1 minute read
1. Manifesto 2. Introduction
3. Course Structure 3.1 BA (Honours) in the field of Fine Art 3.2 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) 3.3 Masters of Arts in Fine Arts (by Dissertation) 3.4 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 4. Research Proposal Process for MAFA and PhD Students 5. Postgraduate Open Studio, Workshop and Student-Led
Conference Dates 2022 6. WSOA-Department of Fine Arts Creative Research
Postgraduate Seminars, Workshops and Open Studios
Programme 2022 7. Supervision 8. Studios, Equipment, Safety and School Facilities 9. Department of Fine Art Staff Profiles 10. Department of Fine Art Health and Safety Protocols under Covid-19 11. Research Ethics Training and Ethics Clearance
Protocols 12. Plagiarism and Referencing 12.1 Turnitin Reports 13. Department of Fine Art and WSOA Online 14. Postgraduate Applications to the Department of
Fine Art 15. South Africans Qualifications Authority (SAQA) 16. Choosing a Potential Supervisor 17. Department of Fine Art Administration 18. Wits Arts Museum 19. Postgraduate Support on Campus 19.1 Postgraduate Affairs Office 19.2 Humanities Graduate Centre 19.3 The Wits Writing Centre 19.4 Wits Postgraduate Association 20. Wits Fees 21. Scholarships and Funding 22. Code of Conduct 23. Postgraduate Forms and Info