Editor in Chief Candy LaFlora
Editor at Large Stephen LaFlora
INSIDE THE HOLIDAY ISSUE The Blessing Takeover by Candy LaFlora
The Gift That Really Does Keep On Giving by Joyce Meyer
Godly Wisdom In Family Matters by Taffi Dollar
Living My Purpose Filled Life by Pastor Sonjia Dickerson
A Single Christmas by Sher LaDieu
I Am Her by Cheryl Vashti
How To Avoid Holiday Overload by Helen Washington
Hannah’s Intercession by Karen Garcia
Press Through the Storm by Judge Ieshia Gray
10 Ways to Recognize a Good Guy by Stephanie LaFlora Sinish
How Do I Handle The Holidays by Kim Gordon
We Are Victorious by Dr. Patricia Brown
Healthy Eating: Zucchini Bread by Tawaga Roberts
Wear It, Feel It by Jasmine LaFlora Walker
Celebrate Life: “Holiday Dinner With Your Family” by Candy LaFlora
Cover Photo and Design Kevin Dickerson Cover Photography David Dickerson CoverDesign Magazine Layout VASHTI’S creative ideas through the eyes of God...
Je’Quen Publishing Inc. Copyright © 2020 JeQuenPublishing@gmail.com
The Blessing TAKEOVER by Candy LaFlora
In this final quarter of 2020, my prayer has been: “Lord, open my eyes!” Psalm 119:18 says, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Recently, while praying, I heard these words in my spirit: “The Blessing Takeover!” As we begin to move into the latter part of 2020 going forward into 2021, a Blessing Takeover is coming to the people who know their God. Just as God brought great wealth into the life of Abraham, so shall it be to the people who know their God! Say this: Lord, enlarge my vision! I want a Blessing Takeover! 5
This is not a hostile takeover. This takeover is a turning over to God, a yielding to Him—allowing Him to release the Blessing to do in your life what the Blessing does best! What the Blessing does best is to bring you an unlimited supply of the power of God. The Blessing at work in your life produces a life without limitations. Therefore, the Blessing Takeover is a complete surrendering to the instruction of the Lord to do only what He leads and guides you to do so the Blessing can “take over” and work without hindrance in your life!
The Blessing Takeover begins from a place of humility. In that place, you’re not even focused on the Blessing—your focus is on pleasing the Lord. You aren’t seeking what He can do for you or trying to manipulate Him for what He can make happen in your life. Instead, you are desiring Him and His presence to consume, control, and fully occupy your life (see Ephesians 3:10 AMPC). Your prayer in that posture begins by saying with sincerity: “Lord, have Your way in my life. Have Your way in my children, in my job, in my career, and in my assignment from You. Have your way in my husband; have your way in this country; have your way in my church.”
In order to experience the Blessing Takeover in 2021, we must position ourselves to allow God to speak to us. Then we must commit to obey whatever He tells us to do.
When you allow the Lord to have His way in a situation, you are not trying to control it or to dictate what you want Him to do. No, your approach is, “Before I even begin, Lord, I need to hear from You. I don’t want to cross the starting line without getting Your directions first!”
You may think you have already done this. But take a moment to retrace your day and this past week. Did you really allow God to have control over your life? Did you follow His leading, or did you take control and then ask God to bless whatever you chose to do? That is not the position of surrender, and it will not give place to the Blessing. 6
Surrender gives you access to the Blessing Takeover. From the very beginning, stop and say, “God, I thank you that the Blessing of
the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it is taking control of this situation, right now. Lord, I surrender completely to You. I will only move, speak or get involved when you direct me to do so. I set myself in the posture of thanksgiving, declaring, the blessing of the Lord is at work in this situation for me”.
propel you into a place you aren’t qualified in the natural to occupy. But supernatural favor with God will grant you favor with man. Positioning yourself in God allows the Blessing to rain down expressions of God’s goodness in your life you never even dreamed could be possible. Allow the Blessing Takeover in Your Life!
We see a perfect example of the Blessing Takeover unfold in Abraham’s life. Abraham positioned himself in God and in faith so much so that God counted his stance as righteousness. As a result, the Blessing of the Lord operated in Abraham’s life to such a degree that things that seemed impossible began to happen for him! Even when Abraham changed his story to save his own life by saying his wife was his sister, he actually emerged from that tangled situation with riches. How? The Blessing brought him out on top!
In 2021, make the decision to completely surrender all to Him without manipulating or trying to control anything. Lay every area of your life before the Lord and allow the Blessing of the Lord to make you rich! No sorrow comes with the Blessing (see Proverbs 22). Who wouldn’t want to receive this? You may be thinking, I feel like I have been living under a curse because trouble has been lasting so long in my life. Let me encourage you: There is nothing that the Blessing can’t overturn! Just come to God and receive the cleansing power of the Blood and redemptive work of Jesus
Even if you have made a mistake, the Blessing will move you into position to turn things around in your favor! In fact, the Blessing will actually 7
Christ in your life! Allow the Blessing of the Lord to come into your life, your family line, and your finances. Just give it all over to the Blessing! Let the Blessing take over! It’s just as if you were cooking a meal and you asked someone to come in and take over the cooking while you go walk the dog. That’s not a hostile takeover. You simply made a request for them to assume the responsibility of that assignment. They moved in and took over what you were doing because you asked and gave them permission. The Blessing Takeover requires your permission to dominate in your life! There is a dominating power in the Blessing of the Lord! If you will give the Blessing freedom to move in your life, you will be astounded, amazed and overjoyed by what the Blessing of the Lord will and can do because you give it access! The Blessing of the Lord is waiting for access to dominate in your life. If you want the Blessing of the Lord to dominate, shout: “LORD, I WANT THE BLESSING TAKEOVER!” The Blessing Restores! Let the Blessing of the Lord Restore what has been missing or taken from you. The Blessing of the Lord has restorative power. It was the Blessing that restored Abraham and Sarah’s physical bodies (Gen. 21). It was the Blessing that restored the widow woman with pots of oil (2 Kings 4). Restoration came to her house to such an extent that she and her sons could continue to live well. It is the Blessing that empowers us to stand against every attack of the enemy with the sword of God’s word and it brings us into victory (Eph. 6:14-18)! Anything in your life that was lost can be restored through the power of the Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalms 3:8 - Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah. 8
When the blessing is on you; you become superior to your circumstances! Let God’s word have final authority in your life. If God says the Blessing is on me then I submit to the word of God and declare that God’s blessing is on me. I allow it to take over every circumstance. I Chronicles 17:27 Now therefore let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may be before thee for ever: for thou blessest, O LORD, and it shall be blessed for ever. Once God blesses something it is blessed forever! I Chronicles 17:27 MSG Because you have blessed it, GOD, it’s really blessed—blessed for good!
Say this: I am blessed! Really Blessed! Everyday Is A Blessing Day! Declare This Now: Father I thank you that The Blessing of the Lord is working in my life. The Blessing is working in my physical body! My youth is restored now! The Blessing is working in my finances! It is bringing restoration to everything that has been lost. The Blessing is working in my children! The Blessing is working in my family! The Blessing is working in my city! The Blessing is working in my country! THANK YOU LORD, I AM LIVING IN THE BLESSING TAKEOVER!
