Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales - Induction Activity (Planning a virtual road trip)

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Induction activity

Planning a virtual road trip

Induction activity

Planning a virtual road trip

You’re going on a virtual road trip! Have you ever fancied planning your own road trip with friends? Now is your opportunity! At the end of your sixth form studies (when most of you will be 18 years old), you and your peers could be hitting the road and getting to experience some of the most amazing destinations located in the United Kingdom. The goal of this project is not only to explore our wonderful countries in the UK, but to learn how to plan, budget, and collaborate. Good luck, and safe travels!

In a group (3–6 members) you must plan a seven-day road trip anywhere in the UK, starting and finishing at your home base. Your trip must include the following:

• visit at least two countries of the UK

• visit at least two sites of historical interest

• visit at least two landmarks of natural beauty

• visit at least one beach to watch sunrise or sunset

• visit at least one cultural attraction

• experience traditional food of some areas or regions visited.

Induction activity – planning a virtual road trip

You will need to research the best route to take that includes all the places you wish to visit. You will need a clear itinerary of events, including places to stay, things to see and where to eat. But remember, this all comes at a cost – you have £1,000 for each person. Following your detailed research, careful planning, and innovative thinking, you will present a ten-minute virtual road trip of your planned route to your peers.

Watch the following videos to get inspired!

• Best of the UK

• UK road trip

This is your opportunity to be creative and innovative whilst working collaboratively, to achieve a goal. You will need to make use of a range of skills to successfully complete this task. Remember, this is your chance to present the work in whatever format you wish.

This activity is your starting point to identify your current skills level for Planning and Organisation; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Creativity and Innovation; and Personal Effectiveness before beginning to develop more complex skills, attributes and behaviours that are required for the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification. During this activity, you are expected to make use of the Embedded Skills: Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence.


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Creativity and
Personal Effectiveness Literacy Skills Numeracy Skills Digital Competence Embedded Skills
Skills Planning and Organisation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

The criteria for your road trip

Check off each factor to meet the criteria


It can be anywhere in the UK but it must include at least two countries.


You have £1000 per person. Your task is to budget your money, so that it doesn’t run out before the end of your trip.


Your group must: visit at least two sites of historical interest visit at least two landmarks of natural beauty visit at least one beach to watch sunrise or sunset visit at least one cultural attraction experience traditional food of some areas or regions visited.

Induction activity – planning a virtual road trip


Travel costs

Your group must calculate the distance you will travel on your trip, select the mode of transport you will use, and calculate the cost for using that mode of transport. This could include car, bus, bike, foot or even a combination of all.


Accommodation must be calculated into your budget. You must book accommodation for every night (excluding the seventh night as you will be home).


You must eat every day. The food you eat each day must be realistic. Remember you should experience traditional food of some areas or regions visited.


Most of your activities and excursions will cost money. All team members must participate.

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Your tasks

Watch the following video: Planning your road trip

1. Plan

You will need to plan – who is doing what and when?

• Set aims and objectives both collaboratively and individually.

• Who is responsible for what?

• Select and utilise appropriate project management techniques and/or tools.

• Manage resources, timescales, and potential risks.

How about looking at some planning and digital tools that could prove useful?

2. Research

Individually explore different areas for travel and research potential ideas for the itinerary. This needs to meet the set criteria (above) as well as being exciting and logical. Remember you have a budget.

• Plan appropriate and relevant research.

• Apply methods to solve the problem, including focused research techniques, to gather information.

• What/where can you visit and why?

• Where is your information from?

How appropriate and reliable are the sources that you have selected during your research?

Could you use primary and secondary information?

Induction activity – planning a virtual road trip


3. Create and develop

Each member of the group must come up with, analyse and propose ideas for the itinerary. These ideas should then be considered collectively, and the group should select their preferred ideas to contribute to the final solution of their road trip. Remember to meet the set criteria.

• Generate ideas by sharing, disseminating, and building on collaborative creative thinking.

• Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the group’s ideas.

• Which ideas should you take forward and why? Apply objective decision-making techniques to justify selection of the most appropriate ideas.

• Develop the group’s chosen ideas into a clear itinerary for your trip.

• Manage and prioritise work.

• Propose and justify appropriate solutions.

• Make valid judgements and reasoned conclusions.

Remember to consider some analysis tools that could prove helpful, e.g. SWOT. Could feedback prove useful?

4. Present

Present your virtual road trip to try and persuade the audience that yours is the best plan. The audience will vote on their preferred road trip when all groups have presented.

• What is your itinerary for the road trip?

• What are key areas of interest?

• How feasible is your road trip?

• Construct responses that are evidence based, persuasive and convincing.

• Present your idea in a creative, persuasive, and convincing manner using whatever digital format you choose.

What digital tools could support your virtual road trip? What could support your virtual road trip to help promote it to your peers?

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Reflect, feedback and evaluate


Feedback Evaluate

a) As an individual, reflect on your own performance during this activity. Think of examples during this activity when you used the Integral Skills. Consider the following questions:

When using my Planning and Organisation skills, did I...

• set achievable and appropriate aims and objectives?

• have a clear understanding of my roles and responsibilities?

• do what needed to be done and by the deadlines?

• use appropriate tools/techniques for planning my contribution?

