fall 2010
A Bridge to Tomorrow The future of the Winneconne icon
Ready, Aim...Slaw! Shiocton’s cabbage chuck
The road less traveled Exploring the region’s fall offerings
Hahn-A-Lula: A trip down memory lane Visiting Poy Sippi Guide to restaurants and lodging w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Calendar of events 1
S u m m e r 2010 • Wolf River country |
Hotel Fremont
Fort Fremont
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
| W i nte 48||Wolf Wolf River RiveR country countRy•• Fa Fal l l 2010 r
20 0 9
wwwww.w w.wool lf frri ivveerrccoouunnttrry.c y.coom m
18 | A Bridge to Tomorrow? The fate and future of the famed Winneconne Bridge
B y Ly n n K u h n s
22 | M aking an Impact Jobs saved at historic New London plant B y J ay e Al d e r s o n
26 | D o You Need to Register Your Pier? Don’t miss the April 1, 2011 deadline
27 | Peak Colors Make for Prime Paddling Six trips for an October afternoon B y
7 From the Publisher
G o r d o n Pa g e l
31 | T his Land is Your Land Hunting in Wolf River Country B y W i ll S ta h l
38 | Here is where you want to be: The Ultimate ‘Man Garage’ New London’s Faucher keeps everything close at hand
B y Ly n n K u h n s
48 | Shiocton’s ‘Salad Shooters’ Village hosts area’s annual ‘food fight’
By Sharon Verbeten
55 | A Conservation Transformation Former poacher now champions the region’s wildlife
B y Ly n n K u h n s
62 | A n Orihula Original Hahn-a-Lula’s history full of family, fun and frivolity
B y S h a r o n Va n Ry z i n
70 | The Land Betwixt Two Hills Poy Sippi offers recreations and relaxation
By Amelia Wolff
On the Cover PHOTOGRAPH BY GORDON PAGEL Navarino Wildlife Area is 15,000 acres of diverse, state owned land, with habitat ranging from open fields and swamp conifer to pine plantations and aspen/oak forest. This is the South Townline Road access into Navarino. To learn more about hunting opportunities in Navarino, see “This Land Is Your Land” on page 31.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
9 From the Editor 10 Calendar of Events 18 Wolf River News Stream 36 Passing Currents 46 Map to Wolf River Country 75 Road Trip! 79 The Recipe Box 80 Directory 84 Parting Shot
This way to WRC »»»»
www.wolfrivercountry.com Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
The Village of Fremont, nestled on the Wolf River, is a premier destination for recreation and relaxation. With miles of undeveloped natural beauty, unrivaled by any destination to our north, we are only 20 miles from the Valley! Stress relief in less then 30 minutes! Any time of year!
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From the publisher
ast October, while taking part in
Perhaps the best story is about one man
a fall paddle down the Embarrass
making the rules and another breaking the
River sponsored by
rules. It’s a good story because there is no
Mosquito Hill Nature
doubt both men’s lives have been partially
Center, Steve Jordan “got”
defined by the love and respect they have
me trying to “get” him! I thought his
for the Wolf River. In recent years, these
picture was an appropriate profile photo,
two men have forged common ground
since it seems I am always looking at Wolf
in their efforts to preserve that river and a
River Country through a lens. The thing
lifestyle they both cherish.
is, I am not a photographer. But with
It’s all inside this issue and much more!
photography going digital, even I can
So come on in. Take your shoes off now,
bumble my way in to capturing an image
and stay a while.
like the one on the cover of this issue.
When you are on the last word, of
Since you’re reading this, the photo
the last sentence, of the last paragraph,
did its job and drew you in—perhaps you
of the last story, and you find yourself
were curious about what might lie at the
wishing there was more, you will know
end of that dirt road. Well, come on in the
I gotcha!
Gordon Pagel Publisher, Wolf River Country
rest of the way, and I’ll tell you. Inside you will find a story about
Of course, if you know of a person, place,
building a bridge to tomorrow, while
event or other story worthy of coverage in
attempting to preserve the past. We’ll give
Wolf River Country, please drop me a line,
you a new word to add to your vocabulary.
either on our Facebook page or via email at
It’s not in the dictionary, but I did find
it online in the wiktionary! There’s a tale about a colossal food fight, too! Ancient weaponry is involved. And then of course there’s a little hunting, a little fishing and a little how-to.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
From the Edi tor Phone (920) 841-2118 www.wolfrivercountry.com publisher Gordon Pagel gpagel@wolfrivercountry.com Managing editor Sharon Verbeten toylady@athenet.net design & Creative direction A2Z Design, LLC www.a2zdesign.com Jeff Amstutz, Principal/Creative Director Michael Miller, Art Director Advertising design Elizabeth Aaron Mike Heidl Design (920) 216-2508 mikeheidl@hotmail.com
Sharon Verbeten Managing Editor, Wolf River Country
An Ode to Cabbage…Kind Of
Contributing writers Elizabeth Aaron Jaye Alderson Jennifer Hogeland Lynn Kuhns Gordon Pagel Will Stahl Sharon Van Ryzin Sharon Verbeten Amelia Wolff Photographers Ron Brooks-All Aerial Photos Cliff and Judy Hahn Steve Jordan Kay Brockmnn-Mederas Gordon Pagel Sharon Van Ryzin Ann Shears Will Stahl Valley Camera (photo processing) reprints, advertising rates, subscriptions www.wolfrivercountry.com Letters to the editor, corrections, story ideas: Wolf River Country: Gordon Pagel gpagel@wolfrivercountry.com To advertise Gordon Pagel gpagel@wolfrivercountry.com (920) 841-2118 Wolf river country OFFICE 422 E. Frances Street Appleton, WI 54911 (920) 841-2118 2010 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE
February (Spring), May (Summer), September (Fall), November (Winter) Wolf River Country magazine is published quarterly by WRC Media. Fall 2010. Vol 2, No. 3. 422 E. Frances St., Appleton, WI 54911. Copyright 2010 by WRC. Reproductions in whole or in part without written permission are prohibited. Postmaster: send address changes to: 422 E. Frances Street, Appleton, WI 54911;
(920) 841-2118
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
never met a cabbage I didn’t like. Well, that’s not exactly true. I love coleslaw (my cilantro-laced homemade, the creamy kind and the then the vinegar kind, strictly in that order). I enjoy red cabbage, and I even look forward to boiled cabbage as a sidecar to corned beef on St. Patrick’s Day. But sauerkraut? Well, that’s another story altogether. Before all you from Shiocton and Bear Creek stone me, however, let me say that I’m willing to at least give it another try. I think it’s the sharp tang, the acrid smell and the shreddy texture that gets me—much in the same way my husband won’t eat tapioca. No matter how good I tell him it is, he can’t get past the palpable dread he feels whenever he sees me eat it. I watch him slather the sour shreds on brats and reubens and even feed it to
our toddler (who shows no innate taste or disregard for it). But for me, it will remain in that category of “foods I will not eat”—along with its cousin, Brussels sprouts. One thing I hope will redeem, me, however, is my story in this issue on Shiocton’s inimitable Championship Cabbage Chuck. While I’ve never attended the event (I hope this year will be my first!), I became immersed in the tangy talk from those who know the event well. It seems like one crazy cabbage event—all for a good cause. Tossin’ around good vegetables for the sake of the church? Count me in…just don’t make me eat any!
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
CALENDAR of events
» Fri. Nov. 19 – Sat. Nov. 20. Holly
» Sat. Sept. 4. Rummage-A-Rama,
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., sponsored by Fremont Neighborhood Watch, 920446-3236. Maps available at area businesses. » Sat. Sept 4. Brat Fry & Bake Sale, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Northbound Trail Convenience Center, sponsored by Wolf River Community Club, 920407-1387. » Sat. Sept. 18. Fremont Area Law Enforcement Children’s Fishing Tournament, 8 a.m., at Wolf River Crossing Park, sponsoring by Fremont Police Department, for more information, 920-446-2299, www.fremontpd.net.
Celebrate the fall with a trip to Meadow Lane Farms’ pumpkin patch, E7901 State Road 96, 920-446-3445. » Mon. Oct. 11. Pine Tree Supper Club Walleye Tournament, 2:30 p.m. weigh in, hosted and sponsored by Red Banks Resort, 920-982-5738. » Sat. Oct. 16. Pumpkin Festival, starts at 9 a.m., downtown Fremont, sponsored by Fremont Neighborhood Watch. Celebrate with food, live music and pumpkin races on the river, 920-446-3236.
» Sat. Nov. 13. American Legion
Veteran’s Day Dinner, at American Legion Hall, sponsored by Fremont American Legion. For more information contact Rick Klotzbuecher, 920-446-3279. » Sat. Nov. 13. Village of Fremont Tree Lighting Ceremony, at Wolf River Crossing Park, sponsored by Fremont Area Historical Society. For more information, contact Wanda Harrison, 920-446-3677.
10 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
Days Trail, Holiday open houses are local retail shops. Follow the Holly Days trail and get in the Christmas spirit! » Sat. Nov. 20. Christmas Shop at the Library & More than a Bake Sale, at Village Hall Gymnasium and Council Room, sponsored by Library, Friends of Neuschafer Library and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For more information, contact Susan Frick, 920-446-2474.
» Sat. Dec. 4. Old Fashioned
Christmas Celebration, downtown Fremont, sponsored by Wolf River Community Club, for more information, contact Carolyn Arndt, 920-407-1387.
» Fri.-Sun. Nov. 26-Nov. 28, Dec.
3-Dec. 5. Holiday Art Show and Sale, The Gathering Space will host an art show with holiday treats, music and handcrafted gifts and décor for sale, call 920-6852094 for more information, www. rushfordgatheringspace.com.
» Ongoing, Tues. Sept. 7 – Oct. 26.
Weekly Wildlife Walks, 8:30 a.m., explore a different trail each week, Navarino Wildlife Area, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org.
» Sat. Sept. 19. 4th Annual World
Championship Cabbage Chuck, see cabbage fly at Shiocton Lake Park, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., sponsored by St. Denis Parish, 920-757-5090.
» Sat. Oct. 2. Voyaging Down the
Wolf River, 8:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m., canoe the Wolf River in the DNR Voyageur Canoes, Navarino Wildlife
Area, all equipment provided, registration required, cost, $15 members, $20 public, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org. » Sat. Oct. 9. CHAPS Fall Frolic, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., CHAPS Academy, N5367 Mayflower Rd.; call 920-9863003, www.chapsacademy.org. » Sat. Oct. 9. 5th Annual Geocaching Event, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Navarino Nature Center, use GPS units to see how many geocaches are in the Nature Center, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org. » Sat. Oct. 9. Fall Family Fun Day, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., open house at Navarino Nature Center, free to the public, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org. » Sat. Oct. 9. Sunset Wagon Ride, 4 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Navarino Nature Center, ride through the wildlife area viewing waterfowl, fall colors and Sandhill Cranes, $5 members, $10 public, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org. » Sat. Oct. 23. Halloween Happenings at Navarino Nature Center, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., non-scary Halloween event, $3 per person, 715758-6999, www.navarino.org.
» Sat. Dec. 11. Lee Murdock: The
Christmas Tree Ship Concert, 3 p.m., at Navarino Nature Center Great Room, a holiday concert commemorating the turn-ofthe-century tradition of carrying Christmas trees to ports on the lower Great Lakes, $10-$15 per person, 715-758-6999, www.navarino.org.
New London
Royalton Berry Farm offers more than berries. Visit N4825 Stiebs Johnson Rd, to pick your favorite pumpkin, call 920-982-2572 for more information. » Ongoing, through Oct. 30, Audubon: the Art of Nature, New London Public Museum, discover the artwork of John James Audubon,
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
920-982-8520, www.newlondonwi. org/museum.htm. » Ongoing, Sat. mornings through Sept. Wolf River Market Place, downtown New London, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., 920-982-4410, www.newlondontourism.com. » Ongoing, third Fri. through Oct. (Aug. 21, Sept. 17, Oct. 15), Fish fry to support Rawhide Boy’s Ranch, Rawhide’s Frontier Café, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m., 920-982-6100, www.rawhide.org.
» Sat. Sept. 11. New London
Chamber Cheese and Sausage Fall Family Fest, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., 5K walk starts at 8:30 a.m. at Bernegger River Walk and finishes at the festival grounds, N. Water Street 920-982-5821. » Sat. Sept. 11 and 18. Fall Bird Hikes, Mosquito Hill Nature
enter, 7:30 a.m. – 10 a.m., C no charge, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com. » Sat. Sept. 18. Walking Tour of Historic Homes Kick-Off Event, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Washington Center neighborhood, sponsored in part by First State Bank, explore the history of New London, 920-982-8520, www.newlondonwi.org/museum.htm. » Sun. Sept. 19. Honey Sunday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., Mosquito Hill Nature Center, a celebration of the honey bee with food, tours and demonstrations by Waupaca County Beekeepers Association, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com. » Sat. Sept. 25. Harvest Moon Fest, 4 p.m. – 9 p.m., Mosquito Hill Nature Center, educational sessions, moon watching, hayrides and more, cost $8/car, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com.
