CRA Rollout, Fall 2006

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Tournament Trail Juniors Ladies+ Results Rankings CRA Board



Father/Son Doubles Night


by Bruce Burkland

ne day last Spring, it occurred to me (I am the racquetball coordinator at the Goodson Rec Center) that there sure are a lot of dads and their sons that play racquetball. Then I realized that Father's Day was coming up soon, so I came up with a novel idea: Why not do a "Father/Son Doubles Racquetball Event" to kick off the Father's Day weekend? It was "all systems go" with the event and 12 teams showed up at the Goodson Rec Center on Friday June 16th. It was all father-and-son teams EXCEPT for the father-and-daughter team of Sam and Elizabeth Vargas. I had to do a little "thinking outside the box" to realize that the Father's day theme could also include daughters, so the Vargas' were welcomed with open arms.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Burkland


A shuttle format was used and the skill levels ranged from rank beginners to high intermediate. It is comical to note that, in the beginning, one father (Doug Picard) asked, "I've never played doubles, how do you play this game?" So we had to explain the hitting order and serving rotations to him and off he went with his 17-year-old son. Guess which team ended up the overall winner at the end of the night? Doug Picard and his son Chad Picard! Of course, it helps when your son is the state AAA tennis doubles champ. It was also comical to see Eric Metherd and his little squirt son (9 years old), Will, make it to the top court on one of the shuttle rotations. Will was holding his own against all the big people.


by Cindy Tilbury

all sessions for the Juniors are underway at Heartwood Athletic Club in Aurora! Sessions start a 1 PM and last until 2:30 PM. Dates for the rest of the Fall sessions are: October 7 and 20, November 4 and 18. Additional practices for juniors wishing to go the junior world tournament in Tempe, Arizona, in December are: December 2 and 9. Contact Dan Davis at 303.690.0369 for future session dates, or if you have questions. Otherwise, we'll see you there! In addition, Deb Beldring and Rich Owens are running fall Junior racquetball sessions in Lakewood on Saturdays and after school one night a week. In addition to working on improving their skills, they are planning to travel to other clubs to play Colorado juniors on their own turf. Deb stresses that the key word is "fun" and they plan to have lots of it this fall and winter. The sessions will be held at the Carmody Rec Center in Lakewood. Please contact Deb Beldring at 720.963.5375 or Marianne Alonzi at the Carmody Club.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Burkland

At the end of the night, it was time for pizza and soft drinks, and everyone devoured the refreshments faster than a backhand splat shot. Afterwards, I thought that, out of all the years I have been doing special events similar to this one, this was the BEST!

Editor's Note: This is a perfect example of a CRA Bridging The Gap event. If you plan to host a similar event, contact the CRA about possible funding.

Team Update

Junior racquetballers were the stars last month on WB2 TV. Adam Katz, one of the Colorado Junior Team Coaches, deserves special thanks for sending press releases to all of the Metro media. Finally, one picked up the ball. WB2 called him and wanted early morning spots, with juniors on the court, by 5:30 AM. Some kids and parents got up that early, including

continued on page 2...


JUNIORS — continued from Page 1...

The Soul and Spirit of our Organization

three of the juniors who won medals at the Junior National Olympic Tournament in June. The spots were great! WB2 and Chris did a wonderful job advertising racquetball in the state of Colorado. We had a total time on air of about fourteen minutes between 5:30 AM and about 8:30 AM. The spotlight was on juniors and they performed admirably. Congratulations to all of the juniors who attended the national tournament and are now TV stars. DVD copies are available for viewing for those who didn't get up early enough to catch this fun event live! Contact Dan Davis.


long with its great membership of dedicated players, the Board of Directors are the soul and spirit of the CRA. Firm and fair with instituting policies and eager to develop fun ways to keep players involved and enjoying the sport, our enthusiasm is the fuel that keeps the organization running. Our commitment and passion for the game brings us together in a common cause that - hopefully - is satisfying in the long run. We give of ourselves to help others and it enriches our lives. Our mission cannot be accomplished in a day, or a week, or a month. We are a team that tries to have a lasting and positive impact on the people we serve.

Junior programs not highlighted here can be showcased on the website. Please send all details to Linda Mojer via the website.

Jr Team Colorado Goes to Michigan US Junior Olympics


by Dan Davis

We are very proud of all of our Colorado Team. With only these eight players, we placed 4th in the nation. Medal winners were: Erika Manilla — National champion (2 divisions) in Girls 8 & Under Multi-Bounce and Girls 8 & Under Single Bounce. Also played well in the Mixed 10 Doubles. Elizabeth Vargas — National champion in the Girls 10 & Under Doubles, third in the nation in the Girls 10 & Under Singles, and Consolation winner with Matt McAdam in the Mixed 10 Doubles. Matt McAdam — Third in the blue division Boys 10 & Under Singles, and Consolation winner in Mixed 10 Doubles. Zack Pellowski — Second in the blue division Boys 10 & Under Singles, and second in the gold division of the Boys 10 Doubles. Adam Manilla — National champion in three divisions: Boys 10 & Under Singles, Boys 10 Doubles, and Mixed 10 Doubles.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Burkland

here were eight Colorado juniors attending the 2006 33rd US Junior Olympic Racquetball Championships in June. Five of the eight players received medals. They received twelve total medals, including six national championship medals.

