob nn Yael Amy vy Saman Rob nL. LRobin Kenne hh"Ken" Kenne hWa "Ken" nL. L Nancy Yae Amy Nancy Ivy "Ken" hvy "Ken" Rob Rob LRob Am Nancy Nancy ack Yae L. LBrokerage Amy G vy Nancy Saman ZZG Kenne "Ken" Kenne hKenne "Ken" Ivy Ivy Yae LNancy Amy GGZakut Nancy Nancy vy G. hNancy ng on A Nancy ack vy vy vy Ve beys Yae L Amy Amy Nancy Nancy Wo h ng on Wallack vy Zakut Wen Wallack Zakut Ve beys Wallack Worthington Wa ack Zakut Worthington Zaku Wen Wa ack W eve Wallack Wallack Wallack Zaku Zakut Zakut Zakut Wallack Worthington Wa ack Wo h ng on Zaku Wo h ng on Worthington Wen W eve Wa ack Worthington Worthington Wa Wa ack ack yst Wen Zaku Zaku Zaku Worthington Zeeshan Wa ack Wo h ng on erbeyst Verbeyst Zaku Zeeshan Wen Wo h ng on Wen Willever Wo Wo h ng h on ng on Verbeyst ys Wen Willever Wen Wen Wen Zeeshan WoZeeshan h ng on Ve beys Ve"A beys Zeeshan Wen Zeeshan Wen Willever Zeeshan Zeeshan W eve Ve beys W eve Wen Willever Wen Wen Willever Willever Zeeshan Zeeshan Ve beys Wa ack Wen Zeeshan Willever W eve Zeeshan Zeeshan Zaku W eve Wallack W W eve eve Zeeshan Zakut Gough "W nn " Ve beys Wo h ng on Wa ack W eve Zaku D ane Wallack Wallack Worthington Ve beys Wa ack W Zaku Sa es A Gough "W nn " W am Gough "W nn " Ca o e Wo h ng on Wa ack Wa ack Verbeyst Zaku D ane Wen Wo D ane Wa ack Wa ack Wo h ng on Ve beys son y" W Wen Sa es W am Ve beys Wo h ng on Wo h n Verbeyst Gough "W nn " Ca o e Wa ack Wa ack Ve beys Broker Assoc a e Zaku Wen W eve Sa e A o a e Zeeshan Wo D ane W Ve beys Ve son "AAssociate y" Wen Wen Sales Associate Ve Assoc beys Wo h ngeeson Wo hW n VeWen beys Sales Broker ae W eve Sa eW A o aWillever eW Zeeshan Ve beys Vebeys beys Wen eve WenWen Willever Associate W Wen eve eve es aSa eeAssoc Sa es aSales Sales Associate Robin L. Sales Associate Wen Wen W eve W eve Sa Robin Sales Associate Sales Associate eve W eve Sa es aAAssociate eAssoc Broker aSales eee Associate Kenneth "Ken" Sa aSales eAssoc n Sa es es aAIvy aAeaeBoBSales Broker a Associate eThompson W eve W eve Sales Associate L. Sa eh ARobin on aeSales eoRobin Saee AA oo aaee Willever oker Assoc aeAssociate eAssoc Rob LRob Broker Kenne "Ken" Broker Sa eKenneth A o"Ken" e"Ken" Sales Associate Sa Assoc aW eesSa L. Associate Associate Broker Assoc aSa Kenneth Kenne h "Ken" L. Broker aBroker eAssoc Kenneth Associate Sa eeSales A an eL. Rob L Broker aeAssociate eAssoc Kenneth "Ken" Broker Broker aA aeeAssociate aAeaeSales Sales Associate Sa eSales AaRobin oAssociate aRob Ivy Rob naAssoc Sa Sa A eAssoc oes ASa oeL aeAssoc eL ate Kenne h"Ken" "Ken" Sales oke AA oeAssociate Sales Associate Assoc aAssoc eBroker n LAssociate Kenne "Ken" Sa eaeevy A aaeeSales Sales Sa aTosches eSa Kenne Ivy Sa eAssoc AAssociate oAssociate eAssociate vy Sales sociate Sales Sales asoc eAssociate Sa eSa es Assoc aoke eABe Ivy Sa oAssociate eAssociate Sales rker oker Associate Associate Associate Ivy Sa Aa o eAssociate Sales Associate Broker Sales Sa eSales o eoAssociate aBroker e aAssoc Sa Aoke o aeSa Sa eTosches AaBroker eBroker oAAssoc a oe Associate a ea Broker es Assoc aSa eeeaSoA vy Broker Sa eSales o eoAssociate roker rHe Assoc aBroker aBroker Sa oeoA aoaAoeaaoeo ae aeaeCa Broker Associate Broker Assoc AeaBerksh oee Usab aUsab e Sa vy Sa ahW ea"Ken" Assoc eAssociate Sa eaSa oBer Broker Associate Sa Assoc eA Sales Associate Broker Associate Boes oke A eoW Broker Assoc a"W eeaBroker Be oke A aAssoc eoAssociate Assoc aAssoc Broker Associate Broker Associate Associate eoaA eCa Associate Broker Associate Broker Assoc a"A ee"W Broker Associate Sa esSa Assoc aAssociate Thompson Saeoo eeay" A oe ao eD BD oke A ah eW Thompson U banek Broker Assoc a"W Assoc aBroker ena Assoc aBe ere BD oke A aBroker Sa eA AA A BeoW oke BCa oke A oW A ae oeAssociate a eo Wallack eeaeaoBroker A oaBroker ay" eGough Assoc enn Broker Assoc aSa e"W Berkshire en away Broker eeBroker BBerkshire oke AvyBerkshire o aW ere Sales Associate Thompson U banek Assoc a Broker Assoc a e U banek Broker Associate Sales BeeBeSa re Berkshire Sa eSa Sa Sa A oBroker aGough eBerksh Berksh re am He en He en He en nn " Dee Ca o e Berksh re en Berkshire away He en Sales Associate Sm Den se Dee Berkshire Broker Assoc a e Sales Associate Sa e A o a e D ane Assoc e Be sy Va e e Be na d A son "A y" Broker Associate U banek Berkshire S eAssoc ens Broker Assoc a e Sa A a e oke Berksh re Berksh Sa e A a e Sa e A o a e am W am am Ca o Gough Gough "W Gough "W nn nn "W " nn " Ca Ca o e am He en He en He en " Dee Ca o e am o e Berksh re Callaway Broker Assoc a e Broker a e S He en Sa A o a a Den se Dee Berksh Berksh re re Sa e A e ane D ane ane Callaway ane B oke A o a e Be sy Be sy Be sy Va e Va e Va e e na Be d na Be d na d A son A son "A A "A son y" y" "A y" D ane Broker Assoc e Be sy Va e e Be na d A son "A y" Broker Assoc e Wallack Berksh re SHe eSm ens Be sy Va e Be na d A son "A Berkshire Sa e A o a e e o a e W am W am am Ca e Gough Gough "W Gough nn " nn " nn " Ca o Ca e o Associate Broker Associate Berksh Berkshire W am Callaway Ca o e Ca away Broker Assoc a e Broker Assoc a e D ane D ane D ane Ca away B oke A o a e Callaway Be sy Be sy Be sy Va e Va e e Va e e e Be na Be d Be d na d A son A son "A A "A son y" "A y" D ane Callaway Callaway Wa ack Berkshire Be sy Va e e na d A son "A y" B oke A o a e Berksh re Broker Associate B oke A o a e B oke A o a e Wallack re Berksh re Callaway Ca away Wa ack Berkshire Ca away Berkshire Berkshire Verbeyst Wallack B oke A o a e B oke A o a e Berksh re Ca away Verbeyst Ca Ca away away Berkshire Wallack Berksh re B oke A o a e B oke A o a e Berksh re Wen Wa ack Berkshire Ca away Ca away Berksh re Sa Berksh Berksh re reaaBerkshire Veaway Berkshire Yael L.beys Wa Amy G. Wen Nancy WaSaman ack Berkshire B oke AWeichert, o Weichert, aWe e Weichert, B oke A Berksh o aBerksh e Weichert, Berksh re Verbeyst Ve beys reG. ack Verbeyst re Wen Berksh re Callaway Verbeyst Wen Berksh Callaway Wen Berkshire Berkshire Berksh re VeSaman beys Wen Weichert, Ve beys Berkshire re Wen re Callaway Ca away Ve beys Wen away Caam away re Callaway ire Berksh Berksh re re Callaway Callaway We cher Wen Yael Amy Saman L. We cher Callaway Weichert, Berksh rkshire Berkshire Yael L. re Saman Callaway Berksh re Weichert, Wen Ca away Ha ha Kenneth "Ken" Ca away eBerkshire eBerksh Berkshire Ca away Berkshire h Ca Ca away cher Ca Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Rob n"Ken" LSaman Ca away Robin L. We cher Berksh erksh Berksh re re Ca away We We cher cher William "Winn "Berksh Carole Ha ha Amy G. Saman Kenne h "Ken" Helen enise Yael Yael L. L. Amy G. G. Nancy Nancy Kenneth "Ken" Ca aw Berkshire Saman Saman Berkshire Sa eBerksh eNancy Berksh re cher Berksh reaway Diane Ca eve A oA are eoNancy Sa eSm A oh aBerksh eh She man Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Henderson Ca essy Robin L. Robin L. AA oL. aare ere Yael L. G. Nancy Rob n LRobin Berksh re re Shaughnessy W Ivy Gough nn "Berksh Ca oFox eAmy William William Berksh re Hathaway Fox Helen Gough "BBernard Gough "Winn "Tosches ecy 'Dee' Carole Kenneth "Ken" Kenneth "Ken" He en Den se Kenne hHa "Ken" Ca away Ca aw Berksh re Berksh re Hathaway Fox eSmo A oow ere D ane She She man man She man Ca Sa eSa A aove eS man Sa eNancy A o aSm eAmy Diane Diane She man Berkshire Be sy Va eBe eoA Be na A son "A y" Henderson She man y nessy Valerie Bernard Alison Betsy "Ally" Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Rob n"Ken" LCa Rob nCa L Berksh re re Berksh re Shaughnessy William Hathaway Fox Ivy Gough "Winn "Tosches Carole W am W am Thompson Tosches Berksh re Ha haway He en Ca away Gough nn "Bhaway Gough "W "Tosches se Dee Ca o eeeL. Ca obanek Kenne h "Ken" Kenne h "Ken" Usab Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox Sa eSmo oow are ezGough Diane Berkshire She She man man She man Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Robin L. Berkshire Yael L. Amy G. Nancy D ane D ane Berksh re Sa eh A o a"Winn Berksh re Betsy Valerie Alison "Ally" Callaway Callaway Henderson She man eN e&PA na d A Be son sy "A y" eoA eG. Be na d A son "A y" Robin L. Henderson Kenneth "Ken" Hathaway Fox Ivy Ivy W am Thompson Thompson Tosches Tosches Smo ow zeBerksh Ha haway Fox vy Gough "W nn "nn Ca o Berkshire Berksh Berksh re Usab Usab Usab Thompson Tosches Weichert, Ca away Usab Tosches ore aVa e'Dee' N & Kenneth Usab U banek Ha haway Fox Robin L. D ane Berksh re Ha haway haway Fox Fox Rob n LRob Ca away Berksh re Callaway Ha Fox Berksh re Henderson Sa eSa A a"W Be sy Va eSVa eHathaway Be na d A son "A y" Ca Ca away Henderson Henderson Sm Sm Sm hSm Kenneth Sm hd n LWe Henderson Smo Smo ow zow zoke ow Kenne h "Ken" Berksh re Broker Associate Henderson Ha haway Fox vy vy Berkshire h Thompson Thompson Tosches Smo ow ze aAmy Henderson Henderson Berksh re Berksh re Usab Usab Usab Ca away away We cher Smo ow zThompson Tosches Ha & S man A oShah aHathaway eDee PA UeU UeUHenderson banek U banek Kenne haway "Ken" Broker Associate Usab UHenderson banek SYael eBerksh ens Rob nHa Lvy Yael L. Amy G. Nancy U banek Saman Henderson Ca away Berksh re Berksh re Ca away Ha haway Fox Henderson Ivy Henderson Sm h h h Kenne hCa "Ken" Smo Smo zoke ow zCarole Berksh re Broker Assoc aSa eFox Henderson Berksh re Sm h Shah Henderson Henderson Yael L. Yael L. Amy G. Amy G. Nancy Saman Saman Ca away Ca away S ve S man ve man Smo ow zThompson Broker Associate Ha haway Fox & S ve man banek banek U banek S"W eoaSm S ens eZakut S ens eehaway ens Broker Assoc aHenderson eYael S ve man S ezSm ens U banek Henderson S een ens Berksh re Berksh re Broker Associate Fox IR Ivy vy thaway Fox Broker Associate Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman L. Amy G. Nancy Saman haway Fox Sales Associate S ve S man ve S man ve man Broker Assoc a e Hathaway Fox & Zakut S e S ens S ens ens ve man Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Broker Associate S e ens Broker Assoc a e Ha haway Fox Ivy Hathaway Fox Henderson Ivy Yael L. Yael L. Amy G. Amy G. Nancy Nancy Henderson Saman Saman aenise haway Fox Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Broker Assoc a e Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson He en Ha haway Fox Sm a Sa e A o a e Den se Dee Hathaway Fox & Worthington ® Ha haway Fox & Ivy Hathaway Fox Sales Associate ® Ha haway Fox & Ha haway Fox Helen Helen e A o a e Hathaway Fox & Broker Assoc a e Smita Smita Denise 'Dee' Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox & & Ha haway Fox Henderson Henderson Sales Associate Broker Associate Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Broker Assoc a e Ha Ha haway haway Fox Fox Henderson Gough "W nn " Ca o e Fox & Ha haway Fox Henderson Henderson Sales Associate He en Broker Associate a Den se Dee ® Ha haway Fox & Henderson ® ames He Sm a Den se Dee Ha haway Fox Sa e A o a e Carole Gough "Winn " ® Broker Associate He en ® Ha haway Fox & Sm a Henderson ® ® Ha Ha haway haway Fox Fox & & Zakut Be sy Va e e Be na d A son "A y" James Henderson Sa e A o a e Broker Assoc a e Ha haway Fox aughnessy Zakut Helen Wallack Smita Denise 'Dee' Betsy Betsy Valerie Bernard Bernard Alison Alison "Ally" "Ally" Hen Gough "W nn " Ca o e ® Ha haway Fox & Hend Ha haway Fox Sa e A o a e Broker Assoc a e ® Henderson & ames Realtors Gough "W nn " Ca o e a e Zeeshan He en Sm Den se Dee Helen 'Dee' Broker Assoc a e Realtors ® Worthington ames Sa e A o a e Sherman ® ® Helen Denise 'Dee' Be sy Va e e Be na d A son "A y" Henderson Hender Worthington hnessy William G or a N son & haughnessy Willever x Gough "Winn " Be sy Va e e Be na d A son "A y" He en Wa ack Sm a Den se Dee e A o a e Wallack Be sy Be na d A son "A y" Thompson Tosches So heby s Hen ® Zakut James Hen Usab, Jr Zakut Zakut Realtors &D William Rea ors Gough "W nn "Wen Ca oHenderson eRealtors aoke eB "Winn "ae"aFox Carole He en en se Dee Verbeyst Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" William ors Carole ames Realtors Sa eor oWillever ason Worthington haway Fox She man He en aoke Realtors Realtors Henderson Hende Diane Henderson ghnessy y Smith W am G ahson N &Fox ox "W nn "Rea Bve oke A A aaoeG A aor eDee o eHathaway Wallack Wallack Ke er W ams sy Va eSo eson Be d&a& A son "A Betsy Bernard Alison "Ally" Smolowitz Diane A oFox aBh eFox aman N &&e®zWillever Berksh re Wa ack Thompson Tosches So heby sHenderson Worthington Worthington B oke ames Hathaway Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Thompson Thompson Tosches Wen ors away athaway Fox Usab, Usab, Jr Ha haway Fox & am ane Roach Urbanek Gough "W nn Ca o Ve beys Be sy Va eA& eoeA na dUrbanek A W am & Roach Verbeyst She Ca o Rea ors haway Fox Worthington Rea Rea ors Zeeshan Sa A oSa aeoaz D ane Henderson ay Hathaway & BFox oke BFox oke A BoDen ooke A oke oSherman ese A aor eSm o aN eA Smith Smith Zeeshan Wa ack Wa ack W ams Be sy Be daoHa A son "A y" Smo D ane G aaSmo son Berksh re Hathaway Fox Tosches Smolowitz Smolowitz Sotheby's Sa eSteffens A o aHa eA Sa A oFox aeaFox eFox BeS oke aWorthington Rea ors Ha haway Fox Henderson Be sy Va eaA eohaway Be na d son "A Thompson Tosches Wen Henderson lverman &re Roach Willever Ha haway Usab Usab Ha haway Fox & Roach banek Steffens BA ooke aheby So heby sDiane Urbanek Urbanek Verbeyst Verbeyst & Roach Zakut Ve beys & Roach Fox haway Fox Fox & Roach && Roach Sa eWillever A oSa aeFox eaeBetsy aHa eG oS eA Wallack Ha haway Fox Hathaway & Zeeshan Henderson Henderson Sa ASow oman eA ® Ha Smith Sa eoHa A o eHathaway Sm Sm Smolowitz haway Fox Sa eFox Sa A eHenderson oSa ahaway eeFox eSa A aHe eeoThompson Sa aSa Sa A o& Sa A oeFox aSa eUsab o& aBe Ha haway Fox Wallack Tosches ow Smo ow So heby sere &"& Roach Sa eN o aHa eA Sa A oahaway eZakut Wen Wen Henderson Zeeshan Usab or aAssoc N & Henderson man & Roach Wen Sa A o e"A Ha Fox & haway & B oke B aSotheby's eors A ay" o aeJr edna Zeeshan Zeeshan seBoaBerksh Silverman BA oke o ason eBoa Sotheby's eaHa ens oke A oA aB eA heby sD Worthington U U Ve Ve Sotheby's Sotheby's B& oke A oSo abeys eGough & Wallack Ha haway Fox haway Fox haway & Roach Roach Sa eA Sa eoeWillever oa®Sa A eoeWillever oJames e®A aSa eG oaBHa aA ea Wa ack Ha haway & Helen Henderson Henderson Denise 'Dee' Sm h eA eHa Sotheby's Smo ow zSa heby Sa ebanek Sa A eHenderson o A aeoThompson oThompson eGough A eeA oFox ay" Sa A eJr oSa A aBe eoTosches Wa ack Roach Wen Wen or N son & Verbeyst Sa A aeeae& eo& Silverman Ha haway Fox oke B oke A oeKe A eer oSa aa Sa ebanek oWorthington aZeeshan esBerkshire Ha haway Fox & Fox & B oke BA oke A ooke A oke aSo oUsab, eBernard A a® eW o asGough eBerkshire ve Willever G or N son & B oke oh aB eA soBerksh Steffens Sotheby's ors Zakut So heby So heby soRoach eA S eA ens oke A o aSa eHa Berkshire Bbeys oke A o y" aGough eRea or aFox N son Verbeyst Wa ack Sotheby's "Winn "ors Carole en Sm Den Dee Realtors Sa aena eFox N & PA Wen heby sSo ® Zakut Zakut Dia Verbeyst Berksh Sa A Sa aRoach eZeeshan eWorthington aBBerkshire eSales o aaeA Ve beys AaeeeeoSa o eA S man B oke B oke A ooke A oke oeSmita A aA aTosches Betsy Valerie "Ally" & Roach Sotheby's G or ahaway N son & Worthington Sa eZakut A o eseAlison S ese ens Berkshire So heby seSo Fox Rea ors oke A o aHathaway Berksh re or ahaway N son Ve beys Zeeshan So heby sRoach Sotheby's "W nn Ca o eRoach oke A o& aRoach e& Berkshire Sotheby's Sotheby's Sa eShah Sa A oSherman A eaHa oeaz N aRoach eFox & oe& N PA aPA eB& PA & PA Shaughnessy W Sa es Assoc aSa eAssoc ®Aens Sa aFox eShah N & PA Wen Ha Fox ames eaU oeman eSotheby's N Zakut Zakut D Ve beys Willever Sa Sa A oWillever Sa A aeo o eA aoke ebanek oSotheby's eeheby Shaughnessy ® Sotheby's Ha haway Associate sy Va eSm Be na A son "A y" & Roach So heby sBerkshire Hathaway Fox & Roach Berkshire Sa A aow haway Roach Realtors man Roach Realtors So heby sU Berkshire Sa Sa Assoc es Assoc es aRea Assoc eeAssoc aHa eeeHa aSteffens ehaway Zakut ® B ARoach o& aRoach e& Berksh re So heby So heby sRea Sa eoHathaway Sa eA oAssociate Sa A o eaA A N aRoach o N aB& eRea N PA & PA Shaughnessy W Sa es Assoc aEs eeSherman haway Fox Ha haway Fox Worthington Sherman Sherman es eaSmith Worthington Sa eShe A oeShe aSmith eSo N &ePA PA Shaughnessy re So heby sSo So heby sS Ha haway Ha haway Fox & Roach Berksh re Roach Realtors Wen Roach ors es Associate & Roach She man Berkshire Shaughnessy Worthington Roach Rea ors re Roach Realtors Sa es Sa Assoc Sa es aHa eHa ave aKenneth ehaway So hU Roach Roach Realtors Realtors haway Fox Ha haway Fox She man Sa es Assoc eaSm Berkshire ay Willever Shaughnessy Sales Associate Zeeshan Zeeshan Thompson aughnessy Tosches So heby sSo Ca away Roach Roach Realtors & Berkshire Roach Rea ors Wen ssociate Wen Tosches Thompson So aWen eoke A oeRoach aShaughnessy eWorthington & Roach & ver Berksh re Shaughnessy Sales heby sSa && Roach & Roach Roach Rea ors So h Berksh re Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors She man Sm h Sales Associate Sherman Schu zPA Berksh re way Smo ow zpBroker Broker Associate Berkshire Zeeshan So heby sSa So heb Thompson haughnessy Tosches Zeeshan & Roach Associate Berksh re Ca away Smith Roach Shah Roach Rea ors Shaughnessy & Roach Schulz Berksh re Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Smolowitz She man Berkshire So heby sBroker A oBerksh aAssociate Rea n erna ona So & Willever Willever Sales Associate Roach &es Roach U Sales Associate Berkshire Zeeshan Zeeshan Sm h She man Shah Thompson Sotheby's Sotheby's Schu zaPA Broker Associate ®Berksh Ca away Usab, Jr Smo z B oke A oeaes ao She man Berksh re Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Robin L. So heby s So heb h Shah & Roach Broker Assoc a e ®z & Roach Sales Sales Associate Associate Broker Associate Schu z S ve man Smo ow Shah Willever Willever Broker Associate Co Rea a e Thompson Tosches Thompson Tosches Smo ow z S e ens Sales Associate Berksh re So heby s ® Re Usab, Jr n erna ona Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" Tosches Silverman Silverman Sales Associate Usab, Jr Shah Sales Associate Sa e A o e Schulz Steffens Steffens Berksh re So heby s Smolowitz Sotheby's Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Ca Ca away away Ca away Thompson So heby s So heby s B oke A o a Ca away Usab "Ken" n erna ona Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Broker Associate Broker Associate Ca away Sm h Shah Urbanek & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Assoc a e Schu z ® S ve man Smo ow z Smolowitz Broker Associate ® B oke A o a e Co Rea Es a ® ® ®e Sales Associate So heby s heby s Thompson Tosches S e ens Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Roach Rea ors Usab Realtors Co Rea Es a e haway Fox & S ve man Smolowitz International Robin L. Tosches S ve man Urbanek e ens Sm h Usab Realtors Shah International erksh re Broker Associate Sales Associate Schu z S e ens ® So heby s Smo ow z So heby s Urbanek Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sales Associate Ca Ca away away Ca away Robin L. Roach Realtors Sales Sales Associate Associate n erna ona Kenneth "Ken" Silverman Nancy Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Assoc a e Broker Assoc a e Ca away U banek Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e e A o a e Steffens Smo ow z B oke A o a e Broker Associate h & Roach Sa e A o a e Robin L. h Realtors So heby s heby s Shaughnessy Sales Associate International Broker Associate Broker Associate B oke A o a B oke A o a e Kenneth "Ken" Roach Rea ors Am Nancy Rea ors Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & Sales Associate S ve man Smo ow z Sales Associate n erna ona Silverman Ke er W ams He en Sm a G or a N son & Berksh re Den e Dee Berksh re Berksh re re Ivy U banek Pr nce on Rea y S e ens Steffens Rea ors n erna ona Berksh re Silverman Assoc a e Realtors Sa e A o a e International Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & Roach Realtors Berksh re Realtors Realtors U banek & Roach Broker Associate Kenneth "Ken" International International Roach Realtors Steffens Roach Rea ors International S ve man Ivy Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e ch Sherman Sa e A o a e Cu P d M C u T p P du A P P d M C u T P du A S e ens Sales Associate International Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate International Broker Associate B oke A o a e & Roach Gough W nn Ca o e Rea ors Shaughnessy Broker Associate e A o a e n erna ona B oke A a e B oke A o a e Roach Rea ors Roach Rea ors Ke Ke er W er Ke W ams er W ams ams Sales Associate G or G a or N G a son or N a son & N & son Berksh & Berksh re Berksh re re Amy G. Nancy S ve man Ke er W ams Roach & Roach ame He en Sm a G or a N son & Berksh re Den e Dee Berksh Berksh re Berksh re re Pr nce on Rea y Ke er W ams S e ens Broker Associate Broker Associate & Roach S ve man D ane Berksh re Rea ors & Roach Broker Associate Associate n erna ona Broker Assoc a e Sa e A o a e N & Roach Rea ors Berksh re Rea Rea ors ors & Roach Broker Assoc a e n erna n erna ona ona Roach Rea ors S e ens Be y Va e e Be na d A on A y Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate NJ & PA International Nancy & Roach n erna ona Ivy ach She man Sales Associate Cu P d M C u T p P du A P P d M C u T p P du A n erna ona Broker Assoc a e Sales Associate Sales Associate International Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Rea ors & Roach & Roach Sa e A o a Sa e e A o eSo n erna ona B oke A o a e Amy G Nancy International International Gough W nn Ca oSaeRea Sales Associate Sa ePresidents Aer aPA ethe Rea ors ors Ke Ke er W er Ke W ams er W ams ams Ivy or G or N G aPast or N aoke son N & son Berksh & Berksh Berksh re Roach & Roach ame Associate Ke er W ams Thompson Broker Assoc Broker aPBroker eAdFox Assoc aAssociate e erna Tosches & Roach D Berksh re & Roach Broker Assoc aA eaASales sCa Assoc aaSales Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA International Sales Associate Co Rea Es aT& eM Be y Va ehaway Be na dHathaway AHathaway on y ona Sa A oCu aeAssociate eaCu N & PA Sa eson A oMercer eer N & Ivy n erna ona Sales Associate Sales Associate & Roach Ke er Asso Sa eSales A oA aTop ** Current President County Top Producer Association *Presidents Past Presidents County Top Producer Association erna ona Sales Associate & Roach & Roach n erna erna ona ona **ees Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *a Past Presidents the Mercer County Top Producer Sa ePoa oson adSales e& Associate Sb Smith Shah ®& Schulz Smolowitz eA A odM aA edRoach Thompson Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sa eor A oSales aPast N & Hathaway Fox erna ona Sa Assoc e Current Co Rea Es aaMercer or N Urba Ke Ke er er Ke er BTor oke A ore aG Sales Broker Associate Sales Associate Associate Co Rea Es aMercer eA Ke er Sa eerna A President County Top Producer Association of Mercer County Top Producer Association or aors N Callaway Ke Sales Associate Hathaway Fox P dC M C u pRoach P du P P M C uA pCounty P du A Berkshire Sales Associate & Co Broker Broker Associate Associate n ern Cu P d** M uMercer T p du A P P d C uMercer Tu p P du Broker Assoc aerna Sm hn ** Current President Mercer County Association *Producer of the Mercer County Top Shah ors Fox & nA erna Schu zdwe & **Co Current ** Current President President Mercer County County Producer Top Association *a Past *PA Presidents Presidents of the of Mercer the Top Producer Top Producer Association Association ate Smo ow zSales son Sales Associate Sales Associate Sa e*G A aof eo es Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sa es Assoc aBroker Broker Broker Assoc aTeoona epnPaPerna Silverman or ason or N G a& N or ason & N son & Henderson Ha haway Fox Fox & Associate or aPre N son & U Ke Ke er er Ke er B oke A opCounty aG eSales Sa eaan Steffens Realtors Rea ors International ** Current President County Top Producer *e Past Presidents of the Mercer County Producer Association or G aApson or N G aG son or N aAAssociation son N son away Co Rea Es aeM ePoTop G or aAssociation N son & Hathaway Fox Cu P d C u TG p PTop du A P M Cy P® du A G or aBroker N son away Ke Associate Ha haway Fox B oke oaTuMercer aAssociate eTTeuAssociation & Roach Sa eBanker o aTG edu & Co G or aProducer N Broker Associate Associate Broker Assoc eona B A o eA Co dwe Banker n RE/MAX Hathaway Fox P d M C u p P A P P d M C p P du A ors Ha haway Fox & ®Callaway neCySales erna Cu Cu P d P dProducer M C u C Tu& P T du pa PPast du P Pthe P PBroker d M M Cson C Tu pCallaway PG Ta du p PG A A rson ®Sales e" A oaway ee & Roach Sa edoCounty A oHa aFox eBroker Sales Associate Hathaway & Associate Hathaway Fox Sales Associate ve man Broker Associate G or G adu or N G ason son N or aCu son & N & son & Henderson Ha haway Fox & n er Sa A odwe aRea eors IA S eFox ens Rea ors Rea n erna ona n erna Cu P dof M C u T Poke du A P dn M C u Tee pM P du A G or G or N son N aRoach son away G aAA N son & Sa eBerkshire A eTosches eRea o aerna eSale Ha haway Fox Associate Hathaway & BpRea A oAssociation aA Roach Broker Associate Co dwe Co Co Banker dwe Banker Banker G aAssociation N son Co Banker ® Broker Associate Rea RE/MAX Ha haway Fox Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & n nonU dwe International International Berkshire PCounty d C uB Tor pWilliams P du A P M u T p du A & Roach Henderson & Roach Roach Sa A oeTBroker aFox ey ®e Ha haway Fox & B oke A oaAssociation aSa eN Berkshire Fox ®Diane ®Broker Rea yA n er Ca away ® eSales aSales eRealty Associate Callaway Callaway n erna ona Sa eon oona are eTo Sa aona eern Ha haway Fox & Associate & Roach Realtors 4 B oke A odwe aCo euo Co dwe Co dwe Banker dwe Banker Banker Berkshire oke An oA aAssociate eaof ®Past Sa epA A oa aA eAssociate Sa eInternational A oeors eA n erna ona B oke A o aRoach e& Rea ors Ha haway Fox & n Henderson Henderson Henderson Co Banker n erna ona n erna Sales Cu PC M C u T pW PP du A P P d M C uona du A Sales Sales Associate & Roach Sa eAssociate A ee Henderson Broker Associate Rea Berkshire & Roach Associate Associate Henderson William Rea y Carole Sales Associate Callaway Realtors Sales Associate n erna ona n ona Sa e A o a e Shaughne Berkshire Ca Ca away Rea ors ® Hathaway ales Associate Berkshire Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Associate & Roach & Roach Sales Associate Cu P d M C u p PS du A P PSa d M C u TB p P du Rea ors 4 Realtors Berksh re B oke A o a e Berkshire Sa e o a Sa e o a e Sales Associate Associate Realtors Realtors n erna ona n erna ona Hathaway Fox Keller Williams Henderson Henderson Henderson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Sa e o a e Sales Associate oke A o a e B oke A o e Sales Associate Sa e A a e Rea y Sales Associate Berkshire She man B oke A o a e Henderson **Realtors Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Rea Presidents ofeo the Mercer County Top Producer ** Current President Mercer Top Producer * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Berkshire Sa e A o a e N & PA Associate Broker Associate William William William Realtors Sa e A o a Carole Sa e A o e Winn h "Winn " " Carole Carole Ca away Rea ors Broker Broker Associate Associate ® n erna ona erna ona Shaughne y Sales Associate Realty William Ha haway Broker Associate B oke o a e Carole Sales Sales Associate NJ NJ & PA & PA Sa e A o a e Cu P d M C u T p P du A P P d M C u T p P du A Callaway Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Rea ors Berksh re Hathaway Fox Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e Diane Diane Diane Rea ors Sales Associate Sa e Ha haway Fox Callaway Ke er W ams Berkshire Broker Associate G or a N son & Berksh re B oke A o a e B oke A o a e Keller Williams Keller Sa e A o a e ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents the Mercer County Top Producer Association Broker Associate B oke o a e Realty ** Current President Mercer Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Diane Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Berkshire She man Hathaway Fox Cu P d M C T p P du A P P d M C u T p P du A Cu P d M C u p P du P P d M C u T p P du A Berksh re Sa es Assoc a e Realty Broker Associate Wallack Sa e A o a e N & PA B oke A o a e Realty B oke A o a e Rea ors Sa e A o a Alison "Ally" Rea Roach Rea ors B oke A o a e Thomp he Sales Associate Sa e A o a e Sa e A o a e N & PA Hathaway Fox Rea y ssociate Broker Associate B oke A o a e Realty Sales Sales Associate Associate Cu P d M C u T p P du Cu A P d M P C P u d T p P du M A C u T p P P du A d M C u T p P du A Sa e A o a e N & PA Wallack Realty Realty Berksh re Berksh Callaway Ha haway Fox Broker Associate Sa e A a e Berkshire Sa Sales Associate Keller Williams Rea ors Berksh re Realty Broker Associate Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Ke