National Museum of Women in the Arts Annual Report 2016

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Annual Report FY 2016 July 1, 2015–June 30, 2016

National Museum of Women in the Arts Annual Report FY 2016 July 1, 2015–June 30, 2016 1250 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 Two blocks from Metro Center station

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Contents Letters from the Founder & Director 2016 at a Glance Exhibitions Outreach & Advocacy NMWA’s Collection Library & Archives Members & Committees Finances Staff, Volunteers, & Interns Supporting Roles Mission The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) brings recognition to the achievements of women artists of all periods and nationalities by exhibiting, preserving, acquiring, and researching art by women and by teaching the public about their accomplishments.

NMWA is the only major museum solely dedicated to championing women in the arts.

From the Founder Dear Friends of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, The recent year has included some wonderful achievements. From April through July 2016, our featured exhibition, She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World, was a great success. It attracted the second-highest number of daily visitors of our exhibitions in the last ten years and received gratifying reviews from the press. Attendees were impressed by the photography as well as the stories the artists told in their audio guide contributions. One visitor wrote, “Absolutely stunning. These women are so talented and their photos so thought-provoking.” It is exciting to be sharing the collection and exhibitions with growing audiences. In response to requests from local teachers, we recently introduced a new series of Pre-K and kindergarten tours. Through stories, art-making, and looking, these tours introduce the museum’s collection to the youngest learners and their teachers. Our exhibitions have featured women designers, photographers, painters, and sculptors. The museum’s Shenson Chamber Music Concert Series, under the artistic direction of Gilan Tocco Corn, recently concluded its 18th season. It continues to be a wonderful venue to showcase women musicians. The generosity of our friends and members has made it all possible. Warmest best wishes,

Wilhelmina Cole Holladay Chair of the Board, NMWA

Founder’s photo: © Michele Mattei

From the Director Dear Friends of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, This museum is distinguished by its unique goal of advocacy for women in and through the arts. In FY16, we moved forward to connect with you and the wider world through exciting new platforms and programming. In October 2015, we launched a new public programs initiative, Women, Arts, and Social Change (WASC). Fresh Talk, the signature program of WASC, convenes remarkable speakers on topical issues such as gender equity in the arts, the liberating history of the bicycle, genderless design, and more. Conversations are capped with communal dinners and receptions that build a sense of community and foster discussion around ideas. I am delighted that the first season was a success. Our attendees and speakers reported having wonderful experiences. Thank you to the lead sponsors who have made this programming possible, and I invite our NMWA community to take part in person and online in the coming year. March is Women’s History Month, and in 2016 we launched a social media campaign challenging the public to name five women artists. The campaign and its hashtag #5WomenArtists went viral! It garnered more than 11,000 participants, encouraged hundreds of other museums to share work by women artists, and received press attention from The Atlantic, just to name a few highlights. Most important, it made people wonder why they knew so few women artists, and helped change their points of view and level of engagement with us. During FY16, the museum showed a wide array of contemporary art. Our exhibitions showcased artists responding to themes from the natural world, innovative design, and life in Iran and the Arab world. We held artist talks and interpretive programs that illuminated these works for our visitors. All of these diverse offerings are made possible thanks to you! We rely on the dedicated support of members, donors, and friends and are grateful for your engagement and enthusiasm. You enable our vital programming and community building to move forward—as always, on behalf of women in the arts. Sincerely,

Susan Fisher Sterling, PhD The Alice West Director, NMWA

Director’s photo: © Michele Mattei

2016 at a Glance July 1, 2015 Women artists featured in the museum’s summer exhibitions explored complexities of the natural world

The museum launched a bold new public programming initiative, Women, Arts, and Social Change

Pathmakers showcased pioneering women artists and designers

June 30, 2016 For Women’s History Month, the museum started #5WomenArtists, a socialmedia campaign that challenged audiences to learn and share about women artists

She Who Tells a Story presented compelling contemporary photography from Iran and the Arab world

Left to right, from opposite: Polly Morgan, Systemic Inflammation, 2010; Taxidermy and steel, 58 1/8 x 44 1/2 x 44 1/2 in.; Photo by Tessa Angus | Guerrilla Girl Alma Thomas speaks during a panel at the inaugural Women, Arts, and Social Change program; Photo by Kevin Allen | Front, Axor WaterDream/Axor Shower System, 2014; Copper and brass, approx. 120 x 240 in.; Materials and installation courtesy of Hansgrohe/Axor; Photo by Alexander Schneider | A visitor snaps a picture during the #5WomenArtists social media campaign; Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA | Newsha Tavakolian, Maral Afsharian, from the series “Listen,” 2010; Pigment print, 23 5/8 x 31 1/2 in.; Courtesy of the artist and East Wing Contemporary Gallery


Organic Matters— Women to Watch 2015 June 5–September 13, 2015 Fragile ecosystems, otherworldly landscapes, and creatures both real and imagined were featured in Organic Matters, the fourth installment of NMWA’s Women to Watch exhibition series.

“The artworks featured in Organic Matters… include grand concepts and sharp social commentary and sometimes show the physical daring of the artists.” —Wall Street Journal The Women to Watch series features emerging artists from the states and countries in which the museum has outreach committees.

Left to right: Lara Shipley, In the Ozarks There Are Lights (Devil’s Promenade), 2013; Inkjet print, 30 x 37 in.; Courtesy of the artist | Installation view of Organic Matters—Women to Watch 2015; Photo by Lee Stalsworth | Patricia Piccinini, The Stags, 2008; Fiberglass, automotive paint, leather, steel, plastic, and rubber, 69 3/4 x 72 x 40 1/4 in.; NMWA, Gift of Heather and Tony Podesta Collection, Washington, D.C.; Photo by Graham Baring | Esther Bubley, New York, New York (detail), 1948; Gelatin silver print, 8 3/4 x 9 3/4 in.; NMWA, Gift of Kenneth and Lori Polin and Family; © Jean B. Bubley; Photo by Lee Stalsworth

Super Natural June 5–September 13, 2015 Concurrently with Organic Matters, Super Natural focused on historical and contemporary women artists engaging with the natural world as a space for exploration and invention.

“Super Natural artworks . . . scrutinize nature-scapes real and imagined, digging past the exterior to unearth the growth, decay and unbridled power underneath.” —Huffington Post

Esther Bubley Up Front September 4, 2015–January 17, 2016 This spotlight exhibition presented work by photojournalist Esther Bubley, who created images of small-town American life in the mid-20th century.

Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft, and Design, Midcentury and Today October 30, 2015–February 28, 2016 Dynamic women designers and artists from the mid-20th century and today were featured through innovative designs, craft traditions, and new aesthetics in fine art.