First-time national tournament entrants Tim Smith and Bryce Johnston had a good first tournament and learned the value of practice. Kevin Hernandez, attending his second national tournament, played well in one of the toughest divisions-Boys 16 & Under Singles. His game is even better than last year.

by Marcia Richards

I want to talk about a few of the recently retired board members and how their contributions have changed the CRA for the better. Bruce Burgess, Jean Gallagher and Kathy Martinez have all stepped down this past season, after terms of service that have helped in so many ways. In itself, the fact that these volunteers gave up so much of their own time -- in spite of real life challenges and commitments -- is to their credit.

Kathy Martinez is a true "giver" in all aspects of her life. She not only supports the racquetball community, she also volunteers for many other causes. She acted as our liaison to the Recreation Centers and YMCA groups, bringing her insights and perspectives to the different needs of these communities. We thank her for all her hard work on those fronts, and we hope our paths will continue to cross. She has vowed to remain a CRA member, and although knee problems have plagued her, we're certain that one of these days we will see her on the courts again. If you've dealt with Jean Gallagher directly, you know how organized and dedicated she is to running the tournament check-in desk. Her great sense of humor makes her a joy to work

DILBERT: ©Scott Adams/Dist. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. (Paid reprint)


continued on page 3...

PRESIDENT’S CORNER — continued from Page 2... with, her enthusiasm is contagious and she pours her heart and soul into any job she undertakes - never giving anything less than 100%. As the CRA treasurer, she singlehandedly brought the books into balance and stabilized the association, while memberships were managed efficiently with her at the helm. In fact, her workload was so great that it's been split between two new board members: Drew Popovich will now handle memberships while Krystyna Popovich takes on the accounting portion. Only a short time ago, Jean became a very quick study as she learned the game of racquetball. Now she plans to transfer those same energies into the growing national initiative for the Racquet For the Cure events.

Bruce Burgess has been involved and giving back to the sport for a long time; now he's planning to enjoy it fully and without distraction. Most of you know him as the guy who hustled you onto the court, since no tournament desk ever ran behind when he managed the court assignments. Bruce served for many years as the CRA vice-president and is well respected for being a smart and true competitor at local, regional and national levels. He's been a sponsored player, raised a junior player, and officiated some of the most difficult matches while remaining true to his convictions. New board member David Howell has already begun training in the "hustle and flow" of tournament desk management. Many people only wish they could make a difference, but these three former board members truly did -- so if you happen to run into them at a tournament, remember to thank them for all that hard work. They deserve all our best wishes for success and happiness!

Not for Ladies Only


by Cindy Tilbury

xciting things are happening in Women's racquetball this season! Here are just a few, so visit the website often for updates. As we have done the past few years, the Colorado ladies will get together monthly at different clubs around Colorado for great racquetball (singles and doubles) and good food. Email Tamera Schlegel at to get on the email list to be notified of the next event-it could be at your club! Also contact Tamera to host an event. The Colorado ladies are some of the most social players in the country, as other states don't have this type of program. As you ladies know, it is not always easy to meet women to play against and with, so these events are the perfect venue to find a doubles partner or weekly opponent. (Men are not specifically excluded, but they may feel a little outnumbered at these events.)

Next, a little farther from home would be the Women's Pro Tour schedule and the exciting things happening there! Look on the website to note the schedule for the pros. The Tier 1 events (the highest-paying and highest-ranking-pointscoring events) will now be available to watch on your PC via video streaming-LIVE! Some of the men's pro and amateur matches had been available this way, and now it is time to catch the Women's matches. Don't miss them! Our own Jo Shattuck is currently ranked #8 and it is always great to see her fly around the court. Contact Jo at the Denver Athletic Club if you want more information on the Women's Pro Tour from a player's perspective. Jo will also have the tournament director's perspective in February, 2007, when she puts on the Racquet For The Cure tournament as a Women's pro stop this year. Mark your calendars for February 8 through 11, 2007, and get your tickets early. The last (but not least) opportunity for women racquetball players is January 26-28, 2007, in Orlando, Florida. The yearly Women's Senior Masters tournament will be held at the Orlando Fitness and Racquet Club, where Linda Mojer's father is the manager (Linda came to Colorado Springs from Florida). Players must be 35 years old or more, and the format is round-robin, self-refereed matches. Many players love this format, as there is a guaranteed number of matches and no fear of going home early. As one of the organizers of women's social racquetball events in Colorado, I'd like to personally invite all interested ladies to make an effort to play this tournament. Contact me at or 303.888.4461 if you want more information, need to split costs with someone, or need to get some practice in before January. Plan an extra day or two to visit some theme parks! This will be a great getaway.