» Fri. Oct. 1. Fenlon Memorial
Speaker Series, Wisconsin naturalist and author John Bates speaks at Mosquito Hill, cost $15/person, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com. » Sun. Oct. 3. “Great Big Pumpkin Contest,” weigh-in at The Waters Supper Club & Lounge, call The Waters for more information, 920-982-7960. » Thurs. Oct. 7-Sat. Oct. 9, and Thurs. Oct. 14-Sat. Oct. 16. “Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner” show, presented by Wolf River Theatrical Troupe, 7:30 p.m. Call 920-982-6060 for reservations. » Sat. Oct. 9. Curiosity Series Feeding the Birds, presented by Mosquito Hill, New London Public Museum, 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. To pre-register, call 920-982-8520, continued»
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
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For ticket information visit www.bullseyeforyouth.com or call 920-582-0471 or 920-243-8155
CALENDAR of events
On Target: BullsEye for Youth T
hink kids spend too much time indoors sitting in front of the computer and the TV? This fall, there’s a perfect reason to do something about it—and make kids, willingly!, give up the remote. Ready, set, aim—bull’s eye! BullsEye for Youth is meant to get kids out of their chairs to learn some skills that can open new worlds for them. It will be held Saturday, Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Critter’s Wolf River Sports on the west edge of Winneconne. It is sponsored by the Winneconne Area Education Foundation (WAEF), a non-profit component of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation that promotes educational opportunities for students in the Winneconne School District. Among the committed partners are the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), which is dedicated to promoting archery as an activity for students. They believe, and have evidence to show, that archery practice improves student performance and self-esteem by teaching discipline and focus. Another partner is host site Critter’s Wolf River Sports. According to Critter’s associate Tami Holmes, the venue offers a sporting goods store, state-of-the-art archery range, bar and grill and banquet facilities for up to 900. Activities at the event will include hands-on archery and instruction in bow hunter safety, tree-stand safety, general hunter safety, ATV safety and a deer blood trail and tracking event. The radio station “The Bug” (102.3 FM) will have a live feed from the event. “This is not a competition,” Holmes said. Every child will go home with prizes and a T-shirt. Each participant will have an activity passport for each stand, and drawings will be held at all activities. All participants will have an opportunity to win a drawing for a complete bow setup or tree stand, donated by Critter’s Wolf River Sports, along with many other prizes. Every state school is invited to bring students, ages 8-19,
www.newlondonwi.org/museum.htm. » Tues. Oct. 12 and Sat. Oct. 16. Annual Book Exchange, at New London Public Library, sponsored by New London Jaycees, www.newlondonjaycees.org. » Wed. Oct. 13. St. Joseph Residence Auxiliary’s Annual Bazaar, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., call 920-982-5354 for more information. » Fri. Oct. 22. Performing Artist Brian Ellis (a.k.a. John James Audubon) presents on Audubon: The Art of Nature exhibit, New London Public
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
to this event. The $5 admission covers all the day’s events, including necessary equipment. The DNR will award $500 to the school that brings the most students. “It’s an opportunity for kids to experience activities they otherwise might not have a chance to do,” Holmes said. Woodeye’s Bar & Grill, located inside Critter’s Wolf River Sports, will serve food and refreshments throughout the day, but no alcohol will be served until after the kids’ events are finished. A banquet will be held at 5:30 p.m. ($30 students, $50 adults), and a silent auction and several raffles will be held. Raffle prizes include guns, bows, fishing packages and a Caribbean vacation. Raffle and banquet tickets can be purchased in advance at various local businesses. All proceeds go to the WAEF. —Will Stahl For details go to www.midwestsportsevents.com/oshkoshtri or call 800-429-8044.
Museum, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 920982-8520, www.newlondonwi.org/ museum.htm. » Sat. Oct. 23. Bird is the Word, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m., journaling, poetry, non-fiction writing, and ornithology workshop, New London Public Museum. Preregister. Cost, workshop only, $5; workshop and presentation, $8. 920-982-8520, www.newlondonwi.org/museum.htm. » Sat. Oct. 23. Adventures with Audubon, 1 p.m., at Mosquito Hill Nature Center, Spent time in the studio with the great naturalist
and wildlife artist, 920-982-8520, www.newlondonwi.org/museum.htm. » Thurs. Oct. 28. Haunted Swim Pirates in the Pool, 1:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., New London Aquatic and Fitness Center, admission is $1, 920-982-8524. » Thurs. Oct. 28-Sat. Oct. 30. Haunted Trail at Hatten Park, 7 p.m.-10 p.m., sponsored by New London Parks and Recreation Department, 920-982-8521, www.newlondontourism.com. » Sat. Oct. 30. Creatures of the Night, continued»
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
CALENDAR of events
Never Be Bored! Five Must-Explore Fall Activities in Wolf River Country
Auto Tour
ven as the cool winds move in, Wolf River Country is alive with activity. This fall, take in the region’s beauty while attending an organized event or exploring on your own. Here are five excuses to stop-by and relish the splendor of the season.
➊ Auto tour The annual migration of the stunning Sandhill Cranes begins in September. They spend time on the region’s agricultural land during the day and flowages at night. Several thousand of the birds start to flock back up and get ready to move out of the area in late October and early November. Locals and visitors are invited to awe at the flocks of birds and eye-popping colors of autumn by participating in an auto tour. The Navarino Nature Center in Shiocton and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) designed a 26stop, 47-mile self-guided auto tour for those interested in the natural splendor as well as the local history of the wildlife area. Booklets are available at the Nature Center or are found on their website, www.navarino.org, Travelers begin at Navarino Nature Center, set their trip gauge to zero and travel the designated miles to the next stop. Complete the entire journey in two hours or explore the region several times by splitting the sections up. The sites guarantee to be breathtaking – well worth the time invested. ➋ Tour de Fall Bike Ride Join fellow recreational cyclists and take in the fall colors while peddling through Wolf River Country. Sunday, October 10, 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m. This 22-mile trek will start at Riverside Park in New London, along the banks of the Wolf River, and wind through the farmland and forest of eastern Waupaca County. A stop at “Cactus Rock”, a volcanic, granite, outcrop, will provide an opportunity for panoramic viewing of the fall colors. Plus, a bounty of delicious roadside refreshments will be provided at a rustic rest stop. Helmets will be required. The fee is $10/person. Registration is required. Call Mosquito Hill Nature Center, 920-779-6433 or visit www.mosquitohill.com ➌ Fall crops Wolf River Country is sprinkled with farms, luring travelers in search of the prize pumpkin. One farm that can’t be passed by is Sebstead’s Meadow Lane Farm in Fremont, self-proclaimed as “Pumpkin World.” It opens right after Labor Day and offers
14 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
everything from pumpkins and gourds to corn stalks and hay bales. This family-friendly farm allows visitors to pick their own pumpkin out of the 8-acre field or select from Off the Beaten Path those waiting on the lawn. Nonagenarian Art Sebstead, owner of the farm said, “Come, mill around the farm. We invite kids to run around. We aren’t fussy.” Swing on the swings and pet the cuddly cats—good luck getting the family to leave. Remember to pick up a bottle of the homemade maple syrup before heading home. Sebstead’s Meadow Lane Farm is located at E7901 State Road 96, Fremont. ➍ Off the Beaten Path Do you like the idea of breaking your own trail, but maybe aren’t totally confident in your orienteering skills? Mosquito Hill naturalist, Steve Petznick, recently offered this unique twist on a hike through the 300 acres of Wolf River bottomland forest, which comprises nearly 75% of the nature center’s acreage. “For much of the year the bottomlands are inaccessible,” said Petznick, “but we have marked snowshoe trails that do go through the bottomlands. In the fall, the majority of these trails are dry enough to be hiked and they are all marked year around.” Since these trails are only used in the winter, there is no path, just the next sign to let you know which direction to head. Petznick, as the best hike, tabbed the “blue” trail in the fall. So if you want to blaze your own trail, head for Mosquito Hill. 920-779-6433 or vest www.mosquitohill.com ➎ Calling all campers Savor the last few days of warmth with a fall camping adventure at Jellystone Park Camp Resort in Fremont. Pick a wooded or sunny site; book a rustic cabin or cottage for one last getaway. Themed weekends in September and October offer activities for campers from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. An unknown secret? Fall camping specials can’t be beat. Jellystone is located at E6506 State Road 110, Fremont. For more information, visit www.fremontjellystone.com for rental information. —Jennifer Hogeland
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
7 p.m. – 9 p.m., take an after-dark walk in the habitat of bats, owls, coyotes and more, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com. » Sun. Oct. 31. City of New London Trick-or-Treating, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
» Sat. Nov 13. Curiosity Series
Photos in Fabric, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., New London Public Museum, learn how to take vintage photos and print them onto fabric using your inkjet printer, 920-982-8520, www.newlondonwi.org/museum.htm.
» Fri. Dec. 3.-Sat. Dec. 4. Holiday
of Wonder Parade and Santa Land, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., parade at 6 p.m., Santa Land on Dec. 4 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., downtown New London, N. Water Street, sponsored by New London Area Chamber of Commerce, call 920-982-5822 for more information, www.newlondontourism.com. » Sun. Dec. 5. Winter Bird Feeding, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., prepare your yard and feeders for cold-weather bird feeding season, cost, $5/person, registration required, 920-779-6433, www.mosquitohill.com.
» Sat. Sept. 11. Bear Creek Kraut
Run, 10K run/walk at the Village of Bear Creek, race starts at 8 a.m., contact Pat at 715-460-1696, www. bearcreekkrautrun.com. All proceeds benefit the Bear Creek Fire Dept. and Bear Creek First Responders.
» Sat. Sept. 17-Sun. Sept. 18. 50th
Annual Horse and Buggy Days, Main Street, sponsored by the Weyauwega Area Chamber of Commerce, parade starts at noon, continued»
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
CALENDAR of events
he Town of Dale Farm and Craft Market is now in its fifth year and is another successful, small-town farm market that runs weekly through October. Every Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. the parking lot of the Dale municipal building fills with local produce, crafts, and more! Located on Hwy. 96 (Old Hwy. 10), Dale is only 10 miles down the road from the Fox River Mall.
arket Days is a monthly farm and craft market held the second Sunday of the month in downtown Shiocton. The organizer of this outdoor market, Terry Priest, is excited about the growth experienced in the market’s first year of existence and is confident October will be the grandest of all! In fact, the Sunday, October 10 Market Days is being billed as the “Grand Bash!” There will be live entertainment provided by local musicians and plenty of local groups and organizations vending food. In addition to the food, Priest is expecting over 20 vendors with everything from pumpkins to handcrafted jewelry to bushels of apples! Sunday, October 10 For information about vendor space contact Terry Priest at 920-986-3102 or email her at: my5boys39@yahoo.com
Fun Run on Sat., 5K at 8 a.m., onemile at 9 a.m., 920-867-2500.
» Sat.-Sun. Oct. 9-10. Fall Fest,
Animal Haven Zoo, N1720 Bucholtz Road, scavagener hunts, hayrides, prizes throughout the day, normal entry fees apply, 920-867-3707, www.visitwaupaca.com/ animalhavenzoo.html. » Sat. Oct. TBD. Great Pumpkin Extravaganza Arts and Crafts Festival, downtown Weyauwega, offering everything from a petting zoo to crafting and pumpkin contests, 920-867-2500.
16 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
Deb and Nick Calmes are the contacts for any potential vendors, 920-667-4951, and they are one of several local produce vendors. There is also a nice mix of crafts and arts ranging from Digger Dan’s Garden Arts to custom designed jewelry from Fancy That. Town of Dale Municipal Building, 920-779-4609.
» Ongoing, First Monday of month, free community dinner, First Presbyterian Church, 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., 920-867-2880.
» Fri. Sept. 10. Dinner Cruise, 6 p.m.
– 8 p.m., Fin ‘n’ Feather, 920-5824305. » Sat. Sept 11. Great Winneconne Kiwanis Bike Hike, 55-mile route at 8 a.m., 40-mile route at 9 a.m., 30mile route at 10 a.m.; Marble Park, contact Dorothy Nimmer, 920-5824509. » Sun. Sept 12 and Thurs. Sept. 16. Lunch Cruise, 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.,
Fin ‘n’ Feather, 920-582-4305.
» Thurs. Sept. 23. Men’s Annual
Duck’s Unlimited Banquet, Fin ‘n’ Feather, call 920-582-4305 for more information.
» Fri. Oct. 1. Lunch Cruise, 12 p.m. –
2 p.m., Fin ‘n’ Feather, 920-582-4305.
» Mon. Oct 18. Women’s Annual
Duck’s Unlimited Banquet, Fin ‘n’ Feather, call 920-582-4305 for more information.
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ne ws s t r e a m
The fate and future of the famed Winneconne Bridge By
Ly n n
K u h n s | Photographs by Gordon Pagel
Bridge to Tomorrow?
t ’ s t h e talk o f Wo l f R i v e r C o u n try, a n d especially, of the Winneconne area. The Merrill T. White Bridge—also
In the spring issue of Wolf River Country, we reprinted Tom Rost’s 1940s’ cartoon depiction of the Winneconne Bridge as an iconic fishing destination. The Department of Transportation’s plan to replace the aging bridge could end a tradition that endures to this day.
known as the Highway 116 Wolf River Bridge, or, just The Winneconne
Bridge—is now more than 75 years old. With the recent collapse of a major highway bridge in Minnesota’s Twin Cities, officials across America started to look at bridges’ infrastructures and their deficiencies. 18 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
The existing bridge over the Wolf River in Winneconne is 44 feet wide. The new bridge—wherever it will be located—likely will be 63 feet wide. Plans are for it to accommodate two lanes of traffic, a sidewalk, a snowmobile path and a multi-purpose path. The Department of Transportation has w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
reported that the Hwy. 116 Wolf River Bridge opens more frequently than any other bridge in the state, illustrating the fact that many people use the Wolf River. The DNR has come aboard, expressing that, with the design and construction of any new or renovated bridge, the tradition of fishing will have to be maintained. According to Steve Volkert, Village of Winneconne administrator, “We first started working with the DOT in the fall of ’08. They came back in late spring of ’09, said they were now estimating 2015 to 2016 for this project to take place. They contacted us to help get the stakeholder group started.” Earlier this year, the Wisconsin DOT hired CH2MHill of Milwaukee to conduct the study on this project, which would define and research the options. Their work included gathering input from local businesses, government entities and others affected by any change in its structure, location and functions. A 28-member advisory Stakeholder Committee was formed, comprised of individuals who lead and represent the Winneconne Community School District, the fire department, the village’s Department of Public Works, area technical colleges, townships, East-Central Planning commission, the Winneconne Area Chamber of Commerce, property/business owners around the current bridge and others. Volkert said the committee has met three times—first to explore what people want to get out of the bridge…and what is the desired end-result. He said they came up with several proposals, including a bridge that would allow for taller boat traffic and access for several types of transportation and activities — including cars, snowmobiles, fishermen, bicycles and pedestrians. The committee also suggested that the new bridge should have little or no impact on existing businesses and meet both the existing and future needs of the village. At a second meeting, the committee considered five design options—a new w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
The Other Place and The Fin ‘N’ Feather each lie directly in the path of at least one of the alternatives presented for the new bridge. Alternative 4, which would take out the Fin ‘N’ Feather, would also have a negative impact on the appeal of the waterfront property of Wolf River Resorts, though none of the resort’s buildings are in jeopardy.
bridge at the existing site, a new one just north of the existing site, a new one just south, and two more, further north and south. Volkert said the committee later added a sixth option, to repair the existing bridge. That change was prompted by a
letter from members of the Winneconne Historic Society, which seeks to preserve the historic elements of the bridge and its connection with the Wolf River. At the third meeting, the group came up with 10 criteria and ranked continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Waterfront Park and the new public docks are in jeopardy with bridge alternative #1.