• manage resources, deadlines, and risks in an appropriate way?

• plan appropriate and relevant research?

Induction activity – planning a virtual road trip

When using my Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving skills, did I...

• use different methods for collecting both primary and secondary information?

• consider how reliable and relevant my research was?

• use the research to make conclusions based on the evidence?

• work collaboratively to come up with the final solution?

• suggest possible solutions with reasons for that solution?

When using my Creativity and Innovation skills, did I…

• come up with new ideas? Was I able to analyse these ideas to help decide on the best ones for the solution?

• use different ways of deciding upon the best ideas to take forward?

• work with other members of the group to develop new ideas?

• communicate creatively and innovatively with the audience?

When using my Personal Effectiveness skills, did I…

• contribute effectively when working with others?

• demonstrate appropriate attitudes and behaviours when working with others?

• respond to feedback and give feedback to others?

• recognise areas for improvement when working individually?

• recognise areas for improvement when working with others?

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b) Gain feedback from members of your group on how they viewed your contribution to the group task and your application of the Integral Skills. You could ask for feedback based on the following questions:

Planning and Organisation; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; and Creativity and Innovation skills:

• How did I carry out my responsibilities?

• Did I contribute enough to the group?

• How did I have a positive contribution?

• Is there anything I could have done differently?

• How did I manage resources, timescales, and potential risks?

• Was I able to prioritise my work to meet deadlines/ complete the tasks?

• If applicable, did I gather appropriate primary and secondary information?

• Did I demonstrate creative thinking by generating new ideas and working with other to develop ideas?

• Did I work well with others?

• Did I listen to and consider the ideas and views of others in the group?

• Was I able to share ideas and help develop collaborative thinking?

Personal Effectiveness skills:

• Was I able to recognise areas for improvement when working independently?

• How did I carry out my responsibilities?

• Did I contribute enough to the group?

• How did I have a positive contribution?

• How did I respond to feedback from others?

• How did I recognise areas for improvement when working collaboratively?

• Is there anything I could have done differently?

Induction activity – planning a virtual road trip


c) Gain feedback from the audience about your 10-minute virtual road trip and your part in the virtual road trip.

Ask the audience to consider:

• Did the virtual road trip meet the brief?

• Was the virtual road trip creative and innovative?

• Was the road trip enticing and interesting?

• How effectively and persuasively was the road trip communicated?

• Was there effective use of images and technology?

• How easy was the virtual road trip to understand?

• What did you think of my contribution? (Remember this doesn’t have to be talking in a presentation. You could highlight which part you worked on.)

d) Evaluate your use of the Integral Skills during this activity. Using the information gained from your selfreflection and feedback from others, evaluate your performance and application of the Integral Skills on the following grid.

Select the box for each skill that best reflects your performance during the road trip activity. Remember to be honest and accurate as it will help you identify areas for development for the future!

Key Terms


Conducted in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner with little or no advanced level traits.


Conducted in a mostly satisfactory and suitable manner with some advanced level traits.


Conducted in a capable and meaningful manner with many advanced level traits.

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Integral Skill Basic

• Research has been planned and selected in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner.

Planning and Organisation

• Little or no planning of managing resources, timescales, and potential risks of the road trip.

• It was not clear how all criteria for the road trip had been met.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

• Research has been conducted in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner with only primary or secondary information gathered. There is a lack of use of methods to solve problems.

• The road trip was basic, with little or no justification of ideas presented.

Creativity and Innovation

• The generation, sharing and combining of ideas were conducted in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner.

• The presentation is delivered in a straightforward manner but there is a lack creativity, with little or no persuasion.

Personal Effectiveness

• Limited management of own behaviour and contribution when working in a group, requiring encouragement, and prompting.

• Giving and responding to feedback was conducted in a straightforward manner.

activity – planning a virtual road trip

Fair Good

• Relevant research has been planned and selected in a satisfactory and suitable manner.

• Satisfactory planning of managing resources, timescales, and potential risks of the road trip, but some may not be appropriate.

• Criteria for the road trip was generally met.

• Research has been conducted in a satisfactory and suitable manner including a selection of research techniques to gather primary and secondary information. Some appropriate methods have been used to solve problems.

• The road trip was appropriate, with some suitable justification.

• The generation, sharing and combining of ideas were conducted in a satisfactory and suitable manner.

• The presentation is delivered in a suitable manner that demonstrates some creativity and is generally persuasive and convincing.

• Satisfactory management of own behaviour and suitable contribution when working in a group.

• Giving and responding to feedback was conducted in a satisfactory manner.

• Relevant research has been planned and selected in a capable and meaningful manner.

• Effective planning to manage resources, timescales and potential risks that relate in a meaningful manner.

• All criteria for the road trip were clearly considered and met.

• Research has been conducted in a capable and meaningful manner, including a range of research techniques to gather appropriate primary and secondary information. Appropriate methods have been used effectively to solve problems.

• The road trip was appropriate, justified, and feasible.

• The generation, sharing and combining of ideas were conducted in a capable and meaningful manner.

• The presentation is delivered in an effective manner that demonstrates good creativity and is persuasive and convincing.

• Capable management of own behaviour and meaningful contribution when working in a group.

• Giving and responding to feedback was done in a capable and empathetic manner.

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