Worship Leader Magazine Volume 29 Number 1

Page 66





s worship leaders, we have the great honor of leading our congregations. We literally have the opportunity to assist in being part of a musical sermon where God Himself speaks, is honored in the room, and where the miraculous can become normal. Just recently while at service, an older gentleman came and gave me the biggest hug saying, “There’s my worship leader!” As innocent as that statement might have been for him, it hit me deeply. I understand that he wasn’t trying to elevate me, but he was just simply expressing his gratitude. Immediately, this realization became even more clear: as worship leaders, we are really considered the “lead worshipper” of our church. Now, this is not to lift up oneself in any way. Only for us to understand, that as the worship leader, we have the responsibility of working alongside the Lord and picking songs that will create an atmosphere for Him to speak. In other words, we have a major role to play in our church’s worship experience. As humbling as that is, we must be honest though and examine if we are bringing more than just the next song we sing because... We will only give away what we have. What we have and carry as leaders is crucial. If we are leading on empty and lacking personal devotion, it will eventually come out when we lead. You see, singing into a microphone is not a right by talent or position, but should be counted as a privilege that carries significant weight. However, just because one has a gift to sing does that mean they should? The question is, “what are we giving away when we do?” Again, we will only give away what we have. If we believe this, then what we feed upon and put into our lives daily is important. What is most important is not just how our set sounds, but the direction it gives, message it sends, and presence it brings. When we know God versus just knowing about Him, more substance will impact our corporate leading. When we know His voice daily, practice His presence, and are familiar with His Spirit, our worship

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leading then becomes more than a 20-minute tight set. It will actually become a place where His presence and glory dwells. As leaders, if we are only spending time with God while on stage, then we are missing the mark. This existence may result in knowing a lot about Him, but not truly knowing Him: major difference. So how do we do this? It comes by having a routine devotional time that we make precedent above all. Reading the Word for ourselves and spending time with Him is what will keep us healthy, focused, and fruitful. But what about burnout, stress, and depression? Most of the time when these issues overtake, it can usually be traced back to one’s inconsistent devotional time, mismanaged thoughts, and unknown identity. So making ourselves available to the healing in scriptures is vital, and is the first step in the solution to these problems. I understand that these issues will constantly try to bombard, but when we are spiritually grounded we are more equipped on how to handle and overcome these circumstances when they arise.

“But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” PSALM 1:2-3 NKJV This verse says that when we are meditating on the Word, we are likened to a tree that is deeply planted beside a riverbed receiving nourishment. When you are planted in the Word you then become immovable to your surroundings. Just like the sun’s heat can cause leaves to wither, we also can have heated

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