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C o u r t e s y o f W i s c o n s i n D OT
them. From the five original options, they created 10—each a bridge with a movable span; the 11th option was to repair. In May, about 80 people attended an open meeting hosted by CH2MHill. “It was very well organized. It gave many of the facts that people were looking for,” Volkert said. “The questions from the public related to how much money it will cost and how much the village will have [to contribute]. There were different concerns from different people—residents and business owners, fishermen and others, but most questions related to how it was going to affect them personally.” The Winneconne News reported that the general consensus was, “A new
bridge, a high fixed one, could wipe out our town.” The article noted, “... property owners who could be affected are concerned and very cautious about the developments and their impact on them personally. However, the DOT tried to dispel concerns and remind people that those decisions are a very long way off.” As of mid-August, more meetings hadn’t been firmly scheduled. Volkert said CH2MHill has communicated that in mid September, they will narrow down the options to three or four, and present them to the stakeholders; then to the general public at hearings near the end of 2010. Volkert said, “Then we’ll take a closer look at those and how long the construction process will be, how much it will cost and who will be impacted.” In several of the design options, a temporary bridge will have to be constructed. Volkert noted, “If that’s the case, it will probably be a fixed bridge without the opportunity for taller boats to get through. We’re talking— very possibly — about an entire summer, or possibly two. There are a lot of things that have to be considered, based on the opinion of the stakeholders group, the public and feedback from the DOT, related to cost and
Six alternatives for the bridge have been submitted. Visit www.wolfrivercountry.com and click on “Winneconne Bridge Alternatives” to view all the preliminary plans submitted.
the availability of the project.” The consulting firm also asked the Winneconne Village Board for its recommendation. As Volkert explained, “That recommendation did not have any greater weight than that of the Stakeholder Committee; it was just different.” The village Department of Public Works made three recommendations, and the village board approved them. The board’s first option—favored about four to one—was to replace the existing bridge with a new movable span [draw] in the same location. In their opinion, it would maintain the identity of the village and have minimal disruption both on existing businesses and the flow of traffic. The DOT’s extensive studies on the existing bridge show no danger of it collapsing. “It will probably be fine for 10 to 15 more years. They do feel it has performed well for more than 70 years and is reaching the end of its service life,” Volkert said. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
ne ws s t r e a m
Jobs saved at historic New London plant By Jaye Alderson
22 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
Passing out grades. Rough-cut limber is graded for quality.
P h o t o g r a p h s b y g o r d o n pa g e l
mid a troubled economy, small cities—the prime example of the “Main Street” so often referred to in this recession—are often hard hit. That was the case earlier this year when in June, major New London manufacturer Wolf River Lumber took a stable step toward reorganizing itself for the future. It exited the Chapter 128 receivership it filed on March 30 and the remaining 73 jobs at the business were saved. That’s good news for New London. City administrator Kent Hager said, “We’ve always worked very closely with Wolf River Lumber, and we’re glad they’re able to continue in operations. They’re one of our larger employers. In a community of our size, 73 jobs is a lot of jobs.” Wolf River Lumber and its sister company, Aacer Flooring in Peshtigo, filed for receivership together and stayed open during the process. But there were fears both would close without a viable buyer. All business assets of the company have been purchased by Wolf Investment Acquisition, and the purchasing limited liability companies are owned by GreenStone Farm Credit Services, based in Lansing, Mich.,
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
the leading agricultural and rural lender in Michigan and northeast Wisconsin. “GreenStone FCS has an interest in serving its mission to provide for the success of its customers and the rural communities of northeast Wisconsin by providing credit and financial services,” said Jim Nowak, vice president of marketing for GreenStone FCS. Mark Christopher, Wolf River Lumber’s vice president of operations, said the purchase is giving Wolf River Lumber a fresh start and the chance to rebound from the economic downturn and the long-running housing and
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
construction slump that affected Wolf River Lumber so negatively. The $12 million company produces high-end hardwood lumber in a 328,000-square-feet facility that houses a combination of manufacturing and warehousing, state-of-the-art equipment and dry kilns. The kiln-dried lumber it processes is used in furniture, cabinet components and moldings. “We are in the process of completely reorganizing the company, and then we’re looking for an equity player to come in, invest in us and buy us,” Christopher said. “(GreenStone) is going
to support us until then. There is no more uncertainty. We’re here, and we’re going to be operating, and we’re going to be looking for somebody to buy us out with the best terms.” Christopher said the company once employed more than 200 workers, and it plans to build back toward that number. In the first year of the reorganization, the company plans to produce 20 to 30 million board feet and hit more than $20 million in sales. They plan to increase both production and sales through diversification after that. “We will always be looking for diversified markets and added-value markets, but our game plan is to first do what we do best, focus on that, and look for diversifying when the market opens up,” he said.
A Long History
Wolf River Lumber’s roots in New London reach back more than a century. In 1878, Edward Ort Sr. settled in Appleton, surveyed the area for business continued»
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
and found the wood industry ripe for growth. Fourth, fifth and sixth generations of his family continued to build a small empire upon hardwood lumber. The company’s sale in June ended the Ort family’s association with the business. Millions of board feet of lumber were logged and sawed through 1964, when members of the family purchased Miles Lumber, originally founded by Hatton Lumber Company, at the mouth of the Wolf and Embarrass Rivers. Wolf River Lumber was purchased in 1982 with only three employees. With the addition of kilns and employees through the years, it expanded in the market for hardwood lumber and began to sell lumber to more specific lengths, widths and grades. In 1990, the grading line and trimming lines were added to the facility, and in 1995, kilns were renovated and an integrated computerized control system was added. With technology increasing and space decreasing, Wolf River Lumber expanded from a 2.7-acre site to a 55-acre site. Team members from Wolf River Lumber and other various companies worked together to form what is one of the most advanced lumber dryline facilities in the world. Currently, there are 40 kilns in 24 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
One of 60 bins of which graded lumber is sorted into. The critical step of determining the quality of the wood coming into the plant is still done with the trained human eye.
Wolf River Lumber has 40 kilns, each with a capacity to hold 50,000 board feet, for a total kiln capacity of 2 million board feet.
operation, with 20 of them having roofmounted vents, providing more venting power and a quicker drying time. The capacity of each kiln is approximately 55,000 board feet. The reorganization of Wolf River Lumber benefits not only the company and its employees, but the entire community, Christopher said. Not only are they able to offer quality jobs, but they also support other area businesses such as trucking companies and sawmills.
“I definitely thank the city of New London, the utilities of New London and the people of New London for supporting Wolf River Lumber, and more than anything, I thank the employees of Wolf River Lumber,” he said. “With their diligence and determination, they were able to accomplish what everybody said couldn’t be accomplished—we were able to keep the company going. The workforce in this area is tremendous, very strong.” w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
ne ws s t r e a m
Do you need to register your pier? Don’t miss the April 1, 2011 deadline.
f your pier exceeds the new size restrictions enacted by the state of Wisconsin, you may still be eligible to grandfather it in without a permit. If it was originally placed prior to 2004, you have until April 1, 2011 to register with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. If your pier exceeds any of the following restrictions, you need to determine if it is eligible to be grandfathered in. Width – no more than 6 feet wide Length – no longer than what is necessary to moor your boat or use a boat lift, or 3 feet of water depth, whichever is greater Number of boats – two boat slips/lifts for the first 50 feet of water frontage (of your property) plus one more boat slip/ lift for each additional 50 feet of frontage Platforms – a deck/platform up to 8 feet wide may be located at the end of the pier that projects into the lake (no limits on square footage) The WDNR has provided an interactive decision tool that takes you through the steps to determine if you need to register. http://dnr.wi.gov/waterways/recreation/piers.html
26 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Peak colors make
on the water
prime paddling!
Six trips for an October afternoon B y
G o rd o n
P ag e l
The Embarrass River
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Peak colors make
prime paddling!
s the fall equinox marks the start of autumn, the attentive eye catches single bursts of color, from previously anonymous trees, now conspicuous for their premature showing of fall colors. Then as October ushers in the first killing frosts, that same tree is lost again, as a flood of colors overwhelm the landscape. This is the time to pick-up your paddle, not store it! The bottomlands of both the Wolf River and Embarrass River wind through numerous hardwood forests and offer a unique perspective on viewing the fall colors of Wolf River Country. Since the days are shorter, and the temps cooler, I am recommending trips that can be completed in three to four hours. Plan to be on the water from about 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. By doing so, you will maximize your time on the water during the warmest part of the day, and if the sun cooperates, the most vibrant.
The Wolf River
b County Road F bridge (Leeman) to Koepke’s Access (3.5 to 4.5 hours) bKoepke’s Access to Shiocton public boat launch (2 to 3 hours)
28 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Hey! If you don’t have a canoe or kayak, consider renting. Wolf River Adventures in Shiocton rents kayaks. In addition to rentals, they run a shuttle service. Whether in your own kayak or one of their rentals, they make exploring Wolf River Country easy! Call them at 920-986-1300. The Embarrass River from Spurr Road to New London passes through bottomlands that explode with color! Koepke access is just north of Shiocton on Koepke Road. Take highway 76 north to M. Turn right on to Koepke Road from M. In addition to the boat landing, there are two handicap access piers. The Wolf River below Stephensville.
b Shiocton Public boat launch to Stephensville boat launch (County Road S) (3 to 4 hours) b Stephensville boat launch (County Road S) to Damn Yankees (County Road M) (2 to 3 hours)
The Embarrass River
bSchwandt Road to Spurr Road (3.5 to 4.5 hours) bSpurr Road bridge to New London - Pfeifer Park (2 to 3 hours) All of these locations have public access and parking. Google maps are helpful in planning a trip. You can also go to www.wolfrivercountry.com for details on all of the trips listed or follow us on Facebook as we keep everyone updated on the progress of the fall colors in Wolf River Country!
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
30 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
This Land is Your Land Hunting in Wolf River Country
By Will Stahl
he days are growing shorter and the afternoon shadows longer. Nights are cooler and mornings come a little later. The air is drier and a tinge of red appears in the maple down the block. You may be one of the inhabitants or frequent visitors of Wolf River Country who sees these mostly as signs of the approaching hunting seasons. But where do you hunt? Perhaps you own some land that is yours to hunt exclusively (excepting some siblings and in-laws). Perhaps you’ve leased some hunting acreage, which is about the next best thing. You w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
might have charmed your way onto the land of a friendly farmer. Not that either? No place to go? No worries—there are still many places to hunt. The lower Wolf River valley contains more than 35,000 acres (about 55 square miles) of stateowned hunting land. And if you’re concerned about some of the problems usually encountered on public land—crowding, game that’s scared off, careless hunters—the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would beg to differ. Kay Brockman-Mederas, a DNR wildlife biologist based out of Shawano, particularly likes hunting turkey with her daughter, and the Deer Creek and Navarino wildlife areas are good for that. The lands in her jurisdiction, with a few small exceptions, are always open for hunting and have many underused parts. Navarino especially, at just under 15,000 acres, has large areas that see few hunters. “Most people hunt close to the parking lot and don’t want to beat the bush,” she said. Scouting, Brockman-Mederas emphasized, is very important for deer. If you get out there a few continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
K ay B r o c k m a n - M a d e r a s
Elena Maderas, daughter of DNR wildlife biologist, Kay BrockmanMaderas, turkey hunting at Navarino.
weekends before the season and locate where the deer are feeding and bedding, you can find a good area to hunt. “You’ll see the benefit of your efforts,” she said, and beyond finding deer, it gets you out of town and into the woods. “If we had people in contact with the environment, more people would calm down, feel less stress.” Mike Young, DNR warden out of the
Wautoma office, added, “People need to do their homework and do some scouting. They need to realize their first, second and third choice spots may be taken.” He also emphasized that hunters should be willing to walk a little. One day at Deer Creek, he encountered six groups of hunters; the farthest in was a quarter mile from the parking lot. “People think they are way in there,” he said. Young tried to dispel the idea that hunting public land is more dangerous. Eighty to 85 percent of accidental shootings occur on private land, caused by members of the victim’s own party, according to Young. The usual pattern is, “People think they know where the others are, but someone gets itchy feet and starts walking.” Using the example of the Wolf River Bottoms area, he pointed out that 20 cars in the parking lot makes it look like it’s crowded. “But that’s 20 people in four square miles.” Having other hunters around is not necessarily bad, Young said. “People don’t realize other people can work to their benefit because they move deer around.” He’s seen evidence of that. “I saw a guy 100 yards off the parking lot, and I thought, he’ll never get anything. On the way out, I saw he got a deer, a decent-sized buck.” In general, the more hunters, the better they do. But because most people tend to think like that, much of the public hunting land is underused. The Maine State Wildlife Area in northern Outagamie County, for example, is a small one, only
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32 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
G o r d o n Pa g e l
800 acres (still over a square mile), but it has some oak ridges and is good for deer hunting. The problem is that it has only one access, and it requires a “hellacious walk” and a willingness to cross some water to get in. Young has seen years when not a single car was there during deer season. For hunters interested in waterfowl, Young recommended that anyone wanting to hunt on opening weekend stay north of the Hwy. 10 line because of all the “southerners” coming up. The Benke unit is especially managed for waterfowl, as is a 400-acre DOT mitigation site (one created to compensate for wetlands filled in) on Hwy. 54 at Van Patten Drive, east of Shiocton. Young prefers to hunt after opening weekend. He thinks those willing to put in their time walking can “jump some ducks.” Across from Benke State Wildlife Area, the DNR has purchased
1,000 acres, to be managed for waterfowl, which in recent years has amounted to poor hunting due to lack of water. “I don’t think that will be a problem this year,” Young said. DNR Wildlife Biologist Steve Hoffman is a dedicated hunter of deer, roughed grouse and waterfowl and a trapper who takes muskrat, beaver, fox and coyote. Though he said the lower Wolf areas get “hammered” on opening weekends, hunters willing to work a little for it can still find good hunting even then. He recommends using continued»
Waterfowlers that concentrate their efforts on the days following the opening weekend will likely experience a better quality hunt.