er W ams Ke er ams Cu P d M C u T p P du A P P d M C u T p P du A B oke A o a e Sm h Associate NJ & PA Rea y Cu P d M u T p P du A P P d M C u T P du A Shah G or a N son & Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh re Berksh re Sales Associate Callaway Realty S hu z Ha haway Fox Smo ow z Sa es Assoc a e Rea y B oke A o a e Callaway Callaway Rea y B oke A o a e Realty Roach Rea ors Berkshire Thomp on To he Realty Realty Keller Sa e A o a e ® Sa es Assoc a e Ca away ban Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & ociate Sa e A o a e N & PA 4 Ha haway Fox Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Rea y Broker Associate Sa es Assoc a e Cu P d M C u T p P du Cu A P d M P C P u d T p P du M A C u T p P P du P A d M C u T p P du Rea Rea y y Wallack Sales Associate NJ & PA Worth Callaway Callaway Berkshire B oke A o a e haway Fox Callaway Realty Berkshire Berkshire Sa e A o a e Ke er W ams ors Verbeyst Rea y B oke A o a e Berksh re G or a N son & Berksh re Sales Associate Sm h Sa e A o a e N & PA Shah Sa e A o a e Wallack Rea y S hu z ow zBerksh Broker Associate Broker Associate ve man ® Rea ySa ® Berkshire ® Sre eon en Verbeyst Berksh re Co Rea Co Es aGloria Rea Es eWeichert, aRobin Es eaEs haway eson haway Ha Fox haway Fox & & Fox &&aBerkshire Rea Rea y y Ke er Berkshire es Assoc aeSGloria eaG Rea ors Ca away UBerk ban Sales Associate Co Rea Es aCo eRea Ha Fox & Nilson oHa eBanker 4So Wallack Keller Keller SaRealtors eWen A oaway aNilson eSaNRea & PA haway Fox & Pr nce Rea y& Sales Associate Ca Ha haway Ha Fox haway Fox Fox eRea A oEs eHa N & Sales Associate Wen ® haway Worthington Berksh re haway Fox yRoach Berksh re haway Realtors Sa es Assoc ehaway Associate enderson Wo ® ve NaHa & Berksh re Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire SRea eRealtors Gloria & & Co Co Es aG Rea eaor aHa eNilson aHa haway ePA haway Ha Fox haway Fox &Associate & Fox Re Keller Verbeyst Berksh re Rea ors Sa es Assoc aFox eSa G or N Ke ersden Ke er Callaway ®A o Willever Pr Pr nce on Pr Rea on nce Rea on yon Rea y ySmo Worthing Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson Ha haway Fox y sHenderson Pr ynce Sa Assoc eCallaway well Banker Ca Ha Ha haway haway Fox haway Fox Fox Callaway eHa A oNilson aCa ence Pr nce Rea Verbeyst rs heby ®Berksh Callaway Ha haway Fox Rea ors derson Callaway e Associate aRea eyre Sa e&Willever A oWillever eBerksh Henderson Verbeyst Wen Ca away altors Realtors & yson Broker Associate Berkshire Berksh re Ca away G or aCo N son & G or ance N son Berkshire Willever Re Rea Rea ors Ke er Gloria Nilson W ams Pr nce Pr on Pr Rea on Rea yRoach Rea yRoach ya&Es Sales G or aBanker N son G or aaway N son Berksh Weichert, by saGrea Wen 4den dwe Callaway Realtors Ca away Pr nce Rea ®on Realty Rea ors Coldwell Banker ors So heby sRes Weichert, Rea ors Henderson Ca away Berkshire Berkshire Wen ySales Roach Realtors derson Callaway ® Sales As 4away ea Rea ors ors or ance son & Rea ySales BRoach oke A oWeichert, eEs away Rea ors Rea ors Roach Realtors Callaway W W W ams ams Berkshire Res den are G or aRealtors N son ®en Ber W ams Realty Realty Associate eGloria osasa eors Ca So sSo Callaway Callaway R®A W ams Weichert, Coldwell Banker Rea ors Sales Associate NJ & PA A Rea ySa Co dwe & Roach Henderson Berkshire L. Callaway Callaway Rea Es eSCo Henderson 4son ySa Rea ors Berksh re re Weichert, 4Broker Callaway Callaway Sa ere 4ors Weichert, & Rea Rea & Roach Roach Realtors ea Es aer eHa Fox Res Res den a4 a4 aheby Rea yaBerksh Roach Rea ors Berkshire W W ams W ams ams Berksh Realty Res den aCallaway "Ken" So heby So heby So ses heby sAssociate yaBerkshire Rea y oke A oCo aEs eCo Res aBanker Ca So sHenderson 4Res 4aReal R W ams Weichert, Co dwe Banker So heby sors Sales ee A oRealtors aors eRoach N & PA A Callaway ® Co Co Rea Rea Es Rea eIvy aman Es eNilson aon eaway Roach Henderson G or ason NWillever Berksh re Berksh re Callaway y Rea yKeller Co Rea Es aCo Roach Henderson 4ams Berksh re Callaway 4BWilliam B kkCo AA & Co & Co Ca away Co aNilson eRea & Robin L. & Co Rea yFox Rea Rea ors & Berksh re Rea Gloria && Berkshire Rea Es aer e®Berkshire William & Co Res Res den den aCallaway den aHa aheby Rea yer Berksh re Rea y Berkshi So heby heby So sCo heby sAHenderson &Rea Roach Res den aRea 4den ®Roach Roach Rea ors Grea Kenneth "Ken" Callaway Callaway So heby seKenneth Sa es Assoc a Fox e& ®& Ca ® Berkshire && Diane Rea ors Co Co Rea Rea Es aEs Rea Es eGloria aHathaway Es eaN aon eaway Henderson Callaway G or ason NHathaway son & re Rea yNBerkshire Rea yKe Callaway Rea ors B & Co & Co & Co Henderson Co Rea aN & G or aGloria N Berksh re Robin L. Robin L. Berksh re Berkshire & Co Realtors Weichert, Berkshire Ivy & Roach William A Hathaway Fox Williams Gough "Tosches Carole Kenneth "Ken" Kenneth "Ken" Gloria & Berksh re & Roach Hathaway Fox Rea ors A Ca Co dwe Banker Keller Williams Diane G or aANilson N & Berksh re Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Rea ors Realtors Berksh Keller Williams Hathaway Fox er Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Rea Coldwell Banker Berkshire Berksh re ARoach William W ams Hathaway Fox Ivy ugh "Winn "Roach Carole G or aASa son & Keller Keller Tosches Callaway Rea ors Jr A A B kRealty A Henderson Hathaway Fox & Co dwe Hathaway Fox Ke er W ams Diane A Berkshire G or aRea N son & Berksh re Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Robin L. Rea ors Berkshire dwe Banker Rea ors Ke er W ams Ha haway Weichert, Ke er Co Rea Ha haway Fox & Henderson Hathaway Fox Berksh re way Callaway G or ason N Henderson Co. Estate Hathaway & Co. Real Estate Hathaway & Princeton Realty Glori Ke er RE/MAX Robin A Kenneth "Ken" Hathaway Fox Ke er & Roach Ivy Hathaway Fox ompson son Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson Tosches Tosches Coldwell Banker Rea ors Rea ors Callaway rkshire ® Usab, Usab, Usab, Jr Usab, Jr Jr Weichert, Weichert, B kKe RE/MAX RE/MAX Henderson Ha haway Fox & kaway A Tosches Hathaway Fox & & Roach Kenneth "Ken" Usab, Jr Keller A Urbanek A N & PA Henderson Robin L. Co dwe Banker Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Fox Callaway Ha haway Fox G or ason N son Callaway Rea Es aAssociate eRE/MAX Ha haway Fox &BGloria Co Rea Es aHathaway eCo Ha haway Fox & Henderson G or Pr nce on Rea yeBanker Ke er RE/MAX Princeton Realty Princeton Keller Henderson Co dwe Banker G or a N Hathaway Fox A Sotheby's Kenneth "Ken" & Roach Ha haway Fox G or a N son Henderson Co dwe Banker Keller Ca away Roach ors RE/MAX Broker Associate Henderson Weichert, Hathaway Fox & Fox Weichert, Henderson Henderson ® ®aFox & Roach Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Nilson & BG kor A Sa eL. A oCo eEstate Ha haway Fox & Callaway Callaway & Roach Ke er ona Gloria Nilson A &son PA Urbanek Urbanek Urbanek Henderson enderson Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Broker Co Rea Es a e Ha haway Fox & & Roach n erna ona Williams RE/MAX G o Henderson Sales A Hathaway Fox Urbanek Gloria Nilson & Henderson Princeton Realty Berkshire eby's Weichert, Weichert, Pr nce on Rea y Pr nce on Rea y Ke er Co dwe G or a N Ha haway Fox So heby s"Winn Gloria Nilson & Nilson & Roach Ivy Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea ors Rea ors ors Henderson Ke er Roach Rea ors RE/MAX Henderson ®ams Co dwe Banker Gloria Nilson Ha haway Ha haway & Fox Rea ors & Roach dwe Banker G or a N son & Hathaway Fox Sa A o a e AX Ca away ona Ivy G or a N son Henderson Henderson sidential Broker Associate & Roach ® n erna ona W ams Hathaway Fox RE/MAX & Roach Coldwell Banker Sotheby's Henderson Gloria Nilson & Berkshire G or a N son & Williams Williams Pr nce on Rea y Sales Associate Berksh re Hathaway Fox heby sHelen Hathaway Steffens G or a N son & a N son & Roach Broker Associate ** Current President Mercer County Top Produ Roach Roach Rea Roach Rea ors Rea ors ors Ivy Henderson Co. Real Estate Co dwe Banker G or a N son Coldwell Banker Sal Hathaway Fox Henderson Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox Hat AX & Co. ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Associ Henderson Coldwell Banker Ca away n erna ona Broker Associate Henderson Henderson es den a& & Roach & Roach & Sales Asso Hathaway Fox Ha haway Fox Sales Associate Williams Residential & Roach Co dwe Banker So heby s G or a N son & Berksh re W ams W & Roach Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaw Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox Henderson Ha haway Cu P d M C u T p P d Sales Associate Broker Associate Co Rea Es a e Co dwe Banker Ha haway Fox Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Henderson ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * P n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona Brokerage Ha & Co Cu P d M C u T p P du A Henderson Co dwe Banker n erna ona & Co. & Co. Broker Associate n erna ona Residential & Roach Roach & Roach Henderson ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer A Henderson W ams Res den a Sotheby's Henderson Henderson Pr nce on Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Helen & Roach So heby s So heby s Coldwell Banker Ha haw Ca away Ha haway Fox Henderson ® Realtors ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association Sales Associate Co. Real Keller ® Hathaway Fox Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Helen Helen Co Rea Es a e Rea Es a e Cu P d M C u T p P du A ® Hathaway Fox Henderson n erna n erna ona n erna ona ona Brokerage & Co. Henderson Brokerage & CoValerie & Co n erna ona Sales Associate Broker Associate ResBroker den aBroker Henderson Cu P M u T p& P du & ® William Pr Pr nce on Pr on nce on So heby snce William Pr nce on Ha haway Ha Fox haway Fox Henderson Co dwe Banker Gough "eBanker Carole Ca away Pr nce on Fox Hathaway Fox Associate Associate Cu d Ca uehaway TAssociate p®haway P du A ® Henderson Henderson Gloria N aDiane eheby Ke er Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Gloria Nilson Carole "Winn "Be Diane kkSotheby's hhHathaway & Associate ®Hathaway RE/MAX Brokerage ® ® ® Realtors Hathaway Betsy Valerie Bernard "Ally" Co Rea Es aHa e®Associate Ha Fox Broker Associate Pr Pr nce on Pr on nce on Diane Realtors Henderson ® Wallack Pr nce on Hathaway Fox Ha haway Fox Co. Real Estate Fox Betsy Betsy Bernard Bernard Alison Alison "Ally" Henderson ® Roach G or aN& Broker Henderson Henderson Rea Es aBanke eEs G aRea N on & Be k h eRea Realtors ® G ora&Realty aRea NoCo. son &Es Realtors Hathaway Fox Fox "Winn "Be Carole RE/MAX Hathaway Fox ®Realtors haway Fox Rea Es haway Henderson Rea ors So heby sGough Rea Es aM eRoach Ha Fox William ®Fox Ha haway Fox Ha haway Fox Gough "Winn "Fox Rea Rea Es aRea Es eBroker aRealtors Es e"Ally" aCo eheby Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Realtors Broker Associate Rea Es aSales eVerbeyst Go& oFox aPCo N on Be kHa hCRoach ence Rea ors Ha haway Fox Sotheby's Rea Es aa"Winn eColdwell Usab, Jr Ha haway Fox Co. Real William Diane Ha haway Fox dwe Gough "Roach Broker Carole ® ®Rea ®Verbeyst ® Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" William Henderson Pr nce on Hathaway Carole Realtors Realtors So heby sGough Co Es a&Roach edHathaway haway Fox & Realtors Realtors Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Broker Associate Co dwe Banke Diane Henderson Rea Rea aRea Es eFox aRoach Es eAlison aRealtors eVerbeyst 4Rea Roach Rea ors Hathaway Fox & So heby sWallack Wallack Wallack Ha haway Diane Hathaway Fox Ke eams Rea Es eCo Res den aUsab, Realtors ox Roach Realtors 4den Co Eson eG Hathaway Fox Rea ors n "Ally" Thompson Tosches Wen Usab, Jr Jr ternational Princeton Realty rson Henderson & Roach Urbanek Sotheby's W Residential Pr nce on Ha haway ors Hende on Roach ® on Verbeyst Co Ha haway Fox & Co dwe GRealtors o aCo. N y Williams Williams 4Sotheby's Roach Rea ors Princeton Realty haway Fox & So sVerbeyst otheby's Roach Realtors Roach Realtors aa& NRoach on Hathaway Fox & Ha haway Fox Ke ence Rea y Princeton Roach 4eBanker RE/MAX Res den a& Sotheby's Roach ors Ha haway Fox Roach Realtors ational Thompson Tosches Sotheby's Sales Associate n erna ona Henderson Pr Rea yN Res den ance Jr Res den aHenderson Henderson ® Roach So heby sheby Wen W 4Co So s®Rea Sotheby's ®ams Hende on Broker Associate Sotheby's Urbanek W Residential Residential G& oCalla aCo 4aWilliams yHelen W & Roach Pr nce on Rea yEstate Roach Realtors Residential So heby s"Winn ®Hende thaway Fox & Roach Rea ors Rea ors G oCo NHa on & & Roach Realtors Wallack Co dwe Banke Hathaway Fox & Rea y Prams y Henderson Henderson & Roach 4den RE/MAX ® ® & Roach International So heby sPrinceton Realtors Co Roach Rea ors na ona R Sotheby's Res aUsab, Res a®Henderson Associate Sales Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Wallack 4Realtors & Roach Grea er Wen Wen & Roach Co. & So heby sWilliams Res a®Ha Sales Associate way Fox & Broker Broker Associate Associate Associate W ams Urbanek Williams Sotheby's Res den So heby sWen Rea y 4Roach ® Roach Rea ors Greater Greater Sotheby's Sotheby's Associate Res den aBrokerage Williams Co dwe Banke Wallack &&Co Roach okerage on Realtors ® & nors erna ona Rea Roach ors Rea orC & Co ® Residential ®Co. International International W ams Sotheby's Sotheby's & & Roach Realtors Grea er & Roach Princeton & Co ®ors Berkshire Res den a4 Residential Rea Rea y yRea Grea er Sales Associate W ams Co. Real Estate So heby ®Estate ®Roach Rea y Residential Grea er Realtors Roach Rea y®& Sotheby's W & Co. Real Estate Fox & Roach & rokerage Hende on Rea ors Verbeyst International Brokerage Sotheby's Res den aCo. Co Co. Real Estate n erna ona nyRealtors erna ona & "Winn "Fox Ro Carole Greater Fox So heby sRoach Realtors Callaway & Co & Co. Real & Co. Rea Realtors Wen Pr nce on Princeton && Co. Res den aSotheby's Realtors Rea Rea y yBroker Diane Verbeyst Grea er Co Rea a& eRoach & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Roach den aden Roach Rea Rea yBerkshire Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" & Co rciate Co Rea Es a& haway Fox & Sotheby's So sRea Sales Associate Berkshire n erna & Roach Rea ors Brokerage Callawa Sotheby's Co Rea Es asCo eSotheby's Ro Grea er Ha haway Fox Rea ors Sotheby's Rea Es aWilliam eams & Co Berkshire Realtors Sotheby's ® Princeton y Wen Pr nce onSales Pr on Co & Roach Rea ors &Es Roach Sales Associate NJ & PA Roach Real Estate & Roach er Sotheby's Rea ors Rea Rea ors Rea ors Brokerage Realtors Realtors & Roach Rea ors & Roach Berkshire So heby Rea ors Sherman Pr nce on Berkshire Rea yBerkshire Residential ® & Roach & Roach Rea Es eBerkshire Sherman Sherman Co Rea EE aeRoach eHathaway Ha haway Fox & Real Estate Real & Roach & Roach Rea Rea ors Rea ors ors Sotheby's Ha haway Fox n erna ona Rea ors Callaway Rea Rea ySmolowitz Rea yRea y International Berkshire Rea yaerna Sotheby's Res den aona & Roach Rea yaBroker Callaway & Roach Sotheby's Estate Roach Rea ors Berkshire Sherman & Roach &Realtors Co Rea aRoach eHa Ha haway Fox & Rea Es ayRes eRea Rea Es eHathaway So heby &on Roach ®ona W ams Berkshire Sotheby's HaResidential haway Fox Thompson Tosches Roach Realtors n®Estate erna ona Berkshire Usab, Jr & &Sotheby's Roach nams erna ona Co. Rea Rea ySotheby's yGreater y ® den Tosches Thompson Sotheby's Sotheby's & Co. Rea yGough ® Callaway Rea Es aesBrokerage eona Roach Rea ors & Roach &Roach Roach * Realty Res den aPrinceton heby International Smith Roach Rea ors So serna Re den aRoach Callaway Smolowitz Berkshire Sotheby's Sotheby's & Roach Broker Associate Smith nSotheby's erna W am ernational Co Rea && Roach Urbanek Thompson Tosches Smolowitz Berkshire Sotheby's International & Co Usab, Jr Realtors &So Roach & Roach International alty Rea y **Co Current PrP Roach nRea ona Grea ernce Urbanek Roach Rea ors n Roach Realtors Berkshire Re aRoach Thompson by's Sotheby's Re anheby Roach Realtors ®Real Usab, Jr & Roach So heby International Smith W am erna ona & Roach ®den Broker Associate Roach Silverman & Roach Smolowitz Realty n Berkshire erna ona & Roach Rea E Thompson Steffens ea yAssociate ** Curr ® Tosches Usab, Jr & Co Cu & Roach Brokerage Tosches Urbanek Silverman Silverman n erna ona Roach Rea ors Smith Usab, Jr Brokerage & ® Callaway G ea Steffens Steffens Sotheby's Re den a Roach Rea ors Smolowitz Sotheby's n erna ona ® Brokerage Brokerage So heby Pr nce & Roach International Brokerage ® Associate Broker Associate & Roach & Roach Urbanek Rea y Sales Associate Sales Associate Co Rea ® Realty Realty & Roach Princeton Princeton ® Cu ® ® International ®Broker Sales Associate & Co Sotheby's Broker Associate Broker Associate Brokerage Realtors Silverman International Brokerage & ®& G ea e Urbanek Steffens Brokerage Realtors International erna ona Broker Associate Brokerage Brokerage ® Urbanek Pr nce on ® ® ® ® International ®Associate Roach Realtors & Roach Realty n Realtors Pr nce on les Sales Associate Rea y Rea y & Roach Sales Associate Pr nce on ® Steffens n erna ona Brokerage Broker Associate Realtors Sales Associate International W am Usab Jr Rob n Wa ack Mary Warshe sk ® ® Brokerage Keller Williams Brokerage Helen Berkshire Denise 'Dee' Brokerage L ndaTw n ng Brokerage Realtors ® International Broker Associate n erna ona ach Realtors Realtors Realtors Broker Associate International International Roach Realtors ffens Rea y Rea ors Pr nce on Realtors Princeton Yae Lax Zaku International Rea Es a e Brokerage International Caro e Tosches* Anne Mar e Tus n Brokerage Princeton Sherman * Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association International Broker Associate Sales Associate Hend Realtors Realtors Real Real Estate Estate Sales Associate Sales Associate International William ® Gough "Winn " Carole Pr nce on Pr nce on Brokerage Realtors Keller Keller Williams Keller Williams Williams Roach Realtors son & Nilson & Berkshire & Berkshire Brokerage Realty Keller Williams Broker Associate Broker Associate Princeton Princeton Realtors Realtors Diane Berkshire Broker Associate Rea ors Pr nce on n erna ona Rea Es a e Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" ® International 4 PrFox nceHathaway on Rea Es a Realtors Rea ors Rea Es a e Sales Henderson ® Henders Pr nce on International n& eEstate na ona Roach Rea ors International International eyBroker Pr nce on Rea ySales H Real Estate Realty Realty Pr nce on Rea ors Rea ors Thompson Tosches ®o Rea y Roa h Rea Usab, Jr Realtors International International 4 Roach 4 Rea Es Rea ors Real Estate Princeton ® Realty Sales Associate Real n e na ona ercer County Top Producer Association Realtors nce on Realty Rea Es a e Top Producer Association Broker Associate Sales Associate Smith Rea y Rea y International ®aee ®Associate ® n Realtors Rea y Smolowitz Roa h Rea o 4 4 & Roach 4 Broker Associate Rea y Hathaway Fox Rea Es a e Pr nce on & Roa h Gloria Nilson & Urbanek Broker Associate Sales Associate Henderson Rea Es a e Realtors Rea ors he Mercer County Top Producer Association Hathaway Fox Rea y Brokerage Realty Broker Associate ker Associate Associate ® n erna ona Henderson International ® ® Brokerage on Rea ors n e na ona County Top Producer Association Realtors Fox & International 4 4 nts esidents of the of Mercer the Mercer County County Top Producer Top Producer Association Association Rea y Princeton Realty & Roa h Realtors Silverman Gloria Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson & Nilson & & Hathaway Fox & Realty Rea ors ® ® Steffens Realtors Realtors International International op Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox B oke age Brokerage Rea y ® ® 4 Broker Associate Rea y B oke age Brokerage Henderson Gloria Nilson n e na ona Hathaway Fox P n e on 4 Realty Pr nce on Rea y Henderson Rea ors Realtors Sales Associate Rea y Hathaway & Hathaway Fox Realtors International Realtors International Henderson 4 B oke age International 4a Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Rea yAssociate B ®on oke Associate Hathaway Fox && ® ® Rea Associate n Broker eAssociate 4eorsRealtors Realtors Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & International International tional International **Past Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Mercer Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association ors ® Real Estate Realty 4 aaRealtors Realty ® ®*President Sales Associate ® Princeton Rea yAssociate yAssociate Rea eRea Rea ors Berkshire Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Rea ors Realty International International ® ors ® Sales Associate Rea Es eERea P nnyof eNJ on Broker Realtors Realtors Realty Rea yAssociation Broker Broker Associate Associate Associate ® Pr nce International International haughnessy ® ®age Rea E Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Rea ors Sales dent Mercer County Top Producer Association Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer yRealty Realtors Berkshire Rea ors Sales Associate Associate Realty P e& on Hathaway Fox Rea ors Keller Williams Sales Broker Associate yon Sales Associate Sherman Rea yAssociate ** Current Mercer County Top Producer Association *Sales Past Presidents the Mercer County Top Producer Sales Associate NJ PA Broker Realtors ors Realty Realty Realty Realty Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Associate NJ PA & PA Rea Berkshire Berkshire Realtors Fox Realtors Rea yRealtors Sales Berkshire Rea y Keller Williams Williams ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Sales Past Presidents ofRealty the County Top Producer Association Realty ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Association Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Rea ors Gloria & Berkshire Rea yAssociate Rea ors Hathaway Fox Rea yJrPRea Sales Associate Realty Realty Thompson Sales Associate Usab, Associate NJ & PA Hathaway Fox Rea ors Realty Realty Sales Sales Associate Associate Mercer County Top Producer ** Current Association Mercer * ors Past County Presidents Top of Producer theRealty Mercer Association County Top *Rea Producer Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Realty Realty Rea Sales Associate Keller Williams Rea y Rea Realty ker Associate Berkshire ria Nilson & Berkshire Smith Sales Associate NJ & PA SothS Sales Associate Realty Smolowitz Rea yy Realty Realty Berkshire Realty Rea Sales Associate Urbanek Hathaway Fox & ciate NJ &Nilson PA Berkshire Rea yAssociation Realty Berkshire Berkshire Sotheby's Rea yNJ ® ReaRealty Rea yo Berkshire Silverman loria Nilson & Berkshire eal eate state Hathaway Estate Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox &Sales & Fox &Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Fox & B okors AAssociation o Rea By Berkshire ok A Princeton Realty Realty Sotheby Sales Associate SAssociate ARea oSteffens Sotheby's oTosches Associate Sales VRea P Sotheby's d Sotheby's n Sotheby's SPresident A oRealty SPrinceton ABroker oKeller Berkshire Berkshire Broker Gloria Nilson & Realty Realtors ® ors Princeton Princeton Realty Realty Realty Princeton Realty Rea o Associate ® Sales yAy o Williams Rea Gloria Nilson & Realty Associate Callaway Berkshire Sotheby's Callaway ® Realtors Realty Rea Roach Berkshire ® Sales Associate ® Roach Realtors Berkshire ® Realtors ty Realty Rea y SRea Callaway Realty Realty Sales lesBerkshire Associate &Keller Roach Berkshire Co. Real Estate Berkshire Callaway Realty Realty & Roach Roach Realtors Realty Berkshire Realty ® Roach Sales Associate Keller Co. Co. Real Real Co. Estate Real Estate Estate Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Realty Realty Roach Realtors Broker Associate Co. Estate ® & Roach Berkshire Gloria Nilson && Berkshire & Co. &Real Roach ® Associate ® & PA & Roach Keller Williams Gloria Nilson Berkshire Sales Associate Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Keller Williams Hathaway Fox Berkshire Keller Keller Broker Associate Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson & ®Coldwell Hathaway Fox Intern Gloria Nilson Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Princeton Realty Gloria Nilson & Keller K W m ® B k h H h w y W d R o ® Sales Associate & Roach Gloria Gloria Nilson Nilson Callaway C w y H nd on Hathaway Fox & & Roach Keller Sales Associate NJ & PA S A o ® ® ® Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox International B k h H h w y K W m ® . Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Gloria Nilson & ® International Princeton Realty Princeton Realty Coldwell Banker Int Gloria Nilson Roach Realtors ® International Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & Internatio & Roach Coldwell Banker Banker Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate Gloria Nilson & Roach Gloria Nilson & Princeton Realty erkshire Gloria Nilson & & Roach Roach Roach Realtors Roach Realtors Realtors International Henderson Coldwell Banker aCallaway Nilson Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox International Henderson Hathaway Fox Keller Williams ker Gloria Nilson & Berkshire International Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox & ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox & ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Henderson Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Fox Henderson Co. Real Estate ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Hathaway Hathaway Fox Fox Callaway ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Co. Real Estate Keller ® ® ® Gloria &Keller Williams Gloria Nilson Berkshire Hathaway Fox Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox Realtors Hathaway Fox Hathaway Fox Co. Real Hathaway & Gloria & Berkshire Realtors ® Hathaway thaway Fox Fox Hathaway Fox Princeton Realty Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & ® PNilson n Estate on R Roach yRealtors Fox &Realtors Ro h& RNilson oSponsors ®®Real ®h byRealty Hathaway FoxColdwell Estate n Co. n & on Co. Real Estate Realtors ® ®® ® So Comp Realty RE Realty ®® Fox &Banker RoRealtors hWilliams RHathaway P n®Realtors onRealtors RWilliams y®Williams Henderson Co. Real Hathaway Fox ® Fox Princeton Realty Re Fox & Keller Roach Realtors Realty ® o& Princeton Realty Williams Realty Henderson ® Gloria ® Co. Realty ®Banker Nilson &Realtors Williams Realty Roach Gloria Nilson Princeton & Roach Roach Residential Realty Sotheby's Proud Sponsors of the ®Princeton Residential Residential Realty Roach Realtors Sotheby's ®Henderson Estate Coldwell & Roach Realtors Roach Co. Co. Real Estate Proud of the & Co. & Residential ® Sotheby's ® & Roach & Roach Realtors alhaway Co. Real Estate ® Sotheby's & Co. Realtors ® Co. Real Estate Roach Realtors & Co. Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Roach Fox Realtors Co. Real Estate Co. Realtors & Roach Roach Realtors Realtors ® &Roach Roach Princeton Realty & Roach Roach ® ® Real Estate Hathaway Fox &Realtors & Roach Williams®Princeton Hathaway Fox l Roach R& y & Co. ® Roach & Roach Princeton Realty Residential Sotheby's Roach Realtors ® & & Co. Real Estate ® Sotheby's Co. ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Presidents PastofPresidents of the Mercer County Top Pro Roach Realtors & Roach Williams & Roach &&Roach **Co. Current President Mercer County Top Association * Past the* of Mercer County Top Producer Assoc International Roach Realtors Residential Roach Realtors Sotheby's International & Co. Roach Roach Real Estate ** Current President **Producers Current Mercer President Top Mercer Producer County Association Top Producer *Presidents Past Association Past the*Presidents Mercer County of the Top Mercer Producer Coun Brokerage ® International Brokerage Brokerage Princeton Princeton ®& Roach Brokerage ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association Past of the Realtors Princeton el& **Producer Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association *Presidents Past Presidents ® Realtors ® Mercer Princeton Association **County Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Presidents Past ofMercer the of M Realtors Real Estate Real Real Estate Estate Mercer Top Producers Association Roach Realtors ®®County Realtors ® Real Estate ®County Top ternational Real Estate ® Roach Realtors & RoachInternational Estate Realtors International ® Realtors & Roach Realtors Brokerage ® International Princeton Realtors Brokerage ® Realtors ® Realty Princeton Realty Realtors ® ® ® Realty Realtors ® Real Estate Realty ® ® Real Estate Realtors ® Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realtors Realty Realty Realtors Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Realty Realtors® Realtors® Realty