EDITOR’S CORNER — by Cindy Tilbury


ike many racquetball players, I had been carrying a few extra pounds around the court, and, although I knew it wasn't from lack of exercise, I wasn't able to shed them. I finally did something about that and I wanted to share it, just in case any CRA members need a little inspiration before the holidays are here.

Last October 1, I started a new job, so the Saturday before, I walked into the local Jenny Craig office and signed up. I wish I had done it years ago, but I thought it would be too expensive or the food would taste terrible, and I only had about 20 pounds to lose, so I would work out a little harder. My assumptions were wrong, and it ended up being a really great idea for me-worth twice the price! I had to make minor adjustments to the regular Jenny Craig menu during tournaments so I had extra energy to play whenever my matches were scheduled, but it was pretty easy and the routine is very simple. Each morning, I would grab a yogurt, a breakfast, some apples, a lunch and a few snacks out of the refrigerator and bring them to work. That, along with a small salad and water or diet soda, was all I needed to keep me happy all day until I would get home late after racquetball-just in time to heat up a dinner and have one last snack/dessert before bed. I know this might not work for everyone, but I was down 20 pounds in about six months and I feel I am now playing a little better and moving a little faster. If anyone wants to get some details on this program, please email or call me, or stop into a Jenny Craig office to ask the experts (it's free, of course). You already have the exercise part of the program built into your life, when most people find that to be the hardest change to make. Email me with other programs that work for a racquetball player's lifestyle and I'll publish them in a future Rollout. Good luck to everyone in the 2006/2007 tournament season-on all of your goals!


Racquet for the Cure at USAR Nationals in Houston


by Linda Mojer

t the USAR National Singles in Houston last May, the Ladies Night Out! event hosted over 50 female entrants who enjoyed their own special cocktail hour, along with a chance to win prizes, donate to a raffle, test their trivia skills and pick up Racquet for the Cure freebies. The evening was hosted by the USAR's Women's Committee, as a way to promote their work to increase women's participation nationwide and introduce Colorado-based Racquet for the Cure organizers Jean Gallagher, Linda Mojer and Marcia Richards.

Linda emceed the evening, which opened with remarks by Malia Bailey, whose successful twoyear battle with breast cancer was fueled by her goal of competing at the national level again. Women's Committee chair Lorraine Galloway then reported that the number of women entrants at nationals had doubled in the past year, and described some of the committee's initiatives to adopt the Olympic format for women's competition, host the special party on site, and to support the Racquet for the Cure national series. Remaining speakers included USAR board member Cheryl Kirk, who had initiated a special RFTC event in Peoria; Brenda Kyzer, representing the WPRO; and Jean Gallagher who spoke about the historical development of RFTC events. At the same time, Marcia Richards ran trivia contests, awarded prizes and conducted a raffle for one of Ektelon's pink signature racquets. To cap the evening, everyone was invited to select a free RFTC signature t-shirt, and USAR Executive Director Jim Hiser closed with a challenge to everyone to "step up" for the cause, along with his own promise to support the RFTC series in any way possible. In all, the evening offered a great time -- plus raised over $500 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The home-grown Racquet for the Cure series continues to pick up steam nationwide, with support by Ektelon-sponsored players in designating fundraisers across the country. The founding event in Denver will once again be a WPRO pro stop, February 8-11, so bookmark for updates, and mark your calendars!

2006 Intercollegiate Men’s Team Title Goes to Colorado State Pueblo -- Again!


by Cindy Tilbury

or the fourth time in the last ten years, the CSSU-Pueblo men have proven themselves to be the top team in Intercollegiate Racquetball! Coach Richard Krinsky continues to recruit and train the top young players in the country for the Pueblo College, and they continue to shine on the National and International stage.

The men and women who were members of this elite team in 2006 included: Ben Croft Margo Rainey Mitch Williams Kelli Kimmel Chris Barton Annette Green Matt Melstar Amanda Smith CJ Sidebottom Sara Miller Kentaro Nakasuma Veronica Foote Coach Krinsky is always looking for next year’s team members—especially women. Please contact him at Colorado State University-Pueblo if you have questions about playing college-level team racquetball. Graphic Design — Advertising — Desktop Publishing Photo Enhancements — Custom Presentations — Copy Writing and Editing


Racquetball Confucius Say... Racquetball Confucius lived in ancient racquetball times (the 1970s) and became very wise about both racquetball and life.

