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DEI Highlights & Framework
West Michigan Symphony is committed to building an organization that fosters Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We acknowledge and celebrate the 19th century European cultural heritage from which the symphony orchestra arises. At the same time, we believe the art form is renewed and enlivened by embracing multifarious cultures and influences. We continually explore ways to reflect plurality, inclusivity and curiosity in our artistic programming. We are committed to engaging the underrepresented and making the Symphony a place where everyone experiences belonging. In our Board, staff, musician and volunteer base, we are working for inclusivity in ethnicity, gender, orientation, age, ability and geography—thereby reflecting the rich diversity of West Michigan.
2021-2022 HIGHLIGHTS:
• DEI Steering committee members participated in the Muskegon Health Disparities Coalition’s six-week
“Coming Together for Racial Understanding” workshop held at the Muskegon Heights branch of Muskegon
Area District Library
• Board and staff members filled a WMS-sponsored table at Muskegon Community College’s annual MLK
Unity Breakfast, featuring ABC News correspondent Donna Brazile as keynote
• The Audience Committee collaborated with Muskegon Young Black Professionals to present a special
Lunch & Learn featuring guest cellist Sujari Britt. Embark Financial Partners sponsored the event, with a catered buffet by Kuntry Cookin’, for a capacity audience at The Block.
• The WMS premiere of William Grant Still’s magnificent “Afro-American Symphony” was performed at long last—after a 14-month delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic
• WMS principal players served as volunteer jurists in the annual Sphinx Orchestral Partners Auditions (SOPA), which provides Black and Latinx musicians with auditioning experience. As a result, 16 new players were added to the WMS musician “call list.”
• The first half of a rehearsal was dedicated to sharing the new DEI Roadmap with the full orchestra.
Steering Committee members walked the musicians through the plan and received their feedback and ideas.
• Become a community leader in advancing equity and inclusion through advocacy, dialogue and partnerships
• Become a safe and welcoming organization that encompasses a plurality of voices and backgrounds, reflecting our diverse community
• Offer an inclusive musical repertoire for a broad audience
• Increase access to instrumental and choral music and education, especially for underrepresented youth