n erna ona ea y ge age Realty Realty Rea y Susan"Suzy" Rea y Joan Comp DiMeglio Eisenberg

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Ve bey Ivy Ivy Amy Nancy Rob n L G Nancy Sa es Assoc a e W eve Worthington Wen vy Kenne h "Ken" Zaku Ca away Kenneth "Ken" Zakut Zakut L Ivy Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman vy vy Sa es Sa Assoc es Sa Assoc es a e Assoc a e a e G Nancy Sa es Assoc a e Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Ivy W eve Wo h ng on Worthington Worthington Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Zakut Zaku Zaku Yae L Amy G Nancy Sa e A o a e Saman Ivy Sa es Sa Assoc es Sa Assoc es a e Assoc a e a e J m C a Zeeshan Yae L Amy G Nancy Saman Ca away vy Worthington Wo h ng on Wo h ng on Yae L Amy G Nancy Saman Zaku Willever vy Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a e o e A a e o a e We cher oker Assoc a e vy Sa e A o a e vy J m C a Zeeshan Ca away Zeeshan Zeeshan Wo h ng on Ca away Wen W eve vy Sa e Sa A e o Sa A a o e A a e o a e Wen We cher roker Assoc a e Willever Willever Robin L. 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Amy G. Ha haway Fox V s t: Saman 4Fox So heby sheby Henderson Realtors International Rea ySo Visit: & Roach & Roach Ha haway & Rea ySo & Roach Rea ors V s t: 4 Yael Yael L. Yael L. L. Amy Amy Amy G. G. cy Nancy Saman Saman Saman So s Sotheby's So heby s Rea ors V s t: n erna Nancy Realtors Realtors Rea y International International Sotheby's & Roach Sotheby's & Roach So heby s Rea y International Visit: Rea ors So heby s heby s Realtors V s t: International Visit: Rea ors Rea ors n erna ona n erna ona So heby s So heby s Rea y Visit: Rea Rea y Rea y y Rea y n erna ona V s t: Rea o International International Sotheby's Roach Rea ors Rea ors Hathaway Fox n erna ona V s Rea Rea y Rea y y So heby s Rea y Sotheby's V s t: Rea y Roach Roach Realtors Realtors Rea Rea y Rea y y Sotheby's International Rea o n erna ona n erna ona So heby & Roach Roach Rea ors Ha haway Fox Rea Rea y Rea y y So heby s & Roach & Roach Rea y Roach Roach Rea Rea ors ors So heby s n erna ona Roach Realtors & Roach & & Roach ach Realtors Roach Realtors &&Roach Roach ReaSaman orsRoach Roach Rea ors oach ReaNancy ors ch Visit: Roach Rea ors&Saman Roach Roach Rea ors ch V Realty sInternational t:Realty Sotheby's nnerna Yael Amy Nancy SamanInternational International So sRea Ivy && Roach Yael L. erna ona R &&Roach nnerna ona Realty nnRealtors erna ona Zakut Roach International International Roach Realty Yael L. G. Zakut Saman erna ona ona International Rea ors y Realty Realty Roach erna ona RoachRealtors Rea Worthington Zakut Zakut nnheby erna ona n erna ona Rea y ors Yael L.&Zeeshan Amy G. Nancy Saman Realty Rea n erna Realty &Roach Roach Rea ors Rea y Roach Rea y International n erna Realtors ona L.ors Realtors &Amy Roach Worthington Worthington Worthington erna onaors Rea y & Rea y International n erna ona Rea y G.ona Zeeshan n erna n erna ona Rea y ona Zeeshan Zeeshan Willever ver Willever Roach Rea Realtors Realtors International

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Yael L. Yael L.

Amy Amy G. G.


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n erna onaRea Realty Rea yRea Rea y yy Realty Rea y

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Spring Home & real eState Spring Home Continued from Page 22

Art Mazzei Addison Wolfe Real Estate 500 Union Street, Pa. O: (215) 852-5500 M: (610) 428-4885 Getting to know me … I guess that when I was in my childhood, the first makings of a realtor developed. My father was a contractor and nothing to me was more exciting than visiting a new home under construction and the smell of pine. However, life took a different turn and I started a 30-year career teaching high school English in the New York School System. While I graded compositions and listened to Richard the III rant about a “kingdom for a horse,” I reflected on my past and knew that salesmanship needed to be in my future. Thus, my real estate career began and somehow I managed to juggle my educational career with the world of “metes and bounds.” During this time I rose to the No. 2 position in a prominent real estate firm in Bucks County and by the time I retired, I had risen to the No. 1 sales position in a company of 80 agents. Today, I am a partner in Addison Wolfe Real Estate, an agency that claims 50 fellow realtors on its roster and an impressively large market share for the Center City to Bucks County to Lehigh Valley demographics. I would have to say that part

of my success is my years in education — working with daily problems, adjusting to personalities, and developing a level of patience that only 30 years in the classroom can provide. Working with you would be my pleasure and developing a reciprocity of understanding with each other would also be a significant part of our relationship. I assure you that I will not bore you with the introspection of a Hamlet, but I can guarantee you that I will be more of a salesman than Willy Loman. Regent Flooring Kitchen & Bath 7 NJ-31 G, Pennington (609) 737-2466 regentflooringkitchen Since 1963 Regent Flooring, Kitchen and Bath has been an established family-owned and -operated business and is one of the oldest businesses in Pennington. From its small, humble beginnings to a rented oneroom store and now its newly expanded three storefront showrooms, we have always remained true to our core belief that our customers want to receive quality products installed by true craftsmen at a competitive price. Over the years we have also expanded our services to include every type of floors and carpeting as well as kitchen and bath remodeling. We are a team of the most experienced sales and installation people with the knowledge and skills to satisfy our customers.


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Mercer County Top Producers Association Mercer County Top Producers are the crème de la crème of real estate agents in the Mercer County area. If you’re researching homes for sale in Mercer County, whether as a buyer or seller, no group of realtors will be as advantageous for you as Top Producers! Why work with just any realtor in the book when you can work the area’s top real estate agents? This team of realtors isn’t your average group of realtors. As Mercer County real estate experts, each realtor in our group has earned the prestigious Circle of Excellence Award, as well as produced at least 5$ million in sales, or averaged 17 units annually. When you work with a realtor from Top Producers, you’re getting a realtor who lives, breathes, and loves real estate. Since 1987 we’ve made over 1,500 transactions totaling $700 million! When you work with the best realtors putting their heart and heads into each of their clients’ houses for sale in Mercer County, N.J., you’re getting realtors who are uniquely different than the average realtor. Rock Bottom Landscaping & Fencing (732)873-6780 Rock Bottom Landscaping and Fencing is a full-service landscape contractor and landscape designer serving all of New Jersey and Bucks County, Pa. For over 30 years, we have provided design-build-maintenance services for residential, as well as commercial customers with our professional and experienced staff making landscape dreams come to life. With fine attention to detail, unparalleled craftsmanship, a high level of integrity and friendly service all at a fair price, Rock Bottom Landscaping is one of New Jersey’s premier residential and commercial landscape services providers.From simple to sophisticated, our landscape designs will reflect your personality and style.

Russell Roofing & Exteriors 812 State Road, Suite 106, Princeton 1-888-567-7663 Established in 1992, Russell Roofing & Exteriors is wellknown for its expertise in exterior remodeling. Being fully licensed and insured, Russell Roofing services residential and commercial properties in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, providing excellent customer service and quality craftsmanship. Russell Roofing takes pride in its specialty services, working closely with the top manufacturers and offering the best warranties to protect your home (property). Our goal is to make your home renovation as smooth as possible….”If It’s Russell, It’s Right, Guaranteed!” Tindall & Ranson 880 Alexander Road, Princeton (609)924-3434 Tindall & Ranson is your local expert in plumbing, heating, air conditioning, geothermal, and home energy audits. Located in Central Jersey, we service the entire Greater Mercer County area. From routine service and maintenance, to emergency repairs, to installation or replacement — you can rely on Tindall & Ranson to keep your family’s home comfort needs as our utmost concern. Tobias Design 48 West Broad Street, Hopewell (609) 466-1445 Tobias Design provides custom cabinetry designs for kitchens and baths. As part of our process, we assist our clients with the selection of related materials that will complete the project. We’ll help source countertops, tile, flooring, backsplash, lighting, fixtures and paint selection — so in the end, the completed kitchen or bathroom looks like a cohesive, thoughtful, complete design. We offer quality cabinetry from SieMatic, Bentwood Luxury Kitchens, Harmoni, Artcraft, Siteline, and Greenfield Cabinetry.

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Continued from Page 20

“BEING AND THERE”: An exhibit featuring the work of New York-based photographer Joseph Lawton is on view at Mercer County Community College’s James Kerney Campus Gallery in Trenton through May 13. A reception and artist talk will be held in person and via Zoom on Saturday, April 23 from 1 to 3 p.m.

“Being and There” Photo Exhibit at Kerney Gallery

Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC’s) James Kerney Campus Gallery (JKCG) presents its latest photography exhibit, “Being and There,” on view through May 13. The traveling exhibit features the work of New York-based photographer Joseph Lawton. A reception and artist talk will be held on Saturday, April 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. The public is invited in-person or by appointment via Zoom. Reservations are required. “Being and There” features early black and white photography from Lawton’s extensive travels circa 1983 to 1994. Michael Chovan-Dalton, director of JKC Gallery, describes Lawton as a modern-era wanderer. “Joe hitchhiked his way from New York to Colorado to attend college, and soon after he hitchhiked his way through Central America after he discovered photography,” said ChovanDalton. “The work in this show is an expression of someone wanting to be part of the greater community, someone who is always moving so he can stop and be there.” Lawton is the recipient of the Light Works and the Southeast Center for Photography grants. His photographs have been published in The New York Times, Life magazine, and Time magazine, and his works are included in public and private collections at Bibliothéque nationale de France, France and Institute of Art and Design in St. Petersburg, Russia. Past exhibitions include P.S. 1, Canton Museum, and OK Harris Gallery. Lawton has taught photography at Hunter College, Pratt Institute, School of Visual Arts,

and Fordham University where he has served as director of the Visual Arts Department at Fordham for the last six years. Learn more about Joseph Lawton at Located at 137 North Broad Street in Trenton, Mercer County Community College’s JKC Gallery is a gallery for photography and lens-based work from international and regional-noted artists. To learn more about gallery hours, shows, and registration requirements, including Zoom links, visit

“Through a Glass Darkly” Exhibit at Firestone Library

Princeton University Library’s (PUL) latest exhibition, “Through a Glass Darkly: Alchemy and the Ripley Scrolls 1400-1700,” shows how European alchemists built on Greco-Egyptian, Islamic, and late medieval foundations to create a golden age of alchemy from the 15th century to the time of Sir Isaac Newton. Rich in color and symbolism, the exhibition features two alchemical “Ripley Scrolls,” named after the English alchemist George Ripley, which rank among the most spectacular products of this tradition. The exhibition is now on view in the Ellen and Leonard Milberg Gallery, Firestone Library. In pre-modern Europe, alchemy was a science of change. Medieval alchemists experimented with medicinal elixirs to counter the public health crisis of their era — the bubonic plague — and attempted to transmute base metals into gold and silver to solve the region’s precious metal shortage. They also sought to repair alchemy’s old associations with fraud. “To improve alchemy’s reputation, they presented their

work as both a practical art and an ancient philosophical tradition,” said Jennifer Rampling, exhibition curator and Princeton University associate professor of history. “One way of doing that was to disguise their secrets using very elaborate, allegorical language and obscure imagery. This fantastical imagery reached its peak with the Ripley Scrolls.” Other items on display are drawn from PUL’s Special Collections, specifically Rare Books, Manuscripts, and the Cotsen Children’s Library. There are also works on loan from Kislak Center for Special Collections at University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University Art Museum, Science History Institute, and alchemy historian Lawrence M. Principe. Members of the public are welcome to visit the exhibition between noon and 6 p.m., seven days a week. Note all visitors must sign-in and attest to being up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations. The gallery and restrooms are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit alchemy.

Members of the DVBS will be demonstrating jewelry techniques on Saturday, April 16 in the library meeting room from 12 to 4 pm. The pieces on display have been created by Alice Heinzelman, Jean West, Annandale; Victoria Watson, Bridgewater; Linda McKay, Califon; Susan Powell, Clementon; Susan Fellin, Christine Jochem, and Brenda Poston, Flemington; Marti Brown and Kathleen vonWebern, Frenchtown; Linda Williams, Hampton; Kathy Corbo, High Bridge; Emily Barbour and Joan O’Shaughnessy, Lebanon; Anna Maria Petersen, Finesville; Karina Sherman, Somerville; Kathryn Vernam, Ringoes; Diana Wilson, Stockton; and Debbie Haydu and Marie Stackhouse, Easton, Pa. The jewelry and beadwork techniques used to create the pieces include bead embroidery, bead stringing, beadweaving, Kumihimo braiding with beads, Niobium metalwork, metalwork, wire weaving, wire wrapping and botanical carving, gluing, and painting. The DVBS 2021 Bead Challenge jewelry is also on exhibit. The 2022 DVBS meetings are being held at 7 p.m. on the third or fourth Tuesday of each month (except December and January) at the Municipal Court Meeting Room in the Raritan Township Police Station in Flemington. Check the website for the exact date each month. Individuals interested in beading, jewelry making, or future membership in the DVBS are welcome to attend a meeting to get acquainted with the Society. Visit for more information and to register as a guest to attend a meeting.

Area Exhibits Check websites for information on safety protocols. Art@Bainbridge, 158 Nassau Street, has “Elizabeth Colomba: Repainting the Story” through May 8. Artists’ Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, has “Begin, Again” through May 1. Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Art on Hulfish, 11 Hulfish Street, has “Native America: In Translation” through April 24. Arts Council of Princeton, 102 Witherspoon Street, has “Still Lives from a Mostly Stilled Life” through April 30. D&R Greenway Land Trust, One Preservation Place, has “Space to Dream: Nature and Creative Freedom” through May 27. Ellarslie, Trenton’s City Museum in Cadwalader Park, Parkside Avenue, Trenton, has “Painting the Moon and Beyond: Lois Dodd and Friends Explore the Night Sky” through April 29. Visit for museum hours and timed entry tickets. Gallery 14 Fine Art Photography, 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell has “The Warp of Time” and ”Tree Talk” through May 1. Open Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. or by appointment. Gourgaud Gallery, 23-A North Main Street, Cranbury, has photographs by members of the Cranbury Digital Camera Club through April 28.

Grounds For Sculpture, 80 Sculptors Way, Hamilton, has “What’s in the Garden?” through August 1, among other exhibits. Hours are Thursday through Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Timed tickets required. groundsforsculpture. org. Historical Society of Princeton, Updike Farmstead, 354 Quaker Road, has “Einstein Salon and Innovator’s Gallery,” “Princeton’s Portrait,” and other exhibits. Museum hours are Thursday through Sunday, 12 to 4 p.m. James A. Michener Art Museum, 138 South Pine Street, Doylestow n, Pa., has “Keith Haring: A Radiant Legacy” through July 31. Morven Museum & Garden, 55 Stockton Street, has “Ma Bell: The Mother of Invention in New Jersey” through March 2023 and the online exhibits “Slavery at Morven,” “Portrait of Place: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints of New Jersey, 1761–1898,” and others. The Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, has “Emergence: Expanding in Light” through June 6. New Hope Arts, 2 Stockton Avenue, New Hope, Pa., has “Spring Salon” through May 1. Phillips’ Mill, 2619 River Road, New Hope, Pa., has “Phillips’ Mill Photographic Exhibition” through April 22. Small World Coffee, 14 Witherspoon Street, has paintings by Meredith Remz through May 3. “Real Life Magic” is at the 254 Nassau Street location through May 3. West Windsor Arts Center, 52 Alexander Road, West Windsor, has “Member Show: Horizon” through May 14. westwindsorarts. org.