Below are some of his wisest musings: aAll years Year of Court Rat aRacquetball club is temple; Racquetball gods must be appeased aIf tree fall in forest, use lumber for new court floor aWay to Pro Tour finals— practice, practice, practice aBig player who dive for ball may high-center aOne shouldn’t cry over broken ball; Broken racquet okay, though aAfter tying shoe, pause to enjoy headrush before serving aPortable court actually semitruckable court aIf date on shirt older than ten years, leave shirt outside court aToo many avoidable hinders lead to bruising and swelling aOne-wall player spend much time chasing ball aNo one win when adult beat junior player aOne cannot play in sporting goods store; Buy equipment from club aAll weather is best weather for indoor racquetball aIf missing many backhands, make visit to barber aLatin America player numbers growing; Learn “pelota” aHandball guys should buy new wardrobe aWallyball players should take down net when done aEight racquetball courts fit into one tennis court (four on top, four on bottom) aSpinning very “last year”; Restore studio to racquetball court aTournament desk have no trouble finding ref for cute young female player match aCourteous player toot before stepping through court door; Most courteous player play outdoor aPlayer who die mid-rally, die happy

IRF World Seniors Colorado August 2006 / Albuquerque, NM

CRA 2006 Tournament Results For all results of all divisions, including the professional divisions, please visit our website at

Al Fresco Tournament September 9, 2006 / Aurora, CO

Rangeview High School Tournament Director: Dave Guentert

Division Winner 2nd Place Third Fourth Fifth Sixth MO Dave Guentert Matt Christianson Kevin Hernandez Jo Shattuck Mike McClintock MA Alan Beilgard Chris Meyer Dan Davis Chris Goode Cindy Tilbury Danny Reagan

We had pizza sponsored by Papa John’s, lots of dogs on leashes, and a little rain. The new Ektelon red Fireballs were fast and easy to see. Marcia Richards and April Settel helped with the setup and food, even though they were already booked on the day of the tournament. Most important—we raised $125 for the juniors, and more than $30 was raised when players hit balls out of the court. Thanks to all of our sponsors and volunteers!

Rocky Mountain State Games August 4-6, 2006 / Colorado Springs, CO Division Winner Open M Woody Clouse AM Kevin Hernandez AW Chris Meyer BM Tom Settecerri CM Ray Cornell CW Gail Chapman-Hunt 25 M Simon Payne 35 M Adrian Won 35 W Chris Meyer 55 M Ken Sylvester 65 M Terry Dees Junior B David Frasier Open M Dubs E. Meredith / J. Rhodes Open W Dubs L. Mojer / M. Richards Open X Dubs J. Rhodes / M. Richards A M Dubs B. Burgess / D. Letsche A W Dubs L. Inskeep / M. Small A X Dubs J. Garcia / B. Sims B M Dubs E. D'Alise / B. Mosteller B X Dubs P. Amdahl / K. Spinks

2nd Place John Rhodes Adrian Won Maylen Gaspar Trevor Black Shawn Eccles Lorena Hernandez Christian McCormick Robert Heiser Rebecca Frasier Philip Gaerlan Jerry Webb Benjamin Torres A. Mehta / S. Payne J. Gallagher / M. Gaspar B. Burgess / B. Mehegan L. Mullen / K. Sylvester B. Sims / C. Yost K. Sylvester / L. Mojer T. Dees / S. Payne P. Yost / C. Yost

YMCA Members & Friends May 11-13, 2006 / Colorado Springs, CO Division Winner 2nd Place AM John Garcia Byron Thompson BM Adrian Won David Radke BW Vera German Cindy Carlson CM Ray Cornell Russell Bolish Open W Dubs B. Mehegan / A. Schramm Open X Dubs J. Gallagher / E. Meredith A X Dubs V. Browne / L. Mullen B X Dubs M. Sikorski / M. Sikorski

Lynmar Racquet Club Tournament Director: Eddie Meredith Third Dave Guentert Robert Heiser Lori Inskeep Sammy Payne Tom Rice

Fourth Eddie Meredith Miguel Hernandez Maria Small Shawn Eccles Thomas Przybylski

Chuck Meredith Trevor Black Miguel Hernandez Lorena Hernandez Tom Settecerri Doug Strachan Clarence Newcomb Frank Luciani Adam Williams K. Hernandez / M. Hernandez B. Mehegan / A. Schramm L. Inskeep / M. Small E. Meredith / J. Gallagher L. Mullen / M. Gaspar J. Garcia / G. Keys G. Keys / L. Inskeep P. Amdahl / R. Cornell T. Przybylski / D. Stanley T. Przybylski / G. Chapman-Hunt D. Davis / C. Vargas

Division M35+ M35+ M45+ M50+ M60+ M80+ W35+ W35+ W50+ W55+ XD35 XD35+ XD35+ XD45+ XD50+ XD55+ XD60+

Player / Place Woody Clouse = 1st Alok Mehta = 7th Gary West = 5th (tied) Michael Winters = 3rd (tied) Luke St. Onge = 17th Dick Kincade = 2nd Tina Hagen = 2nd Dena Morrissey = 3rd (tied) Mary Keenan = 2nd Shirley Parsons = 1st Shari Coplen & Woody Clouse = 1st Tina Hagen & Alok Mehta = 3rd (tied) Dena Morrisey & Gary Mazaroff = 5th Tammy West & Gary West = 2nd Mary Keenan & Wayne Toyne = 2nd Shirley Parsons & Roger Barber = 1st Paula Sperling & Luke St. Onge = 6th

Complete results are available at /events06/06irf_srs3.htm.

