2 minute read
Let’s Get A Couple Things Straight

Would you believe that this is the most common misconception among children and adults alike when discussing owl pellets? It’s true! As my team promotes the benefits and fun of dissecting Barn Owl pellets, it seems that many people, including teachers, have the same initial reaction—”Gross...owl poop?” It’s a surprisingly great opportunity to engage with people about the anatomy and unique digestive characteristics of Barn Owls, why we study them, and how this basic science experiment can lead to fascinating findings and outcomes. Our Owl Brand family continued to impact classrooms by developing an exciting, no obligation website of cool resources for teachers and students called Kidwings.com. We introduced Kidwings 2.0 in 2016 and are releasing 3.0 to include expanded sections on other iconic apex predators such as bears, wolves, mountain lions, and more! We also began a short film series titled Kidwings Explores: Barn Owls and Kidwings Explores: Wolves -- all made possible by terrific fans and family members, including teachers and students from around the world!
In early 2021, our team was excited to build a better Virtual Pellet in the form of the Sherlock
Bones Mystery Lab. This free online tool is the perfect way to introduce young and old alike to owl pellets. One can’t mistake the importance of this lesson after playing the game.

Our websites continue to expand and work together to introduce and inspire young people while encouraging educators around the world. The following websites were created with you in mind. You will find movies, videos, articles, and even an online pellet so that everyone in any place can enjoy our labs.
Boost Your Classroom With These Websites
•Online Film Labs about Raptors
•Learn about Canines, Carnivores & Conservation
•Fun & Affordable Anatomy Focused Labs
•The Mysterious Missing Mouse Virtual Pellet
Children hold the promise of the future in their hearts and minds. Together, we can ignite their curiosity for learning. Whether your learning is in the classroom, a living room, or the wild, we’re grateful to be part of your inspiration to students around the world.

Chris Anderson, President Owl Brand Supply Company Owl Brand Discovery Kits Kidwings The HOOT Project
Email: chris@obdk.com