Bead Society Jewelry Display At Hunterdon County Library

The North County Branch of the Hunterdon County Library is presenting a display of the jewelry of 20 members of the Delaware Valley Bead Society (DVBS) through Saturday, April 30. Thirty-nine individual pieces created by DVBS members can be seen in the showcases on the first and second floors of the library at 65 Halstead Street in Clinton. For the North County Branch library’s current hours of operation, visit branches/northcounty.htm.


“THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY”: Alchemical “Ripley Scrolls,” named after the English alchemist George Ripley, are featured in a new Princeton University Library exhibit now on view in the Ellen and Leonard Milberg Gallery, Firestone Library.

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Mark Your Calendar Town Topics Wednesday, April 13 12 p.m.: The Jewish Center Princeton’s Great Minds Salon presents Adina Jocelyn Langer, curator, Museum of Holocaust Education at Kennesaw State University, in “The Tragedy of the St. Louis.” Zoom event. 7 p.m.: Gratitude, presented by Penn Medicine Princeton House Behavioral Health. Virtual event open to all. / events. 7:30 p.m.: Mark Morris Dance Group performs at McCarter Theatre, 91 University Place. 8-10:30 p.m.: Princeton Country Dancers presents contra dance, at Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive. Dave Rupp with Raise the Roof. $10. Thursday, April 14 6 p.m.: Fintan O’Toole in a discussion of his book We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Modern Ireland, hybrid event presented by Labyrinth Books. 6:30 p.m.: Mercer’s Best Toastmasters Club holds April Fools Open House at L aw rence Communit y Center, 295 Eggerts Crossing Road, Lawrence. (908) 421-6151. 6:30 p.m.: Princeton Public Library presents The Library Bee, spelling bee for grades 3-6, live, 65 Witherspoon Street. 7:15-9 p.m.: Black Voices Book Group from Princeton Public Library presents a discussion of the book Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson, via Google Meet. Friday, April 15 6:30 p.m.: The film King Richard is screened in the

Community Room of Princeton Public Library. 7 p.m.: Pianist Nat Adderley, Jr., drummer Dwayne “Cook” Broadnax, and bass player Chris Berger perform in front of Plainsboro Library, 9 Van Doren Street. Free. Saturday, April 16 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.: Bunny Chase at Terhune Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road. Activities, food, wine, and more. $10 per person 3 or older online; $14 at the gate. Register at Terhuneorchards. com. 10 a.m.: Henhouse visits at Howell Living Histor y Farm, 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township. Learn candling and grading, and visit the farmhouse kitchen; take home an egg. 11:30 a.m.: Easter music concert at Princeton SDA Church, 323 Harlan Street. 8-11 p.m.: Central Jersey Dance Society presents the No Name Dance at Suzanne Patterson Center, 45 Stockton Street. No partner needed ; singles /couples welcome. $10 - $15. Sunday, April 17 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.: Bunny Chase at Terhune Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road. Activities, food, wine, and more. $10 per person 3 or older; $14 at the gate. Register at Monday, April 18 1 p.m. : T he Wom en’s College Club of Princeton meets at the Stockton Education Center at Morven, 55 Stockton Street. Handwriting analysis expert Terry Antoniewitz presents “Criminal Minds Killer Handwriting.” Free and open to the public. 7 p.m.: “Unsung Heroes: The Role of Women in the

Civil War,” at Mercer County Library, West Windsor branch, 333 Nor th Post Road. Historian Martin Mosho is the speaker; Q&A follows. 8 p.m.: Washington Crossing Audubon Society presents “Biodiversit y Paintings,” an online session with ecological artist Susan Hoenig. Free. Tuesday, April 19 3 p.m.: Princeton Senior Resource Center presents FYI Seminar “Exploring Senior Housing: The Basics of Services and Costs.” In person/hybrid at Poor Farm Road location. 4:30 p.m.: Princeton University students perform songs with music and lyrics written over the past semester in the Princeton Atelier course “How to Write a Song,” taught by Paul Muldoon and Bridget Kearney, at Frist Film/Performance Theatre, Frist Campus Center. Free. 6 p.m.: Food for Thought Supper Club at Hopewell Theater, 5 South Greenwood Avenue, Hopewell. Screening of The Oyster Farmers followed by discussion about New Jersey waterways with panelists from the Jetty Rock Foundation, the Ryland Inn, the American Littoral Society, and Sourland Conservancy Stream Monitor ing Pro gram. Food prepared by Ryland Inn. 7-8 p.m.: Poets at the Library: Marina Carreira and Sarah Matthes share their work for 20 minutes each, followed by open mic session, at Princeton Public Library. 8 p.m.: “Riverdance: 25th Anniversary Show” comes to the State Theatre New Jer-


sey, 15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick. $40-$98. Wednesday, April 20 7:30-9:45 a.m.: Adaptive Reuse: A Path for Sustainability, presented by Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber at Springdale Golf Club, 1895 Clu b h ou s e D r ive. 4:30 p.m.: Athens, Georgia, a new rock musical based on The Frogs by Aristophanes, presented by Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts at Hearst Dance Theater. Free; tickets required. Tickets.princeton. edu. 6 p.m.: Princeton Public Library Board of Trustees meet either in the Library’s Community Room or via Zoom. 6 p.m.: Avram Alpert and Christy Wampole of Princeton University discuss The Good Enough Life, in a hybrid event co-sponsored by Princeton Public Library, Labyrinth Books and Princeton University Press. It will be held live at the library. 7 p.m.: “Patriot or Loyalist: The Case of Dr. William Bryant.” Virtual talk sponsored by the Trent House Association, with speaker Larry Kidder. Bryant owned the Trent House at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. 8-10:30 p.m.: Princeton Country Dancers presents a contra dance at Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive. Bob Isaacs with Mind the Gap. $10. 8 p.m.: “Riverdance: 25th Anniversary Show” comes to the State Theatre New Jersey, 15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick. $40-$98. Thursday, April 21 4:30 p.m.: Open master

class with jazz guitarist Stanley Jordan and students in the Lee Music Room at Lewis Arts Complex, Princeton University. Free; tickets required. 6 p.m.: Aldriana Petryna and Rob Nixon discuss the book Horizon Work – At the Edges of Knowledge in an Age of Runaway Climate Change, in a hybrid event co-sponsored by Labyrinth Books and Princeton University. 7 p.m.: “Roosevelt’s Tree Army: The History of the Civilian Conservation Corps.” Historian Mary Rasa presents this virtual talk, sponsored by Mercer Count y Library System. Email to register. 8 p.m.: “Riverdance: 25th Anniversary Show” comes to the State Theatre New Jersey, 15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick. $40-$98. Friday, April 22 7 p.m.: Artist/musician Alex Fam does an album release show for her new album, Real Life Magic, at Small World Coffee, 254 Nassau Street, in conjunction with her art exhibit. 7 p.m.: Bass player Gene Perla and his Parker Trio perform outdoors at the Plainsboro Preser ve, 80 Scotts Corner Road, as part of Jazz Appreciation Month. Free. 7- 8 :30 p.m.: Campfire storytelling at The Watershed Institute, 31 Titus Mill Road, Pennington. Ages 5 and up, $10, adult attendance required. 8 p.m.: Blues duo Jon Shain and FJ Ventre perform at Christ Congregational Church, 50 Walnut Lane. Presented by the Princeton Folk Music Society. $5-$25. Tickets at the door. Saturday, April 23 8 -11 p.m . : P r i n c e to n Country Dancers presents contra dance at Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive. Kappy Laning with PUB. $11. 9 : 3 0 a .m . : L aw r e n c e Hopewell Trail hosts a combined walk and bicycle ride starting at the ETS parking lot, Assessment Road south of Messick Hall. The event is in recognition of Celebrate Trails Day. 10 a.m.: Potato Planting at Howell Living History Farm, 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township. Help plant a field of potatoes that will yield over 2,000 pounds for local soup kitchens. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: Arbor Day celebration at Marquand Park Children’s Arboretum, Lovers Lane. Take home a seedling; free children’s book featuring the park’s special trees. Cookies and lemonade will be served. Rain date is April 24. Sunday, April 24 9-11 a.m.: Spring cleanup at Hilltop Park, 782 Bunn Drive. Help remove trash,

litter, and debris as part of the annual stream cleanup series. Register at 1 p.m.: Princeton carillon concert performed by Lisa Lonie, Princeton University carillonneur, at Cleveland Tower on the campus. Listen outside with plenty of room to socially distance. Free, rain or shine. 3 p.m.: “Becoming a Steward of Your Local Environment: An Introduction,” a day of exploring and learning in nature, at Herrontown Woods, 600 Snowden Lane. Visit for a schedule of events. 3 p.m.: The Concordia Chamber Players presents Seven Pillars by composer Andy Akiho at the Solebury S chool Per for m ing A r ts Center, 6832 Phillips Mill Road, New Hope, Pa. Monday, April 25 Recycling 10 a.m.: Princeton Senior Resource Center presents “Faith Seeking Peace and Justice,” an interfaith panel via Zoom, focused on the role that the Abrahamic faith traditions have in peacemaking and justice-seeking. Tuesday April 26 9:30 and 11 a.m.: Read & Pick Program at Terhune Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road. Hands-on farm activity for kids ages preschool to 8. $12. Purchase online at 10 :30-11:30 a.m.: Preschool nature class: Mammal animals, at The Watershed Institute, 31 Titus Mill Road, Penning ton. Ages 3-5, $10, adult attendance required. 3 p.m.: Princeton Senior Resource Center presents FYI Seminar “This was Toscanini: Remembering the Musical Genius of Legendary Conductor Arturo Toscanini.” Zoom event with Lucy Antek-Johnson, whose father worked with Toscanini as a first-chair violinist for 17 years. 6 p.m.: Jon Gertner and The Idea Factory celebrate National Telephone Day at Morven, 55 Stockton Street. Live and virtual. 7 p.m.: Jonathan Galassi and Martha McPhee discuss Galassi’s School Days : A Novel, in an online event sp ons ore d by L aby r i nt h Books and Princeton Public Library. Wednesday, April 27 8-10:30 a.m.: Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber presents “Women in the Workforce: Navigating Success in the Evolving Workplace,” at Mercer Oaks Catering, 725 Village Road West. Networking and discussion. 8-10:30 p.m.: Princeton Country Dancers presents a contra dance at Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive. Sue Gola with Contra Rebels. $10; free for dancers under 35.


nticipation and discovery come together when customers enter the Thomas Sweet Chocolate Shop. Filled to the brim with happy choices, it is all ready for Easter. The windows at the shop beckon. The display of chocolate rabbits of every size and style entice the customer to enter, and once inside, the aroma of freshly made chocolate and the selection of the bunnies, lambs, chicks, eggs, and baskets proves irresistible.


“All the Easter treats are favorites, but the chocolate rabbits in all sizes are the most popular,” says owner Marco Cucchi. “We also have peanut butter eggs, which people always like, and of course, jelly beans. And our chocolate-covered peeps are really in demand. In addition, we have Easter baskets pre-prepared and ready to go, and if customers prefer, we can customize the baskets with their individual choices.” Opened in 1979 by Thomas Grim and Thomas Block, Thomas Sweet began operation on Nassau Street. The store initially offered homemade chocolate, and later added ice cream. The Chocolate Shop is now located at 29 Palmer Square West, and the ice cream store at 183 Nassau Street.

43 Years A t h ird lo c at ion, T he Thomas Sweet Café, opened in the Montgomery Center in 2009, offering ice cream, coffee, and breakfast and lunch choices. Marco Cucch i bec ame part-owner of Thomas Sweet in 2005, and sole owner in 2008, and his story exemplifies much of what Thomas Sweet has meant to so many in Princeton over the past 43 years. He got his start at the store when he was a teen, and began scooping the popular ice cream. “I loved Thomas Sweet from the beginning,” he recalls. “I was a scooper back in the “80s when I was in high school. It was a dream of mine that one day I could own something like Thomas Sweet.” A f ter g raduat ing f rom business school, he had a 15-year career as a management consultant, and was vice president at Mastercard. “Consulting is a great business,” he points out, “but you travel a lot, and I really wanted to be part of a community and near my family. Thomas Sweet was a wonderful opportunity to be in the community, and it’s a terrific business.” Continuing the tradition begun by Thomas Grim and Thomas Block, Cucchi emphasizes quality ingredients and freshness. He is very much a hands-on owner, he adds. “I am in the stores. I keep in touch with the customers, and I continue to make the ice cream and

chocolate. We also have our own other excellent chocolatiers and ice cream-makers. “I’ve tried to keep the business consistent w ith the values it was founded on. We always tr y to be family-friendly and welcoming. And, again, I can’t emphasize enough the impor tance of our staff. A lot of our success is due to them. Many have been with us for a long time, and are so loyal. I also enjoy working with our younger staff members, as we continue to offer our special ice cream, chocolate, and all our quality products.” “Sweet Easter Day” T h e C h o c o l a te S h o p. which was recently renovated, has been doing exceptionally well lately, he adds. “We have a number of corporate clients, as well as many loyal customers over the years. We not only have second generation now, but actually third generation customers! “Of course, Easter is the big attraction at the moment, and we have everything for people to enjoy a ‘Sweet’ Easter day.” In addition, he notes there is a selection of chocolate treats for Passover, including chocolate seder bowls, chocolate mat zohs, and chocolate Passover Pops, among others. The store always offers a full selection of chocolate for ever y occasion — or no occasion, including the late afternoon “pick-meup” of even a single piece

for ardent chocolate lovers in need ! T he handmade truffles are the number one seller, adds Cucchi. “We make them from scratch with all natural ingredients, and people love them.” T he famous boxed as sortments also remain very popular as gifts, and the selection of fun chocolate novelties has always been a Thomas Sweet specialty. Whatever your favorites, whether meltaways, caramels, creams, or the popular Thomas Sweet chocolate bars, they are all waiting for you at the shop. Rich and Scrumptious While chocolate is the Easter focus, Thomas Sweet ice cream may also be on the menu. Thomas Sweet carries the art of ice creammaking to undreamed of heights! Creamy, rich, and scrumptious, it is delectable to the last scoopful, as long lines of customers will attest. “Ever yone loves ice cream,” points out Cucchi, “and all our flavors are popular, including the famous blend-ins. We continue to add new flavors too, and some favorite new ones are ‘Jersey Shore:’ vanilla with salted caramel, and ‘Midnight Chocolate :’ chocolate, chocolate caramel, and brownie. We also have a new Nutella flavor, and coconut is also popular for Easter.” The Café has become a favorite place too, he reports, and with its breakfast and lunch choices (including sandwiches, wraps, muffins, etc.), it is busy all day long. It has become a real gathering place for the community, and for customers of all ages.

31 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEdNESday, aPRIl 13, 2022

Homemade Chocolate and Ice Cream Treats Highlight Thomas Sweet’s Longtime Success

SWEET SUCCESS: “We are proud of our longevity and of being an independently-owned business. There aren’t as many of these as there used to be, and along with our high quality chocolate and ice-cream, this sets us apart. I am also so fortunate to have such a great staff.” Marco Cucchi (center) owner of Thomas Sweet, is shown with his team of ‘Chocolate Elves’ in front of the Chocolate Shop, which is overflowing with an array of tempting Easter treats. “We get kids after school and following games and sports events, and adults before and after the movies. As always, ice cream is a big seller, and so is our coffee. We roast our own coffee. It is handmade and handcrafted with the freshest and best ingredients.” Community Partnership Cucchi strongly believes in being a part of the community, and this is reflected in a number of ways, in a variety of programs, and charitable donations. “This is important to us,” he emphasizes. “We want to take part in the community, and give back to the community.” Gift cards are available at Thomas Sweet (always welcome for Mom on Mother’s

Day or for a new graduate!), and customers can also participate in a rewards program in which they accrue points with a purchase, and when a certain number is reached, they can be redeemed toward a future purchase. “I love this work,” says Marco Cucchi. “I’ve never been happier in my career. Of course, there are always challenges, but that is part of business. And, after a few more years, we will mark 50 years in business. Now that is something to celebrate!” homas Sweet stores and Café are open seven days, and hours vary seasonally. Check the website for details. www. t h o m a s s w e e t .c o m . C a l l Thomas Sweet Chocolate Shop at (609) 924-7222. —Jean Stratton


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S ports

Lewis Powers PU Baseball to 2-1 Weekend Against Cornell, Junior Standout in the Hunt for Ivy Batting Triple Crown


adir Lewis worried that he might be forgotten after what amounted to two years away from college baseball due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Princeton University junior center fielder has come back and drawn attention for his consistent play. Lewis is second in the Ivy League in batting average at .398 among players with 40 or more at bats. Through the first 25 games of the season, he had been held hitless just twice to serve notice that he cannot be overlooked. He is only one spot away from being the Triple Crown leader. He is tops in the Ivies with nine home runs and with 29 runs batted in. “I’m still here and these years off have not been years off,” said Lewis, a 6’1, 195-pound native of Alpharetta, Ga. “I’ve been working.” It wasn’t easy for Lewis, not with huge breaks between playing college seasons. But he learned more about himself during those challenges and has developed into a more polished, more prepared, and more mentally ready player. “It’s definitely a very gratifying feeling,” said Lewis. “When you’re putting in work, it’s nice to see results from stuff that you’ve done. I feel like that’s baseball. You get out what you put in. So far individually I’m happy, but team-wise I wish we had more wins. But I think they’re coming.” Princeton picked up its first two Ivy wins of the season last weekend. Lewis was 3-for-4 with a double and grand slam in a 12-3 win over Cornell in the first game of a doubleheader Saturday. He homered again Sunday in a 10-6 win over Cornell as the Tigers gained

confidence winning two out of three games. Lewis went 5-for-11 with two homers, three runs, and seven RBIs on the weekend as the Tigers improved to 4-21 overall and 2-7 Ivy. “It’s a really young group; at times it kind of shows on the field,” said Lewis, reflecting on the team’s start. “It’s such a talented group and I think we’re starting to put things together. We’ve lost some close games. I think things will change quickly. We have to get over that hump. With more experience and more ABs and more game live reps, guys are getting more comfortable. I think our time is coming.” Lewis is hopeful the team can continue to gain experience and wins over the second half of the Ivy campaign. He knows personally the ups and downs of the game after fighting through his lows during his offseason experiences in the summers of 2020 and 2021 in the Northwoods League, a collegiate summer baseball wooden bat league with teams located in the midwestern United States and northwestern Ontario. “The Northwoods League is definitely one of the more intense leagues because you basically play a game a day for three months straight,” said Lewis. “The first year was COVID, so it was a little shortened. We probably played right around 36 games. I actually ended up going back the next summer and that was a full summer so we played 72 games in like 75 days. That was a crazy experience. I actually loved it a lot.” His first season for the Green Bay Booyah in the league came after the

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pandemic cut short his sophomore year at Princeton after seven games. Lewis had started to feel better about his hitting at Princeton, was using his improved strength and focusing on cutting down his strikeouts when the year was suddenly gone. He was out of action for three months before the Northwoods League began. “Green Bay the first year, I thought I played fine,” said Lewis. “I definitely slugged fine, but the batting average wasn’t crazy high. That was after a couple months of being off from COVID and being in lockdown. I thought I fared pretty well.” The following year was tougher because of how rusty he was coming into the Northwoods League. Lewis had been working out back home in Georgia at Rapid Sports Performance, which trains a wide range of baseball ages and talents. But it was nothing like most of the other college players who came into the summer straight from their college seasons. “I had my real test,” said Lewis. “I was a year off from school, so I was just training by myself. I was not getting as many live reps as I would have liked. I was playing against guys who had just played all season. Those first 60-80 at bats, I struggled.” The result had him doubting his abilities. Lewis was adjusting to playing with a lot of new people and seeing a broad selection of different pitching. But Lewis stayed persistent, took extra batting and as the season moved along he started to play better and recover from a difficult start to last summer. “Doubt in athletics is a real thing,” said Lewis. “I was thinking, it’s been a while. I struggled. The more ABs I got, the more I got back in the groove. I don’t know the exact split, but my first 100 ABs, I batted like .160. Then through the last 150200, I batted over .330. I just needed to get those ABs and get back in that game speed. I think that was huge. You can go down there and play against high level guys and think this is maybe not for me. Those subconscious thoughts start to kick in. I feel like I got through that and got over the hump and strong. That was Fromfinished a11 bigam test for me personally. I got through that. I always go back to that. I know what I need to do. And I know how I need to continue to do well.” Lewis took the moTo mentum 11 pm from his second half in the Northwoods League into his return to


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SWING TIME: Princeton University baseball player Nadir Lewis follows through on a swing in recent action. Last weekend, junior outfielder Lewis starred as Princeton went 2-1 in a threegame series against visiting Cornell. Lewis went 5-for-11 with two homers, three runs, and seven RBIs in the series for the Tigers. Princeton, now 4-21 overall and 2-7 Ivy League, will head to New England next weekend for a three-game series at Dartmouth with a doubleheader on April 16 and a single game on April 17. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) Princeton, and quickly set about proving he is among the top hitters in the league and one of the best players in the league. His numbers have rocketed from the .266 he hit through his freshman year to now hovering around .400. He also leads the Ivies in slugging at a .774 clip. “I feel like getting a lot of ABs in the summer and working out more, I finally know myself as a player and I know how to play to my strengths and limit other people playing against my weaknesses,” said Lewis. “I’m really comfortable in the box. I feel like I’m taking what the pitcher is giving me and not pressing. My plate discipline has just been a lot better than usual. When things are going well, it feels like the ball looks like a beach ball and that’s how it is now. All the offseason work, after those summers, I definitely reevaluated what I was doing and what I didn’t do well and I worked at that a lot just to minimize the holes in my game. I feel like it’s paying off now.” Lewis has been a big plus for the Tigers since he hit the field in 2019, starting every game as a freshman in the outfield. He stepped in for Jesper Horsted who

decided to forego his baseball career to focus on the NFL draft. Princeton coach Scott Bradley’s message that the best player would play at each position resonated with Lewis, who found himself in the starting lineup on opening day of his first year. “It was kind of a crazy experience,” said Lewis. “My first college game, I was in the 3 hole. I was thrown right in the fire. I’m honestly so glad it happened that way.” Lewis continues to prove himself worthy of a starting spot in the Tigers lineup. And whether he has been playing at Princeton, working out at home, or suiting up in the Northwoods League, he has found ways to develop himself with every opportunity. His offseason lifting has strengthened him, his freshman year he tried to emulate how the seniors carried themselves and performed, and the summer league experiences have been highly instructional and geared him up for the ultimate level. “They said it definitely prepares you if you want to play pro ball,” said Lewis. “It gets you in the mindset of having to play every day and having to be at the field every single day. There are

so many at bats. You learn a lot about yourself playing that much, how to deal with the ups and downs of baseball because the sport will definitely humble you at some point.” Lewis has also had lots of highs since he took up the game at age six, going away from soccer that his brother played at Howard and his sister just committed to continuing to play at the University of Kentucky. “I don’t know if I’d have been as good as them,” said Lewis. “I’m glad I chose baseball.” Lewis is eligible this year for the Major League Baseball draft. Whether anyone selects him or not this year, he has played himself into the draft picture with a consistent season coming out of losing basically two seasons to the pandemic. “I’m definitely looking at my opportunities,” said Lewis. “If the opportunity presents itself, I’m definitely open to it. I feel like I was just a freshman, and now I’m already draft eligible. It’s definitely something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve put a lot into this game and it’s always been a dream of mine.” –Justin Feil

Chris Brown was held without a goal for just the second time in 42 games in his career for the Princeton University men’s lacrosse team as the Tigers hosted Boston University last Saturday. B u t s e n ior at t ack m a n Brown still had a major impact on the Princeton offense, dishing for a singlegame career-high seven assists as the third-ranked Tigers pulled away to a 12-7 win over the No. 13 Terriers and improved to 8-2 overall. In reflecting on the win, Brown credited BU with making things difficult for the Tigers. “They were playing great defense on iu, it was a little frustrating at times,” said Brown, who missed all seven shots that he took in the day. “They just showed a really different and unique look with a lot of ball pressure, a lot of sliding early. I give them credit, they played great fundamental defense. They really played awesome, it was great team.” With Brown misfiring, he focused on dishing to open teammates. “I was just trying to move the ball around the perimeter honestly; I took a lot of shots but unfortunately didn’t really hit,” said Brown, whose previous career-high was four assists. “It w as s om eone els e drawing a slide and have the ball and I would move it one more to a shot. It is just team offense. The ball happened to leave my stick for the one more; it really started with whoever drew

the initial slide.” Team defense played a pivotal role in the win for the Tigers. “Holding that offense to seven goals is a credit to our defense and a credit to our goalie (Erik Peters),” said Brown, a 6’2, 200-pound native of Fairfield, Conn. “Luckily we can win in a lot of different ways.” Making the most of his final season for Princeton, Brown has been sparking the Tiger offense, leading the squad in points with 51 on 24 goals and 27 assists. “I am just trying to play the team offense, it is great to be back,” said Brown. “I can’t take a single game out here for granted. It is my last season; I am trying to enjoy every game I have out here because I don’t have too many left.” Taking a gap year in 202021 with the spring season canceled by the Ivy League due to ongoing COVID concerns, Brown kept working on his game. “It was some 700-plus days since we played in between games, we were able to have a group together and lived in Park City, Utah,” said Brown. “We were able to play s m a l l s i d e of fe n s e. We played a lot of 3v2, odd man situations. It was having fun with lacrosse, not working on specific skills but just keeping a stick in our hands over the year.” Princeton head coach Matt Madalon didn’t have fun watching his team deal with a stingy BU defense. “They did a really good

PASSING IT ON: Princeton University men’s lacrosse player Chris Brown, right, fights past a Rutgers defender in recent action. Last Saturday, senior Brown dished for a career-high seven assists to help third-ranked Princeton defeat No. 13 Boston University 12-7. The Tigers, now 8-2 overall, resume Ivy League play by hosting Dartmouth on April 16. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)


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job, they had a really good game plan on us,” said Madalon, whose squad was clinging to a 5-3 lead at halftime and led by just 7-6 late in the third quarter before going on a 5-0 run to break open the contest. “They played our offensive players well. They matched up well, they rode well. They had that 10-man ride that gives you a little chaos in the first part of your possession. We generate a lot from transition and that ride took a lot out of it. It just took us a minute to settle in. Guys made some plays, windows were a little tighter.” Seeing Brown make plays with his passing game was inspiring to Madalon. “That is really impressive,” said Madalon, who got three goals from Coulter Mackesy in the win with Alex Slusher and Jake Stevens adding two apiece. “For a big time player like that, if he is not putting goals on the board, to make an impact with the assist game is outstanding.” The Tiger defense was outstanding all game long and rose to the occasion down the stretch, holding the Terriers scoreless for a stretch of 15:21 from the latter stages of the third quarter into the fourth. “BU is a helluva offense, that is a well-coached group so we are really happy about that,” said Madalon of the defensive effort. “Coach Hirsch (Princeton defensive coordinator Jeremy Hirsch) had a good game plan going in, he kept that group buttoned up. We got some pressure on them early, stretching on their middies, getting out and playing them, they got us early in the invert. We settled in and got some stops.” Senior star defender George Baughan scooped up eight ground balls and had three caused turnovers to lead that unit. “Andrew Song and Pace Billings in the pole position, really locked it down up there,” said Madalon. “George Baughan, what a performance he had in terms of ground balls and caused turnovers. It was a very impressive outing.” With Princeton leading into the Ivy League stretch drive starting by hosting Dar t mout h on Apr i l 16 and followed by a game at Harvard on April 23 and a home finale against Cornell on April 30, Madalon knows his team will have to keep performing well to come up with wins in those contests. “For us to be able to close out the conference with this win was huge,” said Madalon, whose team is 2-1 in Ivy play. “Now we have a threegame mini season and will put all of our efforts into that. It is going to be a hard one, the Ivy League is incredible. We are really proud just to be a part of it.” Brown is confident that the Tigers will put in a hard effort as they deal with their league foes. “Every single team in the Ivy is a huge challenge, we have to take one win at a time to secure our place in the Ivy tournament,” said Brown. “We are happy with where we are at so far but can’t take anything for granted so it is just that one game at a time mentality.” –Bill Alden

No. 5 PU Women’s Open Crew Forging Ahead Excited for Showdown at 2nd-Ranked Yale Last year, the Princeton University women’s open crew started its preseason training with socially-distanced ergometer workouts on the dock outside the Shea Rowing Center in the winter chill. Things were a lot different for the rowers coming into this spring as the squad headed south to Florida for a preseason training trip in January. “Everyone was so excited; I had just not seen that many smiles, that energy and that enthusiasm in a long time,” said Princeton head coach Lori Dauphiny. “The group that was here last year was small and it was just a different time. There were so many restrictions. This was the first time where we got to travel together and be a team. It was really fun.” While Dauphiny had a full squad on hand this spring, things are still very much a work in progress. “Some came back ready to go and some were further behind,” said Dauphiny. “This has been a time, this fall, winter and even early spring where we are working to come together and all be on the same page. It has been a challenge because of sickness in the month of February. I felt like we were making big strides and then we had a setback there. We are forging forward.” The Tiger varsity 8 took a nice step forward in the opening regatta on March 26, defeating No. 8 Brown and No. 7 Ohio State to win the Class of 1987 Trophy. The top boat clocked a winning time of 6:21.3 over t he 2,000 -meter course with Brown taking second in 6:24.3 and Ohio State coming in third in 6:27.6. “I was pleased all through the ranks, I thought everyone raced well,” said Dauphiny, ref lecting on the opener.

