3 minute read
Open your eyes and see the good
I am writing to thank you and congratulate you on the latest magazine. It is not the first and only one that makes me happy and proud of being a Wits alumna, however, I found myself wanting to pen something this time around.
The write-up on Buhlebesizwe Siwani (BA FA 2012) is to blame. I swelled with pride when I read about her and her latest achievements. Buhlebezwe’s maternal grandmother, Joyce Siwani, is a big sister-friend of mine. I therefore know Buhle almost from birth; to read what she did in the magazine just filled me with joy and pride. When I glanced throughout those pages and I realised that there is a lot of good happening around us, we just have to open our eyes and see it. You and your team do it tirelessly. Yes, Wits for the public good.
The Centenary Campaign theme talks to me: Wits.For Good. I did my tertiary education as a mother, wife, career woman and activist. I knew when I finished matric that my parents couldn’t afford university, it was not even a discussion.
When I was ready, I visited the Wits Business School, in Nick Binedell’s days. I have not looked back and have not regretted one moment. For both the PDM and MM classes I was awarded the Personality of the Course Recognition.
Thanks for the heads up for the Centenary Celebration weekend, I have diarised, God willing, I will be there. Elizabeth Dhlamini-Kumalo (PDM 1997, MM 2001)
• The latest WITSReview (Vol 46) is so good that I had to congratulate and thank you for it. Fantastic effort by all concerned. Every good wish.
Dr John Potter (BEd 1993, MEd 1995, UED 1996), executive Chair, the Australian Land Management College
• Many thanks, loved this edition of the magazine. Great to see some “old” friends like Bonnie Norton (BA 1978, BA hons 1983, PGDip Ed 1978) and Michael Skapinker (BA 1977). A simply superb magazine from start to finish.
Peter Laubscher (BA 1977, BA Hons 1978)
Kudos for WITSReview
WITSReview was recognised as the best corporate publication in South Africa in the 2021 corporate publication competition hosted by the SA Publication Forum.
WITSReview also won best external magazine (category A), excellence in writing, best design and best headlines categories in the competition. Judges said: “The WITSReview manages to exude the high standards of the academic institution it represents while at the same time never sounding pompous or boring. It is un-put-downable and a proud flag-bearer of one of South Africa’s finest universities.”
In July 2021, the publication was also awarded Gold in the Printed External Magazines category and in the design division of the skills category at the Marketing, Advancement and
Communication in Education Excellence Awards (MACE), representing universities in Southern Africa.
Judges said: “The publication and entry clearly indicate a high quality of writing and superior production, which is inspirational. This is a lovely publication — very creative in its variety and treatment of photography, typography and design. It is extremely well done, with content that is structured, written and packaged superbly. The publication left a lasting impression on the evaluator.”