Dear Friend, This year, we departed from our usual way of working. We took a good, hard look at the desperate economic situation California’s women find themselves in and we said, “Enough!” With California budget debates on the horizon, we decided to seize the moment. We leveraged our respected position in Sacramento and our expertise in public policy to launch a campaign—Stand with Women.
This was a turning point for us. For years, we’ve based our work in strategic grantmaking and policy training. We tended to stay behind the scenes. But we knew we had to do more after we heard from our grant partners about the devastating impact five years of budget cuts have had on low-income women and families. After funding groundbreaking research that provided the data behind the stories we’d heard of mothers going hungry so that their children could eat, we launched a robust, multimedia and multifaceted campaign designed to protect three critical programs that support California’s mothers and families: Cal Grants, CalWORKs and subsidized childcare. LETTERS SENT TO LEGISLATORS
We were deeply moved by the support and attention that the campaign mobilized. More than 7,000 of you joined us to advocate on behalf of women and families who have suffered disproportionally during the Great Recession and several rounds of crippling state budget cuts.
Together, we helped influence the final budget that the Governor signed. While far from perfect, the final budget resulted in fewer cuts than originally proposed. It was bittersweet, but a victory nevertheless.
The budgets we create demonstrate the values we hold. We believe that our state budget needs to plan for and enable a woman’s basic economic security—a safe place to live, quality food on her table, health care, a job that provides enough income for her family. By doing so, we will all benefit—not just women and their families. Our communities will flourish. And so will our state. In addition to our budget advocacy, this year we’re proud that:
We supported 112 organizations with $2 million in grants Our grants are often the first time an organization is funded, so they help leverage funds from other foundations. In addition, we provide grants that support organizations over the long-term.
We facilitated smart philanthropy Philanthropy belongs to everyone. One way that we both engage our supporters and fund powerful grassroots organizations is through donor circles. This year, we carried out an in-depth study of our donor circles. Then, during our biennial conference, Connecting California 2012, we brought circle members together to share best practices and envision new ways of doing strategic philanthropy that fuels social justice. We helped pass two bills into law This year, two bills championed by Women’s Policy Institute fellows were signed into law and we graduated our ninth class of fellows. These graduates are combining their subject matter expertise with the advocacy skills they acquired in our program to influence public policy in our state.
We trust you will continue to Stand with Women and with us in the months to come. We need you. California’s women and children need you. Together we can create a California in which all women and their families are economically secure. In solidarity,
he terror of the Cambodian Killing Fields lives on long past the end of the war. Forty years after leaving Cambodia, Khmer refugees still suffer the effects of the genocide. According to one 2005 study, 62 percent are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.
But the pain does not stop with the elders. Lian Cheun, executive director of Khmer Girls In Action (KGA), explained that the research they conducted last year shows that trauma has been passed on to the next generation: 49 percent of Cambodian youth show signs of depression. “The Khmer community is very silent and there’s still a lot of healing that needs to be done and there’s still a lot of pain that the community carries. Part of the healing is to train and develop young people to be more active and to play a role in the political process.” 2
Lian and KGA realized that they had to do something to heal their community and address the staggering depression statistics. They had to intervene with the Cambodian youth where they’re most likely to be found—at school. As a result, KGA has taken on an impressive organizing campaign they call Youth at the CORE: Wellness Center Campaign. They researched and wrote a resolution that aims to create school-based health clinics in high schools and they decided to convince the Long Beach Unified School District to adopt it. “We want to help close the health gap so that teachers can have a chance to close the academic gap,” Lian told us. They know they’re in for a long haul and they’re prepared. “The school board thinks that they know what’s best for young people, but we believe that young people know what’s best for them. That’s why they need to be integrated
into the process,” said Lian. Also, KGA knows that counseling and preventative services are first to go on the budget chopping block when California is going through budget battles. But they also know that schools that have wellness centers have been able to decrease their absentee rates. One school with a wellness clinic decreased its absentee rate by 20 percent, which ended up saving the school money. “On the west side of Long Beach, there’s one nurse for four schools, meaning that she spends just one day a week in each school. If a student gets hurt on a Monday, she might not be able to see the nurse until Thursday. That’s not enough,” Lian told us. KGA is proposing that the district create wellness centers in three high schools—the same three that combined account for 80 percent of teen pregnancies in Long Beach. Most inspiring of all, this campaign is not just run by the small KGA staff—it is run by the
teenage girls who have gone, and are going through, the KGA leadership program. Every year, 60 girls go through the program and, so far, GIRLS TRAINED 500 have been trained in IN LEADERSHIP leadership, advocacy and public policy.