“We didn’t win every event but winning the cup, the Class of 1987 Trophy, was exciting for us.” Dauphiny believes her top boat is primed for an exciting season. “It is a younger group overall,” said Dauphiny. “All classes are represented in the varsity 8 which is kind of cool. We are still developing as a team and as boats, especially with the sickness of February.” Returning to competition last Saturday by heading north to Saratoga Springs, N.Y., the fifth-ranked Tigers showed good development, sweeping five races against Radcliffe, Cornell and Bucknell in the morning. The varsity 8 provided a highlight, earning the Class of 1975 Cup over Radcliffe and Cornell with a winning time of 6:26.062 with guest Bucknell taking second in 6:48.038, Radcliffe coming in third at 6:51.660, and Cornell finishing fourth in 6:59.970. In afternoon action, Princeton won three races against the University of Wisconsin. “Last weekend was fantastic and it was all the way through the team from the 1V to the 2V4 which was really nice to see,” said Dauphiny. “Everyone performed, it was a cool regatta. They called it the Saratoga Dual Invite. We raced our traditional Cup race which is the Class of 1975 Cup. We were excited to race Wisconsin because it is out of our conference. They race a lot of crews that we won’t see, there is a lot of overlap there that I think is important. Overlapping out of conference all the way to the NCAAs is important.” A s s e s s i ng t h e re gat t a overall, Dauphiny liked the grit displayed by her rowers across the board. “I did see progress, the we at her w as aw f u l las t

week,” said Dauphiny. “It was very windy, it was not the best week for training on the water but the team persevered through it. I really did enjoy the racing this last weekend. It was just cloudy and raining the whole time but we did get to see the competition and that was really fun and it was good for the future.” This weekend, the Tigers will encounter some more challenging races as they head up to second-ranked Yale with the Eisenberg Cup on the line. “We are enthusiastic, energetic and excited to go but at the same time we are meeting up with some of the toughest competition in the country,” said Dauphiny. “Yale is always strong competitors, they are great to race against. We haven’t been to Yale in some time because of COVID and those years, the last time we raced them was at Princeton. No one on the team has been to Yale yet. It will be a new experience for all, including the seniors.” Facing a gauntlet of tough foes this spring will give Princeton valuable experience as it prepares for postseason racing next month with the Ivy League Championships slated for May 15 and the NCAA Championships scheduled for May 27-29. “Our overall schedule is hard, it has some of the top crews in the country,” said Dauphiny. “We are going to be racing against the defending national champions in Texas in the future. I think it is the most competitive spring racing schedule we have had. It is good to have a competitive schedule, you learn from every weekend. I feel good about that. They are in a good spot. I think they are nervous; there are a lot of unknowns and I think there will be more as you go down the road but that is the only way that you learn.” –Bill Alden


Princeton Men’s Lax Defeats Boston University As Brown Triggers Attack with Slick Passing

Shop loca schedule p before OPEN SEASON: Members of the Princeton University women’s open crew display the Class of 1975 Cup that the varsity 8 retained last Saturday after defeating Harvard and Cornell in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Later in the day, the fifth-ranked Tiger top boat topped Wisconsin to remain undefeated this spring. Princeton faces second-ranked Yale in New Haven on April 16 in the race for the Eisenberg Cup.


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PU Sports Roundup Princeton Softball Goes 2-1 Against Cornell

Sophia Marsalo starred as the Princeton University softball team went 2-1 in a three-game series against visiting Cornell last weekend. In a doubleheader on Saturday, freshman Marsalo went 6-for-7 with three runs and three RBIs on the day as Princeton prevailed 6-0 and 8-0. A day later, the bats went quiet for the Tigers as they fell 2-1 to the Big Red. P r i n ce ton, now 15 -13 overall and 8-4 Ivy League, play a doubleheader at Lehigh on April 13 and then head to Yale next weekend for a three-game series with a doubleheader on April 16 and a single game on April 17.

PU Women’s Water Polo Defeats Brown

Sparked by Laura Larkin, the Princeton Universit y women’s water polo team defeated Brown 10-6 last Sunday. Junior Larkin scored three goals to help the Tigers improve to 19-9 overall and 8-4 Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA). In upcoming action, Princeton will compete in the CWPA Championships from April 22-24 at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa.

Tiger Men’s Golf Dominates Invitational

Displaying its depth, the

Princeton University men’s golf team dominated its annual Princeton Invitational last weekend at Springdale Golf Club, finishing one-two in the team competition and winning the individual title. Freshman William Huang placed first individually, carding a 10-under score of 203 for the three-round event. In the team competition, Princeton’s Orange lineup won the title at -7 over the Princeton Black lineup at -6, with Seton Hall third at even par. It marked the program’s first Princeton Invitational team crown in 18 years. The Tigers are next in action when they compete in the Ivy League Championship the Century Country Club in Harrison, N.Y. from April 22-24.

Senior Poling posted a 6-1, 6-1 win at third singles and helped the Tigers earn the doubles point. Princeton, now 16-6 overall and 2-1 Ivy League, plays at Harvard on April 16 and at Dartmouth in April 17.

Tiger Women’s Tennis Defeats Brown 4-1

D i s play i n g it s s i n g l e s strength, the Princeton University women’s tennis team defeated Brown 4-1 last Saturday. A f te r lo s i n g t h e d ou bles point, the Tigers got straight-set wins at first singles from Daria Frayman, at second singles from Neha Velaga, at fourth singles from Brianna Shvets, and at fifth singles from Maia Sung to clinch the win. Princeton, now 7-10 overall and 2-1 Ivy League, hosts Harvard on April 16 and Dartmouth in April 17.

PU Men’s Lightweights Top Dartmouth, Delaware PU Men’s Volleyball Racing on Lake Carnegie for the first time since April Defeats George Mason

Ben Harrington and Brady Wedbush star red as the Princeton University men’s volleyball team defeated George Mason 3-0 last Saturday in Dillon Gym. Sophomore Harrington has a match-high 11 assists and four service aces while junior Wedbush had a career-high nine blocks along with seven kills as the Tigers prevailed 25-16, 25-21, 25-19. Wedbush was later named the Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (EIVA) Defensive Princeton Men’s Tennis Player of the Week. P r i n ce ton, now 10 -12 Tops Brown 4-0 Karl Poling had a big day overall and 8-6 EIVA, hosts as the Princeton University Sacred Heart for matches on men’s tennis team defeated April 15 and 16. Brown 4-0 last Saturday. 27, 2019, the fourth-ranked Princeton University men’s lightweight varsity 8 defeated Dartmouth and Delaware to retain the Diamond Challenge Cup. The Tigers clocked a winning time of 5:48.8 over the 2,000-meter course with Dartmouth second in 5:49.5 and Delaware taking third in 6:12.9 Princeton is next in action when it hosts Cornell on April 16 in the race for the Platt Cup.

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MAC ATTACK: Princeton University women’s lacrosse player McKenzie Blake heads to goal in recent action. Last Saturday, freshman midfielder Blake tallied two goals and an assist to help 12th-ranked Princeton defeat Brown 18-6. In upcoming action, the Tigers, now 7-2 overall and 2-0 Ivy League, host No. 9 Maryland on April 13 and Dartmouth on April 16. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)

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Coming into the winter, Sam Blanchard wasn’t expecting his Princeton High fencing program to make history this season. “We had a bunch of strong freshmen show up, that was a bit of a surprise,” said PHS head coach Blanchard. “I had no idea how strong they were going to be.” It was a sophomore, Larry He, who produced the strongest performance, winning the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) individual boys’ épée title, the first state crown for the PHS fencing team. “Larry is a solid fencer, he works really hard, he is fencing a lot of tournaments,” said Blanchard, who got a 25th place finish in the épée from junior Theodore Kopaliani. “I think he started when he was about 11, 12, maybe as early as 10. Going into the day of the championships, if you were making book, he would not be your top pick for winning the event. He is a very good long day fencer and that made a big difference, he had a couple of fortunate coincidences that happened. It is all Larry and his preparation, he is very good.” He combined with Joseph Wong and Kopalianito help the épée team finish seventh in the State Squad final. Another young PHS fencer, freshman Noah Zeng, also excelled at states, taking 15th in the saber. “Noah is a very strong fencer,” said Blanchard, whose boys’ saber team of Gary Dai, Chris Bao and Bence M ol n a r - S o m o g y a r i, a n d

Daniel Zhang placed 18th in the State Squad final. “I think we will see him in the top rankings in the future years.” Senior Oliver Cai led the boys’ foil squad. “My foil captain Oliver has been a very strong performer over his entire career with the team,” said Blanchard of Cai who placed 11th in the state individual competition. “He is an exceptional fencer.” The PHS girl fencers also excelled this winter with the foil team of Eleni Staikos, Emilia Avalos, Wendy Jin, and Isabel Wong leading the way as it took 13th in the State Squad competition. “Eleni was a fantastic captain, a really good leader for the girls,” says Blanchard. “She was great at keeping them on track, she was definitely a standout.” The girls saber team of Shira Kutin, Sky Jo, Molly S chwar z-Manocch io and Anusha Vangala placed 17th in their State Squad tourney. “Shira did a great job holding the girls saber squad together, she was our one girl who qualified for individuals,” said Blanchard of Kutin, who finished 35th individually. Camille Lambert and Maja Janas led the épée group. “I have some really strong épéeists, Lambert is a very good épée fencer,” said Blanchard. “I am hoping to see her in the state championships next year. Maja is also a very strong fencer, she was struggling with some health issues so she wasn’t able to hit her peak this year. They have a strong chance of going all the way next year.”

Blanchard has no doubt that this was the best year ever for the PHS fencing program. “Overall, the season was fantastic; absolutely, this is very much the best season we have had,” said Blanchard, noting that having a dedicated practice site at Westminster Choir College helped the team excel. In Blanchard’s view, the squad’s success exemplifies the growth of the sport across the state. “The resources of New Jersey fencing in general, the quality of fencing in the state is always improving on the high school level,” said Blanchard. “It is just getting better and better. Fencers are getting involved younger, they are getting very serious and competing nationally fairly early without necessarily burning out which is a compliment to the quality of coaching in the state.” With most of its top fencers returning, PHS should keep get ting bet ter and better. “The high school pro gram is in excellent shape, we have several incoming f re sh men who are ver y good fencers that are going to round out the team,” said Blanchard. “We have some holes that we have to plug up, that is true every year. I expect to see some really good performances out of the boys’ squad next year. I think the girls’ squad will have a much stronger year next year. I am looking forward to the season.” —Bill Alden

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HE DID IT: Princeton High sophomore fencing star Larry He, center, flanked by PHS head coach Sam Blanchard, left, and volunteer assistant coach Jake Silverman enjoy the moment after He won the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) boys’ individual épée title last month. He’s triumph marked the first-ever state title for the PHS fencing program and highlighted an historic season for the Tigers.

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He Wins NJSIAA Boys’ Épée Individual Title, Highlighting Historic Season for PHS Fencers


With PDS Baseball Boasting Core of 7 Seniors, Panthers Looking for Memorable Campaign Jeff Young is determined to make this a special spring for the seven seniors on his Princeton Day School baseball team. “The good news is that we have a ton of seniors,” said PDS head coach Young, who guided the Panthers to a 2-13-1 record last spring in his first season at the helm of the program. “The motto for them is just to make sure that they play the game in a way where they can look back at it and really enjoy their last year of high school baseball. I am going to promote an atmosphere where they can be as competitive as they want but I want them to realize that their love for being on the field and being with their teammates comes first this year.” Heading into his second year coaching the squad, Young believes the Panthers are ahead of where they were last year in the early stages of the season. “Once I knew I was the baseball coach, my job was to be prepared everyday on

the baseball field and that is really the easy part,” said Young, whose squad opened its 2022 campaign by falling 18-1 to the Hill School ( Pa.) on April 1, 11-7 to New Hope-Solebury ( Pa.) on April 4 and 6-5 to the Blair Academy last Monday. “I already had an idea of how I wanted to organize practices. It was easy for me to see in games that this needed to be adjusted and worked on. That is the easy and the fun part for me. This year, it is business as usual in that regard. We have just hit the ground running; the biggest advantage for me is that I know the players better.” Young believes his squad has the punch to score a lot of runs, led by one of those seniors, infielder Hunter Von Zelowitz. “I look at him as getting some accolades this year, he is definitely going to put up numbers,” said Young. “He worked with a guy named Dan Hennigan this offseason at Brain and Barrel Hitting. He spent the

IN THE HUNT: Princeton Day School baseball player Hunter Von Zelowitz takes a big cut in a game earlier this season. Senior infielder Von Zelowitz is primed to have a big final campaign for PDS this spring. The Panthers, who fell 6-5 to the Blair Academy last Monday to move to 0-3, plays at the Peddie School on April 14 and at the Lawrenceville School on April 18. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)


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offseason there and dedicated himself so much. Guys are going to start noticing him this year a lot.” Junior Ryan Vandal, senior Michael Carroll, and senior Connor Topping are guys who should also contribute with the bat. “Getting Vandal on base is key, he can run,” said Young. “It is going to take Vandal a couple of weeks and he will start getting the hang of it. Most of our guys are multi-sport athletes. Michael played basketball this year and Vandal played hockey. Connor is a basketball player, it will take a couple of weeks for him to settle in. It is going to take him some more at-bats, he will be there by the end of the year.” Young is looking for senior Jonah Soos, freshman Dylan Powers, Topping, and senior Jacob Roitburg to lead his mound staff. “It is still pitcher by committee; if we throw strikes, we will be in every game that we are playing this year,” said Young “There is not going to be a guy that doesn’t see some time on the mound. I think Jonah is going to see a lot of innings. He shows the most arm strength on the team. He pitched really well in our last game. Powers came in and he competes really well on the mound. That was big to find out. He is going to get innings on the mound for sure. Connor is going to pitch quite a bit. Roitburg is going to pitch, he had a rough first outing but he might have pitched the most innings for us last year. He will be right at it.” Around the diamond defensively, PDS will also be mixing and matching players. “We are going to play defense well enough where if we throw strikes, we are going to be in every game,” said Young, noting that Von Zelowitz and Carroll will hold down middle infield spots, senior Jackson Bailey will see time at first base, Topping will be a constant in center field, Vandal will play all over the field, and freshman Luke Haan will get innings at catcher, third base, and outfield. With PDS playing at the Peddie School on April 14 and at the Lawrenceville School on April 18, Young is confident that his players will be on their game. “Our motto is just to take it one day at a time and move on quickly,” said Young. “We are moving forward from things and being in the present moment. The seniors are fully committed to making this year memorable for them.” –Bill Alden

Sparked by Senior Star Surace’s Scoring, Hustle, PDS Girls’ Lacrosse Rallies to Edge Hillsborough With the Princeton Day School girls’ lacrosse team trailing Hillsborough 6-0 in the first half last Saturday morning, Ali Surace lost her cool. “I started getting a little angry and thinking I am not going to let that girl get it,” said PDS senior standout and tri-captain Surace, referring to gathering up the ball on draw controls. “It was definitely a mentality shift for me. I am not going to let this girl beat me right now. I was going to get every ball on the ground and every ball in the air.” PDS outscored the Raiders 5-3 over the rest of the half to shift the momentum and narrow the Hillsborough lead to 9-5. “I think we had the energy the whole time, we knew what we needed to do,” said Surace. “Once we started catching the balls and cleaning it up, it started to come together. I feel like the momentum was definitely there. We were trying to clean it up, win every 50/50 ball and just fight for everything.” With Surace leading the fight, scooping up a number of ground balls to give PDS possession, the Panthers started the second half with a 7-1 run and held on for a dramatic 12-11 victory. “I think them playing in a zone threw us off a little bit at the beginning,” said Surace. “Once we started realizing the drive and dump was there, the cutters were there and we started working it around a little differently. That worked well.” Surace scored the goal that put PDS up 11-10 with 7:12 left in regulation as she whipped in a shot off of a free position. “I was just thinking about the mechanics of it, I needed to move the goalie and then I was going to figure it our from there,” said Surace, who ended up with two goals and two assists in the win and scooped up six ground balls. “A lot of it is not thinking and just feeling it.” As a team captain along with classmates Elle Anhut and Maggie Zarish-Yasunas, Surace is looking to lead the squad in a number of ways. “My role is to take over, whether that is my body language, fighting for the ball, speaking up, or taking it to goal,” said Surace. “This year, I am leading by example, leading by my voice and just trying to bring the team up. Elle, Maggie and I work really well together. It is a really great

group. We do a lot behind the scenes too. We really care about this team. We have been working really hard to make it the best for them.” Surace is looking forward to joining another team this fall as she has committed to attend Columbia University and play for its women’s lacrosse program. “I talked to the coach, A n n e Mu r r ay ; s h e is a great person and she really brought me to school,” said Surace, who will follow in a family tradition of competing in the Ivy League as her mother, Lisa, played soccer at Princeton and her father, Bob, the head football coach at Princeton, was an All-Ivy center in his playing days. “I have been there for my dad’s football teams so I knew of it. The team culture was so amazing and then I stepped on campus and I was like wow, I feel like I could really fit in here. The fact that I can play lacrosse there too and really compete, I am going to work so, so hard to make a difference on that team as well. I am just really excited for that in the future.” PDS head coach Jill Thomas was excited by the win, hugging Surace in the postgame celebration and repeating “this is huge, this is huge.” Thomas saw the triumph as a key breakthrough for the Panthers. “That was great, as soon as we got the momentum, we weren’t giving it back,” said Thomas. “We tried, we thought about giving it back. This was a huge step for our program, we finally beat a quality team.” In tak ing t hat step, Surace’s hustle was a huge plus. “It started with the draws, Ali got three in a row and then we moved Tessa [Caputo] over there and they still came up with it,” said Thomas. “It was a great job

coming up with the ball.” The PDS attack showed some great balance as Paige Gardner tallied three goals and an assist in the win with Haley Sullivan scoring three goals, Tessa Caputo chipping in two goals, and Anhut contributing a goal and two assists. “They just jelled, it was great,” said Thomas. “Paige, Tessa, Elle, and Haley did well and it was holding the ball at the end and being able to possess it and taking care of the ball.” The squad’s young defensive unit also did well against Hillsborough. “The defense played great the whole game,” said Thomas. “Leigh Hillmanno and Shelby Ruf came up with a couple of interceptions in there. Our defense is young but it is growing up and getting better all the time.” Looking ahead, Thomas is hoping the comeback against Hillsborough will be a turning point for her squad. “We have waited for this w in, Clear view ( a 22-14 loss on April 2) could have been it, Blair (a 16-11 loss on April 11) could have been it and now we have got it,” said Thomas, whose team went on to defeat Pennington School 17-6 on Monday to improve to 3-2 and will look to keep on the winning track as it plays at Haddonfield High on April 14 and at the Lawrenceville School on April 19. “We have wanted this and they took it today so that is why I am thrilled for them. I have always believed but they needed this.” Surace, for her part, believes the victory will be a game-changer for the Panthers. “That was huge,” said Surace. “We have been playing some really great teams and we haven’t come out on top. We knew this was a game to turn it around and show that we can play against this team.” —Bill Alden

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COMEBACK KIDS: Princeton Day School girls’ lacrosse player Ali Surace heads to goal in recent action. Last Saturday, senior star and tri-captain Surace tallied two goals and two assists and scooped up six ground balls to help the Panthers rally from a 6-0 deficit to edge Hillsborough 12-11. PDS, which defeated the Pennington School 17-6 last Monday to improve to 3-2, plays at Haddonfield High on April 14 and at the Lawrenceville School on April 19. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)

Lexi Kobryn put in some extra work over the offseason to make herself a better pitcher for the Hun School softball team this spring. “I have been in the gym all fall and winter and I have gotten a lot stronger,” said Hun sophomore Kobryn. “I was also working with my pitching coach I have definitely gotten a lot faster, I am hitting 65.” It didn’t take long for that work to yield dividends as Kobr yn hurled a perfect game with 19 strikeouts in a season-opening 6-0 win over the Mercersburg Academy (Pa.) on March 26 and followed that up with a nohitter in a 6-0 victory over the Lawrenceville School on March 31. “That was really exciting, I tried not to think about it,” said Kobryn, reflecting on the perfect game. “Anything could ruin it, we had a couple of grounders. Everything was on that day for me. We haven’t beaten Lawrenceville in four years, it was a great team effort. It

was also exciting.” Pitching against Peddie last week, Kobryn looked like she was on her way to another mound gem, striking out the first nine batters she faced. “I was like mixing up the pitches and ever y thing,” said Kobryn. “I told Mr. Quirk ( Hun assistant coach Bill Quirk) before the game that everything was working. He asked me what did I want to throw and I said throw everything and it worked.” Kobryn did have to work her way out of some jams in the fourth and fifth inning and ended the game in style, striking out the side in the top of the seventh inning as Hun prevailed 6-1. “I was throwing a couple of balls and then the bases were loaded and I said to myself come on,” said Kobryn, who yielded two hits and had 17 strikeouts in the win. “I got out of it and I had confidence in my fielders.

