When it comes to buying, women are the boss. According to the stats, women drive the world economy, which has led to considerable innovation as more brands begin to focus on our dollars, creating new products and offerings to serve our needs. But while new products are being developed for women, putting women?s voices first in the innovation process is still a rarity. For Michelle Moore, changing this trend has become a personal quest, and the central mission of her new company, ElleRate. ElleRate is a platformthat allows women to rate businesses on measures that matter. Through the platform, women can discover, review, share and support products, services, and workplaces that reflect their values. This helps women put the collective power of their dollars behind companies that put their needs first. Workplace ratings can help shine a light on where a company can improve its efforts, as many of the challenges businesses face when prioritizing women customers potentially lie in the lack of gender diversity and support for women inside these organizations. ?I thought if I could help businesses understand, on a deeper level, how to engage with women to earn more of their favor, trust, advocacy and business, then everyone wins,?said ElleRate Founder, Michelle Moore. "Women will get more of what they want and need to make their lives work more smoothly, be taken more seriously, and to be incorporated into the innovation process.? 7
The platformis currently in development with a crowdfunding campaign set to launch on iFundWomen - Acrowdfunding ecosystem designed specifically for female entrepreneurs, which provides access to the capital, coaching, creative services, and connections needed to launch and grow. Only 1% of all companies, regardless of the gender of the founder, will ever raise venture capital, and that leaves the other 99% to either max out their credit cards or take out bank loans,?said Sarah Sommers, Co-Founder & Marketing Director at iFundWomen. ?Crowdfunding is the best option for early-stage female entrepreneurs to raise capital for their businesses in order to prove demand for their product or service and avoid going into debt funding the earliest days of their startup.? Michelle believes that through the amplification of her network more women will feel empowered to express their voices and choices, and gain confidence in flexing their significant economic muscle to ?vote with their pocketbooks?for the companies that best serve them. ElleRate is planned to launch in late summer 2019. Sign up for updates at ElleRate.net and learn more about the campaign at