Wits Connect May 2019

Page 21


Moving with the times The Partnership for the 4th Industrial Revolution in South Africa (#4IRSA) is an alliance between Telkom and three universities: Wits, UJ and Fort Hare. #4IRSA is convening a series of workshops across disciplines to talk about how South Africa can respond to the changes that technology is bringing. The biggest threat is not technology itself but a “crisis of imagination and leadership”, said futurist Valter Adão at one of the workshops. Read more Professor Brian Armstrong, Chair in Digital Business at the Wits Business School and Secretary of the #4IRSA Partnership, said all sector workshops would look at the themes of: Competitiveness, Concentration and Inequality Employment and the Future of Work Society, State and Citizen “The 4IRSA partnership is really important because it is a spontaneous and growing alliance between enthusiastic and concerned partners in industry, academia and government, together with social actors and citizens, who are committed to working together to develop a coherent, inclusive national response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution in South Africa,” said Professor Armstrong at the launch of the @4IRSA Partnership’s first #DigitalEconomicSummit, planned for June 2019. WITS CONNECT |


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