There is a KGA alumna behind the Wellness Center Campaign strategy and outreach; there is a committee of Khmer high school students working on event planning and marketing; there is a group of high school seniors working on the resolution. And every single KGA girl is meeting with elected officials and lobbying them for their support. They have no intention of stopping until all young people in Long Beach are given a voice and an opportunity to thrive. W W W.WOMENSFOUNDCA.ORG
any of us have been to Kettleman City at one point or another. Located halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco on Interstate 5, this tiny town of 1,500 people is a pit stop on our way north or south. We stop here to get gas, lunch at In-N-Out Burger or a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
What we may not realize is that Kettleman City is a community of Latino farm workers who have seen more than their fair share of hardship. The water in town is contaminated with benzene, a known carcinogen. The air is contaminated with pesticides from the surrounding farms and diesel emissions from the trucks that pass daily through the nearby I-5 junction with Highway 41. In fact, on average 1,000 trucks pass by Kettleman City every 12 hours. Maricela MaresAlatorre, executive director of our grant partner, El Pueblo para el Aire y Agua Limpia, has counted them one by one for months. Maricela has spent years struggling to clean up the air and water in her town and to protect the health of her neighbors, friends and family. To add insult to injury, the community faces yet another environmental hazard—the giant toxic waste disposal facility located right outside the town. Chemical Waste Management’s Kettleman Hills facility is the largest toxic waste landfill west of the Mississippi River. And in 2006, the facility announced plans to triple its size. At the same time, the Kettleman City community announced their plan to stop them. “Latino communities cannot bear the burden of all toxic waste in California. That is unfair,” Maricela told us, pointing out that all three toxic waste landfills in California are located in Latino communities. The community members believe that the toxins processed at the facility are causing the unnaturally high birth defects and health problems in their community. In a 14-month period from 2007–2009, five out of 25 children
were born with a cleft lip and three of them soon died. One of the children who died was a little girl with a hopeful name—America. For six years, El Pueblo, Maricela and the community have been resisting the expansion of the toxic waste facility. And in the process something miraculous has happened. This predominantly poor, quiet, immigrant community transformed into a proud and determined group of activists who know their rights and demand their voices be heard.
Led by El Pueblo, they staged protests, trainings and workshops. They testified at their county board of supervisors meetings. WOMEN & MEN VOLUNTEER They spoke to journalists, EACH YEAR scientists and politicians. And the women took charge. It took a lot for a shy, humble, immigrant mother like Maria Saucedo to go to Hanford and testify in front of the Kings County Board of Supervisors about the death of her infant child. Imagine how her knees shook and how her voice cracked. But she did it. The community did it. They’ve had many victories along the way. El Pueblo got the EPA to fine the facility for polluting and not disposing of the toxic waste correctly. They advocated for a water purification plan and, this year, the California Department of Public Health committed to building a new water treatment plant in Kettleman City. Though it seems like they cannot win, Maricela and El Pueblo continue to fight this David and Goliath battle. Though many have asked her, Why don’t you just leave, Maricela never considered giving up and moving away. “I won’t leave because this is my town and these are my friends and this is where I go to church. This is the same church I had my first communion in and my quinceañera. Because my hand gets tired when I’m driving down the street from waving at people I know.” W W W.WOMENSFOUNDCA.ORG
n California, one out of three families headed by single mothers is living in poverty. That’s not acceptable to the California Partnership. Currently led by Vanessa Aramayo, the organization has worked for years to address the root causes of poverty.
They know they can’t do it alone. That’s why they are composed of 120 member groups like Parent Voices, which makes sure that lowincome working mothers have quality childcare for their children; Pueblo, which strives to empower low-income working families in Southern California, many of whom are Latino; and LIFETIME, which strives to ensure that women receiving public assistance have an opportunity to get a degree in higher education and go on to become financially independent. The California Partnership has five chapters— in Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, San Francisco, Alameda and Santa Clara counties—and has members in the Central Valley, Central Coast and San Diego regions.
so, after using up her savings, she lost her apartment and found herself living in a car LEGISLATIVE with her three kids. In a VISITS desperate situation, she knew she had to do something to improve their lives, so she went to her local Medi-Cal office where she learned that she could pursue her education with the help of CalWORKs. She decided to study health administration so she can help people through her work. Susan’s is a success story, but she wouldn’t have been able to do this without the help of the CalWORKs grant she received. Last year, California Partnership members made more than 50 visits to state legislators to introduce people like Susan and their stories. They conducted more than 20 actions and protests, all with the goal of raising awareness and protecting critical programs such as CalWORKs, childcare and economic support for low-income families. They also facilitated the record number of 165 women giving statements in Sacramento, thereby making real the human price of the budget cuts.
