An Introduction WHAT IS FIRST AID?
Second trimester abortion procedures occur between 14 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. Orlando Women's Center Abortion Clinic uses t D&E and abortion pill method for second trimester abortion. The combination of Misoprostol and Mifepristone is 98% effective in this procedure.
Second Trimester Abortion Clinic Orlando Second trimester abortion clinic uses Dilation and evacuation (D&E) method for second-trimester abortion. So if you want a safe and secure second-trimester abortion then you must visit Orlando women's center and consult our doctor’s.
Second Trimester Abortion Methods There are two Second trimester abortion methods MedicaL Abortion using the Abortion Pill Surgical Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
Reach Out to Us Mailing address 1103 Lucerne TerraceOrlando, FL 32806
Email address 24hourabortion@gmail.com
Phone number (407) 245-7999
Website www.womenscenter.com/late_second_trimester.html