2014 Annual Report
President, WITS Board of Directors
Board Chair
Executive Director
2013-14 YEAR IN REVIEW The following report illustrates the impact of the 2013-14 WITS programs: WITSummer in the Parks WITSummer Early Childhood Classroom Reading Tutors WITS Kindergarten Workplace Mentoring Mid-day Mentoring WITS on Campus WITS on the Weekend
“I’ve worked with WITS for a number of years at both Peabody and Otis schools – the students continue to look forward to the prog ram e ver y year. From a teacher’s perspective – I love that the volunteers are available to help guide them through their 5th grade year – which can be a tough year for students.” MR.PETER SIMPSON, 5th Grade Teacher, Otis Elementary School
The 2013-14 school year marked the 21st year of WITS literacy programming in Chicago public schools. With the breadth of our programs and the dedication of our volunteer corps, WITS helps to bridge gaps in student academic achievement through focused literacy mentorship. Through working directly with our partner school principals and teachers, we are able to tailor a plan for WITS programs in each school that best supports the needs of the students. This approach gives the students the support they need in the classroom and also builds a sense of communit y among WITS staf f, volunteers, school administrators, and teachers.
2,599 Students
Weekly Sessions
30 Schools
1,848 Volunteers
N 90
Jefferson Park 55 94
Portage Park
Portage Park
20 Cicero
9 10
13 90
East Garfield Park
Near North Side
12 13
90 290
Near 94 Side 94 90 55 North
90 290
94 55
94290 90
94 Marshall
Brighton 294 Park
West Edison
Brighton Park West Lawn
22 94 90
22 23
Englewood 55 94
290 290 294 90 90 290 90 55 5594 94 South Side
27 28 29 30
2 31
Englewood West Lawn
15 4
55 294
90 94
6 South Side
290 294
West Edison
15 16
21 8
90 Humboldt Park 94
S 17
Humboldt Park
55 290 28 29423 294 55 94 Marshall1 East Garfield Square
Logan 55 Square
Logan 55 Square
Irving Park
Irving Park
Jefferson Park 55 94
Brown 54 N Hermitage Ave st Pl Carnegie 1414 54 E 61 1 Brown N Hermitage Ave Chavez 4747 S Marshfield Ave 2 Carnegie 1414 E 61st Pl Cook 8150 S Bishop St 3 Chavez S Marshfield Ave De Diego 1313 N4747 Claremont Ave 4 Cook 8150 S Bishop St Drake 2710 Dearborn St Everet t 3419 S Bell AveN Claremont Ave 5 De Diego 1313 Fairfield 6201 S Fair field AveLuther King Dr 6 Drake 2722 Martin Hamline 4747 S Bishop St 7 Everet t 3419 S Bell Ave Haugan 4540 N Hamlin Ave 8 Fairfield 6201 St S Fairfield Ave Hibbard 3244 W Ainslie 9 st St S Bishop St Hamline Holden 1104 W 314747 Jenner 1119 N Cleveland Ave 10 Haugan 4540 N Hamlin Ave Jordan 7414 N Wolcott Ave 11 Hibbard 3244 W Ainslie Ave LEARN 1700 W 83rd St 12 Holden 1104 W 31st St Lowell 3320 W Hirsch St 13 Jenner 1119 N Cleveland Ave Lozano 1501 N Greenview Ave 14 Jordan 7414 N Wolcott Ave Manierre 1420 N Hudson Ave McClellan 35271700 S Wallace St St 15 LEARN W 83rd Melody 3937 W Wilcox St 16 Lowell 3320 W Hirsch St Morrill 6011 S Rockwell St 17 Lozano 1501 N Greenview Ave NTA 55 W Cermak Rd 18 Manierre 1420 N Hudson Ave Otis 525 N Armour St 19 McClellan Wallace St Peirce 1423 W Bryn3527 Mawr A Ave Penn 1616 S Avers Ave 20 Melody 412 S Keeler Perez 1241 W 19th St S Rockwell St 21 Morrill 6011
Ruggles 7831 S Prairie Ave 22 NTA 55 W Cermak Rd Talcott 1840 W Ohio St 23 N Armour St WalshOtis 2015525 S Peoria St 24 Peirce Irving 1423 W Bryn Mawr Ave Washington 749 S Oakley BlvdW 19th St 25 Perez 1241 Nicholas Park 1355 E 53rd St 26 Ruggles 7831 S Prairie Ave Fosco Park 1312 S Racine Ave 27 Talcott 1840 W Ohio St Clarendon Park 4501Walsh N Clarendon 2015Ave S Peoria St
Washington 749 S Oakley Blvd Nicholas Park 1355 E 53rd St Fosco Park 1312 S Racine Ave Clarendon Park 4501 N Clarendon Ave
Students participating in WITS Mid-Day Mentoring programs were 75% MORE LIKELY TO RAISE THEIR HAND IN CLASS and par t icipate than their peers who did not have t he benefit o f a WITS mentor. 6 
WITS IMPACT Evaluation of our programs demonstrates that WITS builds student reading proficiency, self-ef ficacy, and overall academic achievement. The data from our evaluat ion guides decisions on curriculum enhancement, volunteer and staf f training, coaching techniques, and program deliver y. Our evaluation leverages multiple data sources to gauge impact of programs. Data is collected from teachers, volunteers, parents, and directly from students to track quantifiable achievements. We also recognize that often it is the non-quantifiable achievement that has the greatest impact. WITS outcomes are achieved through the network of mutuality that develops between students, volunteers, teachers, staff, and schools. This community empowers all of us as readers and inspires us to advance opportunities for students throughout the city. SO, WHILE THE EVALUATION RESULTS ARE AN IMPORTANT REFLECTION OF OUR WORK, THERE ARE ASPECTS OF WITS THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO CAPTURE IN NUMBERS.
WITS is the student who has read the entire Encyclopedia Brown series with their Workplace Mentor ing volunteer. WITS is the Classroom Reading Tutor, also a docent at the Art Inst itute, who leads discussions with second graders on Monet and Degas. WITS is the corporate group who identifies just as strongly with their par tner school in Br idgeport as they do with their company department. The groups that attend their school’s career day, donate backpacks f illed with supplies, and come in on a Saturday to paint the school’s gym. WITS is the classroom of third graders who—af ter collecting pennies all year—decide to donate their money to buy book s to send home w ith WITS student s. We can put a dollar amount on that classroom’s donat ion, but the value of that gif t adds up to so much more than the indiv idual pennies in that jar.
SUMMER PROGRAMS Research shows that during summer break, students lose impor tant knowledge and ground gained during the school year. Low income students have an especially high risk for the “summer slide.” In an effort to bridge the oppor tunity gap for our students, WITS delivers programs during the
73% 73% OF PARK VOLUNTEERS observed substantial improvement in student reading confidence over the course of just one month of programming.
summer months.
WITSUMMER IN THE PARKS WITSummer in the Parks launched in 2013 in partnership with the Chicago Park District as part of the district’s commitment to build in reading time and literacy programming into summer camp. On a WITS program day, campers read for 45 minutes, increasing the amount of time they spent on reading and literac y act ivit ies by 25% each week. In addit ion to the extra time devoted to reading, campers benefited by working either one-on-one or two-on-one with the same volunteer each week. Volunteers acted as reading role models and mentors, quickly developing attachments
with their campers in just five weeks of program time.
WITSUMMER EARLY CHILDHOOD Students entering kindergar ten and f irst grade need a background in phonological awareness and exposure to picture book reading in order to succeed in the classroom. Man y students lose ground gained during the school year because their summer child care does not target these skills. The WITSummer Early Childhood program provided four hours of individualized attention, access to books, and skill building activities for students in three Chicago Public School locations. WITS s tudents and volunteers moved in small groups through learning centers, each focused on building various literacy skills. Students remain fully engaged under the supervision of trained WITS volunteers who act as “reading role models� and coaches. Students deepen their understanding of classic picture books through games and hands on projects over the summer and enter school in the fall ready to excel.
22% Students made a 22% IMPROVEMENT in their knowledge of book and print concepts, whereas comparison students actually showed a -6% decline in this type of knowledge. WITSummer Early Ch i l d h oo d P r o gram played a role i n buf f er ing t he summer slide, as comparison students showed a decline in book and print knowledge.*
IN SCHOOL PROGRAMS Studies show that reading regularly with young children stimulates optimal patterns of brain development and builds both language and social- emotional sk ills that last a lifetime. * Reading is e speciall y important for students in the years leading up to third grade, a benchmark year for success throughout their academic career. WITS provides in-school programming for students in kindergarten through third grade—focusing
61% 61% OF WIT S ST UDEN TS improved their ability to participate in imaginative play and interacting with the text vs. 40% of comparison students.
83% of our volunteer base on this crucial time.
