M A S T E R C L A S S //
You’ve got questions. He’s got answers.
16 W O R S H I P L E A D E R | W O R S H I P L E A D E R .C O M | VO L . 28, N O. 2
he most effective leaders are those who commit to life-long learning. They seize opportunities to gather new experiences, and they ask good questions. More specifically, they ask the right people good questions. The heart of Worship Leader is to help you become the most effective leader you can be by providing resources from and access to the right people— seasoned leaders who have traversed roads you may be on at this very moment. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more seasoned, informed, and experienced leader than Matt Redman. With 16 albums and eight books to his credit, not to mention iconic songs like "10,000 Reasons" and "The Heart of Worship," Matt has helped craft the era of modern worship music and ministry. Accolades aside, Matt possesses a wealth of knowledge and insight, which is why Worship Leader is thrilled to partner with him by launching an interactive Q&A column to be featured inside the magazine and on WorshipLeader.com. Readers are encouraged to send their questions on anything about worship. From musical to technical to spiritual topics, Matt is ready and waiting to offer you his expertise and perspective. Stay tuned to worshipleader.com for more information and details of question submission. In the meantime, check out the video below from Matt to you. You’ve got good questions. He’s got answers!