December 2019

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The World in her hands:

MOST INFLUENTIAL Female Entrepreneurs

Creating a shift in Global Consciousness


Hello Sunshine! As we are in full swing of Summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun is out more, the flowers are blossoming and the mornings are getting lighter much faster! I love this time of year especially because you can be far more productive in your business. It is also a fantastic time to create new habits, like waking up an hour earlier, or going to the gym more often, whatever makes you happy. For me it is to get back into my training and really making the most of this beautiful season. What habit are you going to create this season? Ladies, end this year with a bang, December is here, it’s time to rethink your goals and plans for 2020 You’ve got this!

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The World in her hands: Creating a shift in Global Consciousness" COVER FEATURE STORY Rhiannon Rees

FEATURED ARTICLE How to stand out and get noticed


5 Steps to Crushing It

Rhiannon Rees Helping people become the best versions of themselves and turning companies problems into profit.



Create your ideal Audience Strengths: Self development, strategy, growth


Industry: Coaching Location: Asutralia Company Name:The Conscious Coaching Collective. Favorite Quote: " Life is a Choice - the choice is your's " Website: Https:// Email:

My corporate journey began with a marketing position at ColgatePalmolive, leading me to later work as a Public Relations consultant for the Minister of the Environment and Product Manager for Pacific Dunlop. Here I managed 40 million dollars worth of accounts across 8 different companies. Eventually I gained employment at a Multi-National Publishing company. This was an industry in which I had no experience.

In May I won a Silver Stevie award for Innovation in product development (up against the likes of Dell computers, Hilton Hotels and governments of countries). This was certainly very exciting to win. But, nothing compares to the absolute joy of getting over myself, conquering myself if you like and to be honest, I always thought my greatest achievement was my son and bringing him into this world. Nothing can even hold a candle to that moment. Feeling truly blessed to be his mother.

I started out with not a single customer, and within 3 months booked 600 customers with over a year’s worth of appointments. This resulted in a 7 figure turnover in the next 12 months.


This is where my journey really began. I lost my husband to his second identity as a woman , my business was failing and I lived homeless and penniless in a tent with my then 3 year old son. This, after 5 miscarriages. This after my brother’s suicide. This, after growing up in an abusive household without my mother.



Once I had failed in every aspect of my life, the purpose of my life became so much more clear to me. Buddhists have a saying, “Only the chosen few have the opportunity of true tragedy as it is only by experiencing this state that one can then know true joy in every cell of their being!” Sometimes, to improve our life, we need to lose sight of the shore before we can make it across the ocean. Sometimes we need these hardships to gain knowledge. Sometimes we need a shove to activate the power that resides in all of us. No matter how weak or strong we feel, no matter how ordinary or unimpressive we think our lives may be, no matter how impossible our dreams may seem, our life is our choice.

When you funnel the results of this to people or causes who can benefit from your work and energy, then a collective shift in consciousness occurs. My goal is to build 1000 schools and hospitals in Africa or in the developing world. Who would like to join me? This is not work, this is a responsibility and a joy. It’s one of the only legacies I want to leave. The other of course is my son.

I then went on to co-own a wellness retreat, my specialty being homeopathy, employing 35 staff. Built from the ground up. But it eventually came tumbling down on me.

This is why we must think way outside the box to realise that a “huge picture” is not necessarily more work it is energetic manifestation, quantum physics if you like, in action. Anything can be manifested in any moment. The quantum possibilities are endless.



Work on yourself above anything else. Become your own champion, GROW GROW GROW. By becoming your own champion you will find resolve and resources in places you could never imagine possible. I’m living proof of this! If you feel any resistance to anything, then that is the very thing that you need to do – all of your growth lies on the other side of this resistance. And, growth means more resourcefulness. Think WAY bigger than you ever have in your life as you are way more capable than you could ever imagine. Make sure you have long range (10/5/3/2 and 1 year goals) AND short range goals (90 days) as well. The sub-conscious mind needs to stretch out far and in the background of your conscious mind to continuously work on bringing these goals to light. These goals must be written down to have the greatest chance of actually fulfilling them. They must be SMART goals – Specific. Measureable. Achievable, results oriented and time framed. Value your time above and beyond anything else in the world, as this is the only thing that we cannot have more of. It’s easy to make more money. Create win/win relationships and collaborations and build a “culture” of giving, without expecting to receive. The ripple effect of this will blow your mind.

Why is this any different to a man finding his self-worth? The more we work on loving ourselves and believing in ourselves as well as transforming self-limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, then the question of finding self- worth is completely gender neutral and person specific.

My life was hardly a walk in the park, stacked with blocks and obstacles, beset with issues that could have easily limited and potentially prevented my progress in finding and establishing success and happiness. Limitations I could have easily let compress (whether slow or fast), my life, that felt small, old and unimportant. After years of squirming, fighting, sometimes even consenting to my own misery, I finally made a choice. My choice was to get out from under the compression. That choice was When you truly love what you do and you move from a space of mine. Your life too is a choice and it is your choice. heart-centred entrepreneurship, then your work days are very fulfilling and never ever feel like work. Life is far too precious to be wasted in pursuits that do not bring you joy. I have always believed when your chalice is full and you have had I have worked very very hard in my profession dedicating many long days your needs and wants fulfilled, then you harness everything else in your power to make a difference in this world. and hours to learning and growing. For those of us who have this capacity to create great change in the Being voted #1 business coach in North America was such a lovely and unexpected surprise. Also being included in the top 10 list of Global Gurus world then we also have the responsibility to do so. with the likes of Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield is very humbling.



Work on yourself above anything else.

Up until recently – (my son is 15 now), I only had 1 rule that was non-negotiable in relation to my son.

This is more complicated to answer as I have had so many failures that it is hard to choose just one. I fail each and every day. It’s not about how many failures I have had – its more about how fast I have learnt from my many mistakes and how quickly I absorb these new learnings into my life and my business to catapult my life and business to even greater heights. What I will say, is that one of my dearest friends (bless her), did say to me once, “I would never coach with you, you have had too many failures”

That was, if I was to engage in a coaching relationship with my clients and wanted to bring my son on my coaching visits, then this would need to be agreed to. I did not want to “park” my son and miss out on anything. In kindergarten, I took my son out of school for a total of 45 days and he came to 6 different countries with me. What did he miss out on? Finger painting? Now that he is older I prefer him to go to Tafe, as he is now building his own tertiary education. Do you know how many clients would not accept this condition in 10 years? That’s right. None. Like I said, we teach people how to treat us.

Everything has an equal and opposite polarity. And what I know for sure? My greatest failures are the foundation of my greatest and most fulfilling success. I do want to add a side note here, it is possible to succeed without failure or suffering too. It’s just that this is so rarely seen.