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
K ay B r o c k m a n - M a d e r a s
With a little extra effort to get off the well-trodden paths, hunting state wildlife areas could be surprisingly rewarding. This bachelor group was captured on a trail cam in the heart of Wolf River Country!
hip boots to get back into the cattail marsh to find good waterfowl and even deer hunting. “Use of a boat can get you into areas you can’t reach otherwise” for waterfowl and deer opportunities, he said. Setting up on a bayou can provide good hunting even on opening weekend, but there are always areas where you can find good hunting, especially on a weekday. Hoffman recommends using DNR Web maps if you are looking for really remote places. The DNR owns 20 to 50 acres of oddly shaped, unnamed areas along the Wolf River, accessible only by
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boat. While Rat River and other areas close to the Fox Cities see a fair amount of pressure, even there those willing to use their boots or boats can find deer and other hunting opportunities. Brian Lockman, a DNR warden who supervises the lands south of New London, enjoys grouse hunting and deer hunting with bow, muzzleloader and regular gun. He especially touted the hunting at Mukwa State wildlife area, west of that city. “Should be good duck hunting at the potholes (areas of standing water),” he said. The area gets pressure on the first two weekends of waterfowl season. Some hunt the main river or what’s called the “old river,” but remote areas are less used. Along the south line of the wildlife area stands 300 acres of mature timber. Lockman has seen plenty of deer signs in but rarely sees a hunter. To make things easier for older and less agile hunters, he has moved deadfall and logs so access is easier. Even less pressure occurs in the part of Mukwa on the west side of the Wolf. If a hunter would walk in off Thompson Road or approach that area by boat, he or she might see no one else. Lockman mentioned a new parcel just downriver of Mukwa being converted to prairie, now mostly marsh grass and cornfields. Lockman was also excited about the recently opened Hortonville Bog, north of CTH S off Allcan Road, just east of New London. Its more than 600 acres have been made available by state acquisition of a private parcel that had blocked access. It has good deer hunting and some turkeys. Though some people already know about it, pressure will be heaviest only on opening weekends and during youth hunts. He did caution that it is ringed by poison sumac, which he learned the hard way. Let the allergic beware. Like Hoffman, Lockman recommended going to the DNR w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
About Land Acquisition DNR warden Mike Young offers these tips for landowners interested in selling property to the DNR. Contact the local DNR wildlife manager. If the property falls within the area defined by the master plan, the DNR already has authority to buy it. You have a better chance if the land is adjacent to existing DNR land. The state likes to round out boundaries to roadways “so people know where they are.” The DNR wildlife managers will try to get the first right of refusal. Don’t expect to make a killing. The DNR pays market value for land, no more or less. Stories of high prices paid by the DNR for land may refer to high market value properties bought to gain access to other property. DNR purchases do not normally drive up property values. Exceptions may occur on individual adjacent parcels, which are now protected from neighboring development. DNR purchases do not drive up taxes. The DNR contributes “aid in lieu of taxes” which replaces what local governments would lose.
Web site under “maps” to find small properties not otherwise marked. One is off Hwy. 54, just west of New London, and provides access to the “Oxbow,” an old cut-off part of the Wolf River. “Deer are in there,” he said confidently. Asked about small game opportunities, Hoffman said that squirrel and rabbit numbers are down. Deer Creek in Outagamie County has opportunities for grouse, squirrels and rabbits. As a bow hunter himself, he noted that hunters are now allowed to leave deer stands set up on public hunting land through the day, even if they only hunt the early morning and evening. It still must be taken down at night. You are entitled to make ground blinds from natural materials and leave them up, but most use tree stands of some kind. Despite its closeness to so much civilization, Wolf River Country is a kind of paradise for the hunter and fisher. As happens in many national parks, the state wildlife areas may seem crowded, but most people stay close to the road. In hunting as in other aspects of life, the venturesome are rewarded. The Wolf River with its tributaries, bayous and back swamps rule this land. Those who are willing to take the land on its own terms can find what it has to offer. Those unwilling will probably find a place to park their cars, a short walk and a long wait. According to the DNR, the primary purpose of state wildlife areas is to provide areas in which any citizen may hunt, trap or fish. Hunter numbers have been declining in recent years and according to surveys, one of the reasons people state is lack of access to hunting lands. But the lands are there—think and plan and walk or boat, and you will find your own place in them. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Passing Currents
G o r d o n Pa g e l
Moving toward change… as summer season wanes
lthough every day in Wolf River Country is either moving toward or away from summer—or winter, as your reference may be—for many of us, any mid-September season simmers in quiet
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hesitation and striking change. And we can’t wait to be ready. The sun is now setting far more to the south of the direction the peaked roof of our wood-framed boathouse has pointed toward for 76 years.
Just weeks ago, the sun had plopped into Lake Winneconne straight ahead of it, neatly bisecting the wasp’s-waist of lakes Poygan and Winneconne. It had settled red, orange, clouded, clear at the end of our lake-ward path and straight w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Lynn Kuhns
westward off the line of our dock—like a brilliant dot under summer’s sexy exclamation point. But now, that same sun shyly spreads its twilight tresses of amber through the cluster of willow branches well to the south of that path and the old boathouse. So quickly, that happened... the bigchange swing toward September. All the cottage-people, splashin’ and dashin’; the locals’ celebrations; and that wild surge of summer’s games and festivals have now packed up and gone. That party-light sun is dimming now, to reach more gently into our souls. There it begs for a different kind of life—of well-worn flannel shirts, purple wild grapes, geese a-honking, whitetail fattening and of that too-cool morning air that arrives to absolutely stun and refresh us. All this reminds us of what we know— though I’m not sure we ever really truly know—that what soon will follow this gentle, settling transformation is Wolf River Country’s wildly unpredictable, but predictably very long, cold and challenging winter. That is what we’re all about here— change. It’s in the river and lakes and along their banks; it’s throughout the roadsides and blooming wildly in the woods and marshes. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
I hadn’t taken a walk in the field upland behind my house for about three weeks. Not too long ago, tiny, tendergreen ground-clutching wild strawberry plants were sending out white stars of hope and procreation. Gentle grasses were establishing themselves. The springy moisture of the soil gave bounce to my steps as I easily strolled through the forgiving, nascent meadow growth. But now, in these, our summer’s wheelchair-days, I enter the same field. I’m confronted with a chest-high cacophony of rich earthy color and spiky, crumbly textures. The proud goldenrod now bows under its own spawn. The wild-grape vines struggle through the late-summer dryness to support its tiny
unencumbered, sun-slathered and sweaty in thin cotton shorts and tank top. “Wait, stop! Hold up and slow down,” the drying and dying brambles sigh to me as I labor past. “We are not what we were. And... neither are you.” I know, I know. Early autumn is in the air and busy suckling the vivid greens of summer to leave behind the pragmatic and hearty, the crackling fronds and fruits of fall. I like it—the cool, the harsh; the prickly and drying; the connection to what’s coming. Wisconsin’s summery meadows—its wild parties are fine…but not forever. This, the precious-few time, comes golden, and its excitement is not in
It’s in the river and lakes and along their banks; it’s throughout the roadsides and blooming wildly in the woods and marshes. blackened-eye-purple fruits that cluster like frightened, fertile dustbowl families in the late summer sun. Tall stems capped with burp-dusts of whiskered seeds release their future to the autumn wind. Now my walk through the field is a struggle between my effort and massive thistles and vines and dry, unforgiving grasses, all tangled with spider webs, and standing up to autumn’s inexorable decay and inevitable freeze. Burrs clutch my jeans and socks; tangles of broken and dried twigs trip me. And it’s all right here, where only days ago, I danced unscratched and
movement, but in its arrest. When what is good and beautiful here is not screaming brightly and blithely, but sighing silently, as if humbled in quiet contemplation and preparation. This is the season when we can slow down, stoop and kneel in our worn flannel shirts, faded jeans and leather boots to reach beyond the pollen and preparation and touch the cracked and drying riverbanks and feel nature’s readiness for what’s coming. Change is what we love, because of what we learn we can do. We’ll be ready, too. Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Here is Where I Want to Be
New London’s Faucher keeps everything close at hand
The Ultimate ‘Man Garage’ By Lynn Kuhns Photographs 38 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
Gordon Pagel w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
his is where I go when I need to slow down the pace a little.” That’s John Faucher, 37-year-old New London resident, angler, hunter, trapper, family man and East Editor of The County Post, referring to his self-designed, always morphing sanctuary of a small, attached garage. “In fact, my whole family—my dad, grandpa, and uncles—we’re all, I guess you could say, a bunch of garagedwellers,” Faucher added. His is a 75-some-year-old, single-car garage that actually can shelter his wife’s car now and then. But it’s also a workshop, photo gallery, tool shed, repair shop, approximately 16-by-25 foot surround-view scrapbook, hunting/fishing /gardening/ survival-gear prep workroom, reporter’s office, reception room and more. He calls it his “garottage,” a term he’s borrowed from a New London couple. If the phrase “You gotta see it to believe it” applies to anything, this is it. Because once you enter the humble, openbeam structure, you just have to stop and gaze around at the huge photo collages set within the sections of the garage door, at all the hunting and fishing gear, the old golden trophies, and all the signs, posters, tools, fishing lures, antiques and all the other stuff—the layers of it, the minidisplays of fun and functional stuff that sing of Wolf River Country. And then, even when you sit down and start to talk to Faucher as he pops open a beer, you can not stop your eyes from wandering and trying to focus on that next odd something that’s hanging, stapled, set on a shelf or stacked upon something. It’s like your brain can hear him— maybe you’ll even answer and sip your beer—but your soul is trying to find its niche in there... off somewhere comfy.... trying to perch among all that stuff that looks so warmly familiar. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
(Left page) Critters — whether it’s gear to get ’em; photos and articles about hunting, trapping and fishing; or the actual critter itself, wildlife dominates much of Faucher’s garage. Depending on the season, the small building also serves as a fish-cleaning station and venison-processing shed. He’ll raise a toast to you and the lure of Wolf River Country (above)—perhaps with a steaming cup of joe, perhaps with a cold brew. John Faucher’s “garottage” is his home-based office, a place to meet with folks to discuss community issues, a functioning workshop, and family scrapbook and museum.
The Beginning of the ‘Garottage’
t may look something like a trapper’s cabin from way back, but Faucher started assembling his garottage’s decor in 2005, when he hung up some photos there from his bachelor days. Now that he’s married to Ann and has a daughter and two stepchildren, Faucher’s collection continues to expand with family photos. And more. He also writes on the walls, on an old canvas gun case, on pictures, a bulletin board and posters. “Fish dreams live here... Enjoy it while it lasts... We’re all just passin’ through... The only winner in the end is God.”
Clearly, Faucher is comfortable here, not showing off, not bored or obsessed by it all. Just happy. He goes in there in the morning for his coffee and a smoke; takes about an hour there before dinner and after work, to decompress; then maybe a few hours after dinner, to work on projects. Weekends, he’ll be in there fixing something, or at his computer, on assignment. Or else, he’s out fishing, hunting, trapping or enjoying family time. Chances are that the memories made out in the field will some how end up posted in that garage, bagged for others to enjoy. Faucher spends the most time in his unique man-cave when he’s continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
writing. That’s his job. He finds it a creative shelter for things like choosing those perfect photos from maybe a hundred that he took at a high school football game. Often in the late-night and early-morning hours, he does his research for his newspaper articles and works at his laptop there, to find the right words and check on the facts. “It’s conducive to thinking,” he said of his cluttered workshop-office. “It helps me recharge and energize. I’ll pound out six to eight hours a day, working here— about as much time as put in at the office, but here, I can concentrate.” He’ll meet with other community and outdoor-minded citizens in his garottage; he’ll meet with just about anyone needing help on a project; he’ll talk with his wife and children there. “I’m accessible here,” he added. “It’s a public, yet personal place.” For the workshop angle, this garage has tools, including a massive bolt cutter, hacksaw and assorted bicycle wrenches 40 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
and parts. Faucher often salvages bikes from curbside doom, fixes them up, paints with his own camouflage design and sets a wicker basket on them, just so elderly hunters can haul in their gear. “I’m all about recycling things,” he said. “I often give away things I fix up.” That’s typical of Faucher—to take the typical and make it Wolf River Country awesome. Also in his garottage, seemingly
This plan for a fishing raft shows the ever-adapting and highly creative aspect of Faucher’s passions and work in his man-cave—always using recycled objects under a tight budget. Someday, photos of the raft’s construction—and more of the fish caught from it by friends and family— may also grace the walls.
random stuff—an old army-green airplane model, hanging dusty; a trio of three-yearold squirrel pelts, tails ragged; a crude
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Pelts, promises and problems to be pondered pepper the walls of this man-cave, as well as reminders of what God provided and the seasons demand.
One coat, which he made five years ago, was too small for John, but just right for Ann, then his girlfriend. It could blend in an early-season cedar swamp, but she doesn’t go hunting. While Ann had arranged and prepared for a Packer game party at the house, Faucher had spent a whole weekend with fabric, twine, needle and thread, making that Ghillie coat. In one of its secret pockets, he had hidden a diamond ring. At halftime during that party, Faucher asked Ann to try the jacket on, and then prompted her to check the pockets as he got down on his knees to propose. It’s now known as The Wedding Coat. “I got the best wife in the world,” Faucher has written on his garage. continued»
flat wooden paddle, maybe a century old, rescued from the Wolf River; an ultrasound picture of his daughter, Lily, in the womb; a small Easter basket with a cuddly stuffed critter waiting in it; a blueprint for his next river raft—each thing is there to carry its story, and wait as a prompt for Faucher’s narratives. Take those “Ghillie Suit” camouflaged hunting jackets he’s made, now hanging on the walls. Depending on the season, Faucher festoons them with lengths of twine, pieces of fabric (including part of one of Ann’s delicate green scarves), spraypainted leaf designs and white patches. Each has several secret pockets. One has a winter camouflaged Santa-like hat that has a closable place to hold survival gear. “I’m a utility man,” Faucher said, slapping his cargo pants. “A man can’t have enough pockets.” w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
This could be a Rorschach-type personality test—Do you see a meaningless mess... or a marvelous collection of Wolf River tradition, family/outdoors connections, tools and history? It’s always changing, just like nature, families, work and hunting and fishing.