One of the ways that the California Partnership addresses the root causes of poverty is through organizing and educating people about the California state budget. The past five years have seen the budget balanced by cutting the “Legislators couldn’t say they didn’t hear from programs and services that benefit low-income anybody,” said Vanessa. “While there were some cuts, ultimately we helped stave off what women and families. The rationale is that the would have been catastrophic cuts.” state has a spending problem. “We don’t have a spending problem,” Vanessa California Partnership’s big accomplishment this year? After years of working to bring said. “We have a revenue problem. The attention to the need for fiscal reform and public is misled to believe that the only way revenues, they helped shape Proposition 30, we can solve our budget problem is if we which was on the 2012 ballot and aimed to cut our way out of it.” raise $6 billion annually so that we can build The result is that people like Susan, a single a California budget that reflects the values mom with three kids, pay the price. For years, and needs of all Californians. Susan worked in the financial sector, but when the recession hit, she lost her job. Like so many people who’ve lost work in the last couple of years, she couldn’t find a new job
Lia Saeteurn LOS ANGELES
Without fail, Lia Saeteurn volunteers 500 hours of her time every year. And that’s no small feat considering she works full time as a financial advisor at Merrill Lynch in Beverly Hills and is a member of our Los Angeles Giving Circle, a donor circle that last year awarded four grants to organizations that uplift women and girls. Lia volunteers as a college preparation and financial literacy mentor to middle and high school girls: “I believe that anyone who has access to the right education and the right role models can get out of the world in which they think they’re trapped.” Lia says that she has been lucky and has been given a lot. She was born in a refugee camp in Thailand. When she was four months old, her family immigrated to the United States. She excelled in school and extracurricular activities and then attended UC Berkeley. Now, she finds herself in a rewarding career. How did she do it? Not by pulling herself up by her bootstraps, she says, but by getting help, support and inspiration from many mentors, coaches and teachers along her way. And now she wants to give back. Lia is moved to act and give—both her time and her money—by a story she read as a high school student. In the story, a young girl reads Langston Hughes’s poem, “A Dream Deferred,” and weeps. She weeps because she feels that her dreams will inevitably “dry up like a raisin in the sun.” The young girl simply does not see a way out of her dire situation. So every time Lia thinks the problems some girls face are too big to surmount, she remembers that girl and volunteers one more hour of her time. And every time she feels that our system of education is too broken to fix, she remembers that girl and supports inspirational organizations like the New Village Charter High School. “The goal is to point the girls in the right direction, motivate them to live up to their potential and encourage them to continue to dream.”
Michelle Cale PALO ALTO “People always think that only rich men like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are philanthropists. I believe that if you’re doing something for the common good, you’re acting in a philanthropic way and are being a philanthropist. This word, ‘philanthropist,’ is a powerful word women and girls need to embrace and claim,” said Michelle Cale, philanthropist, Women’s Foundation of California board member and member of our Women of Silicon Valley Donor Circle. Michelle grew up in Birmingham, England, daughter of working class parents who believed in the value of education despite having few opportunities themselves. Her father used to tell her, “No matter what happens, they can never take your education away from you.” As a result, Michelle, who has a doctorate in history, is committed to using philanthropy to help young people get access to higher education. But this year, Michelle is thinking about education with a different objective in mind. She’s leading a class in philanthropy at her daughter’s middle school in Palo Alto.
We need you!
“I designed this nine week elective course to help these young girls—half of whom are 11 years old—choose where they would like to volunteer,” Michelle told us. “And along the way, I’m trying to get them to embrace this idea of being a philanthropist. I don’t think there’s any reason why they should not be thinking philanthropically at this age.” Michelle sees a leadership role for herself in educating a new generation of women philanthropists. She is showing them that philanthropy is not something you have to wait to do when you’re older, but something you can do at any age. “I want to provide them with some things to think about and then ask, Now what sparks your imagination? I want them to see that they can do more in the world, that they can have an idea and do something with it. I want them to know that they can be agents in their communities and that they can start today.”
Make a gift today. Make a recurring quarterly or monthly gift, which spreads your generosity throughout the year and provides us with reliable support. Give through your workplace giving program. Your employer may allow you to give pre-tax donations through payroll deductions or may match your donation, doubling or even tripling your generosity. Donate stocks or bonds. Join our Living Legacy Society by naming the Women’s Foundation of California in your will.
ALL donations make a difference. W W W.WOMENSFOUNDCA.ORG
n 2011, anti-choice organizations launched a series of billboard campaigns targeting Latino and African American communities in Los Angeles. Imagine a billboard of a beautiful African American baby boy framed by the words, “Black & Beautiful,” with the URL, toomanyaborted.com. Then imagine a billboard announcing that “The most dangerous place for a Latino is in the womb.”
of a problem, not the problem itself. Instead of focusing on stopping abortions, the focus should be on overturning the social inequities that make it impossible for low-income women to have comprehensive health care. Back in Los Angeles, the billboards were taken down within a week of going up. To make this victory possible, BWW and CLRJ worked not only together, but they forged alliances with women’s organizations all across California and the United States.