International Masters Colorado July 2006 / Minneapolis, MN Division M75+ M80+ W45+ W50+ W55+ MD75+ MD80+ WD45+ WD55+

Player / Place Michael Martin = 3rd Dick Kincade = 3rd Cindy Tilbury = 2nd Marcia Richards = 3rd Shirley Parsons = 2nd Michael Martin & Lee Goldstein = 3rd Dick Kincade & John Prigmore = 1st Cindy Tilbury & Marcia Richards = 1st Shirley Parsons & Kendra Tutsch = 2nd

Complete results are available at

Congratulations to all of the participants and winners!! More RESULTS on next page...

YMCA Pikes Peak Region Tournament Director: Adam Younger

J. Foust Sports Your Ektelon Only Racquetball Source 303.699.8644 Email: Racquetball • Photography • Business Links


Photo courtesy of Bruce Burkland

CRA 2006 Tournament Results continued... June 8-11, 2006 / Littleton, CO Division Team

Rec Team Open M

Open W

Elite M Elite W AM AW BM BC W CM

Littleton YMCA Tournament Directors: John Foust, Bruce Burgess & Marcia Richards

Winner Flatirons / 195 Points 2nd Lynmar / 155 Points 3rd Goodson Rec / 148 Points 4th Littleton YMCA / 114 Points Winner Goodson Rec / 148 Points 2nd Littleton YMCA / 114 Points Winner Mike McClintock / Flatirons AC 2nd Anthony Herrera / Lynmar 3rd Lee Beckwith / Flatirons AC 4th Dave Guentert /Goodson Winner Jo Shattuck / Denver Athletic 2nd Marcia Richards / Littleton YMCA 3rd Jessie Carbajal 4th Barb Mehegan / Lynmar Winner Eric Wasser 2nd 3rd Greg Kellums 4th Winner Chris Meyer 2nd 3rd April Settell 4th Winner Vince Striedieck / Lynmar 2nd 3rd Bruce Evans / North Jeffco Rec 4th Winner Maylen Gaspar / Lynmar 2nd 3rd Petra Allen / Lynmar 4th Winner Sam Palamara / CAC Monaco 2nd 3rd John Beldy / Goodson 4th Winner Lori Sherry 2nd 3rd Nicole Miles Winner Rod Pullman / Flatirons AC 2nd 3rd Tino Rael / Goodson 4th

Pepsi Cup Men’s B Doubles

Photo courtesy of Bruce Burkland

Pepsi Cup

Pepsi Cup trophy goes to Flatirons and Rick Sorenson

Jerry Bongers Dave Letsche Jean Gallagher / Littleton YMCA Linda Mojer / Lynmar Thomas Braun / Flatirons AC Byron Thompson / Goodson Rec Maria Small / Littleton YMCA Antoinette Bell Craig Shaddy / Goodson Josh Martin / Heartwood Loretta Marks

Open W Dubs Winner Mary Keenan / Linda Mojer / Lynmar 2nd Jessie Carbajal / April Settell / CACMonaco 3rd Petra Allen / Su Lin / Lynmar 4th Jean Gallagher / Maria Small / Littleton YMCA Open X Dubs Winner Mike Vrabel / Marcia Richards / Littleton YMCA 2nd Eddie Meredith / Mary Keenan / Lynmar 3rd John Foust / April Settell / CAC Monaco B M Dubs Winner Paul Katz / Ray Shovlain / Flatirons AC 2nd John Foust / Sam Palamara / CAC Monaco 3rd Dan Davis / Dave Funk / Heartwood 4th Ray Cornell / Cal Jones / Lynmar B X Dubs Winner Craig Bullock / Dianne Winter / Littleton YMCA 2nd Cal Jones / Su Lin / Lynmar 3rd Josh Martin / Nicole Miles / Heartwood

Brian Dickinson / Flatirons AC Luis Martinez / Goodson

Pepsi Cup Open/A Men’s Doubles final match

Open M Dubs


Winner Lee Beckwith / Rick Sorenson / Flatirons 2nd Greg Kellums / Mike Vrabel / Littleton YMCA 3rd Dave Letsche / Eddie Meredith / Lynmar 4th Darren Bishop / Byron Thompson / Goodson

Pepsi Cup Recreational trophy goes to Goodson and Bruce Burkland

Photos courtesy of Bruce Burkland

Photos courtesy of Bruce Burkland

Lori Sherry — Pepsi Cup Women’s B/C Winner


State Rankings Colorado WOMEN

CRA 2006 Tournament Results continued... Colorado State Singles Photos courtesy of J. Foust Photo

Highlands Ranch Rec Center April 20-23, 2006 Highlands Ranch, CO Tournament Director: Marcia Richards

Tony Feldstein & Anthony Herrera

Division Open M Open W Elite M AM AW BM BW CM DM 25/30 M 35 M 35/40 W 40 M 45 M 45 W 50 M 50/55 W 55 M 60 M 65 M 70/75 M 8B 8 B MB 10 B 12 B 14/16 B 18 B

