Woman of Substance - Spring 2011

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For the Modern Woman with Traditional Values


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6 Smart Ways to Keep Your House Clean



For the Modern Woman with Traditional Values.

Woman of Substance Magazine caters to the distinctively different perspective of Christian women everywhere. It offers a consistently excellent mix of information and godly insight that addresses real life issues that Christian women are facing daily. It is that “voice in the wilderness� encouraging, exhorting, assisting and celebrating women as distinct individuals with distinct perspectives. Connect with us by sharing your story, advertising or by making a donation to this ministry.


PO Box 24541, Columbia, SC 29224 (888) 939-8881 www.wosmag.com


“For the Modern Woman with Traditional Values�

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Camisha Mitchell-Harrod Contributors Dr. Barbara Payton, Dr. Inetta J. Cooper, Tiffany Anisette, Tunisia Bullock, Antoinette Dickson, Toresa Blakely, Monique Maffei, Patricia Mitchell, Delores Weaver Advisory Board Helen Jones, Clarence H. Harrod, Jr., L. Jerome Bracey, Dr. Barbara Payton, Patricia Mitchell Sales and Promotion Clarence H. Harrod, Jr, L. Jerome Bracey Woman of Substance LLC Camisha Mitchell-Harrod, CEO Woman of Substance (ISSN No. 1946-3340) is published quarterly by Woman of Substance, LLC, PO Box 24541, Columbia, SC 29223 - Periodical Postage Paid in and at additional mailing offices. USA Subscription Prices, US and Possessions, 1 Yr. $20 Donation. To order call 1-888-939-8881. Manuscript and photographs must have return postage. If unsolicited, we cannot be responsible for them. Postmaster: Send address changes to Woman of Substance, PO Box 24541, Columbia, SC, 29224. Winter 2011 Vol. 1, Issue 2 Copyright Woman of Substance, LLC., 2010, All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. The views and opinions contained in this magazine are not necessarily the views and opinions of Woman of Substance LLC.

Front and Center - Editor’s Page

It is so amazing how God knows what you need before you recognize you need it. I started this magazine last year and the second issue should have been out by now but due to finances and just life happening, my intention to make that happen fell short. But you know something, this issue was just so fitting because I really considered just throwing in the towel and giv-

ing all those who had sown into the magazine their money back, but just as I thought that on the one hand, there were calls from people who said, “Well I have two women here who were reading the magazine and they want to know how they can get a copy.” “I saw your magazine today and are you still producing it because I’d like to purchase a subscription.” “Camisha, where is the magazine? How’s it coming?” I’m fighting tears back right now because as I stated earlier God knows what you need before you recognize you need it.

This issue’s theme is faith and I bless God because I did not know I’d be the one needing to walk this thing out in faith. I’d like to thank my mother, who was my ram in the bush for speaking life and giving me that extra push and all those who have sown into Woman of Substance. I pray that as you read, you are blessed. Know this - Faith WILL cancel out fear every time. Love you and stay blessed!



SPRING 2011 features 8 Why Are We Here? What is Your Purpose and Why Are You Here? 12 Worship as a Weapon Worship is a tool, if used properly, that can free you to live a life with no limits. 19 From God’s Vision To Your Destiny:Igniting Your Faith........Antoinette Dickson 27 Faith in Action: Three Women Talk Faith Three Dynamic Women of God explore faith - its impact and its meaning in their lives. 31 Purpose in Pain:Lupus 26-year old Tunisia Bullock is a professional flutist who despite battling lupus continues to minister to others through music.

contents 5 Front And Center - Editor’s Page 19 Culinary Corner -Quick Recipes for the Woman on the Go 25 Book Nook - Sex and the Single Church Sister: How to Keep Your Dress On When You Want to Take it Off 25 Sound Sense -Check Out What’s New in 2011!