Our grant partners, California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ) and Black Women for Wellness (BWW), sprang into action both What’s more, they forged historically unlikely to take down the offensive billboards and to alliances. CLRJ found common ground with educate their communities about reproductive immigrant and civil rights organizations like justice and women’s right to control their bodies. the Coalition for Humane “Reproductive justice is you having a plan with Immigrant Rights of what to do with your body. And you having the Los Angeles and the tools, the resources and information to work Mexican American your plan,” said Janette Robinson Flint, executive Legal Defense and WEEK TO ORGANIZE director of Black Women for Wellness. Educational Fund. & REMOVE BWW worked with According to our grant partners, reproductive BILLBOARDS male leaders in their justice is not just about abortion. And abortion communities, among them is not just about terminating an unwanted Reverend Eric Lee of the Southern Christian pregnancy. It is an important social and Leadership Conference and Roderick J. Elzy economic justice issue that has been reduced to a sound bite, dividing women, communities of Great Beginnings for Black Babies, who and, most visibly, political parties since before became champions for women’s reproductive health rights. Roe v. Wade.
“It’s a major success for us to get organizations “Reproductive justice is your right to have that in the past may not have supported children, if you desire to have children. It’s your right not to have children, if you desire reproductive health rights and see them not to have them. And it’s your right to parent come out publicly and support our campaigns,” said Laura Jiménez. the children that you already have,” said Laura Jiménez, executive director of California By building alliances, educating their Latinas for Reproductive Justice. communities and cultivating cross-issue “Finally, reproductive justice is your right to have relationships, CLRJ and BWW are changing hearts and minds: access to health care, education and resources to make all these healthy decisions,” Laura “Here at Black Women for Wellness we have added. Yet more than one-third of low-income done some great policy work that has impacted women in this country do not have health care. folks upstream. But when we’re able to see The harsh truth is that a woman’s access to health care is directly proportional to her income, which is directly proportional to her reproductive health. Abortion is a symptom
folks downstream—in the river, so to speak— get it, and when they’re willing to join us to work on policy, that’s when I get excited and am hopeful,” said Janette Robinson Flint.
This list represents gifts given between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. This list does not include gifts to fiscally sponsored projects. $500,000 AND ABOVE
Quinn Delaney and Wayne Jordan $250,000 TO $499,999
The Atlantic Philanthropies The Ford Foundation
Your generosity makes a huge difference in the lives of thousands of women and families across the state. It’s because of gifts from individuals, foundations and corporations that we’re able to make grants to leading organizations and run programs such as our nationally acclaimed Women’s Policy Institute. Thank you for standing with women!
$100,000 TO $249,999
Blue Shield of California Foundation The California Endowment The Catalyst Fund of the Groundswell Fund The James Irvine Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Deborah R. and Louis Salkind Gretchen and James Sandler $50,000 TO $99,999
Two Anonymous Donors Michelle Cale and Duncan Greatwood Marguerite Casey Foundation Orange County Community Foundation Janice and Howard Oringer/Omnia Foundation Rosenberg Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation $25,000 TO $49,999
Two Anonymous Donors Akonadi Foundation Deborah Drysdale, PhD Fund for Nonviolence Kaiser Permanente Employee Giving Campaign Linked Fate Fund for Justice of the Tides Foundation Southern California Edison Southwest Airlines van Löben Sels/ RembeRock Foundation $10,000 TO $24,999
Our independent audit was not available at the time of printing this annual report. To receive a copy of the Foundation’s audited financial statements, please call us at 415.321.2044. If your name is incorrect, incomplete or missing, please contact Nicole Decouzon McMorrow at nicolem@womensfoundca.org. 12
