Wits Review April 2008

Page 41

Photo Essay

In the summertime... Photo Essay

Remember that old song – you would have to have been around in the seventies – which had the refrain, “in the summertime when the weather is high you can reach right up and touch the sky...” Alumni of a certain age will now be humming the tune. Endlessly. Those who have been more recently educated will have moved on. Thankfully. Be that as it may, the words do evoke a certain tone and mood and one which we hope is reflected in our latest photo essay. We’ve wandered around the campus capturing the heady season of summer. Students in T-shirts, shorts and sandals, taking refuge in the shade; bright sunlight cast on one of the most beautiful academic institutions on the continent and perhaps most importantly either the promise of the long holiday ahead or the slog of a year to come as February gives way to a crisp Johannesburg autumn. We hope these images remind you of your summer days at Wits when your life stretched out before you and career ambition was tempered by the promise of a trip to the “Dev” or the Sunnyside and the hope that Monday’s lecture wouldn’t start too early.

Photo: Dimitri Selibas 40 WITSReview

April 2008

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