SIZZLING START: Hun School softball star Lexi Kobryn fires a pitch in a game last season. Sophomore Kobryn has gotten off to a sizzling start this spring, firing a perfect game with 19 strikeouts in a season-opening 6-0 win over the Mercersburg Academy (Pa.) on March 26 and followed that up with a no-hitter in a 6-0 victory over the Lawrenceville School on March 31. Last week, Kobryn recorded 17 strikeouts and yielded two hits in a 6-1 win over the Peddie School. The Raiders, who improved to 6-0 with a 10-0 win over Morristown-Beard last Monday, play at the Hill School (Pa.) on April 13 at Princeton Day School on April 14 and at the Pingry School on April 19. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)

We had a talk in the dugout and everyone knew to settle down and just play our game.” While Kobryn has raised her game this spring, she enjoys sharing the pitching duties with fellow sophomore Jamie Staub. “We are best friends, we are always cheering each other on,” said Kobryn “It is good not to always have it on you, it is nice to have someone to lean on.” In addition to her superb pitching, Kobryn has also helped the Raiders w ith some good work with her bat. “Today wasn’t my best hitting game but I have hit well all season,” said Kobryn. “I have hit a home run, I have been doing well.” Hun head coach Kathy Quirk credits Kobryn with doing very well in the circle. “Lexi is doing a nice job; she knows what she has to do and she is confident,” said Quirk. “I think it is location and speed. She is faster. She worked all winter and she has gotten stronger.” Hun got off to a fast start against Peddie, scoring two runs in the first inning and three runs in the third. “We didn’t hit the ball as well as we have been but I am pleased,” said Quirk. “On Saturday we had 16 hits (in a 14-3 win over Penn Charter (Pa.) on April 2) and we just played a phenomenal game. Today we knew it was going to be tough. We had played them in Florida and we had beaten them. I knew they were going to be gunning for us and we are riding a little high. I don’t care how we win, we won.” Juniors Kat Xiong and Sammy Kandel have been tough hitters for Hun this season. “Kat is doing a nice job, she is also a phenomenal outfielder, she can track anything down,” said Quirk. “Kandel is doing a nice job, she was 4-for-4 on Saturday. I am pleased with her.” With the Raiders defeating Morristown-Beard 10-0 last Monday to improve to 6-0, Quirk is pleased with how things are going so far this season. “I think the key is that we believe in ourselves,” said Quirk, whose team plays at the Hill School (Pa.) on April 13, at Princeton Day School on April 14 and at the Pingry School on April 19. “I tell them that I believe in them and that you are out there because we believe in you. We feel you can do the job and that is the most important thing. You also have to have fun.” In Kobryn’s view, a fun preseason trip to Florida helped set a positive tone for Hun. “We did really well there and we got a lot of practice games,” said Kobryn, reflecting on the week in Vero Beach. “We got really close there, it was a lot of team bonding. We couldn’t leave each other and it was actually for the better. It was really fun and I think that is what brought us together as a team. It has been a really exciting team. We have already beaten some of the toughest teams this season. If we just keep it up, we will be set.” –Bill Alden

With Junior Star Midfielder Ix Leading the Way, Stuart Lax Shows Progress in Busy Opening Week Opening its 2022 campaign last week, the Stuart Countr y Day S chool lacrosse team hit the ground running with three games in five days. W hile the Tar tans ran into some tough foes, losing 17-7 to Princeton Day School on April 4, 12-6 to Peddie last Thursday, and then got edged 13-11 by South Brunswick a day later, Stuart junior star midfielder and co-captain Emily Ix saw plenty of positives “It has been really fun, we have definitely had a lot of good competition,” said Ix, who has three goals and an assist in the loss to South Brunswick. “It is helping us out. We are learning a lot, we are improving. I am really proud of our girls.” The Tartans applied some of t hose lessons in t he second half against South Brunswick, outscoring the Vikings 7-4 in the second half after trailing 9-4 at intermission. “We came out after halftime and said we have to do this, we are capable,” said Ix. “We went out there and gave it our all. We were hustling, that really changed it for us.” In Ix’s view, Stuart showed progress in a number of areas over the course of opening week. “Our team chemistry and working the ball up the field on transition has improved,” said Ix. “Our defense, sliding, helping each other and communicating is better.” As a team captain, I x looks to encourage communication on and off the field. “My role is bringing a lot of positive energy and talking,” said Ix. “I think I bring a lot of leadership to the team, just bringing all of the grades together and working together.” On offense, Ix is looking to be a positive force and is forming a one-punch with freshman standout Allison Lee, who had six goals against South Brunswick. “As I have gotten older, I have had more of a role in scoring,” said Ix, who added three more goals on Monday in a 12-10 loss to Lawrence High as the Tartans moved to 0-4. “I work with Allison a lot. She has been great; she is incredible. I have loved spending time with her, getting to know her. I think we are developing a pretty good bond together.” Playing both field hockey and basketball has helped Ix become more versatile on the lacrosse field. “The main thing I love about it is that I get to play a lot of sports with my teammates,” said Ix. “I get a lot of skills from my different sports. My defense comes from basketball and my passing comes from field hockey. Lacrosse is my favorite sport. I love the pace of the game. I love working w ith my teammates and scoring. It has been great to be on the field again. We are really looking forward to the tournaments.” While Stuart head coach Mark Maser liked seeing his

team hit the field, he acknowledged that they didn’t get enough practice time to make adjustments. “It is good to see different teams, it is good to have an opportunity to keep building confidence and be in tight games,” said Maser. “The downside is you can learn some things in one game but you don’t really have time to implement it before the next game.” Maser saw some good things in the second half of the South Brunswick game. “We were a little bit more aggressive on defense,” said Maser. “We played w ith a lot more urgency on offense, we were taking advantage of fast break opportunities.” The tandem of Lee and Ix is triggering the Tartan offense. “Allison did have a very good game, we can count on her to do the right things when she has the ball and make right decisions,” said Maser. “She works very well with Emily Ix, they do have a connection already. They seem to know where the other is going to be which is important. Emily is the little engine that could - I think I can, I think I can and she does it.” Sophomore Isabel Milley had two goals against the Vikings and senior co-captain Kaitlyn Magnani shored up the defense as they both had good games in different roles “That was a little change of pace for us today; Isabel

normally plays defense and today we decided to move her up to the offense a little bit,” said Maser. “We needed some more experience on defense so we moved Kaitlyn back. Isabel rose to the occasion and Kaitlyn did too in the backfield.” In goal, sophomore Alex Mandzij rose to the occasion, making eight saves. “Alex played the whole game, she did a good job,” said Maser. “She is learning in the cage. She stepped up and made some saves when they really count.” With Stuart playing at the Pennington School on April 19, Maser is looking to see his players keep stepping up. “We are going to work on being more aggressive on defense and challenging players a little bit more,” said Maser. “We were giving them a little bit of a cushion, we were playing a prevent defense. I think we need to get closer to them that way. On the offensive side of the ball, it is taking advantage of the fast break opportunities when they come.” Ix, for her part, believes the Tartans will take advantage of opportunities going forward. “It is just getting our momentum going and really finishing,” said Ix. “We are getting the ball down but sometimes we are not getting a ground ball or just not completing the play. It is working on the fundamentals and keeping the pace going the whole game.” –Bill Alden


Kobryn Producing Some Dominant Mound Work, Helping Hun Softball Get Off to a Superb 6-0 Start

GETTING UP TO SPEED: Stuart Country Day School lacrosse player Emily Ix races up the field in recent action. Junior star and team captain Ix tallied three goals in a losing cause as Stuart fell 12-10 to Lawrence High last Monday. The Tartans, now 0-4, play at the Pennington School on April 19. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)

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Hun B aseba l l : Sparked by Tyler Tucker, Hun defeated Pennington 10-3 last Monday. Tucker went 3-for-4 with two runs, two doubles, and three RBIs to help the Raiders improve to 5-1. Hun hosts the Hill School (Pa.) on April 13 and the Lawrenceville School on April 14 before playing at the Perkiomen School (Pa.) on April 18. Boys’ Lacrosse: Excelling at both ends of the field, Hun defeated the Blair Academy 12-1 last Saturday. The Raiders, now 3-2, play at the Hill School (Pa.) on April 20. G irl s’ L ac rosse : Ava Olender scored three goals in a losing cause as Hun fell 17-9 to the Blair Academy last Saturday. The Raiders, who moved to 2-3 with the loss, play at Moorestown Friends on April 13.

Lawrenceville Baseball: Hawkins Sutter starred in a losing cause as Lawrenceville fell 6-3 to the Germantown Academy (Pa.) on April 5. Sutter went 2-for-2 with a run and and RBI as the Big Red dropped to 2-1. Lawrenceville hosts Hopewell Valley on April 13, plays at the Hun School on April 14, hosts Princeton Day School on April 18, and hosts the Blair Academy on April 19. Boys’ Lacrosse : Winning its sixth straight game, Lawrenceville defeated St. Augustine 13-4 last Saturday. The Big Red, now 6-2, host the Brunswick School (Conn.) on April 13 and the Kiski School (Pa.) on April 16. Girls’ Lacrosse: Jaelyn Bennett tallied two goals and an assist but it wasn’t enough as Lawrenceville fell

10-9 to the Pingry School last Saturday. The Big Red, who moved to 2-2 with the defeat, host t he Sacred Heart Academy on April 14 and Princeton Day School on April 19.

PDS Boys’ Lacrosse: Harry Bernardi had a huge game to help PDS defeat the Blair Academy 8-3 last Monday. Bernardi tallied two goals and three assists for the Panthers, now 2-3. PDS plays at Princeton High on April 14 and then hosts the Pennington School on April 18. S of tb a l l : Sparke d by Adriana Salzano, PDS defeated the LEAP Academy 22-6 in its season opener last week. Salzano went 4-for-4 with four runs and two RBIs and got the win on the mound for the Panthers in the April 5 contest. PDS, which fell 14-1 to the Blair Academy last Monday, plays at Rutgers Prep on April 18 and at Hopewell Valley on April 19.

Pennington Baseball: Max Gibbard starred as Pennington defeated the Hill School (Pa.) 5-3 in eight innings last Friday. Gibbard when 3-for-4 with a run in the win while Ronan Hwang and Will Bercaw each had two RBIs. The squad which fell 10-3 to the Hun School last Monday to move to 2-2, hosts Montclair Kimberley Academy on April 14 and Hamilton West on April 16 before playing at Oratory Prep on April 19. Girls’ Lacrosse: Stephanie Balerna and Olivia Davis each scored two goals in a losing cause as Pennington fell 17-6 to Princeton Day School last Monday. In upcoming action, the squad, now 0 -5, plays at South


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Brunswick on April 14 before hosting Hopewell Valley on April 18 and Stuart Country Day on April 19.

PHS Baseball: Kenny Schiavone pitched well in a losing cause as PHS fell 2-0 to Robbinsville last Monday. Senior Schiavone had eight strikeouts and gave up just four hits for the Tigers, who moved to 1-3. PHS plays at Lawrence High on April 14 and then hosts Notre Dame on April 18. Softball: Unable to get its bats going, PHS fell 18-0 at Robbinsville last Monday. The Tigers, now 0-4, host Lawrence High on April 14 and Notre Dame on April 18. B oys’ L ac rosse : Will Doran and Patrick Kenah each had three goals and three assists but it wasn’t enough as PHS lost 13-9 at Mount Olive last Saturday. The Tigers, now 3-2, host Princeton Day School on April 14 and then play at Hopewell Valley on April 19. B o y s’ Te n n i s : W i n ning both doubles matches proved to be key as PHS edged WW/P-North 3-2 last Monday. In addition to the wins from Varun Vaidyanathan and Nikita Medvedev at first doubles and from Luke Bornstein and Jason Singer at second doubles, Jonathan Gu posted a straight-set victory at first singles to help the Tigers improve to 3-0. PHS plays at Robbinsville on April 13, hosts Allentown on April 18, and then plays at Ewing on April 19.

TRUE COLOURS: Princeton High alumna Lily Rooney, center, enjoys the moment after helping the University College Dublin women’s senior eight defeat Trinity College Dublin in the Dublin Colours Boat Race on the River Liffey to win the Corcoran Cup in mid-March. Rooney, a 2020 PHS grad, served as a coxswain for the University College boat. During her high school career, she competed for the Princeton National Rowing Association’s Mercer Juniors program. prov ides an oppor tunit y to support the Katherine Wright Gorrie ’98 Memorial Scholarship, that allows a deserving student to have the opportunity to attend Hun. This scholarship is awarded to a student who “ best exemplifies Kate’s qualities – love of family and friends, respect for the environment, joy and radiance of expression and demeanor, integrity, a desire to acquire and impart knowledge, and a commitment to community service.”

announced the schedule for its upcoming spring hoops programs. Participants will have an opportunity for competitive travel play, individualized instruction, skills development and fundamentals as well as league play. BBA is led by former Princeton Day School girls’ hoops coach and Philadelphia 76er camp director and clinician, Kamau Bailey. T he BBA spr ing pro gram will include two competitive boys’ travel teams Bailey Basketball Academy (2nd-5th grade and 6th-8th Offering Spring Programs grade), weekly practices, T h e B a i l e y B a s k e t - and the Shot King Shootball Academy ( BBA) has ing Program and Player

Development Skill Sessions for ele m e nt ar y t h roug h high school players (boys and girls). BBA programs stress fundamentals and team play with emphasis on ball handling, shooting, passing, footwork, speed, agility, movement with and without the ball, one-on-one moves, defense, and other hoops skills. Parents can sign their players up for hoops programs for boys and girls all ages through the month of April. For more infor mation, contact Kamau Bailey at 917-626-5785 or kamau.

Local Sports Princeton Post 218 Legion Baseball Holding Tryouts April 24, May 1

The Princeton American Legion Post 218 baseball team is holding tryouts on April 24 from 1-3 p.m. at Smoyer Field and on May 1 from 1-3 p.m. at Smoyer Field. The program encourages all interested high school players from Princeton High, Princeton Day School, Hun School, and Notre Dame High or any players who live in the towns of Princeton and Cranbury to attend these two sessions. In addition, first year college freshman born in 2003 are also eligible to play this year. For more information on the program and to RSVP for the tryouts, one should contact Jon Durbin at

Run for Kate 5K Slated for May 1

The Hun School is holding its 24th annual Run for Kate on May 1 at 9 a.m. as part of its alumni weekend celebration. The five-kilometer run/ walk starts and finishes on the Hun School track and features a course that winds through the neighborhood surrounding the school. For more information on the event and to register, log onto w w and hit the alumni link and go to the news and events section. T he event honors t he late Kate Gorrie ’98, and

IN PROGRESS: Princeton High girls’ lacrosse player Riley Devlin heads upfield in recent action. Last Saturday, sophomore standout Devlin tallied three goals in a losing cause as PHS fell 11-7 to Montgomery High. The Tigers, now 4-2, host Notre Dame on April 13, play at Immaculata on April 14, and then host Haddonfield Memorial on April 19. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski)

Town Topics a Princeton tradition! ®

est. 1946

Richard “Dick” Christian Richard “Dick” Christian passed away peacefully on February 14, surrounded by his family. He was 95 years old. Dick was a Princeton resident from 1981 to 2004, when he moved to Stonebridge at Montgomery. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, he grew up in Berkeley, California, where he and Mary Lou Neidenbach were married in April 1950. In September 1950, he joined t he Nav y, s er v ing u nt il March 1952. On his return, he graduated from San Francisco State College and began to work for station KQED, the first public broadcasting television station in California. He had his own live jazz program hosting some of the great musicians of that era and produced and directed educational and public affairs programs. In 1961, he and his family moved to Montclair, New Jersey, when he was offered a position in New York City with television station WNET, helping to launch the first metropolitan public broadcasting station. While directing live television productions at the RCA Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair in 1964, he was recruited by Visual Information Systems, early video pioneers credited with filming the Liston/Clay champion fight and the original Woodstock concert. In 1980, Dick joined the sales and marketing department of Excertpa Medica, a full service global medical com mu n ic at ions agency headquartered in Amsterdam, with a Princeton office, from which he retired in 1994. His travels with the company and with his family took him to Japan, Australia, and Singapore, London, Paris, and Amsterdam, as well as Alaska, Mexico, Italy, and Greece. As a sailor and Bay Area native, his favorite city was always Venice. Dick was active in the Unitarian Church in Montclair and Princeton. In Princeton, he was involved with the men’s group and played in the bell choir. He was also an enthusiastic advocate for The Princeton Festival, twice playing non-singing roles in their operas. At Stonebridge, he belonged to several social groups and committees, and created and hosted many popular activities with such zest and attention to detail that they became lasting traditions. As Commodore of the Stonebridge Yacht Club (a

Elizabeth Cooper Early on the morning of March 29, Betty Cooper died peacefully. She was born Elizabeth Lyles Edwards on April 4, 1925 and welcomed into a big multigenerational house in Tarboro, North Carolina. It’s there she undoubtedly learned to always welcome everyone and anyone into her home and life. She was always driven academically, graduating from Tarboro High School as the Valedictorian of her class, followed by two years at St Mary’s Junior College where she was active, in what seems like all the appropriate clubs, as well as being elected Student Body President. She then went on to earn her BA in Mathematics from Chapel Hill in 1945 in one of the first graduating classes that included women. She married at a young age to a theologian and minister. It was during this time she was exposed to the bigger world, with trips to Europe as well as the experience of living at several top universities along the East Coast. They also had a son we called Mac. She later landed in Philadelphia where, while she was working for Towers Perrin, she met her second husband and started another chapter. Together they had two children, Grant and Lucy. They became pioneers of the, then newly-built, planned community of Reston, VA, and then moved to Princeton, NJ, in 1972.

She was giving, more than most, hosting any friend as long as needed, always sharing her table and a good home cooked meal. She could often be found working in the garden but gave a good bit of her time to volunteering for, in particular, Meals on Wheels, accounting for a Trenton CoOp, and, due to her love of books, at several libraries. She would never have called herself social, but her giving nature and good southern charm made her sometimes irresistible. She was “sharp as a briar” as one of her relatives called her and was so until the day she died, just days before her 97th birthday. Her innate wisdom will be missed by all who knew her. She is predeceased by her two husbands, Robert M. McNair and G. Ashley Cooper, and son Robert M. McNair Jr. She leaves behind her t wo remaining children, her stepdaughter Carol and her husband, two amazing daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren. She will be greatly missed. Extend condolences and share remembrances at

well dressed. He loved to go deep sea-fishing and entered many tournaments coming away with some sizable catches and even bigger fish stories! He played many rounds of golf with family and friends and cherished playing mini golf with his grandchildren. Gordon spent many fun-filled summers in Long Beach Island, sailing the Catboat and especially loved taking friends and family out on his Boston Whaler. He found St. Maarten in the 1980s, fell in love with the island and vacationed there every year. Of course, he ended up with good friends down there, too. He is predeceased by his father Oscar Young Danser, Mother Evelyn Conover Danser and sister Audrey Stahl. He is survived by his daughters Elise DeLucia (Phyllis DeLucia) and Andrea Danser (Brian Anger), grandsons, Trevor Pelcz, Tyler Pelcz, Jack Danser-Anger, Bennett Danser-Anger, step-grandsons, Zach Allen, Dante DeLucia, granddogs (Lucy, Max and Cooper), sister Connie Danser, brother Bill Danser (Linda Danser), several nieces and nephews, former wife and high school sweetheart Christine Theoharis Danser and friend and former Son-in-Law Doug Pelcz. A memorial in Gordon’s honor will take place at the Nassau Club in Princeton on May 5 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. All those who loved Gordon are welcome. In lieu of flowers, the family respectfully requests contributions to the Princeton Area Community Foundation.

Frans Martin Djorup Frans Martin Djorup, 91, a resident of The Commons in Lincoln, MA, and former longtime resident of Princeton, N.J., passed away peacefully at home on November 25, 2021. Born in Philadelphia on November 8, 1930, he was the son of the late Frans and Anne (Baldwin) Djorup. Frans graduated from Abington Senior High School in 1948, and matriculated at Cornell University. He left Cornell for the Navy in 1951 where he served as a pilot. In 1955 he returned to Cornell to complete his undergraduate degree in engineering and physics, graduating with honors in 1958, and completing his PhD in 1963. While in school, he worked as a systems engineer for General Electric, and as an assistant professor at the University of Illinois. After receiving his PhD, he and his family moved to

Princeton, N.J., where he joined the Institute for Defense Analysis ( IDA) as a mathematician, focusing on cryptography. He retired from IDA in 1998. Frans was an avid puzzle solver and game player. He enjoyed blasting through the New York Times crossword puzzle (always with either a No. 1 pencil and his Pink Pearl eraser, or later in life using only a ballpoint pen and only the “Down” clues), and solving mathematical and logic puzzles of all sorts. He also enjoyed watching old movies, of which he had an encyclopedic knowledge. And he loved sharing those passions with his children and grandchildren. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He leaves behind his wife of 67 years, Marcia J. Djorup; their children, Mary Louise Krakauer (Wayland, MA), Christopher Djorup (Lansdale, PA), and Caroline Gerhardt (Baltimore, MD); his grandchildren, Caryn Krakauer (Wayland, MA), Kevin Krakauer (Sunnyvale, CA), and Domenic Sciancalepore (Lansdale, PA); and his sister Barbara Keen (Spokane, WA). His sister Marjorie Mack predeceased him. He also leaves behind his great-grandchildren, Sophie Lee Krakauer and Henry Lee Krakauer, who were born the day after he died. Services will be private. Contributions in his memory may be made to The McGovern Institute at MIT, which focuses on disorders of the brain, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. For h i s o n l i n e g u e s tbook, please visit www.Dee Obituaries Continued on Next Page

Middle of the Night Can’t Find Your Town Topics!

Gordon Oscar Danser Gordon Oscar Danser, 77, of Lawrenceville, NJ passed away Friday, March 25 of injuries sustained in a tragic car accident. He passed away peacefully under the care of Trustbridge Hospice at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida with his loving daughters by his side. Gordon was born on November 11, 1944, in Trenton, NJ to Oscar and Evelyn Danser. He grew up working on the family’s potato farm, attended Hightstown High School, and graduated in 1962. He was no stranger to hard work. He delivered milk for Conover’s Dairy, his grandmother’s far m, and served with the United States Coast Guard while he attended Rider College where he graduated in 1968 with a degree in accounting. Immediately upon graduating, he joined Parsons, Foy and Murphy as an accountant. In 1986 he founded Danser, Balaam and Frank in Princeton, which specialized in fiduciary tax and accounting. As a highly regarded CPA, Gordon also ser ved as a fiduciar y on many trusts and estates. He highly valued his clients and was honored with the trust they placed in him. He also served as Treasurer at different times for the Princeton Area Community Foundation and Drumthwacket. Gordon was known as a kind and generous man. He offered sage advice, made friends easily, was quick to laugh, and was always

Daniel is survived by his parents, his sister Amand a Ko p p e l m a n - M i l s te i n (Charles), his nephews, William and Joshua, and many loving friends. Instead of flowers, please donate to a cause supporting renewable energy in his memory.



position he once held with the Lake Carnegie Sailing Club), he was responsible for its annual Regatta (“anything that floats”) on the Great Pond, a fall favorite of residents, their families, and friends. Sailing, following his beloved Yankees’ games, even going occasionally to their spring training in Florida, playing poker and gin rummy were a few of his many pleasures. But music, especially jazz, was his true love. After playing the violin as a boy, he turned to the piano, taking lessons and concentrating on jazz. Dick was predeceased by his wife, Mary Lou. He is survived by his son, Murray and daughter-in-law, Tricia, his sons, Andrew and Matthew, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. He leaves a huge hole in the hearts of his family and countless number of friends. His unfailing optimism, warmth, and incomparable sense of humor touched everyone around him and brought new life to any party or group. As one of his friends so aptly said, “Everybody loved that guy.” A celebration of Dick’s life will be held at Stonebridge on Saturday, April 23, at 4 p.m.

Take a stroll down to our previous office at 4 Mercer Street or come to our new location, 4438 Routh 27 North in Kingston, where you can purchase a copy for 75 cents (3 quarters required) from our coin-operated newspaper boxes, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Easter Sunday Worship Services Daniel Jonathan Milstein Daniel Jonathan Milstein, 33, passed away Februar y 23, 2022. Daniel, a resident of Somerville, Massachusetts, served as President of Intreeg, Inc., a brain interface endeavor developing devices operating on the brain waves of paralyzed people, until the time of his death. He previously worked at BrainGate which is affiliated with Brown and Stanford Universities. Daniel loved to sing, to learn, and to gather his friends and family, virtually or in person, and to make puns and write humorous songs. Daniel was born on June 20, 1988, in White Plains, NY, to Carol and Andrew Milstein who have resided in Princeton for more than 30 years. Daniel graduated Valedictorian from the Hun School of Princeton. After earning his A.B. in Computer Science with honors from Brown University, he went on to receive his Masters in Computer Science also from Brown University, where he treasured the friendships he made, including those made at Alpha Delta Phi.


Sunday, April 17 8am, 11am & 1:30pm Princeton University Chapel Scan for Easter 11am tickets Scan for 8am and Hallelujah Church registration

Easter Sunday Service, 8am Service with Holy Communion. Easter Festival Service, 11am Service with Holy Communion. Hallelujah Church Easter Service, 1:30pm In Murray-Dodge Hall. Open to all Princeton University students.


Obituaries Continued from Preceding Page

Martha Willis Bergey Wiser Martha Willis Bergey Wiser, known as Patty to her family and Pat to everyone else, passed away peacefully on March 22, 2022. She was 96, just shy 97. Pat was born in Lewistown, Pa., and grew up there surrounded by an extended family and a town full of friends. Throughout her life, she spoke of her years there as idyllic.

Due to wartime upheaval, she spent her senior year in Manhasset, N.Y., and graduated from high school there. She attended Pennsylvania State University for two years before withdrawing in 1946 to marry Forwood C. Wiser Jr., then a naval lieutenant in flight school at Corpus Christi, Texas. During a number of na-

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val postings on the Pacific coast and brief periods in Cambridge, Ma., and Chicago, Pat taught third grade at the Palo Alto Military Academy and was a bookseller at the Harvard Coop. After living briefly in Pittsburgh, the family settled in Bucks County, Pa., in 1955 where they lived for a dozen years before moving to Wellesley, Ma. In 1969, they moved to Princeton where Pat lived until her death. Pat was a natural dancer, natural listener, and a natural flirt. She sketched like a breeze and drove like a bandit. She loved corn on the cob, Arpege, Persian Melon lipstick, pink roses, espadrilles and, above all else, milk chocolate. She had a lifelong aversion to exercise, healthy eating, flying, and sports. She was known never to break a sweat and never to miss a trick. She was a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother above all others. Pat was a member of the Garden Club of Princeton, Greenfingers Garden Club, the Nassau Club, the Monday Ladies, the Reading Group, and Pretty Brook Tennis Club. Predeceased by her husband, Forwood Cloud (Bud) Wiser Jr., and her brother, Karl H. Bergey Jr., Pat is survived by her daughter Ann Wiser Fries, her sonin-law Glen Fries and their children Willis and Elizabeth (Michael Landell), her son Forwood Cloud Wiser III, his wife, Katharine L. Adams and their children Forwood IV and Harriet. Her great-grandson Alexander McCord Landell was born in September 2021. Services will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to HomeFront or TASK.

Religion Mid-Week Services And Labyrinth Walk

Preparing for Easter, Lenten services, and a Labyrinth Walk are planned by a church partnership formed between Princeton United Methodist Church (Princeton UMC) and Kingston United Methodist Church (Kingston UMC). For the multi-site ministry that serves the greater Princeton and Kingston area, the Rev. Jenny Smith Walz is lead pastor at Princeton UMC, located on the corner of Nassau and Vandeventer in Princeton. The Rev. Skitch Matson is the campus pastor at Kingston UMC, at 9 Church Street in Kingston. All the worship opportunities are available online and on demand at, and everyone is welcome. During the week before Easter, Princeton UMC will open its doors to passersby on Nassau Street for a Labyrinth Walk. Other contemplative opportunities in Princeton will be the services on Thursday, April 14 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 16 at 10 a.m. Good Friday worship is at 7 p.m. at both locations. Services for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday at the Princeton campus are at 10 a.m. and at the Kingston campus at 10:30 a.m. For information, visit or call (609) 924-2613.