City National Bank Kathryn M. Downing and Gerry Flake Lia Haskin Fernald, PhD Phyllis K. Friedman Kathryn Green The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Emily Honig, PhD Hull Family Foundation
Kivel Luckey Justice Fund, a Calvert Giving Fund Joan L. Lesser and Ronald L. Johnston Marineau Family Foundation Sue and Phil Marineau Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Orchard House Foundation Judy Patrick JaMel and Thomas Perkins PG&E Corporation Foundation The San Francisco Foundation Sempra Energy Faye Straus and Sandor Straus, PhD June Tuttleman, PhD Wells Fargo & Company $5,000 TO $9,999
One Anonymous Donor A+E Networks/ Lifetime Television Aileen Adams and Geoffrey Cowan Janis E. Adams and John Lyons Bank of America Matching Gift Program Ann Barhoum The Bodhisattva Foundation Kristin M. Boettger Marcie K. Brown Castellano Family Foundation Mary Cooper Patty DeDominic Estée Lauder Companies Maureen Ford Wanda W. Ginner David B. Gold Foundation Jane Gottesman and Geoffrey Biddle Joan Hadden Walter S. Johnson Foundation Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Los Angeles City Treasury Employees’ Workplace Giving Helen MacKinnon Carol Malnick Alexandria Marcus Judy and George Marcus Annelise and Jeff Mora Morgan Family Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation Miriam Muscarolas New York Life Insurance Company
O’Hanlan-Walker LGBT Equality Fund of Horizons Foundation as advised by Léonie Walker and Katherine O’Hanlan, MD Claire Perry and Giles Goodhead Barbara E. Pierce Sarah Delaney Rosendahl Alison Seevak Ruth O. Sherer Smart Business Results, Incorporated Susan L. Swan Gayle and Philip Tauber Carol A. Tisson and Mike Ginn Janie Tyre and Sam Karp Nancy Wakeman Susan M. Wolford Yang Dan Relief Fund of the Women’s Foundation of California as advised by Ellen Sloan $2,500 TO $4,999
The California Wellness Foundation Phyllis Cohn MaryBeth Fitzsimmons Guibord Center Rosanne Rennie Holliday The Humphreys Group Roy A. Hunt Foundation as advised by Marion M. Hunt Institute of International Education Sandy G. Kanengiser, Esq. Koi Timathie S. Leslie Jennifer Levitt Wilda Masunaga/ George Masunaga Family Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation McCune Foundation as advised by Susan J. Rose Paulette Meyer and David Friedman Gwen T. Miller Nancy Milliken, MD Wendy Munger and Leonard Gumport Nestlé USA Henry A. J. Ramos and Claudia Lenschen-Ramos Lee and Perry Smith Fund of the San Francisco Foundation Lo Sprague and Gwynne Guibord Beatriz Olvera Stotzer Barbara E. Wagner Belinda Smith Walker Weingart Foundation
$1,000 TO $2,499
Six Anonymous Donors Sherry Ahern Dede Alpert Elizabeth Anderson Joni Anderson Carol A. Banquer, MD Barbara Beck Hunt/Berg Family Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, as advised by JoAnn Berg Leah M. Bishop and Gary M. Yale Diana Bontá, DrPH Catherine Broadhead Merle Evans Brodie Alison Sirkus Brody and Michael Brody Linda Bulmash, Esq. Janice Burrill Francine Busby Theresa Fay-Bustillos and Paul Gutierrez Kathryn D. and Alfred A. Checchi Chevron Humankind Employee Funds Laura N. Chick Denise Clements Elizabeth Colton Victoria Green Comfort Honorable Crystal Crawford Gale Darling Christine Deschaine Jennifer Dreyer Julie Dubick Leslie Dupree Emily and Daniel Einhorn Eli Lilly and Company Susanna Karney Flaster Joan Friedenberg Fund for the Human Spirit of the Tides Foundation Carmen Rosette Garcia and Daniel Lawrence Kisner, MD Margo R. George and Catherine Karrass Susan M. George, MD and Miles Epstein Patti Giggans Bobbie and Jon Gilbert Lisa Braun-Glazer, PhD Greta Goldstein Karina Sterman-Goode Sharyn Goodson Nancy Malkin Gottesfeld Inderpal Grewal, PhD and Alfred Jessel Carrie Haber R. Elaine Hanson, MD Amy Burkhardt Harmon Crystal Hayling Michele Hébert
Mary Herne Jewish Community Foundation San Diego Mary F. John Sabrina Johnson Jacque Jones and Bernard Ullman Marjory Kaplan Dori Kaufman Clara Kennedy Barbara Lee Sharon L. Levine, MD Hayley Nicole MacKinnon Ellen J. Marks Pamela McLean, PhD Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Employees’ Workplace Giving Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen Rita B. Moya Pamela and Dennis Mudd Marilyn Gibson O’Neil Sarah Smith Orr, PhD Jane Patrick and Barry Schacht Mary Frances Kelly Poh Julie and Lowell Potiker Public Transportation Services Corporation Employees’ Workplace Giving The Purple Lady Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Lisa Richter Terasa J. Ridgway Victoria Riskin, PhD Teresa L. Roberts Angela D. Robledo Lynn Schenk and C. Hugh Friedman Sempra Energy Foundation Neil Senturia and Barbara Bry Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation San Diego Patricia Sinay Nancy Spector Audrey Stein Betsy Strausberg Julie H. Sullivan, PhD United Way of San Diego County Gala Vaisberg Yelena Vayner Harriet M. Welch Karin E. Winner $500 TO $999
