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Wits Rose
A modern antique

The Wits KORwiwara(P) rose was officially unveiled in the rose garden outside the William Cullen Library on Wits’ 100th birthday, 4 October 2022. This “Wits Rose” is a new rose variety specially cultivated by Ludwig’s Rose Farm to celebrate the University’s Centenary.
The naming of the Wits KORwiwara(P) rose stems from Witwatersrand (‘wiwara’) while the (P) confirms the application for Plant Breeder’s Rights. It has a dense formation of firm, lightly fragrant white petals, with a cream centre that have the strength to withstand wind and rain. The bush maintains a neat growth pattern that is suitable for garden beds or containers.
The variety falls into the Antico Moderno category that Ludwig’s came up with, meaning “modern antique”. The process from cross-pollinating to naming a rose takes a minimum of five years.