Skull Hero: Defender of the Catacombs Issue 2

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above ground....

...the search continues for the three missing backpackers, more on that shortly

Millionaire tycoon Don Tramp was in Paris today where he broke ground at his newest build

i'm so glad to be here today to bring the new Tramp Tower to the people of Paris

Aren't you worried about destroying this iconic landscape?

it's gonna be 10 times bigger and 1000000 times better than that rusty old pile-on you got here, I'm gonna show those frogs how it's done!

It's gonna be really great and you're all gonna love it. I proclaim this site open!

Uuugh, what a night! What is that ghastly racket?!

Even if I did save the world from those wretched flesh-covered evildoers.

I must investigate, SKULL HERO's work is never done!

For now I must retreat but I will inflict great vengeance, mark my words!

what's wrong my little tadpoles?

Father, why on earth are we in this awful town, it's so full of uhh...culture!

yah yah I know, but I have ulterior motives...

I have found the Imperium Orb

well, go on!

now the cover is set!

we need to reach 500 feet by the end of the day!

Halt trespasser!

This curious hissing box may aid me

Number one come in, i think i've found something, over

Where are you?

there appears to be mountains of human bones

got you now!

this is starting to get fun, who's next?

Soon the Imperium Orb will be mine and the world will finally be under my control!

You don't knew what it was like for me, i started out in the sewers of New York City with only a million dollar loan from my father.

as ruler of everyone!

It was rough but i came out on top! and soon i will gain my rightful place

leader come in, leader come in! we have a problem!

oh god, everyone's dead!

stop crying you snivelling idiot, i'm on my way.

i was gonna fire all them guys anyway.


you've got something that belongs to me!

come on out, buddy!

oh, i'm on my way

someone please help, i'm stuck down here!

aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! please don't hurt me!

Be gone at once, you do not belong here!

You have been warned, now you must die!

no way you boney fuck!

father, i got him!

oh no, this feels worse than the lemon water diet

ahahaha! take that you vile reptile!

who's next to be impaled by my massive sword?!

no you dumbass, it's the orb! Oh my lord, there it is!

oh, i like money

what is it father, money?

but this will bring us so much more than money!

and now it's all mine!

Oh father!!

ugh! don't worry, it'll grow back in 4-6 weeks

you will die a slow and painful death!

my only son! I'll make you pay you beige freak!

Ha they're flimsier than my apartments! that's impossible!

you cannot defeat me! you can't even grow hair!

you can give me your wig supplier's name once i'm done pounding your ass!!

well i guess you can draw blood from a bone

and now here comes my prize!

ugh! i'm trapped!


oh no, this isn't good!


i'll do anything!

buddy, i have money! i can make you rich! please stop!

i wonder what this does...

victory is forever mine! all you green assholes are no match for skull hero!

and all this hassle over my old night light, ha!

i can see the light! our time has come!

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