==== ==== To effectively provide a specialized suite of targeted services to ensure that eligible providers receive the appropriate $44,000.00 to $64,000.00 in Meaningful Use funds that they are entitled to receive, from the Government. http://.aehc.us/ ==== ==== American eHealth Collaborative (855) YES-44000 www.AeHC.us Practice Fusion is ONC-ATCB 2011/2012 compliant and is certified as a Complete EHR in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). You can use your free EHR account to qualify for up to $44,000 in incentives. Practice Fusion has created tools to help you go through the Meaningful Use program at www.TryPracticeFusion.com website. The 2011/2012 criteria support the Stage 1 Meaningful Use measures required to qualify eligible providers for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Drummond Group Inc., a company authorized through ONC-ATCB, certified Practice Fusion's EHR system on June 2, 2011. Click here to view Practice Fusion's official certificate of compliance. Please feel free to contact our team if you have any questions about certification. Using the Practice Fusion EMR Certification Center, you can learn about what the ONC's EMR certification path entails and how to navigate it. Whether you're a specialist or general practitioner, you can take advantage this resource, designed to work in collaboration with the Practice Fusion EHR / EMR Stimulus Center. Together, these helpful centers ensure that you have all the resources you need to successfully pursue EMR stimulus incentives. ONC-ATCB (Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Testing and Certification Body) certification is required by the ONC and mandated by the HITECH Act. By choosing an EMR that meets ONC certification path requirements, you can be confident that your EMR: ? Is secure & can maintain data confidentiality ? Can work with other systems to share information ? Can perform a set of well-defined functions The certification criteria adopted during this initial stage establishes required capabilities and related standards and implementation specifications for EMR technology, helping you achieve stage 1 Meaningful Use and qualify for EHR incentive payments. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Information Center is open to assist the EHR Provider Community with inquiries. (855) YES-44000. ==== ==== To effectively provide a specialized suite of targeted services to ensure that eligible providers receive the appropriate $44,000.00 to $64,000.00 in Meaningful Use funds that they are entitled to receive, from the Government. http://.aehc.us/ ==== ====