2010 Community Mental Health Survey – West Midlands Trusts
This report looks at the results for 2010 Community Mental Health Survey for West Midlands providers, identifying where West Midland providers fall into the top or bottom 20% of providers nationally for responses to each question in the survey that has been scored. The 2010 survey of community mental health services involved 66 NHS trusts in England including combined mental health and social care trusts, foundation Trusts and primary care trusts that provide mental health services. The survey included all service users aged 16 and over who had been in contact with a community based service between 1 July 2009 and 30 September 2009. The survey aimed to find out about the experiences of people using mental health services in the community. These services provide care and treatment to people who have been referred to a psychiatric outpatient clinic, local community mental health team, or other communitybased mental health services. Surveys of people using community mental health services have previously been carried out annually between 2004 and 2008 however, previous Community Mental Health Surveys are not comparable as the survey design and sample group have been updated to reflect changes in ‘Care Programme Approach’ (CPA). Previous surveys sampled services users on enhanced or standard CPA, the latest survey sampled services users who have their care co-ordinated under CPA and other service users in contact with secondary mental health services. RESPONSE RATES
The national response rate was 32%, local response rates and numbers are shown in the table below
Herefordshire Primary Care Trust Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Coventry And Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Sandwell Mental Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
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Number of respondents 266 319 365 297 262 225 249 267 257
Response Rate (percentage) 32 38 43 37 32 27 31 32 31
2010 Community Mental Health Survey – West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
Data was returned on 38 questions that were contained in the 2010 Community Mental Health Survey where it is possible to score questions and benchmark results. For each question in the survey, the individual responses were converted into scores on a scale of 0 to 100. A score of 100 represents the best possible response. Therefore, the higher the score for each question, the better the trust is performing. The data is standardised by age and gender to allow comparison between trusts that may have different service user populations. An example of the scoring is shown for the following question, Thinking about the last time you saw this health or social care worker for your mental health condition…… 1.
Did this person listen carefully to you? 1 Yes, definitely
2 Yes, to some extent
3 No
The data shows each trusts response for each question and the threshold for the worst and best performing 20% of all trusts. Local results are shown below compared with the national results No. Of Questions where result is in lowest 20% of all trusts Herefordshire Primary Care Trust Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Coventry And Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Sandwell Mental Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
No. Of Questions where result is in highest 20% of all trusts 12 4 0 2 5 8 14 10 3
Amongst West Midlands providers North Staffordshire stands out as performing well with 20 of 38 questions in the top 20% of all trusts and no questions in the bottom 20% of all trusts. The worst performing local trust is Coventry and Warwickshire with 14 of 38 questions in the worst performing 20% of all trusts nationally. Further analysis shows that the responses are worse in the section of questions regarding day to day living. These, relate to support with physical health, employment and accommodation. 4 of 6 questions in this section were in the worst 20% of all trusts and one score was not shown due to a low response rate.
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4 9 20 13 9 3 6 3 6
2010 Community Mental Health Survey – West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
Community Mental Health Survey - Results of scored questions West Midlands Trusts Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Herefordshire Primary Care Trust Dudley & Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust Sandwell Mental Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust South Staffordshire & Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
Percentage of Questions where score is lower than National 20th percentile Percentage of Questions where score is in the middle 60% of trusts nationally Percentage of questions where score is above National 80th percentile
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey – West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
The following charts show the position of West Midlands trusts in the scoring for each question; note that the axis for each chart is not the same scale. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE WORKERS The following questions relate to the last time the service user had contact with a health or social care worker. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.4 Did this person listen carefully to you?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 87 92 97
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 95 100
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 85 90
Q.5 Did this person take your views into account?
Q.6 Did you have trust and confidence in this person?
Q.7 Did this person treat you with respect and dignity?
Q.8 Were you given enough time to discuss your condition and treatment?