Dr. Fanchion B. The GPW Reset 2020 Retreat provided a framework of spiritual principles guaranteed to transform our lives. Personal declarations, debunking the myths and false beliefs deposited in our mind from negative life experiences were emboldening and empowering. Tammie P. The Phenomenal Woman Reset Retreat 2020 was an exuberant experience for me. I feel more refreshed and confident to move forward with the ministry that God has called me to. Pastor Candy’s vision, passion and love for ministry to women is a blessing and I’m grateful for her obedience to host such a dynamic event. Angie R. The GPW RESET Retreat was necessary and such a blessing. So many lives were changed including mine. God is truly amazing! Stevelyn D. The GPW Reset Retreat was absolutely Fabulous from beginning to end! The atmosphere was set and I came expecting a lifter of my past and a reset to my future! I received that much and more! Jackie R. It was exactly what I needed to catapult me into the next season of my life. AWESOME WORD!!! Inza D. God’s Phenomenal Woman Reset Conference was Amazing !!! I thoroughly enjoyed the prayer time and I always enjoy Candy’s anointed singing . I could identify with Dr. Freeman because at my age, I too, have gone back to school, doubting that I could do it, to obtain my Doctorate Degree. She really encouraged me. Looking forward to the next conference. 12
Pauline P. I felt that the Phenomenal Weekend Retreat was AMAZING! It was so spirit filled. I was on such a HOLY GHOST high for the rest of the weekend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really feel that my walk with the Lord is stronger and determined. Tammie M. This year’s retreat was truly “ A RESET” for me.. I’ve been RE-stored through Worship, RE-vived by The Word from God and RE-Set to fulfill the purpose God has ordained for my life. Amen Angel M. The GPW RESET Retreat 2020 was so refreshing and inspirational! Dr. Dee Dee Freeman’s message left you wanting to do more for your life and to never give up on your dreams...NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU ARE NOR, HOW DUMB YOU ARE! LOL! Denise B. Hallelujah! What an awesome time spent in the Presence of the Lord. Powerful and anointed praise, prayer and teachings. The women received a “Divine Reset”. A reset that restored, redirected and realigned them onto the path that God has for their lives! I thank Pastor Candy LaFlora and her team for their dedication and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Looking forward to the next God’s Phenomenal Woman Retreat. Nicole D. I have been a member of Maranatha since the day Pastor Steve and Candy were installed. I was on fire! We would sing moving forward and that’s what I had started to do for a while and then it seemed as if I had hit a wall and Plateau. When Pastor Candy said the theme was going be reset I said yes Lord restore me Back to Factory settings. well the retreat had been going on two days, we had High worship 14
and rich word but I still hadn’t been reset. It wasn’t until day Three after Good Morning Holy Spirit Prayer and Moving Forward was playing. Pastor Candy was ministering and it was like I was jilted like when a pinball machine and the ball gets stuck you have to jilt it to make the ball move; and I was restored, revived and renewed and ready for my next level. Vanessa M. The Presence of the Lord was truly ushered in at GPW RESET Retreat!! Pastor Sonjia D. Powerful and anointed atmosphere where women were motivated, nurtured, and encouraged. Sheena K. Candy, I just wanted to thank you again for sharing the Women’s Retreat with me. I am on day 3. I have been receiving and learning so much. I needed this. You are not only a minstrel and a pastor, but you have such a genuine heart for women. You are such a blessing. Plus you are soooooo funny and full of His wisdom. I so appreciate your transparency. This is life changing! It keeps on getting better!!! Love you Candy!! Julie G. Wherever we were/are in our journeys the GPW RESET Retreat met each of us at the point of our greatest need. Our spirits were fed and our souls left satisfied. We are set to continue walking out our destinies with a newfound determination and strength.
The Gift
That Really Does Keep On
by Joyce Meyer
When it comes to giving gifts, we usually think about things we can buy for family and friends that they will enjoy. But I’ve discovered that the best gift I can give the people in my life isn’t something I can find in a store. The best gift I can give them is a healthy me. So I want to ask you: What is your attitude toward yourself? Do you like yourself? These are important questions to honestly consider because when people don’t like themselves, it causes problems in every relationship they have. I spent many years not liking myself, and even had some self-hatred and self-rejection. My father sexually abused me throughout my childhood, and for a long time, I felt shame because I thought it was my fault – that he did those things to me because something was wrong with me.
...their ignorance is not your fault.
But I eventually realized that it was not my fault. And I want you to know that if someone has devalued you, mistreated you, misjudged you, or done something that has left you wounded, their ignorance is not your fault. I also want to encourage you to forgive them, because if you don’t, it will only give them power over your life and keep you from being what God has created you to be.
Before I realized the real root of my problem, I was a very frustrated Christian. I studied the Bible and saw how God wants us to love others – that we should forgive those who hurt us, consider others before ourselves, be merciful and gracious – but I couldn’t do it. The truth is we 20
can’t give away what we don’t have, and I couldn’t love because I wasn’t receiving God’s love for me and then loving myself. It took about a year of studying about the love of God in the Bible and praying for Him to change my heart before I really got a revelation of God’s love for me. But when that breakthrough finally happened, it was so wonderful because I could love – and even like – myself. And I could begin loving others the way God loves me! God wants you to focus on what’s right with you, not what’s wrong with you. Because the more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the bigger it will get and the less likely it will be for you to overcome it. God wants you to think about what He’s done and is doing in you more than you think about what’s going on around you or what isn’t working. He wants you to latch on to something good in your life and celebrate that! I’m not suggesting that we stop trying to change the things we don’t like or make improvements in areas that can be better. But we can’t make progress in those areas if all we focus on is the negative. The truth is, God knows all about you and He still loves you and wants you! Ephesians 1:4-5 (NLT) says, “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.” Here are more truths that will help you develop a healthy self-image…
• Instead of believing it’s more “spiritual” to think of yourself as a miserable, wretched sinner, call yourself God’s creation, purposely created by His hand, and destined to fulfill a great purpose as you follow His plan for your life (2 Corinthians 5:17, 21; Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139:13-14).
• You’re valuable because God created you, not because of anything you do. 21
• Your worth is not based on what others think of you or how they treat you, but on who God says you are.
• And Philippians 1:6 says, “…God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (NLT). We all have weaknesses, and no one is perfect, but the important thing is to continue making a little more progress each day in becoming the person God has created you to be.
Spend time studying what God’s Word says about His love for you. You’ll be amazed by all of the things that will be fixed in your life if you will receive His love and love yourself because you know who you are in Christ. Then you can give the people in your life the gift of a healthy you!