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Many people are finding themselves sailing through life not realizing that there is or was a bigger picture or plan for them. They try their hands at many things always feeling not satisfied with where they are, what they are doing, or what they have become. These are people I describe as ships without rudders, they have no foundation, no purpose, no true sense of why they were created, or where their lives are going. Now is the time you need to pose the question within yourself and ask what is my purpose? What have I been created to do? What lives are to be affected and changed by mine? What is my calling? As you read this I want you to begin to really think about these questions and more, search within yourself and see if you are fulfilling anything that you have been wired for. As I have lived these thirty-nine years in the earth and now know what my purpose is, it has been amazing at how fulfilled I am because everything I do in life now, lines up with my purpose and reason for living. I have also discovered that if I do things that are not lining up with my purpose and calling I am not happy or I begin feeling overwhelmed because I am taking someone else’s position in life. Knowing what your purpose is and why you were created will alleviate a lot of unnecessary headaches and hassles in your life

because you will have more clarity of what your life is meant to be. It will teach you how to cut unnecessary things out of your life that are weighing or tying you down. It will also teach you how to say no to what you should not be committing to and yes to the things that you should that make you happy or fulfilled. It has been amazing to me as I work to impact the lives of others for change how they begin to understand they are really someone who is important and has value. As a life and spiritual coach it has been overwhelming in a good way to see the lights going on in the eyes of women and men who didn’t have a clue of who they were before we got started coaching sessions but know who they are when we are finish working together. So I challenge you today to “Make a choice. Take the next step. Consider the possibility and make it your reality.” Purpose is really about how you can impact the lives of those around you after you discover what your assignment or mission for life is… Toresa M. Blakely Personal Life & Spiritual Coach Coaching You for Life P.O. Box 68453 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 www.coachingyouforlife.com


Woman of Substance is looking for article submissions for its next issue on LOVE. If you have ever wanted to be published, here’s your OPPORTUNITY! Please submit all articles to wosmag@gmail.com with “Article Submission” in the Subject line. Make sure to include your name, address, number and email address somewhere in your email so that we can contact you with the good news. If submitting via mail: Woman of Substance Magazine c/o Article Submission Dept. PO Box 24541 Columbia, SC 29224 *Manuscripts and Photos will not be returned.* ws11



“This Weapon Called Worship” by Monique Maffei My original approach to writing this article was somewhat more abstract; I wasn’t quite able to put into everyday language what the word worship actually meant to me. I knew of its significance in my life in an obvious sense, having been raised in the church, it was just something we did. Writing this really forced me to sit down and patiently piece out where I stand on the whole subject and thus, find an effective way to share with you, the reader, the powerful lesson

I’ve learned about this act we casually refer to as “worship”. In church, as a community, we sing songs in reverent honor of our awesome God as a way of getting closer to Him, to show Him how much we love Him and how we regard Him as sacred and worthy of our praise. It is an invitation, a beckoning, to His Holy Spirit to enter in, and to move and dwell among us. Sometimes, in a quiet moment, when it’s just God and me, say in my living room, I put on some beautiful

music and simply dance around. It takes me back to being a child, when life was much less demanding and my biggest worry was probably my math homework. When I’m dancing before God I feel lovely and strong, and what I can’t express in words in that moment is expressed in dance. I’ve had the opportunity to lead people in singing worship. This I find to be one of the most fulfilling and at the same time one of the most demanding acts of service in the church. It involves on the surface, some-

what apparent things: knowing or at least having an idea of what the pastor is going to talk about, picking the appropriate songs and then practicing them. On a deeper level, leading worship involves, practically requires, fervent prayer, prayer for strength, protection, clarification and instruction. It can be argued that being a worship leader, not unlike other positions of ministry, makes that person a prime target for spiritual attack. When people are effectively lead into a “place of worship”, where God’s Spirit is present and

moving, things happen: God speaks, He delivers, He heals, He restores, He redeems, He transforms lives. If being in this place

sounds familiar to you, and I’m willing to bet, more so hoping that it does, then you know how it feels… the peace and serenity, the resolve, the closure, the revelation, the lightening of the load. And this is a direct threat to the Enemy. If Satan can somehow distract us, or

trick us into thinking that all we’re doing during this time is being entertained by a “holy headliner playing a guitar”, then we miss the whole point, we put off for another day what God wants to accomplish in us now, today. (Praise God that He never gives up on us and will always meet us exactly where we are and knows when we’re ready and willing and able to receive Him and all He is offering). What I am proposing is that the very thing that moves us into God’s presence is the same thing that we

can use anywhere, anytime to lead us to and keep us in that place of alignment with God and his plan for our lives. That place where our joy is, where our peace is, where our clarity is, where strongholds are broken and thoughts are made new by the power of a risen Lord and Savior. Scripture tells us that if we walk by the leading of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives that we will experience (at the very least) bumps in the road, and that we battle not against flesh and bone, but against spirits and principali-