Birmingham & Solihull are in the worst performing 20% of all trusts nationally for three of these five questions and have the lowest score for West Midlands trusts in all of these questions. North Staffordshire is in the top 20% of all trusts for these questions, South Staffordshire also performs well.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
MEDICATIONS Q10 and 16 only apply to service users who have been taking prescribed medication in the last 12 months. Q12,13 and 14 only apply to service users who have been prescribed a new medication in the last 12 months, for all trusts the number of service users responding to these questions is a lot less than other parts of the questionnaire. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.10 Do you think your views were taken into account in deciding which medicines to take? 65
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 80 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 50 55 60 65 70
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 75 80 85 90
Q.12 Were the purposes of the medications explained to you?
Q.13 Were you told about possible side effects of the medications?
Q.14 The last time you had a new medication prescribed for your mental health condition, were you given information about it in a way that was easy to understand?
Q.16 In the last 12 months, has a mental health or social care worker checked with you about how you are getting on with your medicines (i.e. have your medicines been reviewed)?
North Staffordshire is in the top 20% of all trusts for these questions For questions regarding information about medication (Q12,13,14) Dudley and Walsall is in the worst performing 20% of all trusts nationally, Herefordshire and Sandwell also have low scores for these questions. Coventry and Warwickshire and Worcestershire are amongst the worst performing 20% of trusts for medication being reviewed (Q16).
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
TALKING THERAPIES These questions relate to talking therapies such as counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), faith and spirituality based counselling, art, music or drama therapy and anxiety management. All service users were asked these questions. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.17 & Q.18 In the last 12 months have you had any talking therapies from NHS Mental Health Services? AND In the last 12 months, did you want talking therapy?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 80 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 60 65 70 75 80
Q.19 If you had any talking therapy from NHS Mental Health Services in the last 12 months, did you find it helpful?
A good score is given for Q17 and Q18 if those who wanted a talking therapy have received it and those who did not want a talking therapy did not receive it. No West Midlands providers are in the worst 20% of providers nationally for this question. Of those who received talking therapy respondents from Dudley & Walsall, Sandwell and Herefordshire performance score was in the worst 20% nationally.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey – West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
CARE COORDINATOR These questions relate to awareness of care coordinator, CPA respondents were expected to know who their care coordinator or lead professional was, however a non-CPA respondent would score for Q20 even if they responded ‘no’ to the question. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.20 Do you know who your Care Co-ordinator (or lead professional) is? 70
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 75 80 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 85 90
Q.21 Can you contact your Care Co-ordinator (or lead professional) if you have a problem?
Q.22 How well does your Care Coordinator (or lead professional) organise the care and services you need?
For Q20 Coventry & Warwickshire are in the worst 20% of providers nationally, all other providers are in the middle 60% of trusts. Coventry & Warwickshire scores well for Q21 and Q22.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
CARE PLAN Q23 of this section applies to all service users, the remainder of the questions only apply to service users who have a copy of their care plan. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.23 Have you been given (or offered) a written or printed copy of your care plan? 50
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 55 60 65 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 60 65 70
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80
Q.24 Do you understand what is in your care plan?
Q.25 Do you think your views were taken into account when deciding what was in your care plan?
Q.26 Does your care plan set out your goals?
Q.27 Do the mental health services you receive help you to achieve these goals?
Q.28 Does your care plan cover what you should do if you have a crisis (e.g. if you need to be admitted to a mental health ward)?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 50 55 60 65 70 Dudley & Walsall are in the worst 20% of providers nationally for 4 of 6 questions relating to care plans. Herefordshire has a low score for Q28, regarding what to do in crisis and Q24, regarding understanding of care plan.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
CARE REVIEW Q29 of this section applies to all service users, the remainder of the questions only apply to service users who have had a review of their care plan. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.29 In the last 12 months have you had a care review meeting to discuss your care plan? 60
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80 85
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 75 80 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80 85
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 80 85 90
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 70 75 80
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 70 75 80
Q.30 Were you told that you could bring a friend, relative or advocate to your care review meetings?
Q.31 Before the review meeting, were you given a chance to talk to your care co-ordinator about what would happen?