Winner Tony Feldstein Tina Hagen Eric Metherd Robert Heiser Jean Gallagher Mike McCrery Michelle Sikorski Cesar Sanchez Mark Maldonado Simon Payne Lee Beckwith Cara Pellowski Gary West Gary West Chris Meyer Mike Cole Marcia Richards Ken Sylvester Stan McGinnis Paul Radde Art Johnson William Metherd Isaac Vargas Adam Manilla Zach Pellowski Reuben Corbett Kevin Hernandez

2nd Place Anthony Herrera Marcia Richards Travis Parrill Byron Thompson Lori Inskeep Victor Manilla Sonia Jackson Danny Robinett Rodolfo Acevedo Travis Parrill Ray Cordero Tina Hagen Ray Cordero Kimber Schuman Lucy Jirik Michael Winters Shirley Parsons Jeff Shimek Dennis Bollig Ed Andrews Don Neary Erika Manilla Erika Manilla Zach Pellowski Matt McAdam Bryce Johnston Tim Smith

Albuquerque Neighbors


Third John Rhodes Cara Pellowski Steve Nelson Bruce Evans Chris Meyer John Beldy Ginny Brunetti Ted Schmidt Brent Uchida Brian Bollig Robert Heiser Jean Gallagher Byron Thompson Victor Gomez Janelle Williams Jerry Bongers April Settell Ed Kidneigh Dave Funk C. Bullock / D. Winters Jerry Webb Isaac Vargas Reis Caldwell Matt McAdam Sean Aryana Alex Ecklund Reuben Corbett

Fourth Dave Guentert Janelle Williams Thomas Braun Malcolm Hamilton April Settell David Radke Cindy Carlson Dave Funk Bryce Johnston Michael Winters Dave Guentert Maylen Gaspar Mathew Christensen Earl Haskins Rick Pawless Paul Klatt Danny Robinett D. Davis / C. Vargas

Anthony Vargas Dylan Inskeep Michael Osborne Bob Sikorski

by Alok Mehta

n a serendipitous twist of events, Tina Hagen and Alok Mehta won the bronze medal in the World Senior Tournament at Albuquerque, New Mexico, in August. Alok has recently moved from Boston to Colorado Springs and had not met too many racquetball players. He called up Paula Sperling, the tournament organizer, and asked her to pair him up with someone in the 35+ age category in the mixed doubles event. He was randomly paired with Tina. They met at the tournament for the first time and discovered that they lived in the same neighborhood (within a mile) in Colorado Springs. Their children are similar ages and now their families are good friends. Racquetball makes friends forever!

Rank Player City 1 Jo Shattuck Denver 2 Marcia Richards Littleton 3 Tina Hagen CO Springs 4 Cindy Tilbury Denver 5 Micky Richer Ft. Collins 6 Mary Keenan CO Springs 7 Barbara Mehegan CO Springs 8 Linda Mojer CO Springs 9 Ann Schramm CO Springs 10 April Settell Aurora 11 Carol Zimlinghaus Littleton 12 Shirley Parsons Rangely 13 Nicole Hamilton Ft. Collins 14 Janelle Williams Highlands Ranch 15 Gaye Faulkner Littleton 16 Lori Inskeep Littleton 17 Dena Morrissey Durango 18 Cara Pellowski Palisade 19 Jean Gallagher Littleton 20 Christine Meyer Arvada 21 Maylen Gaspar CO Springs 22 Hannah Oliver CO Springs 23 Petra Allen CO Springs 24 Melissa Zantop Littleton 25 Kenna Anderson Parker

Colorado MEN Rank Player City 1 Derek Robinson Littleton 2 Woody Clouse Highlands Ranch 3 Gilberto De Los Rios Pueblo 4 Tony Boscia Lakewood 5 Andres Jimenez Pueblo West 6 Nicholas Giunta Pueblo 7 John Vohland CO Springs 8 Mike McClintock Louisville 9 Tony Feldstein Monument 10 John Lee Rhodes CO Springs 11 Charles Stanley CO Springs 12 Lee Beckwith Boulder 13 Ray Cordero CO Springs 14 Anthony Herrera Grand Junction 15 David Guentert Aurora 16 Mathew Christensen Lakewood 17 Mike Cole Thornton 18 Noel Delporte Lakewood 19 Michael Eitzel Denver 20 Alok Mehta CO Springs 21 Eddie Meredith CO Springs 22 Dan Beaudry Pueblo 23 Gary West Montrose 24 Jim Hiser CO Springs 25 Tim Watkins Pueblo


Tip: Analyze Your Game — Energy Level

they are looking for some competition. We supply the equipment and instructors, of course.