Everyone has self–limiting beliefs. Beliefs that we create through our own experiences in life to keep us safe. For example, if you had been bitten by a dog, then every time you see a dog, you may be wary of the dog – even it is super friendly. This “wariness” keeps you safe and also expends tonnes of energy.

This is not difficult at all, provided you are organised and have a team around you. I also set up “Rules of the game” in business. What I am referring to is how you teach people to treat you. What you will and will not accept in your working environment. You need back up plans for sure, including people you can depend on ( my mum has been my greatest gift). Communication all round is the key, with your family and children, clients and team so that everyone knows what is going on.

These beliefs we create do not always serve us, even though we create them to help us “survive’ in this world. Many self-limiting beliefs then become a compass we rely on for life. Mostly created when we are a child ( according to Adler, many of them are created around the ages of 5 - 8). The problem with this is that as we mature and become adults, the compass of a child no longer serves us.

You also need to communicate broken agreements at a moment’s notice. Then your clients and team have the most time to adjust to the change. For example if you need to stay home etc, because your children are not well.

To move through it with the greatest outcome and speed, I would engage a great coach or counsellor.

I wanted children more than anything else in the world. I have had 11 miscarriages in total and my son was my 4th pregnancy. When he finally arrived I was so overjoyed I did not want to trade work for being a mother. Having my son was like seeing colour for the first time when all I had seen before was black and white. I have run my own businesses for over 2 decades now so I just created “Rules” in my business which would not take away the joy of parenting and being with my son. My clients are Global – mainly in North America.

Once your chalice is full, you are then giving and working from a place of being completely fulfilled, rather than depleted. The quality of your work and life often skyrockets. So often we have so many responsibilities that we try to do it all – to be superwoman in fact. Sometimes we just need to learn to say “No” and to find other ways to resolve any issues and to grow in whatever capacity we are in. Also, I do not believe that you need to be anything other than the gorgeous woman that you are in business. We do not have to be like a man to work in a man’s world. Scientific research has proven that just be adding 3 women to your board you will increase your gross revenue by more than 25%. The reason being that women think differently and a board made up of both men and women has far reaching and synergistic, compounding outcomes. So sometimes it’s about combining the best possible ingredients to create the most favourable outcome. And lastly, women in general do not lead by their achievements, often they do not want to be labelled as “Brash” or “Proud” . Yet if this was the recipe for the best brownies in the world, it would be all over the media. It is up to us individually to share our achievements, not from a place of ego, from a place of acknowledging that we have worked very hard to be here and the kudos are deserved, not to mention how inspiring this would be for younger generations of women. I haven’t even given you my 3 strategies yet!!Finally -


1) What you say to yourself when you are by yourself will determine and become who you truly are. So are you kind to yourself behind closed doors? Do you treat yourself as your own best friend? Do you empower yourself to be your own rock star? Or at least to be your greatest self? Do you truly love who you are? 2) Often women want to belong: to their family, their churches, their communities etc. Sometimes being brave and finding our greatest potential may mean that we need to leave the pack, or community to really find ourselves. This does not mean that we no longer “belong”, it simply means we are discovering who we are. 3)Check in with yourself to see if your childhood values and beliefs still serve you today as an adult. Sometimes they may need some revision. For example you may not want to go to bed by 8pm any more, because that no longer serves you. A simple example, I’m sure you get the jist..

Coach with me and I’ll take you there!

One of the greatest things I see with women and women in business, is that quite often women put themselves last. So, again, I know I have mentioned this before, it’s about filling your chalice first. Doing the things that make you happy, that fuel who you are.



Build a colourful mind-map or dream board with everything you would wish for in your life, add pictures and colours and dates. Create a masterpiece and put it on a wall where you see it so often that by association it begins to “feel” true and gain weight in terms of “potential” in your life. Meditate daily. Now this does not have to be silent meditation – although I highly recommend this. It could also be yoga, tai chi, gardening, painting or artwork or going for long walks. This is simply a way to calm down and quiet the incessant chatter in your mind and to truly find a deeper and more meaningful way to resonate and be with yourself. Know yourself more so that you can live an extraordinary life.

More fun! More free time! More yoga!! More speaking! Last year I spoke to 1000 real estate agents, 2000 coaches, 600 IVF doctors so please feel free to book me for an event – this is something I LOVE doing. I also really love coaching one on one with someone who is creating a great vision or has something really interesting they are launching or growing. I’m enjoying building my team of coaches too. I am also a Serial Entrepreneur and sometimes I enjoy a few side hustles for fun. So I have a health and wellness business too. Also passive wealth ventures. For me the most exciting project I will be kicking off this year is a Mastermind with some of the best thought leaders in the world. The likes of Senior Executives at Google and Estee Lauder, such as Melody Tan COO with Viacom and former VP with MTV, as well as former Global GM of Glamglow by Estee Lauder Paula Pontes also top thought leaders and fellow Global Gurus: Marshall Goldsmith, Chip Bell and Mark Nation. I really enjoy the collaborative process and the cross pollination that occurs when we are part of a collective. So often magic happens in these environments, not just from the mentorship, also from connecting and networking at such a sophisticated and high net worth level. So much more can be achieved. Lifelong friendships are also made. The best part about it delivering this Mastermind? We will be accepting crypto currency as a form of payment. For someone like me who is not into technology this is so innovative as well as novel. I’m happy to say that this was my idea! For more information please head to: Https:// Let’s not just talk about work though. I would like more time with my friends and family. More time for yoga, gardening and riding horses. Time to breathe and relax and watch the clouds go by. More time to enjoy the silly stuff and to really feel and hear those belly laughs. More time to do absolutely nothing except watch a beautiful sunset over a gorgeous ocean in a luxurious, exotic resort with great friends, and food.

We can only build our success to the ceiling of our most powerful self-limiting beliefs, so the more we transform these beliefs into much more empowering thoughts, naturally the more empowered and capable we become. Success then follows.


Nothing is more important than listening in to the quiet whispers of your soul. Your greatest hopes, wishes, and desires. The life you want to lead. Sometimes, we have so much “stuff” floating around in our heads and we “busy” ourselves so much that we can no longer hear that inner voice, our soul if you like. 1) Don’t be afraid to dream big, HUGE!!! What if you could? – this should be your question.

Or just to appreciate each and every day and to love every minute I am here while I serve as many people as I can. Creating the greatest change through the greatest inner growth. “If you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what gifts, what talents will die with you?’ Les Brown. Today is the day. It is your gift to live it. Any way that you want. How lucky are we?