Q.32 Were you given a chance to express your views at the meeting?
Q.33 Did you find the care review helpful?
Q.34 Did you discuss whether you needed to continue using mental health services?
Herefordshire and Dudley and Walsall are in the worst performing trusts for service users having a review in the previous 12 months. Herefordshire are in the worst performing 20% of all trusts nationally for three of these six questions.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
DAY TO DAY LIVING These questions relate to support with physical health, employment and accommodation, this section applied to all service users. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.35 In the last 12 months, did anyone in mental health services ask you about any physical health needs you might have? 35
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 40 45 50 55 60
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 45 50 55 60
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 40 45 50 55 60
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80 85
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 65 70 75 80 85
Q.36 In the last 12 months, did mental health services give you enough support in getting help for any physical health needs you had?
Q.39 In the last 12 months, did mental health services give you enough support with your care responsibilities?
Q.40 In the last 12 months, have you received help from anyone in mental health services, with finding or keeping work (e.g. being referred to an employment scheme)?
Q.41 In the last 12 months, have you received help from anyone in mental health services in findnig and/or keeping your accommodation?
Q.42 In the last 12 months, have you received help from anyone in mental health services in getting financial advice or benefits (e.g. Housing Benefit, Income Support, Disability Living Allowance)?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 60 65 70 75 80 85
Coventry & Warwickshire are excluded from Q40 as there were not enough respondents to the question; they are in the worst performing 20% of all trusts for 4 of 6 questions in this section.
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
CRISIS CARE Q43 of this section applies to all service users, the remainder of the questions (Q45,Q46) only apply to service users who have been in contact through the out of hours number, the number of respondents for Q45 and Q46 is low for all trusts. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.43 Do you have the number of someone from your local NHS Mental Health Service that you can phone out of office hours? 35
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Q.45 The last time you called the number, how long did it take you to get through to someone?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 70 75 80 85 90 95
Q.46 The last time you called the number, did you get the help you wanted?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Respondents from four trusts, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Coventry & Warwickshire and South Staffordshire & Shropshire are in the worst 20% of trusts nationally for responses about out of hours contact (Q43). Four trusts are excluded from Q45 and Q46 as there were not enough respondents to the question (Herefordshire, South Staffordshire & Shropshire, Worcestershire, and Worcestershire)
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2010 Community Mental Health Survey â&#x20AC;&#x201C; West Midlands Trusts
November 2010
OVERALL This section applies to all service users. Middle 60% of trusts Wolverhampton South Staffordshire & Shropshire Birmingham & Solihull Dudley & Walsall
Herefordshire North Staffordshire Worcestershire Coventry & Warwickshire Sandwell
Q.47 Overall, how would you rate the care you have received from Mental Health Services in the last 12 months? 65
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 70 75 80
Q.48 Have mental health services involved a member of your family or someone else close to you, as much as you would like?
<-Worse ---------------Performance Score-------------------Better-> 60 65 70
No West Midlands trusts are in the worst performing for respondents overall rating of care received, and North Staffordshire, South Staffordshire & Shropshire and Worcestershire are in the top 20% best performing trusts nationally in response to this question (Q47). Birmingham & Solihull and Dudley & Walsall are in the worst 20% of all trusts for Q48 regarding involvement of family members. Detailed results for each trust are available from the CQC website at the following address, http://www.cqc.org.uk/publications.cfm?widCall1=customDocManager.search_do_2&tcl_id=1&top_parent=5044 &tax_child=5133&tax_grand_child=5134&search_string
Please send any comments you have to WMQI@westmidlands.nhs.uk or use the feedback form on our website (http://www.wmqi.westmidlands.nhs.uk/about-wmqi/feedback/).
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WMQI NHS West Midlands St Chads Court 213 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9RG tel: 0121 695 2460 email: WMQI@westmidlands.nhs.uk web: www.wmqi.westmidlands.nhs.uk twitter: @wmqi