One Anonymous Donor Sayaka Adachi Michelle Ahearne Betty Amber
Rhonda Amber and Jonathan Licht Lenise Andrade Valerie A. Attisha Holly Badgley and Peter Stern Joan and David Barram Paulyne Becerra Kathleen Brown and Van Gordon Sauter Anne T. Cameron Elaine Chortek Katie Collins Emily L. Davis Robert Delaney Heather Dugdale Bunmi Esho Judy and James Farley Flowers by Adelaide Incorporated John Follain and Rita Cristofari Renée White Fraser, PhD and Scott Fraser, PhD Eugenia Garcia Katayoun Goshtasbi Amy Gunderson Jennifer Gunsaullus, PhD HarperCollins Publishers Shana Hazan Susan and Joel Hyatt Geri Yang-Johnson and Elliott Johnson Maile Karris Virginia T. King Stacey Klaman Madeleine A. Kleiner Judith H. Kramer Alev and Gary Lewis Los Angeles Community College District Employees’ Workplace Giving Lucilia Lu Jing and Richard Lyman Tam M. Ma Deirdre Maloney Alice Anne Martineau Karin and Edwin Mayhew Constance Nelson Jo Ann Ogden Anna G. Ouroumian Lisë Funkhouser Paul Anthony R. Perez Kathy Peterson Marjorie Randolph Marise Relfe Sheona Richardson Lydia Ines Rivera Marian B. Rosenthal, MD Lia Saeteurn Johanna S. Schiavoni Taralee and Matt Schoen Heidi Schulman and Mickey Kantor Zoe and Stephen Schwartz
Charlene Seidle Elizabeth M. Seifel Yasmin Shah Loy Sheflott June Simmons United Way of Greater Los Angeles Julie Waxman and Seth Freeman Amy C. Weeks Kersten Wehde Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Dana C. White Diane O. Wittenberg and David L. Minning Brenda Wright Drs. Eleanor L. & Stanley Zuckerman Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund $250 TO $499
Three Anonymous Donors A & P Fund of Horizons Foundation as advised by Petra Liljestrand and Alice Philipson Diane Adcock Brianna Ahern Lena Alfi Clara Jean Basile Allen J. Baum and Donya White Judy Belk and Roger Peeks Rosemary Berwald Carol and Frank Biondi Morgan Justice-Black Reisa Brafman Inger Brinck and Grace Park Toni Brock Kay Buck Marybeth Carty Barbara Sayre Casey Sophie Lash Cassidy Charles Schwab Employee Matching Gifts Program Charles Schwab Foundation Susan N. Clark Sasha Clines Bernice E. Colman Nancy H. Daley Erin Daniels Sarah Dawe Nancy DeNero Cynthia A. Donovan ECHO–Employees Charity Organization at Northrop Grumman Ellie Farbstein Simona Farrise Jim Fisher Marie Fox/ Twelve Signs Wine 14
Wendy Garen Linda Gebroe and Rebecca Silverstein Julie Gertler Barbara L. Goodridge Sara Gould and Rick Surpin Mavis Gruver Caroline Hansen Michael Herndon R. Christine Hershey and Susan Van Horn Bonnie Guiton Hill, EdD Sue Hilton Maria Lemus Hollands Beverly Holmes, DVM James Hormel and Michael Nguyen Mitchell Kauffman and Joanne Moran, PhD, PsyD Lydia Kennard/ KDG Development + Construction Consulting Kimberly Kenny Margaretta C. Kildebeck Megan Lim Sarah MacKinnon Judy M. Miller Lynn and David Mitchell Ellen Monroe Ann Munger Patricia and Robert Murar Network for Good Tara Ostapuk Christine Ostee Judy Ousterhout Honorable Joy Picus Thomas Pollack and Evan Jenness Qualcomm Charitable Foundation Rady School Alumni Association–University of California, San Diego Marguerite Rangel Jessica Rodgers Gary Ross and Allison Thomas Jeri Rubin Pamela Rudd, PhD Cathy Salser Adele Scheele, PhD Deborah E. Spindelman Regina Stagg and Joel Feuer Jamienne S. Studley Lisa Swann Emma Tuttleman Sophie Tuttleman United Way for Southeastern Michigan Karen E. Warshaw Kelly Weaver Diane T. Wilson Mahvash and Farrokh Yazdi Irving and Ellen Zucker
$100 TO $249