ties seeking only to destroy us, if by no other means, by distracting us and thereby cheating us out of our portion of that day’s divine feast. I am proposing that when we worship God, whether it be in our church singing as a parishioner, or as a leader, whether we’re meditating on scripture and keeping our mind stayed on Him, or thanking Him repeatedly for all that we are grateful for, praising Him for all He is doing and has yet to do, whether we are taking in the beauty of a sun-filled day, the vast blue

sky, the ocean, wildflowers blowing in a field, whatever means we use to get into God’s presence, to worship, we are waging war against all the forces that are seeking to take us off the path that God has for us. But all that being said, it’s easy to forget what we have at our disposal. While I’m writing this article, I’m actually going through one of the most enduring times of growth in my life. I am getting ready to embark on what I pray will mean a change in my life forever. In anticipation of this, I woke up a little on edge. The

edginess soured into irritability and I felt myself stumbling toward what I like to call “the dark place,” (that horrible place of discouragement and negative thoughts). As I run my fingers through my hair and grip the sides of my head, I take a deep breath, then a second deep breath. I begin to talk with God and ask Him to protect me from whatever is trying to trick me into that dark place. And something wonderful happens. I remember that though I have been here before, I don’t have to stay here.


“When people are effectively led into a place of worship, where God’s spirit is present and moving, things happen.” I remember who I am in Christ and that as a sharer in His inheritance, I don’t have to accept being in this place, this state of mind, nor do I have to accept it as my own. There is a quickening in my spirit and I begin saying quietly to myself some of the things I have learned over

the years of reading scripture, ”I am the head and not the tail,” “I am more than a conqueror,” “I am beautifully and wonderfully made” and God’s gifts are “irrevocable,” I have the power, through Christ, to cast down every vain imagination that seeks to exalt itself above the truth of God. I decide to take a break in the lunchroom. I sit down to nibble at my chicken. I am really yearning to be in God’s presence right now and hopefully shake off this icky feeling creeping up on me since morning. There’s no

one in there, so I turn on a worship song and let it play out loud. The singer’s voice is so soothing. She’s singing about how the path that she’s on is broken and how God’s instruction is unclear and even confusing to her. But she will stay on the path and endure everything she encounters because she knows God’s truth, that she is not alone, that God loves her, even to the point of dying for her. The song goes on from there, the rest of the lyrics eloquently referencing scripture. I listen to this moving song, one I haven’t heard in a while, a song within a play list I’ve labeled “Worship”. And it occurs to me, I’d forgotten this element, this weapon, in my life: this Worship. I am fighting tears as I begin to submit to the Holy Spirit moving over me. Within my spirit I hear these

words: “I am right here. You are not alone in this. I have brought you to this place. You will not go through this alone.” Quietly, I begin meditating on God’s promises, praising God, thanking God, worshiping God. And suddenly, I am overcome…by peace, and excitement and courage and confidence. I make a quick mental note: this is the posture I need to take, this is the mindset, the Godly place I need to stay in, live in, run to! Anytime I am tempted to go back to that place of worry, or to stress out over this task (or over any task for that matter), I will return to this posturing. I will use what I’ve learned, whether by praying, singing, meditating on scripture, taking in a sunset, whatever it is that moves me into God’s presence. I will fight and I will use the God-given weapon I have at my disposal, this wonderful, powerful weapon called WORSHIP. ws17

Having Faith by Delores Weaver Look around this place called Earth The flowers, the trees, even the air that we breathe, The golden sun that shines so bright, Bringing Faith to us in a heavenly light. See the wonders of God’s delight as faith is brought to us in that heavenly light. Believe, Believe is what we must do, for God’s Word is so true, Consume the Word both day and night And you will see Fatih in a heavenly light. For if you just have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, You can make mountains move indeed. Faith will turn your midnights into day For that’s God’s Word and it’s here to stay. Faith is God’s perfect gift to you, It’s up to you to receive. It’s given in love and worketh by love, So Believe; Believe is what we must do, For God’s Word is so true. Have that Faith of a grain of a mustard seed And see if God won’t supply your every need. He wll bring you joy, hope and peace, Just love, believe, keep His Word in your heart and Have FAITH, unmoveable. Copyright © 2011 Delores Weaver. Allowed to reprint with permission.