Faucher also writes on the walls, on an old canvas gun case, on pictures, a bulletin board and posters. “Fish dreams live here... Enjoy it while it lasts... We’re all just passin’ through... The only winner in the end is God.” As Ann wrote in a 2007 Wisconsin Outdoors article, “Our garage is the epicenter of my husband’s world... During the spring, summer and early fall, it is home to ‘live tanks’ harboring various fish... the floor is graced with river water and scales.” She added, of later in the season, “I am surprised by two muskrats, a raccoon, a mink and an opossum lying quietly on the corner, waiting to be skinned...” The coming season and its bounty always prompt Faucher and his sanctuary’s purpose. The garage’s contents are somewhat 42 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
arranged by the seasons. He says he does know where everything is. From river-raft repairs and spring walleye cleaning, to seeds, potting shed and organic produce, on to spinner-bait workshop and bass rigs, hunting gear and hanging whitetails, and to ice-fishing, with tip-ups to rig... and then, there’s the Christmas-tree stand. But most important to Faucher are the photographs. “I have all my important photos all in once place—and they’re easy for everyone to view. You can really get lost in time here. Photographs are everything. They’re the closest mankind has gotten to a time machine, and the best thing man has ever made.” Then I had to ask, as I put down my pen and waved my arms within the four walls of stuff that still commanded my attention, “What are you going to do, John, with the next photo, the next antique river find, the next project’s stuff?” He smiled a boyish grin, scratched his reddish beard and said, “Oh, I have plenty of room. I’d just put it over the other stuff—there’s layers and layers of it. There’s always a way.” There is always a way, and all you need is a place where you like to be—a simple place where you can mold the space and slow down the pace.
Where do YOU want to be? This column introduces a new regular feature for Wolf River Country— Here Is Where I Like to Be. In all seasons, we’ll explore personal and personalized things, like hunting shacks, sittin’ rocks at river bends, old boathouses, John boats, garden oases, new decks and marshy hideaways to further share the real-life creative passions of people who live and play on the Wolf River. If you have a special place that somehow feeds you—or know some who does—call Lynn Kuhns at (920) 582-0233 or Gordon Pagel at (920) 841-2118.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
White Lake
Green Bay
wolf river country
Lake Poygan
Partridge Lake
Lake Winneconne
Visit www.wolfrivercountry.com for detailed maps to all the wildlife areas in Wolf River Country.
Over 30,000 acres of Public Lands.
a d v e rtis e m e nt
RV Camping Wolf River Country s p o n s o r e d
b y
ocated in Sturgeon Bay, Quietwoods RV has been in the business of selling and servicing everything from pop-ups to fifth wheels since 1982. “In May of this year we opened a second location in Neenah,” said Tim Jones. Jones is the general manager for both stores. “The second location was strategic to our plan for growth,” he said, “but it also makes it more convenient to service our customers, many whom are from the Valley.”
q u i e t
w o o d s
r v
of highways 10 and 76, just west of highway 41. For this issue we stopped out to get the scoop on a new innovation for fifth wheels, the “Camp Kitchen.”
Quietwoods RV of the Fox Valley is located at the intersection
When I spoke to Robb Schweiger, sales manager at Quietwoods RV of the Fox Valley, he made what I thought was a rather unusual confession. “In 6 years of RVing,” confided Schweiger, “I have only cooked inside my RV once.” And apparently this is not all that unusual, which in turn may explain the popularity of the new “camp kitchen” models.
This example is a 2011 model of the Salem Hemisphere. Closed you don’t know it’s there.
Open up and you have a complete kitchen with cupboard space!
Two-burner gas range. 4-cubic foot refrigerator. Running hot and cold water. No one goes on vacation to spend time cooking inside. The Camp Kitchen is the perfect solution!
V i s i t t h e Q u i e t w o o d s R V s h o w r o o m t o s e e f o r y o u r s e l f ! w w w. q u i e t w o o d s r v. c o m 46 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Shiocton’s ‘sa Village hosts area’s annual ‘food fight’ Photographs courtesy St. Denis Catholic Church
48 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
s r e ’ t o o h lad By
n S h a r o
V e r b e t e n
hen you were growing up, if your mother told you to “eat your cabbage,” you probably wished you could have just
chucked it at her. Now you can, and you won’t even get reprimanded. In fact, you might even get cheered! Whatever the modus operandi—whether by way of catapult, trebuchet, air cannon or good old shoulder power— chucking heads of cabbage is the pastime of choice at what could be termed the region’s biggest food fight,
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
of sorts. The St. Denis Cabbage Chuck, held at Shiocton Lake Park, is one of the most anticipated and rollicking annual events in Wolf River Country. This year’s fifth annual event was held Saturday, Sept. 18. “It’s a lot of fun for everybody,” said Pat Peeters of neighboring Bear Creek. He and about a dozen family members—known as Peeterz Boyz Toyz—have fielded a team every year. “It’s great just watching the reaction of the people.”
From Chicken to Cabbage
he “world championship” Cabbage Chuck, as it has been touted—although it’s not really known how many other similar events are held worldwide—is not just about a bunch of people tossing around vegetables. The event not only has a storied history, but a charitable component as well. For many years, St. Denis Catholic Church—home to about 280 members— hosted a chicken dinner as its annual fundraiser. According to parish member Ann Shears, a member of the event’s planning committee, it was a lot of fun, but it was a lot of work compared to the rather modest profits (about $1,000) the dinner raised. A few years ago, however, some former parishioners saw a “punkin chunkin”competition and considered a similar event as a church fundraiser. But why heads of cabbage—a modest vegetable that some people either love or hate? According to Shears, the area is the largest cabbage producing region, per capita, in the world. And Bear Creek is home to Great Lakes Kraut, which has been producing sauerkraut for more than 100 years. Not everyone was a believer in the idea. “Some thought it was the craziest thing they’d ever heard of,” said Shears. But in 2006, the first Cabbage Chuck was held; it carried with it its own list of rules (“No explosives!”) and competition divisions (yes, there is a “little sprouts” division, where they shoot Brussels sprouts). The
50 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
Sponsors pay $50 to put up a sign, and chuckers win $50 for knocking it down! The Medievalers from Shiocton. Free Cabbage Chuck hats for everyone! And in this corner, weighing in at … Wyatt Wagner and Gage Camp weighed in last year’s winning cabbage at 44-1/2 pounds.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Want to Know More? Check out these Web sites for more information. » For video and information about the St. Denis Cabbage Chuck, www.cabbagechuck.com. » For more about Great Lakes Kraut, or for some amazing and unusual sauerkraut recipes, visit www. greatlakeskraut.com/recipes/tabid/71/Default.aspx. » Thinking about building your own catapult? Visit www. catapultkits.com. » For information about the world championship Punkin Chunkin event in Delaware, visit www.punkinchunkin.com.
Sending a message back to the Shiocton Flyers Club. Chucking cabbage demands a high level of skill and a wellcoordinated team effort!
goal is relatively simple—chuck a head of cabbage the farthest by whatever means possible. Perhaps surprising to some doubters, the first Cabbage Chuck drew about 500 attendees and raised more—about tenfold more—Shears said—than the more modest chicken dinners. She added that the event has grown each year; it now draws about 3,000, with profits consistently increasing each year. The money raised goes to the church, which in turn, gives money back to local organizations. Just how much fun can it be watching adults and children continued» playing with their food? “It is a hoot,” said Shears. In w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
The King of Cabbage
Depending on the number of entrants, the cabbage relays can have up to four or five age divisions which compete for cash prizes. The Green Machine Team shows off its trophy. Yep, those are miniature mechanical catapults chucking Brussels sprouts.
2008, her two sons won the largest cabbage contest, entering a head weighing 47 lbs. Part of the fun is watching the teams themselves—both in the competition and as they prepare their “flingers” of choice. With team names like Team Sledgehammer, Green Machine, Vegamatic and even the MotherChuckers, these are no chump chuckers. It’s serious business. Just ask Peeters, who, appropriately enough, grew up in the area planting cabbage. He’s been involved since the Cabbage Chuck’s inception—and holds the distinction of having the only air cannon in the event. His massive cannon, powered by an air 52 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
ou could call Larry Van Straten the Cabbage King… and he likely wouldn’t disagree or be offended. After all, the leafy vegetable runs in his blood—almost literally. He grew up on a cabbage farm and has been planting the vegetable himself for more than 30 years. The Shiocton native is proud to supply the heads of cabbage that will eventually be launched, chucked, tossed, catapulted and rocketed through the air each September at the village’s famous Cabbage Chuck. Van Straten’s involvement appears to have been pre-ordained. He has a photo of his father planting cabbage in the 1940s on the site of the St. Denis church parking lot—helping raise money for the church. So even decades ago, cabbage appears to have been a lucky charm for the village. And it ought to be. The region is known as one of the cabbage capitals of the world, thanks to its soil and temperature, according to Van Straten. “It’s a sandy loam and a little bit lower ground. [Plus we have] cooler and wetter summers.” Van Straten and his father together plant 2,300 acres of field crops—about 300 of those are filled with cabbage. Cabbage is sold by the ton, Van Straten said. He gets about 45 tons per acre, supplying most of his crop to Great Lakes Kraut in Bear Creek, which produces sauerkraut. “You can only put cabbage on the ground every five years,” said Van Straten of the crop he rotates every six or seven years. Planting is done in mid May, with most harvesting done around Labor Day. By Halloween, the season is done. The Cabbage Chuck, then, may seem appropriately timed; however, Van Straten said it does occur during the harvest, so it can be a press on his time to get everything done. (In addition to supplying cabbage, Van Straten also works the cabbage relay event). Van Straten Farms donates 500 heads of cabbage— about 1-1/2 pickup truckloads—to the Cabbage Chuck. The event’s committee comes to his farm, weighs the heads and handpicks the ones they want. It’s all very precise, but, ultimately, it’s all in good fun for what has become the area’s most notable event. “During the day, they’re steady chuckin’ heads all day long,” he said.
compressor and pulled on a semi-trailer, features a 68-foot barrel (with a 10-inch diameter). Its power capacity is just shy of 100 lbs. psi—enough to power his longest launch of 5/8 of a mile. Another smaller unit is pulled with a tractor, and a third unit—a smaller double-barrelled cannon—allows the younger team members to launch gourds. Peeters said he built the cannon several years ago for pumpkin chucking. “That’s what got us going,” he said. It’s both a costly and a dangerous hobby (Peeters does carry liability insurance), but w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Man has hurled stones at one another since prehistoric times, and various types of catapults emerged as they tried to throw projectiles further and harder. Eventually, the trebuchet became the siege machine of choice in the Middle Ages, and it’s an effective choice for chucking cabbage, too.
Peeters enjoys the fun of the competition and the thrill of the crowd. Shiocton has only about 900 residents, but Shears said attendees come from miles away to witness the spectacle—both of flying cabbages and of the amazing homemade launching machines. Tourists in the area from as far away as New York have even passed through, upon hearing of this offbeat event.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
In addition to the chucking, the event (held rain or shine) includes refreshments (all array of cabbage and kraut dishes, of course), a silent auction, cabbage relay games, largest cabbage contest, a flyover by the Shiocton Flyers Club and local emcee Ned the Dead. (Previous years’ sauerkraut wrestling events were discontinued due to liability issues). It’s all helped turn an event that started perhaps as a minor joke—one that people thought might have worked—into an annual success for Shiocton and for Wolf River Country. Quite simply, Shears said, “People look forward to it every year,”
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
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enny’s left and D dt on the my ra n im o J C y, y Denn ing budd h s fi d n a in s neighbor y dad wa 1959. “M Conradt. id a s Pluger, in ,” e lf River at this tim in the Wo Canada h s fi re o ght m “We cau Canada!” t he got in then wha
Former poacher now champions the region’s wildlife L y n n
K u h n s
T h e r e wa s a t i m e w h e n poaching and otherwise violating the rules of hunting and fishing was more common — even accepted among families and friends. Dennis “Denny” Conradt of Shiocton turned 70 years old this year, and he and his wife, Peggy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. A few years before, Conradt had been named Citizen of the Year by the Business League of Shiocton. But in the view of some Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials years back, Conradt wasn’t always such a good guy. “I guess I wasn’t any different from any young, red-blooded American boy who grew up in Shiocton. This town had a reputation for poaching and violating,” he said. “I guess I wasn’t any different from any young, red-blooded continued» American boy who
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w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Denny in 1964 with a 29 ¾ inch walleye that won the Wolf River walleye contest. Jenny, Jeff, and Kevin Conradt doing a little spring-cleaning for dad. “This was my first boat,” said Conradt. “Dad gave it to me. It was an Alumacraft FL. We caught a lot of fish in that boat, and I still own it.” That’s a nice walleye, but the muttonchops are even more impressive!
