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’76L Takes on Sorrento

Favorite place at the Law School?

The Saturday night dance floor on Law Alumni Weekend!

Favorite place in Lexington?

The Southern Inn bar on Friday night.

Share a story that to you conveys what W&L Law is all about?

We found ourselves in a challenging financial situation in 2014-15, when the 2008 market collapse finally made its way to law schools. Knowing we couldn’t tackle this on our own, we turned to the law alumni, sending a letter in February 2015 from Law Council president (now Trustee) William Toles ’92 ‘95L which asked for three things: recommend W&L Law to prospective students, assist our current students with their job search, and support the Law Annual Fund. The response we received from that letter was tremendous. The alumni stepped up and we were able to work our way out of that hole, ahead of schedule. It was, and continues to be, a testament to the experience the majority of our alumni had while at W&L Law and the resulting dedication and commitment they feel.

My favorite quote from those days came from then Dean Brant Hellwig: “We have a lot to accomplish, but there’s no reason we can’t have a lot fun while we’re at it!” for his service in Afghanistan. In 2016, he joined the Shelby County Public Defender’s Office, representing children in juvenile court. He lives in Germantown, Tennessee, with his wife, Ellen. 90s


Scot Duvall joined the firm Stites & Harbison in the Louisville, Kentucky office. He joins the firm as a partner in the Intellectual Property & Technology Service Group.

Mary Fran Ebersole rejoined Tydings and Rosenberg LLP, in Baltimore, as counsel in its business, bankruptcy/ creditors’ rights, and litigation departments.


William L. Callahan was appointed by Maryland Governor Hogan as a judge for the Maryland Tax Court.

John P. Shea was elevated to principal with the firm Jackson Lewis. He is an attorney in the firm’s Hartford office and represents public and private employers in labor and employment law matters.

Jon Spear, Steve Rosenthal, Hal Clarke, Nan Clarke, Dick Hooker, Steve McGraw, and Hiram Ely gathered during an Alumni College trip on the Amalfi Coast wearing replicas of their intramural t-shirts from the 1975-76 season, which they won after amassing more points than any other undergraduate or law team in various sports. They even won wrestling after the group put Nan in the competition and all the boys refused to wrestle her. Victory!

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