Misoprostol Abortion Pill for Medical Abortion
Mifeprex (also known as Ru-486) can be used after the 10th week of pregnancy. The use of the pill is a safe, effective, and relatively convenient way to end an early pregnancy, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mifeprex or mifepristone is commonly referred to as RU-486, but was formerly known as Ru486. It is sometimes referred to as the "abortion pill" and is a druginduced abortion, according to the US health agency CDC. It can be taken on the first visit, followed by Misoprostol abortion pill and then again after the second visit Medical abortion is a process that requires a doctor's visit, which includes confirmation of pregnancy, administration of RU-486, verification of abortion and, where appropriate, carrying out or recommending additional steps to abortion. A woman who has had a drug-induced abortion must have follow-up treatment after an abortion, the CDC said. Mifepristone is not the same as the morning-after pill, which is taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The abortion pill is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency. Many people are confused about the two pills, but there are significant differences between them, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Medical abortion involves the ingestion of two types of abortion pills and can generally be called an abortion pill. Both pills will end a pregnancy, but they are not the same as what is commonly known as morning-after pills or plan B, which are designed to prevent pregnancy. Using these two drugs together increases the effectiveness of abortion and can reduce the duration and side effects.
Take abortion pills as per your doctor’s suggestion If you choose this type of medical abortion, you are likely to end up taking mifepristone. You must consult your doctor after the procedure to ensure that your abortion is complete. This medicine can be obtained from any doctor or clinic that provides abortion services.
You must start the protocol within 24 hours of taking Mifepristone and reverse its effect after taking the first pill, even if you change your mind and want to continue the pregnancy. You need a dilation and curettage (D & C) before taking the abortion pill and you have to wait 48 hours after the last time you took the pill. If the pregnancy is not terminated and the procedure is available in your home country, you can try again and have a surgical abortion. There is no recommended waiting time of up to 48 days, but you will have to wait at least 24 hours before using it again, even if it works. Medication abortion is not a surgical abortion, but a combination of two medications prescribed by your doctor that work together to end the pregnancy and remove the uterine lining. If the abortion pill successfully terminates a pregnancy, most women will no longer need to take any additional medication and can have the surgery performed at home. Mifepristone, which is taken first, blocks the progesterone hormone needed to maintain pregnancy, causing the embryo to separate from the uterine wall.
Medical abortion at 10 weeks The abortion regimen consists of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, and is used during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. The first dose of the drug is taken before the second trimester, usually after about 12 weeks, followed by misopsrostol. Most women will abort for a few hours to a day or two before taking a second drug. In some cases, however, ifepristone can be taken up to three weeks after the first dose. Mifepristone and the first two pills have an extremely low rate of side effects and are less harmful than many medications, including Tylenol and Viagra. Abortion pills are likely to be used more frequently than people think, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Early drug-induced abortions, often referred to as the abortion pill, account for 39 percent of all abortions in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a leading sexual and reproductive health organization. When most people talk about abortion, they usually talk about surgical abortion - they go to a doctor, hospital or Medical abortion pill clinicto terminate a pregnancy. But anyone who needs to terminate their pregnancy should know that they can have it at 10 weeks or less if they have a medical reason for terminating it.
Orlando Abortion Clinic
(407) 245-7999