11 Anonymous Donors Gisselle Acevedo Cherri N. Allison Susan Allison Carol Anderson and Stephanie Ann Smith Genoveva L. Arellano Ariela-Alpha International LLC Eva S. Auchincloss Autumn Press Incorporated Suzanne Badenhoop Virginia H. Baker Lois W. Banner Melinda Cordero-Bárzaga Barbara Benon Teri Bialosky Robyn Bramhall and Ellen Maremont Silver Leslie and Carolyn Gabel-Brett Mary Campbell Diana Campoamor Karen Caplan Jacqueline Caster Claire Becker-Castle Ronnie Cavalluzzi Darlene Ceremello and Jessea Greenman Pam Chueh Marcia Cohen Conejo Wellness Center Incorporated Karen Cox Donna Crane Patricia Croteau Anita Robertson D’Aguilar Krysia C. Dankowski Stefanie Davis Baylee DeCastro Holly Fraumeni-DeJesus Carolyn DeVinny Helen Dietz Audrey Diaz Dow Lee Draper, PhD and Tom Paiva Marta Drury Michele Dumont Jody A. Dunn Kit Durgin and Elaine McKinley Barbara H. Dwyer Sarah Elkind and Beth Holmberg Teddie Marie Foreman Nancy Franciose Caneel C. Fraser Kimberly Freeman Katherine Gabel, PhD, JD Arlene M. Getz Fay Ghafouri Jewelle Taylor Gibbs, PhD Jane Blumberg Goldberg Iris J. Goldman
Homeira and Arnold Goldstein Martha H. Goldstein Gia Gordon Judith Graboyes and Deborah Cooper Nona and Norin Grancell Billie Greer Esperanza Gutierrez Karen B. and John G. Hall John and Diana Harrington Pan Haskins, CPA, MS Mary Jean Hayden, PhD Tamra C. Hege Maxine Heiliger Renee Herrell Irma D. Herrera and Mark D. Levine Clothilde V. Hewlett Adrienne Hirt and Jeffrey Rodman Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Employees’ Workplace Giving Constance Hunter Barbara F. Jay Margaret and Robert Kadoyama Joni A. Kaiser Linda L. Katz Audrey Martinez-Keller Jennifer Kenning Jan Kern Mary Kirchen Deborah Klar Betty J. LaMarr Amy L. Lansky, PhD Andrea Lee May Lee Peter Lee Joan and Bernard LeSage Wendy Lichtman and Jeffrey Mandel William Lindberg Brie Loskota and Justin Ehresmann Kathy Magliato, MD Julia A. Maicki Areva and Ernest Martin, Jr. Michael R. O. Martinez Dena Mathe Patricia Uro-May, Esq. Nora and Edward McAniff Melinda McClain Anna McDonnell Celeste Pinto McLain Maura McLane Toni McLean Frank Mecca Julia Miele Lee and Steve Miller Sandra and Stephen Mueller Susan E. Nash Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Kathleen R. Noe Torie Osborn and Lydia Vaias Kathie Piccagli Amy Rabbino and Neal Rubin Kavita N. Ramdas Joan Rehnborg Shailushi Baxi Ritchie Penny Rosenwasser Jean Ross G. Joyce Rowland Tristan Ruhland Beverly P. Ryder Rebecca Sander Patricia Schaumann Pixie Hayward Schickele Arlene and Les Schneider Andrew and Bridget Schreiber Enid Schreibman Linda G. Schwartz Ellen Seeling and Jean Fineberg Sempra Employee Giving Network Marcia Settel Emily P. Shepard Laura Short Mady Shumofsky Teddi Gelfand Silverman Lois and Harold Slavkin Ellen Sloan Sande Smith Cherrill M. Spencer Lilly Spitz and Rudolph R. Loncke Bess and Steve Sternberg Joan Grant Sullivan, MD Lillian Tallman Jocelyn Tetel Diane Elizabeth Thomas Helen Iris Torres Millie Troll Denise M. Tyson and Adrienne L. Sherwood Shamya Ullah Victoria R. Unger and David A. Kopitz Robert S. and Diana Villafana Mary Wade Mimi and Werner Wolfen Ethel S. Worn $1 TO $99
Eight Anonymous Donors Judith Abeles Abba Al Meftah Dolores Alvarado and Antonio C. Nu単ez Heather Arnet Gail Arnold Dolores Arredondo Ruth Atkin Gina Barro Phoebe Beasley
Richard Beecher Laurence Alan Bender Angela Birchfield Lisa Bochner Laura Bock Scott D. Bowling Erin Boyle Vicki Brand Monica Smith-Braun, RN Phyllis Bronstein Elizabeth S. Brownlow and Leonard Brownlow III Sarah P. Burns and Bruce D. Walker Victoria Burns Lisa Calderon Joyce M. Cannon Don Carkeek Denise and Dennis Carriero Georgia Case Janice Cimbalo Vivian Clecak Debi Clifford Natalia Collis Leslie Cooper Marilyn F. Courter Tina R. Crowe Sharon Reyer Davis and Gray Davis Dani Dawson Marlene De Lancie Charleen Del Junco Jobyna Dellar Raj and Helen Desai Madeline Di Nonno Nina Diamond Matthew Dischinger Raquel F. Donoso Betty C. Dudney Mary Elliott Margaret M. Ellis Joan Emery and Edward Rubin Lisa and Jesse Endo Jill Epstein Amy Everitt Natasha Carroll-Ferrary and Adam J. Schiff Joan and Thomas Frenkel Cathy Friedman Janis Frisch, PhD Dodi and Murray Fromson Gap Inc. Gap Inc. Giving Campaign Vanessa George Sandy Gooch Whitney J. Gosden Amber M. Grayhorse G. G. Greenhouse Ellen Greenstone Sylvia Griffiths Laurie Kasper Gwyn Heon Hahm Gretchen Hays Diane Helfrey