CLASSROOM READING TUTORS While Classroom Reading Tutors comprise only 3% of WITS volunteers, this dedicated group yielded more than 7,000 hours of volunteer time during the 2013-14 school year, 21% of the total hours that WITS volunteers provided one-on-one reading time to students. Many of these volunteers bring in their own materials, prep for lessons alongside the teacher, and act as a guide for students who need more individualized attention. The bond between a Classroom Reading Tutor and a teacher often lasts for years, and even decades, until the volunteer becomes an integral part of the school community and the literacy support network for students.
“The WITS Classroom Reading Tutor was wonderful to have in our first grade class. She was professional, hard working, and friendly with our students. I especially had her working with a group of struggling students and they have come a long way over the course of the year!” MS. LETICIA SANCHEZ, 1st Grade Teacher, McClellan Elementary
* FOOTNOTE(http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/06/19/peds.2014-1384).
and shared strategies about how to access students’ interests when
During the 2013-14 school year,
choosing appropriate texts.
the WI TS Kindergar t en program served 14 schools and 287 students.
WITS volunteers read with the same 4 to 5 students ever y week. T his
The WITS Mid-Day Mentor ing
consistency allows for the students
program is a one-on-one reading and
and volunteer s to cult ivate
mentoring program that takes place
relationships through the course
during the school day. Corporate,
of the year.
gov er nment, or communit y groups volunteer as a team. Once
All W ITS volunteer s receive
a week during the lunch hour, WITS
opportunity for training throughout
busses a group of volunteers to an
the year. This year, volunteers that
elementar y school, where each
work with kindergarten through
volunteer is paired with the same
t hi rd gr ad e r eceiv ed f ocu sed
child for an ent ire scho o l y ea r.
training. WITS volunteers were
Volun t eer /student pai r s spend
invited t o attend a spring exper t
time reading aloud and enjoy ing
training with Dr. Judith Gouwens. Dr.
books together. Mid-day Mentoring
Gouwens, a professor at Roosevelt
programs primarily target students
Univer s it y and for m e r pr imar y
in second and third grade to provide
teacher and education consultant,
academic support during the critical
talked with early childhood
time period as students transition
volunteers about how to establish
from “ learning to read” to “reading
a motivation to read in students,
to learn.”
64% 64% OF STUDENTS who participated in WITS Mid-day Mentor in g pro gram showed a more positive attitude towards read ing and read ing beha v io r s ( i e: reading in school, reading out loud, reading during a test, reading to learn, etc.).
AFTER SCHOOL + WEEKEND PROGRAMS After school and weekend programs of fer students the opportunity to learn and grow outside of the classroom. By exposing students to new environments and perspectives, WITS encourages an enthusiasm for
92% 92% OF WITS WORKPLACE MENTORING VO LUNTEERS repor ted that student ability to articulate thoughts improved over the course of the year
learning in everyday experiences.
WITS WORKPLACE MENTORING Workplace Mentoring is a one-on-one literacy mentorship program that takes place in the late afternoon at corporate offices downtown. Once a week, after school, WITS busses a group of elementary school students to a corporate office, where each student is paired with the same volunteer for an entire school year. Volunteer/student pairs spend time weekly reading, engaging in critical thinking activities, and working on homework. In addition to WITS academic outcomes, student participants have the unique opportunity to become familiar with the buz z of downtown and of f ice culture. With the guidance of their literacy mentor, students begin to visualize a path toward academic and professional success.
“I enjoy being able to volunteer through work. It’s great to have my employer’s support to take time away during the day to read and give back.” WITS WORKPLACE MENTORING Volunteer
WITS ON CAMPUS The WITS on Campus program, launched in 2012 and modeled after the Workplace Mentoring program, offers both literacy mentorship and the oppor tunity for students to explore university life. The WITS on Campus program gives students a visualization of what college ‘looks like’ and gives them a sense of how they may create a path toward college. Many of the college students who tutor in the WITS program are first generation college attendees, giving them a power ful voice in the lives of these elementar y school students.
WITS ON THE WEEKEND WITS on the Weekend promotes academic curiosity and fosters a love of learning. The program of fers WITS students a safe and productive school environment on Saturdays. Our model evolved from a two-hour long literacy tutoring session, to one of WITS’s most v ibrant programs, dr iv en by a dynamic cur r iculum. The program was predicated on the tradit ional WITS tutor ing model — r eading between one student and one volunteer—but also broadened students’ world views through culturally-r ich, thematic group workshops. Community volunteers in WITS on the Weekend of fer both literacy support and experiential education that build students’ academic and critical thinking skills beyond the traditional classroom.
“I can’t wait to come back next week. I’m going to go to DePaul when I go to college” 5TH GRADE STUDENT, Ruggles Elementary School
BUILDING AT-HOME LIBRARIES A New York University study found that in lower income neighborhoods there were only 33 books per 10,000 children, while their peers in more affluent neighborhoods had an average of 300 books per child.*
In an e f f or t to combat thi s di s cr e p an cy, WITS is commit ted to helping student s build their at- h o m e libraries before winter and summer breaks. Dur in g the 2013-14 s c h o o l y ear, W I T S s e nt b o o k s h o m e w i t h 2 , 599 students. With contributions from other organizations and partners, WITS sent a total 19,575 books home with students. These books keep students connected to the pos i t ive learning experiences shared with their WITS mentor during the school year. When books are distributed at the holiday celebrations and at the end of the school year, student s make a promise to their mentors that they will read every day over the break. WITSummer Books enable the home -school connect ion, br inging reading into the home throughout the summer months.
“ My students eagerly partic ipated in tutoring sessions with the WITS tutor. The class also enjo yed the books that were provided from the program. They have all gro wn to love reading and are more conf ident readers in the cla ssroom.” MS.MILAGRO JUMP, Peirce Elementary 3rd Grade
*FOOTNOTE: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/29/373729964/first-book-gets-reading-material-into-the-hands-of-low-income-students
OUR VOLUN TEERS To our volunteers: You are part of the largest volunteer corps serving Chicago public school students. You are a cit y wide force. You have built a community that believes in the power of books. You are a voice of encouragement, a stor y book unlocked, and a routine of reassurance for a student at one of our par tner schools. Thank you for play ing human bingo and for wr it ing acr o s t i c poems w ith our oldest students. Thank you for sitting in impossibly small chairs and for pointing out all the capital letters to our youngest students. You are making a difference in the lives of individual students. Volunteers, thank you. We could not do our work without you.