culinary corner Barbeque Chicken - Mama’s Way 1 lb chicken pieces Sea Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder or Seasoning Salt 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar 1 cup Water Barbeque Sauce (any kind) 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Wash chicken in cold water and remove the skin from each piece. Season chicken with sea salt, pepper and garlic powder or seasoning salt by itself in the pan of your choice. Put enough water in the pan to cover the bottom of your chicken pieces along with apple cider vinegar. 2. Baste chicken with the vinegar base created at the bottom of the pan from the water and vinegar mix. Place chicken in the oven to bake for about 30 minutes. 3. After the 30 minutes, take the chicken out of the oven and baste it with your favorite barbeque sauce. Place the chicken in the oven for another 40 minutes, basting it once more before the 40 minutes elapses. 4. Place chicken in a pretty dish. Serve with a vegetable side (See pg.19) and rice.


culinary corner Squash and Zucchini Side 2-3 Squash 2-3 Zucchini 1 Large Onion Garlic Powder or Fresh Garlic Sea Salt Olive Oil 1. Wash the squash and zucchini with water. On cuttting board, take both the zucchini and squash and cut them into round medium-sized pieces. Chop the onion any way you like. 2. Add olive oil - just enough to thinly coat the pan. Starting with the onion and garlic, add them to your pan and let cook for about 10 minutes on medium heat before adding your vegetables. 3. Cook all ingredients together for about 15-20 minutes or until it reaches desired texture. Serve with Barbeque Chicken - Mama’s Way. (See pg. 18) Enjoy!

From God’s Vision to Your Destiny: Igniting Your Faith Antoinette Dickson If you're willing to step out in faith, why not continue to walk in it as well? What changes after that first step that takes from "I will!" to "I don't think I can"? It’s our lack of planning. We know what we want, but we haven't mapped out a plan to get there. We have a vision, but we are too shortsighted to realize that that simply is not enough. In Habakkuk 2:2-3 we read, "And the Lord answered me, 'Write the vision,and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry'." Simply deciding to do what you will in pursuit of what you want is not the formula for success. In most cases, that approach lies a solid foundation for failure. Let’s examine what's going on in the verses above. In short, God has revealed HIS vision for the future to Habakkuk and instructed him to WRITE what he sees, to make it clear and plain so that it can be read and understood by others. This particular vision is a preview of what is to come - the fulfillment of a destiny, if you will. It may seem like it's a long time coming, but the Lord admonishes him to rest assured, it WILL COME. How many times have you felt inspired to do something, purposed in your heart to do it, and start it with great intent, only to have your energy fizzle, your faith wane, or totally lose your sense of direction? My mother has been telling me all my life that "all things must be done in order." Before igniting your faith, you have to transition from the vast recesses of your mind to something tangible, that great vision of yours. Write down whatever it is that you want to do. Don’t worry about whether or not it is feasible at this time. Simply write it down. What you do next depends on your personal beliefs. For me, it means that it's time to pray over the vision and to ask God for assurance that it is in accordance with his will for your life.

Pour over the Scriptures in search of promises he has given. Make a note of them and reflect upon them daily. Allow your faith to ignite the process that will call your vision from dream to reality. Step into your destiny understanding that the initial steps may be taken in the dark, but they will lead you into the light if you persevere. James 2:20 tells us that "faith without works is dead". If you believe that you will be successful, take steps to prepare yourself for that success. The mentality of "I’ll do this when I get that" is not faith in action; it's laziness. I believe that I will be healthier this time next year than I am now, so I’ve changed my eating and exercising habits. I believe that I will be a successful writer, so I now write every chance I get. One of my greatest desires is to have my life's purpose supported by my life's passion and to see my passion manifested in my purpose. That will not happen while sitting around twiddling my thumbs and talking about what I want. It will take definitive action on my part. FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD... and waiting on God is an active state. In order to see progress, we must make progress. The distance from your desire to your destination is determined by your dedication to your destiny and not that of another.


JOIN Glory Church International as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary October 21-23, 2011

“Christ in You, the Hope of Glory” Colossians 1:27-28 Glory Church International Rev. Sidney L. Payton, Pastor Rev. Barbara Payton, Co-Pastor 6405-B Two Notch Road Columbia, South Carolina 29223 803-786-6003 (Office) www.glorychurchinternational.org If you’d like to support the 20th anniversary of Glory Church International, please consider purchasing an ad within the Souvenir Booklet for lasting memories or making a monetary donation. To inquire, please send an email to glorychurchint@yahoo.com.