“Imagine someone designing and building a table and another person making jewelry. Did you picture a man in the first case and a woman in the second? If so, that’s exactly the kind of gender bias [NMWA] seeks to rid audiences of with [Pathmakers].”—Express

80 attendees took part in hands-on workshops during Pathmakers and She Who Tells a Story

Right: Workshops with guest artists gave participants firsthand experience with mediums and techniques related to art on view; Photo by Ashley W. Harris

Left to right, from opposite: Visitor with Vuokko EskolinNurmesniemi’s Circle Dresses (ca. 1964); Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA | Installation view of Pathmakers; Photo by Lee Stalsworth | Élisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun, Portrait of Princess Belozersky, 1798; Oil on canvas, 31 x 26 1/4 in.; NMWA, Gift of Rita M. Cushman in memory of George A. Rentschler

Salon Style: French Portraits from the Collection January 29–May 22, 2016 This spotlight exhibition examined 18th-century French women artists, their art, and their artistic legacies—particularly that of Élisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun.

“Drawn from the museum’s rich collection, this focus exhibition visualizes the world of the art salon and reveals how French women artists inspired each other as well as male artists who noted their great success.” —Washington Diplomat

She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World April 8–July 31, 2016 Contemporary photographs by pioneering women with roots in Iran and the Arab world invited viewers to explore cultural landscapes and confront preconceptions.

She Who Tells a Story welcomed the second-largest daily visitor count in the past ten years.

31% Increase in visitors over average daily attendance.

“…exceptional show, which touches on politics, gender, sexuality, cultural identity and critical issues of war, colonialism and oppression.” —Washington Post “#SheWhoTellsAStory was breathtaking. Planning to see it again before it leaves!” —museum visitor

Left to right, from opposite: Tanya Habjouqa, Untitled, from the series “Women of Gaza,” 2009; Pigment print, 27 5/8 x 39 3/8 in.; Courtesy of the artist and East Wing Contemporary Gallery; On view in She Who Tells a Story | Visitors look at work from Gohar Dashti’s “Today’s Life and War” series in She Who Tells a Story | Alison Saar, Washtub Blues, 2000; Woodcut on paper, 30 3/8 x 22 1/2 in.; NMWA, Gift of the Harry and Lea Gudelsky Foundation, Inc.; © Alison Saar; Photo by Lee Stalsworth

Alison Saar In Print June 10–October 2, 2016 Prints and sculptures showcased Alison Saar’s deep interest in history, identity, and cultures of the African diaspora.

“In the woodcut prints of artist Alison Saar, memories turn into mythologies, personal anecdotes become political truths, and fabled stories slip into history.” —Huffington Post

Outreach & Advocacy New at NMWA: Women, Arts, and Social Change Women, Arts, and Social Change (WASC) builds on the museum’s mission of advocacy, convening conversations with standout speakers—artists, activists, entrepreneurs, social innovators, and policy makers—on of-the-moment topics. Fresh Talk, the signature program of WASC, features curated conversations highlighting women and the arts as catalysts for change. After each program, attendees gather for family-style supper or cocktail hour. This platform fosters conversations and connectivity, empowers women, and sparks community engagement.

Click left to watch the conversation featuring Carrie Mae Weems

Above: Carrie Mae Weems in conversation with Robert Raben, right, and moderator Lonnae O'Neal; Photo by Kevin Allen Right: Gabriel Maher spoke about genderless design; Photo by Kevin Allen

“It’s been dazzling to watch the transformation of the National Museum of Women in the Arts.” —Washington City Paper “Best of 2016” issue

The museum held five Fresh Talks in the inaugural season: Righting the Balance—Can there be gender parity in the art world? Carrie Mae Weems—Can an artist inspire social change? Gabriel Maher and Alice Rawsthorn—Can design be genderless? Natalie Jeremijenko—Can an artist use science and technology to heal the environment? Women on Wheels—Can a bicycle be an agent of change?

Click below to play the video: Guerrilla Girl Alma Thomas, Micol Hebron, Ghada Amer, and Simone Leigh discuss parity issues and their art careers

Above: During a conversation on women and bicycles, panelists talked about how the bicycle empowers women around the globe; Photo by Clarissa Villondo Left: A panel during “Righting the Balance— Can there be gender parity in the art world?” included Guerrilla Girl Alma Thomas, Micol Hebron, Ghada Amer, and Simone Leigh; Photo by Kevin Allen

“Feminism is getting a boost at the National Museum of Women in the Arts . . . via Women, Arts, and Social Change, a new initiative that takes a cross-disciplinary approach in addressing social and political issues that affect women.”—

Click the image at left to watch the talk by Natalie Jeremijenko Left: Natalie Jeremijenko spoke about how artists can use science and technology to heal the environment; Photo by Kevin Allen


Attendees at the inaugural season's Fresh Talks

Audience engagement is vital to our programs—what are attendees saying? “Thank you for an amazing, insightful, inspiring evening of art and social justice!”

“An uplifting launch for an important initiative.”

“What a fantastic event. I’ve followed the Twitter convos before, being here for the live encounters is super impressive.”

“They spoke with such authenticity. We are the stewards of our community.”

“I’ve never encountered such a welcoming space at an art museum!”

Follow along at #FreshTalk4Change

Top left and right, middle right, and bottom left and right: Photos by Kevin Allen | Middle left: Photo by Clarissa Villondo

Cultural Capital Also part of the Women, Arts, and Social Change initiative, Cultural Capital program partnerships provide a platform for community collaborations. The inaugural season featured partnerships with: • • • • • •

ArtTable Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital International Jazz Day March on Washington Film Festival Washington National Opera Women’s Voices Theater Festival

Right: Author Isabel Wilkerson, JeanMichelle Lopez of the Raben Group, artist Joyce J. Scott, and March on Washington Film Festival Director Isisara Bey; Photo by Kevin Allen Below left: WNO Artistic Director Francesca Zambello was joined by cast members and crew to discuss women in Wagner's Ring; Photo by Clarissa Villondo Below right: Journalist Charlie Gans moderated a conversation with jazz greats Dianne Reeves, Terri Lyne Carrington, and Dee Dee Bridgewater about women in jazz; Photo by Clarissa Villondo

Artists in Conversation NMWA debuted a new type of artist talk, engaging artists and small audiences in the galleries. A refreshing twist on typical artist talks, this outside-the-box program features lively conversations and refreshments. The change of scenery and format enriches how our visitors see art and artists.

Left: During She Who Tells a Story, artists Rania Matar (pictured) and Tanya Habjouqa spoke in this small-group format Below: Super Natural artists Janaina Tschäpe (pictured), Monika E. de Vries Gohlke, and Amy Lamb helped pilot the model; Photo by Laura Hoffman, NMWA

Connecting with Teachers and Students NMWA held programs for educators as part of the Art, Books, and Creativity (ABC) initiative: • • •

180 attendees participated in teacher programs, including happy hours and educator trainings. In July 2015, 21 teachers participated in the sixth annual ABC Teacher Institute, and 12 took part in the museum’s second biennial ABC Advanced Institute. The initiative’s reach is expanding: in addition to participants from the D.C. metro area, we welcomed participants from Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

“You all modeled the highest level of teaching excellence. It was a pleasure to take this course. A+.”—ABC Teacher Institute participant

Above: A new series of Pre-K tours introduces the museum’s collection to young learners. By expanding our offerings to serve this group, we are reaching new audiences and forming closer relationships with local schools; Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA Right: An ABC Teacher Institute participant practices a project that can bring the ABC curriculum into her classroom; Photo by Laura Hoffman, NMWA