-Versustraditionaltypesofm arketinglikeradio,bilboard,andTV, socialm ediaistargetedspecificallytow ardsyourdesiredaudience. Thisisanew generationofm arketing,nom ore“spray&pray,”no m orehopingyour“bait”w ilhooksom eone.Toprovesocialm edia savesbusinessesm oney,let’sdiscussoneofm yclients,w e’lcall him “M ax”forthesakeofthisarticle.M axw asspendingthousands inm arketingonchannelslikeradio,new spaper,TV,andeven bilboards.HeeventuallyhadenoughofnotreceivinganROIand decidedtogivesocialm ediaatry.Ibeganm arketingforhim on FacebookandInstagram ,w ithHALFthebudgethew asspending before,andINCREASEDhisleadsby50%.Thisisnotto“brag”about results,Iam sim plyprovingthepow erofsocialm ediaandw hatit

We grow up with the understanding that we need to fulfil our parents’wishes or follow in their footsteps when it comes to our careers. Parents always want what is best for their children, yet at times the vision of what is best for the child is not the same as what the child wants. Out of respect - and sometimes because of a little fear - children will do what they are told as opposed to what they are interested in.

candoforyou. BUILDTRUST,EXPOSUREANDBRANDAW ARENESS Beingonsocialm ediaandsim ply“poppinguponsom eone’snew s feed”isn’tjustm erelypostingapictureofyourrestaurant’sfoodor

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yourstore’snew collection.It’sthefactthatyouarebuildingtrust andaw arenessaboutyourbrand.Youaredevelopinganonline presenceandgettingpeoplefam ilarw ithyourproductorservice, yournam e,yourlogo,yourbranding/vibe,sothatonceyouDO go inforthesale,itsam oresm oothtransitonandtheyareactually W ILLING tobuy.TheyareaskingW HERE,HOW ,W HEN?!Thisis becauseyouhavedevelopedanonlinepresencew ithfansthat havegottencom fortableandhavedevelopedtrust

w ithyourbrand.

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How can a flower bloom if it’s not surrounded by sunlight, clean soil and water? It’s the same for us. If we are not surrounded by things and people that nourish us, we too will not bloom to our full potential. We may certainly grow and even develop a little here and there, yet we will never be the best we can be. Throughout my years in HR, I have encountered so many individuals who are not happy with their careers and it’s so easy to read by their tone of voice, posture and all over their face. Standing out and getting noticed for the next role is not just about working hard, working overtime and kicking ass. If you truly want to be successful and fulfilled, follow these three steps:

LEADGENERATION Leadgenerationisallaboutbringingtherightpeoplethroughthe rightprocessofasalesfunnel.Thisisnotthesam easselling,think ofthisasgathering inteligence on yourcustom ers.You getto know w hatyourtargetedaudienceisinterestedin,w hichproducts they’dbeinterestedinbuyingfrom you,andw hat




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You absolutely need to find and be in a career that serves you. Something that gets you excited. Ultimately, something that never feels like a job but like a calling instead.

leadgenerationisallaboutthecontent,thevideom arketing,the em ailoptins,thepaidadcam paigns,theseareallaim edatgetting potentialcustom ersintoyourfunnel.Thepow eroftheinternet allow sleadgenerationtobedonefaster,quicker,andit’seasyto

This is exactly how I feel about HR. People come to me all day, 365 days with challenges and issues. Unless you are in and love HR, it is perceived to be a challenging career. Leaders seek my guidance on how to fix their people problems. Some leaders get stressed, lose sleep and even end up on sick leave over workplace HR issues. For me, over 96% of concerns that come my way I can figure out and come up with options in just a few minutes or less. Why? I am not better than

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any other person, I am fortunate as I have simply found a career that comes naturally to me; it’s in my blood. Just like anyone else, I have days that are hard and I get exhausted. I love those days as it pushes me to do more and be better.


Help others:

When you are really good at something you are extremely efficient because the tasks come naturally. It could take others twice as long to do the same tasks. It does not mean that people do not need to learn new things - excluding typical “learning curves”! Whether you are a leader or a team player, helping and offering assistance is a kind thing to do. It is up to others to accept it or not.


Share your accomplishments:

Most people are shy and don’t pat themselves on the back as much as they should. If you do not share your accomplishments or downplay them, how will others - and even leaders - recognise your value? There is a difference between sharing accomplishments because you are passionate about what you do and being cocky about your achievements. The key to standing out is to be yourself. Don’t imitate and don’t mirror people. Use your heart and just be you. Karma is powerful: the law of attraction will work its magic.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Josée Larocque-Patton assists organizations to develop their people and train their leaders. She guides leaders when their employees are not following procedures and policies and act as a consultant when organizations experience legislative infractions. Josée Larocque-Patton | Founder and CEO of The HR ICU | email

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Guy Bonvillain

Katlin Parenteau


five steps to

CRUSHING IT When one year ends and a new one begins, it’s the time of our lives when our minds focus on what we want to create and achieve in the following year, and how we can stand out as the best version of ourselves. The thing that most people don’t know, is that a change of your calendar isn’t enough on its own to make you become any different than the year before. It’s not enough to help you reach a new set or goals, or command different results in your life. If you want new and better results, you’ve got to become a new and improved version of YOU. Here are five simple ways to stand out as the very best you, in 2019.


Give Yourself Permission to SHINE

I know that growing up, you were probably taught to be humble and polite. And I give major props to your parents for that, because rude people suck. But on the flip side, I’ve got to tell you, that you won’t win any influence and impact with that type of behaviour. If you really want to live the best life and experience the ultimate success, you’ve got to give yourself permission to shine! Stop holding back or being afraid that the world can’t handle who you are. When you choose to shine brightly for the world to see, you’ll attract the exact people who need to see it. No, not everyone will like you or appreciate your light. But those who don’t appreciate your unique and incredible qualities, don’t even matter. Focus on the people you can help, the success you can experience, and the life of your dreams that you’ll get to live when you step into the spotlight and give yourself permission to shine!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: LINDSAY ADAMSON ABOUT THE AUTHOR: LINDSAY International Speaker, Success Coach and Author ADAMSON Internationalemail Speaker, Success Coach and Author < lindsayadamsonofficial # lindsayadamsonofficial email web < lindsayadamsonofficial # lindsayadamsonofficial 4 0 | FEBRUARY 2019 | ISSUE

22. 18.

Stop Playing Small

The fear of failure keeps us stuck on the sideline, time and time again. So we’re careful and calculated, and we play it small. We only allow ourselves to go for things that we know we’ll succeed at for sure. But it’s complete BS. If you really want to stand out as the best version of you this year, you’ve got to lay all of your cards on the table. Take a risk and do the big bold scary things that you may or may not succeed at. You’ll never know until you try. The 1% of people in the world who experience the highest levels of success are the ones who are willing to try and fail enough times, that they succeed far more than the average person as a result of it. Every time you go for something that’s far bigger than you’ve ever tried before, one of two things will happen: either you’ll win, or you’ll learn. Win now, or temporarily fall on your face a little, so you can learn a crucial lesson and get strong to succeed beyond your wildest dreams in the near future. Playing small is only going to keep you stuck in the 2018 version of you, that you’ve already been. Choose to take it to a whole new level, because playing a different game will command different results in your life.