BROWN ELEMENTARY Principal: Kenya Sadler Community Area: Near West Side Mollie Buchmann
John Hammond
Manoj Khandekar
Katherine McCormick
Barbara Morse-Quinn
Molina Georgia
Michelle C. Burke
Alicia Hawley
Ann Kladis
Elise J. McGee
Katherine Mundy
S. Stone
William J. Butler
Jeffrey Holdvogt
Daniel Laumann
Michael McMillan
Karne Newburn
Deepak Tamasker
Jef f Ekeberg
George M. Houhanisin
Carla Lawless
Bill Mer ten
Niraj Patel
Jamie Taylor
Allison Gage
Michelle Howe
Elizabeth Lewis
William Merten
Joan Polacheck
Mar y Tidwell
Erica Gholson
Qasim Jami
Nicole Mann
Jennifer Mikulina
Margaret E. Sanne
Andrew Van Dyke
Timothy Gleason
Lainie Kaiser
Jacob Mattinson
Chris Miller
CARNEGIE ELEMENTARY Principal: Docilla Pollard Community Area: Woodlawn
Carrie O. Adams
Mary Corrado
Adam Gannaway
Denise Kennedy
Edward M. Rhyne
Lauren Smith
Susan Allan
Krista Coulson
Ruth Goring
Michael Koplow
Shannon Rischow
Deronda Terrell
Matthew Avery
Kate Davey
Anne Helms
Hilary Landgraf
Marsha Ross
Samantha Thompson
Benjamin Balskus
Joan Davies
Monica Hoeft
Mary Laur
Theresa Rothschadl
Jillian Tsui
Daniel D. Balys
Janet Deckenbach
Mary N. Hoover
Bridget Maher
Susan Rozovics
Deanne VanNatta
Adam Berkoff
Robert Desmond
Lisa Humanicki
Nicole Miller
Carol Rugg
Sophie Wereley
Meredith Boe
James Ellis
Vinolia Huxley
Nick Minear
Lauren Salas
Morganna S. Williams
Karen Breashears
Micah T. Fehrenbacher
Joseph Jackson
Patricia O’Shea
Christina Santana
Ellen Zalewski
Pat Brennan
Michelle Foy
Chun Jang
Julie Pabarja
Erica Sitkoff
Christopher D. Chung
Stephanie Friedman
Carol Kasper
Ashley Pierce
Irma Sless-Kitain
CHAVEZ ELEMENTARY Principal: Barton Aubrey Dassinger Community Area: Back of the Yards Samantha Akers
Mabry Kritzer
Shanna Athas
Michael Lewandowski
Alyssa Bawolek
Peggy Luckey
Mark Binkowski
Maura Mahoney
Amy Binstein
Victoria Malkin
Jessica Bollhoefer
Brian Means
Br ian Chernett
Natalie Mondane
Michael Connor
Peter Nelson
Kim Doyle
Jamie Pabst
Grant Emenick
Cy Rangel
Benjamin Erskine
Kim Rankin
Jessica Falk
Gregg Raus
Jesse Frageman
J. Matthew Shannon
Robert Goodman
Shawn Silverman
Daniel Grasso
Alexandra Stephens
Drew Grote
Jason Trombley
Thomas Grusecki
Steven Trombley
Michael Hearney
Sarah Tuchler
Christine Heep
Keelan Twitty
David Howey
Andrea Van Gelder
Trevor Jeske
Bethany Vogelsberg
Jay Keeney
Matthew Woodrow
Laura Klanecnik
Andrew Youngling
Joe Klosterman
Alina Zolotnitskaya
Principal: Simone Griffin
Principal: Patricia Gonzalez
Community Area: Auburn Gresham
Community Area: West Town
Jared Berk
Emily Meaney
Beatriz Andersen
Sarah K. Hampson
Catherine Martino
Sanders Simeon
Michelle Bernal
Mickie Miczewski
John Arendshorst
Shilpa Hingwe
Katherine Miler
Joyce Somogye
Katie Boyd
Stephen W. Misner
Luc Attlan
Ashlee Holdgrafer
Sarah Millar
Therese Stanko
Morgan Bunting
Courtney Nay
Senka Barney
Kenneth Holliday
Lisette Miller
Eileen Steffel
Alissa Cantrell
Beanca Nicholson
Gwen Benoy
Laurie Holmes
Vibha G. Nair
Kolette Stim
Natalie E. Cappiello
Courtney Owens
Carrie Beyer
Richard Horak
Gordon Nash
Douglas Swill
Er ic Chow
Sam Palazzolo
Grant Brown
Cynthia Irani
Manju Navani
Craig Thessin
Ryan Clark
Alyse Passaglia
Patr ice Bruneau-
Steven Jones
Margaret O’Reilly
Steven M. Wagner
Sarah Copeland
Deepa Ramakrishnan
Stephanie Kachur
Mark Pignotti
Rochelle Weiner
Thomas Emery
Kendal Rowden
Timothy Casey
Justin Kay
Jeremiah Posedel
Elyse Wendel
Kristen Fleming
Davis H. Shah
Anna Ceraso
Robert Keim
Kara Puccinelli
Tif fanie West
Hannah Grad
Ellen Shevlin
Marie A. Coffee
Mita Lakhia
Diane Ravenscraft
Margaret Wickett
Sydnee Greenberg
Lauren Slayton
Barbara Cronin
Alejandra Lara
Lauren Rocklin
David J. Wuertz
Kassandra Hasty
Michael Smoler
Sarah Crook
Bennett Lasko
Marylou Rodriguez
Fatema Zanzi
Nicola H. Idehen
Kristen Sun
Carol Crystle
Elisse Lassiter
Cassie Rose
Francis E. Zeiger
Er ica Inzer
Kathleen Turley
Tina De Gante
Noah Lauricella
David Rubenstein
Emily Kalkowski
Varun Varma
Shirley Donahue
Amy Lauricella
Deborah Ruff
Shelley A. Kasnick
Amanda Vazzano
Kate Donovan
Sarah Law
Jesse H. Ruiz
Lauren Kirby
Anneika Verghese
Luke Finn
Thi Mai Huong Le
Sean Santos
Amanda Kornfein
Nakesha Welch
Teryl Floerchinger
Susan Leith
Scott Savidan
Daniel Kowalczyk
Zachary White
Chris Fuller
John Lisy
Sherrie Scales
Alex Loeb
Peggy Yott
Edwin Getz
Barbara Luka
Steven Seiling
John Mcilree
Lisa Zenk
Lindsay Goodman
Adam Lutostanski
Sara Shanti
Jennifer Hall
Tim Macek
Stephen B. Sieling
Amy McMahon
DRAKE ELEMENTARY Principal: Antonia Lippitt Hill Community Area: Bronzville Valencia Ahmad
Andrew Corvera
Sheena Kemp
Kate Mulrooney
Mitchell M. Sadus
Matthew Altstiel
Edward Crane
Corinne Kiott
Nicholas Munchiando
Valerie Salazar
Louis Anderson
Barbara Dalton
Megan H. Kleinick
Mar y N. Murphy
LaTanya Sargent
Chr is Arges
Mary Kay Darr
Thomas Knorring
Allyson Murphy
Margaret Schneider
Hiral Arges
Tamara Davis
Adele Kotkins
Susan Murrah
Kelley Schultz
Jessica Baer
Mary Donners
Anne Kuhn
Molly Napleton
Patr icia Seiling
Eloise Bahrmasel
Jeffrey A. Dritz
Philip Kunz
Patr icia Nelsen
Shiven Shah
Robert Barrett
Robyn Eck
Carl Kunz
Melissa Neubeck
Pat Shively
Laila Bentoto-Garcia
Joseph Engels
Minn Lecker
Lauren Norr is
Margaret Siber
Julia Berrios
Keith Friedman
Mary Ann Lenzen
Vilan Odekar
Jeremy Skaar
Jason Blackford
Jackie Gallagher
Eric Lin
Stephen ONeil
Sharon Stanciel
Jessica Blanco
Geraldine Glicken
Holly Lipschultz
Dan Opalka
Renee Street
Amy Bochenek
Joseph Green
Megan Malone
Megan Osberger
Marlene Symanski
Michael Bresnahan
Tr ish Gr if f in
Mark R. Manning
Chaitra Padsaigi
Marlene Szymanski
Roy M. Briggs
Evan F. Herman
Jennifer Martin
Mary Lou Palace
Mary Thomas
Douglas Buchler
Katie Holland
Michael Martinez
Brenda Palm
Tammy Wang
Kevin Burbridge
Martin Howard
Kimberly Matthews
Vera Parker
Lesley Weisenbacher
Michael Burke
Lynnette Hutchinson
Jan McGrath
David Petitti
Jared Weyker
Denise Caffey
Angela Jarosky
Mallory McShane
Katherine Petrusek
Krystal Wilson
Rebecca Carter
Christina Javier-Torres
Jennifer Menge
Ronald Petzke
Rachel Wright
Nick Castellano
Dawn Johnson
Jeffrey Meyerson
Br ittany Polk
Karla Yeh
Michelle Chrusciel
Markus L. Jones
Janice Miller
Colleen E. Prebelich
Hanson Zhou
Chris Coady
Stephanie R. Joseph
Cheryl Mizera
Thomas Preli
John Connolly
Steven Karceski
Kimberly Moore
James Richardson
Brian Corcoran
Jessica Kelly-Misch
Darlene Mroz
Heidi Ritt
EVERETT ELEMENTARY Principal: Rodolfo Rojas Community Area: McKinley Park Anna V. Bibik-Luchechko Kathleen Bijak Danielle Blackwell Summer Brown Sharon Eul Robin Florzak Angell Erica Gamble Brooke Gugat Kathy Hillegonds Melanie Hoebbel Anavelia Mauricio Susanne Mickey Veronica Padilla Felicia Richardson-McGee Dijana Siljanoska Kathleen Stevenson Petrina Tignino Jenna Trusso Ellen Van Amanda VanZee Kristin Westfall
Principal: Martha Quiroga
Principal: Wilma David
Community Area: Englewood
Community Area: New City (Back of the Yards)
Eric Akiwumi