NMWA’s Collection 48 works were added to the museum’s collection in FY16 27 paintings

6 prints

6 artists’ books

3 drawings

2 sculptures 2 photographs 1 silver work 1 multiple

NMWA on the Move

The museum’s collection travels the world—in FY16, we loaned works to major exhibitions: LA/MA: ’60s Pop from Both Coasts, The Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts, September 13–December 13, 2015 | Judy Chicago, Pasadena Lifesavers Red #4, 1969–70 Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (1755–1842), RMN–Grand Palais, Paris, September 25, 2015–January 11, 2016; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, February 15–May 15, 2016; National Gallery of Canada, Ontario, June 10–September 11, 2016 | Élisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun, Portrait of a Young Boy, 1817 (pictured above, right) Impact! The Legacy of the Women’s Caucus for Art, American University Museum, Washington, D.C., January 23– March 13, 2016 | Judy Chicago, Test Plate for Virginia Woolf from The Dinner Party, 1978; Sylvia Sleigh, Paul Rosano, Seated Nude, 1973 Alma Thomas, Tang Museum at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, February 6–June 5, 2016 | Alma Thomas, Iris, Tulips, Jonquils, and Crocuses, 1969 (pictured above, left) O’Keeffe, Stettheimer, Torr, Zorach: Women Modernists in New York, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, February 18–May 15, 2016; Portland Museum of Art, Maine, June 24–September 18, 2016 | Marguerite Zorach, Nude Reclining, 1922 Alice Neel: Painter of Modern Life, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, June 6–October 2, 2016 | Alice Neel, T.B. Harlem, 1940 Women of Abstract Expressionism, Denver Art Museum, June 12–September 25, 2016 | Judith Godwin, Epic; 1959 Mary Cassatt: Retrospective, Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan, June 25–September 11, 2016 | Elizabeth Jane Gardner Bouguereau, The Shepherd David, ca. 1895 Both: Photos by Lee Stalsworth

Women’s History Month and #5WomenArtists In March, NMWA launched a social media campaign to raise awareness by asking, “Can you name five women artists?” A huge community joined in: • • •

Art museums, libraries, galleries, and art lovers from 20 countries shared and tagged women artists More than 370 cultural organizations and 11,000 individuals joined the campaign More than 3,450 Instagram posts and more than 23,000 tweets used the hashtag #5WomenArtists

During the campaign, NMWA gained new digital followers across platforms. At least 60 individuals and cultural institutions wrote blog posts about the challenge, in English as well as Spanish, Italian, Turkish, and Estonian. NMWA’s blog post launching the campaign was read almost 2,000 times. Thirty-five participants spent an afternoon on laptops in the museum’s Great Hall for NMWA’s 4th annual Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. Contributors relied on the resources and expertise of NMWA's library to improve 20 existing articles and create new entries on women in the arts.

Follow us! @WomenInTheArts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube

March accomplishments: 3,300


#5WomenArtists Instagram posts

Feature articles in the media



    

Increase in Instagram followers

Individuals participated



Edit-a-thon participants

Increase in Twitter followers

Top left and right: Photos by Laura Hoffman, NMWA | Middle left and right, bottom right: Photos by Emily Haight, NMWA | Bottom left: Photo by Mara Kurlandsky, NMWA

Library & Archives

Above: Priya Pereira, The But Book, 1995; Artist’s book published by Pixie Bks; Photo by Lee Stalsworth Right: Caroline Paquita, Cover page from Garden of the Womanimal, 2014; Risograph-printed zine

• •

The LRC organized exhibitions on Hogarth Press prints by Vanessa Bell, zines by Caroline Paquita, and artist’s books by Priya Pereira LRC events included a talk by Paquita, a reading club responding to She Who Tells a Story, and the March Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

The Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center (LRC) by the numbers: 3,000


Books Acquired

Visitors Welcomed



Reference Queries Answered Top left and right, bottom right: Photos by Daniel Schwartz


 Items Circulated

Members & Committees NMWA members West make our work possible! • •

U.S.-based members represent all 50 states, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and service members abroad International members live in 20 other countries, including Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia

Where do U.S.-based NMWA members live?

17% West


D.C., MD, and VA




Midwest NMWA’s work to champion women artists is supported by members around the globe. Distant members stay connected through Women in the Arts magazine, national and international committees, and online offerings. Local members enjoy a rich schedule of on-site events, including member preview days and program discounts. Below: Members and guests enjoy a tour during the opening of She Who Tells a Story

Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA





National & International Committees Committees spread the museum’s message, raising NMWA’s profile through a broad range of local activities that spotlight its mission, collection, and exhibitions. Committees were also at the core of Organic Matters—Women to Watch 2015, the fourth in the Women to Watch exhibition series. This installation featured artists from 13 committees’ home states and countries selected by regional curators and the museum’s curatorial staff.

Local Committee NMWA Women’s Committee Presidents: Mary Clark and Emmy Le Bigre

National Committees Arkansas Chair: Maribeth Frazer California: Northern Chairs: Lorna Meyer Calas and Carol Parker California: Southern Chairs: Janet Barnet and

Marilyn Levin Georgia Chair: Lisa Cannon Taylor Greater Kansas City Area Chair: Arlene Finney Massachusetts Chair: Sarah Bucknell Treco Mississippi Chair: Lillian Wade New Mexico Chair: Eva Borins Greater New York Region Chairs: Regina Bilotta and Island Weiss

Ohio Chairs: Barbara Richter and Harriet Warm Texas Chair: Stephanie Sale

International Committees Chile Chairs: Drina Rendic and Gloria Garafulich-Grabois Czech Republic Chair: Pavlína Jirmannová

France Chair: Katy Debost Italy Chairs: Claudia Pensotti Mosca and Alexandra Lawrence Peru Chair: Verónica de Ferrero Portugal Chair: Maura Marvao Spain Chair: Sofia Barroso United Kingdom Chairs: Beth Colocci and Susan Zimny

Clockwise from top left: Massachusetts Committee members with artist Rebecca Hutchinson (second from right); Photo by Yassine El Mansouri | Organic Matters artists at the exhibition opening; Photo by Laura Hoffman | Women’s Committee members at the Italian Embassy | Members of Les Amis du NMWA in Portugal with artist Joana Vasconcelos (standing, center)

Financial Statements Statements of Financial Position FY16 Assets Cash Other current Total current assets Investments Net property and equipment Other long term assets


$ Liabilities and net assets Payables and accruals Long term debt and liabilities Total liabilities Net assets




4,244,972 393,402 4,638,374 46,241,897 8,201,020 234,310 59,315,601


923,654 160,111 1,083,765 58,231,836 59,315,601




4,448,067 537,920 4,985,987 49,886,697 8,576,431 211,918 63,661,033 3,628,535 178,205 3,806,740 59,854,293 63,661,033