Go After Your Scariest Dreams, Not the Watered-Down Version


Embrace the Difference


Courage is the Gateway to Confidence

We all have these deep longings in our hearts to pursue our true purpose. The one that we were put on this earth to carry out. The thing is, those dreams are often the ones that terrify us the most because they’re the ones we care about most deeply. We’ve got so much weighing on those goals and dreams that it’s safer not to let ourselves pursue them at all, because then there is no chance we can fail. We find something similar that we’re still pretty passionate about but seems way safer, and we pursue that. All the while trying to convince ourselves that this is what we’re meant to be doing, while our hearts still cry out for us to finally go after our real destiny. Sound familiar? Yeah, that’s because nearly everyone does it, and disguises it by saying they’re being a responsible adult. The people you see out there living their wildest dreams are simply the people who decided to really go for it! What’s the worst thing that could happen if you really went after your scariest dreams this year?

The number one way for you to stand out is to stop trying to be like everybody else! Simple, I know! You weren’t born like everyone else, so why try to be like them now? You have the ability to stand out so boldly and brightly that the world will have to put on their sunglasses! But that’s only possible if you start to embrace the differences between you and the rest of society. It’s time to show the world what you’re made of, and trust that you’ll be the leader they need!

Putting ourselves out there can be scary. And a lot of people feel that if they just had confidence in who they are it would be so much easier to pursue their dreams. Well here’s a hint: Courage is the gateway to confidence! No one on this earth was born confident. So, all you’ve got to do is, one by one, take tiny steps of courage in the direction of your dreams. Do the things that scare you, start listening to your intuition and the ideas that come to you, and let the world see. Every single time you take courageous action, it will be easier the next time. Before you know it, you’ll be a confident rockstar and nothing will hold you back!







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Doris Schachenhofer

I am a business and communication coach, manifesting coach and wealth creator. I currently offer live and online workshops and consultations serving clients all over the world. Drawing upon my nine years in social work, I seek to break social paradigms around business, money and wealth creation. After completing my studies in social work in Vienna, I worked with children, adults, homeless people, delinquent youth and prisoners, and in education. I started working at the age of 15 to earn my own money and realize my dreams. For me, it did not matter what kind of work I did and how much I worked, as long as it was fun for me. I love to interact, create and empower others. In 2014, my life changed drastically and now I travel around the world, encouraging people to be more of themselves - in every area of life.

Email Address: website:

To be nominated for this award is a great honour. It fills me with gratitude and joy that my work is seen and acknowledged for what I am creating and being in this world. Being an inspiration is a daily choice that I am so excited about that it is so appreciated.

Being an inspiration is a daily choice that I am so excited about

I am a strong believer in possibilities and growing from choice. Failure is not my way of functioning. What if you could never fail? What if you always ask: what is right about this I am not getting? What is right about me I am not getting? Every choice you make leads you to something, it is always information you can use. And even if you make a choice that seems wrong, you always have a next choice?

The secret definitely is BEING YOU and a lot of people wonder what that means. It is the place where you have freedom and the enthusiasm of living and creation and you are not trying to fit in and please others. It is the place where you create from the difference you be and celebrate it in every way possible. It is about being a persona, not an image that inspires people and invites them to choose something greater. The only way you give someone else more of them is by being more of you. If you are looking for validation in another, what are you not willing to acknowledge in you?

You will definitely see more about Being You and how to become irresistibly successful. The world is asking for benevolence, empowerment and leaders that live and operate from ‘passion'. Leaders who are extraordinary with no limitations. Entrepreneurs that embrace possibilities, that are true to themselves, devoid of judgement and fear. There will be Workshops, Sessions and Speeches all around the world and the launch of my own podcast: Simply not normal Outrageously being you with Doris Schachenhofer having the conversations no one dares to have.

Jessica Chandler

Raised in a family of property developers, Jessica Chandler’s career in real estate began in her 20s. Her passion is buying and holding real estate as well as empowering women to pursue work-life balance by owning income producing property. She rose through the real estate industry honing her craft and became an accredited real estate investor. Jessica Chandler’s passion for real estate combines public speaking and an empowering educational program, Legacy Wealth Nation, that launches publicly January 2020. As an event producer and public speaker, Jessica Chandler has both engaged and educated large audiences including YPO and EO. Topics that she passionately shares from the stage include business, life, relationships, and real estate. One of her career highlights is interviewing a peer in real estate and iconic musician, Gene Simmons, from the legendary rock band KISS. As a little girl, Jessica Chandler would read encyclopaedias just for the science. For more than 22 years, she held the position of President of SLR Research, an auto-immune research and diagnostics sales company in Carlsbad, California. There, as an auto-immune research industry expert, she established industry standards that furthered the auto-immune industry. Her clients included Quest Diagnostics, Abbott, Siemens, Toshiba and the National Institutes of Health. She remains on staff as a Consultant. Jessica Chandler’s entrepreneurial spirit is stronger than ever. Presently she oversees eight companies that include real estate investing, agriculture, natural wellness, research, leading edge communications technology, public speaking, and media.

When one lives with the belief of service above self, self-sacrifice can be an issue. I observed this and made a conscious choice to investing my time, money and belief in myself. It is like the airplane instructions to place the airbag on yourself first then help others. In the process of doing so, I realized that I have more friends, support and waaaay more to contribute in the world than I ever imagined.

Her research company just exposed a global health crisis by identifying pathogenic mold in coconut substrate, a popular agriculture medium used by growers worldwide. As due diligence, Jessica Chandler’s company launched a global public service announcement (PSA) and the full report can be found online at Laboratory analysis from the research is being conveyed to the masses through international and national media including Natural News Radio. The research and laboratory analysis are being distributed to Universities, non-profits, agriculture growers, and the news media in the month of November.

Supporting many non-profit organizations including Veterans, Jessica Chandler patented a couture infant accessory and launched Haute Momma with profits directed to aid children’s charities. Her industry recognition includes 2017-North American Entrepreneur of the Year, 2018-Global Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, and she is a finalist for 2019-Inspirational Female Entrepreneur. Jessica Chandler is a wealth of knowledge and an inspiration in business and in life.

Autism is a reality for Jessica Chandler; both of her sons were diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Empowering her sons to dream big and live independently has been her focus. At one point, she did not know if her oldest son would ever utter the words, “I love you, Mom.” Today, he not only calls her often to say, “I love you,” he now attends college thriving in his independence. Her youngest son is completing high school and is on a mission to graduate with honors then attend college. Both of her sons have traveled to more than eighty countries experiencing world cultures.

Making a difference in the lives of those around me is my driving force in life. This is the definition, the living embodiment, of inspiration. To live life with clarity, focus and purpose creates an example for others – even those that I may not know directly. What I am doing matters to me. I can only hope that my leadership in business and in life will make a positive impact on others. This is community and service above self.