grew up in Shiocton,” said Conradt, a Shiocton High School class of ‘58 graduate. “Years ago, this town had quite a serious reputation for poaching and violating.” “Back then, for your grandfather and father, violating was a way life—not to sell to make money, but to feed their families. As it got handed down, sometimes, it got a little bit out of hand.” In the mid-1950s and early 1960s, that reputation was enhanced by a group of about 12 to 15 friends of Conradt, all lads in their mid-20s and 30s who were ready, willing and able to break the regulations. “Way back then, one way of getting walleyes was to put out fish traps. I know people who would use a dipping net because when the females were just about ready to spawn, some folks would pull a ‘spawner’ behind a boat so the males would follow, and then they could net them,” Conradt said. “We just felt like we were invincible,” he said. “It was just for the fun of getting away with it.” More than once, his mother warned him, ‘”Denny, you 56 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
are quite the violator, and you’re going to get caught some day.” She turned out to be right. Conradt’s father, a renowned and respected state assemblyman, county board supervisor and state highway commissioner under his friend, Tommy Thompson, also was concerned. But it took a lot of chicanery — some would say entrapment — to finally “catch” Conradt. In 1962, “John,” w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
P h o t o g r a p h s P ro v i d e d b y D e n n y C o n r a d t
The ‘other’ side of the law perspective from a DNR ‘lifer’
an undercover DNR agent who worked for the Madison office, began coming to Shiocton quite regularly. Posing as jewelry salesman from Berlin, he’d always visit Denny’s Bar and Restaurant on Main Street in Shiocton. Conradt explained, “John would come in, and he’d really make himself available. He got to know everyone, and I got where I thought of him as a friend — I would have done anything for him.” According to Conradt, “Every time John left my place, he’d leave a $20 bill on the bar, and tell me to give ‘everyone a drink, and that I should keep the change.’ In the 60s, that was quite a bit of money.” That money, it turns out, was bait—sure as Conradt and his buddies baited fish traps and shot fox from up in airplanes to collect the bounties. Conradt said, “John told me he wanted some walleye for a meal. He knows I love to fish. I had five in my tank and sent those along with him on ice. I was going to give him those, and then when he laid a $20 on the bar like he always did, I told him, ‘You don’t owe me nothin’ for that, but he insisted that it was minnow money, and left.” Months passed. “Then on opening day of deer hunting, we were busy in the bar. John came in and asked continued» w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
In he early days of Foltz’s career, he was the man who did the actual tagging, mostly because of the generous size of his hands. “We never had the manpower to do what we wanted to do,” he said. “Sometimes there’d be four, five, six of us, working 24-hour days, sometimes 36, during the spawn. When they’re there, you got to go get ’em.” Many DNR personnel now spend much of their time at citizens’ advisory or educational meetings and events, where they seek not only to inform the public, but to get the people and organizations actively involved. Noting a 50-year anniversary since he started with the DNR, Flotz, added, “Poaching is not nearly as prevalent as it was. It used to be the general attitude that it was more accepted. There was a good market for selling [game] fish — there was money to be made.” Foltz has researched the life history of sturgeon, walleye and fresh water drum and has conducted other studies. He’s done much to help formulate the regulations that now help preserve wildlife and the recreation it supports through effective science-based management. And every time a new variable is tweaked to help, or an old one modified through regulations, more studies must determine its longrange effectiveness. It’s the nature of things in Wolf River Country, where a poacher can grow to be a noted and generous conservation advocate, and scientists can’t stop helping our world be even better. — Lynn Kuhns
S h a d ows o n t h e wo l f
man who may have crossed paths with Denny Conradt somewhere, some spring up on the Wolf River, Dan Foltz, 76, of Oshkosh, often was doing a different kind of fishing. As a DNR fisheries biologist, he was netting and cattleear-tagging sturgeon. The goal was to log and research the life cycles of sturgeon, walleye and other fish to better manage their habitats and harvests. “The public is much better informed now. We still try to educate the public as much as we can,” Foltz said. Though semi-retired, the “we” he still speaks of is the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, where was employed for nearly 35 years. Yes, on this side of the law, too, much has changed. Just west of Shiocton, what was once the simple Bamboo Bend lock, is now one of the most popular and wellconstructed viewing sites for the sturgeon spawn. Foltz, who helps with spring tagging, said, “We get a lot of questions while we’re working. From the kids, too—and now they’re often educating the adults about our natural resources…they know our guys and that we’re honest, and not trying to do a snow job.” He added, “Everyone is much more aware now. [Fisheries Team Supervisor Dr.] Ron Bruch and others have done a tremendous job of keeping the public informed. Now the public knows what’s going on, and they know our guys and that we’re honest, and not trying to do a snow job.”
Bamboo Bend is just one of a multitude of conservation projects that Shadows on the Wolf has helped fund. The organization has also been instrumental in advocating and funding handicapped access to the Wolf River. Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
C o u r t e s y of W i sco n s i n DN R
Dan Folz, with the sunglasses, and a colleague net
me if I could get him a nice big buck—that his family loved venison but he didn’t have the time to hunt. When I said I couldn’t, well, he read me the riot act and called me some pretty nasty names.” Then the phone rang. A woman was on the line that Conradt knew. “She asked if I knew of anyone in the bar who might be interested in a nice 12-point buck. I asked how much she wanted, and she told me. I told John.” He added, “You see, I was falling for it— hook, line and sinker. I…took John out to see the 58 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
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Gor d o n P A g e l
a sturgeon from the Wolf River along County Highway X in 1964. 46 years later, Dan Folz still volunteers his time to help with the tagging of Wolf River Country’s sturgeon. In this photo, taken this spring at Bamboo Bend, he is on the far left in the blue baseball cap recording data.
Times Have Changed
Today, the Conradts have four sons and two daughters. “As far as I know, not one of our children have ever violated,” Conradt admitted. Conradt also has changed his ways, to become a champion of support for conservation. While it was once known as the home of poachers, the village of Shiocton is now known as the place “where nature begins.” Conradt is one of the founders and currently the president of Shadows on the Wolf, an organization dedicated to supporting the area’s natural environment and the improvement of it through the presentation of conservation-type scholarships, boat landings and other improvements, habitat work, highway cleanup and more. The group’s main focus is to educate area youth about wildlife and the importance of maintaining a healthy habitat. To date, Shadows on the Wolf banquets have netted about $685,000 for a variety of programs that benefit the Wolf River Country region. Conradt said he also supports seven other local fund-raising banquets. Retired six years from supervising asphalt road construction, Conradt still enjoys fishing for walleye,
Gor d o n P A g e l
buck. He offered to buy some beer, to celebrate allowing the way. That’s illegal, too.” At the woman’s home, John tried to give Conradt the money and have him pay. “I told him it’s his deer—he should go pay for it. I did not touch that buck.” But Conradt later received three summonses—two for selling the walleye and one for offering to sell the venison. Each charge carried a $125 fine and 10 days in jail. In spite of his attorney’s plea of entrapment, the judge found Conradt guilty on the first charge. The district attorney offered him a chance to plead guilty, pay the $375 total fines and only served 10 of the 30 days. Conradt took the deal, much to his father’s disappointment. While Conradt had run with a gang with a reputation, he noted, “I never did shoot a deer just to see it die. I never went out and tried to catch 100 walleye. Most of the stuff we did was small-time stuff. I think because I had the tavern, they figured I was a ringleader.” Conradt worked in Hurley at the time, and he only served a few days of his sentence under the Hubert Law, and the aid of a sympathetic sheriff. Just decades ago, men like Conradt — and even lawabiding citizens — sometimes were confronted by a very different kind of DNR personnel from today’s wardens. According to Conradt, one game warden who had worked the area was considered by some to be mentally unfit; and some men had to restrained from violence against him.
Dan Folz, he’s the tall one, and Denny Conradt are products of their environment. While Folz was collecting data to help create bag limits and other regulations, Conradt was compiling his own data and on occasion, using it to break those regulations. Love and respect for the river though has seen their lives come together in common efforts to preserve the river and a life style they both cherish.
particularly the challenge of finding the right bait for the river’s ever-changing temperatures and levels. He also finds time to construct picture frames of barn
“I never did shoot a deer just to see it die. I never went out and tried to catch 100 walleye.”
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wood, travel in the Southwest U.S. with his wife, tend to his flowerbeds and stay active in his community. Maybe it’s not quite the same excitement as the good old days, but it’s very good for Conradt, his family, the outdoors and the future of our Wolf River country. Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Hahn-a-Lula’s history full
family, fun and frivolity
An S h a r o n
V a n
R y z i n
raphs p rovide
d by Cli ff and J udy Hah n
B y
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he green and white road sign, announcing the burg’s location, has disappeared, but the spirit of Orihula is still right there, along a stretch of the Wolf River that runs from just south of Fremont to Lake Poygan. This corner of Winnebago County was already a hub of social activity even before Wisconsin became a state. Native Americans once camped where families now spend summer vacations. Loggers on their way down river raised a ruckus, and legendary 1940s big bands played one-night-stands. And it’s also where, for the past 50 years, Cliff and Judy Hahn have entertained locals and tourists, at Hahn-A-Lula Resort and Ballroom on South Wolf River Road.
Origins of Orihula
The Orihula story began when Andrew Merton left his Sheboygan County home in 1849 and set off to seek his fortune in the northern wilderness. As autumn approached, he found a speck of land he liked along a little bend in the Wolf River, a place the Menominee Indians called Orihula. He built a crude shanty on the spot that became known as Merton’s Landing, just a stone’s throw from the present Hahn-A-Lula boat dock. An empty building, most recently occupied by the Secrets of Orihula restaurant and bar, stands across the road from his original homestead. When he landed, Merton was the only white man among the Menominee and the Winnebago. He married Agnes, a Menominee woman, Hahn-a-Lula Resort has always been a popular stop for snowmobilers. A wedding party arriving on a hay wagon! The Orihula Ballroom was the place to kick up your heels on a Saturday night. Bryan and Chris Hahn with the milkhouse and barn in the background. Cliff working hard behind the bar. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
The annual Fireman’s Chicken Barbeque. The photo was dated August 1962.
and together they built a trading post that was soon frequented by local farmers, passing steamboat travelers and logging crews—a rough bunch known for their hard drinking and fighting—on their way down the Wolf River to the mills in Oshkosh. Merton was granted the first official liquor license in the Town of Orihula in 1870. Over nearly a century and a half, a succession of owners transformed the simple trading post tavern into an entertainment hot spot. In 1915, Alma and Magnus Bartel operated a general store and tavern there. “That original store still exists under the years of renovations that have been done on the Secrets of Orihula building,” said local historian Iva (Hahn) Fischer, Cliff Hahn’s sister. The Bartels built a dance hall on an adjacent parcel of land, and for many decades no matter who owned it, the Orihula Ballroom was the place for generations of hardworking farmers to kick up their heels on a Saturday night. All the local newlyweds held their receptions at the Orihula, and everybody came to dance, whether they were invited or not. “Wedding dances were different then,” Fischer said. “Anybody could go. If you weren’t
invited to the wedding, you had to pay a quarter or 50 cents to get in, and then the wedding couple got the money.” Couples kicked their shoes off and cut a rug to polkas, waltzes and schottische dance music played by popular traveling bands of the era. Lawrence Duchow and the Red Raven Orchestra were always a hit, as were Cousin Fuzzy and His Cousins and Dick Metko and His Boys. Jimmy Dorsey and Benny Goodman brought their big band orchestras to Orihula in the 1940s, but it was Jan Garber, WGN Radio’s Idol of the Air Lanes, who really shook things up. “The nights when Jan Garber played, there was standing room only,” Fischer said. “There was no room to dance,” her husband, Bill, agreed. “Everybody just stood in awe, because it was a big, famous band.” In the early 1950s, the ballroom was also an inexpensive hangout for area teens, including Cliff and Judy Hahn and the Fischers. “We were good dancers,” Cliff said. “We had a lot of good times.” “In those days, they had a beer bar and a whiskey bar,” according to lifelong Orihula resident Leon Maierhafer. “When you were continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
18, you could drink beer. One night, I drank 21 shorty bottles. Someone was counting. They were 15 cents apiece or seven for a dollar. So I spent three bucks on beer. That was a day’s wages for me.” “When we were in high school, even before we were 18, we’d come to the teenage bar,” Cliff added. “If you could see over the bar, you’d get served. They weren’t strict in those days.” Cliff was only 21 and Judy was 19, newly married with a baby son and another on the way, when they partnered with Cliff’s brother, Ken, and his wife, Barb, to buy the Orihula
Ballroom in 1961. “Our dad wasn’t too happy with us,” Cliff said, “but we thought we knew what we were doing.” He’d had experience as a bartender in other local taverns, and Judy had helped out cooking and serving food at her parents’ hotel in Weyauwega, but it was still rough going at first. “We were lucky if we took in $50 on a Saturday night, and the light
bill was $300,” Judy said. In the beginning, running the ballroom was a weekend hobby. Dairy farming was their day job. “We milked 60 head of cows every day,” Judy said. The dance hall was a simple wooden building with a pavilion bar outside when the Hahns started their business venture. “Nobody complained about air conditioning,” Cliff said. “They’d dance ’til continued»
Cliff and Judy Hahn, featured in the June 29, 1973 edition of the Wolf River Pilot, which was published weekly by the New London Press. Now those were the days! All You Can Eat plus a salad bar for $1.85! This postcard shows the resort and the ballroom on the far right. When Jan Garber played Orihula in the 1950s, there was standing room only!
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Cliff and Judy Hahn
The “Rope” was a popular up-river sandbar destination on the Wolf River.
1855. Quite a few generations later, a visiting relative jokingly remarked that there were so many Hahns living in the area, it should be called Hahnville. “We put the name together with Orihula and came up with Hahn-ALula,” Judy said. Over the years, the Hahns have continually renovated the historic building, but the nearly century-old wooden dance floor is original. A section of the original whiskey bar also survives, but the pink plywood bar in the ballroom had to go. Upgrades happened a little bit at a time. “That first year, one big job was feeding the coal and wood furnaces all night,” Judy said, so new oil furnaces were a priority. The kitchen has seen a quite few remodeling jobs. When Judy began cooking there, there was no running water—just a refrigerator, a grill and a soda pop tank.
Sh a r o n Va n Ry z i n
they were sopping wet.” “There was no kitchen when we got in here,” Judy said. “There was just a grill, and we served hamburgers on Saturday nights.” Iva helped her brothers out during the dances. “Right before intermission, we’d start frying onions, so everybody would get hungry. Then we’d sell more hamburgers,” she said. The Hahns took a leap of faith in 1966 when they sold their cows and bought out Ken and Barb’s share of the business. “We saw the potential and thought we could make work,” Judy said. It was right about then that the Orihula Ballroom was rechristened Hahn-A-Lula, a whimsical moniker reflecting the family’s history and the Orihula mystique. Cliff’s greatgreat-grandfather Karl “Charles” Hahn settled on an Orihula farm in
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The Hahns have turned the old wooden ballroom into a modern banquet hall, restaurant and resort, but opportunities for good old-fashioned fun have never gone out of style. “The first years we were here, we had the Dorsey brothers, Buddy Morrill, Night Train and Jerry Lee Lewis when he was down and out,” Judy said. She was not impressed when Lewis resumed playing after a bit too much imbibing and fell off the piano stool. “He was full of Cabin Still whiskey,” Cliff recalled. “It was winter, and not many people showed up,” Bill Fischer said. “He expected a big crowd, and here he comes up to the hillbilly country, or whatever, and nobody came to see him. He thought he was a big shot, and he got pretty crabby when he didn’t have an audience.” Halloween costume dances were a hit in 1980s. One year, neighbor Miles LaFever dressed up in his grandfather’s Civil War officer uniform and rode his horse through the back door right into the ballroom. “The horse got on the dance floor, and it was so slippery that his shoes went out from under him, and down he went,” Cliff said. “It was lucky it didn’t break its legs. We had to drag the horse out. Miles had a big sword, too, and that was stuck in the dance floor.” By the 1990s, snowmobiling During the summer Cliff and Judy still enjoy their down-time by escaping to the river on their houseboat, Goof ‘n Around.