Statements of Activities FY16 Support and revenue Membership, support, and contributions Sales and facility rental Net Investment Income Other income Total support and revenue Expenses Program and Supporting services Cost of sales and auxillary activities Change in net assets before depreciation and art purchases Depreciation Art collection items purchased but not capitalized Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Statements of Cash Flows Cash flows from operating activities Change in net assets Adjustments of non cash revenue and expense and reclass Net increase (decrease) in current assets Net increase (decrease) in current liabilities Net cash (used for) or provided by operating activities Net cash (used for) or provided by investing activities Net cash (used for) or provided by financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year


13,249,077 1,477,903 (640,748) 338,842 14,425,074 7,527,444 1,162,217 8,689,661 5,735,413 834,370 6,523,500 (1,622,457) 59,854,293 58,231,836

$ FY16 $ (1,622,457) 2,557,206 130,952 (131,843) 933,858 1,578,614 (2,715,567) (203,095) 4,448,067 $ 4,244,972

FY15 $

7,302,563 1,752,061 862,516 279,511 10,196,651 8,471,332 1,119,491 9,590,823 605,828 789,389 (183,561) 60,037,854 59,854,293

$ FY15 $ (183,561) 601,733 243,799 140,207 802,178 (3,379,482) 174,527 (2,402,777) 6,850,844 $ 4,448,067)

*This information has been derived from the financial statements audited by Grossberg Company, LLC

Charity Navigator The National Museum of Women in the Arts is proud to have received four stars, the highest possible rating, from Charity Navigator, on July 1, 2016. Charity Navigator's rating recognizes the museum for sound fiscal management and a proven commitment to accountability and transparency.

Staff, Volunteers, & Interns Staff Greg Angelone • Susan Aronstam • Pamela Ayres • Catherine Bade • Bailey Ball • Bruce Banks • Michael Barreto • Douglas Beaver • Norman Boone • Shanesha Boyd • Sharon Boyd-Blue • Lisa Braden • Vicky Bryant • Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell • Malik Cherry • Michael Clark • Christine Cofield • Sekaya Cogdell • Nicholas Deciutis • Ginny DeLacey • Renee Dyson • Mushtaq Ejaz • Jonathan Elliott • Mark Francisco • Shannon Gabriel • Deborah Gaston • Adrienne Gayoso • Kelly Gotthardt • Ilene Gutman • Emily Haight • Knowles Harmon • Ashley Harris • Michael Hounshell • Andy Hudson • Carolyn Higgins • Young Hong • Christina Iannuzzi •

Chiquita Jackson • George Jackson • Helena Johnson • Jerome Johnson • Gabrielle Kaufman • Christina Knowles • Mara Kurlandsky • Elizabeth Lynch • Keith Maddox • Amy Mannarino • Aaron McKeiver • George McKoy • Steven Mecca • Lorie Mertes • Stacy Meteer • Stephanie Midon • Dwight Mitchell • Prince Momo • Lori Brubaker Morales • Rich Olivo • Sarah Osborne Bender • Jennifer Page • Sarah Palenik • Deloris Plummer • Ellen Pollak • Kim Porter • Adriana Regalado • Danita Robinson • McArthur Rodgers • Katie Ryan • Heather Slania • Susan Fisher Sterling • Jacob Stickann • Angel Thompson • Noelle Tongue • Virginia Treanor • Gordon Umbarger • Robert Washington • Krystyna Wasserman • Kathryn Wat • Kimm Watson • Tiffany Wilson

Volunteers Debra Agostini • Niquelle Allen • Carmen Anderson • Sheila Archambault • Fay Arrington • Rose Marie Barreyro • Martha Barroso • Summer Benish • Jamela Black • Erika Briceno-Howard • Danielle Brogdon • Sarah Bryant • Josephine Cabatu • Sumana Chatterjee • Kate Codd • Felice Cohen • Marilyn Cohen • Sarah Cosgrove Gaumond • Beverly Davis • Anne Dine • Jennifer Draut • Stephanie DuBois • Mona El-Bayoumi • Bettifae Fassler • Kathy Fearmsides • Erin Garland • Lillian Gremillion • Sarah Hazlett • Anne Headley • Ruth Herman • Rina Hofmann • Maryann Holleran • Marissa Huttinger • Alexis Jason-Mathews • Suzanne Johnson • Megan Kelso • Olga Kulyk • J. Ashton Kunkle • Jill Landry • Marie Leiter • Colli McKiernan • Jillian McMahon • Kelley Miller • Maria Minkarah • Virginia Moncure • Genevieve Moreland • Amanda Morrow • MaryBeth Musumeci • Laurie Nakamoto • Rachael Nease • Hamda O’Brien • Peggy O’Connor • Haydeh Rastin • Christina Reitz • Lucia Renart • Margaret Richardson • Maria Rossi • Betty Royster • Linda Stocker • Shereene Tailor • Yasmin Tasan • Betty Taska • Lori Vitelozzi • Mary Walter • Elizabeth Welles • Susan White • Ed Williams • Onika Williams • Erica Woodward

Interns Summer 2015 Ellen Dahl • Brittany Fiocca • Calla Flood Tardino • Clara Habermeier • Kathleen Janota • Bridget Mazet • Darcy McConnell • Bianca Rawlings • Christy Slobogin

Fall 2015 Meaghan Brewer • Bria Burditt • Ila Forster • Marina MacLatchie • Sarah Mathiesen • Antonina Myshyakova • Anne Schweikert • Katie Tucci

Spring 2016 Amanda Borror • Valerie Bundy • Katy Seely • Angelica Sisson • Sophia Wu

Summer 2016 Alice Allimant • Claire Atkinson • Emily Benoff • Casey Betts • Meg DiRuggiero • Kaitlyn Gilioli • Zoë Naseef • Hannah Page • Monica Varner Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA

Supporting Roles Board of Trustees Wilhelmina Cole Holladay —Chair of the Board Winton S. Holladay —Vice Chair of the Board Cindy Jones —President Gina F. Adams —First Vice President Susan Goldberg —Second Vice President (Community Relations) Joanne C. Stringer —Treasurer Nancy Duber —Secretary Mary V. Mochary —Finance Chair Amy Weiss —Nominations Chair Nancy Nelson Stevenson —Works of Art Chair Marcia Myers Carlucci —Building Chair Carol Matthews Lascaris—President Emerita and Endowment Chair Dana J. Snyder —At Large Susan Fisher Sterling*—The Alice West Director

Janice Lindhurst Adams Pamela G. Bailey M. A. Ruda Brickfield Charlotte Clay Buxton Rose Carter Diane Casey-Landry Mary Clark* Lizette Corro Betty Boyd Dettre Deborah I. Dingell Martha Lyn Dippell Karen Dixon Fuller Sally L. Jones Marlene McArthur Malek Jacqueline Badger Mars Juliana E. May Bonnie McElveenHunter Jacqui Michel Marjorie Odeen Jackie Quillen Andrea Roane Sheila Shaffer Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn Jessica H. Sterchi Mahinder Tak Annie S. Totah Sarah Bucknell Treco* Frances Usher Ruthanna Maxwell Weber Alice West *Ex-Officio