by Cindy Tilbury

How well do you know your own game? Of course, it’s important to watch your opponent and adjust your play to counter what he/she is using against you, but it’s also important to use a little introspection, as well. Here are just some of the questions you might ask yourself as you’re playing: What are my best shots against this opponent and always? What serves are working for me today? What serves are working against me today? What shots do I mess up on when I’m tired? What shots do I still execute well when I’m tired? During this match, what shots gave me the most points/sideouts? During this match, which shots are giving my opponent the most points/sideouts? Am I getting more or less tired than my opponent? Once you know the answers to these questions, what do you do with the information? Nothing replaces training to get into top physical shape, but here are a few suggestions if you haven’t already done that: Obviously, keep hammering the shots and serves that are working against your opponent. During long rallies where you’re getting more tired than your opponent, hit “safe” shots and let your opponent make the mistake. It’s always tempting to hit a low-percentage shot to end a rally—resist. During long rallies where your opponent is getting more tired than you, hit shots that make him/her run even more, possibly causing a rally-ending mistake or a setup for you to easily put away. Try short-hopping or cutting off a serve that is giving you trouble. Try an around-the-world or hard Z shot to move your opponent around. Try an off-speed, chest-high garbage serve that will probably be returned to the ceiling. Use all of your timeouts, preferably after long rallies you’ve lost. This benefits your opponent too, but might stop his/her momentum. Don’t let your opponent know how tired you are. Bounce around a little and pretend to be fully energized, even if you aren’t. The racquetball pro in your area probably has a hundred more ideas on how to win a tough match, but these few ideas should get you started analyzing your game to help you win your next tough match.

■ Want to watch the pros play in person? Besides the Lynmar Classic in Colorado Springs, you can travel to any of the IRT Tour tournaments and play in the associated amateur events. Check the schedule of dates/cities at! A CRA board member can help

you find someone to match your level and style.

■ Exciting news! Jo Shattuck of the Denver Athletic Club has started a University Touring League racquetball program to provide more competition for our collegiate players. If you have a club or group of players at your college, give Jo a call or visit her website and ask her for details. ■ More exciting news!

All softball teams are invited to contact the CRA board to get a free racquetball lesson for their team members. We have been working with a few girls’ teams and


■ In addition to this Rollout newsletter,

CRA/USRA members get a subscription to Racquetball magazine. If you’re done reading it and intend to throw it out, leave it somewhere visible instead. Marcia Richards suggests your hair salon or doctor’s or dentist’s office.

■ The new 2007 racquets are out and

available. See your local Wilson, Head, E-Force, Ektelon and Pro Kennex representatives and sponsored players to try them out. They can also tell you where to buy them. A CRA board member can help you find a demo night or person to contact.

■ Don’t want to spend time indoors

when the weather is so gorgeous? Outdoor racquetball is almost as fun as indoor racquetball! To find a court near you, contact the CRA or

■ Ladies, get on the email list to be


■ Need a lesson and don’t know with whom to work?

■ During the 2006 Colorado State Singles Championships, several awards were handed out to some special players. Congratulate your fellow CRA members: Most Improved Female — Michelle Sikorski Most Improved Male — Kevin Holmes Most Improved Junior — Adam Manilla Best Sportsmanship — Sammy Payne John Mooney Award — Harry Byerly Outstanding Sponsorship — Old Chicago / Scott Parrill Outstanding Club / Director — Denver Athletic Club / Jo Shattuck

notified of upcoming ladies-only racquetball events. We try to do these each month and you’re invited. We usually bring food to share afterward, too. Join us for the exercise and fun.

■ Want some serious mountain

racquetball fun? Maybe you also want to combine that with some skiing. Lots of Colorado mountain towns have courts, but for a special getaway, try the Alpine Villa in Breckenridge (

For more information, call Elizabeth at 817.430.2240.

The Inner Game


by Mike Vrabel

hen I look in bookstores for stuff on racquetball, I will invariably find all those books on shot selection, court positioning and the mechanics of your forehand or backhand. Most read like engineering text and end up in the back of your closet, with the rest of your high school “classics.”

I will sum up several 200+-page books with the first thing Dave Negrete (top player in Chicago and commissioner of the Men’s Pro Tour) taught me as a difficult 14-year-old wanting to crush (not beat) every opponent I have ever met.: Pinch if your opponent is behind you Pass if your opponent is in front of you. Got it. Now throw those books away. I was always much more interested in another type of way to win. I was realistic even back then. I wasn’t big, I didn’t have the best mechanics, and frankly (unfortunately) I was never in the best shape. I was interested in something less talked about — something more mysterious, dark, unexplored: The INNER GAME. As a 14-year-old, I watched with awe as John McEnroe outplayed his opponents. It was an art form to him. He was esthetically better than his opponents. He came up with shots that very few ever saw before. He thought outside of the tennis box. He mentally beat his opponents with superior focus (until later in his career). He wasn’t physically prominent (Lendl and others clearly towered over him). He wasn’t even that good at Stanford, where he went to College (few know this).

Michael Jordan: The story is well-known. He didn’t even make the high school basketball team his first time out. So, if success leaves clues, as others smarter than myself have intimated, what did these great athletes have in common (great NOW – not when they were starting out)? How many of us watch some “older” players and note to ourselves: “They do not have the best mechanics”, “they are not in the best shape and yet seem to be exactly where the ball ends up” – or “mid game, they change court tactics on a dime”?