For more on this topic, order Joyce’s six-teaching CD series Celebrate Life! You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting www.joycemeyer.org. Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND and Joyce’s newest devotional QUIET TIMES WITH GOD (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.org. 22
Godly Wisdom
in Family Matters by Taffi Dollar
Another holiday season is upon us, and with it another opportunity to model God’s wisdom to our children. With all the Thanksgiving turkey dinners and Christmas shopping, it can be easy to lose our focus on the really important things, like giving thanks for what God has blessed us with and celebrating Jesus’ birth. At times like these, it’s even more important for parents to focus on applying the wisdom of God in our families. When we consider all the jobs the world considers important, many moms and dads put parenting at the top of the list. Being a parent can be one of the most difficult—and rewarding—responsibilities we ever have. It’s sobering to consider how much influence we have on our children, and how quickly time passes when we’re instilling values we want them to have for the rest of their lives. Thankfully, we don’t have to do this on our own; God is available to help any time we ask. Our heavenly Father knows all about godly wisdom; there’s no age limit when it comes to this spiritual gift. Once when Jesus was a boy, He demonstrated this powerfully when He traveled with His family to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover holiday. He got separated from His family and was later found in the temple, teaching the adults; however, despite all He knew, He was still humble enough to obey His earthly parents (Luke 2:41-51, NIV). The Holy Spirit gave Jesus this wisdom; as parents, we need this as well. The world has plenty of child-rearing advice, but not all of it will give us the results we want. Wading through all the “dos” and “don’ts” can be confusing if we try to follow guidelines that change every few years. However, raising children according to God’s Word gives them what they need to find the right path in life. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). One of the things we must learn is that sometimes it’s okay to say “no.” This word can be unpopular in some parenting circles, but we’ve all 25
seen the unfortunate results of children who were raised by overly-permissive parents. Godly wisdom in this area helps us avoid being like the mother of Zebedee’s children, who took it upon herself to command Jesus to let her sons sit at God’s right hand and His left hand (Matthew 20:20-28). There’s a fine line between helping and hindering our children. Letting them learn to make their own decisions is another way to incorporate godly wisdom in family matters. Being a helicopter parent may be our way of trying to control all aspects of our child’s environment to ensure their safety, but fear is the motivation behind this tendency. As our kids grow, loving them enough to teach them decision-making skills requires a refusal to allow our fears to cause us to jump in and make their decisions for them. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Having a sound mind includes self-control on our part. Making life too easy for our kids is something else we must guard against; this takes away their will to do things for themselves. There’s a difference between a child who is unable to do something yet, and one who’s unwilling to even try. It’s okay if they make a mistake; that’s part of learning something new. When they flounder at first, we should never worry about what others think of our parenting skills. “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). We can’t be successful parents without God’s guidance. The good news is that He loves our children even more than we do; we can certainly trust Him for their well-being and development. We’re all weak in one area or another, but God gives us the grace to get the job done. “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT). None of us are perfect, but when we rely on Him to come alongside us as we raise our kids, we’ll succeed at any time of the year. —Taffi Dollar
by Pastor Sonjia Dickerson
Do you want to be excited about getting up each morning and look forward to your tasks for that day? Well you can be when you’re walking in your purpose! When I’m living a purpose filled life I am motivated and excited about the opportunities I have ahead of me. Purpose is a person’s sense of resolve or determination to to accomplish certain tasks or to reach a certain goal. An individual purpose is not always understood by others, but it’s always understood by God because He created each of us and put purpose on the inside of us from the very beginning! Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. The same way God knew Jeremiah from the very start and ordained he be a prophet there is a purpose for your life that God had on His mind when He created you. God has plans for you. Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. How do I find my purpose? Pray! Prayer is a conversation with God. You don’t have to be in a particular place or say particular words but you must pray. When you hear God things will change around you. You will see clearer past the distractions and obstacles that often come to defeat us. The people in 30
your life will know when you have prayed because not only will your life change but your interaction with them will change and they will be blessed because you spent time in God’s face in prayer. The Bible instructs us to pray.
have you ever considered that perhaps God is speaking to you in your dissatisfaction. Perhaps God is pushing you to swim in unknown waters where your gifts will be utilized, nourished, and increased. Sometimes this uneasiness can certainly be spiritual warfare, and a trick of the enemy to get you out of position. However, it can also be a red flag that you’re not in the place God wants you to be. If you are miserable in your current area, career or job, and consistently can’t wait for the day to end. If you’ve prayed, searched the scriptures and sought godly counsel, but you still feel the same way, perhaps God wants you to shift to a new area or career.
“I Thessalonians 5: 17 Pray without ceasing. If you want to grow in your spiritual walk, you need to make prayer a central part of your life. Prayer is a great adventure where our problems are whittled down to size when placed next to our magnificent God. When we pray we tell God how great He is and He allows us to feel how much He loves us. You must pray in order to find your purpose.
Receive guidance from the Holy Spirit. Specifically ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and He will!! Listen carefully and sit quietly, and receive direction. Consistently do this. Make it part of your daily regimen. You will be the most powerful, the most effective, and the most joyous when you are walking in your God given purpose. The Holy Spirit will sometimes speak through others affirming what you are called to do. While you can’t listen to
Evaluate whether you feel dissatisfied in what you are currently doing. Often it is through dissatisfaction that God shifts us into where He wants us to be. Sometimes it’s just a feeling of “there’s more for me to do”. We’ve been taught to believe that dissatisfaction is a bad thing, and that we should do everything possible to avoid it. Often we ignore it and act like it doesn’t bother us. But 31
every comment made about you, there will be some from trusted god-given relationships, that will agree with your passion, and confirm what you’ve already heard God say. Those are the ones to listen to. Look at your gifts. What are you good at? Sit down and think about what you love to do. What brings you joy when you do it and brings glory to God? Ask yourself what am I supposed to be doing here? Do I just have a job or am I fulfilling my God-given purpose in what I am doing each day? Sometimes it’s not the “job” that’s the purpose but its your “presence” in that position that affords you the opportunity to be a light to those around you. Perhaps you have been planted there for ministry. Your purpose is unique and only you are qualified for what God has called you to do. Your purpose is not just about you. It’s to bless others and most of all bring glory to God! At the intersection of godly purpose and a surrendered life you will find contentment and peace. You are not a wanderer and you do not have to be lost. Our Dear Heavenly Father designed a specific plan for your life because you are so valuable to Him. Pray, evaluate, and receive. Then you will Live a Purpose Filled Life!