NMWA Advisory Board Sarah Bucknell Treco—Chair Noreen M. Ackerman Sunny Scully Alsup Jean Astrop Jo Ann Barefoot Gail Bassin Susan G. Berk Sue Ann Berlin Catherine Little Bert Brenda Bertholf Eva M. Borins Nancy Anne Branton Amy Sosland Brown Margaret Boyce Brown Deborah G. Carstens Eleanor Chabraja Paul T. Clark John Comstock Linda Comstock Lynn Finesilver Crystal Liz Cullen Belinda de Gaudemar Betty Dettre Elizabeth J. Doverman Ginni Dreier Kenneth P. Dutter Gerry E. Ehrlich Patrice Emrie Elva Ferrari-Graham Rosemarie Forsythe Jane Fortune Robert Freeman Claudia Fritsche Lisa Garrison Barbara S. Goldfarb Jamie S. Gorelick Jody Harrison Grass Claudia Hauberg Sue J. Henry Anna Stapleton Henson Caroline Rose Hunt Jan Jessup Alice D. Kaplan Arlene Fine Klepper Doris Kloster Nelleke Langhout-Nix Fred M. Levin Gladys Kemp Lisanby

Sarah H. Lisanby, M.D. Nancy Livingston Maria Teresa Martínez C. Raymond Marvin Pat McCall Debby McGinn Dee Ann McIntyre Cynthia McKee Suzanne Mellor Eleanor Smith Morris Claudia Pensotti Mosca Deborah E. Myers Jeannette T. Nichols Kay W. Olson Katherine D. Ortega Margaret Perkins Patti Pyle Madeleine Rast Drina Rendic Barbara Richter Elizabeth Robinson Geri Roper Elizabeth A. Sackler Stephanie Sale Steven Scott Marsha Brody Shiff Ann L. Simon Kathern Ivous Sisk Geri Skirkanich Salwa J. Aboud Smith Dot Snyder Denise Littlefield Sobel Patti Amanda Spivey Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn Sara Steinfeld Jo Stribling Susan Swartz Cheryl S. Tague Lisa Cannon Taylor MaryRoss Taylor Deborah Dunklin Tipton Nancy W. Valentine Paula S. Wallace Harriet L. Warm Island Weiss Tara Beauregard Whitbeck Patti White Betty Bentsen Winn Rhett D. Workman

Endowment, Individual, Corporate & Governmental Donors The National Museum of Women in the Arts is deeply grateful to the following donors who made contributions from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016. Your support enables NMWA to develop groundbreaking exhibitions, expand its education, library, and outreach programs, and offer special events to the public. Although we can only list donations of $500 and above, NMWA is thankful for all of its members and friends. Your contributions are critical to the museum’s success! We also wish to acknowledge our Spring Gala and Fall Benefit sponsors. Endowment gifts are listed separately from individual donations.

Legacy of Women in the Arts Endowment Campaign Endowment Foundation Trustee ($1 million+) Anonymous Betty B. and Rexford* Dettre Estate of Grace A. George Wilhelmina C. and Wallace F.* Holladay, Sr. Carol and Climis Lascaris Estate of Evelyn B. Metzger The Honorable Mary V. Mochary Rose Benté Lee Ostapenko* Madeleine Rast The Walton Family Foundation

Endowment Foundation Governor ($500,000–$999,999) Noreen M. Ackerman P. Frederick Albee and Barbara E. Albee* Catherine L. and Arthur A. Bert, M.D. J.W. Kaempfer Nelleke Langhout-Nix Joe R. and Teresa L. Long

James R. and Suzanne S. Mellor National Endowment for the Humanities Drs. A. Jess and Ben Shenson* MaryRoss Taylor Alice W. and Gordon T. West, Jr.

Endowment Foundation Fellow ($200,000–$499,999) Catharina B. and Livingston L. Biddle, Jr.* Marcia Myers and Frank Carlucci Costa del Sol Cruise Kenneth P. Dutter Estate of E. Louise Gaudet Lorraine G. Grace* William Randolph Hearst Foundation Estate of Eleanor Heller Fred M. Levin and Nancy Livingston/The Shenson Foundation, in memory of Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Dorothy S. Lyddon*/Seven Springs Foundation Marlene McArthur and Frederic V. Malek Victoria J. Mastrobuono* Sea Goddess I and II Trips Alejandra and Enrique Segura Sheila and Richard Shaffer Clarice Smith

Endowment Foundation Counselor ($100,000–$199,999) Janice L. and Harold L. Adams Nunda and Prakash Ambegaonkar Carol C. Ballard Baltic Cruise Eleanor and Nicholas D. Chabraja Clark Charitable Foundation Hilda and William B. Clayman Julia B. and Michael M. Connors Martha Lyn Dippell and Daniel Lynn Korengold Gerry E. and S. Paul* Ehrlich, Jr. Enterprise Rent-A-Car FedEx Corporation Barbara A. Gurwitz and William D. Hall Caroline Rose Hunt/The Sands Foundation Alice D. Kaplan Dorothy and Raymond LeBlanc Lucia Woods Lindley Gladys K. and James W.* Lisanby Lockheed Martin Corporation Adrienne B. and John F. Mars Juliana and Richard E. May Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Irene Natividad Jeannette T. Nichols Nancy O’Malley* Lady Pearman

Reinsch Pierce Family Foundation by Lola C. Reinsch and J. Almont Pierce Julia Sevilla Somoza Marsha Brody Shiff June Speight* Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn Mahinder K. and Sharad Tak Sami and Annie Totah Family Foundation

Endowment Circle ($50,000–$99,999) Linda Able Choice* George* and Ursula Andreas Arkansas Fifty Lulu H. Auger* Virginia Mitchell Bailey* Sondra D. and Howard M. Bender*/The Bender Foundation, Inc. Patti Cadby Birch* Laura Lee and Jack S. Blanton, Sr.*/Scurlock Foundation Anne R. Bord* Caroline Boutté BP Foundation Inc. M. A. Ruda and Peter J. P. Brickfield Margaret C. Boyce Brown Martha Buchanan Charlotte Clay Buxton Sandra and Miles Childers Mary and Armeane Choksi Margaret and David Cole/The Cole Family Foundation Holland H. Coors*

Porter and Lisa Dawson Courtenay Eversole Suzy Finesilver*/The Hertzel and Suzy Finesilver Charitable Foundation Karen Dixon Fuller Alan Glen Family Trust Peter and Wendy Gowdey Laura L. Guarisco Jolynda H. and David M. Halinski Janie Hathoot Hap and Winton Holladay Evan and Cindy Jones Foundation I. Michael and Beth Kasser William R. and Christine M. Leahy Louise C. Mino Trust Zoe H. and James H. Moshovitis Joan and Lucio A. Noto Marjorie H. and Philip Odeen Nancy Bradford Ordway Katherine D. Ortega Margaret H. and Jim Perkins Ramsay D. Potts*, in honor of Veronica R. Potts Elizabeth Pruet* Edward Rawson Jane S. Schwartz Trust Jack and Dana Snyder Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans Susan and Scott Sterling Nancy N. and Roger Stevenson, Jr. Jo and Thomas Stribling Susan and Jim Swartz Elizabeth Stafford Hutchinson Endowed Internship— Texas State Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts William and Frances Usher Elzbieta Chlopecka Vande Sande Betty Bentsen Winn and Susan Winn Lowry Yeni Wong

