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Curriculum Development Programme
The rate of change in the world demands that we re-imagine and restructure the foundational learning relationships between students, knowledge, and teacher. New ways of thinking about curriculum are needed if we are to respond to the current challenges and future demands for excellence in Higher Education. Curriculum lies at the heart of what Higher Education institutions do with and for their students and constitutes the main vehicle through which the aims of Higher Education can be achieved. It is thus vitally important for the design, development, implementation, and ongoing renewal of curriculum to be underpinned by sound educational principles, guided by the values espoused by the institution offering the curriculum and fit for clearly articulated purposes. While the fundamental questions around curriculum design and development remain the same, the contexts and challenges keep evolving and changing. It is therefore important to encourage and support academic staff to develop appropriately structured and deepened curricula that promote the Wits key graduate attributes. This programme is structured for academics who wish to evaluate, revise, or develop a curriculum at a course or preferably programme level. The various aspects of the programme will address selected curricular issues, including selecting, sequencing, and aligning the knowledge areas that underpin the discipline or profession and the creation of curricular ‘spaces’ to support and enhance student learning.
Academics can opt to enrol for all 5 curriculum modules within the programme or may enrol for only selected modules as needed. Each CD module runs over one week using the blended approach with both synchronous and asynchronous activities (approximately 2-3 hours per day). Each of the CDs runs two weeks apart.
First Run: 27 March – 9 June (5 weeks)
Mode/Venue: CD 0 is offered fully online only
CD 1 4 will be offered in blended mode (both in person and online activities in Ulwazi)
Second Run: 24 July – 29 Sept (5 weeks)
Date: Time:
Mode/Venue: CD 0 is offered fully online only
CD 1 4 will be as a self-directed (fully online) course
Coordinators: Dr Najma Agherdien najma.aghardien@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Please see session details below.
Curriculum Development Module 0 (CD 0): Learning and Teaching Philosophy
This fully online component of the curriculum development workshop series kicks off with an exploration of learning theories and how these theories inform personal learning and teaching philosophies. An understanding of how one views knowledge and how one comes to know is important as it shapes methodologies, approaches, and practices. Deep reflection on one’s philosophies (often tacit) goes a long way in being intentional about curriculum design.
First Run
Date: 27 31 March
Mode/Venue: Asynchronous/Ulwazi only
Second Run
Date: 24 28 July
Mode/Venue: Asynchronous/Ulwazi only.
Coordinators: Dr Najma Agherdien najma.aghardien@wits.ac.za
Ms Nozuko Makhuvha nozuko.makhuvha@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Curriculum Development Module 1 (CD 1): Orientation and curriculum context
Curriculum orientation and curriculum context means different things to different people and operates at different institutional levels. This makes the concept of curriculum highly contested and complex especially within the curriculum decolonisation and transformation debates. To enable coherent and meaningful curricula, academics should critically interrogate their curriculum orientations and the influence this has on their curriculum decisions. Their curriculum design and development should be approached in a scholarly manner especially when required to evaluate, design, interpret and implement curricula. At the end of the workshop you should be able to: Develop, describe and have an informed understanding of curriculum concepts and orientation; identify and analyse the global, national and institutional forces that shape the curriculum and the relationship between these; discuss the shifting nature of knowledge showing basic shifts in application and processes; reliably, accurately and coherently engage with the principles of constructive alignment; reflect on your current curriculum development practices and processes and create a curriculum map for your course. This course will follow a blended approach in the first semester and fully asynchronous (Ulwazi only) in the second semester.
First Run
Date: 17 21 April
Mode/Venue: MS Teams/CLTD: 18th and 20th April (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)
Time: 10:00 11:30
Activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course site.
Second Run
Date: 7 11 August
Mode/Venue: Asynchronous/Ulwazi only
Coordinator: Ms Valenshia Jagessar valenshia.jagessar@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Curriculum Development Module 2 (CD 2): Open pedagogies
Discover practical ways of making your pedagogy more contextually relevant and open to diversity. In this (half-day) workshop, we will explore ways of using open educational resources, open education practices, open access, and open facilitation practices leading to more engaging learning experiences. We will focus on approaches which take into account who students are (student identities) and what they bring with them (experiences and practices).
First Run
Date: 8 12 April
Mode/Venue: MS Teams/CLTD (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)
Time: 9:00 12:00 daily
Second Run
Date: 21 25 August
Mode/Venue: Asynchronous/Ulwazi only
Coordinator: Ms Nozuko Makhuvha nozuko.makhuvha@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Curriculum Development Module 3 (CD 3): Assessment for learning in HE
This module critically examines the role assessments play in learning and considers options for diversifying assessment practices. Diversity, equity and inclusion considerations in assessment design, principles of assessment, and feedback practices are included.
First Run
Date: 22 26 May
Mode/Venue: Sessions of 2 hours will be scheduled over the week at the CLTD. In addition, there will be activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course, the link to which will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed.
Time: 10:00 12:00
Second Run
Date: 4 8 September
Mode/Venue: Virtual sessions of 2 hours will be scheduled over the week on MS Teams. In addition, there will be digital activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course, the link to which will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed.
Time: 10:00 12:00
Coordinator: Ms Natasha Munsamy natasha.munsamy@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Curriculum Development Module 4 (CD 4): Curriculum & Course (Re)Design
Do you currently teach a course you would like to revamp or improve? This workshop will give you practical ways to enhance your course through curriculum (re)design, adding multimedia and interactive elements, and developing authentic assessments. You will develop curriculum outputs to use in your course. Outputs may include a curriculum course map, module outline, student guide, assessment instruments and tools, multimedia, etc.