Noble Franson
Abiola Kalejaiye
Luke Plesko
Eugene Brazier
Dav id Allsop
Lauren Fredericks
Andrew Kennedy
Ben Powell
America Campos
Paula Armstrong
Eleanor Fritz
Kathryn A. Kerner
Matthew Prather
Brittany Castillo
Jennifer Beach
Jon Frye
Christina Lara-
Martha Reilly
Lester R. Gordon
Julie Becker
Daniel Garcia
Linda Rojas-Noonan
Erin Grzywacz
Wendy Belcher
Hesna Genay
Stephanie Larson
Gaynetta Ross
April Hall
Kyle Bishop
Katie Gibbons
Blake Laughter
Agatha Rutkowski
Juanita Hernandez
Brittany Buis
Casey Gioielli
Mario Leggero
John Sar ts
Monica Luna
Kellie R. Bylica
Emily Golding
Gary Light
Matthew Schultz
Amelia Madrigal
Adam Caldwell
Daniel Goldman
Patricia MacArthur
Joseph Silvia
Kellie Rechlicz
Elisabeth Chapman
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Myrna Martinez
James Slattery
Anna Rivkin
Michael Chou
Gabriella Guajardo
Terri Masquelier
Ryan Steinbach
Cyntisha Taylor
Jennifer Claunch-Meyers
Sabrina Guenther
Justin McPhee
Cathy Swietek
Tristram Crittendon
Vanessa Haleco-Meyer
Rebecca Miranda
Ario Tabrizi
Jacob Diller-Schatz
Kristin Hamb
Anna Neumann
Ramon Villalpando
Traci Dixon
Nicole Hardy
Brigid O’Keeffe
Virginia Vinyard
Brian Dougherty
Pamela A. Hermon
Ana Oppenheimer
Zana Vujicic
Jaron Eanes
Danielle Hontz
Robert Perrone
William Whitner
Yusuf Esat
Kristin Hylek
Gretchen Pinnick
Nahrin Zoudo
Principal: Rosa Valdez
Principal: Scott Ronald Ahlman
Community Area: Albany Park
Community Area: Albany Park
Rosemary Acciari
Mary Kessler
Patricia O’Hanlon
Ann-Helen Anderson
Catherine Howorth
Sandra Meyers
Shirley Bernat
William Kretz
Phyllis Propp
Heather Cady
Richard Kallao
Gerald Meyers
Melissa Butler
Joan Kretz
Carole A. Restis
Tyler Er ickson
Robert Lipman
Sally Pryor
Jaikie Ceisel
Catherine Kunzer
Nancy Samoraj
Carla Forster
Mary M. Mabus
Jessica Schuster
Mary Ann Cicero
Jean Lubliner
Mary A. Schoendorff
Jeanne Gerritsen
Terence Maiellaro
Joanne Soderstrom
Kalai Donner
Daniel J. Lynch
Tina Schultz
Susan Gottlieb
Courtney Marten
Mel Soderstrom
Claire Edlebeck-Dreier
Ann McDonnell
Donald Schultz
Debby Greenberg
Margaret Mathews
Stephen Spencer
Dav id Geilen
Gail McGraw
Jacquelyn Sullivan
Emily Hawkinson
John Mathews
Terrie Stickler
Virginia Ippolito
Mary E. McVeigh
Ellen Van Wart
Grace B. Herrera
Anne McCullah
Jody Temkin
Mary Kelly
Kathryn Oba
Rita Zalesky
Catherine Kelly
Josefina Ochoa
HOLDEN ELEMENTARY Principal: Konstantinos Patsiopoulos Community Area: Bridgeport Stacy Adlman
Kevin Crotty
Jessica Haeger
Paola Montes
Kelly Plucinski
Steven Somora
Dianne Akers
Donna Dunavan
Andrew Hennessy
Terri C. Morgan
Daniel Pocius
Kathryn Stanphill
Ranferi Alvarado
Beatrice Farmer
Vincent B. Johnson
Ross Morgan
Nathan Porter
Lisa Sterba
Bradley Anderson
Sandra Fencl
Ryan Kelly
Natalie Neyman
Tracey Quirk
Raquel Thompson
Matthew Bieniek
Chris Flanagan
Julianne Kneen
Yolanda Paramore
Sangya Reddy
Randy Tuurie
Jim Bordignon
Trent Folkens
Dominic Lewis
Nitesh Patel
Danielle Rethman
Donna Weimer
Sudarsana Challa
Jon Freyer
Bill Maji
Vipul Patel
Marianne Ryan
Lauren Williams
Amy Colo
Arvind Gadhiya
Carla Mayfield
Erick Pederson
Rachel Seaman
Ann L. Witczak
Sean P. Conley
Jon Glandorf
Kathleen J. McLean
Randall Perillo
Luana Slenk
Theresa Zapiecki
Trevor Cooper
Shelly Goodwin
Renee Menees
Carla Pickney
Irene Sofil
Elaine Copenhaver
William Griffith
Principal: Robert Earl Croston, Jr.
Principal: Gladys Betty Rivera
Principal: Maria Teresa Campos
Community Area: Near North Side
Community Area: Humboldt Park
Community Area: West Town
Fran Ehrlich
Alejandra Arroyo
Sandra Kofler
Ellen Aiken
Sherri Merel
Ronald Gilford
Hamzat Azeez
Andrew Laubmeier
Maria L. Amill
Nicole Miller
Robert Lifton
Mamta Bhaiya
Clare Lewandowski
Sara Aronovitz
Walid Moustafa
Paul Callero
Jillian Meyer
Baldwin Baret
Angela Nambiar
Jake Colber t
Allegra Miller
Lauren Beck
Nash Nash
Kelly Collins
Christina Morales
Robin Benson
Jameel Nash
Principal: Ashley J. Peterson
Gwen Cooper
Jennifer Mull
Britt Berkey
Megan Opsahl
Community Area: Rogers Park
Brian Cummings
Steven Mycyk
Amy Best
Sean O’Sullivan
Mark Daniels
Tracey Nabors
Reba E. Blick
Michael Pajak
Lawrence Gordon
Deborah Dorsey-
Michael Offereins
Wendy Brawar
Restie Parayno
Donna Levitz
Anisha Patel
Suzanne Cahill
Bradley Perkins
Gayle Drew
Catherine Pechar
Lourdes M. Castro
Sheryl Perlman
Amy Duarte
Kathleen Pennacchio
Steven Chaitman
David Pipal
Brian Eckert
Jill Pietrzak
Emily Chen
Mary G. Pujalte
Director: Nicole Laskov
Yesenia Esquivel
Valeria Pizarro
Meredith Clark
Cynthia Raskin
Community Area: Auburn Gresham
Mariette Farag
Tanisha Riggins
Marla Cohen
Hallie Raskin
Kristen Fishburn
Marinne Sauk
David Cohen
Kimberly Rice
Asad Ali
Kate Jensen
Jessica Gerig
Karen Smith
Alan Cohen
Stephen Roach
Jeremy Anders
Kimberly Kreo
Jorge Gonzalez-Gale
Margaret C. Smith
Idalee Cohen
Robin Rogers
Gavin Fernandes
Rose Mary Lagadapti
Courtney Helberg
Sophia Song
Diana Coulton
Roseann Saldana
Charles Giger
Daniel Nieto
Erica Henkins
Barbara Sullivan
Cortt Cousino
Ida Schenwar
Zellencia Harris
Mike Schlictman
Matthew Hoover
Aida Trainer-Lance
Matthew English
Layne Shapiro
Stacey Hill
Patrick Schweska
Stephanie Itkonen
Scott Warman
Steven Fazekas
Cindy Sher
Shizhi Huang
Hussain Waseem
Jacob Kleinick
Cory Weaver
Alberto Figueroa
Aaron Shifrin
Jill Gaines
Michael Simoneau
Ernesto Gasulla
Amy Sklare
Catherine Gonzalez
Gregory Slover
Heather L. Gordon
Shane Smith
Brienne Gorlitsky
Ajay Soni
Pooja Goyal
Cari Sterne
Diane Kagan
Elliot Stevens
Pauline Kearney
Linda Storbeck
Lesley S. Kessler
Randall Tate
Prashant Kumar
Anthony Tori
Jill Lescohier
Frances Torrelavega
Jessica Leving
Von Tran
Allison Leviton
Rachel Ulmer
Joyce Leviton-Asher
Bernardo Urdaneta
Christine Lupella
Elena Vekilov
Elizabeth Lynch
Katrina Waldron
Nancy Martin
Keith Weicksel
David Mason
Elizabeth Weiner
Sally Maybrook
E. Elaine White
Shambreia Mcbrayer
Courtney D. Williams
Michelle McConnell
Nikki Yuen
Jeanne McNicholas
MCCLELLAN ELEMENTARY Principal: Joseph Anthony Shoffner Community Area: Bridgeport Joanna Aguirre
Colleen Maxwell
Nancy Andablo
Michael Mazza
Joanne Becker
Elizabeth Milla
Kevin Bischoff
Alvin Muresan
Gareth Breunlin
James Murphy
Kevin Coe
Michael J. Neuses
John Corvino
Carrie Norwood
Allison Cuculich
Jennifer O’Donnell
Elena Depoister
Christine O’Reilly
Tif fany Dimas
Carol L. Patrianakos
Mark Frommer
Andrew Paxson
Bob Gr im
Reynel Penn
Jeremy Haber
Jordan Perschel
Elyse Hahner
Matt Peterson
Daniel Harms
Sheila Phelan
Brian Hickey
Guillermina Pineda
Arthur Hofsetter
Tomasz Rajski
Arthur Holmberg
Arden Reed
Julie Holmberg
Louise Reynolds
Joseph Kartheiser
Nicole Saunches
Martin Keil
Thomas J. Sheridan
Sharon Keil
Ivory Stewart
Tehlyr Kellogg
Stacy Tsihlopoulos
Principal: Derrick Orr
Alix M. Krupa
Elizabeth Vazquez
Community Area: Near North Side
Jacqueline Lee
Laura Visin
Gabrielle Levert
Bill Waters
Amy Abaravich
Matthew Dias
David Matsumura
Mary Schulatz
Daniel Maguire