Official Installation Planned For Jewish Center Rabbi

On Sunday May 1 at 11 a.m., Rabbi Andrea Merow will be officially installed as

the senior rabbi at The Jewish Center Princeton. The celebration, which is open to the public, will include food and music as the congregation officially welcomes their rabbi, who became the new rabbi last July. The installation will be followed by a gala celebration in September 2022. “We were able to welcome Rabbi Merow in the summer, but we had more limitations,” said Joel Berger, executive director of The Jewish Center. “Now we are truly able to celebrate, and we are thrilled to start this new chapter at The Jewish Center.” Merow, formerly on the rabbinic staff at Beth Sholom Congregation in Elkins Park, Pa., has experience in rabbinic leadership, pastoral counseling, and membership engagement. She was ordained in the Conservative movement and earned a Master of Arts with a concentration in Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1997. She is a recipient of the Sidney Greenberg Prize in Homiletics and

the Simon Greenberg Prize for Rabbinic Achievement at the Seminary. Her education includes a Bachelor of Arts with honors from Columbia University. The installation will include speakers who have been a part of Merow’s life for many years. The Jewish Center will additionally be celebrating her 25 years in the Rabbinate. The a cappella group Pizmon, from Columbia and Barnard universities, will perform and honor Merow as one of their first members. The Rabbi Search Committee was led by Polly Strauss and Dana Molina. Over the nine-month search, the committee received almost two dozen applications, and three were invited for a virtual visit experience that allowed them to meet with members of the congregation. For more information, contact info@thejewishcenter. com, call (609)-921-0100, or visit The free event requires reservations.

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RELIGIOUS SERVICES Princeton’s First Tradition

HOLY WEEK & EASTER WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 12pm | Holy Eucharist Rite II 5:30pm | Holy Eucharist Rite II

MAUDY THURSDAY APRIL 14 AN EPISCOPAL PARISH 12pm | Holy Eucharist Rite II 7pm | Holy Eucharist Rite II with Sunday Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar Overnight | Vigilin the Lady Chapel Rite 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist,

Trinity Church Holy Week & Easter Schedule I

GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Christian Education 7am |Good Friday LiturgyWednesday, with Communion from the Reserved March 23 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, RiteSacrament II 12pm of the Cross Holy| Stations Eucharist, Rite II, 12:00 pm 5:00 p.m. Evensong with Communion following 7pm | Good Friday Liturgy with Communion from the Reserved Sacrament Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Prayers for Healing, 5:30 pm

Service, HOLY Tenebrae SATURDAY, APRIL7:00 16 pm 9pm | Holy Saturday Liturgy & Tuesday Light Breakfast at Procter House (53 University Place) Thursday March 24 12:00 p.m.Egg Holy Eucharist 11am | Easter HuntII, Holy Eucharist, Rite 12:00 pm 7pm | Easter Vigil Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing and Wednesday Stripping of DAY the Altar, 7:00 pm EASTER 7:30am | Holy Eucharist I Healing Keeping Watch, 8:00 pm –Rite Mar. 25, 7:00 amPrayer 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist with 9am The. | Holy Eucharist Rite II Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector | Holy Eucharist RiteWhittemore, II Br. Christopher11am McNabb, Curate • Mr. Tom Friday, March 25 Director of Music 33 Mercer St. Princeton 609-924-2277 All services are online. The Prayer Book Service for Good Friday, 7:00 am at The Join Prayerus Book Service for Good Friday, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Stations of the Cross, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm The Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector, Evening Prayer, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm The The Rev.Prayer CanonBook Dr. Kara Slade, Assoc. Rector, Service for Good Friday, 7:00 pm

St. Paul’s Catholic Church St. Paul’s Catholic Church The Rev. Joanne Epply-Schmidt, Rector, 216Nassau Nassau Street, Princeton 214 Street,Assoc. Princeton

214 Nassau Princeton 33 Mercer St.Street, Princeton Saturday, March 26 Msgr. Walter Nolan, Pastor Msgr. Joseph Rosie, Pastor Easter Egg Hunt, 3:00 pm Msgr. Walter Nolan, Pastor 609-924-2277 • Saturday 5:30pmp.m. The GreatVigil Vigil ofMass: Easter, 7:00 Vigil Mass: 5:30and p.m. Sunday:Saturday 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27 Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 and 5:00 Mass in Spanish: Sunday at 7:00 p.m. p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I, 7:30 am MassFestive inONLINE Spanish: Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Choral Eucharist, Rite II, 9:00 am Festive Choral Eucharist, Rite II, 11:00 am

The. Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector The Rev. Nancy J. Hagner, Associate Mr. Tom Whittemore, Director of Music 33 Mercer St. Princeton 609-924-2277

Worship Service

in the University Chapel Sundays at 11am Rev. Alison Boden, Ph.D.

Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel

Rev. Dr. Theresa Thames

Associate Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel

Must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 to attend. Registration required for all events on campus. For more information, visit

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, come worship with us First Church of Christ, Scientist, Princeton 16 Bayard Lane, Princeton, NJ

Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are always welcome to worship with us at:

Holy Week Schedule Wednesday, April 13 Parish Penance Service Thursday, April 14 Morning Prayer 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) Friday, April 15 9 am Morning Prayer 3pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (Bilingual) 7pm Stations of the Cross Saturday April 16 9 am - Morning Prayer & Blessing of Easter Food 8 pm - Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Sunday, April 17 8:30, 10, 11:30 am - Easter Sunday Mass 1pm - Misa en Espagnol

Mass in English • Misa En Espanol

Our Services are held in the Church

followingChurch the appropriateof protocols First Christ, Sunday Church Service and Sunday School at Scientist, Princeton 10:30 am, Wednesday Testimony meetings at 7:30 pm 16 Bayard Lane, Princeton 609-924-5801 –

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609-924-0919 – Open Monday through Saturday from 10 - 4

Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church 124 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ During this10:00 time of COVID-19 crisis, Witherspoon is finding new a.m. Worship Service ways to continue our worship. While our sanctuary doors may be closed, 10:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School church is open and we will find new avenues to proclaim the Gospel andYouth to continue as oneStudy faith community! and Bible Join us for worshipAdult on Facebook every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. BibleLive Classes Recorded and live stream sermons can also be (A multi-ethnic congregation) found on our website -

Join our mailing list to receive notices of our special services, 609-924-1666 • Fax 609-924-0365 bible study and virtual fellowship. During the COVID-19 crisis our church office is closed, however, email or leave a message at our church office and a staff member will get back to you. Church office: (609) 924-1666

“un” tel: 924-2200 Ext. 10 fax: 924-8818 e-mail:




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HOUSECLEANING: Experienced, English speaking, great references, reliable with own transportation. Weekly & bi-weekly cleaning. Green cleaning available. Susan, (732) 8733168. I have my own PPE for your protection. 04-26-8t HOUSECLEANING: By experienced Polish lady. Good prices. References available. Please call (609) 310-0034. 04-13-4t FOR SALE: Country Farm Table; 9’4” x 34”; antique base, solid oak top; one-of-a-kind; $3,000. (609) 7314111. 04-13-2t FREE EVALUATION OF YOUR OR YOUR CHILD’S wRITING, INCLUDING APPLICATION ESSAYS. Objectives: (1) reinforce strengths, (2) identify weaknesses, and (3) explain key principles and practical methods. For an appointment, call 908-420-1070 or text/email 04-20-3t HOME HEALTH AIDE/COMPANION AVAILABLE: NJ certified and experienced. Live-in or live-out. Driver’s license. References available. Please call Inez, (609) 227-9873. 04-27-3t Solo parent with young child seeks family-friendly and affordable rental or house share. Shortterm house sitting also welcome. Contact Miriam at (213) 810-6209. 04-13

Email: joeslandscapingprinceton@

4/13/4t ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE LLC Offering professional cleaning services in the Princeton community for more than 28 years! Weekly, biweekly, monthly, move-in/move-out services for houses, apartments, offices & condos. As well as, GREEN cleaning options! Outstanding references, reliable, licensed & trustworthy. If you are looking for a phenomenal, thorough & consistent cleaning, don’t hesitate to call (609) 751-2188. 04-06-23

HIC #13VH07549500 06-09-22 HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST: Interior/exterior repairs, carpentry, trim, rotted wood, power washing, painting, deck work, sheet rock/ spackle, gutter & roofing repairs. Punch list is my specialty. 40 years experience. Licensed & insured. Call Creative Woodcraft (609) 586-2130 I BUY ALL KINDS of Old or Pretty Things: China, glass, silver, pottery, costume jewelry, evening bags, fancy linens, paintings, small furniture, etc. Local woman buyer. (609) 9217469.

CARPENTRY–PROFESSIONAL All phases of home improvement. Serving the Princeton area for over 30 yrs. No job too small. Call Julius (609) 466-0732 tf

BUYING: Antiques, paintings, Oriental rugs, coins, clocks, furniture, old toys, military, books, cameras, silver, costume & fine jewelry. Guitars & musical instruments. I buy single items to entire estates. Free appraisals. (609) 306-0613.

Wells Tree & Landscape, Inc 609-430-1195

Taking care of Princeton’s trees Local family owned business for over 40 years

A. Pennacchi & Sons Co. Established in 1947

WATER WATER EVERYWHERE! Let's rid that water problem in your basement once and for all! Complete line of waterproofing services, drain systems, interior or exterior, foundation restoration and structural repairs. Restoring those old and decaying walls of your foundation.

Call A. Pennacchi and Sons, and put that water problem to rest!



HOME HEALTH AIDE: 25 years of experience. Available mornings to take care of your loved one, transport to appointments, run errands. I am well known in Princeton. Top care, excellent references. The best, cell (609) 356-2951; or (609) 751-1396. tf

HANDYMAN–CARPENTER: Painting, hang cabinets & paintings, kitchen & bath rehab. Tile work, masonry. Porch & deck, replace rot, from floors to doors to ceilings. Shelving & hook-ups. ELEGANT REMODELING. You name it, indoor, outdoor tasks. Repair holes left by plumbers & electricians for sheetrock repair. RE agents welcome. Sale of home ‘checklist’ specialist. Mercer, Hunterdon, Bucks counties. 1/2 day to 1 month assignments. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED, Covid 19 compliant. Active business since 1998. Videos of past jobs available. Call Roeland, (609) 933-9240. tf

wHAT wOULD A RELIABLE RESIDUAL INCOME MEAN FOR YOU? Take control of your future with a Reliable Residual Income. 609-510-0292. tf


06-30-22 TOwN TOPICS CLASSIFIEDS GETS TOP RESULTS! Whether it’s selling furniture, finding a lost pet, or having a garage sale, TOWN TOPICS is the way to go! We deliver to ALL of Princeton as well as surrounding areas, so your ad is sure to be read. (609) 924-2200 ext. 10; tf

Call (609) 924-2200 ext 10; tf MOVING? TOO MUCH STUFF IN YOUR BASEMENT? Sell with a TOWN TOPICS classified ad! Call (609) 924-2200 ext. 10; DEADLINE: Tues before 12 noon EXPERIENCED ELDER CARE for your loved one. Compassionate caregiver will assist with personal care, medication, meals, drive to medical appointments, shopping. Many local references. Call or text (609) 977-9407. 04-26-10t HOUSECLEANING: Experienced, English speaking, great references, reliable with own transportation. Weekly & bi-weekly cleaning. Green cleaning available. Susan, (732) 8733168. I have my own PPE for your protection. 04-26-8t

04-20-3t HOME HEALTH AIDE/COMPANION AVAILABLE: NJ certified and experienced. Live-in or live-out. Driver’s license. References available. Please call Inez, (609) 227-9873. 04-27-3t Solo parent with young child seeks family-friendly and affordable rental or house share. Shortterm house sitting also welcome. Contact Miriam at (213) 810-6209. 04-13 YARD SALE: Saturday, April 16, starting at 9 am. Bikes, artworks and frames, furniture, clothes, folding chairs, costume jewelry, wagons and wheelbarrows, lawn furniture, complete rattan indoor set, record albums, wet-dry vacs. 25 McLean Street, Princeton. 609-947-3009. 04-13 BRITISH-TRAINED CAREGIVER 30 years experience as private caregiver, ADLs, excellent modern buttle & house manager/keeper skills. Call today, ask for Angel-Denise: 609-991-6964. 4/13/4t

take care of your loved one, transport to appointments, run errands. I am well known in Princeton. Top care, excellent references. The best, cell (609) 356-2951; or (609) 751-1396. tf

CARPENTRY–PROFESSIONAL All phases of home improvement. Serving the Princeton area for over 30 yrs. No job too small. Call Julius (609) 466-0732 tf HANDYMAN–CARPENTER: Painting, hang cabinets & paintings, kitchen & bath rehab. Tile work, masonry. Porch & deck, replace rot, from floors to doors to ceilings. Shelving & hook-ups. ELEGANT REMODELING. You name it, indoor, outdoor tasks. Repair holes left by plumbers & electricians for sheetrock repair. RE agents welcome. Sale of home ‘checklist’ specialist. Mercer, Hunterdon, Bucks counties. 1/2 day to 1 month assignments. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED, Covid 19 compliant. Active business since 1998. Videos of past jobs available. Call Roeland, (609) 933-9240. tf JOES LANDSCAPING INC. OF PRINCETON Property Maintenance and Specialty Jobs Commercial/Residential Over 45 Years of Experience •Fully Insured •Free Consultations Email: joeslandscapingprinceton@ Text (only) (609) 638-6846 Office (609) 216-7936 Princeton References •Green Company HIC #13VH07549500 06-09-22

“My father says you remember the smell of your country no matter where you are but only recognize it when you are far away." —Aglaja Veteranyi

Heidi Joseph Sales Associate, REALTOR® Office: 609.924.1600 Mobile: 609.613.1663

Insist on … Heidi Joseph.

Mercer County's oldest waterproofing co. est. 1947 Deal directly with Paul from start to finish.


Over 70 years of stellar excellence! Thank you for the oppportunity.

PRINCETON OFFICE | 253 Nassau Street | Princeton, NJ 08540

609.924.1600 |

©2013 An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.© Equal Housing Opportunity. lnformation not verified or guaranteed. If your home is currently listed with a Broker, this is not intended as a solicitation.

CLASSIFIED RATE INFO: Deadline: Noon Tuesday • Payment: All ads must be pre-paid, Cash, credit card, or check. • 25 words or less: $25 • each add’l word 15 cents • Surcharge: $15 for ads greater than 60 words in length. • 3 weeks: $65 • 4 weeks: $84 • 6 weeks: $120 • 6 month and annual discount rates available. • Employment: $35


AT YOUR SERVICE A Town Topics Directory

CREATIVE WOODCRAFT, INC. Carpentry & General Home Maintenance

James E. Geisenhoner Home Repair Specialist


Scott M. Moore of

MOORE’S CONSTUCTION HOME IMPROVEMENTS LLC carpenter • builder • cabinet maker complete home renovations • additions 609-924-6777 Family Serving Princeton 100 Years. Free Estimates

Erick Perez

Fully insured 15+ Years Experience Call for free estimate Best Prices



Innovative Planting, Bird-friendly Designs Stone Walls and Terraces FREE CONSULTATION




Offer good while supplies last

Stacking available for an additional charge

609-466-6883 Trimmed, Pruned, and Removed Trees & Shrubs Stump Trimmed, Grinding &Removed Lot Clearing Pruned, and





Email: LIC# 13VH09028000

References Available Satisfaction Guaranteed! 20 Years Experience Licensed & Insured Free Estimates Excellent Prices

CARPENTRY–PROFESSIONAL All phases of home improvement. Serving the Princeton area for over 30 yrs. No job too small. Call Julius (609) 466-0732 tf

HANDYMAN–CARPENTER: Painting, hang cabinets & paintings, kitchen & bath rehab. Tile work, masonry. Porch & deck, replace rot, from floors to doors to ceilings. Shelving & hook-ups. ELEGANT REMODELING. You name it, indoor, outdoor tasks. Repair holes left by plumbers & electricians for sheetrock repair. RE agents welcome. Sale of home ‘checklist’ specialist. Mercer, Hunterdon, Bucks counties. 1/2 day to 1 month assignments. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED, Covid 19 compliant. Active business since 1998. Videos of past jobs available. Call Roeland, (609) 933-9240. tf

Trees & Shrubs WE BUY CARS Belle Mead Garage (908) 359-8131 Ask for Chris



A Tradition of Quality (609)737-2466

Serving the Princeton Area since 1963 Find us on Facebook and Instagram

(Benjamin Moore Green promise products)

Hector Davila

HOME HEALTH AIDE: 25 years of experience. Available mornings to take care of your loved one, transport to appointments, run errands. I am well known in Princeton. Top care, excellent references. The best, cell (609) 356-2951; or (609) 751-1396. tf

Locally Owned & Operated for over 20 year

House Painting Interior/Exterior - Stain & Varnish Wall Paper Installations and Removal Plaster and Drywall Repairs • Carpentry • Power Wash Attics, Basements, Garage and House Cleaning

ESTATE LIQUIDATION SERVICE: I will clean out attics, basements, garages & houses. Single items to entire estates. No job too big or small. In business over 35 years, serving all of Mercer County. Call (609) 306-0613. 06-30-22

WHAT WOULD A RELIABLE RESIDUAL INCOME MEAN FOR YOU? Take control of your future with a Reliable Residual Income. 609-510-0292. tf

Donald R. Twomey, Diversified Craftsman


TOWN TOPICS CLASSIFIEDS GETS TOP RESULTS! Whether it’s selling furniture, finding a lost pet, or having a garage sale, TOWN TOPICS is the way to go! We deliver to ALL of Princeton as well as surrounding areas, so your ad is sure to be read. (609) 924-2200 ext. 10; tf

Trimmed, Pruned, and Remo Stump Grinding & Lot Clear

Locally Owned & Operated for over 20 years!


ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE LLC Offering professional cleaning services in the Princeton community for more than 28 years! Weekly, biweekly, monthly, move-in/move-out services for houses, apartments, offices & condos. As well as, GREEN cleaning options! Outstanding references, reliable, licensed & trustworthy. If you are looking for a phenomenal, thorough & consistent cleaning, don’t hesitate to call (609) 751-2188. 04-06-23


BRIAN’S TREE TREESERVICE SERVICE Trees & Shrubs Stump Grinding & Lot Clearing

Professional Kitchen and Bath Design Available

BUYING: Antiques, paintings, Oriental rugs, coins, clocks, furniture, old toys, military, books, cameras, silver, costume & fine jewelry. Guitars & musical instruments. I buy single items to entire estates. Free appraisals. (609) 306-0613. 06-30-22

BRITISH-TRAINED CAREGIVER 30 years experience as private caregiver, ADLs, excellent modern buttle & house manager/keeper skills. Call today, ask for Angel-Denise: 609-991-6964. 4/13/4t

TREE SERVIC BRIAN’S 609-466-6883

Seasoned Premium Hardwoods Split & Delivered $225 A cord / $425 2 cords

Owned & Operated for over 20 years! Trees & Shrubs Locally Owned &Locally Operated for over 20 years! Trimmed, Pruned, and Removed


I BUY ALL KINDS of Old or Pretty Things: China, glass, silver, pottery, costume jewelry, evening bags, fancy linens, paintings, small furniture, etc. Local woman buyer. (609) 9217469. 10-06-22

YARD SALE: Saturday, April 16, starting at 9 am. Bikes, artworks and frames, furniture, clothes, folding chairs, costume jewelry, wagons and wheelbarrows, lawn furniture, complete rattan indoor set, record albums, wet-dry vacs. 25 McLean Street, Princeton. 609-947-3009. 04-13



Stump Grinding & Lot Clearing

Specializing in the Unique & Unusual

HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST: Interior/exterior repairs, carpentry, trim, rotted wood, power washing, painting, deck work, sheet rock/ spackle, gutter & roofing repairs. Punch list is my specialty. 40 years experience. Licensed & insured. Call Creative Woodcraft (609) 586-2130 07-21-22


WE MAKE READY Call us today (609) 721-1392

American Furniture Exchange

30 Years of Experience!

Antiques – Jewelry – Watches – Guitars – Cameras Books - Coins – Artwork – Diamonds – Furniture Unique Items I Will Buy Single Items to the Entire Estate! Are You Moving? House Cleanout Service Available!


Daniel Downs (Owner) Serving all of Mercer County Area


A Gift Subscription! Call (609) 924-2200 ext 10; tf MOVING? TOO MUCH STUFF IN YOUR BASEMENT? Sell with a TOWN TOPICS classified ad! Call (609) 924-2200 ext. 10; DEADLINE: Tues before 12 noon EXPERIENCED ELDER CARE for your loved one. Compassionate caregiver will assist with personal care, medication, meals, drive to medical appointments, shopping. Many local references. Call or text (609) 977-9407. 04-26-10t HOUSECLEANING: Experienced, English speaking, great references, reliable with own transportation. Weekly & bi-weekly cleaning. Green cleaning available. Susan, (732) 8733168. I have my own PPE for your protection. 04-26-8t HOUSECLEANING: By experienced Polish lady. Good prices. References available. Please call (609) 310-0034. 04-13-4t FOR SALE: Country Farm Table; 9’4” x 34”; antique base, solid oak top; one-of-a-kind; $3,000. (609) 7314111. 04-13-2t FREE EVALUATION OF YOUR OR YOUR CHILD’S WRITING, INCLUDING APPLICATION ESSAYS. Objectives: (1) reinforce strengths, (2) identify weaknesses, and (3) explain key principles and practical methods. For an appointment, call 908-420-1070 or text/email 04-20-3t HOME HEALTH AIDE/COMPANION AVAILABLE: NJ certified and experienced. Live-in or live-out. Driver’s license. References available. Please call Inez, (609) 227-9873. 04-27-3t Solo parent with young child seeks family-friendly and affordable rental or house share. Shortterm house sitting also welcome. Contact Miriam at (213) 810-6209. 04-13

JOES LANDSCAPING INC. OF PRINCETON Property Maintenance and Specialty Jobs Commercial/Residential

Over 45 Years of Experience •Fully Insured •Free Consultations Email: joeslandscapingprinceton@ Text (only) (609) 638-6846 Office (609) 216-7936 Princeton References •Green Company HIC #13VH07549500 06-09-22 HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST: Interior/exterior repairs, carpentry, trim, rotted wood, power washing, painting, deck work, sheet rock/ spackle, gutter & roofing repairs. Punch list is my specialty. 40 years experience. Licensed & insured. Call Creative Woodcraft (609) 586-2130 07-21-22 I BUY ALL KINDS of Old or Pretty Things: China, glass, silver, pottery, costume jewelry, evening bags, fancy linens, paintings, small furniture, etc. Local woman buyer. (609) 9217469. 10-06-22 BUYING: Antiques, paintings, Oriental rugs, coins, clocks, furniture, old toys, military, books, cameras, silver, costume & fine jewelry. Guitars & musical instruments. I buy single items to entire estates. Free appraisals. (609) 306-0613. 06-30-22 TOWN TOPICS CLASSIFIEDS GETS TOP RESULTS! Whether it’s selling furniture, finding a lost pet, or having a garage sale, TOWN TOPICS is the way to go! We deliver to ALL of Princeton as well as surrounding areas, so your ad is sure to be read. (609) 924-2200 ext. 10; tf ESTATE LIQUIDATION SERVICE: I will clean out attics, basements, garages & houses. Single items to entire estates. No job too big or small. In business over 35 years, serving all of Mercer County. Call (609) 306-0613. 06-30-22

WE BUY CARS Belle Mead Garage (908) 359-8131 Ask for Chris tf


CABIN RUN FARM The genesis of Cabin Run Farm was 1785 in the original keeping room and throughout the years, this formidable homestead has grown to 37 plus acres and has become one of the most prestigious compounds in this area of Bucks County. The main house is sited on the precipice of a hillside overlooking Cabin Run Creek and the distant farms. The current stewards have spent endless time restoring the home to its pristine condition. The additions, constructed over the century, move seamlessly from one room to another. Architectural woodworking, hardwood floors, chef’s kitchen and a grand library are only a few of the amenities that dazzle. New slate roof, copper gutters and leaders, refreshed stone walls and landscaping, -- all contribute to this Currier and Ives canvas. The adjacent barn has been thoughtfully transformed into an office/game room with ample space for an exercise area, home theater, or place for the children to entertain friends. A large apartment over the garage is ideal for weekend guests or a caretaker. The pool area is serene and inviting without being intrusive. The original property was approximately 12.5 acres and the current owner purchased an additional 25 acres over the years. The entire 37+ acres are perfect for an equestrian enthusiast or there is ample room for a barn and or indoor arena. None of the acreage is in conservancy. Cabin Run Farm is a home that grew through the years into an $4,375,000 architectural illusion – an illusion that was unobtainable…until now. Contact Stephanie Garomon at 215.595.7402 or Art Mazzei at 610.428.4885.

WINDWOOD For many years, two lovely and sophisticated Country estates served as the Summer residences of the Guggenheim family. These secluded properties provided the privacy that only a prominent family could enjoy. One of these properties, Windwood, in Upper Bucks County, has now become available on the open market. Windwood is approached via a long, meandering drive through a lengthy stand of Oak and Pine. The home, sited in a desirable location, looks out at the New Jersey hillside. The clean, white stucco and clapboard house, circa 1870, has been meticulously maintained through the years and, especially by its last steward. The formal entrance opens to the living room of hardwood floors, stately fireplace and expansive size. All of the rooms boast intricate moldings and/or wainscoting. Directly adjacent to the living room is a period perfect library with bookcases and fireplace. (Currently used as a dining room). The dining room is located next to the 20th century eat-in kitchen, den, powder room and walls of glass that look out at the highly landscaped beds, stone walls and stone patio. From the kitchen area, you can also see the ruins of a stone barn that now serves as a theatrical backdrop for al fresco dining. The junior Olympic sized pool has been re-surfaced with new gunite, piping and equipment. $2,495,000

Art Mazzei Cell: 610.428.4885

550 Union Square, New Hope, PA 18938 • • 215.862.5500



2 br l 2 ba | 1,730 sf

P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA


O F F E R E D AT $ 2 ,0 6 8 , 3 0 0

Lush Rooftop Garden | 75-Foot Indoor Heated Pool w/ Spa | On-Site Valet Garage Parking | 10-Year Tax Abatement

Visionary design and never-before-seen amenities are hallmarks of Arthaus, the newest luxury condominium by Dranoff Properties in Philadelphia’s Avenue of the Arts neighborhood. Located across from the Kimmel Center and Academy of Music along with other arts venues in the heart of Center City, Arthaus will be a lush sanctuary, a home for the enlightened who appreciate art, architecture and the excitement of city living. Douglas Pearson c. 267.907.2590


P R E S E N T E D B Y D O U G L A S P E A R S O N | c . 2 6 7. 9 0 7. 2 5 9 0 N E W H O P E | R I T T E N H O U S E S Q U A R E | C H E ST N U T H I L L | B R Y N M AW R K U R F I S S .C O M | 2 1 5 .7 9 4 . 3 2 2 7 © 2022 Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. SIR® is a registered trademark licensed to SIR Affiliates LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.