BOOK NOOK We as women are challenged in so many areas and even more of a challenge presents itself as a single woman. Sha Givens’ book, Sex and the Single Church Sis ter - How to Keep Your Dress On When Want to Take it Off” gives it to you straight with no chaser. Ms. Givens explores real-life challenges confronting single, contemporary women in the new millineum. It is a sure tool to help women understand how to navigate their course when the church lights go out. This book is a practical guide to understanding God’s plan for sex and more......Purchase at shagivensspeaks.com.




GIVE YOUR BATHROOM A FRESH NEW LOOK WITHOUT BREAKING YOUR BUDGET. Giving your bathroom a fresh, new look without breaking the bank can be done quick and easy. Here are some ideas to help you get started: 1. Give your bathroom an intense cleaning! Scrub the grout, clean the faucets on the tub and sink. Polish wood cabinets. Overtime an accumulation of dirt/dust can dull the finish on cabinets and fixtures so cleaning and polishing will give them a fresh new look. 2. Clear off counter tops and clear the room of clutter. For items you use on a regular basis, consider installing a rotating tray under the counter for storage. 3. Update the hardware on cabinets. 4. One of the most dramatic changes you can make in updating your bathroom is painting. It's inexpensive and most often can be done for under $25. 5. Replace your old shower curtain or simply add new shower curtain rings to your existing curtain. 6. Lastly, purchase matching accessories such as wastebaskets, towels and rugs to accentuate the new changes! You'll be amazed how great your bathroom will look and how fantastic your pocketbook wil feel!

6 SMART WAYS TO KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN 1. Buy baby wipes and use them to clean everything from bathroom sinks and tubs to spot cleaning stains! And to think we use them for baby’s bottom..... 2. When you finish eating a meal that requires plates or cups, clean and put the dishes away immediately or just purchase disposable items for less cleanup. 3. Used this one today - to clean stains off of that coffee pot use white vinegar with 2-1 water and use a sponge to wipe those stains right off! For more stubborn stains let pot soak for awhile in your vinegar/water mix. Remember WHITE vinegar for cleaning. 4.Make your bed when you get out of the bed! 5. Spot clean periodically throughout the week so there’s less to do when you finally do clean. 6. After a hard day of work, remove your clothes and hang them the same way you found them.


Dr. Barbara Payton Glory Church Int’l Columbia, SC Faith begins where the will of god is known. In order for you and I to have faith we have to know and have revelation of the Word of God. In Hebrews 11:1 it tells us, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” We see through that verse of scripture that faith is now(present tense), not tomorrow or in the sweet by and by, but right now. There are componets to our faith. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” You and I must be hearing the word of God continually. Once a week is not enough. As you and I continue to hear the word of God, we will have confidence in our heart to do what God has put in our hearts to do.

Faith in God's word drives out all fear, and doubt and unbelief. You will have faith in God's word because you have confidence in the word of God. No matter what you see or hear that is contrary to the word of God it will not move you. You would be unmoveable. When you pray you must believe you receive right then, not when you see it. Once those words are released out of your mouth your faith in what you spoke begins to work for you. Remember out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Hearing the word, believing the word, speaking the word, meditating on the word and acting on the word are essential componets to our faith. From June of 2010 up until the first week of October 2010, I had to believe God to be in the land of the living. I had to believe God that with long life he would satisfy me and show me his salvation. I was diagnosed with blood clots in my lungs, but because I believed the word of God “by his stripes I am healed”, I am alive today and doing what God put me

in the Earth to do. The woman with the issue of blood said, “If I could just touch the hem of his garments I will be made whole.” Why did she believe that? She believed in what she had heard. There is a man that causes the lame to

walk, the deaf to hear, the blind to see and even raise the dead, so she had confidence or faith in what she had heard, and her faith made her whole. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. I encourage you today not to faint or quit, but to continue to have faith in God's word and you will see everything that you are believing God for in the natural.

Dr. Inetta J. Cooper Women-N-Power Int’lMinistries Host, View from the Pew , The Word Network My faith looks up to thee thou laMb of Calvary savior divine! now hear Me while i pray take all My guilt away, o let Me froM this day be wholly thine. May thy riCh graCe iMpart, strength to My fainting heart My zeal inspire; as thou hast died for Me, o May Mylove to thee, pure, warM and Changeless be, a living fire!