Kendra Webster
Wendy Aeschlimann
Kathr yn Dore
William McGrath
Margaret Seurynck
Peter Maguire
Mallory Whitlock
Anna Bak
Chelsea Farley
Julia Meyer
Adam Severson
Lauren Markiewicz
Julie Baker
Cornelia Farmer
Barbara Miller
Beverly Shapiro
Sarah Marten
Laventa Barlow
Adrian Foster
Patricia Miller
Ian Smith
Paige Barnum
Kimberly Freedman
Michael Mitchell
Mark D. Spender
Annette Bartl
Loren Friend
Andrew Mitchell
Louis Storino
Patricia Bass
Justine Gembala
Peter Monko
Meghan Sweeney
Ellenna Berger
Jessica Goldman
Chr is Murray
Natalie Tov in
Ellean Bradley
Orlando Gomez
Dave Naccache
Dale Trav is
Robert Brown
Massimiliano Guglielmo
Stephen Nechtow
Gayle M. Turek
Annabelle Bunn
Ar t Gunther
Megan Osberger
Tom Tyndorf
Joseph Buss
Christopher Haite
Max Padrid
Patricia Vanella
Barbara Byron
Nancy Hanson
Er ic Palm
Beth Vogel
Shawn Cappello
Yolanda Herrera
Jessica Panza
Heidi Warner
Mary Carroll
Nathan Hoeppner
George Patton
Melissa Weaver
Diane Clarke
Brenda Holmes
Marta Pawlowska
Jeremy Werner
Mark Cody
Sharon Huang
Katie Rames
Benjamin Weyers
Jeremy Cole
Michael Jacobsen
Pratyasha Rath
James White
Kathleen Cool
Stephanie Jones
Matthew Raymond-Ihle
Carol Wiersma
David Culberg
John R. Kelly
JoAnne Reding
Anne Wright
Nicole Dalebroux
Bonnie T. Kennedy
Matthew Roesch
Michaelene Yates
Doris Dallow
Patrick Kissling
Lee Ann Russo
Ashna Zaheer
Matthew Dammrich
Kev in Knight
Natalie Saltiel
Bobbie Zammatta
Adele D eMooy
Xing Heng Kwa
Gabriel Scannapieco
Roland D er ylo
Principal: Tiffany Tillman
Principal: Michael Beyer
Community Area: West Garfield Park
Community Area: Chicago Lawn
Alondra Acuna
Alfonso Directo
Allie Judy
Marissa Pines
Lauren Angeles
Kathleen M. Harris
Elisabeth Alber
Christopher Dizon
Mike Kalasunas
Kim Psolla
Jenny Baumann
Clar ice Howard
Jennifer Andert
Michael D olesh
Benjamin Katz
Suresh Rajagopal
Alexa Brainin
Kev in Hujar
Sue Anzaldi
Elizabeth Dunneback
James Kelly
Sean Rapelyea
Freeda Brook
Bonnie Johnson
Eloise Bahrmasel
Trey Fisher
Geoffrey Kerbis
Mark Resnik
Laurie Cashman
Jane Lanier
Scott Barnum
Michael Gentithes
Nick Kladour is
Kalie Robison
Thalia Castro
Ashley Lindstrom
Sean Bashford
Sabriye Gill
Janine Klich-Jensen
Emy Romanelli
Vanessa Chairez
Julie Mack
Emily Bateman
Michael D. Gilpin
Matthew Koch
Zachary Rosenstock
Lauren Chill
Madeline Rich
Sally Blatz Du Rivage
Craig Gitchell
Jessica Kovatovic
Swati Rout
Hellen Coleman
Robin Smith
Myah Blazar
Diana Gleichman
Jennifer Krohn
Emy Royanelli
Jason Escamilla
Juan Tapia
Baron Brinkman
Priya Goel
Rachel Kruer
Natalie Ruzicka
Melanie Frazier
Elizabeth Thomas
Christine Brosowski
Lydia Gokey
Lauren Kutkoski
Jyothi San Juan
Daniel Freeland
Chad White
Deena Bryan
Tanya Green
John Lafferty
Amy Sanders
Piper Friend
Luke Wiesboeck
Michelle Bryant
Adam Hacker
Yvonne S. LaGrone
Joseph Savage
Kathryn Grantham
Alenda Wilkins
Barbara Burke
Maergrethe Haines
Stephen LaPointe
Chris Schweitzer
Greg Hall
Frances Cahill
Claire Hanold
Scott Leigh
Katie Seelinger
Yolanda Cannella
Kylie Harwan
Laura Leone
Ziavan Smith
Alyssa Case
Jazmine Hasty
Randy Linna
Scott Smith
Victor ia Chiem
Thane Hecox
Judie Metzgar
Matthew Spitz
Sherr y Clemons
Philip Hildebrandt
Thelma Moon
Tamara Starks
Mar y Connif f
Chris Hintermeister
Maria R. Munoz
Molly Towns
Linda Cunningham
Patricia Hoffmann
Loreen Nejedly
Andrea Valencia
Abby Dav is
Lindsay Housner
Kathryn O’Connell
Elizabeth Whitaker
Nick Detchev
Elizabeth Ingram
Rachel Paney
Michael Diehl
Randall Johnson
John Pav ilonis
“I was so fortunate to get to work with my student for two years in a row. She was shy and lacked conf idence when I f irst met her. It was amazing to see the c o nf i d e n c e sh e h a d whil e reading this year, and she was able to take on challenging vocabulary without skipping a beat. She was so much more co mfortable in conversation and I could tell she was really starting to understand what she can accomplish.” WORKPLACE MENTORING Volunteer
OTIS ELEMENTARY Principal: Jaime Sanchez Community Area: West Town Mark Andersen
David D. Cumberland
Beth Homerding
Michael Link
Frederick Pokorny
Stephen Upham
Diane Anderson
Kathryn M. Cureton
James Hotchkiss
Stephanie Loren
James Porte
George Uribe
Kathryn Anthony
John Danilkowicz
Sarah Hughes
Mark Lorenzen
David Raymond
Antelma Velazquez
Kate Aseltyne
Olga Davis
Doug Hunnicutt
Andrew Lussen
Emily Reagan
Elisabeth Vlahos
Lisa Ayres
Tanya Dawson
Rochelle Hynes
Amy Machairas
Mohit Rehani
Amanda Voogt
Mary A. Badke
David Deegan
Anne Jablo
Adam Magyar
Wilson Ren
Jennifer Vroman
Mark Beatty
Lumi N. Diaz
Dorlisa Johnson
Jared Marchant
Vicki A. Rios
Kevin Walsh
Svetlana Bekman
Maria Dorenbecher
Christopher Jordan
Luba Maslowskyz
Kenneth Robson
Kristin Wasikowski
Gina Bentz
Kimberly Duncan
Anthony Juozapavich
Asanta Maxwell
Anthony Rodriguez
Markie Westwood
Brian Bianchi
Sean Dunn
Susan Just
Andrea Millender
Bernadette Ross
Doug Whitney
Brian Bianew
Andrea R. Dutton
Katen Kapadia
Heather Miller
James F. Salomon
Hanna Wiesmayer
John Birney
William Easom
Neal Karski
Jef f J. Miller
Sara Samuels
Jonathon Williams
Hill Blackett
Andrew Edelston
Danielle Kilpatrick
Kimberly Moore
Duncan Sanders
Sara Winter
Tej Buch
Linda Edral
Paige Kolesar
Corissa Moos
Scott Schwartz
Wilson Wren
Mary E. Bykowski
Rachel Edwards
Ryan Konsler
Daniel Morrissette
Anthony Severino
Ian Wymore
Sharon Campbell
Shannon Eidson
Tammi Kozlowski
Jack Mullen
Jill Shudrowitz
Britt Yackey
Jeffrey Cardwell
Mildred Flynn
William Kramer
Sherri Neff
Gerald Sinish
Rongjun Yang
Kathleen Carlson
Ashley Forman
Michael Krauter
Dan Niswonger
Natalie Sproull
Michael Yifrah
Edward Carroll
Evan Fye
Peter LaCasse
Brooke Osborn
Paul Standring
Luba Yurchyk
Sara Casey
Megan Galas
Kelsey Laird
Danelle Parker
Nikolaus Staver
Jacob Zitter
Joanne Cegielski
Jamie L. Garard
Barbara Lareau
Stephen Parlier
Gregg Steamer
Kevin Zussman
Alex Chammo
Megan Gisselman
Andrea M. Law
Erick N. Perez
Samantha Stevens
Darlene Chappell
Edsel Gonzales
Lauren Leibrandt
Michelle Pfeiffer
Anthony Syracuse
Edith C. Chears
Elizabeth Hand
Erin J. Leland
John Piliponis
Gloria Taylor
Bob Chimis
Jamie Hickey
Coleen Letke
Courtney Plaster-Strange
Kimberly Thompson
Christian Colucci
Jennifer Hobbs
Gail Liberty
Evan Plumb
Andrew Tichawa
Principal: Isaac Daniel Castelaz
Principal: Sherryl Denise Moore-Ollie
Community Area: Near South Side
Community Area: North Lawndale
Jennifer Adams
Karoline Andris
Jeremy Ferentz
Catherine Liu
Pamela Reimann
Elizabeth Barta
Holly A. Bailey
Jon Findley
Anchelle Lomibao
Danielle Rose
Olivia Brothers
Teisha Barfield
Jaime Freeman
Thomas Lowery
Danielle Scott
Kenyanna Brown
Mar y Biron
Elizabeth Garvey
Jillian Matlock
Deborah Smart
Chr is Green
Emily Bolliger
Katherine Haennicke
Alaina Mazewski
Karen Sopata
Majda Jakupovic
Vineeta Bonthala
Laura Happ
Megan McNamee
Nicole Soto
Audrey Johnson
Sara Buehler
Sarah Harper
Savannah Meadows
Scott Spinney
Jaclyn Leonard
Angelique Calvert