A Single Christmas © Sher LaDieu
The Christmas lights looked like shimmering gems through the rain on my windshield. A light splatter, it mirrored the tear drops in my soul. The dry garage welcomed me, and the house was dark and quiet. Warm pajamas, a candle and my Bible, I started the fire in the fireplace and sat on the floor. The candles we held up at the Christmas Eve service earlier felt like suspended magic that illuminated peace. I stood with my candle raised singing “Silent Night”, the darkness of the room like a blanket of belonging, enveloped me. If only it could last longer, to sing another song. But here I am alone, on Christmas Eve. I wonder if anyone noticed me when we extinguished the candles and the lights came on. Most families were discussing their plans for the evening, and a few broke their conversation to say, “Bye.” I stared at the fire. I felt lonely while the flames flicker gently waved. I hugged my knees and my eyes swelled with tears. “Silent Night” became silent cry. Chest heaving, my eyes caught the dancing glimmer across my Bible. With a slow reach, I brought it to my heart, and whispered, “I am not alone.” An inaudible voice rose up from within and whispered back, “I am right here.” In that sweet moment I let the tears fall and listened. “You are my adored daughter and I love you. Didn’t I say, ‘I will never leave you?’ I am with you tonight, beside you. Do not think you are forgotten, for I see you, and you are precious in my sight. You are my beautiful daughter who brings me joy. This moment in time I planned that I might wrap my arms around you. I am your loving father who delights in all of who you are. Take comfort in my perfect love.” With an inhale, I felt the Lord’s presence like gentle ocean waves. Peace washed over me; tears slowed. The feeling of aloneness melted. Then, again, 36
inaudible words began to rise – “My thoughts and plans for you are good, to give you a hope and a future. Have I not promised? I have much in store for you. I’ve heard your prayers. Life’s journey takes many roads; stay close to me and watch me unfurl your path.” The joy of the Lord filled my body like a spring breeze and rest settled my mind. A smile appeared through wet blinks and soaked cheeks, as the realization of this tender moment sunk in. I felt hopeful. Who else, with all their plans, is having a peaceful exchange of love with Jesus in the glow of a fireplace? He planned this evening to be with me. I felt empowered. And then, from somewhere deep within, and I found myself speaking the truth of the Word, as if to prophesy to myself: “I am loved and beautiful. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I have a future. I am a woman of purpose. He knows my secret dreams and has plans to bless me. I wear royal robes. My ways are pleasing to the Lord and he directs my paths. I am never alone and I have words of kindness that bless those around me. I have a future and a hope.” Many years have passed since that rainy Christmas Eve, and with a heart of gratitude, I can say, “He is true to his word.” By his providence and goodness, I have seen many dreams come to pass. Through our journey, he is a faithful, loving father who yearns to hold our hand. And no matter our age or station in life, his plans are to be trusted with gleeful anticipation. He fashioned us from the womb and has a path for us to follow until we breath our last. For people who are single, divorced or widowed, the holidays can feel lonely because not everyone has family. 37
Take comfort that our best friend, Jesus, is walking beside us, and will guide us into blessing and wholeness. In every situation, believe in his love, pray what’s in your heart, and make time to reach out to people in your world. Hold his hand and listen closely. He is smiling with wisdom and adoration at his daughter. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
Sher LaDieu is a native Texan whose career has taken her around the globe doing makeup for television and video. Writing is another passion, so she enjoys the delightful dive in the pond of wordsmithing. Deriving from her unusual experiences, she writes about life, how to succeed in complicated work environments, and doles out sage advice about how to navigate relationships. Sher LaDieu TheSagePen@gmail.com 214-725-1491 www.TheSagePen.com
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 38
I AM HER © Cheryl Vashti
I AM HER. . . The one He formed in His image and likeness before the foundation of the world...
I AM HER. . . A thought formed from His heart
taken from man’s rib and He saw that what He formed was good. I AM HER. . . The one who He so fearfully and
wonderfully made... before I entered my mother’s womb. I AM HER. . . The one He gave a destiny, purpose,
promise, provision and a plan.
I AM HER. . . The one who would walk through
the valley, and soon realize it was only a shadow.
YES...I AM HER. . . Who finally realized who I am in Him and accepted the invitation at the table He prepared for me.
I AM HER. . . Who graciously received His sound gift of peace, then understood that He is . . .God. I AM HER. . . Who stands in the center of His will and receives His strength. I AM HER. . . The one whom He loves with an everlasting love.
I AM HER. . . Complete in Him . . . an awesome reflection of all He is. YES! I AM HER….
I AM royalty … I AM who He called me. I AM HIS!
and He knows my name! I KNOW WHO I AM... I AM woman.. I AM HER...
Cheryl Vashti Powell-Gordon, wife and the mother of two, didn’t allow life’s ups and downs stop the destiny that God planned for her life. She has written two books, “Through The Valley of Transition” and “Engraved Messages” and is currently working on her third book, “Piece by Peace.” Her commitment to serving others has gained the respect and admiration of her family and friends. 43
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How to avoid Holiday overload by Helen Washington
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day! Time for family, food, and festivities! A busy nonstop preparation with one celebration after another! You purchase gifts for this person and that person. Checking your list and checking it twice and making sure the menu is right! Gotta make that sweet potato pie just right for Uncle Joe. And don’t forget about that coconut cake for Cousin Lucy. And then, the decorations have to be just right. You’re driving from this store to that store. You’re online shopping until past midnight. And, oh no! You’re running out of time! You spend so much time preparing that you don’t get to bed until 3am the day of the holiday because everything has to be just right. By the time the holiday comes, you are so exhausted and stressed that you are barely enjoying the celebration yourself! Does any of this sound familiar? Do you need a crash course on “HOW TO AVOID HOLIDAY OVERLOAD”? Here you go! 47
1. MAKE JESUS THE CENTER OF THANKSGIVING At Thanksgiving we always share that we are thankful for family, friends, food on the table, a roof over our heads, and so on. But what about the Person Who made it possible for us to have a family, friends, food on the table, and a roof over our heads? Invite Jesus into your celebration. Spend time every day acknowledging God Who knows how to do everything. Spend time in prayer, in the Word, and giving thanks to God BEFORE you get started with the tasks needed for your Thanksgiving celebration. Refuse to be stressed by rolling the care of holiday upon the Lord and He will show you how to make your celebration successful. Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed. A thankful heart is a stress free heart. Spend some extra time praising and worshipping God as you make your preparations. Ask God to show you how to “KISS” – Keep It Simple Sis! Simple decorations, simple meal, simple celebration. Ask God to show you how to have the most joyous Thanksgiving you have ever experienced! Ask Him and thank Him for it…I dare you! 2. FOCUS ON THE REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON Do you put so much focus on the THINGS that are supposed to make the holidays a joyous occasion that you forget about the PERSON Who makes the holidays a joyous occasion? There is an old saying about the Christmas season that “Jesus is the Reason for the Season”. If “Jesus is the Reason for the Season”, why are you wearing yourself out and leaving Jesus out of the preparations and festivities? If “Jesus is the 48
Season”, then why aren’t you asking God to show you how to include Jesus in your celebration? Jesus is a Gift from God to you! Celebrate Him! Spend time with Him. Read the history of the first Christmas in the Bible (Luke chapters 1 and 2). Read it with your family and discuss what it means to you and how knowing Christ and submitting to His Lordship has changed and blessed your life. John 3:16 (AMP) For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. If you ask Him, God will even help you to find amazing gifts for people at the best prices. The key is to start shopping early. And, if you give someone a natural gift, give them a Jesus gift, too! Add a Jesus focused minibook, refrigerator magnate, keychain, or bookmark to your recipient’s gift. As Christians, the holidays mean nothing if we leave out the Gift of Jesus. The decorations, food, and gifts are nice and appreciated, but THE REAL CELEBRATION BEGINS AND ENDS WITH JESUS! 3. KEEP JESUS FIRST IN THE NEW YEAR! The New Year usually brings with it a desire to lose weight, pay off holiday bills/improve finances, exercise, and other things that affect the natural side of our lives. But for you, daughter of the Most High God, the New Year is the beginning of the rest of your life and a new opportunity to experience the blessings of the Lord. God wants to exceed your expectations this New Year and beyond. He wants to give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. 49
If you want to see your desires and secret petitions come to pass this New Year, don’t allow the enemy to keep you from keeping the main thing the main thing. The main thing is KEEPING JESUS FIRST! When you KEEP JESUS FIRST, you are KEEPING GOD FIRST and KEEPING GOD FIRST requires seeking and searching for Him with your whole heart! Jeremiah 29:13 (AMP) Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. When you seek God first by praying, reading and obeying His Word, fasting, and praising and worshipping Him, everything you need will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (AMP) But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. Don’t allow the enemy to trick you into “HOLIDAY OVERLOAD” by taking your focus off of the true “REASON FOR THE SEASON”. Refuse to be stressed and decide to be blessed by MAKING JESUS THE FOCUS this holiday season and throughout the New Year!
