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Major changes
The council’s CEO Mark Dixon resigned in November 2021. Deputy CEO Debra Mudra was appointed Acting CEO and held the role until the start of a new CEO, Matthew Hyde who was appointed in May 2022 and was due to start in July 2022. Manager Communications, Marketing and Customer Focus Kellie Davies was the Acting Director in Ms Mudra’s portfolio throughout this time. From May 1, Director Community Development Simone Hogg stepped down from the Executive team, taking up with vacant Manager Community Development and Wellbeing role. This prompted a restructure of the organisation into three directorates from four being Community Development, Corporate Services (formerly Finance and Systems) and Planning, Development and Infrastructure. The teams from the Community Development directorate merged with the City Growth, Engagement and People directorate under Debra Mudra. People and Workplace became People and Culture and moved into Corporate Services while Economic Development moved into the Planning and Infrastructure directorate. Some changed to report arrangements to improve functional alignments was also undertaken. Cr Kat Bennett resigned on March 26, 2022. A countback was held on April 27, 2022, to fill the extraordinary vacancy. Cr Danny Lowe was declared the successful candidate.