Country Pines, Inc. Identity Guidelines

Page 1


Table OF


– Why do we have Identity Guidelines?


­– Components of the Identity System


– The Logomark


– The Signature


– Identity Element Combinations

– The Preferred Lock-up

– The Preferred Lock-up Clearspace

– Alternate Lockup

– Alternate Lockup Clearspace

– Abbreviated Wordmark

– Abbreviated Wordmark Clearspace

– Typography

– Signature

– Secondary Typography

– Color Palette


– Color Values

7 8 9

10 11

12 13

14 15


– Integrity of the Identity Design


– Identity Files Index


Why do we have Identity Guidelines?


Identity Guidelines assist in understanding the function of identity design. They help: – Explain the components – Define the graphic design standards – Illustrate how the standards are applied

Using Identity Guidelines ensures continuity, and clear, consistent application of the identity design.

Components of the Identity System The Country Pines, Inc. visual identity system consists of – The Logomark – The Signature – The Monogram Each configuration that combines the logomark and signature in a defined relationship is referred to as a “Lock-up.” See pages 6-9 for detailed information on using the lock-ups. The signature is available in a preferred version for most uses, and an alternate version, which may be used in specific applications. See page 4 for detailed information on using various versions of the signature. The monogram is a restrictive-use option and may be used in contexts with space constraints where the organization needs to be endorsed in a flexible manner. See page 10-11 for detailed information on using various versions of the wordmark.



The Logomark The Country Pines, Inc. logomark is intended for use on applications where the width of the logomark is more than or equal to 1/2 inch. The artwork of the logomark has been modified for reproduction at this small scale and can be used as small as 1/2 inch wide. The logomark may never be used at sizes smaller than 1/2 inch wide. The logomark may be used independent of the signature in appropriate contexts, should the need arise. See pages 6-9 for the available “lock-ups” which combine the logomark and the signature for appropriate use. The Country Pines, Inc. logomark may be reproduced using the core color palette or in black & white. In contexts where the use of color is not an option, or when Country Pines’ core colors conflict with the application, the logomark may be reproduced in black or white. See page 15 for the Pantone colors, CMYK, RGB, and HEX values.


1) The Preferred Signature

The Signature The Country Pines, Inc. signature (set in typeface Montserrat) is available in 2 versions: 1) The preferred signature is a two-line, centerally-aligned version that should be used in the horizontal and vertical lockups with the logomark, or can be used independently of the logomark if necessary. 2) The alternate signature is a single line version that can be used independently of the logomark. See pages 6-9 for the available lock-ups which combine the logomark and the signature for appropriate use.

2) The Alternate Signature

The Country Pines, Inc. signature may be reproduced using the core color palette or in black & white. In contexts where the use of color is not an option, or when Country Pines’ core colors conflict with the application, the signature may be reproduced in black or white. See page 15 for the Pantone colors, CMYK, RGB, and HEX values. The Country Pines, Inc. signature must always be used as a provided file, and never typeset by the user to ensure that the correct scale relationship and spacing are maintained. The letterforms have been arranged to work at different scales, so it is crucial that independent versions of the signature are not created from the typeface directly.



1) The Preferred Lock-up

The Preferred Lock-up Each configuration that combines the logomark and signature in a defined relationship is referred to as a “Lock-up.� Two versions of Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups are available for use: 1) THE PREFERRED LOCK-UP: The two-line, centrallyaligned signature placed under the logomark is the preferred lock-up and should be used whenever possible in order to build equity around it. The preferred lock-up is intended for use on application where the width of the logomark is more than or equal to 1/2 inch (height of the preferred lock-up is more than or equal to 2 inches). Each lock-up defines the relationship of the logomark and signature and is designed for use in specific applications based on size, scale, and position of each element. The Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups must always be used as a provided file, and never typeset by the user to ensure that the correct scale relationship and spacing are maintained. The lock-up elements have been arranged to work at different scales, so it is crucial that independent versions of the lock-up are not created.


