Manual Leica 1928 Model

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= Direclionsfor using lhe
















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\0ashinglon Dislricl: Paul L. Brand, Inveslmenl BIdg., \Uoshington, D. C. Philipine Islands: Bolica de Sanla Cruz, Monila, P. l. Cuba: Anliga & Co., Havana, Cuba.



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fruurnrntummunnmmnnmmnnuunnmuummmnmmnnumu July 1928/3000. List: Photo 2237a.


_:_ _' _ -Lelco Lamera (I

(Palenled in Germany)

for taking single pictures on a standard cinemalographfilm strip.


t V

Fig. 1 Ulzact. size).

The exlernal appearance of lhe 'Leica' camera is shown in Figs. t and 2. Turn down lhe upper narrow side of the camera and open lhe cameta lid n (Fig. t ) by lurning lhe lid swivel o (Figs.1 and 3) from 'closed' to 'open' as far as il will go and Iift the lid a little al this end. The lid pin p at lhe olher end rvill then easily unhook.

The interior of lhe camera will lhen presenllhe appearance shown in Fig. a. Now wilhdraw by the knurled knob the film dramber e uhder lhe reversing milled head d (Fig. 1) and likewise lhe winding spool m under lhe advancing milled head g

(Fis.t ).

qh Fig. 2 (t/2 acl. size). The film chamber c (Fig. 6l has a cylindrical shape and is made in lhree parls, viz. lhe ouler shell e1,lhe inner shell c2 and lhe film spool e3. Wilh the index finger of lhe left hand disengage lhe onter shell spring e5. It will fhen be an easy maller lo withdraw lhe inner shell ez and from lhe lalter lhe film spool d.

Fis. 5. The film chamber should be loaded in lhe dark room, unless use is made of the daylight spool menlioned below. The camera is designed for perforatedstandard cinematograph

films. Each film chamber accommodates a film slrip about 5 ft. long, which suffices for 36 pictures measuring 36 X 24 mm. Ill lz X I inctr). Ii will, however, iake strips of any shorter n(



lig.4rlz [ac]. size). length. The film end intended to go inlo ihe chamber spool should be cut in lhe manner indicaled in Fig. 6, i. e. to a shorl taper with a fronl end 3/r indr. wide. Then, with lhe coaled side inward, pass il lhrough the spring eLof lhe chamber spool (in lhe direclion of lhe arrow) and, letting il proiect '/r indr at most, double il over (Fig. 6). The olher end should be cul lo a laper al least 4 indres long, beginnig of the middle of lhe end of the sirip, but so thst the laper mdy not cul inlo any of lhe perforalions*r(Fig. 5). Now wind the slrip, introduce the loaded chamber spool, wiih the knurled knob leading, inlo lhe inner shell ez(Fig. ll and lhen pul in both logelher, wilh lhe knurled knob on lop, inlo lhe ouler shell st, so that the lwo slils in lhe lwo shells may correspond (Fig. S). The ouler shell spring d will then retain lhe inner shell by the noldr nol marked. The slit of lhe film chamber will now still be open. If now lhe knurled knob of lhe chamber spool be lurned a little way lo lhe left the free end of the film will move forward by ils own elasticily. Seize il and draw il out to lhe exlenl of aboul lrlz indres (Fig. 6). Now hold the film dramber ers shown in Fig. 9, release lhe ouler shell spring d with lhe index finger of lhe lefl hand and close lhe film dramber with lhe righl hand by giving lhe inner shell half a lurn backwards lo the lefl, unlil the spring e'" engages in lhe inner shell noldr marked Z. In lhis stale lhe drarged film chamber should be kepl, unlil reguired, in the card case supplied with it. Daylight Film Spool. The films are now also supplied in lhe form of daylighl film spools, ready cul lo laper and spooled, whidr renders the operalor independenl of lhe dark room. ') We supply r:ady cul films,if reguired.

These spools should be inlroduced inlo lhe film chamber (in subdued daylight) in lhe mannet described above (The empt-v chamber spool c3 is nalurally dispensed with in this case). While ihe two slils of the two shells are still in correspondence, the film chomber being accordingly open, delach lhe black paper strip and, together with the film end, pull it o-ulabout 11/einches. Then close ihe film chamber, as directed above and shown in Fig. 9, and complelely pull oul the black papet strip, resiraininq, aJfai as possible, lhe film. The black paper should be held close up lo lhe film chamber when il is being pulled out, as ofherwise il may lear off shorl and difficulty may be experienced in recovering lhe lorn edge still in lhe film ctramber. The film chamber may be iniroduced inlo lhe camera in subdued daylight. To beqin wilh, pull out from the chamber abouf 4 rnches of the tapered commencing end of fhe film and, with the coaled side out, clamp ii in the dire clion of lhe arrory g ml of lhe winding spool m (Fiq. l0), bul do nol i n l h e s p r i n-Note that the siraight edge of ihe film should be in wind il on. conlacl with the spool flange atladred lo lhe knurled knob. Otherwise lhe sprockels will noi regisler properlY ryith lhe perforaiions in the slrip and may damage ihe film, which in ils turn may cduse olher obslructions. The laper of four -inches should begin al the film chamber slil. The winding spool and the film ctrJmber togelher with the filr;i are lo be iniroduced iointly into lhe camera, tne film passing through lhe camera slit ra (Fig. 11). In fhe event of ihe film chamber, while being inserled, meeting wilh an obslruction before reaching ils posilion, give a slight lurn fo lhe reversing milled head d (Fig. 1), so ihal lhe chamber may slip into polition. The chamber fits lhe camera in one parlicular position only (see Figs. 4 and 5), and is not interctrangeablewilh the winding spool, which, moteovet' can be distinquished by its differenl form and nolably by it9 smaller knurled kn5b, so thal ihe lwo spools are not liable to be confused. thal lhe swivel o Vhen closing the camera (Fig. l2) nole 'open'' The peron lhe camera lid n should be set righl over lo forated proieclion on the cameta lid should be hooked over lhe lid should be shut down and the swivel o lid pin p. afier whictr the'closed', turning as far as il will go' locked'from 'open' lo This will cause lhe locking extension of lhe swivel to grip the inner shell pin e6and open lhe film chamber. The film w,ll ihen be guile free lo advance. Now move the small lever/ (Fig..2) from R to A. This engages lhe mechanism of lhe shuller. wind lhe advancing milleO tread g lwice and release the shuller button i fwice. This is reguired" in order to move forward the firsl useless portion of the iilm. The film slrip advances correcllY while winding when lhe reversing milled head d (Fig. 2) turns

direclion opposile to lhat of the arrow. Il is advisable lo turn lhe reversing milled head d back a lillle in lhe direction of lhe arrow until the film becomes sensibly lauf. 'fhe counling disc i silualed under lhe advancing milled head g can be rofaled independenlly of the latier with the aid of lhe irvo proiecting lugs. Turning ii lo the lefl, sel il so lhat ihe counling arrow A may read 0 (Fiq.2). Every fime lhaf the advancing milled head g is wound lhe counling disc advances aulomalically lhrough ohe interval. The focal plane shulter winds under cover by turning lhe advancing milled head .q (Fiq. 2) in lhe direclion of the arrow as far as it will go. At the same time lhe film advances by the width of a picture. The slit should be sef, while wound, with ihe aid of lhe speed bulton 6 (l'ig. 2). The laller has exposure numbers giving fraclions of a second (e. g. 20 - 1/eos€cold, Z for lime exposure). Pull lhe speed buflon up and then turn il unlil fhe required exposure numl,er is opposile to lhe speed arrow g, and allow lhe bulfon io spring back. Il is advisable lo accusto'm one's self to exposures of ,lzoIo 1/66secofld and lo regulale lhe intensily by means of fhe lens diaphragm. Shorl exposures, sudr ds r/zoo and 1/r,on second, are solely required for sporling pictures rn a good lighl, when nalurally the diaphragm should be opened to its full extenl. Time exposures should be made with a short wire release, which may be allached by a fixing clamp lo lhe camera above the shuller bullon i. \fhen the speed button b is sel ai Z, fhe focal plane shuller will remain open as long as ihe shulter butlon h or lhe wire release is being pressed down. A slandard screw socket is provided for using lhe camera on a sland The obieclive is a Leilz 'Elmar' Anasfigmat of a focal lenglh of 2 indres and a relative aperlure of F/5 5. Il is mounled in a lubular sockef, whidr can be easily wilhdrawn and locked by lurning lo lhe right. The diaphragm is operaled with ihe aid of lhe diaphragm lever s (Fiq. 1). The scale gives lhe relative aperlures of ihe obieclive. The ralios belween lhe limes of exposure and lhe full apertures are as follows: Relalive ape rfure: 5 5 4.5 6.3 9 12.5 16 Relalive lime of exposure: 1.6 2 4 E 16 32 The distance scale is sel by lurning lhe lens mounl wilh lhe aid of lhe focussinglever I (Fig. 1), the reading being faken with lhe index. The range of lhe rotalion is resiricled by fhc distance slop u. The focussing lever I is relained in lhe infinity posilion (co) by lhe infinily spring u, whidr prevenls ils acci-

denlal molion lrom its proper posiiion. The infinity spring should be depressed in ihe evenl of piclures being iaken at close ran(les, which may be as shorl as 3 feel. The depression of lhe spring releases ihe focussing lever, and lhe lens maY lhen be sel lo lhe dislance scale. The view finder a (Fig. 2) should be broughl up close lo lhe eye. The view wilhin fhe oblong frame should be in lhe middle of lhe circle of light so as lo ensure accurale agreemenl n,ith lhe film picture. The 'Fodis' short-range finder slides into the clamp / (Fig. 2) al lhe side of the view finder. It serves for guickly and accuralely delermining shorl distances. lt is only needed rvhen piclures are lo be laken al distances wilhin len Yards. The manner of using il is described in a separate pamphlet. The release of lhe shuller bullon fr (Fiq. 2) should be made slowly, the finger being sleadied as shown in ihe fronlispiece. The bulton should nol be released spasmodically, as ihis may cause lhe camera lo oscillale. Time exposuresshould be made wilh our wire release wilh fixing clamp. To wind bacln the film. When lhe enlire slrip has been exposed (which is indicaled by lhe advancing milled head g (Fig.2) refusing to move freely when an altempl is made lo lurn il) or when a parlly exposed strip is io be taken oul*), lhe film should be wound back from the winding spool m inlo the fitm chamber e (Figs. 4 and 5). To lhis end lhe lever / should be sel lo R (Fig. 2), whereby the shuiler medtanism becomes disengaged, so that lhe film is free lo lravel back. Now ho'd down-fhe press bulfon i and, while doing so, turn the reversing milled head d (Fiq. 2) in the direclion of the artow engraved on ils surface until further winding meels wilh a lillle resislanceConlinue lo wind against lhis resislance. During this stage of lhe molion lhe end of the film deladres itself from lhe winding spool spring m1. Cive the milled head d aboul five more lurns in order that the whole of lhe film may enter ihe film chamber. The film dtamber may now be removed in daylighi. 'open' (as far as il Turn lhe lid swivel o (l-ig. 5) to the left lo will go), open lhe cameta lid n and see lhal lhe ouler shell sprin-g s5 of lhe film dramber (Fiq. 4) engages accuralely wiih lhe inner shell noldr Z, afler which lhe film chamber maY be wilhdrawn. ') In lhe lotler case o piece of lhe film should be cul off, lhe [lcnglh iof whidr ofter len exposures would be l7 cm. o[ rvosle film at the slarl plus l0;X 5'7 cm., i. e. 54 cm. in all.

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in memorandum

Direclions recapitulaled


(To be carefully follorved.) When daylighi spools are used lhe direclions apply flom Fig. 7 onwaro5. Arrangemenl for iniroducing lhe film inlo the camera.







I'ig. 5. l. Wind film on chamber spool (in dark room).

ffi., c1:ffi$$ --


Fis. 6. Pass taper end of film in lhe direction of lhe arrow lhrough s p r i n g d ( c o a t e d la y e r w i th i n ); d o u b l e over and wind on

fcoaled side wifhin).


C 5 ---.1,


Fig. 7. Slip film spool [or daylight spool) into lhe inner shell c2, knurled knob foremosl.

Frg. 8. Slio l,,othinlo ihe ouler shell et. Place lhe lwo slils in agreemenf. Pull out about 4 cm. (tri2 in.) of end of film (in daylighl spool logelher rvilh lhe black paper strip).


c5 c6

Fis. 9. Close film chamber by releasing lhe ouler shell spring d and giving lhe inner shell c! half a lurn backwards lo ihe lefl till the spring engages in lhe nolctr Z. (Then in lhe case of daylight spools, pull oui cornpletelyihe black paper strip, reslraining ihe film while doing so).

2. Load the camera tin subdued daylighl). l l l ,



Take oul lhe winding spool m, pull oul aboul 10 cm. (4 in.) of lhe film from lhe film chamber and clamp firmly under lhe winding spool spring ml in lhe direclion of lhe arrow [coaled side out and slraighl edge of film slrip in confacl wilh the flange of the winding spool nearest its knob). II

F i s . 1l . Place opened camera in front of you, with the lens looking away fiom you, the film chamber on lhe right, lhe winding spool on lhe lefl. Iniroduce ihe film lhrough lhe camera slil ra wilh lhe laper edge down. (ln lhe evenl o[ lhe ctramberbeing arrested before arriving in position give a slight lurn to lhe reversing milled head d.) The ouler slreli spring ai (Fig.4) must engage al Z.

Fig. 12.

Turn the lid swivel o right over lo

'open'. Hook

the camera lid

'closed', o v e t p i n p. Close lid and turn lid swivel o right over to


Move lhe lever / (Fig. 2) from P to A. Turn ihe advancing milled head .qlwice and press down (for advancinglhe useless porlion of lhe film). Turn lhe reversing milled head d once ot lwice in lhe direclion of lhe atrow, unlil lhe film becomes taul. Turn lhe counting disc i lo lhe lefl, by means of its lwo lugs, till 0 is opposile lhe counting arrow /t. 5. Taking lhe piclure. Draw oul lhe lens, lock il by lurning lo lhe righl, set the diaphragm (in lhe case of close range piclures likewise the distance scale and lhe shorl range finder). Turn lhe advancing milled head.9 in lhe direclion of lhe attow as far as it will go, verify or s-et lhe speed bulton 6. Sighi lhrough lhe view finder a. Slowly release lhe shutter bullon h (Fronlispiece). 4. Take oul film (in daylighl). See Figs. I lo 5. Move lever / from A to R. Keep shulier bullorr h pressed down. Turn lhe reversing milled head d until resistance is fell, lurn on (causing lhe film end lo become deladred from fhe winding spool spring), and give five furlher turns. Turn the lid swivel o (Fig. 5) lo lhe left to 'open'. Open lhe cameta lid n (in the evenl of the ouler shell spring d nol being in engagementat Z lurn the inner shell slighlly to the righl ot left until lhe spring engages). Wifhdraw the film chamber s by ifs knurled knob.

Lerlz'Leica' Comera with Compur Shutter.

12 15

10 13


Fig. 13 (about tlz acl. size). l5

In use this cameta differs in bul few respecls from lhe camera wilh focal plane shutter. In place of lhe latler the lens is fitted wilh a Compur shulter, which is lhe most reliable of all central shulters. The compur shulter may be sel for the different speeds w i l h l h e a i d o f l h e d i s c 9 , l h e o b l a i n a b l es p e e d sb e i n g : l , L l z , r l s , L l r c ,r l t s , ' l r , r , l / r n oa n d t / s o os e c o n d . T o t h i s e n d t h e s m a l l disc 10 should be hrrned with the mark M (for lnslantaneous) to the index line. The shutter is wound by lurning lhe lever 1 l a s f a r a s i t w i l l g o , a n d i l m a y b e r e l e a s e de i l h e r b y d e p r e s s ing the lever 12 or lhe lvire release altached lo lhe socket15. W h e r r t h e d i s c 1 0 i s s e l I o 7 ( T i m e ) t h e s h u l t e ro p e n s w h e n t h e lever 12 or the wire release is momenlarily depressed for lhe first time, and it shuls when the second pressure is applied in like mernner. When the disc 10 is set to lhe mark D (Pressure) lhe shuller remeins open while the lever 12 or the wire release is being held down. The lens sockel should be pulled forward before taltineta p i c t u r e a n d m a y b e l o c k e d i n t h r e e d i f f e r e n l p o s i t i o n sb y l u r n ing it lo ihe right. Set it lo lhal position in which lhe disc 10 of lhe Compur shuiter is situaled at the top. In this way lhe shulter may be easily released by applying the index finger of lhe righl hand to the lever 12. The pressure butfon 2 reguires to be sharply depressed afler each exposure to release the calch, after which lhe film can be advanced. The index of lhe counler 4 should now be set to 0, after which 36 piclures may be laken in succession. Eachexposure i s a u t o m a t i c a l l yr e g i s t e r e d b y l h e c o u n t e r .

F i g . 1 4 ( a b o u l LI a a c t . s i z e ) . Leilz Developing Drum. This arrangemenl is very coftvenienl for developing lhe film strips. The melal frame wilh lhe glass cylinder, upon which the film -strip twith the coated l4

side out) is fixed by means of lwo clamps, can be guickly set up above dishes placed in readrness and containing the requisile solulions, etc. \When using melol-hydroguinone rormally exposedfilmsreguire to be developed for aboul 7 minules.

Simple E n l a r g i n g A p p a ra tu s fo r 'Leica' Fihns. This simple apparafus is available for use with daylight a s w e l l a s a r l i f i c i o l l i g h t . I n l h e l a t l e r c a se l h e a p p a r a t u s i s

Fig. l5 ('/roacl. size). used in coniunclion with the melal casing shown in Fig. 15 confaining a 100-watt filament lamp. The lalter has a bulb of opal glass and furnishes a uniformly diffuse lighl, so that


a condenser may be dispensed with. The lamp is connecled direclly lo lhe supply circuit by means of a plug conlact. The film, withoul being cul up inlo single pictures, is clamped under ihe glass plale of the film window, with its coaied side inwards. Afler releasing ihe clamps lhe film may be moved on from piclure lo picture. To facilitale handling a long film slrip lhe apparalus is fitted wilh a film holder at each side. The olher end of lhe apparalus has a hinged cover wilh a spring catch, afler lhe release of which the enlargemenl paper or poslcard may be placed in the frame. ll is retained in posiiion u,hen the lid is closed. The lens in lhe apparalus has a focal lenglh of 64 mm. and is permanently focused upon lhe enlargemenl paper. The choice of a suilable enlargemeni paper is a malfer of considerable imporlance. Ve would specially recommend highly sensiiive qaslighl papers. A negalive of normal densilY rvill then reguire an exposure of abouf 15 to 30 seconds for lhe poslcard srze. In good dayliqht one-fiflh of this lime of exposure rvill suffice under lixe circumslances.

Variable EnlargingApparalus for 'Leica' films. The apparalus is inlended exclusively for use with arlificial light lf is adapted for making enlargemenls ranging in all s i z e s f r o m 9 X 6 c m . l o 2 4 X 1 8 c m . ( 5 1 / rX ? r l r I o g r l z X T L l t i n . ) as well as for enlarging any porlion of a Leica film. It is likewise available for e nlarging kino film piciures Q4 X 18 mm.) 2 5 in.). u p o t o 1 8 X 1 5 c m . ( 7 1 1X The apparalus consisls of a base plale wilh uprighf, along whidr slides a movable arm cartying a globular melal casing wilh a 60-walt opal lamp, a film carrier and an obieclive. The melal casing is well venlilaled. The opal lamp furnishes a diffuse lighf, sudr as is besl adapted for enlarging. The conneclion to the eleclric lighi circuit is eslablished wilh the aid of a plug conlacl. 16

