Introduction to WJEC Level 3 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

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Introduction to WJEC Level 3 Advanced Skills
Wales Teaching from 2023 Award from 2025
3 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales Table of contents 1. Aims and Objectives 2. Learning Context 3. The Learning Experience 4. The Course Companion - My Journey 5. The Integral Skills 5.1. Planning and Organisation 5.2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 5.3. Creativity and Innovation 5.4. Personal Effectiveness 6. The Embedded Skills 7. Qualification Structure and Content 7.1. Global Community Project 7.2. Future Destinations Project 7.3. Individual Project 8. Grading 9. Useful Information

Aims and Objectives

The Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification supports learners to become effective, responsible, and active citizens ready to take their place in a sustainable global society and in the workplace by:

• developing their skills of Planning and Organisation; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Creativity and Innovation; and Personal Effectiveness (the ‘Integral Skills’)

• supporting progression from the development of the Integral Skills at level 2

• supporting progression to higher education, apprenticeships, training and employment.

Through completing the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification, learners will:

• further develop their skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence (the Embedded Skills)

• develop an appreciation of the importance of skills development as a key aspect of life-long learning

• engage in active, creative, and learner-led opportunities

• enquire and think for themselves, plan, make choices and decisions, solve problems, and reflect on and evaluate these

• develop initiative, independence, and resilience

• work independently, take on responsibilities and work effectively with others.

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What will the qualification cover?

To prepare learners for employment, lifelong learning and active citizenship, learners should be provided with opportunities to develop and apply their skills in relevant and current contexts that encourage them to participate in critical and civil engagement, and to consider their well-being and the well-being of others.

For this purpose, the United Nations’ sustainable development agenda and Wales’ Well-being Goals , as defined by the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales), provide a framework within which learners can explore and examine complex issues related to society, environment, culture, and the economy.

Developing and practising skills in different contexts makes learning relevant to learners by connecting it to the real world. This process also helps learners to gain an understanding of how the same skill can be applied in different ways, depending on the task at hand. For example, creativity can be the creation of an idea or object that is both novel and useful, or it can be communicating in a way that best connects with your target audience such as through visual aids and/or other forms of interaction.

Learners should be encouraged to consider:

• Why is this specific skill important for this particular task?

• How might I need to use this skill on a day-to-day basis?

Moreover, learners should be encouraged to draw upon their diverse interests, experiences and cultures, and exercise personal choice in their learning and assessment.

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Learning Context

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which forms the foundation of the United Nations’ post- 2015 vision for the world and is key for everyone’s future. This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.

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The Well-being of Future Generations Act

Wales faces a number of challenges now and in the future, such as climate change, poverty, health and well-being, coronavirus, jobs and economic activity. To tackle these we all need to work together.

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act is about improving the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of Wales and includes 7 well-being goals.

7 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales
A prosperous Wales A resilient Wales A healthier Wales A more equal Wales A globally responsible Wales A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language A Wales of cohesive communities

Learners should be encouraged to draw upon their diverse interests, experiences and cultures, and exercise personal choice in their learning and assessment.

Theme Definition


The environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal or plant inhabits.




A community of people having common traditions, institutions, interests, beliefs, purpose or a social interaction.

Production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money.

A person’s mental, physical and social well-being.

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9 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales UN goals
well-being goals 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land • A prosperous Wales • A resilient Wales • A globally responsible Wales 1. No Poverty 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 10. Reduced Inequalities 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions • A resilient Wales • A more equal Wales • A Wales of more cohesive communities • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language • A globally responsible Wales 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production • A prosperous Wales • A resilient Wales • A globally responsible Wales 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation • A healthier Wales • A resilient Wales • A globally responsible Wales

The Learning Experience

The qualification is designed to appeal to a broad range of learners, who study a wide range of subjects as part of their individual learning pathways.

Central to the qualification is the importance it places on allowing learners to exercise autonomy and personal choice in selecting areas of study that are of interest to them and relevant to their future progression pathways.

