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Membership and Giving
Special Thanks to the Women’s Committee, which hosted seven programs highlighting D.Carea women artists and promoting NMWA.
Associate Educator Ashley W. Harris leads NMWA members on a special preview tour of Live Dangerously
Thank You! In 2020, your steadfast support helped NMWA stay strong during our temporary closure and ensured that we kept our momentum advocating for women in the arts. Your generosity made all of the activities in this report possible.
Legacy Giving Bequests provided substantial support in 2020. We are honored by the meaningful generosity of the hundreds of our members who have remembered NMWA in their estate plans, ensuring the long-term health of the museum, its collection, and its mission.
Enjoying Your Museum Members and donors enjoyed more than fifteen member-focused programs throughout the year including local and virtual gallery and artist studio tours, an opening reception with Judy Chicago, and intimate breakfasts with Susan Fisher Sterling, director of the museum.
Members Around the World U.S. members represent all 50 states. International members live in 21 different countries: Austria, Belgium, Mexico, Jamaica, Vietnam, Croatia, Turkey, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, and more!
U.S. Members By Region:
DC/VA/MD: 33% Northeast: 20% West: 16% Midwest: 9% Southeast: 12% Southwest: 5%
“Experiencing great art created by women of many backgrounds is like waking up to see a brand new world...I am grateful to NMWA for the art that widens my perspectives and which also validates and elucidates my own experiences as a woman.”—Annette Colfax, Legacy Society member
Member Spotlight
NMWA’s membership base includes more than 11,000 In 2020, NMWA’s membership base included 4,159 active charter members—individuals who began giving in 1993 or before. 1,656 members who are still active gave their first gift before the museum opened in 1987! A NMWA member for twenty-six years, retired U.S. Navy admiral Michelle Howard is passionate about gender equity and advancement—in all fields. Throughout her thirty-five-year naval career, she was at the vanguard of changing laws that allowed women to advance in the military.
Howard said, “I serve to ensure the freedom of citizens. And creativity—artistry—is one of the
Longtime & New Supporters
supporters; 2,772 new members joined in FY20.
greatest expressions of freedom.”