Endowment Patron ($25,000–$49,999) Micheline and Sean Connery Sheila ffolliott Georgia State Committee of NMWA New York Trip

Mississippi State Committee of NMWA Northern Trust Estate of Mary Marvin Breckinridge Patterson Chris Petteys* Lisa and Robert Pumphrey* Elizabeth A. Sackler Estate of Madoline W. Shreve Patti Amanda and Bruce Spivey Sahil Tak/ST Paper, LLC In honor of Alice West Jean and Donald M. Wolf The Women’s Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts

Endowment Sponsor ($15,000–$24,999)

Helga and Peter-Hans Keilbach Howard and Michelle Kessler Ellen U. and Alfred A. King* Jacqueline Badger Mars C. Raymond Marvin Clyde and Pat Dean McCall Edwina H. and Charles P. Milner Evelyn V. and Robert M.* Moore Harriet Newbill Estate of Edythe Bates Old PepsiCo., Inc. Anne and Chris Reyes Savannah Trip Mary Anne B. Stewart Paula Wallace/Savannah College of Art and Design Marjorie Nohowel Wasilewski Jean S. and Gordon T. Wells

Deborah G. Carstens Stephanie Fein Martha and Homer Gudelsky* Sally L. Jones Louise H. Matthews Fund Lily Y. Tanaka Liz and Jim Underhill Elizabeth Welles Dian Woodner

* Deceased

Endowment Friend ($10,000–$14,999)

Anonymous Rose Benté Lee Ostapenko*

Carol A. Anderson Julia and George L. Argyros Mrs. Joseph T. Beardwood, III Catherine Bennett and Fred Frailey Susan G. Berk Mary Kay Blake Booz Allen Hamilton Lynne V. and Richard Cheney Esther Coopersmith Darby Foundation Jack J. Dreyfus, Jr.* Patricia M. and Clifford J. Ehrlich Mary Page and Thomas B. Evans Lois Lehrman Grass Anna Stapleton Henson Alexine C. and Aaron G.* Jackson Jan Jessup Pamela Johnson and Wesley King


Individual Donors $1,000,000+

Mildred Weissman

$100,000–$499,999 Judith Ann Finkelstein* Clara M. Lovett Jacqueline Badger Mars Cecil S. Richardson* Denise Littlefield Sobel

$50,000–$99,999 Marcia and Frank Carlucci Betty B. and Rexford* Dettre Lorna Meyer Calas and Dennis Calas Susan and Jim Swartz MaryRoss Taylor

$25,000–$49,999 Ann C. Broder* Deborah G. Carstens Sue J. Henry Evan and Cindy Jones Stephanie Sale Geri Skirkanich Marina M. Schwartz* Mahinder and Sharad Tak

$15,000–$24,999 Mary Ellen Edmondson* Nancy Livingston and Fred M. Levin Bella J. May* The Honorable Mary V. Mochary The Honorable Katherine D. Ortega

$10,000–$14,999 Rose and Paul Carter Paul T. Clark Liz Cullen Betty G. Edelson* Elva Ferrari-Graham Rosemarie Forsythe Barbara R. and Larry Hayes J.W. Kaempfer, Jr. Heather and Robert Keane W. Bruce Krebs Dr. Sachiko Kuno Dee Ann McIntyre Kristine Morris Elizabeth Robinson Sheila and Richard Shaffer Patti Amanda and Bruce Spivey Cheryl S. Tague John Tavss Paula S. Wallace Alice W. and Gordon T. West, Jr.

$5,000–$9,999 Gail D. Bassin Diane Casey-Landry and Brock Landry John and Mai Cleary Linda L. and John Comstock Beverly Dale Martha Dippell and Daniel Korengold Ellen Drew Nancy and Marc Duber Geraldine E. Ehrlich

Lisa Garrison Jamie S. Gorelick and Richard E. Waldhorn Winton and Hap Holladay Jan V. Jessup Alice D. Kaplan Arlene Fine Klepper and Martin Klepper Nelleke Langhout-Nix Leonard Leveen Gladys K. and James W.* Lisanby Marlene A. and Frederic V. Malek Adrienne B. and John F. Mars C. Raymond Marvin Irene Natividad Kay W. Olson Jean Hall and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr. Jack and Dana Snyder Susan and Scott Sterling Carol Wardell Patricia and George White

$2,000–$4,999 Anonymous Patty Abramson and Lester Silverman Noreen M. Ackerman Janice L. and Harold L. Adams Sunny Scully Alsup and William Alsup Jean T. and William B.* Astrop Mr. and Mrs. John T. Beaty, Jr. Susan G. and Lee Berk Sue Ann and Ken Berlin Catherine Bert and Arthur Bert, M.D. Brenda Bertholf Eva M. Borins Susan Borkin Nancy Anne Branton M. A. Ruda and Peter J. P. Brickfield Margaret C. Boyce Brown Charlotte and Michael Buxton Buffy Cafritz Nicholas and Eleanor Chabraja Mary and James Clark Terry Collins Lizette Corro Byron Croker Lynn Finesilver Crystal Paula Ballo Dailey and Brian Dailey

Thomas J. Dillman Elizabeth J. Doverman Kenneth P. Dutter Hanna G. Evans Mimi Alpert Feldman Roberta M. Feldman, Ph.D. Jane Fortune Marie J. Fouts Barbara L. Francis and Robert Musser Rita Diane Fuchsberg Julie and Jon Garcia Kay Gellert Susan Goldberg Carol and Henry Goldberg Barbara S. Goldfarb Jody Harrison Grass Raymond Garcia and Fruzsina M. Harsanyi Jean E. Hayward, M.D. Michelle Howard Mareen Hughes Caroline Rose Hunt Jane S. and E. Claiborne Irby Sally and Christopher H. Jones Ann Kaplan Doris Kloster Mary L. Kotz Sandra W. and James Langdon, Jr. Anne and Robert Larner Carol M. and Climis G. Lascaris Sarah H. Lisanby, M.D. Dr. Kathleen A. Maloy and Ms. Heather L. Burns Maria Teresa Martínez Juliana and Richard E. May Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. McCall, Jr. Debby McGinn Cynthia McKee Jacqui Michel Claudia Pensotti Mosca Nancy Ann Neal Ruby Nock Thomas O’Connor Marjorie and Philip Odeen Carol J. Olson Nancy B. Parker Barbara and John Phair Jean Porto Jacqueline L. Quillen Elizabeth S. Ray Drina Rendic Barbara Richter Andrea Roane and Michael Skehan Dr. Markley Roberts Elizabeth A. Sackler

Dasha Shenkman Ann L. Simon Kathern Ivous Sisk Salwa J. Aboud Smith Dot Snyder Kathleen Elizabeth Springhorn Dorothy W. Stapleton Alice and Ken Starr Sara Steinfeld Audrey and Barry Sterling Nancy N. and Roger Stevenson, Jr. Josephine L. and Thomas D. Stribling Joanne C. Stringer William H. and Lucretia D. Tanner Carol F. Tasca Lisa Cannon and Charles Edison Taylor Deborah Dunklin Tipton Annie S. Totah Sarah Bucknell Treco Frances Usher Harriet L. Warm Amy Weiss Tara Beauregard Whitbeck Betty Bentsen Winn

