1st Digital Magazine - WOIS, World Organization of Independent Scout

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Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

Welcome! Dear brother scout reader! Welcome to this first special bulletin of WOIS! I want you to know that in our WOIS we are working for you, and our desire is to achieve through this medium, an attractive proposition for all those who love the Scouting. We consider that one of the options we have to announce it is to rescue the value of reading which it is a good beginning. I must confess that we are giving us a little time to prepare more information as if they were surprises, so you can get it with a lot of encouragement and you'd want to receive the next issue or edition of this newsletter ... but we are still working on this. Either way, I invite you to take a look at the contents of this release. In this special newsletter we have some information and articles that we considered of general interest both past activities and some that will soon come. You will find related information about WOIS's member institutions, as well as a small contest of interest that often collaborate us to let go of stress. I'm sure some of these issues can be a good excuse to gather a group of friends to discuss them because at end that's how great thoughts transgress the paper into great thesis and antithesis of Scouting. Let's make this special issue as an opportunity to do more reading and enjoy the scouting we all love. No more and wishing you success in all of your activities, I say goodbye for now greeting them with the slogan that unites us all: "always ready to serve" Sincerely,

PS: A very special thanks to the Commissioner led by our World Digital Media team and Comunication.-

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

4th World WOIS TTT: In September of this 2015, it will be organizing the fourth TTT of WOIS in Atyra, Paraguay with the participation of more than twenty participants.

What is TTT? The course called TTT (Training the Team Trainers), is basically oriented and directed towards a training event for adults holders of the Wood Badge and feels the obligation to provide the most comprehensive, clear and agreed ideas in principle between all scouts that adhere to it. This should be understood as if it were an ideal complement to our Scouters who deserve to fulfill their role as leaders in charge of our institutions and boys. Of course the achievement of the targets and the celebration with their success, can only be given with the efficiency with which our facilitators can make their ideal. Certainly we cannot forget that all the actual work of a leader is achieved more firmly within each scout school and in their communities. This area of development is just a single event which is one of the most motivating, because that is where our adult leaders must continue with firm desire to continue learning continuously.

More information about the course: Date: From the 18 to the 20 of September, 2015 Place: Centro Polifuncional “Marianela” – Atyra, about 39 miles from Asunción. Contact: DJC LUIS ALBERTO DÍAZ VALENZUELA, Sub Jefe Scout Naval Nacional de la USNAP a ldvalen2000@yahoo.com Organizes: National Training Team from Union naval and naval air Scouts of Paraguay under supervision of the World Team Training WOIS.

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

Events in Venezuela:

5ยบ th TTT WORLD of WOIS: Course "Training the Team" for scouts with Wood Badge. 15 to 18 of September 2016, Caracas 1st ROVER MOOT of WOIS: Event for Rovers and Scouters. 24 to 28 of July 2017, Caracas 2nd World Assembly of WOIS: Under the I MOOT the Conference will take place for scouters of WOIS.

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015


Chile The Traditional Chillán Ñuble Scouts have obtained legal personality No. 2,482, on April 15, 2015. With a constituent assembly and a minister of faith, representing the city of Chillan, provincial capital of the region of Bio Bio, Chile, start the process leading to legal functioning state law to our institution. A giant and fundamental step to the scout institution.

Colombia It was held in the Municipality of Amalfi the sixth edition of SMC "Scouts Meeting of Cultures", with the participation of many scouts associations of Colombia. The meeting was attended by 650 scouts from 8 countries. The meeting was also attended by scouts from Valinor Group of the Organization of Independent Scouts of Colombia.

Paraguay On 13th and June 14th the Course for Guides and Sub-Guides of the patrol from the Baden Powell Scouts of Paraguay was held in the town of Areguá. Boys and girls participated in the Scouts Troops, Brigades Pioneers and the Rovers Clan of Groups No. 11 "Areguá" and No. 33 "Tobatí".

Argentina New Groups in Ancasi. In recent months they have joined the National Association of Civil Argentina Scouts Independent 2 new groups in addition to work for children and young people of Argentina. They are the Community Apu Kuntur Merlo (San Luis) and Hero Group Falklands (Cordova).Welcome to WOIS!