This qualification aims to prepare learners for lifelong learning, employment, and active citizenship, providing real-life, authentic learning experiences with an emphasis on learning inside and outside of the classroom and on developing independent learning.

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The Learner’s Journey

Building on previous achievements at level 2, learners will develop complex skills, attributes and behaviours to a level 3 standard, which will better prepare them for their future destination, whether higher education, apprenticeships, training or employment.

Learners will make use of a WJEC Digital Student Course Companion – My Journey, that will be used to record their development and assessment of the Integral Skills and development of the Embedded Skills.

The WJEC Student Course Companion will not be assessed, but will be used by learners to reflect on their skills journey throughout the qualification for aspects of component assessment.

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Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales 12 Higher Education Apprenticeship Employment Introduction
Development Global Community/ Future Destinations Future Destinations/ Global Community Individual Project

The Course CompanionMy Journey

The WJEC Course Companion - My Journey - will include a variety of real-world activities to keep learners engaged during the development of their skills.

To ensure learners can achieve their potential, the WJEC Course Companion will include:

• activities to ensure induction and transition from National/Foundation level of skills to level 3 standard

• access to long-term topic plans, the syllabus, and an overview of the qualification and components

• milestones in the progress journey so that learners can plan their own next steps through appropriate forms of practice, becoming increasingly independent

• courses of study for skill-building through engaging activities

• advice on how to prepare for assessment and achieve their best

• feedback and reflection on application of skills after activities and assessment for each component

• grading tips.

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The Integral Skills

Learners will be provided with opportunities to practise, develop, and demonstrate the Integral Skills in different contexts as part of their programme of learning, and prior to undertaking their first assessment.

Each Integral Skill consists of a set of Specific Skills that learners will develop and apply to specific tasks within each of the three projects. Each project will consist of several set tasks. Each task will clearly state which of the Specific Skills a candidate will be expected to demonstrate.

The Integral Skills should continue to be developed throughout the course, ensuring learners are fully prepared to complete the assessment of the projects.

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Planning and Organisation Creativity and Innovation

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Personal Effectiveness

Baccalaureate Wales
Advanced Skills

Planning and Organisation

Efficiency and productivity in delivering a quality outcome depends on being organised.

These skills enable learners to identify, plan and carry out a project by applying a range of skills, strategies, and methods to achieve planned outcomes.

Specific Skills

1.1 Identify project rationale.

1.2 Set appropriate and realistic aims and objectives.

1.3 Plan appropriate and relevant research.

1.4 Schedule activities and tasks.

1.5 Select and utilise appropriate project management techniques and/or tools.

1.6 Define priorities and success criteria.

1.7 Monitor progress against project plan (including developments and adaptations to any unforseen events).

1.8 Manage resources, timescales, and potential risks.

1.9 Manage and prioritise work.

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to Integral skills

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

These skills provide the tools to encourage curiosity and help learners to diagnose problems and identify possible solutions.

These skills enable learners to undertake research, critically select, organise, and use information and data, relevantly apply and demonstrate understanding of any links, connections and complexities, and draw conclusions to solve complex problems.

Specific Skills

2.1 Address complex problems using meaningful questions.

2.2 Apply methods to solve complex problems, including focused research techniques, to gather primary and secondary information.

2.3 Select appropriate information by critically evaluating credibility and recognising bias and assumptions.

2.4 Analyse complex information and draw out key points.

2.5 Synthesise primary and secondary information containing alternative opinions, views, and arguments.

2.6 Accurately use an academic method of referencing.

2.7 Construct responses that are evidence-based, persuasive and convincing.

2.8 Propose and justify appropriate solutions.

2.9 Make valid judgements and reasoned conclusions.

Back to Integral skills

17 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

Creativity and Innovation

Creativity opens the mind, broadens our perspective, and promotes potential to draw out positive aspects of the individual.

These skills enable learners to generate original complex ideas, carry out a practical translation of ideas to develop an outcome and justify and communicate decisions made.