Throughout her career, Jessica Chandler maintained an open heart for empowering individuals to achieve their passion in life. Her positive, caring energy can fill a conference hall. She is selfless with her time and openly shares life’s experiences with others to guide them on their road of life. Jessica Chandler’s experience in real estate has led her to revitalize cities and empowering residents to bring back life, commerce and culture. She is currently working on revitalization projects that involve real estate and leading-edge communication technology to serve the underserved in regions from Los Angeles, California to Jackson, Mississippi.

The online space creates an avenue to openly sharing successes to inspire others. Social media is an excellent platform for sharing success with those I know directly and indirectly. Overcoming cancer with nature and botanic plants is an inspiration and an example that it CAN be done. Social media is not intended to shine the light on ego, in my opinion. Social media is an open communication method to sharing success and inspiration on a mass scale. Being yourself, pursuing your passion in life, and leading by example should be the focus.

In 2020, my passion for real estate investment will be shared with the public through Legacy Wealth Nation. This information will empower women and veterans to create passive income and take care of themselves first. In addition, I am creating my biggest endeavor yet – revitalization of the city of Jackson, MS. I fell in love with the people and city when I first visited, and now it is time to bring her spirit back. I walk the town and feel the return of life, love and security – of vitality. Through redevelopment of the downtown area and the ability to affordably live in safe neighborhoods, people will have the opportunity to reclaim and pursue their dreams. All is possible.

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Kelly Chisholm

I have been a board certified coach and counselor for over 15 years. My programs are a result of my own journeys, using my own mistakes and challenges to help people find success and happiness in all areas of their lives. I have walked the talk, and have spent many years in educating myself and others in how to live their very best lives. And the very best part is that I really love what I do- I would not do anything else.

An incredible honor! It's so inspiring to see so many other women who are doing enormous things in business and health. It's truly humbling to be a part of this group.

I believe in not "grabbing" their attention, but to instead earn it. Developing programs that actually help people achieve their goals, and not just giving them fluff, using my numerous years of education and experience, and really listening to what the potential client needs is all that you need to make you successful in the overly crowded online marketplace. There's too much noise online, and many "experts" are really not- they don't have the background, education or experience to really help a client. Creating and developing authentic, informed content and programs are the way to stand out.

Oh, I can only tell you about one? That's tough! I've made many mistakes in my career- but maybe the biggest one was to hold on too tightly to wanting to do everything in the business- we all know that at some point, to grow you must be able to let go and hire people to do the things that you are not so good at. But letting go of your vision and having faith that someone can do it as well or even better than you, is hard! But that is how business growsby strengthening your vision, expanding into the world and giving others the opportunity to grow and succeed as well.

I'm crazy excited about my new upcoming program- I have spent the last year learning and becoming certified as a health and wellness coach, and I'm beta testing my program on a few select clients. I've had many clients over the years in business coaching, who are doing phenomenally well with their businesses but are a mess in all other areas of their lives. I don't think we realize how holistic our businesses are- if you don't have the balance between health, nutrition, spirituality, social and emotional/mental, the business is a reflection of that, no matter how successful it is. And then it just doesn't feel right to you- so we have to work on balancing the whole pie. I'm really looking forward to helping other women with this new, cutting edge program!

Lisa Collum

Industry: Education Country: United States Strengths: Teaching and Parenting Favorite Quote: "It may not be easy, but I promise it will be worth it!"

My name is Lisa Collum. I am 36 years old and a mom of 4 kids (three busy boys ages 13, 11, 8 and my precious baby girl age 3), a loving wife of 15 years, and a proud owner of two educational companies. After several years of teaching in the classroom, serving as a writing coach and specialist, I started developing my own writing curriculum to assist students, especially struggling writers. In 2011, I founded Top Score Writing, Inc. and worked with a handful of schools locally providing daily lessons that teachers could use to make writing simple and fun for students. Since then, I have expanded my business and have worked with over 1,000 schools nationwide providing professional development for superintendents, administrators, and teachers on successful writing strategies and effective curriculum implementation. In the midst of my writing curriculum journey, I purchased Coastal Middle and High School. This school is not your ordinary traditional school. It offers lots of flexibility, various curriculum choices, community service projects, frequent breaks and lots of small group and one-on-one teaching. Between running two businesses and raising four kids, life is busy!

I am truly honoured to be selected. I honestly don’t see myself as anything special, but if I can give encouragement to other woman out there, it is all worth it.

I want other woman to know that you can do it all. You can have kids and work and still have a great life. Is it always easy? No! But I promise it can be done. I am excited to share my story and journey with other women!

I think I can standout first and foremost because I have four kids and I am running two businesses. It’s not everyday you see that! I love sharing my journey with others and want them to see the ups and downs and all of the craziness as well as the wonderful things about being an entrepreneur.

With my businesses I definitely stand out because I have been there. My curriculum sells because I was a teacher. I have been in their shoes. I made it specifically for teachers based on my experiences.

Teachers love that there is finally a curriculum they can use that is made by a fellow teacher. I know the trials of being in the classroom. I know they are crunched for time each day, I know they have students that are below level, I know they have to provide differentiated instruction, I know exactly what it is like to be in the classroom. I developed this curriculum to give teachers everything they need to teach writing all in one kit. To make their lives easier and to provide a simple and effective way to teach writing.

Self doubt. I am totally guilty of this throughout my entire journey. I finally feel like this past year I have proven myself. For almost 8 years I would second guess myself, listen to what others said, and constantly doubt that I could do this. I wish I could go back and slap that person. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone!

I finally realize that, but it took many years. I would always walk into meetings unsure and not confident. Even other teachers would look and me and wonder why this 30 year old was telling them how to teach. I found myself in meetings with executives, mostly males, talking about sales and budgets and wondering if I should even be running a business. Constant self doubt!

I wish I had confidence from the beginning. I wish I believed in myself. That was my biggest mistake.

There are so many exciting things happening this upcoming year. I have a book coming out in 2020 where I am sharing my story with the world! My Top Score Writing curriculum is growing and going nationwide. In 2020, you will see Top Score in almost every state. My school is growing as well. We are moving into a new building that is bigger, we have more teachers and we are getting new students weekly. In 2020, Coastal Middle and High School will have a middle school campus and a high school campus. Both of my businesses are growing, my personal brand and story are expanding, and the craziness of life just keeps getting crazier. But I love every minute of it and I am SO thankful!

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Nina K. Roberts

I have big visions, dreams and goals for 2020 - Personally and business wise it is an exciting time - I am releasing an online course teaching entrepreneurs hiring skills and am working on some long planned passion projects like a leadership and an online hiring community for entrepreneurs. I am most excited about the new personal connections - So please, if you read this - take action, reach out, let us connect! Let’s support, rise and thrive together!

