Diet Myths

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Diet Myths You work to lose weight, to tone up, to look better and be healthier, but often in some rules do not apply, are nothing but myths. Thus, often focus on some false things and can lose sight of what is really important, as the Huffington Post . Also here are some myths: You should drink 2 liters of water per day The truth is that there is a certain amount you need to drink it depending on each person and style of life . Matter where you live, how you doing sports, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and the body mass you have. 8 glasses per day, as recommended in general, may be too little if you make a lot of physical work and physical or exrcitii eliminate more water through sweat. One rule you can follow is to never get to be done really thirsty and have to urinate very light color. If it is closed, it means that the body is not sufficiently hydrated. The more you sweat more, the more effective the exercise fiizic made The fact that they lose more calories in a room that is warmer is just an illusion. Burn calories depending on how strong and how much effort make the muscles work, not how much water is removed. Some people sweat more than others because they have more sweat glands simply. It is possible that if you weigh yourself immediately after training, you seem to have weakened as much, but as soon as you drink water you weigh the same. Try not work in a room that is too hot, as this can be dangerous for your health. One is to move heavy sweat for other is to do it for you is very warm, the second option is to be avoided. Lifting light weights for toning and not to excessively increase your muscle mass Many women avoid working with weights to increase muscle not excessively and become male. The truth is that women do not have the hormones necessary for rapid muscle growth, while a training really hard for this to happen and heavy. So you have nothing to worry about when choosing or working with weights. You only care to gradually increase weight, muscle strains not to do.

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