Hannah’s Intercession: Prayer That Unlocks Miracles by Karen Garcia
Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples and exploits of phenomenal women who administered justice, obtained promised blessings, and received miracles. Although their circumstances varied, prayer was the common denominator that distinguished their lives and faith as phenomenal. In First Samuel 1 and 2, we read of a desperate woman named Hannah. Hannah was as gracious and beautiful as the meaning of her Hebrew name. Although she was greatly loved by her husband, Hannah was barren, and she endured cruel mocking from her husband’s other wife because of it. Hannah was a woman in anguish of heart, longing for a child of her own. One day in the temple, Hannah wept before the Lord regarding her situation. She made a vow to the Lord that if He would look upon her affliction and grant her a son, she would lend that son to the Lord. Her child would be separated unto God’s service all the days of his life. As Hannah prayed that day, a cry of desperation came from her heart unto God as she yielded to a prayer that human words simply could not express. Hannah began to weep and give place to inarticulate prayer that came from the depths of her spirit. She prayed a very private prayer in a very public place! As Eli the priest observed her weeping before the Lord in this manner, he believed her to be drunk and began to correct her. Yet although Hannah’s heartfelt prayer of intercession had been misunderstood, she was undeterred. The spirit of prayer she had begun to work with deepened and widened far beyond her personal circumstance and passion. Hannah’s prayer would affect not only her own barrenness, but the 53
spiritual barrenness of a nation.
in our prayer life? So often we come to prayer with only our personal situation on our minds, yet God has a purpose and plan for us much greater than anything we could imagine. He wants to use us to impact our churches, our communities, and even our nations for the Kingdom of God! The Father wants us to use our prayer not only to bring change in the midst of difficult personal situations or family relationships, but also to see what He sees and to work with Him in this hour to bring Heaven to earth. As we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers beyond ourselves, we can help make a way for His plan to be brought forth in an extraordinary way that will affect and bless many.
The spiritual condition of Israel at that time in history was bleak. They were a largely an apostate people with a corrupt priesthood that left the Israelites void of leadership to help keep them on their God-ordained path. Israel was spiritually bankrupt and in tremendous need of a leader who would work to restore them to God and guide them toward His great plan for their destiny in Him. God answered Hannah’s prayer and granted her a son named Samuel, whose name means “Asked of God.” Samuel became a judge and a prophet who restored Israel unto God and later even anointed David as king. It was Hannah’s prayer of desperation that made room for God to not only move on her behalf with a miraculous conception, but also to intervene on behalf of a people needing deliverance. Hannah’s prayer and God’s answer to it with Samuel’s life broke the barren condition that existed in their society. Her prayer made a way for history to be altered and for the plan of God to continue to move forward in the earth.
Hannah’s great prayer of rejoicing and thanksgiving that exalted God Himself came well before Samuel was even conceived (see 1 Samuel 2:1-10)! Hannah received her answer by faith through prayer first, then she praised God for it. Hannah prayed clear through to the victory! Her prayer of triumph even progressed into a prophetic statement concerning the coming Messiah and to the power His anointed Christ would hold! She
How often do we limit the Lord 54
prayed past the place of her personal pain and prayed into the future that would affect each of us.
Intercession can sometimes be misunderstood by a casual observer, yet it was that kind of prayer that produced breakthrough for Hannah, brought forth a deliverer for the people of Israel, and changed the course of a nation.
Phenomenal women understand the power of praying clear through. We persevere past pain, disappointments, obstacles, and bad reports to work with the Spirit of God in prayer to obtain by faith those things God has promised to us. Therefore, we can rejoice in the victory before we ever see it in the natural because our God helps us to not quit! He wants the victory for us more than we want it for ourselves. And, He has sent the Holy Spirit as our great Helper in prayer to achieve just that!
Destiny is calling you now, phenomenal woman! Rise up and answer it by yielding yourself in prayer to Him who is the solution for every situation you may face personally and nationally. He is the Author of the grand eternal plan that includes your life’s purpose and all that concerns you. And He will finish that plan. Your job is simply to believe Him — to yield your tongue to Him in prayer and to watch as He fulfills His promise to you, performing the very thing only He Himself can do!
Like Hannah, let’s yield to the depths of intercession — then we will have extraordinary results. We must yield to inarticulate prayer when it comes: the weeping, the groaning, the travail of the Spirit. We need all manner of prayer, not just the kind of prayer we are most accustomed to. He alone knows exactly what is needed in every situation, and He alone knows exactly how to pray about those things (Romans 8:26).
Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. (Luke 1:45) Karen Garcia is committed to strengthening the Body of Christ in prayer so that the Glory of the Lord may be revealed. Karen resides in Broken Arrow, OK with her husband and co-laborer in prayer, Alex.
Hannah worked with a great secret of prayer that day at the temple. 55
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by Judge Ieshia Gray
In March of this year, this country was turned upside down. As businesses shut down and families stayed in the home, many of us struggled with the fear of the unknown. I know I am not alone when I say thoughts of my finality, humanness, and mortality pervaded my thoughts. Yet, I knew I had to press on; but how do we find the strength to press through the storm? Because if it is not Covid-19, life has shown me that there WILL be storms.
when life throws you the unexpected, the devastating, and the unplanned, do you find the strength to press through the storm? Number one, you must have faith. For someone who is in despair, it can be the hardest thing to continue to have faith. When your soul cries, that is when you must turn to God. When Elijah left this earth, it was a sermon from the pulpit that healed my soul. You cannot give up. You must continue to turn to God and know that he has the ultimate design for your life.
For me, one of my biggest challenges in life has been dealing with the loss of my unborn child, Elijah. For eighteen weeks, I carried him in my womb. I sang to him at night, whispered to him in the mornings, and loved on him even before he was born. When my water broke, I knew I would never be the same. I couldn’t get time back to change what was happening.
Number two, you must move. Move, in every sense of the word. Move your body. Move your mind. Press through the storms of life. When you just want to lay there and wallow in your brokenness, that is when you must use every strength in your body, to get up! Take a walk. Let the peace of God’s creations remind you of how blessed it is to breathe in the air, to place one foot in front of the other, to be.
No amount of pleas to God would change the fact that I would have to deliver him still unformed and not ready for this world. So how 58
Move your mind. Make a commitment to only focus your mind on the positive. There is power in your thoughts. For me, it meant saying to myself, that I am a mother and I will hear my children’s laughter. Even when the doctor had no hope, I would continue to say, I am a mother and I will hear my children’s laughter. Your mind can change your reality. Move your mind toward the positive. When you change your thoughts, you will see the manifestation of that change in your life. Lastly, you must know that God is there. God is here even now. During our storms, God is still there. Do you remember the story
of Elijah in I Kings, Chapter 19? Remember how Elijah ran in fear for his life and hid in the caves and there he found God, a soft whisper letting him know that everything was going to be ok. It was that sermon that was preached after I lost Elijah that healed my heart. I knew God was telling me then that everything would be ok. So now, when I hold my son and daughter at night, my spirit rejoices, because I know God was always there, even through my storms and he is still here now, letting us know that everything is going to be ok. No matter your storm, stay encouraged. Press through and know that God is with you.
Judge Ieshia Gray
10 Ways to Recognize a Good Guy by Stephanie Imani LaFlora-Sinish
yourself that lie you should slap yourself and read this article. No, but seriously, stop trying. Please! Your happiness depends on it. Have you ever looked up and said what on earth am I doing here? I should have, would have, could have …! I’d bet my 401K that it had something to do with a guy … a bad guy.
Now this may not be for everyone, but for me these are 10 non-negotiables that have led me to a pretty awesome relationship. I know some of you will immediately notice I didn’t put “faith” as a bullet point, but sometimes I think we spend more time looking for superficial religious clues than we do for signs of character and integrity. Yes, he needs to be a man who has faith in God, but the quality of his faith is more likely to be found in how he treats you and others rather than the church he attends. So, check out these 10 tips for finding a good guy, then let us know if you agree — or disagree.
2. His Kindness Holds Up Under Pressure It’s easy to be a nice guy when you get your way, but the ultimate test comes when you have a right to “go there.” However a man treats the people around him, he will eventually treat you. You don’t want a man that is just nice to you, or disrespects other women but treats you differently. As soon as you tell him no, you’ll be on the bad end of his personality. Easy things to observe: how he deals with an aggressive stranger, how he deals with a family member he doesn’t get along with. How does his personality hold up
1. He Was a Good Guy When You Met Him Now ladies, please read this twice. You cannot make a bad boy a good boy no matter how hard you try. Every time you tell 62
when he disagrees with you? 3. He Offers to Help Others When There’s Nothing in It for Him This is the best selfishness indicator. Does he help people simply because they need help, or does he look for ‘I Owe You’s’? When he does a nice gesture for you, does he expect you to return the favor? His motivation should be based solely on a desire to make you happy. 4. He Feels Honored to Be with You So many men attempt to make women feel that they are lucky to be with them, but this should definitely be the other way around. I know some men would contest that statement, but it’s true. Honor me and I will honor you. When two good people get together, no ones needs are unmet; you both reciprocate equally. His manhood isn’t diminished by telling you how beautiful, intelligent, and strong you are – that’s what he loves about you. 5. He Inspires You to Be a Better You His goals, achievements, and motivations encourage you to stay on track with your God-given destiny. He doesn’t hesitate to encourage you when you are down. You are proud of him, and he is equally proud of you. He challenges you to overcome your insecurities instead of giving more reasons for you to be insecure. 6. He’s Not in Competition With You Do you feel like you have to prove yourself to him in order to earn his respect? Does he get jealous when men recognize your beauty? Some relationships can feel more 63
like a competition than a mutual support system; you compete over careers, intelligence, or even physical fitness. Don’t let your competitive nature convince you that this endurance test is worth winning. A good relationship is not a competition; it’s a partnership. 7. He Has Personal Ambition It’s far too easy to get distracted by income when looking for a good man. Many men have become pros at the illusion of security. The truth is, a wealthy man can lose his money and a poor man can stumble across a fortune. The best way to avoid superficiality and navigate these choppy waters is to make sure the guy has passion and a plan. You also may want to check his motivations; a good man will feel his destiny driving him, and will know that God has given him that vision. The proverb tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Consider this sound advice for romantic relationships as well. How can someone who is going nowhere and doing nothing inspire you to be anything? Usually, those men are only professionals at destroying confidence. 8. He’ll Do Something Just Because You Want to Do It Let’s face it; sometimes we are selfish, and that’s okay. Sometimes he’ll want his way and you should give it to him. Why? Because he has treated you like a prize and he deserves it. The same goes for us ladies. We all know relationships are give and take, but unfortunately often when it’s time to give there’s often some person WITHOUT a significant other that is telling us not to. A good man could care less about peer pressure; he knows what he has and knows you deserve to have your way sometimes. 9. He’s Confident in Who He Is You don’t want a man that constantly needs encouragement or is preoccupied with proving himself to everyone he knows. By this point he should have resolved the major issues (if any) of his past. If he’s still “complicated,” wait until you find something simple, because your relationship deserves peace! A good guy knew who he was before he met you. 64
10. You’re Happy! I saved the best for last. One of the greatest indicators that we often ignore is our happiness and our peace. If you argue all the time, or you feel like things will get better in time, he isn’t the right guy for you. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it’s good medicine! Besides, what’s the point if you’re not happy? There are a lot of things in your life that you can’t control, but when it comes to a relationship this should not be one of them. Do yourself a favor and not only find yourself a good guy, but find the good guy that makes you happy. We all make excuses and exceptions, but I would encourage all you single ladies to consider your past relationships and see if there’s a trend. It’s never too late to elevate your standards.
Stephanie Imani LaFlora-Sinish 65
© Kim J. Young, MA, QMHP
In the movie “Hitch,” Eva Mendez has a line where she says to Will Smith “You handled me.” Why is that so bad? Merriam-Webster defines handled, to feel manipulated with the hands, or controlled. In common colloquialism, it means used or used up, and to add insult to injury, it is usually when we are most vulnerable, and sleep-deprivation (SD) is one of those vulnerabilities.
and you have lost seven hours of sleep a week. Further, studies have shown that on average, women have more sleeping problems than men for various reasons such as menses, pregnancy, socialization, and gender roles. Most reading this article can remember when we were in kindergarten, taking naps. In our young minds, napping was only an intrusion on our playtime, not a welcomed break (man, I would pay to take a nap right now). However, believe it or not, that nap was to refresh our minds for the next part of the day.