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became big on the Wolf River. One winter night, Cliff and Judy counted 500 snowmobiles in their parking lot. “The river was like a highway for snowmobiles,” Judy said. “It was like U.S. 41 in the wintertime,” Cliff added. “Years ago, spring fishing was a big time,” Judy said. “In the late 1960s and early ’70s, we didn’t have blacktop yet. There was a round driveway and the inside was lawn. That would be full of tents and small campers. I woke up one morning and my whole front yard was full of campers. It would be nothing to serve 200 breakfasts on Saturday morning. It would start before it got light. We’d be open at 5 o’clock in the morning already.” In the early days, Cliff worked day and night. He’d close the bar, clean up and reopen in the morning. Customers enjoyed his company so much they’d keep him up all hours of the night. His colorful stories and antics earned him the nickname “Goofy.” These days, he and Judy reward themselves with a few days off each week in the summer to cruise the Wolf River on their houseboat, appropriately dubbed Goof’n Around, where Cliff is the skipper and Judy is a lady of leisure. “I sit up on top, and read a book and watch the scenery,” she said. “I’m hoping when we retire we can do more of it and stay out longer.” Retirement is tempting, though, and they’re hoping to someday pass the Orihula legacy on to the next Hahn generation. In the meantime, they’re busy planning Hahn-A-Lula’s 50th anniversary party in August 2011. “We’ll have a big jam outside,” Cliff said. After five decades of hard work, side-by-side, day in and day out, they still enjoy each other’s company, along with the company of others looking for a good time at Hahn-A-Lula. “We worked our butts off, but it’s been fun, too,” Judy said. “We’ve been lucky.” w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
betwixt The land
Poy Sippi offers recreation and relaxation
By Amelia Wolff
two hills
H i s t o r i c a l p h o t o g r a p h s u s e d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n f r o m I m a g e s o f A m e r i c a : P o y S i p p i a n d E a s t e r n W a u s h a r a C o u n t y b y K i m J . H e lt e m e s
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arry Albright came roaring up from his barn on a mud splattered four wheeler. It’s soon obvious that he is as mud covered as his vehicle, having been out wrangling bulls since morning. “You’ll have to excuse my appearance and my smell,” he joked as he took off his boots for the night. Albright has been the Town of Poy Sippi chairman for the past 25 years and his wife, Sue, has been the town clerk for the past 35. Between the two of them, they can easily rattle off every business in Poy Sippi. Starting at the south end of the village you’ll find Bill’s Tire and Car Wash. Next door is 1st National Bank and the BP gas station. Around the corner is Timm’s Hair Salon. Back on Main Street is Madell’s Lanes bowling alley and The Bluff Bar and Grille. Then there is Auto Center Plus, Pine Oil, 49 Meats and Groceries and an antique shop. Across the street are K and K Reflections Café and the Country Rose Shops. “It’s a nice, safe, clean, laid back little community,” said Larry Albright, who also heads the Mel Albright Polka Band. “We don’t have fast food joints or the amenities of a big city, but maybe there are a lot of people who don’t want that either.” About 974 people to be exact. For the inhabitants of Poy Sippi, life in a small town provides its own perks. “When people go out to get their mail, they [pick up] their neighbors’ or an older lady’s mail too. It’s nothing they have to do, but it helps everybody out,” said Sue Albright, who also serves on the town library board and is a cook at Poy Sippi Elementary School. “Everybody watches out for everybody.”
Early Days
On some mornings, usually in early fall as the trees begin to turn blaze orange, fog hangs lazily around the hills flanking Poy Sippi, and it’s easy to see why the town’s early settlers from Vermont felt an affinity with the area. “The first Vermont settlers liked the area because it reminded them of their home with the rolling hills and background,” said Kim Heltemes, author of Poy Sippi and Eastern Waushara County, among other titles belonging to the Images of America series. According to Heltemes, the name “Poy Sippi” comes from the modified Menominee Indian name “Poy Sip.” “Poy” comes from Lake Poygan’s name and “Sip” comes from the Pine River which terminates in Lake Poygan. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
g o r d o n pa g e l
At its inception, Poy Sippi was a town literally powered by the water surrounding it. George Hawley, commonly referred to as the “Father of Poy Sippi,” established the first water-powered sawmill on the north side of the Pine River in 1852. In 1870, Hawley built a feed and gristmill on the south side of the river. These mills were Poy Sippi’s first industries and largely credited for the town’s early growth and development. The research Heltemes conducted for his book yielded numerous interesting tidbits about the town’s history and its people. The building on Main Street which currently houses Country Rose Shops originally came from the neighboring town of Tustin. “One guy who helped move the store crawled all the way on his hands and knees,” Heltemes said. “He was setting the rollers so they could roll the store on logs. It was about 7 miles.” Heltemes has been continually impressed with the tenacity of Poy Sippi’s founding fathers, and that’s a trait that seems to have been passed on to present generations. continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
“There are a lot of hardworking people here,” Heltemes said. “They come [into the diner] in their work clothes, and that’s just the way it is.”
Life in Poy Sippi is quiet, uncomplicated and surrounded by pristine natural environment just begging to be explored. Between the Pine River, Lake Poygan and Poygan Wildlife Area situated in Poy Sippi’s backyard, the town offers nature enthusiasts multiple opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. The Poygan Wildlife Area offers more than 3,600 acres of open marsh and bottomland timber for hunting, hiking and canoeing. Hunting possibilities include deer, coyote, waterfowl and other small game. Wildlife viewing is a popular pastime with excellent year-round bird watching opportunities due to the large and diverse habitat. Hikers can take a break for berry and mushroom picking, which is abundant throughout the area. Come winter, Poy Sippi becomes a mecca for snowmobilers. “Poy Sippi is the main outlet for a gas station in the area,” said Jeff Manske, who oversees secretarial work and treasury for the Poy Sippi Hillclimbers snowmobile club. “Our trails get hit pretty good.” The snowmobile trails in and around Poy Sippi offer snowmobilers exciting challenges as well as rewards. “Poy Sippi has big hills. It’s a big climb going up. It’s kind of unique,” said Nathan Lind, president of the Poy Sippi Hillclimbers. “Everybody else’s trails connect to ours. They come out our way for gas and to eat. We are kind of a key area here.” Nature lovers can refuel at The Bluff Bar and Grille, which offers several weekly specials. Stop in on Taco Tuesday or for all you can eat chicken wings on Thursday. Of course, don’t forget the fish fry on Friday. Don’t be surprised if temptation strikes, and you can’t resist hitting the trails for round two after you’ve already called it a day. “It’s a small community, but I tell you what, you can sure go anywhere you want on a snowmobile,” Manske said.
Community Pride
Poy Sippi’s Main Street may not be Fifth Avenue, but it certainly has the undeniable charm of a small community run by and for the people. “I love what I do,” said Mary Schapekahm, owner of Country Rose Shops for the past 16 years. “Poy Sippi is a nice, quiet village 72 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
John Boyson Sr., who passed the Boyson Store on to his son Grant. When Grant decided to move the building from Tustin to Poy Sippi, it was known as the Lake Poygan Café. The original building still stands near the top of the hill in Poy Sippi and houses the Country Rose Shops. Movers and Shakers. The crew that got it done!
to live in…peaceful, but definitely not boring.” Visitors to the Country Rose Shops can sample organic body lotions, taste homemade fudge made by Schapekahm’s daughter or even meet Mimi, Schapekahm’s eight-year-old Shih Tzu. “She follows me everywhere,” Schapekahm said. w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
g o r d o n pa g e l
Natural Attraction
Quick Pick: Poy Sippi Population: 974 The only Web site available is the one for the Poy Sippi Public Library, www.poysippilibrary.org.
send to a relative or friend detailing the fun they’re having in Poy Sippi. Heltemes has come across several Poy Sippi postcards while conducting research for his books. He purchased one on eBay— written on by a man who refers to himself simply as “Woody” and sent to Marilyn Miller in Connersville, Ind. The front of the postcard reveals a Queen For 50 Years. Joanne Brinkman was the centennial celebration queen in 1953. This picturesque nature scene; a body of water photo was taken in 2003, when she was the sesquicentennial queen. surrounded by giant pines reflects the setting sun. Underneath the drawing are the When the weather is right, visitors can grab an ice cream cone words “Greetings from Poy Sippi, WI.” from Pink Penguin Ice Cream Parlor in Country Rose Shops and On the back, written in faded, but legible, script, is a brief but take a seat on the wrought-iron furniture out on the sidewalk. telling message—a message sent 73 years ago, but one still being “We get a lot of outsiders at the store, but everyone is very experienced today by locals and visitors alike. supportive,” Schapekahm said. “People come back again and again.” “Greetings. Have a bad sunburn, but still having fun fishing, If the mood should strike, visitors can purchase a postcard to swimming and boating.”
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Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
R e s ta u r a n t
S p o t l i gh t s
“I’m kind of fussy,” said owner Greg Kalbus. “If I don’t think it looks good enough to eat, why would I send it out and ask a customer to eat it?”
sports bar, not a Sunday or whatever day the Packers play on can go by without a proper tailgate party being thrown. And there’s always free food, including Greg’s “roast moose” barbeque sandwiches. “It’s become a good party,” said Kalbus, “and it has gotten to the point where some of the regulars will bring a dish or a dessert of their own to pass.” Hunter’s has a nice sandwich menu, too, and everything on the menu except the All You Can Eat specials are available to go.
RED BANKS RESORT pages/Readfield-WI/Hunters-SportsBar/108702242510348 WHEN? Open 7 days a week, 11 a.m. to close. Grill open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sally, Cheri and Heather. From the wait staff to the dishwasher, everyone at Hunter’s seems to genuinely enjoy their job. The end result is a dining experience that will have you coming back for more.
HUNTER’S SPORTS BAR Your Host Greg Kalbus and family Where? E9102 State Road 96 (County Road W and 96), Readfield, (920) 667-4980; www.facebook.com/
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Why Go? Friday night fish fries and Packers tailgate parties If you’re looking for a traditional Friday night fish fry, Hunter’s fills the bill! Yes, it’s a sports bar, but it’s a family friendly atmosphere and easy on the family budget, too. They start serving at 4:30 p.m. and the All You Can Eat pollock for $8.50 (three pieces for $6) is a favorite. All the Friday specials come with coleslaw, rye bread and your choice of seven different potatoes. I recommend the sour cream and chive French fries or the loaded mashed potatoes. If you are trying to avoid fried foods, both the scallops and haddock are available baked. Other specials include walleye, perch, bluegill, shrimp and a seafood platter for $12.50. And of course, because they’re a
Your HostS Bob and Rita Caryl Where? E7321 Red Banks Rd., Fremont, (920) 446-2933; www.redbanks.net Where? Open 7 days a week, 6 a.m. to close (Grill open until 9 p.m.; pizzas only after 9 p.m.) Closed for the season after October 31. Why Go? The fishing—and then their hand-patted, half-pound continued»
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
ROAD TRIP! continued
Whose name will be engraved on the coveted traveling trophy at the conclusion of the Red Banks Resort 5th Annual Chili Cook-Off?
burgers and annual chili cook-off. I know I’m supposed to spotlight restaurants in this column, but it’s hard to ignore the fantastic fishing ushered in by the cooler temperatures of fall. And besides, if good food excites you, then good food along with some incredible fall fishing should put you into a near frenzy. That’s what you get at Red Banks Resort. Fall is the right time to book a trip with Captain Bob Caryl. Getting out early isn’t a priority, so plan on breakfast at the resort first, which is served until 11 a.m. Bob may even be your short-order cook. You can hit the water by 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. and still have plenty of time to chase walleye, white bass and crappie. A half day will give you plenty of time to learn where and how to find hungry fall, Wolf River Country fish and get you back to the resort in time for lunch and a thick, juicy, half-pound burger. Saturday, Oct. 9, is Red Bank’s annual chili cook-off from noon until … whenever. If you happen to be on the river, it would be a good day to catch lunch at Red Banks. There are usually close to a dozen entries, and you only have to be hungry to qualify as a judge. Patrons voting for their favorite chili determine the winner. The winner takes home the traveling trophy and bragging rights for a year. You go home satisfied!
Dennis and Barb Biggar have managed to create a casual, yet elegant, dining experience worthy of a road trip.
BIGGAR’S SUPPER CLUB Your Hosts Dennis and Barb Biggar and family Where? 204 West Main St., Winneconne, (920) 582-4422 WHEN Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday – 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Closed Monday and Tuesday Why Go? The tavern style Friday night fish fry, featuring an original recipe seafood bisque. And don’t forget the stuffed tenderloin. The seafood bisque and the French onion soup recipes have been handed
76 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Cedar plank grilled salmon with raspberry chipotle sauce.
down from previous owners of the restaurant, but the batter recipe for the tavern style fish fry is a creation of chef
Jeremy Hollis. The batter makes the fish fry a sure bet to please the palate. And the stuffed tenderloin, well,
it’s stuffed— sautéed onions, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese and a hint of bacon all stuffed into a prime cut of tenderloin. You should be calling to make your reservations now. But if that’s not enough, there are always the nightly specials. Some are proven culinary successes and appear regularly on the special board. Others are more recent creations trying to work their way into the rotation.
Steve & Lynn’s Carryouts 920-446-2414 The Best Kept Secret on Lake Poygan!
I n D o w n t o w n Tu s t i n
• Friday Night Seafood Platter • T-Bone Steak • Baked Parmesan Grouper
• Open 11am – Close • Kitchen Closes at 9pm (Fridays 10pm) • Closed Tuesday
• Homemade Soups!
Located on County Road H in Tustin.