Colleen Hennessy
Hildenbr and
Yolanda Stacy-Martin
Leigh Martin
Ainsley Cathcart
Lindsay Henry
Marian Merritt
Kr is t y Stoner
Hannah Masters
Sharlene Chaney
Gregory Hertko
Toni Michaud
Beth Talentowski
David Mathews
Stephanie Clark
Tineka Hollins-Lewis
Tammy Miller
Michelle Tesch
Christina Mitts
Michael Combopiano
Alison Huszar
Matthew Moheban
Jennifer Tinajero
Michael Noga
Melinda Conner
Marcella Jackson
Richard Moon
Michelle Tucker
Jael Olivares
Kendal Cross
William Jacobsen
Sean O’Br ien
Janet VanderKelen
Cynthia Rivera
Megan Dahl
LaShonda James
Chr ista Page
Sharon Wooden
Mckenzie Schwark
Lauren Day
Jahkelle E. Johnson
Mary Paxson
Charlene Yaneza
Jill Simon
Rochelle Deaderick
Mar y Jones
Elissa Port
John R. Yast
Faizah Tooba
Kathleen Deane
Chr istina Kiel
Theresa Priebo
Chae Yi
Dylan Weir
Christine DeMott
Cour tney Klein
David Pruitt
Jennifer Wright
Theresa Duckett
Joseph Lampe
Aradhana Raj
Avra Fainer
Katharine Leydig
Bilal Rathore
Principal: Nancy Mendez
Principal: Vicky Kleros
Principal: Olimpia Bahena
Community Area: Edgewater
Community Area: Lower West Side (Pilsen)
Community Area: West Town
Laura Bayley
David Attarsaheli
Milos Dragicevic
Ava Amini
Jean Chapman
Liliana Ayala
Jennifer Hampson
Hannah Arenstam
Kalai Donner
Eileen D. Black
Br ian R. Kash
Rhea Banks
Samantha Reynolds
Stephen Blackford
Amy Leahy
Matthew Barns
Jessica Romeo
Kristin Byrnes
Claudia Parulo
Paul Barrus
Bronna Wasserman
Ashley Carnaghi
Maria V. Poplin
Christine Bass
Sandra Zennie
Abel Cartagena, Jr.
Aaron Shirley
Lili Behm
Jillian Ceithaml
Laura Slater
Geoffrey Bery
Iris Chavez
Margaret Welter
Jerrod Bevan Peter Bloom Jiwon E. Boo Suzanne Brindise
Amanda Budow
Principal: Stephen Alan Parker
Guy Karim
Community Area: Greater Grand Crossing
Caland Puymartin Robert Cameron
Haley BeMiller
Kevin Gross
Yolanda Matthews
Abbey Ramsey
Nathan Cao
Iola Blanton
Doris Hernandez
Kristin Monroe
Richard Reed
Alison Caverly
Lizzie M. Brown
Jenna Jackson
Colleen Moodie
Barbara A. Smith
Matthew Chan
Nancy Carpenter
Courtney Jacquin
Andrew Morrell
Natasha Chu
Daniel Cloward
Nikola Kaplarevic
James Motzer
Newcombe Clark
Diana Cordova
Yeuseung Kim
Alexandra Murphy
Jill Stewart
Christian Colburn
Michael Corio
Max Kleiner
Grant Myatt
Barbara Thomas
Jennifer Coronel
Gabriela Cornejo
Miti Kotak
Meghan O’Dwyer
David Webber
Kevin Courtois
Elizabeth Dombrock
Katherine Leone
Danielle O’Neal
Nicole Cribaro
Brianna Escobedo
Donald Martin
Matthew Ragas
Kim Cygan Emily Damrau Eva Daniel Rachel Dillon Adrienne D’Luna Anna Farias-Eisner Josh Fintel Asher Gabara Michelle Goyke Sarah Halbach Kelly E. Hamren Leesa Haspel Erica Haspel Matt Hasten Andrew Heffler Andrew Herrington-Gilmore Cassie Hightman Paul Holmer Benjamin Israel Kristen Jones Eileen Kelly Julia Klein Kelsey Koch Angela Koo Ashley Kuempel Lupe Laguna Edmond Lay Rodney Lerman
Stephanie Lim Grace Lin Anna Mathai Lauren McBride Stephen Merritt Ryan Miller Cassandra Myers Tyler Myers Caitlin Olwell Veronica Padilla Kimberly A. Pathman Sara Perelli-Minetti Jessica Perkins Laura Pone Pam Prosch Erin Ramamurthy Kurt Riester Jessica Romeo Chloe Rossen Weston R. Sager Thomas S. Shelton Alexander Shirley Kelsey Shust Joan Simmons Ahalya Sriskandarajah Geoffrey Stauffer Scott Steinberg Megan Stride Steven Strine James Tasso Emily Thomas Danielle Thomasma Pamela Tsao Austin Vanar ia Eric Walder Kevin Walker Christy Wang Chng Yan Anna Yang
WASHINGTON-IRVING ELEMENTARY Principal: Valeria Oneal Bryant Community Area: Near West Side
Tim Zachas Chunyan Zhang
Carmen Alvarez
Samantha Erdmier
Joshua King
Megan O’Gorman
Patricia Varallo
Claire Zhou
Joni Alvarez
Claire Farag
Cheryl Kobetsky
Hilda Piell
Matteo Vigano
Sarah Baker
Sana Fathallah-Shaykh
Petras Kuprys
Charles Piszczor
Grant Wilson
Harpreet Bir
Daniel Fernandes
Lauren Lang
Sudha Ponnusamy
Kristin Wood
Daniel Brown
Lynne Fitzpatrick
Quincyola I. Lewis
Jayne Przybylski
Haifeng Zheng
Andrew M. Carr
Mandar Gaitonde
Joanna Litchfield
Lacy Quinlan
Heidi Centola
Alexandra Gorbokon
Thomas Lord
Krishnaswamy Rengaswamy
Nancy Choi
Ariel Hantin
Candice Lucas
Emma Riley-Kleinjan
Nicole M. Craig
Kathleen Hartman
Jason Lyons
Jason Rybinski
Kate Darcy
Subash Hingorani
Kaitlin Meyer
Steven Schoiber
Heather Diaz
Abby Hoyt
Kathy Mucci
Jennifer Sinars
Angie DiCarlo
Scott Hubacek
Amber Myszka
R. Sean Smith
Carrie DiSanto
Jennifer Hurder
Christine Nicholl
Maura Stankus
Susan Driscoll
George Hutchinson
Leslie Nolan
Dominic Sutton-Vermeulen
Michelle Dunnaback
Ahmed Jamil
John Nowicki
Jason Tolsky
WALSH ELEMENTARY Principal: Martin Ryczek Community Area: Lower West Side (Pilsen) Alondra Acuna
Cooper Forbes
Tiffini Joseph
Dorothy Nieciecki
Israel Rojas-Moreno
Dheena Acuna-Doyle
Martha Forman
Triveni Kak
Donald Olson
Caitlin Rosenberg
Navin Agarwal
Joyce Garcia
Lauren Kelly
Elizabeth O’Malley
Cynthia Ruffin
Marguerite C. Aikens
Crystal Garcia
Faheem Khan
Kameelah Omar
Sara Rzepkowski
Ann E. Arellano
Diamond L. Garner
Emily King
Rachel T. Ortiz
Kristen A. Sandman
Laura Armstrong
Michael Gath
Danielle Klaffenbach
Christina Park
Derek Schmitt
Anurag Arora
Rajni Gauni
Aimee Kohoutek
Kevin C. Pecoraro
Maria Seimenis
Palanivew -
Martha A. Gavin
Kelly Lettieri
Christopher Pfoutz
Jennifer Sendeski
Amanda Gebert
Lisa Littrell
Deanna Pike
Kathryn W. Shapiro
Lisa Beckers
Diallo Gentry
Gerardo Lopez
Chris Poniecki
Elise Spadavecchio
Nadine Boudreaux
Martha Geppert
Michael Lovesee
Brenda Porch
Renee Stelter
Matthew Broadfoot
Michael Giampa
Alaina Luciano
Janet Post
Aarathi Subramanian
Patrick R. Cassidy
Jeremy W. Gibb
Reena Luke
Taylor Potts
Mar ia Target t
Kimberly Chandler
Caitlin Gibbons
Lynn Maday-Nelson
Marjorie Poulos
Raven T homa s
Janet Chang
Katherine Giger
Jamie Mantle
Sheila Prendergast
Arriane M. Tirado
Saugata Chatterjee
Todd Glickman
Caitlin McCabe
Stacy Priban
Kevin Trausch
Kristy Christopher
Shanyce D. Godard
Ellen F. McCloskey
Khummina Pumphrey
Kathryn Trelease
Lisa Chrzasc
Elizabeth E. Graber
Casey McCurdy
Alejandra Quiroz
Michael Turek
Courtney Crowder
Shanita Griffin
Tanner McDonald
Laura Valdez
Guy DeMaertelaere
Kimberley A. Grove
Pamela U. McKinney
Noelia M. Vega
Latrice N. Dyer
Courtney Harrington
Nohemi Melendez
Myles Reif
Xiaochen Wang
Joshua Edwards
Tara Henderson-Delgado
Mar tha Meraz
Patricia Richmond
Ashleigh Weathers
Kori C. Eppers
Kathleen Hudec
Eric D. Monek-Anderson
Delphine Risto
Debra Weise
Burton S. Floraday
Cheryl Johnson
Michelle Morgan
Kimberly Roberts
Jennifer Wilt
Giselle Flores
Jirah Jones
Jessica Newman
Jennifer L. Rogers
Adam A. Zaarour Marianne Zelazowski
75% 75% OF VOLUNTEERS surveyed agree or strongly agree that par ticipating in WITS has increased their knowledge of the strengths and challenges of Chicago public schools.*
Community Area: Uptown
Community Area: Near West Side
Community Area: Hyde Park
Mark Andersen
Meghan O’Toole
Bonnie Benjamin
Sylvia May
Darlene Ard
Yolanda Matthews
Elizabeth Canning
Kathryn Oba