How do we get through and survive the holidays sans the sense of being handled or used up? GO TO BED! HUH! How is going to bed aiding me in pulling off this season’s tasks without defeat? I’m glad you asked. The Center for Disease Control reports to be fully cognitive during the day, a woman should get 7-9 hours of sleep a night (I wish!). However, the National Sleep Foundation says, on average, a woman only sleeps six hours a night.
There was a study reported in the Physiology & Behavior Journal that examined and recorded the effects of sleep deprivation on impulsive behavior. In the article, was reported that patients, particularly women, experience impulse control disorders when they are sleep deprived. Even in otherwise healthy patients, lack of sleep impairs cognition, decision-making, and impulse
You may say that is only one hour less than what is reported; but multiply that by seven nights 70
control. What does that say to me? Lack of sleep can potentially have dangerous effects, and for that reason ladies, GO TO BED! Guys, you are not excluded; we all need our rest, specifically the older we get. However, generally, when we speak of the holidays, that shouts to the ladies in your life, planning, shopping, cleaning, cooking, wrapping, entertaining, and the list often repeats itself. Can you imagine trying to tackle that to-do list without the proper rest?
a mental health professional, I have experienced an increase in potential clients seeking my services. Unfortunately, but realistically those seeking counseling are not only adults but adolescents too. Our children detect our uneasiness over finances, employment, living arrangements, health, and religious and political issues. In exchange, children are unconsciously emotionally challenged with feelings they should not yet be subjected to, of course, depending on their ages. Yes, as a parent, you want to discuss these real-life issues with your children, provided they are age-appropriate. However, you also want to offer them a sense of comfort, security, or happiness that encourages rest for them mentally, physically, and spiritually. Be honest and authentic but tender.
Equally, the Bible tells us that we need rest, Mark 6:31, Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile. Psalm 127:2, it is vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Matthew 11:28, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, and my fav, Psalm 4:8, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” I won’t belabor the point; you get it.
Let’s discuss a few of the consequences of sleep deprivation. We said earlier that it causes women to make poor decisions, we are not as sharp cognitively; as a result, that increases (faulty) impulses. Sleeplessness accounts for impaired perception, difficulties in keeping concentration, vision disturbances, slower reactions,
March 2020 halted life for us as we know it introducing COVID19. Coupled with this being an election year, I think we can all agree, we all feel handled. As 71
as well as the appearance of microepisodes (fancy word for dozing off) of sleep during wakefulness, which leads to lower task performance and an increased number of errors. Further, sleep deprivation results in emotional disturbances such as deteriorated interpersonal responses and increased aggressiveness and agitation (don’t say Amen! brothers, we have a lot going on). Essentially, ladies, all this means, even if we have the art of holiday planning down to a science, operating with inadequate rest is comparable to the level of 0.10% blood alcohol concentration, or performing while under the influence, which only perpetuates the holiday anxiety and blues. So how do I make this information applicable? For Thanksgiving, take the family to a shelter (i.e., Pacific Garden Missions in Chicago) and volunteer to serve someone less fortunate. The experience is not only a teachable moment for the children, but it also keeps you out of the kitchen for at least a brief spell. Conversely, at Christmas, instead of purchasing tons of gifts (that they probably don’t need), do a grab bag for the family. Possibly, select a residential senior living facility to buy for, or else go to a local hospital and bless those that are spending the holiday away from loved ones. Your babies will be ok. They understand that things are incredibly unusual this year, besides mom, that baby is now 26 (lol). Holidays should be times of being thankful for family and friends and so much more. Should you decide to entertain, and go all out this year, be purposeful in going to bed early. Be careful about social distancing; we are still in a pandemic, wear your masks, and gloves, get your proper rest, and don’t get handled by the holidays, instead survive them. Kim J. Young, MA, QMHP Kim received her baccalaureate degree in Organization Leadership in 2011. She continued her education at Saint Xavier University, where she obtained her master’s degree in Community Mental Health Counseling in 2014. Currently, Kim is pursuing her Ph.D. at Adler University. 72
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We ARE Victorious! by Dr. Pat Brown
In the Fall edition of GPW, I shared how to thrive motherhood, and the week that I received my copy of the magazine, I was tested in the very area about which I had written. Out of left field, I received news that was totally unexpected, and I knew that the situation would result in significant changes. I cried as I spoke to my Pastor, and when I finished recounting what had occurred, I was pleased to hear myself sob “all is well”. Praise God!! Crying when we initially receive negative news is not terrible, but we are to be careful about what we say, and we don’t stay in a state of sadness. We have the victory! When we take a stand for God and His word, we need to be prepared to be tested. I am reminded of when Jesus, our high priest, had finished fasting for forty days; He was led by the Holy Spirit to be tried. (Matthew 4:1-10). In this faith race, we have to be proven in order to move into higher levels in God. I want to discuss some areas in which believers may be tried. 1.The first is attack of our identity. When Jesus was in the wilderness, the tempter said “if you be the son of God, turn these stones to bread.” This is the same attack that the enemy used on Adam when he told them that they would be as gods if they ate of the fruit. They were already as God. (Genesis 1:26-27). We have to be so confident of who we are in Christ, that we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus. I often focus on the fact that I have a covenant with God, and His promise is that He would take care of me and that He is concerned about everything that is important to me. Sometimes, I have to cheer myself up by reminding myself of who I am by saying throughout the day “I am God’s daughter”. When a woman of God gets heart (not just head) knowledge of this truth, her self esteem soars and her expectations increase. 75
2. We have to know without a shadow of a doubt that God loves us. When Jesus was tempted, the enemy failed to say that He was the BELOVED son. The past two weeks have been challenging, but by mediating on God’s perfect and unconditional love for me, I am able to elevate my soul above the situation. Focusing on God’s love provides such a peace, comfort and assurance that all is well and that God has a good plan for me. This has strengthened my relationship with the Father, and I look forward to wrapping myself in Him. That means that throughout the day, I will repeatedly take a minute or two to think about how much He loves me and to thank Him for being such a good Father. 3. Trust is very important to God. He is always faithful, and God loves when we have confidence in Him. I am learning that it is none of my business how God works out a situation; I’m getting better, but I can be nosy in that regard. I like knowing the details ahead of time, but I am perfecting my ability to rest and just let God wow me. Once I have prayed and released my faith, my job is to thank God for “it” until there is manifestation. Even when things look bad, I cannot throw away my confidence (Hebrew 10:35) because God is faithful. Sometimes, my flesh wants to scream like a two year old toddler, but I must give that kid an endless timeout and let my spirit dominate and act like a saint of God who is separated, predestined, strong and called for His purpose. 4. Let’s stop looking back at our past failures and mistakes. Living on could of, would of, or should of street is not productive and will actually hinder our progress and make it more difficult to receive the blessings that God has for us now! (Philippians 3:13) When we think of forgiveness, we often think of forgiving others which is so important, but I had to learn to forgive Pat! For years, I had been beating myself up for marrying my ex-husband. The Holy Spirit told me not to marry him, but I wanted to be married, and I did it anyway. That was the biggest mistake of my life! After the divorce, I asked God to forgive me for being disobedient, and I received His forgiveness. 76
However, I had to forgive myself! I had a conversation with myself in which I said,” Pat I forgive you for being disobedient and marrying outside of God’s will. I love you and God loves you.” I also asked the Holy Spirit to help me with self forgiveness. When I forgave myself, I felt as if a tremendous load was lifted; I could breathe again!! If I can forgive other people by faith, I can forgive myself in the same way. (I really did not want to be this transparent, but the Holy Spirit said to share this.) God never said that we wouldn’t have challenges, but we can be confident in the outcome. We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. We are victorious!
