SOCIAL HOUSING ‐ PARTICIPATION AND SELF‐BUILD Vojtech SIGMUND, PhD. thesis The Czech Republic lacks the social housing and the law that would regulate it. The social housing is currently replaced by the commercial hostels, which should not become a permanent solution for many reasons. Living conditions in these hostels are poor and accommodation costs unreasonably high. State and local authorities should solve this situation by the construction of the social housing. Another major problem in the Czech Republic is long‐term unemployment. The idea of self‐build of social housing would thus appear to be an appropriate solution . In addition to the new dwellings also new jobs will be created, and increase the qualification of the persons participating in the construction. However, it is necessary to study and consider all the risks that this concept can bring. In 2015, the government of Czech republic approved the Concept of social housing in the Czech republic for 2015‐2025. Based on this concept, a new law which determine social housing should be prepared and start to be effective from 2017. The ambition of this dissertation is to determine what level of participation or self‐build is appropriate and really usable for different types of social housing included in the Concept of social housing in Czech republic for 2015‐2025. Six exemples of social housing were choosed to be analyzed in the thesis ‐ Za lepší bydlení v Dobré Vodě (CZ), Darwin Road, Tilbury (UK), Poschla, Vsetína (CZ), Kojatice ‐ an informal roma settlement (SK), Vesnička soužití, Ostrava Muglinov (CZ) and Quinta Monroy, Iquique (Chile). These case studies were analyzed and were examined for the assessment of whether some of future habitants or self‐build were used. Subsequently, it was judged to what degree could participation or self‐ build helped the project to be "successful" in terms of solving the problem of social segregation. Furthermore, there were analyzed how the use of participation or self‐build influenced the design of the social housing. As a result of these analysis following conclusions were: Ó It was found that the participation or self‐build helped the project to be "successful" in terms of solving the problem of social segregation, respectively residents reintegrate into society. Ó Appropriate principles have been established for designing social housing with the participation of the population or using a self‐build. Strategies to facilitate participatory and self‐build housing were expressed. Ó Design of the self‐build social housing should be at most simple and rational and the implementation should be controled by the construction supervisor. Ó Participation and communication with residents in the preparatory phase of the project of the social housing significantly affects the design and conclusions of these meetings should serve as input data for the project. Ó It is necessary to strictly respect the voluntary nature of participation and self‐build to avoid 19
a situation where social housing was provided exclusively to those who are willing to physically participate in the construction. Ó The self‐build of the social housing should not be seen as a means of reducing the cost of construction, but rather as a means of complex social support. It can bring long‐term benefits and positives, which are not simply financially quantifiable. Long‐term unemployed get a job and improve their skills. Finally, three conceptual approaches of an implementation of social housing with the participation or self build have been established in the thesis. In Czech republic, future law ‐ Social Housing Act will be crucial. It would be desirable to include recommendations and support the participation and self‐build in this law. Keywords: Self‐build; Social housing; Czech Republic; Participation; Social segregation; Social Housing Act