Turkey The TIB (Trakya İzciler Birliği Federasyonu) Turkish scouts continue in fully organization of your next Jamborette "North Star" in the Black Sea.They will participate in the same Turkish scouts, Tunisia, Pakistan and others from July 27th to August 2nd. For more info: http://www.northstarscout.com/

Uruguay In June it was held in Canelones (Uruguay) A service provided to the local flying club, who organized a charity event in support of a social work. The festival was supported by the Coordinating Rover from Scout de Uruguay, with the participation of more than 40 scouts between 6 rovers and scouts scout groups. We emphasize that this is the first time that the Rovers from SDU participate together.

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

Scout History John Travers Cornwell A history of Value. Born on January 8, 1900 in Clyde Cottage (London), an Englishman, John Cornwell was Scout Troop "Saint Mary's Mission" Manor Park, London. There he became a First Class Scout. At age 16 he enlisted as a sailor in the Royal Navy. He fought in the First World War, aboard the cruiser HMS "Chester" on May 31, 1916 at the Battle of Jutland in front of the German Navy. He died fighting in battle for 16 years, but remained standing in his exposed position, and quietly awaiting orders until the end of the action, with the crew dead and wounded around him. "Jack" (as his friends called him) received a posthumous medal (after deceased) for the scout courage and honor after his death by such bravery, war hero in the Battle of Jutland. The "award Cornwell", designed by Baden Powell, is a lily surrounded by a C Cornwell and also "C" Courage and is given to those Scout in favor of helping another life, risking his own regardless of the consequences .

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

History of the Associations Independent Scouts from Peru We are the National Scouts Independent Association Peru, born by the decision of a group of former Scouters at the request of a group of young Scouters of northern Peru. Independent Scouts Peru starts its first coordination meetings with a camp that was held in honor of the birth of the founder of Scouting "Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell of Gilwell" at first we did not know which world instance we could join. In those days we had a visit in our city Scouter Llonto Alejandro (Argentina), who very graciously presented to members of the World Council WOIS. Don Hugo Paniagua (Paraguay) who promptly put us in touch with the World Expansion Commissioner Marco Scouter IM Ornes (Venezuela) who today is our supplier. It was months of preparation of bylaws, preparation of a series of documents, reviews of materials and others, including our First National Assembly, which counted with Scout leaders, parents, supporters of the Movement, such meeting was held on December 4, 2014 on the premises of the Peruvian-Japanese Cultural Center Headquarters North (Trujillo) should be emphasized that it was set as the August 30th the Institutional Anniversary. This meeting served to elect the first National Leadership, Scout Council and Auditing Commission, the same as are led by the Scouter Miguel Angel Velaochaga Sanchez: National Chief Scout. To this is added the National Chief Jose Antonio Palacios Shirola: National Commissioner, Eric Mendivez: PR Commissioner, Eduardo Villena: Scout Commissioner. Fausto Tanaka Santilla: President, Carlos Rebaza: National Scout Council Secretary, JosĂŠ Inquilla: Treasurer, Lorena Pinillos and Enma Cotrina: Vocal Jerry Jara Llanos: Review Commission Chairman, Nancy Hurtado: Secretary and Standard Ortecho: Vocal Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

We had the invitation of the World Training Commissioner Augustine IM Soto National Head for our participation in the neighboring country of Venezuela Wood Badge Course, to follow the guidelines in Adult Education policy that provides WOIS. Today our young Scout Association has a group operating under the auspices of the Sports Complex San Fernando in the city of Trujillo we are also in talks for the formation of Scout Groups in the town of Cartavio, in the Department of Cajamarca, Ica, Lima and Huaraz. These future groups to create, must meet certain characteristics to joining Independent Scouts Peru Our desire to be members of WOIS is to rescue the essence of our founder, a traditional Scouting with the tools offered by this era. We are about to celebrate our 1st Anniversary and we are pleased with the achievements obtained to date. We want to thank the boys and their parents, to scouter and authorities in our community for the trust they place in our day to day, now small, association. We cannot forget to thank our benefactors.

We deeply appreciate the support of the Chief Scout IM Miguel Angel Veloachaga, National Chief Scout of ANSIP for their contribution to this Bulletin

Official Publication of World Organization of Independent Scout - 2015

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