Helping business owners become amazing leaders and supporting professionals to go out there and make their career dreams become reality is my passion and mission. I am Nina. Through my company, Nina K. Roberts Hr & Business Consulting I teach entrepreneurs and small businesses how to hire, train, and lead confident teams. Furthermore, I assist professionals and expats making career decisions that turn their experience and skills into growth, happiness and profit. I am a native German, mum to a wonderful 2 year old, and an always moving around the globe military spouse that currently lives on the US East Coast. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking was not instilled in me from the start, but I have been learning it from scratch since elementary school. I’ve been living and breathing it while spending time in and contributing to my mother's personnel and event marketing agencies. Following this I moved to London, UK when I was 17 for my Interior Design degree at the London Design School but I needed a job to finance my life in London and applied to Harrods - a very well known high end retail store. This was the first time that I experienced high caliber recruitment structures and witnessed first hand their amazing recruitment and employer branding process which left an unforgettable impression and I was absolutely hooked immediately. Now after 16 successful years in human resources and recruiting management, which included being a board member of a digital trading platform and a recruitment expert for several Fortune 500 companies, I felt that it was time to leave the corporate world to be able to offer proven HR solutions with a more holistic approach to professionals and entrepreneurs.

As a career and business hiring coach I constantly encounter women who I admire for their skills, intelligence, persistence and leadership as entrepreneurs. And knowing this makes it even more of an honor to be nominated among this fantastic group of women worldwide and be named a finalist for an award like the Inspirational Female Entrepreneur Award. It highlights the very qualities we all work daily to consistently display in our businesses and careers. Personally this experience has inspired me to find more ways to recognize the work of others around me and I want to use this amazing recognition to encourage other female professionals to communicate, come together and conquer for the common good.

Yes, you could say the online space is crowded but rather than crowded I prefer to see it as a proof of concept. And then it comes down to you and truly to you being you. It comes down to you being your unique self, to focus on your very specific niche and not trying to offer everything to everyone, to fully focusing on what you are great at and to finding your own voice. When you focus on serving and delivering honest value instead of likes, followers and sales you will grab people’s attention. Constantly underestimating my own value, skills and talents which resulted in taking on positions below my capabilities or not properly negotiating my salaries. Rather than fully embracing and 100 percent trusting my skills and my worth, trusting in who I am and in what I can achieve when I set my mind to it. Now it is my very own personal mission to empower every woman (and man) who cares to hear about it with knowledge about career options, salaries, negotiations, raises, etc. I want them walk into those job interviews, meetings or client proposal negotiations fully equipped with the proud confidence to demand what they deserve; and to be ready to ask for more than what they want to end up with - because most employers or clients expect you to do just that. If we don’t value ourselves highly, it will be hard for our clients, bosses or peers to that for us.

Conclusion: Do extensive research when you want to start a business, simulate scenarios, allow for much longer time frames, ensure additional funding sources are available to support the initial setup, marketing and cashflow generation phase. Ensure there is a market for your product / service, they are willing to pay and you know how to reach your target market. A marketing strategy or channel that might work well for one business might not necessarily work for your business.

Rebekah L Femia

I now just get to pour love into people and shine a light on their gifts so they can step into their greatness and become a powerful leader. Where their unique message and who they are is their brand instead of the company or products they sell. I am now so passionate in teaching others what I know and link arms with heart centred visionaries who are relentless, and maybe even a little bit crazy about life, business and purpose.

Digital Marketing & Wealth Creation Australia Genuine Passion, Heart Centred Leadership, Visionary, Radical Self Responsibility “Whats keeping you so loyal to a life keeping you so stuck?”

I was born a rebel, a disruptor. At school I was always in trouble for breaking the rules. I could never understand why I wasn’t allowed to speak up and share my opinion. Why should I have to listen and follow someone else’s made up rules? Rules are made to be broken. My lifelong love for food and travel saw me working as a chef for 10 years and a travel agent for 6 years. I then got into the online space, combining them both into a business that allowed me to have the freedom to live a fully expressed life with an abundance of income to really experience everything that was available to me. I’ve travelled to over 80 countries and lived all over the globe. I am a citizen of the world and I live by my own rules that align with my values. One of the most defining moments of my life came through a tragedy. My life radically shifted after I went through a traumatic experience with the loss of my baby at 12 weeks pregnant, the breakup of my relationship, all while being extremely sick with a parasite I got while living in Bali. I was exhausted, depressed, depleted and totally spinning out of control, feeling like I could hardly breath in every second. This was the most challenging time in my life, yet it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. For far too long I had let my inner voice be ignored. For far too long I had not trusted my soul and her purpose. For far too long I didn’t ask for what I wanted.

For far too long I didn’t have the courage to fight for my vision. For far too long I skimmed over my personal growth, not allowing myself to go deep within for fear of the darkness. For far too long I let my heart stay closed desperately trying to keep it safe. For far too long I was complacent in what I knew I was capable of achieving in my life. When you’re broken there is no other option but to FIGHT for your life. So I got very clear on what I wanted my life to look like and who I wanted to be. I wanted to be a women who was fierce while stirring people’s soul, who inspired others with her story of determination and courage, who was vulnerable, raw and real, who gave a voice to the voiceless, who lived her life fully leaving nothing on the table, who was of service in a way that truly left this planet better than when she got here. The enemy of a great life is a good life and my life was good, but not heart expanding, soul stirring, blissfully divine great. In 2017 I was ready to get into full alignment. I knew that I needed to leverage my time and do something that was going to bring in not just a 6 figure a year income hustling 24/7 but a 7 figure income with ease and flow; with aligned action and automation. My business is simple, it’s automated with an incredible 3 step strategy that converts, so what we work on is the inner alignment and teaching people how to own their worth, own their voice and become wildly wealthy by upgrading their money story!

Money with soul is one of the most healing commodities on the planet.

I am truly honoured to be acknowledged in this way and most of all given a platform where I can share my voice to inspire and empower more women. All the finalists are powerful and inspiring women all following their mission and souls purpose and I am so grateful that we can all raise the vibration of women’s work together.

“The world will be saved by western women. Not any women, perhaps not all women, but burning women. Women who have stepped out of silence and into the fullness of their power.”...................The Dali Lama. I believe in being yourself! Get clear on your vision, your mission and share it with the world! Stay in your own lane and remember that you are unique, whole and perfect just as you are, anyone that makes you feel like you need to be someone else to fit in is just projecting their insecurities onto you and you ain’t got no time for that! You have big things to do in the world so BE YOU and be proud of all of you and not just the pretty, put together version but the real and raw parts. That’s how you connect with your tribe..... you show them your humanness. Something magic happens when you show up as ALL of yourself, it gives others permission to show up as ALL of themselves in full honour of who they are.

I love this question and I will answer with there are no mistakes only lessons. I don’t believe in mistakes or failures in a traditional sense. I truly believe that I make mistakes every day and will continue to strive to do so and this is why I am successful.