Specific Skills

3.1 Generate ideas independently.

3.2 Generate new ideas by sharing, disseminating and building on collaborative creative thinking.

3.3 Make connections between different information in order to support outcomes.

3.4 Use creative thinking to analyse information and ideas.

3.5 Consider the feasibility in implementing ideas and outcomes.

3.6 Apply objective decision-making techniques to justify selection of the most appropriate idea, including the views of others where appropriate.

3.7 Explore, refine, adapt, and develop appropriate ideas and outcomes.

3.8 Develop innovative communications that are appropriate to the audience.

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Back to Integral skills

Personal Effectiveness

People who understand themselves and their abilities deal better with unexpected situations, lead more fulfilling lives and have more faith and confidence in themselves, which is an essential part of success and satisfaction.

These skills enable learners to get the best from themselves, creating a positive and energetic impact.

Learners will learn to understand and apply the principles of evaluation and review in relation to the planned outcome and own learning and performance. In doing so, these skills will empower a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Specific Skills

4.1 Analyse how own skills can be applied and/or developed to be personally effective.

4.2 Manage and/or modify own behaviours and performance.

4.3 Demonstrate performance in completing tasks/ activities when working independently.

4.4 Demonstrate a contribution when working collaboratively.


Respond to feedback and, when appropriate, give feedback to others.

4.6 Reflect and evaluate own behaviours, performance and outcomes when working independently and/or collaboratively.

4.7 Recognise areas for improvement when working independently and/or collaboratively.

4.8 Evaluate learning processes, techniques and outcomes achieved in relation to aims, objectives and success criteria.

Back to Integral skills

19 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

The Embedded Skills

In addition to assessing the Integral Skills , the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualifications also supports learners to develop Literacy, Numeracy and Digital skills .

Opportunities for learners to develop and apply these skills should be embedded within teaching and learning activities for each of the projects.

Learners will also have an opportunity to further develop and apply these skills when completing the assessments, for example:

Numeracy skills may be utilised when analysing statistical data or considering financial well-being.

Literacy skills may be utilised when completing communication activities and written work.

Digital skills may be utilised when generating different types of evidence for assessment.

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Numeracy skills Literacy skills Digital skills

21 Advanced
Baccalaureate Wales

Qualification Structure and Content

All learners must complete three mandatory projects which provide a vehicle for learners to develop, practise and demonstrate the Integral Skills through a range of contexts that are relevant and current and that encourage learners to participate in critical and civil engagement, and to consider their well-being and the well-being of others. The 3 projects include –

Global Community Project Future Destinations Project

Individual Project

Each component in the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales will be assessed by non-examination assessment.

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23 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales 25% 25% 50%

Global Community Project

The Global Community Project gives learners the opportunity to explore a wide variety of complex and multifaceted global issues and to appreciate how global issues transcend local and national boundaries.

Through completion of the Global Community Project, learners will:

• evolve as an informed global citizen

• draw links between local, national, and global issues

• engage as an active citizen in a sustainable world and Wales.

This ability to play a role within society, as well as how to shape it with confidence is an essential skillset for everyone.

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Teaching and Learning

• Approximately 70 hours

• Learners to develop skills in a variety of contexts

Assessment - 50 Hours

1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 3.3, 3.4, 3.8 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

Task 1a - Carry out research for secondary information about your chosen global issue to produce a Research Review.

Task 1b - Use the information from the Research Review to inform an audience about the global issue.

Task 2 - Explore how your chosen global issue is related to a problem in Wales or local area that needs addressing. Produce a Persuasive Proposal that identifies the most appropriate solution to the problem.

Task 3 - Contribute towards addressing the chosen global issue by planning and carrying out a community action for at least 15 hours either locally, nationally, or globally. Produce an Active Citizen Record which will evidence your journey from planning, through to performing and evaluating your involvement in your chosen community action.

Back to Qualification

25 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

Future Destinations Project

Learners are encouraged to explore realistic employment opportunities and the potential pathways available to them. They will investigate their journey to employment alongside considering the potential health, social, and financial well-being impacts on themselves and others.

