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Universities’ role in changing the world for the better Universities’ role in changing
● Universities in SA have an important role to play as a catalyst for change in society. This is according to Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, vice-chancellor and principal of Wits University.
Universities in SA have an important role to play as a catalyst for change in society. This is according to Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, vicechancellor and principal of Wits University.
crucible of independent and critical thought,” he said, adding that they need to remain a bastion of research and new knowledge.
informed, that is ethical, that is people centric, that is development centric.
“Universities enjoy longevity in society, akin to libraries and museums. They are institutions that usually outlast multiple generations. Research-intensive universities like Wits should strive to create new knowledge and apply this for the benefit of society.”
“Universities enjoy longevity in society, akin to libraries and museums. They are institutions that usually outlast multiple generations. Researchintensive universities like Wits should strive to create new knowledge and apply this for the benefit of society.”
In addition, they must continue to hone generational succession of leadership that is informed, that is ethical, that is people centric, that is development centric.
Speaking at Wits University’s Founders ’ Tea during the university ’s Centenary Celebration in September, former deputy chief justice and former Wits chancellor Justice Dikgang Moseneke said universities must take a lead in the reformation of the country.
Speaking at Wits University’s Founders’ Tea during the university’s Centenary Celebration in September, former deputy chief justice and former Wits chancellor Justice Dikgang Moseneke said universities must take a lead in the reformation of the country.
“Universities must remain a safe crucible of independent and critical thought, ” he said, adding that they need to remain a bastion of research and new knowledge.
“A true university must be an incubator for social, industrial and financial innovation. A true place of higher learning and teaching should be focused on asking why we have so much poverty, and why it is increasing and so stubborn and endemic? Why are there fewer and fewer people who are capable of being innovative and creating new wealth and new ways of better living?” asked Moseneke.
“A true university must be an incubator for social, industrial and financial innovation. A true place of higher learning and teaching should be focused on asking why we have so much poverty, and why it is increasing and so stubborn and endemic? Why are there fewer and fewer people who are capable of being innovative and creating new wealth and new ways of better living ? ” asked Moseneke.
To ensure they remain relevant in a changing world, universities must transform themselves. They need to be collaborating not only with other higher education institutions around the world, but also with the private and public sectors to help solve the problems that our country faces, including inequality and climate change.
“Universities must remain a safe
In addition, they must continue to hone generational succession of leadership that is
To ensure they remain relevant in a changing world, universities must transform themselves. They need to be collaborating only with other higher education institutions around the world, also with the private and public sectors to help solve the problems that our country faces, including inequality and climate change.
“Collaboration is going to be very important for higher education, and it can’t be a once-off phenomenon,”agreed Dr Judy Dlamini, chancellor of Wits University.
Centre explores and celebrates the history of modern
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, which are used for teaching and research purposes. Other public spaces include the Wits Theatre Complex, the new Chris Seabrooke Music Hall, the Fassler Gallery and the many sports facilities and student clubs frequented by thousands annually.