$1,000–$1,999 Anonymous Mark and Kathe Albrecht Abigail Arms Jo Ann Barefoot Joanne Barker Jane L. Barwis Manju Bewtra Elizabeth S. Blake Bertha Soto Braddock Anne E. Branch Randall Brooks Jean B. Brown Beth B. Buehlmann Patricia A. Burke Anna E. Burman Catherine and William Cabaniss Charlotte Anne Cameron Dr. Mary A. Carnell and Dr. Agnes Guyon Casey and Jack Carsten Lisa Chadwick Marilyn L. Charles Ellen A. Cherniavsky Meredith Childers and Dimitris C. Varlamis Ann Clark and Timothy M. Price Mary Clutter

Ellen and Steve Conley Bethanne Kinsella Cople Anne and Jimmy Crumpacker Melisa Currey Sara Jo Victors Dew Eileen Duggan Margaret P. and Peter Dzwilewski Barbara L. Elky Sarah G. Epstein and Donald A. Collins Mary Evans L. B. Ewing Valerie Facey Susan Fawcett Patricia W. Fitzpatrick Mary M. Free Jonathan Ganter and Julie Roth Reide Garnett Michele Garside Susan Glantz Jim Goldschmidt Gwendolyn Gowing Sheila and Patrick Gross Laurel A. Grotzinger Pamela Gwaltney Susan Hairston Ruth* and Harlan Hansen Carla Hay Margaret Hayes Marilyn J. and Philip Hayes Pat and Fred Henning Lilo A. Hester Richard Ingham Alexine C. and Aaron G.* Jackson Pamela C. Johnson and Wesley King Gretchen W. and James L. Johnson Margaret M. Johnston Keiko and Steven Kaplan Julie Karcis Sheldon and Audrey Katz Cheryl L. Keamy Sigrid Kendall Katherine Kiehn and Alexis Lane Jensen Susan W. Klaveness Yvette Kraft Bambi Kramer Julia M. Ladner Robin Rosa Laub William R. and Christine M. Leahy Ellen Lettvin and Peter Grant Bryce Lingo Harriett P. and Donlin Long Maryann Lynch Shahin Mafi

Ann L. Maguire Susan A. Mars Selwa Masri, Esq. Pamela W. Massey Owen McMahon Dottie Mergner Mary Mocas Carolee C. Moore Diane K. Morales Patricia L. Mote Lee Murphy Melissa Nabors Thuy Nguyen Audrey Niffenegger Susan O’Brien, M.D. Mary B. Olch Regina M. Oxley-Burley John Paradiso and Tom Hill Carol Parker Cynthia Paschen Norma J. Pearson Sarah Perot Susan Phifer Dr. Michael and Mrs. Mahy Polymeropoulos K. Shelly Porges and Rich Wilhelm Regina and Herman Porten Martha A. Prumers Amrita Rai Toni Ratner Miller Lisenne and Winthrop* Rockefeller Mary Anne Rogers Penelope Rogerson Karen L. Rogers Bonnie and Thomas Rosse Genevieve McSweeney and Frederick Ryan Helen Salazar Beatrice Schultz George Schwarz Margot L. Shott* Diljeet Singh Beryl Ramsay Smith Virginia Smith Judy W. Soley Julia Sevilla Somoza Dr. Marjorie L. Stein Susan and Scott Sterling Andrea Strawn Sharen A. Thomas Patt Trama Micaela A. Trumbull Sam Turner Sarah Vradenburg Caspar W. Weinberger, Jr. Gwen Weiner Candace King Weir Susan Weiss

Elizabeth B. Welles Marie Wilkie Dorothy and Kenneth Woodcock Soon-Young Yoon

$500–$999 Anonymous (2) Diane Abeloff Deanna S. and Charles T. Akre Ruth and Sam Alward Marilyn C. Anderson Mr. Joseph Asin and Ms. Beryl Gilmore Sylvia A. Azoyan Rita Balian Linda C. Barclay Kathleen Barclay Celia Barteau Karen Beardsley Mary Ellen Bergeron Frances and Daniel W. Blaylock Elizabeth Board and Robert Hines Elisabeth T. Bottler Evelyn S. Bouden Jill E. Braufman Bobbe J. Bridge Leonie M. and John R. Brinkema Yolanda Bruno Terri D. Bullock Mary C. Bunting Rosemarie Buntrock Gretchen Butkus Marie P. Carr Brenda Daley Carr Laura and Guy Cecala Shirley S. Chewning Barbara Christopher Carolann Clynes Myrna Colley-Lee Elizabeth Colton Elizabeth Concannon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Cox Elizabeth Crane Liz Cutler Dr. Linda Daniel Cynthia G. Daniels Paul Davis Doloras E. Davison Louise de la Fuente Millicent Demski Barbara Denrich Karen Detweiler Gina Devito Diane Divelbess

Barbara Douglas Doug and Joyce Eagles MaryLe Emmett Heather Entrekin Martha Eskew and Charles Tisdale Jill Ferrera Sandra Filippi and Barré Bull Cecelia Fitzgibbon Kathleen M. Flynn Nancy M. Folger Arlene S. Ford Helen H. Ford Sally Mott and John K. Freeman Cornelia C. Friedman Wendy Frieman and David Johnson Cary Frieze Karen L. Friss Virginia Elkin Fuller Virginia L. Fulton Carol Funkhouser Reba Gabel and Debra Reagan Susan E. Garruto Patricia Mast and Kenneth S. George Lynn K. Gibbons Mary C. Giglio Marianne Ginsburg Ruth Bader Ginsburg Barbara M. and George Gleghorn Barbara Glowacki Marguerite F. Godbold Paula K. Graham Danielle Grall Catherine A. Green Alice Haddix Mary and Robert Haft Mary Margaret Wolf and Benton Raymond Hammond Sandi and Larry Hammonds Sonja Hansard-Weiner and Andrew D. Weiner Patricia A. Harcarik and Carlton Nelson Mary J. Hayden and Carla J. Tomaso Delphine Hedtke Janet Heestand Molly K. Heines and Thomas J. Moloney Lois Heiser Janet R. Heller Charles T. Hendrix Connie Hershey Gloria Hidalgo