The Preferred Lock-up Clearspace To maintain the integrity of the Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups, a certain amount of space around the lock-up must be kept clear of competing visual elements. The area around the lockup should always provide ample space so that the balance and wholeness of the lock-up is not violated by the competing elements. The diagram on the left shows the correct amount of space that should surround the preferred lock-ups.



2) The Alternate Lock-up

The Alternate Lock-up Each configuration that combines the logomark and signature in a defined relationship is referred to as a “Lock-up.” Two versions of Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups are available for use: 2) THE ALTERNATE LOCK-UP: The two-line, centrallyaligned signature placed on the right side of the logomark is the alternate lock-up and should be used whenever size contraints won’t allow the use of the preferred lock-up. The alternate lock-up is intended for use on application where the height of the logomark is less than 1/2 inch (height of the lock-up is less than 2 inches). Each lock-up defines the relationship of the logomark and signature and is designed for use in specific applications based on size, scale, and position of each element. The Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups must always be used as a provided file, and never typeset by the user to ensure that the correct scale relationship and spacing are maintained. The lock-up elements have been arranged to work at different scales, so it is crucial that independent versions of the lock-up are not created.


The Alternate Lock-up Clearspace To maintain the integrity of the Country Pines, Inc. lock-ups, a certain amount of space around the lock-up must be kept clear of competing visual elements. The area around the lockup should always provide ample space so that the balance and wholeness of the lock-up is not violated by the competing elements. The diagram on the left shows the correct amount of space that should surround the alternate lock-ups.



Abbreviated Wordmark The Country Pines, Inc. abbreviated logomark is developed to provide communicators with a restrictive, non-official use option that is bold and immediately recognizable with the organization. This version may be used in contexts where space constraints prohibit the use of the preferred or alternate lockups and the organization needs to be endorsed in a flexible manner (e.g. social media identity, embroidery). The abbreviated logomark is intended for use on applications that are less than or equal to 1 inch wide. The Country Pines, Inc. abbreviated logomark must always be used as a provided file, and never typeset by the user to ensure that the correct scale relationship and spacing are maintained. The elements of the abbreviated logomark have been arranged to work at different scales, so it is crucial that independent versions of the logomark are not created.


Abbreviated Wordmark Clearspace To maintain the integrity of the abbreviated logomark, a certain amount of space around the logomark must be kept clear of competing visual elements. The area around the logomark should always provide ample space so that the balance and wholeness of the logomark is not violated by the competing elements. The diagram on the left shows the correct amount of space that should surround the abbreviated logomark.



Montserrat A BCDE FGHIJKL M N O PQ R STU VWXY Z ab cdefghijklmn op qr st u vwxyz

Signature The Country Pines, Inc. signature uses the typeface Montserrat. This typeface should not be considered an everyday typeface, but should be reserved for the Country Pines, Inc. signature. Montserrar should only be used in uppercase letters, and never be set as running copy. Montserrat is designed by Julieta Ulanovsky and is free for commercial use. The typeface can be downloaded from: For more information on the rights and licenses, please visit: Note: The Country Pines, Inc. signature may never be manipulated or created directly from the typeface. The elements in the signature have been arranged to work at different scales. To ensure that the correct scale relationships and spacing are maintained, these elements must always be used as a provided file.


Crimson Text

Secondary Typography


The combination of serif and sans serif typefaces offers modern, highly readable content and is considered a classic pairing for compatibility. Using this contrast from headline to body copy is a way to create visual interest and visual hierarchy to help the reader.

abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz

1) Crimson Text is designed by Sebastian Kosch and is free for commercial use. The typeface can be downloaded from:

Open Sans ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz


For more information on the rights and licenses for Crimson Text, please visit: 2) OpenSans is designed by Steve Matteson and is free for commercial use. The typeface can be downloaded from: For more information on the rights and licenses for Open Sans, please visit: Note: Be aware that every typeface variation— from font selection to weight to stylizing (italic, bold), to color to point size—adds a layer of emphasis. Too many variations can be hard to read and difficult to navigate.


Core Color Palette

Core Color Palette The Country Pines, Inc. identity system should be reproduced using the core color palette. In contexts where the use of core colors is not an option, or when core colors conflict with the application, the identity system may be reproduced in black or white.