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
The Recipe Box By Elizabeth Aaron
Making the most of veggies a’plenty Zucchini Bread
Personally think a garden’s
bounty can be a little overwhelming as summer comes to an end. As if it’s not enough for tomatoes to line all the windowsills and cucumbers to clutter the countertops, suddenly squash just takes over the remainder of the kitchen! What was just “Oh, one more hill” at planting time becomes a squash factory by fall. Squash was always that way. When I was growing up in the 1950s, we had a large garden to help feed our large family. Much of what the garden produced was eaten right away or “put up” into canning jars; rainbows of winter fare to be stored in the basement fruit cellar. But squash didn’t can well—too mushy—and there’s only so much one family, even a large one, cares to eat. Squash seemed always in surplus in September. Never one to throw away good produce, however, if my mother couldn’t give it away, she found ways to repurpose it. After we’d eaten sautéed, batter fried, baked and raw squash on vegetable trays, she’d begin putting it into foods that could be frozen and eaten later. Imagine our surprise when we were served zucchini bread on Thanksgiving and were told that the main ingredient was none other than our own garden’s offering. Or consider how it felt to walk into a warm, fragrant kitchen on a cold winter evening and learn that that great smell was from the baking dish filled with—you got it—yellow squash casserole made from last summer’s bounty. When my mother died, I inherited her recipes. When I read them now, they take me back to my childhood, to family dinners where ending a day included lots of food and lively conversation. They also give me still-practical ways to be creative with abundances of garden produce. So, here are two of my mother’s favorite ways to use the extra squash that’s taking over your kitchen right now. Both of these recipes can be frozen after they’re baked, then thawed and reheated for a summer treat in the middle of winter. As usual, I’m including a dessert recipe—also one of my mother’s old favorites. We had an apple tree in our backyard and there’s only so much applesauce a person can “put up” after all… Yum, squash casserole and Apple Pandowdy! Happy Cooking, Elizabeth
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
1-1/2 cup sugar 3 cups flour nola oil 1 cup corn or ca zucchini 1 tsp. salt ted 2 cups raw gra da so g kin ba . sp 1 t 2 tsp. vanilla wder 1/4 tsp. baking po walnuts 1 cup chopped n mo na cin . sp 1 t mon. 3 eggs g powder and cinna baking soda, bakin Add dry a. nill va d Combine flour, salt, an i hin cc Stir in sugar, oil, zu pans. Beat eggs until light. two greased bread the nuts. Pour into n the ingredients and e hour. Bake at 350º for on
Yellow Squash Cass erole
1/2 stick butter 1 small onion 3-4 medium squash 1/2 cup evaporated mil k
1/2 package saltine cra ckers 1 egg 1 cup grated cheddar or Colby cheese
Melt butter in microwava ble casserole dish. Wa sh and slice squash and onion and add to butter. Microwave for eight minutes on high or unt il just tender. Add evapo rated milk and egg. Crumble in saltine s. Top with grated che ese and bake at 350º for 30 minutes.
Apple Pandowdy 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 2 cups flour
2 cups milk 1 cup melted butter
4 cups apples, pared and sliced
a add the milk to make flour and gradually the butter. of me so Mix sugar, salt and h wit n pa se a 9-by-13-inch smooth batter. Grea batter. Mix and pour tter and apples to the bu ing rve with whipped Add the remain . 30 to 45 minutes Se for 0º 35 at ke Ba n. into pa cream.
Elizabeth Aaron is married, has two grown kids and two grandkids. She lives and works in Appleton. She loves her dog and sewing and knitting, and, of course, cooking. Please share your recipes (original only, not taken from a published cookbook) and related stories and we may use them in an upcoming issue. Email to recipes@wolfrivercountry.com or mail to WRC Recipes, 422 E. Frances St. Appleton, WI 54911. Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
Dire c to ry
» Blue Top Resort & Campground 1460 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-3343 www.bluetopresort.com » Cabin on the Creek 7854 County Road H, 920-268-2818 www.cabinonthecreekwi.com » Cabin on the Wolf N212 County Road H, 920-446-3803 www.cabinonthewolf.com » Chico’s Landing (Waterfront Cabin Rentals) 8794 Wolf River Road, 920-446-3345 » Gala Resort & Campground 9692 County Road H, 920-446-3222 www.galaresort.com » Hahn-A-Lula Resort & Campground 8861 S. Wolf River Rd., 920-446-3245 www.hahnalula.com » Harrison’s Cozy Red Cottages 500 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-3677 » Historic Hotel Fremont 218 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-2402 www.thehotelfremont.com » Larry & Jan’s Resort 209 Doty St., 920-446-3161 www.fremont-wi.com » Pine Grove Resort E7426 County Road H, 920-446-3295 www.pinegrovefremont.com » Red Banks Motel E7331 Red Banks Road, County H North, 920-446-2911 » Red Banks Resort & Campground E7321 Red Banks Road, 920-446-2933 www.redbanks.net » Wolf Ridge Cottages 522 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-3167 www.wolfridgecottages.com
& Campground, 306 North St. 920-446-3116, www.wolfriverguide.com » Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp Resort, E6506 Hwy. 110, 920-446-3420 www.fremontjellystone.com
New London Area » America’s Best Value Inn
1409 N. Shawano St., 920-982-5820 www.bvinewlondon.com » AmericInn Lodge & Suites 1404 N. Shawano St., 920-982-5700 www.americinn-newlondon.com » Antiques With Inn 1776 Division St., 920-982-4366 www.antiqueswithinn.com » The Freeman House Bed and Breakfast, 312 W. Cook St., 920-585-8535, www.thefreemanhouse.net » Huckleberry Acres Campground E9005 Huckleberry Road, 920-982-4628, www.hikercentral.com/ campgrounds/113487.html
» Rainbow Motel, 1140 N. Shawano St., 920-982-4550 www.rainbowmotelnl.com » Wolf River Trips and Campground E8041 County Trunk X, 920-982-2458 www.wolfrivertrips.com » Wolf River Getaway (vacation home rentals), E9256 County Road X 920-982-0707 www.wolfrivergetaway.com
Shiocton Area
» River’s Edge Camping Resort W7615 County Road F, 715-725-3344 » Rustic Wolf Inn, N5619 River St., 920-986-1300, www.rusticwolfinn.com
Winneconne Area » Lang’s Landing, 111 N. First St., 920-582-7501, www.langslanding.com » Wolf River House Resorts 17 N. First Ave., 920-582-4555 www.wolfriverresorts.com
G o rd o n Page l
» Wolf River Outfitters Resort
Resort and Lodging Guide Fremont Area
Cabin On The Creek offers unique, year ‘round lodging in a fully furnished log cabin.
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w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
» Country Inn Supper Club & Motel 7273 Cty. Rd. II, Larsen. 920-836-3153 www.countryinnontheratriver.com Boat and Motor Rentals
Restaurant Guide Fremont/ Weyauwega Area » Anglers Bait Shop, Bar & Grill
N700 County Road H, 920-446-2442
» Channel Cats
204 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-2200 www.channelcatsbar.com » CD’s Westside Bar & Restaurant E6659 County Road U, 920-446-3353 » Drew’s Tavern, 7703 County Road II 920-836-2297 » Gala Resort & Campground 9692 County Road H, 920-446-3222 www.galaresort.com
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
» Gills Landing Saloon and Tube Trips
» Knot Anchor Inn
E 6870 County Road F, Weyauwega 920-867-2844, www.gillslanding.com » Guth’s Bar and Grill E7294 Guth Road, Weyauwega 920-867-2877, www.guthsresort.com » Hahn-A-Lula Resort & Campground 8861 S. Wolf River Road 920-446-3245 www.hahnalula.com » Here N There 9686 County Road HH, 920-446-3414 » Historic Hotel Fremont 218 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-2402 www.thehotelfremont.com » Hitching Post Bar & Grill E5646 Lakeshore Dr., Weyauwega 920-867-3666 » Hunter’s Sports Bar E9102 State Road 96, 920-667-4980
W230 County Road H, 920-446-2414 » Log Cabin Tavern 223 Wolf River Dr., 920-446-3606 » Ted’s Grandview Supper Club 710 Wolf River Dr., 800-924-0197 www.tedsgrandview.com » The Coffee Klatsch, 125 E. Main St., Weyauwega, 920-867-2980 www.coffeeklatsch.com » Triangle Farm Campground, 9312 Riverview Drive, 920-446-3707 » Wally’s Still, 9693 US 96 920-779-4010 » Wega Drive-In, 417 W. Main St., Weyauwega, 920-867-4929 » Weyauwega Dairy Bar 316 N. Mill St., Weyauwega, 920-867-4500 continued» Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
G o rd o n Page l
Dire c to ry
New London Area » Beacon Street Deli
422 E. Beacon Ave., 920-982-6446
» Bean City Bar and Grill
N2505 Bean City Rd., 920-982-1500 » Bree’s Inn, 323 S. Pearl St. 920-982-7511 » Bucky’s Restaurant 815 N. Shawano St., 20-982-3840 » Bulldog’s Bar & Grill 2104 N. Shawano Rd., 920-982-4469 » C & R Waterfront Bar & Grill 408 W. North Water St. 920-982-6550 » Club 123, 309 S. Pearl St. 920-982-7411 » Copper Shot 318 W. North Water St. 920-982-4064
82 | Wolf River country • Fa l l
» Corner Café, 203 N. Shawano St. 920-982-3979 » Crystal Falls, 1500 Handschke Dr. 920-982-0627 » Easy Street Bar 519 W. North Water St., 920-982-7999 » Familiar Grounds 206 N. Pearl St., 920-982-4332 www.familiargrounds.net » The Firehouse Restaurant 300 S. Pearl St., 920-982-7909 » Half-Nelson’s 1601 N. Shawano Rd. 920-982-1600 www.halfnelsons.com » Highway Hop Diner 1821 Mill St., 920-982-3463 »Hong Kong Buffet 310 Wolf River Plaza, 920-982-9899 » John’s Bar, 211 S. Pearl St. 920-982-9985 » Jolly Roger’s Pizzeria 220 W. North Water St., 920-982-2333
» Log Cabin E8557 Highway 54, 920-982-6499 » Main Street Pub 306 W. North Water St., 920-982-3255 » Marly’s Restaurant 520 S. Pearl St., 920-982-5390 » New London Family Diner 400 N. Shawano St., 920-982-9060 » New London Lanes 106 E. Wolf River Ave., 920-982-4982 » Pantry Restaurant 317 S. Pearl St., 920-982-6439 » Phil’s Still (Club 54) E8565 Highway 54, 920-982-0721 » Pine Tree Supper Club E8095 Highway 54, 920-982-5738 » Pup’s Irish Pub E8558 Highway 54, 920-982-3891 » Red Rooster Café W9718 U.S. Hwy. 96, Dale, 920-779-4664
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
» Shamrock Heights Golf and Supper Club N5525 Old Highway 45, 920-982-9993 www.newlondongolf.com » Sugar Bush Inn W10875 Cty. Tk. WW, 715-752-3129 www.sugarbushinn.net » The Waters Supper Club & Lounge 815 W. Wolf River Ave., 920-982-7960 » VFW Club House (Friday Fish Fry) 305 E. Beckert Rd., 920-982-9971
Hortonville Area » Charlie’s Drive-In
806 W. Main St., 920-779-6753 www.chariesdrivein.com » Damn Yankees Watering Hole County Road M, North of Hortonville, 920-779-4902
Shiocton Area
» Other Place
» Century Elm Supper Club 8300 City Rd. T, Larsen, 920-836-2022 » Country Inn Supper Club & Motel 7273 Cty. Rd. II, Larsen 920-836-3153 www.countryinnontheratriver.com » Fin ‘n’ Feather, 22 W. Main St. 920-582-4305 www.fin-n-feathershowboats.com » Haase’s Supper Club 9497 County Trunk D, 920-685-2721 » Jackie’s Parkside Restaurant 630 West Main Street, 920-582-7755 » Jake’s Pizza 115 W. Main St., 920-582-9222 » Kelly’s Kitchen, 5298 Cty. Rd. II, Winchester. 920-836-3341
21 W. Main St., 920-582-7775 » Tilly’s Too Tavern 5071 Washington St., Butte des Morts, 920-582-7626 » Tiny’s Sports Bar 111W. Main St., 920-582-9962 » Viking Super Club 6661 Brecklin Loop, Larsen 920-836-3220 » Village Pub Bar & Grill 235 W. Main St., 920-582-0155 » Woodeye’s Bar & Grill 700 W. Main St., 920-582-4877 www.woodeyesbarandgrill.com » Well Drive-In 705 E. Main St., 920-582-7292 » White House Inn, 5776 Main St., Butte des Morts, 920-582-7211
» Hometown Café
W7711 State Hwy. 54, 920-986-9100
» Ken’s Riverside (Friday Fish Fry) N5645 Mill St., 920-986-3316
» Mike & Sonja’s Bar
N5578 Highway 76, 920-986-3881
» Muddy Waters N5629 Highway 76, 920-986-3390
» River Rail, N5547 Highway 76, 920-986-3222 www.foodspot.com/riverrail » The Landing, W7615 Cty. Rd. F, Leeman, 715-752-4121 » Wilson’s T & T Lanes W7611 Highway 54, 920-986-9131
Winneconne Area » Arrowhead Restaurant
108 W. Main St., 920-582-4258
» Biggar’s Supper Club
204 W. Main St., 920-582-4422 www.winneconne.org/biggars » Butte des Morts Supper Club 5756 Main St., Butte des Morts 920-582-0665 w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
Fa l l 2010 • Wolf River country |
road house ( rōd- haus) •
According to most dictionary definitions, a roadhouse is a restaurant or bar on a main road in the countryside. But it wasn’t meant to be taken quite so literally as depicted in this vintage photo. What a difference a century makes. It may not look like much here, but this building—originally the Lake Poygan Café —has enjoyed a historic past in the Wolf River Region first residing in Tustin and then moving west about seven miles to Poy Sippi. After Grant Boyson’s general store in Poy Sippi burned down in 1931, he moved the building (which previously housed a café owned by his father, John) to that site. A team of men rolled dollies on planks and used teams of horses to complete the grueling move— they’re shown here traversing the building across Pony Creek. It was no easy trip—one of the men, Paul Swanke, supposedly made the five-mile trip on his knees, repositioning the planks for the entire distance. This turn-of-the-century building now houses the Country Rose Shops. – Sharon Verbeten
84 | Wol f R i v er cou n t ry • Fa l l
w w w.w o l f r i v e r c o u n t r y.c o m
u s e d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n f r o m I m a g e s o f A m e r i c a : P o y S i p p i a n d E a s t e r n W a u s h a r a C o u n t y b y K i m J . H e lt e m e s
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