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Full-time Officer Candidate Q&A
Before you vote it’s important to understand what you’re voting for. Below is the summary that the candidates were given before nominating themselves. Take a second to read the description so you can understand the context of the questions asked to candidates. Remember, you’re voting for the person that you think will best represent your views so take the time to ask the candidates questions on the issues that are important to you! Academic Officer The Academic Officer’s primary role is overseeing the academic representation structure through working with relevant staff to develop and deliver a strong model to enable students to influence change. The officer will be expected to regularly meet with key university staff and academic committees to provide input into any decisions around academia; e.g. teaching and learning, assessments and feedback; whilst monitoring the impact their position has had in influencing decisions in favour of the student body’s needs. Any successes should be communicated to the wider student body through a multitude of channels to show the outcomes of their work and allow students to engage with their projects. As well as attending University committee meetings, the officer will be a key contact for academic representatives from course reps to faculty reps. They will be expected to be able to provide support when necessary to enable representatives to carry out their roles effectively or be able to signpost them to the relevant staff member to help them.
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How would you help the University with its academic quality process?
How would you improve feedback in partnership with the University?
How will you raise awareness of different students learning needs and styles?
How would you help improve communication on academic matters?
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you help
the U nive rsity with its acad emic qual ity proc esse s?
Anisah Khalid
When paying for a service or product it is only fair to expect a high quality, so why should you expect any less from the quality of education you receive at the university? I believe that students should be involved throughout the academic process. Each course should have a compulsory curriculum review, to ensure continuous improvements are made to the way all courses are administered. It is important for students to be able to provide constructive feedback and have a real input on the curriculum they have studied. It’s your voice that matters, without you, the university would cease to exist.
Jen Cotter
The Quality Process plays an integral role in ensuring all course content is validated, relevant and continuously complying with the standards set by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). The QAA is an independent body that presents quality standards for Higher Education, as Academic Officer I would be responsible to ensure that any inconsistencies with this compliance and any matters raised by Students in regards to their course content is communicated to the relevant University department in a timely manner to allow them to recognise the issue and rectify it efficiently as possible.
wou ld
you impr ove feed back in pa rtne rship with the U nive rsity ?
Anisah Khalid
Although the SU is independent from the university and exists primarily for the students at the University of Wolverhampton, we the SU should do more to encourage both staff and students to voice their concerns, circulating both positive and negative feedback with regards to all matters affecting students. Thus, closing the feedback loop and allowing positive steps to be taken. In addition, a form of monitoring should be put into place to ensure that reoccurring issues raised have been dealt with appropriately, where this is not possible, students should be notified why this is the case.
Jen Cotter
The representation of the Student Voice is one of the main priorities for an Officer, it would be my responsibility to feedback any/all matters with the University. This, however, is not where the feedback should stop; I would push the need for stronger communication between the Admin/Academic Staff and Students. For a level of communication to be maintained so that once feedback is put forward, the actions taken are then reported to the Student Body so they are aware of the resolutions made.
you rais rene e ss of diffe stud rent ents lear ning need s&s tyle s?
Anisah Khalid
We as an organisation must do everything in our power to ensure where possible, we help all students but especially those with disabilities and/or learning difficulties to overcome any barriers and obstacles they may face in education. Awareness can be raised in some of the following ways: -Focus groups (involving staff and students) to be set up where issues are discussed. - All academics to receive compulsory training on learning difficulties affecting students in their classes. - Study skills questionnaires- completed by all students pre-enrolment to identify students individual learning styles.
Jen Cotter
The Student Enabling Centre (SEC) offers support for all learning needs and relays this to the Academic Staff to ensure all Students are individually catered for. By raising awareness of SEC and the support they offer to the Student Body it would hopefully encourage more students to look to them for support. Whilst I, in my capacity as Officer, would look to ensure that information about the specific needs and styles for each student is understood and acknowledged by Lecturers before it could have any implications on their Academic progress.
How help
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impr ove com mun icat ion o aca n dem ic m atte rs?
Anisah Khalid
We as an organisation must do everything in our power to ensure where possible, we help all students but especially those with disabilities and/or learning difficulties to overcome any barriers and obstacles they may face in education. Awareness can be raised in some of the following ways: - All academic to receive compulsory training on learning difficulties affecting students in their classes. - Study skills questionnaires- completed by all students pre-enrolment to identify students individual learning styles. -Learning to be inclusive for students by tailoring teaching and learning for all.
Jen Cotter
Academic matters that are present in Higher Education need to be communicated to the Students, so that every action and implication has a response from the Student Voice in order for the feelings of the student to be accurately reflected at a Governance level. As an Officer I would make sure this representation is readily available and supported by student feedback driven research. While, most importantly maintaining a precedent for a level of communication that thrives to strengthen the student/ staff link.
For more information on the elections go to: