==== ==== To effectively provide a specialized suite of targeted services to ensure that eligible providers receive the appropriate $44,000.00 to $64,000.00 in Meaningful Use funds that they are entitled to receive, from the Government. http://.aehc.us/ ==== ==== American eHealth Collaborative (855) YES-44000 www.AeHC.us THE DIGITAL PEN From ink to digital data: quick and easy A digital pen looks, feels and writes like a normal ballpoint pen. However, it contains an integrated digital camera, an advanced image microprocessor and a mobile communications device for wireless connection. Using a digital pen you can capture, store and then securely send the handwriting, enabling you to easily convert ink to digital data right away. The pen camera takes snapshots In combination with a surface with the dot pattern printed on it, a digital pen starts digitizing handwritten text the moment you put pen to the surface. The pen reads and records pen strokes in relation to the barely visible pattern. As you write, the camera built into the pen automatically takes digital snapshots of the dot pattern at a rate of between 50 and 100 images per second. Every snapshot contains enough data to enable the pens image microprocessor to determine the exact position of the digital pen and what it writes or draws. Pen data ready for transfer In addition to capturing the coordinates that enable accurate recording of the handwriting, the digital pen appends key data about the handwriting context. This includes the exact time it was written and the identity of the writer every digital pen American eHealth Collaborative (855) YES-44000 www.AeHC.us has a unique pen ID, which is included every time data is sent from the pen. The pen data also includes details on the specific paper form and page. All this data is then retained in the pens memory. The digital pen can store up to 50 full A4/Letter size pages of handwritten data. With the handwritten form or document completed and pen data captured and stored, the user is ready to transfer data from the pen. DIGITAL PENS There are several different Digital Pens available to suit a variety of applications. All pens have the following in common: ? Pens with the look and feel of regular pens Thanks to strong partnerships, we have secured small-sized, cost-efficient components with low power consumption. This enables us to provide small-sized pens with the look and feel of normal pens, and with a long battery time. Digital Pens come with either rechargeable or replaceable batteries. ? Transfer in real time, anywhere Data can be sent in real time via Bluetooth to different devices such as computers and mobile phones, or synchronized via USB once you are next to a computer. By simply adding the surface there is no need for buttons or a receiver. ? Exact positioning The pens provide exact positioning on any surface. Additionally pressure, pen angle and absolute time for each position is available. When this unique information is combined with our world-class partners within handwriting recognition, the editable text result becomes far better than with any other OCR solution. ? Write on any surface With the natural feel of a regular pen you can write on any area where the surface is added. May it be a regular whiteboard, display, table, paper sheet, or a mobile device. The pens have pen tips suited to fit the different surfaces, and pens using ink always have regular replaceable ink cartridges.
American eHealth Collaborative (855) YES-44000 www.AeHC.us Call (855) YES-44000 for more information. ? Reliable and durable With more than 10 years of experience in digital pens, we provide easy-tomanufacture, intuitive, reliable and durable digital pens for many different purposes and environments. ==== ==== To effectively provide a specialized suite of targeted services to ensure that eligible providers receive the appropriate $44,000.00 to $64,000.00 in Meaningful Use funds that they are entitled to receive, from the Government. http://.aehc.us/ ==== ====