Secondary Color Palette

Secondary Color Palette

When finding an appropriate secondary color, first reference the chosen secondary colors that are complimentary to the core colors. The secondary color palette anticipates the need for a fuller range of colors that works in conjunction with the core colors of the Country Pines, Inc. identity system. The secondary color palette may also be used for contexts where there is demand for a coordinated spectrum of related colors (e.g. website, print collaterals). Not all color combinations will work together, so this palette should be considered as an indication of the palette, but not an endorsement of all potential combinations possible within it. Please use this sampled color at your discretion.

Neutral Color Palette

Neutral Color Palette The neutral palette acts as a foundation that works with both core and secondary palettes. Ample use of white as a canvas with monochromatic blacks and grays for elements such as type and paragraph rules will give the primary and secondary palette vibrancy and prominence. NOTE: Pantone (PMS), CMYK, RGB and Hex values are provided and should be used in the appropriate context. Pantone and CMYK should be used for print collaterals; RGB and Hex values should be used online. Pantone colors are typically used for one-color print jobs, however the CMYK color values will be used for the majority of your print collaterals.


Core Color Values

PMS: 160 U CMYK: 30, 60, 77, 14 RGB: 162, 105, 70 HEX: #A26946

PMS: Neutral Black U CMYK: 63, 59, 61, 41 RGB: 77, 72, 69 HEX: #4D4845

PMS: 369 U CMYK: 68, 17, 100, 2 RGB: 97, 159, 66 HEX: #619F42

Secondary Color Values

PMS: 304 U CMYK: 39, 0, 7, 0 RGB: 142, 220, 237 HEX: #8EDCED

PMS: 584 U CMYK: 21, 5, 75, 0 RGB: 208, 213, 101 HEX: #D0D565

Neutral Color Values

PMS: White U CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 HEX: #FFFFFF


PMS: 432 U CMYK: 61, 50, 45, 15 RGB: 105, 108, 113 HEX: #696C71

PMS: Black U CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 RGB: 35, 31, 32 HEX: #231F20


Integrity of the Identity Design The Country Pines, Inc. identity is the official mark of the organization and should be rendered with utmost consistency and dignity. It should never be tweaked, stretched, or otherwise manipulated. This page shows typical mistakes to be avoided. No Stretching

No Cropping

No Tilting

Don’t Add Strokes

Don’t Adjust Spacing

Don’t Apply Filters


Identity Files Index

Each of these versions is provided in a color and a black & white option. All the files are provided in the following formats: JPG, PDF, and PNG. Notes for file format usage: - PDF files are intended for use with print. They are a scalable vector format, which doesn’t lose quality when printed in large or small sizes. Vertical_Lockup_BW.jpg Vertical_Lockup_BW.pdf Vertical_Lockup_BW.png

Vertical_Lockup_Color.jpg Vertical_Lockup_Color.pdf Vertical_Lockup_Color.png

Horizontal_Lockup_BW.jpg Horizontal_Lockup_BW.pdf Horizontal_Lockup_BW.png

Horizontal_Lockup_Color.jpg Horizontal_Lockup_Color.pdf Horizontal_Lockup_Color.png

Abbreviated_Wordmark_BW.jpg Abbreviated_Wordmark_BW.pdf Abbreviated_Wordmark_BW.png

Abbreviated_Wordmark_Color.jpg Abbreviated_Wordmark_Color.pdf Abbreviated_Wordmark_Color.png

- PNG is intended for your website. It is a transparent graphic, which means that it’s not attached to any background color or flattened. - JPG is also intended mostly for online use, but they have been saved at the highest quality, providing you flexibility in its use. JPG is a flattened graphic and contains a white background. Depending on your use, you may need to scale the JPG or PNG formats down to the size you need and optimize them for your specific use.

Two_Line_Signature.jpg Two_Line_Signature.pdf Two_Line_Signature.png

One_Line_Signature.jpg One_Line_Signature.pdf One_Line_Signature.png

Logomark_BW.jpg Logomark_BW.pdf Logomark_BW.png


Logomark_Color.jpg Logomark_Color.pdf Logomark_Color.png


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