First lesson in the art of the inner game: Never acknowledge defeat. EVER. If you ache or are in pain, cry in the locker room. Change – be radical. Change shots, tactics. Redefine yourself NOW. This phenomenon seems to be a human defect. Ok, I just lost, got crushed actually, but I am just going to stick with “my game”…because in 1963 I actually won using this strategy. If you lose 15-0, go take a bathroom break, embrace “denial and short-term memory loss” (Deon Sanders did get beat MANY times) and start pondering new shots, new serves. You have nothing to lose. The concept of playing “your game” is a delusion, a thought process, a concept. It is not real. You invented it. Learn every shot. If hitting hard makes you feel manly, this is not “your game.” This is a psychological stigma. Your “need” to feel this or that is “my game” is just that. A mental process invented by you. If you are one of those players that “feels” touch shots are effeminate – well, you will be watching that effeminate player Sunday from the stands. Again, this is a psychological stigma.

They never appear defeated. Rarely, if ever, do I see these two “look” down. Rarely do you see resignation or slumped shoulders, or that “Lindsey Davenport look of defeat” on their faces. In fact, it is just the opposite. Sit down and watch a match and, chances are, you will not be able to tell one way or another. In fact, I always have to ask, “Who is winning?” They may appear tired but never beaten. Never.

In fact, in talking with Bruce, he always comes back to a fundamental strength in every winner: You lost, you got crushed – well, ok, how about practicing that new server (lob if the drive is not working)? How about slowing the pace down if your opponent crushes the ball (Matt Christianson comes to mind)? Change your game. Embrace every shot option. Lost ripping the ball? Change to a slower pace (it is NOT unmanly!!!) Being out thunk by that clever older player? Move him/her around. CHANGE and never ever let it occur to you that you are going to lose. If the score is 14-0, all you need is 15 more points. Change your focus. Splash water on your face. Bang your head against the wall, anything. But never, ever, ever focus on losing.

This is HUGE. Sorry to sound immodest but I can sit and watch most players and tell who is winning or losing in five seconds. The loser always “looks” ready to lose well before they actually do — despondent look, despairing shoulder slump (most common), dragging feet, agonizing facial contortions, angry glares followed by a deep primal sadness knowing the inevitable is about to happen. “Wait, my arm hurts”, leg, elbow, something – “get me out of this court NOW.”

What do you have to lose? Mock the above and, chances are, you are never around on Sunday. Think about it; ponder it. Then go watch Bruce or Lee – and take copious notes.

Two players that, to me, are masters at this are Bruce Burgess and Lee Beckwith. Of course, others come to mind but these two players win the “old fashioned” way. They “outthink” their opponents. They win because they are mentally stronger than their opponents. Without being rude, they are simply smarter than everyone they play. Without being too bold, the game is an art form to them (or at least to me watching them). Pass shot not working? Pinch or do a three-wall shot. Arm/shoulder hurting? Go to the ceiling. They do “simple things” better. Others simply look on puzzled noting, “Hey, weren’t they down in that last game?” But what does this mean? These words that we use describe intangibles that are never really talked about or discussed in books: Mentally stronger. Tougher. Court Artist. Well, when I watch these players a few things stand out.


Tournament Trail...

(2006/07 Season)




Oct 13-15

Fall Classic

Dwntn CO Springs YMCA Adam Younger 719.473.9622

Marcia Richards, President

Oct 27-29

Halloween Open

Lynmar CO Springs

Eddie Meredith 719.491.4703 303.738.9797

Nov 10-12

November Madness

North Jeffco Rec

Brent Anderson 303.431.9004

Linda Mojer, Vice President

Nov 15-19

US Open

Memphis, TN

Dec 1-3

CO State Doubles

Littleton YMCA

Dec 8-10

RB Addicts Anonymous Denver Athletic Club

Dec 16-21

IRF World Juniors

Tempe, AZ

Jan 5-8

CRA Benefit

Littleton YMCA

Jan 25-28

Blizzard Bash

Goodson Rec Center

Jan 26-28

Women’s Sr. Masters Champ Orlando, FL

Feb 8-11

Racquet for the Cure

Denver Athletic Club

Jean Gallagher 720.244.7654

Feb 16-18

Durango Championships Durango Sports Club

Gary Mazaroff 505.321.1110

Feb 28-Mar 4 High School Nationals


CRA Board of Directors

USAR 719.635.5396 Marcia Richards 720.560.1484 Jo Shattuck 720.931.6812 USAR 719.635.5396 Marcia Richards 720.560.1484 Bruce Burkland 303.798.2476 Jean Trimble 407.645.3550


USA Racquetball 1685 West Uintah / Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2921 719-635-5396/FAX 719-635-0685

Articles, Advertising & Letters: ROLLOUT ATTN: Cindy Tilbury, Editor 3131 East Alameda, #205 Denver, CO 80209 303.888.4461

USRA/CRA • 1685 West Uintah Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2921

USAR 719.635.5396


April Settell, Secretary

Krystyna Popovich, Treasurer

Board Members Dan Davis David Howell Steve Nelson Scott Parrill Travis Parrill Drew Popovich Byron Thompson Cindy Tilbury


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