The Future Destinations Project also enables learners to understand the value of collaboration to further their own thinking. Learners will have the opportunity to:

• become self-aware by considering personal attributes, capabilities, achievements, and well-being priorities

• explore pathways to employment destinations and consider the potential impact on own and others’ well-being

• explore ways of collaborating with others to further their own thinking.

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Teaching and Learning

• Approximately 80 hours

• Learners to develop new skills

Assessment - 40 Hours

1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 2.2, 2.7, 2.9 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 4.1, 4.5, 4.6

Task 1a - Present a Self-Assessment in preparation for your future destination.

Task 1b - Use the outcomes from Task 1a to explore potential realistic future employment. Produce a Personal Employment Destination Plan outlining your journey to your future destination, explaining and justifying your choices.

Task 2 - Select one of the themes from the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales Act) to devise an initiative called ‘Improving our Future’ that could have a positive impact on others, and which may be relevant to your future destination. Produce an Initiative Proposal and present your Final Initiative.

Learners will be expected to collaborate with another person, other people or a group.

Back to Qualification

27 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

Individual Project

The Individual Project provides opportunities for learners to develop a range of research skills and are encouraged to explore a subject with an emphasis on future educational or career aspirations. The skills that learners will be developing will be of great benefit to them in future higher education and employment, as well as good discussion points for interviews leading to their future destination.

In completing this project, learners will:

• recognise the importance that research plays in making informed decisions

• be encouraged to find, evaluate, analyse, communicate and use information to solve complex problems

• have the opportunity to demonstrate originality, initiative and to exercise personal responsibility.

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29 Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales
and Learning • Approximately 40 hours
- 80 Hours
1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.9 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 Learners can either produce a written research project, or an artefact. Task 1 - Produce a research project Option A - Produce a written research project (approximately 5,000 words) Option B - Develop an artefact Part 1 - Research report (approximately 1,500 words) Part 2 - Development record Task 2 - Produce a self-evaluation Back to Qualification Structure

Role of the supervisor

During the completion of the Individual Project, the learner must have access to a designated supervisor who will provide support and guidance. Ultimately, the learner will be making the key decisions regarding the direction of their project. The supervisor needs to act as a critical friend throughout the process, i.e., posing questions to the learner, rather than simply providing the answers.

It is vital that the supervisor approves a learner’s topic before they progress to ensure that the topic is feasible (not too broad) and is viable. Ethical guidelines must be considered to ensure that learners can undertake their project safely.

Learners are responsible for evidencing these meetings.

It is suggested that three supervisor meetings take place at the following points in the process:

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Meeting 1

When the learner has produced the title, the rationale, the aims and objectives and the research plan.

Meeting 2

When primary and secondary research have been gathered, analysed and connections have been made between the information.

Meeting 3

After completion of the Individual Project, the learner will present their project in order for the supervisor to review it and provide feedback.

Baccalaureate Wales
Advanced Skills


Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales 32
Grading Grading of
Project UMS Project weightings Maximum Raw Mark Maximum Uniform Mark a b c d e Global Community Project (25%) 72 90 72 63 54 45 36 Future Destinations Project
72 90 72 63 54 45 36 Individual Project
96 180 144 126 108 90 72 Project UMS Maximum Raw Mark Maximum Uniform Mark A* A B C D E Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales 240 360 324 288 252 216 180 144
Grading The overall grades for the qualification will be recorded as a grade on a scale A* to E. Results not attaining the minimum standard for the award will be reported as U (unclassified).

Resit Rules

Candidates are permitted one resit per project with the highest mark achieved for that project being aggregated towards the qualification grade. Candidates resitting a project cannot resubmit evidence for assessment that has been entered previously.


Assessment opportunities will be available in January and May each year. The Global Community Project and Future Destinations Project will be available for external moderation in May 2024 (and each January and May thereafter).

The Individual Project will be available in January 2025 (and each May and January thereafter). The qualification will be awarded for the first time in January 2025 (and each Spring and Summer thereafter).

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Useful Information

WJEC Website

Find all the information and support you need for the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales on the WJEC website.

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on social media for all the latest updates.
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