Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

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Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

Kathryn Marker

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs So you are trying to change and grow. You have a goal, you’re on a mission! But wait! Oh no, reality sets in and it’s hard. Your friends and family are supportive, but they don’t really get it, because they haven’t experienced this particular journey you are on. You are actually doing it – building and changing your life by creating a business that you love – but you really feel alone and need some support! Today I want to talk about how you will benefit from Masterminding with leaders and the impact it will have on your success and growth in business.

So What Is Masterminding? So we have Mastermind Groups, the concept was originally created by Napoleon Hill – but I certainly hadn’t heard about it until I met My Mentors and started my Online Business. Forbes.com talks about Masterminding as: A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others. How does a mastermind work? A group of smart people meet weekly, monthly, daily even if it makes sense, to tackle challenges and problems together. They lean on each other, give advice, share connections and do business with each other when appropriate. It’s very much peer-to-peer mentoring and if you are lucky enough to get invited to one, you will most likely see a marked change in yourself and your business.

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs So it’s really great. It takes us back to community and working together to solve problems and building each other up. There are di erent kinds of masterminding though, let me tell you a little story.

A Personal Story So I’m part of a supportive community that does masterminding (hence why I know the importance of it) and I can see the slow slippery slide into giving up/failure without it. Starting a business is hard, especially when you are learning new skills. Adding the challenge of computers in there and some days your head feels like it’s going to explode, and I get really down on myself. Being able to go to a place and say, “Hey, I’m struggling with this” or just even listening to a podcast of one of my mentors, someone always seems to know what you are going through and just says the right thing to give you a boost or help you solve a problem. They don’t call it a challenge because it’s easy, but it is worth it – which is why I plug my community so much – I really appreciate them, and I try to help too where I can. I think that one thing that really astonished me is I’ve had people who have set up 7 figure businesses comment on my struggles and give me advice. My gratitude to them, and honestly my awe that they would do that, is just so big. In the right group, you will find true leaders – people who build other people up and help and support them, even though there is no benefit to them. That’s inspiring, and I’ve experienced it first hand. And yeah, I’ve found that group.

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs What Are Some Benefits Of Masterminding? Collaboration – which can boost both of your businesses Problem solving Community – and not doing things alone Different perspectives and ideas that you wouldn’t have come up with alone Inspiration You are like the 10 people you hang out with most of the time – so listen to and hang out with successful people A shi in perception – and I’ve seen this with a family member. She listens to a lot of “Alternative News” which is fine, but I’ve seen a change in her perception. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you choose to spend your time with. You can’t do this alone.

Who Can I Mastermind With? Now this is going to depend on who your “people” are and what you are trying to achieve. If you are trying to create an online business you love, I can’t recommend anyone higher than My Mentors honestly. Get involved with Facebook Groups though too. There are groups for every niche like Mothers, Spiritual, Healthy Habits, Blogging and so forth. Get your tribe and meet new people. This is what social media is really meant for – building connections.

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs But I listen to podcasts too, Tony Robbins is always good, and I love listening to Brene Brown and ebooks. They inspire us and feed our minds and souls with positive and helpful information.

Sooo… Masterminding can be incredibly powerful and I would even go as far as saying it’s fundamental to your success. Trust me, it’s very hard to do without it. When things get tough – and they do – having a tribe to lean on, who gets what you are going through is fantastic. If you would like to learn more about my tribe and how they are helping thousands of people create lifestyles of more time freedom, click here. Take Care, Kathryn.

Why Masterminding Is Essential For Entrepreneurs

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