Abortion pills vs Medical Procedure

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Abortion pills vs Medical Procedure

Medication pill or abortion pill is the safest and in-home type of the abortion. No doubt, every year,millions of the people choose medication abortion as a safe, private and effective method at the home to end an early or unexpected pregnancy. ​Safe abortion pills women clinic provides help to terminate your unwanted pregnancy As we all know, this abortion method is the combination of two pills named as mifepristone and misoprostol. This combination of pills are 95-98% effective in the first trimester. In some cases, if mifepristone is unavailable, some people use misoprostol alone, which has been proven scientifically as a safe and effective method. There are millions of the people who choose these pills for the abortion as these pills can be consumed at home without clinic access. In case of the medical abortion, your doctor gives you a prescription about medicines such as oral mifepristone and misoprostol. Although misoprostol is commonly taken orally, some take it vaginally or any other ways as well. These pills are helpful to block pregnancy hormones and also cause uterine contractions to push out the embryo. It mainly takes 4-5 hours to expel out the tissue. Moreover, this process also causes heavy bleeding than normal menstrual bleeding, it means you should have a good supply of pads in this case. It can be possible that you may pass some large clots.

These clots remain for some hour or some days, but your bleeding will continue for numbers of days or even weeks also. Abortion which is done with the proper medical regulation by an expert does not affect the future fertility. In different cases, both procedures are safe,but sometimes surgery, abortion arises issues only when it is performed illegally or wrongly by inexpert doctor whereby there is an infection or damage during the procedure to reproductive system organs like Fallopian tube. ​Abortion pill walk in Clinic provides the safe procedure for the medical abortion.

Comparison between Abortion pill vs in clinic

Medical Abortion

Surgical Abortion

What is Medical Abortion? A combination of two medicines helps to terminate the pregnancy and causes your uterus lining to shed.

What is Surgical Abortion? A doctor uses suction method to your uterus.

What Abortion pills do? The first pill, mifepristone, unsettles the pregnancy. Misoprostol is the second medicine, whichis used at home after 24-48 hours to make the uterus diminish and push out the pregnancy and blood outside.

What Surgical Abortion do? In this method, the doctor uses gentle section to terminate the pregnancy and blood inside the uterus.

How effective is it? 95% to 97% women respond positively to this method. Only 3 to 5% women need a surgical abortion after this method due to continued pregnancy or due to some other complications.

How effective is it? 98 percent of suction curettage abortions are successful; only about 2 percent of women need a repeat procedure or other intervention.

What can it be done? Medical abortion can be done as soon as pregnancy test is positive and up to 9 weeks from the first day of the last period.

What can it be done? A surgical abortion can be done as soon as first five week from the first day of the last pregnancy.

Is abortion pill painful? The Pain varies from mild to very strong cramping, even worst when passing the pregnancy tissue or blood clots. In this case, women may take pain killer to manage pain.Mildercramps may or may not continue for several days to several weeks.

Is surgical abortion painful? There may be strong cramping for a few minutes during the procedure and for a short time. Pain cab be used to manage the pain. Milder cramps may continue for several days to several weeks.

Does the abortion pill fail? Does surgical abortion fail? There is only 1% chance that these pills fail Over 99% successful. Less than 1% of the and in that case surgical abortion is necessary. time it fails and needs to be repeated. Only 4% women will require the misoprostol a second time, or will choose to have an aspiration (surgical) procedure to complete the process.

If you need any types of the help related to the medical abortion consult, ​Safe abortion pills women clinic.

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