9 minute read

15 Essential Herbs for PCOS Symptoms

Essential Herbs for PCOS + 2 Teas You Can Make to Try Them for Yourself

By: Roxi Thiam, Founder of Finesse Life Holistics and Bougie Tea Party


Let’ s face it, PCOS is the most complex women ’ s health condition today. It’ s also the number one, most common cause of female infertility. Dealing with the challenges and effects of PCOS each day is no fun. From the breakouts, infertility, and facial hair, to the heavy, painful periods, finding relief can feel nonexistent.

Many of those crappy symptoms are due to a hormonal imbalance caused by androgens and lifestyle factors. But chin up, Sis - there are numerous solutions! Our herbal allies have been used for thousands of centuries and are just as effective today. Let’ s talk about the Top 15!

Achillea millefolium: Yarrow

Yarrow is a powerful astringent herb and is often used in remedies to treat heavy bleeding from menstrual periods, ulcers and more. It is often classified as a uterine tonic and can improve uterine tone and ease painful contractions caused by menstruation. Several studies have shown that uterine toning with Yarrow may also increase menstrual blood flow if the cycle is irregular or scanty (short or extremely light).

Alchemilla vulgaris: Lady’s Mantle

Traditionally, Native Americans considered Lady ’ s Mantle a “ woman's healing herb. ” It really should be on every lady ’ s mantle! This herb is primarily used to regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual cramping, and ease prolonged menstrual bleeding - three very common symptoms of PCOS.

Glycyrrhiza glabra: Licorice Root

Do oily skin and breakouts plague you as part of your PMS symptoms? It might be due to a buildup of testosterone or androgen hormones. Licorice can be a tremendous help because it blocks the production of androgens, which are the cause of oily breakouts and most other PCOS symptoms. Licorice root also promotes ovulation and aids liver detoxification - both of which are key to a healthy, successful pregnancy.

Matricaria chamomilla: Chamomile

Chamomile contains antispasmodic qualities that help relieve muscle spasms, making it an excellent choice for dealing with painful menstrual cramps. Drinking the tea also reduces the feelings of irritability, anger, and restlessness which often accompany PMS and PCOS.

Eleutherococcus senticosus: Eleuthero Root

Does your PMS include irritability? Are you fatigued even when you ’ re not on your cycle? Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng may be able to help! There is significant evidence that Eleuthero was first used as an herbal remedy in China over 2,000 years ago. Eleuthero Root is used in traditional medicines as an adaptogen, a compound that helps the body better handle and adapt to stress. Eleuthero also acts as an immune booster & stimulant, increasing nervous system function. By increasing circulation, eleuthero may increase blood flow to the brain, improving mental functions such as memory and concentration.

Actaea racemosa: Black Cohosh

Black cohosh has a number of benefits for women with PCOS. It is traditionally known to stimulate the ovaries, relieve menstrual cramps, and treat amenorrhea (absent cycle).

Black cohosh also contains mild estrogen-like effects that may help alleviate hot flashes in women without affecting the uterus.

While both black and blue cohosh are beneficial for women ’ s health, they are not from the same family of plants. Blue cohosh does not have the salicylic acid that black cohosh has - which means that it doesn ’t have the same pain-killing effects.

Urtica dioica: Stinging Nettle

OUCH! Brush too close to this plant, you ’ll certainly feel it! The use of a stinging nettle for the female system goes back to Native American women who used it throughout pregnancy and as a remedy to stop hemorrhaging during childbirth.

It is considered one of the best women ’ s tonics for all stages throughout the menstrual cycle excellent for young women just starting their monthly cycle to women entering menopause. This herb is high in nutrients like calcium and magnesium. Stinging Nettle also cleanses and detoxifies body systems of excess hormones & harmful toxins that may be affecting fertility.

Withania somnifera: Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, has been used for over 3,000 years to relieve stress, boost energy levels, and improve concentration. This adaptogenic herb has been used as an aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, astringent, stimulant, and everything in between.

It has very similar effects as Eleuthero Root and puts the “hush” on cortisol and brings a deep sense of calm. If you feel “ wired and tired, ” this herb can be especially helpful at bedtime.

Ashwagandha is also known as a potent sexual stimulant as it supports sexual health by enhancing blood flow, lowering blood sugar, and reducing tension which aids in fertility.

Cinnamomum verum: Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been proven effective for menstrual pain, menstrual flow and may induce a cycle in women with PCOS. It has also been proven effective and is traditionally used for infertility and overall hormone balance. Cinnamon contains a natural chemical called cinnamaldehyde, which studies show increases progesterone activity, decreases testosterone production in women & greatly reduces insulin resistance.

Rubus idaeus: Red Raspberry

Red Raspberry is a fantastic herb for women, and is especially indicated for fertility, heavy bleeding, uterine toning, PMS & PCOS relief, and more.

