1 minute read


Hi everyone, you're holding the final Herald issue of the semester. This wraps up our second semester as a newsmagazine – an interesting and exciting journey with new lessons unfolding each issue.

This Herald in particular is one of the most exciting projects the Herald has done to date. In collaboration with Ball State University, we have created a project that reflects the immigrant and refugee communities in Bowling Green. This project has allowed each Herald staffer who is involved to have the opportunity to connect with Bowling Green in a new way and to share these stories with our readers. In this issue, you'll find stories regarding the immigration process, the history of this community in Bowling Green, culture, food and more. We hope that our subjects and our readers, you, feel that the Herald has provided a deeper glimpse of the community around us.


For those who want to become involved at the Herald, apply at apply.wkuherald. com. The newsroom is a place for everyone and we are constantly looking for fresh faces. Open positions include newsletter editor, sports reporters, news reporters, commentary writers and staff photographers.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading.

Debra Murray Editor-in-Chief

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