This song was written by Ray Palmer in the mid 1800’s but has been such an inspiration to me in my walk with God. To be a visionary is endless, but rewarding, taxing but unencumbered, and my faith sustains me, ministers to me, and comfort me, even when everyone else (especially when everyone else) leaves me. Tried and proven in His word,

He said; I will never leave you nor forsake you, when your mother and father forsake you then I will take you up. Those words of God that I stand on in times of adver sity.Micah 7:8 expresses “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemies when I fall, I shall arise,when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.” The Lord will lift me up, nomatter how far I fall, and what looks like failure to the world, is just God showing off, because when He raises me up and I give Him Praise, His blessings will overtake me and consume you, and frankly always surprises me. Jeremiah 29;11 NIV For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end, to prosper you so that you have a future. The truth that surfaces over and over again is Hard times don’t erase God’s promises, the hard times are to make you stronger. This is where faith steps in and Faith activates God into action, when you do the natural, He does the supernatural. Even though you may walk through the valley of death, fear no evil, for

he is certainly with you, will protect you, and comfort you in times of trouble. In an era of decadence and moral decay in the church, (which I believe is restoration of the church) and a time when our nation’s rule makers reek of scandal and we are ripped about by war, threats of terrorism, economical deviation, ….God is still the constant - He remains. He is steadfast. He is faithful. As I remain on the frontlines, climbing mountains, and forging ahead in the things of God, my prayer is that someone will be inspired by my journey and I that I leave this earthly body COMPLETELY EMPTY.

Faith in action


Tifany Anisette,MBA Fashion Bag Designer, Author www.thediamondmovement.com I would describe faith as belief or trust in something you feel strongly about. Faith does not exist when things are present. Faith can only be practiced when things or desires are not seen. It is also what I call (vision) - it’s where you allow yourself to believe in something that is not yet present with the physical eye, but with the spiritual eye, you are able to see and have belief in that what you desire will come to pass. Faith is the belief in possibility. In my life personally and professionally, I have exercised faith on numerous occasions. My faith al ws29

lowed me to stretch myself beyond what I could see today. By stretching myself mentally and embracing far beyond what I could imagine, I have been able to surpass what others thought was impossible. In 2007, I had an idea of a product that I wanted to design. I didn’t know how to go about making my idea a reality, but the first thing I had to do was see it. Before we believe something is possible we have to see it, or visualize it. I saw my product in my mind before I put in on paper and from what I saw I transferred it onto paper and was able to create a tangible product. What I saw in my mind had now become evident as a finished product, sellable to the public. Faith is not something easy to come by. It takes time to build up faith in yourself and your products. My faith to design a handbag on wheels for the fashion industry without hav

ing a background in design is a perfect example that we can do anything we put our minds to. God had already given me the vision. It was my turn to take that vision and make it a reality. Fear can be so debilitating that it can prevent you from exercising your faith for success. Having faith without fear is the key to success. With strong faith we can easily combat our fears, shut out the Enemy’s lies and overcome our insecurities, moving forward to accomplish what you and I were meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Remember this quote by Mary Manin Morrissey, “You block

your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”




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Down But Not Out-My Life’s Journey with Lupus and Kidney Disease Tunisia L. Bullock, B.M., M.M October 6, 2006 was a beautiful, sunny, crisp fall day. As I walked into my classroom at Nash Central Middle School, I had a feeling that my day would not be as pretty as the weather had suggested. I was extremely tired because I had not rested adequately the night before. Muscle and joint aches had kept me company all through the night. My middle school chorus students were having their music theory test that morning. As I limped across my classroom, I struggled to get the room ready to welcome the day’s students. I tried stapling the test papers but my attempts failed. My hands were so stiff and swollen that just completing a task as simple as stapling papers put me in severe pain. Somehow, I made it through the first two class periods of testing and thankfully everything went smoothly (with middle school students one never knows!). Second period always ended with a 45 minute break and today, I was more thankful for that break than ever! I sat down at my desk with a warm cup of tea and began to grade the tests that had been taken. Before I could begin grading tests, my cell phone rang. It was my mother, who sounded somber and stressed. I asked her what was wrong and she replied, “Dr. Hanna just called and he is very concerned with the test results.” Scared and anxious I muttered, “What did he say? Is everything alright?” My mother responded, “The results showed that you have lupus. The doctor wants you to see a rheumatologist as soon as possible.” I hung up the phone confused at what having lupus would mean and somewhat relieved in knowing that this was probably the culprit as to why I had felt so terrible for the past several months. Little did I know how profoundly my life would change and be impacted by the big disease with a little name. From that moment on, having lupus meant seeing a battery of doctors that included rheumatologists and nephrologists. It also meant taking high doses of powerful medications that included Prednisone, Vicodin, Cellcept and Cyclophosphomide (chemotherapy). It meant days missed from my public school music teaching job that I loved so much because my joints were so stiff and swollen and I could not get out of bed. It meant that I could not play the flute, an instrument I had played since childhood and had worked so hard to become a professional at. But of all the things having lupus meant, no one could have ever prepared me for what it would ultimately mean in my life.