19 Valley View Road

1345 Gypsy Hill Road

5 br | 5.2 ba| 5,050 sf | .5 ac | Custom New Construction | 10 Year Tax Abatement

5 br | 3.3 ba | 8,120 sf | 2.99 ac | Custom Build | Beautiful Finishes

P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA K U R F I S S .C O M / PA P H 9 7 1 1 6 8 Kim Whetzel c. 215.870.3138

L O W E R G W Y N E D D, PA K U R F I S S .C O M / PA M C 2 0 1 0 2 9 0 Douglas Pearson c. 267.907.2590 Ryan Cortez c. 215.800.6874

$ 3 , 2 9 5 ,0 0 0

$ 2 , 3 9 5 ,0 0 0

3791 Aquetong Road

282 Aqueduct Road

4 Units in Village Setting | 2-Car Garage | Fabulous Creek Views | Investment Opportunity

5 br | 5.1 ba | 4,550 sf | 6.3 ac | Modern Finishes | Acreage | Scenic Views WA S H C R O S S I N G , PA K U R F I S S .C O M / PA B U 5 1 9 3 0 4 Douglas Pearson c. 267.907.2590

$ 2 ,0 4 9,0 0 0

Aqueduct Land

C A R V E R SV I L L E , PA K U R F I S S .C O M / PA B U 5 2 4 8 1 8 Douglas Pearson c. 267.907.2590

$ 6 9 5 ,0 0 0

15 Delaware Avenue

2 Acres in Prime Bucks County Location WA S H I N G TO N C R O S S I N G , PA

Douglas Pearson c. 267.907.2590

K U R F I S S .C O M / PA B U 5 1 9 3 5 8

3 br | 2 ba | 2,146 sf | .81 ac | Two Units | Large Wooded Lot $ 4 5 0,0 0 0

E W I N G TO W N S H I P, N J K U R F I S S .C O M / N J M E 2 0 1 4 7 9 4 Amelie Escher c. 609.937.0479

N E W H O P E | R I T T E N H O U S E S Q U A R E | C H E ST N U T H I L L | B R Y N M AW R K U R F I S S .C O M | 2 1 5 .7 9 4 . 3 2 2 7 © 2022 Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. SIR® is a registered trademark licensed to SIR Affiliates LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

$ 3 9 5 ,0 0 0


Employment Opportunities in the Princeton Area

When Can I Start Planting Flowers in NJ?

with Beatrice Bloom

Spring has arrived on the calendar here in New Jersey – leaves are emerging on trees and daffodils are brightening many yards. You may be tempted to venture outside and plant spring annuals or reseed your lawn, but don’t start your gardening yet. Even though it’s April, a spring frost can ruin your efforts if you plant too early.

LAbCORP DRug DEvELOPMENT seeks Principal Statistical Programmer (100% remote; can work from anywhere in the U.S.). Plan, execute & oversee programming activities on a study. Develop & maintain SAS programs to create complete SDTM & ADaM datasets & TFLs, & perform QC of SDTM, ADaMs & TFLs. Produce Define XML/PDFs, Analysis Results Metadata (ARM), aCRFs & Reviewers Guides to support SDTMs & ADaMs. 5% national travel to client meetings & trainings/conferences req’d. Must have at least bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Math, Stats, Computing, Life/Health Science or related field & 6 years experience w/ SAS programming in a CRO or the Pharmaceutical industry. Must also have: 6 yrs exp w/ all aspects of clinical trials in different Phases & processes, programming & use of different Statistical Analysis models used w/in Statistical Programming environment,, CDISC reqs related to annotated CRF, Specifications dev & programming for SDTM & ADaM domains, Controlled Terminology & CDISC Validation (e.g., Pinnacle 21); & 3 yrs exp serving as lead statistical programmer on various Therapeutic Areas in clinical research. Send resume to covcentlab@labcorp. com & refer to Job Code AV042022. 04-13

Temperatures in early April in NJ can fluctuate from the 30°F range to the upper 60°F. Is there a way to estimate when it’s safe to fertilize your lawn or plant popular spring annuals such as impatiens, petunias, or marigolds?

Most local gardening experts say it’s safest to wait until after Mother’s Day to plant seeds or potted annuals in the ground to avoid any late frost. You can also use the Farmer’s Almanac to find the last frost date for your specific area. For example, in the PrincetonͲHightstown area, the last spring frost date is May 2.

However, you can safely plant a few vegetables in the colder April days, such as spinach, potatoes, and peas. These hardy vegetables won’t be affected by a late frost.

Sales Representative/Princeton Residential Specialist, MBA, ECOͲBroker Princeton Office 609Ͳ921Ͳ1900 | 609Ͳ577Ͳ2989(cell) | |

Please contact us to make sure you keep receiving Princeton Magazine. S P R I N G 2 01 8





F E B R UA RY 2 01 8

S U M M E R 2 01 8

Chasing Light:


S E P T E M B E R 2 01 8

Wendy Kopp

White House photographer Amanda Lucidon documents Michelle Obama, PU Class of ’85

How Princeton played a role in Teach for America and Teach for All

Patrick Kennedy SEPTEMBER 2018




is at home in New Jersey


PM_CVR Feb2018.indd 1

1/19/18 4:26:28 PM

PM_CVR Spring2018.indd 1

3/23/18 10:03:49 AM

PM_CVR September2018.indd 1

One-Year Subscription: $10 | Two-Year Subscription: $15 609.924.5400 ext. 30

8/15/18 9:52 AM

seeks Statistical Programmer II (100% remote position; can work from anywhere in U.S.). Develop & review SAS specs, programs & output for creation of ADaM & client-defined analysis datasets, tables, listings & graphs in support of Statistical Analysts Plans. Participate in Statistical Programming review of Case Report Forms, annotated CRFs, database structures & study related docs. Must have at least master’s degree or equivalent in Statistics, Health Informatics or related field & 1 year of experience as a Statistical Programmer or in a related role OR alternatively, a bachelor’s degree or equivalent & 3 years of experience. Must also have demonstrable skills w/ SAS. Send resume to covcentlab@labcorp. com & refer to Job Code PG042022. 04-13

SELF EMPLOYED CARPENTRY PROFESSIONALS Total Home Manager offers you the opportunity to do the work you like and leave the backend office responsibilities to us. Competitive rates; full and part-time available. If interested send details to 04-27-5t

RESEARCh PROjECT MANAgER (#6589): Master’s deg (or for. equi) in teaching & learning, applied linguistics, educ, TESOL, or rel + 6 yrs of exp. Exp may be gained through teaching or adv deg research. Plan, coordinate, and execute the scope of work of research projects. F/T. Educational Testing Service. Princeton, NJ. Send CV to: Ritu Sahai, ETS, 660 Rosedale Rd, MS-10J, Princeton, NJ 08541 or No calls/recruiters. No visa sponsorship. 04-13

Studio Hillier is now hiring for the following open positions: Architectural Designer with excellent demonstration of design skills, a minimum of 3 to 5 years of professional experience, and an in-depth knowledge of Revit. Senior Designer with excellent demonstration of design skills and project coordination, a minimum of 7 years of professional experience, and a strong knowledge of Revit. Project Architect with experience leading design, coordination, and documentation of large-scale projects, a minimum of 10 years of professional experience, licensed, and a strong knowledge of Revit. Interior Designer with excellent demonstration of design skills, knowledge of finishes, selecting FF&E, a minimum of 3-5 years of professional experience, and a strong knowledge of Revit. Please see our website ( and send all resumes, portfolio (PDF, 5 MB max), and professional references to

Willow Gate Farm – Home for All Seasons Studio-Hillier-2x6.indd 1

3/14/22 10:47 AM

4370 Province Line Road, Lawrence Township. Willow Gate Farm is one of those rare historic Garden State properties that grows even more enchanting with each passing decade, while also surpassing modern standards of comfort. At 16 acres with 4 charming outbuildings, a pool so pretty it looks plucked from a Hamptons estate, the grounds present endless opportunities to relax, explore, grow, and pursue any hobby you fancy. Terraced lawns and a circular drive provide a formal introduction to the stone manor house. Inside, spaces are grand and bright, especially the double living room and the dining room featuring the original cooking fi replace. Throughout the upper levels, you will delight in the discovery of murals and trompe l’oeil vignettes ranging from sophisticated to whimsical. One of the 7 bedrooms has a magical scene fi t for a princess. The main suite is serene, yet luxurious, offering a dressing room with island and a marble bath with towel warmer within reach of the clawfoot tub. A new laundry/ wrapping room might make washing and folding a favorite chore! A media room joins guest quarters on the cupola-lit top fl oor. A pumphouse, a workshop and a huge barn beneath the branches of a majestic beech tree are all picturesque and full of potential. $2,700,000

Barbara Blackwell Broker Associate 4 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542

(609) 921-1050 Office (609) 915-5000 Cell For more information about properties, the market in general, or your home in particular, please give me a call.

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Subject To Errors, Omissions, Prior Sale Or Withdrawal Without Notice.

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stunning wn Princeton, home athat fewand combines blocks from thePrinceton charm University, appeal ofsits stunning the home thatand combines the charm and appeal of PRINCETON few ombines blocks the from charm Princeton appeal University, of sits a and stunning home thata combines charm appeal of FOR FORMOR MO ON $1,649,000 $1,649,000 PRINCETON th remodeled a spacious and modern fully renovated open floor this plan. home Architect in 2007 Kirsten with Thoft remodeled and fully renovated $1,649,000 $1,649,000 odern renovated open this floorhome plan.inArchitect 2007 with Kirsten Thoft remodeled and fully renovated this home in 2007 with this home in 2007 with

In the heartPrinceto of do the heart ofPRINCETON downtown expense th traditional to carefully and modern maintain amenities. the character The renovations of home, spare no expense to character carefully maintain the character theappeal home,of In of ity, downtown sits stunning Princeton, home athat few combines blocks from the Princeton charm University, appeal ofsits stunning home that combines the charmofand d maintain modern the character The of renovations the home, spare no expense to carefully maintain the of the home, PRINCETON home rinceton, thata aamenities. combines few blocks the from charm Princeton and appeal University, of sitsthe a and stunning home thata combines the charm and appeal of PRINCETON a century old hom PRINCETON home with a spacio od floors, Custom and staircase built-ins and mouldings, throughout pocket make doors, itremodeled both hardwood floors, and extensive built-ins throughout make it both dstyle. rsten Thoft with remodeled a extensive spacious and modern fully renovated open floor this plan. home Architect in 2007 Kirsten with remodeled and fully this home in 2007 with a century old In aircase e home built-ins and throughout mouldings, make pocket it both doors, hardwood floors, and extensive built-ins throughout make it2007 bothwith ed spacious and fully modern renovated open this floor home plan. inArchitect 2007 with Kirsten Thoft andThoft fully renovated this home inrenovated the heart ofdetail down spectacular In the heart of dow spectacular detail to both tradition In the heart of downtown Princeton In the heart of downtown Princeto ND FLOOR PLAN, VISIT 15LINDENLANE.INFO detail soditional spare to no both expense traditional to character carefully and modern maintain the character Theno renovations of the home, nomaintain expense to character carefully maintain the character the home, ner’s dream come true. e and an entertainer’s dream come true. carefully and maintain modern the amenities. The of renovations theamenities. home, spare expense to spare carefully the of the home, a century old home $1,125,000 $1,165,000 $875,000 $1,125,000 $875,000 a acentury old home with a spacious updated for today a century old hom updated for today’s lifestyle. Custo century old home with a spaciou today’s s, hardwood lifestyle. floors, Custom extensive staircase built-ins and mouldings, throughout pocket make doors, itand both hardwood floors, and extensive built-ins and Custom extensive staircase built-ins andand throughout mouldings, make pocket it both doors, hardwood floors, extensive built-ins throughout make it boththroughout make it both spectacular spectacular detail tot tointimate traditional FOR MORE PHOT spectacular detail anspectacular intimate detail family space and an en an family detail toboth both traditiona $999 $1,649,000 he rmet family kitchen room with with custom original cabinets, tin ceiling, and pocket doors. The gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, PHOTOS AND FLOOR PLAN, VISIT 15LINDENLANE.INFO an entertainer’s dream come true. amily space and an entertainer’s dream come true. hall cket opens doors. into The the gourmet family room kitchen with with original custom tin cabinets, ceiling, and pocket doors. The gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, updated for today’s updated for today’s lifestyle. Custom $999,000 $1,125,000 $1,165,000 $875,000 $1,125,000 $875,000 updated for today’s updated for today’s lifestyle. Custo ases ormous & beautiful island bar. the great light-filled room great with bookcases & beautiful The great&room m Princeton University, sitsThe a stunning that combines thelight-filled charm and appeal of room with FOR MORE PHOTOS om es, pantry with built-in andoverlooks enormous bookcases island &home beautiful overlooks the The greatbuilt-in room great built-inbar. bookcases beautiful bar. The great room anan intimate family space and an ente an intimate family sps PRINCETON The spacious entrance hall opens FOR MORE PHOTO intimate family space and anentr ent an intimate family $999,00 The spacious $999,0 ,649,000 $1,649,000 or plan. Architect Kirsten Thoft remodeled and fully renovated this home in 2007 with opens s. The into gourmet the family kitchen room with with custom original cabinets, tin ceiling, and pocket doors. The gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, sgng, entrance and pocket hall opens doors. into The the gourmet family room kitchen with with original custom tin cabinets, ceiling, and pocket doors. The gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, ooks orch area a wraparound to function porch. as an The indoor/ custom doors allow for dining and porch area to function as an indoor/ stainless-steel appliances, pantry a allow room for that dining overlooks and porch a wraparound area to function porch. as The an custom indoor/ doors allow for dining and porch area to function as an indoor/ In the heart of downtown Princeton, a few blo stainless-steel app ties. The renovations spare no expense to carefully maintain the character of the home, ilt-in ntry and bookcases enormous &built-in beautiful island overlooks bar. the great light-filled room great room with built-in bookcases & beautiful bar. Thefloor. great&room dder few appeal blocks of room from Princeton University, sitsThe a and stunning home that combines thelight-filled charm and appeal of room The spacious entrance hall opens int ed el appliances, great pantry with built-in and enormous bookcases island & beautiful overlooks bar. the The great room great with built-in bookcases beautiful bar. The great room mudroom room complete with the cubbies first floor. tons of storage along with a powder room complete the first The spacious entran PRINCETON aPRINCETON century old a home with adining spacious modern oi The spacious entrance hall opens opens to formal room that The spacious entra uldings, pocket doors, hardwood floors, and extensive built-ins throughout make it both rage pace. along A floor separate with awraparound powder mudroom with complete built-in cubbies therenovated first and floor. tons of storage along with powder room complete the first living, gorgeous nm odern 2007 open with plan. Kirstenroom Thoft remodeled and fully this home in 2007 with opens to pantry aapantry formal Come visit this book in acustom desirable Princeton location. With inviting curb appeal, thisand traditional abundant setting and opportunities dining that and overlooks porch area aArchitect topicture function porch. ashome The indoor/ doors allow for dining and porch area toa function as an home indoor/ and spectacular detail toappliances, both traditional and moder Instainless-steel the heart of downtown Princeton, few blocks stainless-steel applia stainless-steel appliances, an ormal tom doors dining allow room that dining overlooks and aanwraparound area to function porch. The an custom indoor/ doors allow for dining porch areaprovides to function as an indoor/ In the heart of downtown Princeton, a few bloc me true. outdoor entertainment space. A sep stainless-steel appl d f the modern home, amenities. Thefor renovations spare noporch expense to carefully maintain theas character of the home, updated for today’s lifestyle. Custom staircase aopens century old with spacious modern open outdoor to ahome formal room that oa .rtainment with A additional separate a powder mudroom room complete with built-in the first and tons built-ins of storage along with a powder complete the first floor. a century old with a spacious modern op to update at your own pace. Thecubbies circular driveway leads the way toare the door and foyerroom with stone flooring. you are surrounded by multiple options to enjoy theadining house and wo with en suite bedrooms walk-in steam one with shower. a floor. Just down the hallway two additional bedrooms oneStraight with aaway, opens to ahome formal dining room that make aircase it both and mouldings, pocket doors, hardwood floors, and extensive throughout make it both opens toto aentertainm di tons of storage space. along A separate with adoors. powder mudroom room with complete built-in cubbies the first and floor. tons of storage along with a powder room complete theone firstwith floor. spectacular detail to both traditional and modern ad opens aformal formal an intimate family space and an entertainer’s dr spectacular detail to both traditional and modern wn master the hallway bedroom are with two en additional suite walk-in bedrooms steam one shower. with Just a down the hallway are two additional bedrooms a with original tin ceiling, and pocket The gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, outdoor entertainment space. A separ ner’s dream come true. outdoor entertainment space. A sep updated for today’s lifestyle. Custom staircase and except for the stone foyer, kitchen and tiled baths, there are hardwood floors throughout the two main floors. Ahead is a hallway with French doors to the covered porch that overlooks with r-to-ceiling a BainUltra wood heated built-in Jacuzzi closets. tub. These bedrooms share agreat hallroom bath with a BainUltra heated Jacuzzi tub. entertainmen Retreat upstairs to the master bed updated for today’soutdoor lifestyle. Custom staircase a outdoor entertainm verlooks the two light-filled great room withabuilt-in bookcases & beautiful bar. The er llway bedroom are with additional en suite bedrooms walk-in steam one with shower. a Just down the bedrooms hallway are two additional bedrooms one with a heated Jacuzzi tub. anan intimate family space and an entertainer’s dream Retreat upstairs to The spacious entrance hall opens into the famil with oms a share wall of a hall floor-to-ceiling bath with BainUltra wood built-in heated closets. Jacuzzi These tub. share a hall bath with a BainUltra intimate family space and an with entertainer’s dre the yard and stream. Before you reach theThe formal room on the left, a cozy paneled study a fireplace. Step down into the front to backfireplace living room with fireplace andenormous er. airs Just to the down master the hallway bedroom are with two en additional suite walk-in bedrooms steam one shower. with Just a enjoy down hallway arewith two additional and the other a wall o m he cabinets, family room with original tin ceiling, and pocket doors. gourmet kitchen custom cabinets, und porch. The custom doors allow for dining and porch area to living function aswith an indoor/ Retreat upstairs to bedro appliances, pantry and a wall hall ofisland bath floor-to-ceiling with atons BainUltra wood heated built-in Jacuzzi closets. tub. These bedrooms share agreat hall bath with the a BainUltra heated Jacuzzi tub. bedrooms one with a stainless-steel Retreat upstairs tothe themaster master bed fireplace and the ot ormous great room overlooks the light-filled great room with built-in bookcases & beautiful bar. The room Retreat upstairs to The spacious entrance hall opens into thethe family built-in cubbies and ofthat storage along with a the powder room complete the first floor. d -in floor bookcases, which has desks, two additional window seat spacious bedrooms, featuring built-in bookcases, desks, window seat Retreat upstairs to The spacious entrance hall opens into family opens to a formal dining room that overlooks aro ese the bedrooms other with a share wall of a hall floor-to-ceiling bath with a BainUltra wood built-in heated closets. Jacuzzi These tub. bedrooms share a hall bath with a BainUltra heated Jacuzzi tub. large windows allow views to yard. On the right side of the foyer is the spacious kitchen that has stainless steel appliances and marble counters and is adjacent to the breakfast fireplace and the other with a wall of f fireplace and the other with a wall of srooms, looks an indoor/ a wraparound porch.built-in The custom doors allow for dining and porch areaspacious to function asbedrooms, an indoor/ stainless-steel appliances, pantry enormous isla home is featuring the third floor which bookcases, hasalong two desks, additional window seatroom, featuring built-in bookcases, desks, window seat stainless-steel appliances, pantry and enormous is entertainment space. A and separate mudroo fireplace and the The crown jewel of this home isaoth th bath and abookcases, bonus sitting area. fireplace and the otw opens to to abackyard formal dining room that overlooks wra room, side entrance and 2two car garage. Finally, the formal dining ample storage cabinets, has twin sets ofseat French doors to the porch and viewsoutdoor of the beyond. ewalk-in irst mudroom with built-in cubbies and tons of storage with a powder room complete the first floor. built-in steam shower. Just down the hallway are two additional bedrooms one with a with aturing efull isfloor. the built-in third floor which has desks, additional window seat spacious bedrooms, featuring bookcases, desks, window opens a formal dining room that overlooks a The crown jewel ot and closets. The two bedrooms sh edrooms ainis full and a which bonus sitting area. outdoor entertainment space. A separate mudroom The of home ismudroo acious of bedrooms, this home featuring thebath built-in floor bookcases, has two desks, additional spacious seat bedrooms, built-in window seat dwel built-in closets. These bedrooms share asitting hall bath with a BainUltra heatedwindow Jacuzzi tub. outdoor entertainment space. A separate Retreat upstairs to the master bedroom with en Thecrown crown jewel ofthis this home isthe the ashare full bath and athird bonus area. addition toJust the principal ensuite several closets and there are featuring three bedrooms and bookcases, two renovated desks, hall bathrooms with stall showers. The jewel staircase continues mms one withshare with en suite a Upstairs, walk-in steam shower. down the hallway are with two additional bedrooms onebuilt-ins, with a The crown jewel of t and closets. The tw and closets. The two bedrooms shar The crown jewel of fireplace and the other with a wall of floor-to-ceil mily eck and offers friends. terrific This space home for truly outdoor has memories to be created with family and friends. This home truly has and closets. The two bedrooms sha The two bedrooms share a full bath and a bonus sitting area. Retreat upstairs tofamily the master bedroom with en su Jacuzzi r-to-ceiling tub. wood built-in closets. These bedrooms share a hall bath with a BainUltra heated Jacuzzi tub. Retreat upstairs to the master bedroom with en to the lower level with foyer and hall. Running the length of the back of the house, multiple French doors lead onto the covered blue stone terrace and inground pool. A room with s two additional spacious bedrooms, featuring built-in bookcases, desks, window seat and closets. The two The fenced in backyard with Ipe wo fireplace and the other with a wall of of floor-to-ceiling and The tw to with be Ipe created wood with deck offers and terrific friends. space Thisfor home outdoor truly memories has to be createdfriends. with familyhome andtruly friends. This home truly has can leave the atfamily home and stroll around town. fireplace and the other aclosets. wall floor-to-ceilin ted Ipe with wood family deck and offers friends. terrific This space home for truly outdoor has memories to be createdone with has The crown jewel this with home iswith the third floor w bonus sitting fireplace, laundry room, two other rooms with closets, plumbing andfamily a half and baths, a bonusThis room and utilities complete the lower level. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this fenced inof backyard Ipe woo window d floor which seat has additional spacious bedrooms, featuring built-in bookcases, desks, for window seat The fenced in back itThe all. With ample off-street parking The fenced in backyard with Ipe wo $1,347,500 th and closets. The two bedrooms share a full bath narking memories backyard to with be Ipe created wood with deck family offers and terrific friends. space This for home outdoor truly memories has to be created with family and friends. This home truly has you can leave the cars at home and stroll around town. The crown jewel of this home is the third floor whic own. eet parking you can leave the cars at home and stroll around town. The crown jewel of The thisoff-street home is theparking third floor yo w full bath and a bonushouse sitting your area. own! fenced in backy it all. With ample $1,329,0 beautiful for outdoor memories to be created with family and friends. This home truly has fenced in back itclosets. all. With ample off-street parking itThe all. With o and The two bedrooms share aample full bath an ,329,000 th and closets. The two bedrooms share a full mple llcrsspace around off-street town.parking you can leave the cars at$1,347,500 home and stroll around town. The fenced in backyard withWith wood deckbath offe $1,329,000 it itall. ample offatoffers home and stroll town. $1,329,00 me ecktruly hasterrific spacearound for outdoor memories to be created with family and friends. This home truly has all. Ipe With ample of

NEW LISTING in Princeton - $1,495,000 Additional photos and floorplan at:

can leave the cars at home and stroll around town.

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Princeton O Princeton Offi Princeton Of Prin Princ Princ

Paul Robeson Place

Fairview Road

Introducing: Great Road

Princeton, NJ | $2,575,000

Montgomery Township, NJ | $1,580,000

Princeton, NJ | $1,050,000

Michael Monarca: 917.225.0831

Stephen Thomas: 609.306.4030

Princeton Office: 609.921.1050

Introducing: South Main Street

Introducing: Adams Drive

Introducing: Heritage Hills Court

Pennington Borough, NJ | $875,000

Montgomery Township, NJ | $875,000

Montgomery Township, NJ | $825,000

Pamela C Gillmett: 609.731.1274

Michelle Blane: 908.963.9046

Linda Twining: 609.439.2282

Introducing: Dutchtown Harlingen Road

Newly Priced: Penn View Drive

Introducing Elm Street

Montgomery Township, NJ | $799,000

Hopewell Township, NJ | $799,000

Lambertville City, NJ | $749,000

Kim E Schneider Sohmer: 908.421.6390

Kathryn Baxter: 516.521.7771

Cynthia Shoemaker Zerrer: 609.915.8399

Introducing: Anthony Lane

Introducing: Model Avenue

Introducing: Van Buren Place

Lawrence Township, NJ | $515,000

Hopewell Borough, NJ | $435,000

Lawrence Township, NJ | $245,000

Mark Davies: 215.248.2727

Jennifer E Curtis: 609.610.0809

Cynthia Shoemaker Zerrer: 609.915.8399 609.921.1050 | 4 NASSAU STREET | PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08542 Each office is independently owned and operated. Subject to errors, omissions, prior sale or withdrawal without notice.

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