The obiective is excellenlly correcled. Il has a focal length of 50 mm. and a relalive aperture of no less ihan F/5.5, whidr admils of enlargements being obtained at comparalively short

Fig. 16 (about 1/roact. size).

exposures, for instance, in lhe case of an enlargemenl to 14Y.9 cm. lhe required exposure is B to 16 seconds, assuming a highly sensitive gas-lighl paper being used. The negalive film should be placed between the lwo folding glass plates, whidr are supplied with lhe apparalus. The plates should lhen be pushed into the film carrier, wherein they are held by two springs. The base is furnished with a separale movable board with fixing clamp for the receplion of lhe paper, which is held down flal and in its reguired posilion by means of a hinged glass l7

plale. In lhe acl of lifiing lhis glass plale several sp.ting pins are made lo prof ecl on lwo sides. These serve as posilion slops for the enlarging paper. Ils posilion is accuralely .adiusied wilh the aid of a while card upon which lhe various sizes are drawn. Afler sharp focusing, the white card should be replaced by ihe enlarging paper. Exposureis made wilh the aid of a srvilch.

'Eldia' Prinling Apparalus for'Leica' Pholographs. This apporalus in ils improved form, serves for prinling lhe negalive film of lhe Leica Camera upon a posilive film, in a manner which renders ihe seguence of lhe piclures independenl of that of lhe negalive. Having depressed lhe fork, commenee by lifiing off lhe window pl,ale, and nexl remove ihe covet of lhe apparalus. The end.of the posilive film slrip should be pointed in a slanting position, and lhen clipped in lhe direction of the attow, and.with the coaled side down, under the flai spring of lhe spool, having lhe shorler knurled knob. Aller winding, slip lhe other.end of the film in the direclion of lhe arrow, under the spring of the second spool, and fold il over. Nexi, n,g! ' lB. sbootl inlo lhe apparaius in the manner indicated in The longer knurled knob will accordingly be silualed at the side of lhe sprockel drum. Now close the lid of the apparaius. The film is made lo advance by turning lhe longer spool knob in the direction of lhe artow. During ihe molion, the teelh of lhe drum will engage in lhe perforations. This loolhed drum has ratchels for- lhe engagemenl of a spring calch. Every olher ralchel conforms lo an advance of out 56 X 24 mm. Leica piclure, while successiveratchels conform lo lhe slandard 24 X 1S mm.'kino picfure. The negative film should be placed under the fork, with ihe coated side inwards. The depression of lhe fork occasions a sufficienlly large gap for applying lhe window plale. V/hen released, lhe fork presses.lhewindow plale home suffrcientlyfirmly. The two sides of lhe window have a guide qroove, for lhe inlroduclion of a single film piclure. This arrangemenl is nol reguired for longer films. 18

We supply a _separale interdra.ngeablewindow. plale, with an appropriate clearance for printing pictures, of lhe slandard 24 X 16 mm. kino size. As lhe film is made to advance, from

Fig. 17 Ulz act. size). piclure lo piclure, lhe spring pressure, due lo the fork should be released, by depressing it so as to plotect lhe coating from damage. The glass plale in lhc window shourd always be properly cleaned. The spools in lhe apparalus hold a film slrip fully 10 feel Iong. Vith negatives of normal density, the positive film reguires an exposure of half a second to one second, at a dislance of a yard, and when using a filament lamp of 32. c. p.

Fig. 1B Ulz aci. size). A descriplion of our 'Uleja' Roll Film P r o i e c l i o n A p p a ralus for 'Leica' films will be found in a separate pamphlet, whidr will be sent on applicalion. 19

Ernsl Leilz, Oplical Works, \felzlar.

Reprint by MORGAN & MORGAN, INC. Publishers 145 PalisadeSt., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. 10522

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