2 minute read
Executive Structure Management Committee
Prof Shane Norris (Chair) | Director

Prof Norris is Director of the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development and Director of the MRC/Wits Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit, Department of Paediatrics, at the University of the Witwatersrand. He is an epidemiologist with research interests that include child growth and development, obesity, and intergenerational risk of metabolic disease.
Associate Professor Malose Langa | Senior Lecturer, School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand
Prof Langa is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Human and Community Development at the University of Witwatersrand and Associate Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) in South Africa. He has published book chapters and journal articles on violent crime, substance abuse, problems facing former combatants and masculinity. His research interests include risk-taking behaviours amongst young people and their role in politics, the trauma of collective violence and the psychology of men (masculinity) in post-apartheid South Africa.
Prof Shanaaz Mathews | Director of the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town
Prof Mathews has extensive experience in the women’s and children’s sectors and has worked within civil society organisations, as an academic, and as an advocate for the rights of women and children. Prof Mathews is a faculty affiliate of the Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network at Columbia University and has served as an International Advisory Board member for the UNICEF Innocenti Research Office. Her research interests include violence against women and children, as well as pathways to violent masculinities using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, with a particular focus on understanding gaps in the child protection system and alternative models of treating trauma in low-resourced settings. She holds a PhD in Public Health from the University of the Witwatersrand.
Prof Zitha Mokomane | Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pretoria
Prof Mokomane holds a PhD in Demography from the Australian National University. Before joining the Department of Sociology at the University of Pretoria she was a Chief Research Specialist in the Human and Social Development Research Programme at the Human Sciences Research Council. Her research interests and expertise lie in the field of the work-family interface with a specific interest in child, adolescent, and elder care; social protection; social evaluation of policy options; and family demography.
Dr Siphelo Ngcwangu | Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Johannesburg
Dr Ngcwangu is a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg. His research interests are industrial sociology, skills development, political economics, trade unions, labour studies, work restructuring and education. He is involved in a collaborative project on Higher Education, Inequality and the Public Good in four African countries: South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya, which is supported by the National Research Foundation, the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Newton Fund. He was previously a researcher at the Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL) at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Prof Kopano Ratele | Professor in the MRC-UNISA Violence, Injury and Peace Research Unit
Prof Ratele is a professor at the University of South Africa and a researcher in the MRC-UNISA Violence, Injury and Peace Research Unit. He runs their Research Unit on Men and Masculinities as well as the Transdisciplinary African Psychologies Programme. His research, teaching, social-political activism, and community mobilization has focused on the subject of men and masculinity as it intersects with violence, class, traditions, sexuality, parenting and race. He is former chairperson of Sonke Gender Justice, currently a member of the Ministerial Committee on Transformation in South African Universities, and current convener of the National Research Foundation’s Specialist Committee for Psychology Rating Panel. His books include There was this goat, Liberating masculinities, and The world looks like this from here (forthcoming, Wits University Press).