Altaira Citron
Kelli McDonald
Mamta Bhaiya
Andrea Millender
Miranda Cherkas
Sean Rapelyea
Sarah Crook
Vibha G. Nair
Kathleen Bijak
Kimberly Moore
Kalai Donner
Israel Rojas-Moreno
Beatrice Farmer
Jennifer Ospina
Carlotta Brown
Jaidaly Rocha
Lisa Duarte
Amanda Rosenberg
Jessica Haeger
Lauren Rocklin
Jennifer Butler
Ovetta Sampson
Benjamin Field
Erin Sullivan
Darryl X. Johnson
Deborah Ruff
Adam Gannaway
Olivia Tsipris
Ashley Freeland
Wili Tolentino
Katherine Joseph
Susan Shields
Ruth Goring
Qian Wen
Sarah Hughes
Natalie Tovin
Jacqueline LaFlame
Irene Sofil
Molly Haigh
Hanna Wiesmayer
Madeline Kavanagh
Andrea Valenciae
Elizabeth Lynch
Joyce Somogye
Kathy Hillegonds
Morganna S. Williams
Adam Kent
Victor ia Watkins
Nancy Martin
Ana Strutz
Matthew Krause
Paige Kolesar
Elena Weissmann
Jennifer Marvitz
Theresa Zapiecki
Kelly Koss
Dana Westgren
Telishia Lee
On September 19, 2013 WITS hosted the Annual Back to School Luncheon, co-chaired by Christopher Crane, CEO of Exelon; Mark Furlong, CEO of BMO Harris Bank; and Edward Tilly, CEO of CBOE. The event began with Emcee Bill Kurtis ringing the school bell and taking roll call. Barbara Byrd-Bennett, CEO of Chicago Public Schools took the podium, along with the three honorees, Ginny and Roger Carlson and the Northern Trust. The luncheon celebrated the many volunteers, teachers, school administrators, and partners who have invested in the legacy of serving Chicago public school students for more than 20 years. Lead sponsors of the event included BMO Harris Bank, GCM Grosvenor, and Exelon.
2013 BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCHEON, Ginny and Roger Carlson (Left to Right) 28 
2014 BLACKBOARD AFFAIR, Phil and Carole Hildebrandt, Quann Jackson and Keshia Warner (Left to Right)
BLACKBOARD AFFAIR On February 28, 2014 WITS hosted the Blackboard Affair at the Chicago Cultural Center with more than 500 attendees celebrating in masks to raise funds and awareness for WITS. The Masquerade Ball featured lounge furniture and décor by Event Creative, music by Cage and Aquarium, and the elegance of Chicago Cultural Center’s Preston Bradley Hall. Guests enjoyed bites by Food For Thought, craft beer by Chicago’s own Revolution Brewery, Tito’s Vodka and full bar by Wirtz. Late in the evening, a Vienna Beef cart was rolled out and guest s took breaks from the dance floor to nosh on Chicago style hot dogs. Lead sponsors of the evening included Wintrust, Norfolk Southern, Robert W. Baird, Exelon, GCM Grosvenor, and The Private Bank.
FINANCIALS statement of activities Working in the Schools (WITS) prepares its f inancial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which involves the application of accrual accounting. This presentation offers an overview of all activities for the year ended June 30, 2014.
REVENUE figure 1 Contributions + grants .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In-kind contributions . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special events . .
$ 872,362
$518, 354
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
less costs of direct benefit to donors - special events. .
Investment income .
($ 171,925)
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 1,295,280
EXPENSES figure 2 Program Expenses figure 3 Mid-day Mentoring .
Workplace Mentoring.. WITS on the Weekend .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 56,582
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 56,205
WITSummer in the Parks. .
Fundraising. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 23,774 $ 1,008,256
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 85,672 $ 123,238
$ 1,217,166
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 78,114
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 584,306
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 662,420
Beginining of year . . End of year. .
$ 71,670
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management + general.
$ 113,761
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WITSummer Early Childhood . Total Programs. .
$ 345,958
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classroom Reading Tutors.. WITS Kindergarten.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4% 2%
68 % figure
REVENUE Contributions + grants Special events In-kind contributions
26 %
Investment income
7% 10 % figure
EXPENSES Fundraising Management + general
83 %
6% figure
34% 6% 2%
PROGRAM EXPENSES by program Mid-Day Mentoring Workplace Mentoring Classroom Reading Tutors
11 %
WITS on the weekend
7% 34%
WITS Kindergarten WITSummer Early Childhood WITSummer in the Parks
“I saw students engaged, smiling, interacting, and learning. WITS is working. Their e nthusias m just come s through; wat c hin g the ir e y e s a s the y look up to their mento rs .” EDWARD TILLY
CEO, Chicago Board Options Exchange
DONORS during the 2014 fiscal year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 $ 50,000 +
$ 7,500
- $ 9,999
Phil and Carole Hildebrandt
BMO Harris Bank
Bank of America
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
BP Amer ica, Inc.
John Buck Company
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Jones Day
GCM Grosvenor
Children’s Care Foundation
Marion and Jerome Stone
Vienna Beef
$ 15,000 - $ 24,999
$ 25,000 - $ 49,999
$ 10,000 - $ 14,999
$ 5,000 - $ 7,499
Apollo Education Group, Inc.
Chicago White Sox Community Fund
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
Associated Bank
Jenner & Block
The Chicago Community Trust
Baxter International, Inc.
Bud Lifton and Carol Rosofsky
CME Group Community Foundation
Bruce Foundation
Morgan Stanley Foundation
D & R Fund
Citadel Foundation
The Northern Trust
Linda and Jamie Garard
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Cushman & Wakefield of Illinois, Inc.
PepsiCo Beverages & Food
North Park University
DLA Piper
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
The Private Bank
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Segall Bryant & Hamill
Karen and Carl Tannenbaum
Emery HDR Foundation
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Jamie L. Garard III
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ronald and Kathy Sonenthal
Cotsirilos Family Foundation
Vicky Gordon and Don Martin
Roz and Michael Rupera
The White Party
The Goulden Touch, Inc.
Edward Tilly
Harris & Harris
K&L Gates, LLP
U.S Banks
Brook Jay
Kirkland & Ellis Frances and Elliot Lehman
JP Morgan Chase Bank
$ 2,500 - $ 4,999
Michael Kirsh
Elaine and Donald Levinson
Paul Lantero
Jamie E. Lynton
The Bloomingdale’s Fund
Marquette Associates, Inc.
McDermott Will
of Macy’s Foundation
Katarinna McBride
McDonald’s Corporation
James Bodman
Patzik, Frank & Samotny Foundation
Pepper Construction Group, LLC
Roger and Ginny Carlson
Peter and Alicia Pond
Richard and Roxelyn Pepper
Janet and Thomas Case
Rozansky Family Foundation
Juleen Ritchie
George J. and Theresa L.