This is why I continue to be curious and why I don’t feel the shame and guilt around “mistakes” that society has programmed us to feel. Your experiences are your super power, don’t ever let anyone make you feel like having the courage to give something a go is a bad thing. Anyone who has created more success than you has just failed more times than you in their mission to achieve it. If you can fail 9 out of 10 times… You can become incredibly successful. If you fail 9 out of 10 times… You can live your dream life and impact the planet in a massive way.

I will be releasing an online program with my soul sister and powerful shaman Adelina. We are so passionate about empowering women to own their worth and become wildly wealthy. This will be a deep honouring of the feminine and powerful abundance activation. I will spend a few months in the jungle of Peru with the tribes learning their wisdom and downloading their codes. Siting in ceremony and connecting to Mother Nature.

Ronel Jooste

2019 has been an amazingly blessed year for me and I do feel a bit overwhelmed receiving 9 awards / nominations during this year. It is however important to stay humble and focused and to continue readjusting your goals. I want to continue to help businesses and people understand and manage their finances better. I want to become an established speaker sharing financial knowledge and my entrepreneurial journey and the lessons learned from it, publish more books, grow my businesses and make a bigger impact through my foundation. South Africa is a beautiful country to live in and I aspire to make a positive contribution to our country. There are some new business ventures in the pipeline, keep watching this space.

Finances, fitness, travel and giving back to the community are the things that excite me. I am a Chartered Accountant by profession. I spent more than a decade as Head of Group Financial Reporting at a large listed corporate in the financial services industry where I gained valuable experience in banking, insurance and investments. In 2015 I left the corporate world to pursue my entrepreneurial aspirations. I was looking for something to combine my qualifications, experience, expertise and passion into one solution resulting in FinanciallyFit Group being established. FinanciallyFit Group is a company specialising in financial consulting and training for businesses and individuals. We also offer online financial courses and employee financial wellness programmes. I am passionate about financial education and I live my passion by helping multiple businesses and individuals become Financially Fit for Life. My dream is to educate people about finances as I believe if you empower an individual financially, you uplift a nation. With that in mind, I initiated the Ronel Jooste Dream Foundation aiming to lessen poverty through establishing financial education / literacy in local communities. I am the author of the book Financially Fit and Wealthy and has won an AfriCAN Authors Award in the financial literacy category. I often act as guest speaker at events and corporate companies educating audiences about finances or inspiring people when sharing my personal and entrepreneurial journey.

Together with my sister, we own PhysEQFiT Guesthouse in Centurion, South Africa – 100% female owned and managed. I am also a qualified personal fitness trainer and I enjoy being active with running, gym and playing golf forming part of my daily lifestyle. I aspire to live a healthy, active, happy and financially fit lifestyle and I wish to inspire others to do the same.

Being a finalist for the Inspirational Female Entrepreneur Awards 2019 means a lot to me. It certainly is humbling and an honour that Woman Entrepreneur Magazine recognises me as an entrepreneur as well as the work I do. Being an entrepreneur is tough and requires enormous work and dedication. A nomination of this nature motivates me to do even more, to be more and to make a bigger impact.

Be authentic, be humble, be realistic. No point in pretending or portraying an amazing image yet when it comes to delivery, you are mediocre or don’t have the knowledge and skill to add value to your clients. It is important to build your brand both on a personal and business level and to live the values you portray. Define what is unique about you and your product / service and how it can add value to prospective clients.

Email Address Website Coming from the corporate world I didn’t realize how much time and effort it takes to build a successful business. For example, when we considered establishing a guest house we analysed the income earning potential based on what other well established guesthouses are earning, making the mistake of thinking we will achieve those earnings immediately. Based on the potential we saw, we set out and started the guesthouse from scratch…. having no guests and no experience in the hospitality industry apart from staying in guesthouses while travelling locally and aboard. Long story short, it took far more money, time and effort in establishing a successful guesthouse than what we anticipated. Conclusion: Do extensive research when you want to start a business, simulate scenarios, allow for much longer time frames, ensure additional funding sources are available to support the initial setup, marketing and cashflow generation phase. Ensure there is a market for your product / service, they are willing to pay and you know how to reach your target market. A marketing strategy or channel that might work well for one business might not necessarily work for your business.

Siobhan Calderbank

I will continue to break down barriers, stereotypes and biases through my commitment to change. There are no limits as to what females can do when they work together to achieve success. Alone you are strong, but together we are powerful. I am humbled to be considered as someone that is inspirational among so many women that have tirelessly given their time and themselves to accelerate the advancement of women. I believe an inspirational female entrepreneur is an authentic leader that can influence, motivate and stimulate others to take action, continuously learn and develop themselves. She leads by example and encourages others to do the same. She understands that while life may not always be easy, a positive attitude can make all the difference. She is open to change and takes consistent and persistent action towards a vision to help others.

Siobhan Calderbank is a dynamic speaker, an awardwinning published author, recognized Learning Leader and an expert in change management and leadership. She has spoken to diverse groups at conferences, events, seminars, and planning sessions to motivate individuals to work more collaboratively. She has engaged audiences of over 2500 people from 71 countries. Siobhan is a creative, energetic, results-driven speaker with a wellearned reputation for motivating and inspiring client groups. She is the recipient of the Canadian Business Chicks 2019 Woman of Inspiration Award for Diversity and Inclusiveness and nominated as a 2020 Top 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women. Siobhan began her career delivering key programs to audiences in large organizations. She then transitioned into a consulting role where she was integral in assisting senior management teams to identify performance gaps, develop key leadership competencies, initiate culture change and improve overall employee engagement. Siobhan’s many years of experience enabled her to fuse together her love of teaching and her passion for change management to become a sought-after speaker that inspires professionals and entrepreneurs to improve performance outcomes. She created a unique proprietary 4-step approach to leading change that bridges the generational differences in change and leadership. She has aided teams to develop innovative solutions to achieve their strategic objectives, grow their organization’s market share, improve efficiency, increase profitability and enhance culture through engagement. In her personal life, she overcame many adversities, one of which was being divorced and a single mother of two small children.

These challenges sparked her interest and commitment to personal leadership, resiliency and helping other women who have encountered similar experiences. She is the Founder of Change Leadership Accelerator and focuses her time on helping to expand women’s opportunities for leadership, professional development, and leading change. She has volunteered to speak at women’s groups such as Women in Aerospace and Avanti Women. In addition, Siobhan is a volunteer mentor and provides guidance to women that are trying to progress in their careers, female entrepreneurs that want to improve their business, and individuals that need strategies to overcome tough changes in their lives. She also served on the Advisory Board for IntelexOne to promote diversity, inclusiveness and belonging while working closely with Executive Sponsors for Women, LGBTQ+, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities, and Allies Enterprise Resource Groups. In addition, Siobhan is a new wife, mother of three children, a comic-book super hero nerd, an axe thrower, loves archery, and a candy-holic. She likes going to the movies, theatre and is learning how to play golf.