In June 2008, I went into congestive heart failure, suffered a mild heart attack, endured a life threatening sepsis infection, lost all my hair, and went on dialysis. These events were all caused by one thing-loss of kidney function due to lupus nephritis. Lupus, like a callous, brutal, coldblooded thief, had robbed me not only of my kidneys, but also of my independence and freedom. I was devastated but I was determined to not let kidney disease rule and run my life, dictating what I would and would not be able to do. I may have been down, but I certainly was not out! The lupus is in remission and I feel better than ever! I have persevered through my illness and I have not let it stop from living my dreams. In May 2010, I graduated with a Master of Music degree in Flute Performance from East Carolina University. While a graduate student at East Carolina, I served as principal flutist and piccoloist of the ECU Symphony Orchestra and the Tar River Symphonic Band. Additionally, I served in the highly esteemed and competitive leadership position as the graduate teaching assistant to the flute professor, Dr. Christine Gustafson. I performed 2 major solo recitals, playing some of the most difficult, demanding music in the flute repertoire. I was also a part of a woodwind chamber music quintet, a flute duo, and two vocal music chamber ensembles. I was the winner of a highly competitive solo flute competition hosted by the Raleigh Area Flute Association and I have also been accepted to perform in masterclasses for some of the world’s most prominent flute players including motion pic ture film flutist Jim Walker, Julliard flute Pro fessor Dr. Bradley Garner, famed solo flutist Carol Wincenc, and the flutist from the Grammy award nominated woodwind chamber quintet, Valerie Coleman. Currently, I serve as Professor of Flute studies at Methodist University in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Additionally, I serve as a substitute flutist for the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and the Wilson Symphony. When I reflect on everything that has happened in my life, especially over the past four years, I am reminded of what the bible says in Ephesians 2:10. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” When life gives us lemons, it’s very easy for us to question why me. At times, it even seems appealing to curl up in a ball and have a pity party, day in and day out. In my journey, I have learned that God makes no mistakes. I have also come to learn that God actually gives just a little

more than we can bear. Why? Because that’s when HIS strength is shown-through our weaknesses. God never promised us a challenge-free life. But, he did promise that he would never leave or forsake us, and I have experienced him faithful to that promise. Many people ask me how I am able to remain positive, walk with my head raised high with a smile on my face. My response“God is Good!!!” God has shown himself strong and faithful in all areas of my life. His hand has always been in and on my life. I am a child of the most high King!!! Who wouldn’t be positive, walk with a raised head and smile as a daughter of God! The God I serve is bigger than any giant I could ever face and I tell you today, that he is ready, willing, and able to fight any battle you may be facing. All you have to Tunisia Bullock do is let go and let God show himself strong, mighty, and faithful to all his promises. I will leave you with a quote that has served as a source of inspiration and hope for me on my journey: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

If you are reading this magazine for the first time and have realized that you have yet to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, we at Woman of substance Magazine would like to extend an invitation to you to do so right now. Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation....For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Just repeat this prayer aloud and you too will be saved: Lord God, I come to you today recognizing my need to open my heart to you and I want to do that today. I believe that you died on the cross for my sin and that on the third day you rose again! Right now, I renounce all evil in my life and I give my life over to you. Fill me now with your precious Spirit and guide me into all truth. Direct my paths from this day forward, Lord! Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus! If you just read this prayer aloud and believed it in your heart, you are now saved. We encourage you to find a church in your area that believes in God the father, Jesus, the son of God and the Holy Spirit. God Bless You! Write to us and let us know if you recited the prayer of salvation, receiving Christ and how we can help. wosmag@gmail.com or PO Box 24541, Columbia, SC 29224. ws34




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