First Run*
Date: 3 7 June
Mode/Venue: MS Teams/CLTD: 18th and 20th April (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)
Activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course site.
Second Run
Date: 25 29 September
Mode/Venue: Asynchronous/Ulwazi only
Coordinators: Ms Natasha Munsamy natasha.munsamy@wits.ac.za Mr Shane Pachagadu shane.pachagadu@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
* Please bring your own device.
Facilitating Online (#FO)
As a Wits academic, you are now required to develop a blended approach to your courses and include an online component. This facilitating online course (FO), an open educational resource (OER) has been reconceptualised for the Wits context and will support you in your new role as an online facilitator and designer of online interactions and engagements. You will develop the design skills required to create interactive online learning experiences and the facilitation skills required to enable meaningful online discussions. Additionally, you will acquire technical skills to use tools (such as blogs, podcasts, and synchronous communication software) to deepen student engagement. At the end of this course, you have the option to submit a portfolio (electronic collection of evidence) of your personal growth as an online facilitator where you receive a certificate of competence. As a summative assessment, the portfolio will demonstrate your learning journey over a period. You may also choose not to complete the portfolio where you will receive a certificate of attendance. The course is offered twice a year with each offering facilitated over a period of eight weeks (weeks 0 7).
Notional hours for this accredited course are calculated at 270 hours for the attendance certificate and 300 hours for the competence certificate, as follows:
Mode/Venue: MS Teams/CLTD: (90 min session and 30min mentor/mentee meeting)
Time: Mondays 10:00 12:00
Activities and requirements on the Ulwazi course site.
2nd Run
4 September 26 October (8 weeks)
Mode/Venue: MS Teams: (90 min session and 30min mentor/mentee meeting)
Time: Mondays 10:00 12:00
Meeting and ulwazi course site link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed
Coordinator: Ms Valenshia Jagessar valenshia.jagessar@wits.ac.za
Contact: Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Tutor Professional Learning Programme (TPLP)
The Tutor Professional Learning Programme (TPLP) provides tutors with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to enable them to execute their tutoring responsibilities.
The programme consists of a series of asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities that will provide tutors with practical insights on tutoring in a blended mode. The training workshops will focus on how to design and facilitate for meaningful tutoring that will stimulate students’ learning. The following topics will be covered:
• Exploring the tutoring space from the South African context
• Teaching for learning in the tutoring space
• Blended learning in the tutoring space
• Introduction to assessment and feedback
• Diversity in the tutoring space
• Digital tools for learning and teaching
Mode/Venue: Online (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)
Facilitator: Mr. Daniel Motlhabane daniel.motlhabane@wits.ac.za
Contact: Muele Ndwambi mueletshedzi.ndwambi@wits.ac.za
Special requests for group training sessions outside of the designated slots can also be arranged.
Scholarship of Learning &Teaching
UCDP grant-funded Scholarship of Learning &Teaching
As part of interrogating ‘good’ teaching practices - what programme quality enhancement could look like - we will explore an overview of the scholarship of learning and teaching (SoL T) in Higher Education. We will further outline several suggestions through which SoL T may be established and scholarship improved. We invite not only the UCDP SoTL Grant Funded participants but also all interested academics to come and share their thoughts, ideas, and practices on enhancing SoL T.
Linked to this project, a number of open educational resources (OER) will be shared (e.g., infographics, readings/summaries, podcasts) and we invite you to co-create and share more resources going forward.
An invitation to submit proposals to the University Teaching Development and Research Grant was shared on 1 Dec 2022. The application due date is 19 January 2023. For more information, kindly contact the Project Lead and Project Coordinator.
Project lead Dr Kershree Padayachee kershree.padayachee@wits.ac.za
Project coordinator: Dr Najma Agherdien najma.aghardien@wits.ac.za
Contact: Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za
Postgraduate Graduate Diploma (Education) in the field of Higher Education
The Postgraduate Diploma in Education (In the field of higher education) is offered by the School of Education in collaboration with the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Development (CLTD) at the University of the Witwatersrand. The broad aim of the PGDip E (HE) is to provide academics with a relevant tertiary teaching qualification in line with international trends. The programme is designed to foster a scholarly and professional approach to university teaching, assessment, and curriculum development and design. Specific aims are to assist academics to:
• Strengthen their roles in teaching, assessment, and curriculum development and course design
• Update and extend their “working theories” and practices as educators
• Deepen engagement with the university as a rapidly changing site of research and scholarship
The qualification consists of three core modules namely: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education; Assessment in Higher Education, and Curriculum Design and Development in Higher Education. New Directions or Enhancing research supervision can be selected as the elective. The PGDip E (HE) is a formal 120-credit qualification at NQF level 8 and the qualification is awarded by the Faculty of Humanities. Participants must complete the post graduate registration procedures with Wits School of Education.
Date: TBC
Time: TBC
Mode/Venue: Online (Meeting link will be e-mailed once bookings are confirmed)
Coordinators: Dr Laura Dison laura.dison@wits.ac.za
Ms Rieta Ganas rieta.ganas@wits.ac.za
Contact: Ms Candice Michael (011) 717 1475 Candice.Michael@wits.ac.za