Being a Finalist for the Inspirational Female Entrepreneur Awards 2019 is truly an honour and an opportunity to expand my reach to help other female entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (those working in organizations, but think and act like a business owner) with change, leadership and learning. Finding female leaders and role models can be challenging, especially for women of colour. I am able to show other women who desire to be a speaker that being an introvert in no way means to silence your voice, but rather we all have a right to be heard and have value to offer.

The secret to standing out is constantly offering real value. I have seen so many people hold back from offering more or doing more because they felt that they needed to wait until they are paid more. This is a fallacy. The more you give because you love what you are doing – i.e., helping people – the more success will follow. The success that comes with standing out is merely a biproduct of serving others with the intention to make their lives better. It is critical for you to know your audience and the people that you serve. You have to offer them what your competitors are not. To do this, you have to identify the gap. Then you must consistently offer value that is better quality and faster than your competition. You don’t have to make big changes. Small changes over time can lead to major transformations to your business and your life. If you can do that, you will continue to grab the attention from prospective clients and ultimately increase your performance.

The biggest mistake I have made in my career is thinking that I could do everything on my own; from video production to creating sales funnels to taking my speaking career to the next level. I quickly realized that I could not possibly do it all. l needed help. While YouTube and Google are great learning tools for small tasks and increasing your knowledge on a topic, you cannot master everything. Whether you are an entrepreneur that offers a product or service or an intrapreneur that works for a company that provides a specific expertise, you have taken time to master your skill. So why not procure the services of others that can do what you need better than you? Your time is valuable. Instead of spinning your wheels and wasting time on activities that can easily be done by others, start asking for help. This mindset change lead me to getting a coach and learning how to achieve the results that I wanted while avoiding the mistakes that they made. Subsequently, I have mentored others to improve their desired results by up to 300% and encouraged them to learn from my mistakes so that they can progress forward. I would urge any individual that wants to improve their business or take their career to the next level, to get a coach and a mentor.

I am currently working on a book about change leadership and plan to launch it in 2020. It will define what change leadership is and what makes an effective change leader. The book will outline a four-step blueprint including practical activities that leaders can implement to engage multi-generational staff to adopt change. It will also provide tools to assess individual and organizational readiness for change and how to respond appropriately to resistance.

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So although this approach has kept me safe, it has also meant I haven’t been as bold as was needed at times. Every time I make a mistake, I remind myself I must be growing, so I do my best to not mentally take myself out. Mentally staying on track consistently enough despite all the challenges we face has been tricky at times I have allowed myself to be impacted too much by others.

Trish Love

I am focusing on being a Virtual CFO for growth focused clients in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, USA and the UK. I enjoy working one on one with select business owners across many industries who are serious about tripling their profits, freeing up their time and eliminating money worry.

I have grown Love to Grow for 22 years. I am a Virtual CFO who helps business owners triple their profits, claim back their time, and eliminate money worry. In my personal life, I have a wonderfully supportive husband and four fabulous children aged 14 to 22 who constantly make me laugh. We have two dogs, a cat and a turtle. My three siblings and I are all lucky enough to live in New Zealand. Love to Grow exists to help clients have a fun life. We help people globally achieve their preferred version of W.E.A.L.T.H™, my acronym for your best combination of Work, Enjoyment, Achievement, Love, Time, and Health. As a Virtual CFO (Chief Financial Officer), I assist with the commercial rollout of ideas, strategic planning, tactical improvements, money management and business building steps. We consult from our core values of leadership, growth and effectiveness. I seldom think anything is impossible. We instead work out key steps needed and help businesses implement them. I’ve had senior roles in large nationwide corporates, so I understand the ways people management, operations, systems, governance and compliance all enhance or inhibit growth. I’ve also had senior roles in start up phases of nationwide technology rollouts, so know the importance of strong planning, capital management and adaptability. I’ve learned to change things incrementally, quickly, and often. Much of my most important learnings however came from my childhood. With war veteran parents, my home life was instrumental in garnering imagination, courage, compassion, resilience, risk management, emotional intelligence and to think holistically.

I learned abilities to assess a situation and to draw on varying types of intelligences. I can take measured risks. I know things will turn out great, as long as I apply sound balance between strategy, management, tactics, risks and rewards. I am a natural entrepreneur because of my childhood learnings. My own version of W.E.A.L.T.H™ centres on having enough balance between family, work, friends and fun activities. Growing up in New Zealand gave me a strong entrepreneurial advantage, not least of which from our culture, which is based in the self reliance of a young isolated country. My childhood taught me to take risks and deal with unpredictable events. We try varying things until they work, sometimes with little resources available. Most of us are open minded and try to improve things that are wrong. I’ve learned the more traditional elements of business building and money management whilst working from ages 17-28. I’ve helped clients since I was 19, over 1000 of them, across a very interesting range of industries, sizes, stages, demographics, cultures and skill levels. I adore most about what I do.

It felt an honour to be nominated, let alone learn I was one of the finalists! That was very humbling. It invoked a further sense of settled pleasure and calm, to recognise the many years of effort, in which I imagine all entrepreneurs will be able to relate. My main focus is not often on myself though, to be perfectly open. I am normally focused on achieving results for the businesses we deal with. But every now and then, it is also appropriate to be a pioneer of one’s own further development and growth. So it is humbling to have this nomination and also the finalist recognition.

We will be continuing to run our Ultimate Business Detox retreats in Bali and Queenstown, New Zealand and are looking to expand these into Sri Lanka and parts of Europe in 2020. These are 4 day retreats which bring a synergistic approach from myself and other world class experts, who together create a road map for your business growth, health and W.E.A.L.T.H™. I am also planning another Business Leadership Programme and some online business and money management programmes.

Our main thing is to stay real, authentic. Through both the good times and also the bad times. None of us are immune from the bad times, so we are open about rolling with the punches. Business owners want to deal with people who are real, people who are like them. Except maybe a bit further along the road. We have fun. We laugh at ourselves and forgive ourselves our numpty moments. We try to always be a little bit different, more real, more quirky and more aligned with our clients. We buck the stereotypes, to deliver their results, as best we can, within the time and capacity constraints affecting us all. I get far more satisfaction from the improved results of my clients and others close to me, than anything else. I believe our focus on being real is what connects most.

We are always changing things to constantly improve, so doing that automatically brings some failure. When we have initiated new services or major growth steps inside our own business, my main problem has been we haven’t failed fast enough. I have spread our resources too thinly, especially in areas needing x factors, and haven’t made key decisions promptly enough. At times I have been too kind in my decision making, instead needing to bring a stronger business mindset, and have sometimes slept inside the trees, not being able to see the woods. I haven’t stepped outside of my business with enough clarity. I have managed to have small failures, ones which steer, instead of failures that sink.

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