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Individual Project –Skills Build

1. Introduction

2. Planning and Organisation Activity

3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Activity

4. Creativity and Innovation Activity


This Skills Build provides three activities, each one concentrating on one of the Integral Skills – Planning and Organisation; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ; and Creativity and Innovation . They will involve the Specific Skills, shown in the table, that you will need to demonstrate in the Future Destinations Project Assessment. Using your Personal Effectiveness skills, you will be able to reflect, gather feedback and evaluate how well you are doing.

Integral Skill

Planning and Organisation

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Specific Skills

1.1 – Identify project rationale.

1.2 – Set appropriate and realistic aims, and objectives.

1.3 – Plan appropriate and relevant research.

1.6 – Define priorities and success criteria.

1.8 – Manage resources, timescales, and potential risks.

1.9 – Manage and prioritise work.

2.2 – Apply methods to solve complex problems, including focused research techniques, to gather primary and secondary information.

2.3 – Select appropriate information by critically evaluating credibility and recognising bias and assumptions.

2.4 – Analyse complex information and draw out key points.

2.5 – Synthesise primary and secondary information containing alternative opinions, views, and arguments.

2.6 – Accurately use an academic method of referencing.

2.9 – Make valid judgements and reasoned conclusions.

Integral Skill Specific Skills

3.1 – Generate ideas independently.

3.3 – Make connections between different information in  order to support outcomes.

3.4 – Use creative thinking to analyse information and  ideas.

Creativity and Innovation

3.5 – Consider the feasibility in implementing ideas and  outcomes.

3.7 – Explore, refine, adapt and develop appropriate ideas and outcomes.

3.8 – Develop innovative communications that are  appropriate to the audience.

4.3 – Demonstrate performance in completing  tasks/activities when working independently.

4.4 – Demonstrate a contribution when working  collaboratively.

4.5 – Respond to feedback and, when appropriate, give  feedback to others.

Personal Effectiveness

4.6 – Reflect and evaluate own behaviours, performance  and outcomes when working independently and/or  collaboratively.

4.7 – Recognise areas for improvement when working independently and/or collaboratively.

4.8 – Evaluate outcomes achieved in relation to aims,  objectives and success criteria.

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