An early abortion is the termination of a pregnancy during the first trimester (within the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy). Compared to later abortions, early abortions require less medical attention and follow-up, which makes them significantly more affordable than later abortions.
Early abortions can be performed with surgery or with medication if the pregnancy is less than 10 weeks (measured from the first day of the last menstrual period, and confirmed with ultrasound in our clinic).
After 10 weeks, abortion with medication alone is not feasible, and terminating a pregnancy at this stage requires a surgical procedure
How is an early abortion performed? Early abortions in the first trimester can be accomplished with either medication or surgery. Both medical and surgical abortion are safe and effective for most patients.
Medication abortion
Surgical abortion
Patients can discuss both options with our physicians, and choose the best method for them.
Surgical Abortion
Medication Abortion
A doctor uses suction to empty your uterus.
A combination of medications ends the pregnancy and causes your uterus lining to shed.
This method is used up to 22 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period.
Five weeks four days to nine weeks since the first day of your last menstrual period.
Patients usually have light bleeding at home after the procedure for up to two weeks.
Patients usually have heavy bleeding for several hours and bleed like a period for two to three weeks.
1103 Lucerne Terrace Orlando, FL 32806 www.womenscenter.com