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hieronimus Ellen Hill-Godfrey and John Godfrey Michele Hilmes and Bruce Croushore Rosalind Hinman Jennefer A. Hirschberg Olga Mary Hirshhorn* Muna Hishmeh Judith M. Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Holt Lynn Hunt and Margaret Jacob Sheila Jefferson Anne and Clay Johnson Lynn M. Johnston Rosalyn and Gary* Jonas Dee A. Keip Leslie J. Kenyon Susan Ker-Seymer Cookie Kerxton Margery Kibby Kathleen Kiernan Paul Knight Sue Kroll and Michael Desilets M. Leanne Lachman Carrie A. Langsam Jacquelynne P. Lanham Mary Lou Laprade Joan O. Lautenberger Emmanuelle and Brieuc Le Bigre Susan Lee and Stephen Saltzburg Ruth and Edward Legum Dale Leibowitz and Amy Kaster Claudette S. Leyden David Lloyd Carl M. Louck Christine Loveland Judy R. Loving Carolyn Lussenhop Anne H. Magoun Adlai T. Mast, Jr. Marsha Mateyka Louise McCall Ellen Mccormack Agnes and Michael McGaha Sandy McKenzie Gloria Adams Mills Catherine M. Mooney Lola M. Muller Linda Myers Christie Neuger Jeannette T. Nichols Melanie and Larry Nussdorf Bu Nygrens Sharon and Lawrence Oeschger

Karen M Olanna Llelanie Orcutt Maureen A. Orth Zoe H. Parker Joanne H. Patton Lois M. Pausch Joanne Pekarik Marta M. Pereyma Sheryl A. Pesce Beverly Peterkofsky Anne Wallace Peterson Edith and John Poertner Kelly Theodore Proxmire Marjorie B. Rachlin Mary H. Railsback and Joel L. Ekstrom P.C. Rajam Miriam M. Rand and Ona Lara Porter Susan Rappaport Jorgen A. Rasmussen Janis S. Reed Mary Lynn Reese Elaine Reuben Anne Richardson R. Lucia Riddle Diane C. Robertson Daria A. Rothe Lenore Rubino and T. Patterson Clark Constance M. Rush Susan M. Ryan-Deaner Josephine Sacabo Donna Z. Saffir Maria Sanchez-Carlo Edwina Sandys Rosel Schewel Timothy P. Schoettle Margaret E. Schumacher Karen Schwartz William R. Seabrook Margaret H. Sedenquist Mary Anne Severson Jean Sheehan Dianna Shomaker Dennis Siegner Jennifer L. Sigler Sasha Silver Doris G. Simonis Kara Singh Sarah S. Slocum Donna Smith Eleanor and Kenneth R. Smith Ruth Karl Snyder Michele Sperling Richard E. Stafford Sharon and William Stark

Mary L. Steptoe Douglas K. Struck Kim and Sarah Baldwin Swig Alethea Taylor Marta Kipfmueller and Bernard J. Theisen Jean Tindel Susan Tomasky Nancy Vernon and Gail Hughes Margaret S. Vining Krystyna Wasserman Linda Weber Kiousis Carol A. Wehrheim Carolyn L. Wheeler Lisa Whitcomb and Madeleine M. Krick Kathryn Williams Arbe J. Williams Karen Wilson Tyrone V. Wilson and Gabrielle Wilson Richard Winter Susan Wittenberg and Harvey Wittenberg Mary Lee Wood Wanda C. Wood, Ret. Ellen Wright and John Wright Elisabeth Wright


Corporations and Foundations


The Georgia Committee of NMWA LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust Milton and Dorothy Sarnoff Raymond Foundation Muriel F. Siebert Foundation The New Mexico State Committee of NMWA Sachiko Kuno Foundation

$5,000–$9,999 Bloomberg J.Crew Fannie and Stephen Kahn Charitable Foundation The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation, Inc. Marshall B. Coyne Foundation, Inc. The Mary Potishman Lard Trust The Mill Foundation, LTD Team Freiman at Morgan Stanley Northern Trust PECO Foundation

ML Dauray Arts Initiative RBC Wealth Management

Dimick Foundation The Jane Henson Foundation The NAMASTE Foundation Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation Paul and Emily Singer Family Foundation United Way of the National Capital Area



The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Share Fund The Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

The Arkansas State Committee of NMWA The Bajaj Family Foundation Junior League of Washington, Inc. McGregor Links Fund for the Greater Capital Region The Pinkerton Foundation United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Woodward Family Foundation


$15,000–$24,999 Bernstein Family Foundation McDermott Will & Emery** Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc. Total Wine**

Government Sponsors DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities National Endowment for the Humanities U.S. Commission of Fine Arts and the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs Program * Deceased ** In-kind Gifts Listings include members who upgraded to the Benefactor level or above. NMWA strives to ensure the accuracy of donor information. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please note that event ticket purchases are not included in the donation amounts in this list. Contact 202-783-7989 with changes or questions.

National Museum of Women in the Arts Annual Report FY 2016 July 1, 2015–June 30, 2016 1250 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 Two blocks from Metro Center station Website: Blog: Phone: 202-783-5000 Membership: 866-875-4627 Published by the National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005 Edited and designed by Elizabeth Lynch, NMWA Copyright © 2016 National Museum of Women in the Arts Cover image captions: Top row, L–R: Dawn Holder, Monoculture (detail), 2013; Porcelain, 2 1/2 x 92 x 176 in.; Courtesy of the artist; On view in Organic Matters—Women to Watch 2015 | Children tour NMWA’s collection; Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA | Shadi Ghadirian, Untitled, from the series “Qajar,” 1998; Gelatin silver print, 15 3/4 x 11 7/8 in.; MFA Boston; Museum purchase with the Horace W. Goldsmith Fund for Photography and Abbott Lawrence Fund, 2013.571; © Shadi Ghadirian; Photo © 2015 MFA Boston; On view in She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World | Eva Zeisel (manufactured by Manifattura Mancioli), Belly Button Room Divider Prototype, 1957; Ceramic with metal rods, 60 x 36 in.; Courtesy of Eva Zeisel Archive; Photo by Brent Brolin; On view in Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft, and Design, Midcentury and Today Middle row, L–R: Carrie Mae Weems speaks at NMWA; Photo by Kevin Allen | Attendees celebrate the Women’s Voices Theater Festival; Photo by Margot Schulman | Magdalene Odundo, Untitled #10, 1995; Earthenware, 21 1/4 x 12 x 12 in.; Courtesy of the Newark Museum, Purchase 1996, Louis Bamberger Bequest Fund 96.29; Photo by Richard Goodbody | Giovanna Garzoni, Still Life with Basket of Fruit, a Vase with Carnations, and Shells on a Table, ca. 1650–60; Gouache on vellum, 12 1/2 x 17 1/2 in.; On loan from the Holladay Collection; On view in Super Natural Bottom row, L–R: Rut Bryk, Untitled (detail), ca. 1970s; Ceramic, 35 3/8 x 23 5/8 in.; Collection Kakkonen; Photo by Niclas Warius; On view in Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft, and Design, Midcentury and Today | Tanya Habjouqa, Untitled, from the series “Women of Gaza,” 2009; Pigment print, 27 5/8 x 39 3/8 in.; Courtesy of the artist and East Wing Contemporary Gallery; On view in She Who Tells a Story: Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World | Maria Sibylla Merian, Plate 29 from Dissertation in Insect Generations and Metamorphoses in Surinam, 2nd Ed., 1719; Hand-colored engraving on paper, 14 1/4 x 20 1/2 in.; NMWA, Gift of Wallace and Wilhelmina Holladay; On view in Super Natural | An Instagram user (pictured with Alma Thomas’s Orion) enjoying NMWA’s galleries; Photo by Emily Haight, NMWA

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