by Tawaga Roberts
Happy Holidays! T’is the season for thanksgiving, togetherness, family fun, laughter, and of course food. Is it possible to maintain your healthy eating habits during the holiday season? Yes! It certainly is with dedication and creativity. While it is not necessary to deprive yourself of all your childhood favorite holiday foods, you will need to make adjustments to how Grandma used to cook. One way to ensure that your meal is healthy is to remember the rainbow. Your meal should be as colorful as the decorations surrounding you. Using a variety of fruits and veggies will not only enhance the color and flavor of your dishes but it will also increase the nutrients that you receive from them. For Example, you can mash roasted garlic and cauliflower with your white potatoes and skip the but-
white potatoes and skip the butter and gravy for a fresh take on your mashed potato dish. Instead of the traditional green bean casserole with mushroom soup and fried onions, you could toss some fresh green beans and sliced red bell pepper with olive oil, pepper and garlic powder and roast them in the oven. For many people, their holiday season will be flooded with countless invitations to office parties, family gatherings and Friendsgiving celebrations. Yes, I did spell that correctly: Friendsgiving. Last year was my first time hearing that term; apparently, it’s a Thanksgiving potluck celebration with friends instead of family. Anyhow, I digress. Gatherings and food are a big part of the holiday season and accepting these numerous invitations will inevitably land you in a room with an overwhelming variety of meats, sauces, dips, 79
sugary drinks, desserts and so much more. The point is you may not always be in the position where you are preparing your own dishes. In this case eating before you attend these events is a good idea. This way if you do decide to try a dish, a small taste will satisfy. Another way to maintain healthy eating during the holiday season, is to slow down! You have to purposefully plan your meals for the day including snacks. Healthy snacks are vital to healthy eating when the air is filled with the aroma of cookies, bread, cakes, pies and so much more. If you are running from house to house or store to store or even just busy with holiday traditions in your own home, it becomes easy to miss a meal or grab unhealthy alternatives as a quick fix. A small baggie of sliced veggies or a homemade trail mix will do the trick. The key is to not let yourself get to the point where your hunger pains are making your decisions for you. At the end of the day, don’t make food your priority. I’m sure many of you have recited this truth at some point during your childhood Christmas programs: Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Spend time with your family and friends enjoying the beautiful blessings of this Holiday Season. I’ve shared a quick Zucchini bread recipe that my family enjoys. The bread can also be baked in muffin tins to make it easier to take on the go. You can also add a variety of diced fruit and chopped nuts to make it a quick breakfast or midday snack. Enjoy!
Ingredients: 1 ½ cups of flour ½ cup of coconut sugar – • regular white sugar also works fine ½ cup of light brown sugar ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup of unsweetened apple sauce 80
½ cup coconut oil – • any light oil will work 1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla 1 cup of grated zucchini ½ cup chopped walnuts
Directions: In a bowl whisk together the flour, sugars, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg. In another bowl whisk the applesauce, oil, and vanilla. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir just until combined. Fold in the zucchini and walnuts. Pour in loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes.
Imagine this painting on your wall
Minnie Watkins Art minniewatkinsart.com
WEAR IT, FEEL IT ©Jasmine LaFlora-Walker
The seasons have changed, the most wonderful time of the year is right around the corner, but now that events are going virtual and we’re spending more time at home than in an office, some of us may be struggling to find our normal holiday cheer. But don’t fear, we are here to encourage and remind you to get in the spirit. Here’s our motto— wear it, feel it! Sequins, bold solid colors, statement earrings and festive pajamas will surely get you in the mood to celebrate the holidays!
Tip #1 – Sequins
Nothing says holidays like a bit of sparkle. They’re so fun and festive! The best part is that they come in endless options—skirts, dresses, tops, jackets, shoes, purses, etc. Sequins are truly a seasonal staple that will light up any space. Depending upon the event, you can keep it simple or go all the way. Either way, don’t be afraid to give this classic holiday option a try!
Tip #2 – Bold Solid Colors
This tip is totally on trend—go bold and bright for a timeless holiday charm. While our traditional color options such as red, black and green easily work I challenge you to go a step further with mustard, pink, grey, blue or purple. My personal favorite way to slay solid colors is through a well-fitted suit, they’re a guaranteed head turner. If you’re really feeling confident you can even mix some complementary color combinations such as blue/orange, purple/yellow or red/ green. Be careful, but if done right these looks can certainly bring the holiday cheer wherever you go. 84
Tip #3 – Statement Earrings
Even when you want to keep it simple, there’s always an opportunity to jazz it up with your accessories! As we previously discussed, nothing says holiday like sparkles so why not wear them as an accessory? From H&M to Nordstrom, it’s difficult to hit a store these days that doesn’t supply your statement earrings needs. This is an option that works especially great for virtual gatherings. You can throw on a blouse, add your earrings, fix up that hair and look presentable in minutes. Cheers the season to be jolly—earrings la la la la la la!
Tip #4 – Pajamas
Okay, I know we’ve talked all things glam, but this one is too fun not to share! If you’re looking to feel festive, holiday PJs will certainly get you in the mood. If you really want to commit, feel free to get your family and friends involved. Match it up, grab some hot cocoa and get in the holiday spirit!
2020 has definitely been a unique year, but let’s not be discouraged to celebrate and keep the traditions alive. Whether we’re at grand venues or in our living rooms, we should all make an effort to wear it and feel it—after all, it is the most wonderful time of the year! Jasmine LaFlora-Walker 85
by Candy LaFlora
The Holidays are a wonderful time to bring the family together to thank God for all He has done and remember those who have moved to heaven as you share over a delicious meal. Life can move fast. Let’s slow down during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season to share stories, remember the special reasons we call each other family and show love. Fill your home with all things beautiful! Start with your dinner table. Make a “No Paper Plates” rule on these 2 special days. Bring out your best plates, best glasses and best flatware. Let your imagination soar! Be creative! Have fun! It’s your table, so let it represent you. 88
Here are a few creative ideas for your table: Fall Leaves, Gold Paint, Lots of Candles • Add beautiful autumn leaves from your yard. Purchase gold paint from the craft store and dry brush the leaves for a fancy flair. • Spread leaves down the center of the table to create a beautiful runner. • Add candles! Any kind! Your choice • Now add your best plates, napkins, flatware and glasses!
Dinner time has never looked better and your family will love it!
MAKE YOUR TABLE A “CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION TABLE” Use some of your ornament collection, Fresh garland and beautiful roses to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.