Women Talk Sci Fi Podcast 37 ~ The Incredible Hulk ~ Lou Ferrigno

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After Gerri and Eugenia spend a little time talking about Armageddon Expo, Adelaide they look at the different incarnations of the green bodied Incredible Hulk. At a Supanova event www.supanova.com.au Gerri and Eugenia had the pleasure of interviewing The Incredible Hulk, Lou Ferrigno. Was he a monster or a misunderstood superhero? Have a listen and see what side of the fence they sit on regarding this iconic green man. In

On the heels of Armageddon Expo in Adelaide Gerri and Eugenia are on a high and thank the promoters that were part of this augural event, Bill and Adele www.armageddonexpo.com Carrisa and Rand www.thehubproductions.com Jason and Darren www.giftsforthegeek.com.au Scott www.firstcontactconventions.com.au Rob and Robbie www.culturshockevents.com.

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