Red raspberry leaf tea may strengthen the uterine walls, relieve PMS symptoms, boost fertility and assist with overall hormonal balance in women. The nutrients found in Red Raspberry leaf provide almost all of the nutrients needed for uterine health, which in turn will help with a healthy pregnancy.

Vitex agnus: Chasteberry

Chasteberry, also known as Vitex, is like the "holy grail herb" as it relates to infertility and the relief of PMS and menopausal symptoms.

It is a powerhouse herb in women's health - especially as it relates to infertility, PMS and PCOS. It has been used for thousands of years for menstrual irregularities, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, breast tenderness, menopausal symptoms and more.

Chaste Berries stimulate your glands to increase the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH), while slightly inhibiting follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), which raises the levels of progesterone. The progesterone should cause your body to ovulate, which increases your chance of getting pregnant.

Angelica sinensis: Dong Quai

Dong Quai has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries to treat various gynecological issues, like premenstrual pain, irregular, heavy, and absent cycles. Its active ingredient called coumarin is a muscle relaxant, which plays a key role in its powerful effect stimulating menstrual flow.

Viburnum opulus: Crampbark

Crampbark - just take a wild guess what it’ s indicated for. If you said “ cramps ” you're absolutely correct!

Cramp bark's name comes from its traditional use of relieving muscle spasms and cramps. It also acts as a powerful aid to reduce high blood pressure and inflammation.

Salix alba: White Willow Bark

White Willow bark contains the natural compounds that are found in the popular pain reliever, Aspirin. In fact, aspirin's original ingredients were derived from this very tree.

White willow bark is a great herb for relieving all types of pain, including pain caused by menstruation. Whether you experience cramps, back pain, or headaches, this bark is sure to knock the pain right out. But beware - if you're allergic to aspirin, do not use this herb, as it contains the same active compounds.

Clitoria Ternetea: Butterfly Pea Flower

Butterfly Pea Flower ’ s botanical name is Clitoria Ternetea… and if you look at a picture of the flower, it’ s not hard to guess why. In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the butterfly pea flower has been consumed for centuries as a memory enhancer, brain booster, stress reliever, and calmative agent.

Studies show butterfly pea flower has a powerful effect on the Central Nervous System, which plays a role in anxiety, insomnia, and depression. This beautiful blue flower also improves hair, skin, nails, eyesight, bloat, low libido, inflammation, and much more.

PCOS is a complex syndrome, but I hope this extensive list gives an explanation of the plant allies that can be used to treat PCOS.



This tea provides gentle nourishment for a woman’s cycle. It can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your mood.


1 part Raspberry (uterine toning, overall hormone balance)

1/2 part Lady ’ s Mantle (Hormone balance)

1/2 part Mint (Digestion)

1/4 part Red Clover (removes excess hormones and toxins, detoxifying herb)

1/4 part Burdock (removes excess hormones and toxins, detoxifying herb)

A Touch of Rose Petals (cooling herb, digestion, heart chakra herb)


Add herbs into a bowl Add 1 large teaspoon of herbal formula into tea infuser/strainer/teabag Boil 6oz of water and pour into cup or mason jar Steep tea bag for 10 mins covered (make sure the cup is covered. This is key!) Enjoy!

Be sure to drink 3-4 times a day during the first 2 phases of your menstrual cycle


This tea is best effective when taken with a proactive approach. Drink this tea 3-5 days before the start of your next menstrual cycle, or throughout your luteal menstrual phases for PMS relief.


2 parts Raspberry leaf (uterine toning,

analgesic, overall hormone balancing)

2 parts Dandelion leaf (removes excess

hormones and toxins, detoxifying)

2 parts Chamomile (antispasmodic, anti-

inflammatory, analgesic, nervine relaxant,


1 part Chaste berry (hormone balancing,


1/2 part Ginger root (hormone balancing,

anti-inflammatory, analgesic)


Add herbs into a bowl Add 1 large teaspoon of herbal formula into tea infuser/strainer/teabag Boil 6oz of water and pour into cup or mason jar Steep tea bag for 10 mins covered (make sure the cup is covered. This is key!) Enjoy! This one requires you to be proactive. Be sure to drink 3-4 times a day about 3-5 days PRIOR to the start of your next cycle. Don ’t wait until the pain begins before you drink your herbal medicine.

Roxi Thiam is a certified Holistic Nutritionist, Clinical Herbalist & CEO of Finesse Life Holistics & Bougie Garden Apothecary ™ . Specializing in holistic nutrition, clinical herbalism, and women ’ s health, Roxi is committed to promoting optimal wellness and preventative medicine by providing the community with high-quality holistic care.

Get in touch with Roxi through her website or social media pages! For health and wellness: www.finesselifeholistics.com For tea and herbal consultations: www.bougieteaparty.com Instagram @finesselifeholistics or @thebougiegarden

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