4 minute read

This Is Me

By Kaitlyn Anderson

A few weeks ago in my creative poetry writing is not easy, but once and new age, I thought maybe that writing class, the teacher gave the writing begin, one can find herself was the best time to change, but I had instructions to write 5 poems. First immersed in the story being told no idea how. I did not want to change thing I thought was 5?! How in the through the poem. The first poem I my values and beliefs, but at the same world am I going to write 5 poems, I will share is titled “This is me”. time, I wanted to be popular or at least can barely write one, let alone five? accepted. Since I must pass this class, I decided This poem was based from my to attempt the assignment. insecurities, how I felt that I was I decided to use the line, “ I would feel like an apple that has grown This is me from a plum tree,” not only because I felt it was creative but because I truly did feel like that in middle school and going


Looking in the mirror what do I see? into high school. I had no idea

Flaws, flaws, and more flaws looking back at me. how I could make it work, and

How can I ever be happy looking how I feel? even though I had family telling me how I unique and special

Is sadness, depression, frustration is this part of the deal. I was, I still felt I needed my

Walking through 9th grade hall trying to be different than who I was in middle school, Maybe if I more like everyone else, they will think that I am cool. classmates to think of me the same way. Honestly, I did not understand how being me was

But how can I be like them and still be me? more important than trying to be

I would feel like an apple that has grown from a plum tree. like everyone else until later in high school.

Having a talk with my friends and family about why they feel I am special,

Their response is because you are different and unique. One of my favorite words is

Being unique does not make you weak. the word “unique.” It sounds so elegant, pretty, and classy but

Looking in the mirror once again I can finally see, also different. I realize that I can

And I am happy to finally say that this is me. be weird in a good way and that weirdness makes me who I am. When I share things that people

When it was time to be critiqued not good enough. It gives insight on may not know about me, I feel unique. on my poems by my teacher and a time when I felt confused about When I look in the mirror I see things I class, I, of course, automatically start who I was supposed to be and how would like to fix, like my face breaking thinking the worse: that I am about to I was supposed to act. In middle out or a bad hair day, but I still have to be shredded by my classmates and school I went through a period of realize God made me the way I am for teacher! To my shock, the feedback bullying. Before going to a public a reason. I still am searching for that was not negative, it was actually good. school in the 6th grade, I had been exact reason and purpose, but there is The class was shocked about how in a private school. Things were no denying that God made me special. open and real I was in the poems. My much different compared to public poems were based on things I had school. Once I entered public school, One is never too old to read a gone through and the emotions I was I was automatically noticed as being children’s book with a beautiful feeling at that time, mixed with the different from most students there. I message. As a kid my Mom had me emotions that I currently feel. dressed different, I acted different, and read the book, You are Special, by I had this innocence that made it easy Max Lucado, which I highly suggest

For the next few publications, I will to be a target. I carried the bullying reading. It’s important to let children share some poems I wrote and the comments with me into high school. know at an early age just how special meaning behind them. Many times Being in ninth grade in a new school God made them.

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