Lexy and Steve Shroyer
$ 1,000 - $ 2,499 Matt A’Hearn
Mesirow Financial
Theodore Combs
Anonymous x 4
Jennifer Mikulina
Trish Cook
Carlos Aparicio
Northfield Community Church
Thomas Elden
Julie and Robert Berlacher
Stephen ONeil
Mark Evans
Amy Best
Oppenheimer Family Foundation
Ravi Ganti
Timothy Bixler
Brenda and Eric Palm
Gap Foundation
Mary Jo and John Boler
Heidi and Jim Pavela
Philip Garoon
Catherine Brehm
Kathy and Grant Pick Fund At
Herbert Guarascio
Ross Bricker
the Chicago Community Trust
Ronni Happ
Kent Carlson
Lauren Rocklin
Gary H. Holzman
Ginny and Roger Carlson
Alice Rooks
Stephen J. Honeyball
Alan Chapman
Sheli Z. Rosenberg
Karen and Mitch Hood
Charter One/RBS Citizens
Sapiente Family Foundation
Jane and Donald Hunt
Joan Clifford
Kristine Schaffner
Jocarno Fund
Jeremy Cole
James H. Schlesser
Candice Johnson
Sarah and David Cuthill
Sam and Dona Scott Fund
Joseph Karaganis
Thomas Driscoll
Patrick Sheahan
John R. Kelly
FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Elise Spadavecchio
Michelle Kosmin
Carrie Falkenhayn
Harrison I. Steans
Barry J. Lind Revocable Trust
Mark Furlong
Robert Stillman
Live to Support Chicago
Arvind Gadhiya
Roger and Susan Stone
Brad Livingston
Colin Gibson
Jerry Sullivan
Matthew Lovell
Carolyn and Steve Goldhaber
Timothy Sullivan
Anna and Brian Miller
Cynthia Goldring
Sue Wallace
Melinda Moyer
Lyn Goldstein
Michael Wasserman
Christine O’Reilly
Sol & Celia Hammerman Foundation
Wendy Weiss
Lynn and Melvin Pearl
Jan M. Hirsch
Bob White
Lon Petchenik
Sarah & Michael Huesing
Francis E. Zeiger
Ante Petricevic
Daniel Hyslop
Richard and Lili Ann Zisook
PJH and Associates, Inc.
Jill and Aaron Baar
Family Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation Lisa Pollina
Sherry and Peter John Julie Kabat
$ 500 - $ 999
Sally Pryor
Loretta and Alan Kaplan
Carl and Tammi Allegretti
Randy Raup
Karen and Michael Kesner
Graham M. Allen
Bernadette Ross
Carla and Michael Levin
Kim Anderson
Alice and John Sabl
Laura Shroyer Liss
Anonymous x 2
Krista Sahakian
Kay and Jim Mabie
Mary Becker
Bryant Shurn
Lynn and Eva Maddox
Marla and Steven Brown
Penne and John Silverman
The McTigue Financial Group Inc.
Paul Callero
Solot Family Foundation
Mark Spender
“My student’s f luenc y and word recognition impro ved
Andrew Stegemoeller
incredibly! She started choosing books that challenged
Eileen Sweeney
her ability and became more confident in reading and
Linda Swimmer
asking questions. We were a great team! One day we traded
Suzanne Trout
experiences - I had to read to her in Spanish. She enjoyed
that I had to sound out words (often incorrectly) and ask
James Tyrrell
her for the definition.”
Mary Lisa and Thomas Vale W.F Foundation Bronna Wasserman Jacqueline Williams
In-Kind Donors Amicus
Diane Anderson
Patricia Hanson
Eataly Chicago, LLC
Patzik, Frank & Samotny Foundation
Associated Bank
GCM Grosvenor
Revolution Brewery
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
Robert Moats
Bella Tiers
Jones Day
Roselyn Chertow
BMO Harris Bank
K&L Gates, LLP
Rush Street Gaming
BP America, Inc.
Seasons 52
Brixen Ivy
Kim Lero
C3 Presents
Mark Post
The Bloomindgale’s Fund of the Macy’s Foundation
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Marlene Bailey
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Chicago White Sox Community Fund
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
The Federal Reserve
Christine Driskill
Noah’s Arc Foundation
The Northern Trust
Credit Suisse Securities, LLC
On Your Mark Coaching and Training
Vienna Beef
Orbitz Worldwide
“This was my first year as a volunteer. During this time I w itne ssed a shy little bo y transform into a confident rea d e r who ha s a pa ss io n for reading and writing. He became an excellent reader who lear ned ho w to so und hi s w o rd s an d th e re a l meaning of punctuation rules, pe r iod s, qu e stio n m ark s, exclamation points,commas, semicolons and colons.” WITS WORKPLACE MENTORING Volunteer
Program Partners Partnering with WITS provides corporations, universities, and community groups an opportunity to strategically invest their most valuable asset, the time and talent of their employees, students, and members to make a measurable impact in the communities in which we live and work. We are grateful for the partnerships with the following Corporations & Universities.
Harris & Harris
Apollo Education Group, Inc.
The James Hotel
Associated Bank
Jenner & Block
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Jewish United Fund
Bank of America
Jones Day
BMO Harris Bank
Jones Lang LaSalle
BP Corporation
K&L Gates
The John Buck Company
Kirkland & Ellis
The Cambridge Group
McDermott, Will & Emery
Metropolitan Water Reclamation-
Chicago 20th Ward
District of Greater Chicago
Corporate Executive Board
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Chicago White Sox
North Park University
City of Chicago
The Northern Trust
CME Group
Northwestern Law School
Credit Suisse
Northwestern Mutual
DePaul University Col-
lege of Communications
DePaul University Drie-
Queen of All Saints
haus College of Business
Roosevelt University -
DePaul University English Department
College of Education
DePaul University - University Ministry
Segall Bryant & Hamill
DLA Piper
Drinker Biddle & Reath
University of Chicago Press
US Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago GCM Grosvenor The Hallmark
+ more than 250 dedicated community volunteers
Joanne Alter (1927- 2008) Marion Stone
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Philip Hildebrandt, Chair
Amy Best
Stephen O’Neal
Chief Human Resources Officer,
Exelon Corporation
K&L Gates
Timothy Bixler
Randy Raup
Managing Director,
Civic Leader
Credit Suisse
Chief Executive Officer,
Segall Bryant & Hamill Jeremy Cole,
Alice Rooks Ginny Carlson,
Past President
ASR Group
Educator, Civic Leader
Kristine Schaffner
Roger Carlson,
Vice President,
Jones Day
Past President
The John Buck Company
Senior Vice President,
Mark Spender,
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Vice President
Ronald Sonenthal, Past President
Dorne Eastwood
Chief Operating Officer,
Credit Suisse
Civic Leader
Deloitte Tax, LLP
Jamie Garard*
Federico Flores
Maureen Sullivan
Vice President – Development*
Civic Leader
Financial Representative,
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Laura Shroyer Liss,
Bain & Company Jill Jacobs-Baar Director of Education,
Carl Tannenbaum,
Invesco Powershares
Past President,
Vice President - Legal
Senior Vice President,
Brook Jay
Chief Economist,
Patzik, Frank & Samotny
Founder/ CMO,
The Northern Trust
All Terrain Carolyn Goldhaber,
Craig Thessin
Paul Lantero
Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer,
Head of Marketing & Origination
Commercial Banking,
Segall Bryant & Hamill
IST Oil Americas, BP Corporation
Associated Bank
Lauren Rocklin,
Robert B. Lifton,
Edward T. Tilly
Past President
Chief Executive Officer,
Director, Business Development,
Consultant, Civic Leader
John Martin
Keshia Warner
JFM OPS Consulting
Whittier Elementary School
Katarinna McBride*
Orbitz Matthew R. A’Hearn Senior Vice President, Investment Banking,
Moelis & Co.
Jennifer Alter Warden
Harrison & Held
COO, Executive Vice President,
Baird & Warner
Jennifer Mikulina Partner,
William Atwood
McDermott, Will & Emery
Executive Director,
Illinois State Board of Investment
Krish Mohip Chief Deputy of Schools,
Chicago Public Schools 38
Donna La Pietra Elaine Levinson Terri Lind Tom Murphy Roz Supera Eileen Sweeney Lili Ann Zisook
Working in the Schools (WITS) promotes literacy and a love of learning in Chicago Public School elementary students through a volunteer-powered, outcomes-based portfolio of programs. WITS endeavors to bridge the achievement and opportunity gap for underserved students through building connections with positive adult role models. Alongside our teachers and school administrators, WITS works to provide the critical support that our students need to set them on a path toward academic success.
witschicago.org P 312.269.4514 F 312.269.4525 27 east monroe, suite 1400 chicago, illinois 60603
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