Ruth E. Herring Jennifer Hillman Pamela Hillman Linda and Kit Hinrichs Patricia Hobe Val Holwerda Mia Hubbard H. Nona Hungate Martha Hyde Emily Jarosz Charmaine Jefferson Jessica Jew Ilene Sakheim Katz and Gary L. Katz Betsy Kelso Michele Littmann King Carolyn R. Kingshill Victoria Kirby Kesa Kivel Anna Klein Lindsey Kozberg Stella Krieger Denise Lassalle Ellen Ledley Lauri Fried-Lee Tricia Legittino Roslyn Leiser and Lida R. Guion Nancy K. D. Lemon, JD Dorothy Leroux Levi Strauss Foundation Matching Gifts Peter Linenthal Julia Liou, MPH and Sam Yang Debbie Lumpkin Joan and Wallace MacDonald Andrea Margolis Maria T. Solis-Martinez Mark Masaoka Alison Mathias Carol Cheng-Mayer Michelle McCormick and Sara Davis Mary Helen McGilvray Tracy Mendoza Pura Kristina Militante Marium F. Mohiuddin Aurea Montes, MSW Madelyn M. Murray Suzanne and Stephen Najarian Jean Nemer Angela Patane Kaci Patterson Carol L. Peterson Kay Philips Maya Philipson Joy Phoenix Del Richardson Price Leslie Quintanilla Joette J. Rea Holly Richards Kathryn Richards Laura Riley
Sue Robins Naomi Robinson Laura C. Romero Susan Rosin and Brian Bock Carolyn Sachs, MD, MP Allison Sampson Diana Sanborn and Art Boudreault Daisie Cristobal Sanchez Baasanjav Sandarmaa Donna M. Scheifler Eileen R. Schoellkopf Catherine Dorn Schreiber and Peter Schreiber Catherine J. Schreiber and Hashem Rouhani Michael Scott SEIU Local 721 CTW, CTC Lisa Sheehan Andrea Siegman Anya Silverman Carolyn and Shawn Sims Mitchell Singer Michele Siqueiros Rebecca Smith Gregg Solimine Angelica Solis Martha Stampfer Jacqueline Cohen Steinberg Elizabeth H. Storey Bonnie Sturner, PhD Bryan Takamoto Margaret Talburtt Tina and John Thomson Jennifer Troia United Way California Capital Region United Way of the Bay Area Gabriela Valle Lynn Velazquez Jeannine Jade Villasenor Cady Vortmann Gwen I. Walden Wai Wang Marie B. Washington Laura Weinstein Michelle Weiss Samantha Wellerstein Theresa Wessels Idell Weydemeyer Ron Wong and Mike Tekulsky Judy Wydick Elaine N. Young Rich Yurman Jill and Ely Zimmerman To see the list of gifts made in memory of, in honor of and to our Living Legacy Society, please go to www.womensfoundca. org/annualreport-gifts.
2011-12 Grant Partners This list does not include grants made through individual donoradvised funds managed by the Women’s Foundation of California. 10,000 Degrees/San Rafael $15,000 - Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle A New Way of Life Reentry Project/ Los Angeles $65,500 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle African American Community Health Project (Walnut Avenue Women’s Center)/Santa Cruz $10,000 - Capacity Building Program American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California/ San Francisco $25,000 Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle Asian Americans for Community Involvement/San Jose $20,000 YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Banteay Srei (Asian Health Services/Oakland $15,000 Community Action Fund Barrio Logan College Institute/ San Diego $30,000 Women Give San Diego Black Women for Wellness/ Los Angeles $20,000 Community Action Fund Breakthrough San Francisco (San Francisco Day School)/ San Francisco $10,000 Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle Breakthrough Silicon Valley/ San Jose $20,000 - Women of Silicon Valley Donor Circle California Budget Project/ Sacramento $25,000 Legislative Action Fund California Child Care Resource & Referral Network/San Francisco $2,500 - Legislative Action Fund California Coalition for Women Prisoners (Legal Services for Prisoners with Children)/ San Francisco $25,000 Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative (Asian Health Services)/Oakland $20,000 Community Action Fund California Indian Environmental Alliance/Berkeley $20,000 Community Action Fund California Latinas for Reproductive Justice/Los Angeles $20,000 Community Action Fund California Partnership (Center for Community Change)/Los Angeles $25,000 - Legislative Action Fund Californians for Pesticide Reform (Pesticide Action Network North America)/Oakland $35,000 Capacity Building Program and Community Action Fund Californians United for a Responsible Budget (Justice Now)/ Oakland $40,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle The Campaign for College Opportunity/Los Angeles $2,000 Legislative Action Fund The Center for Young Women’s Development/San Francisco $25,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle The Center for Young Women’s Development/San Francisco $25,000 - Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment/San Francisco $15,000 - Capacity Building Program Central California Asian Pacific Women/Fresno $10,000 Capacity Building Program Central California Environmental Justice Network (Fresno Regional Foundation)/Fresno $15,000 Capacity Building Program Centro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc./Fresno $15,000 Capacity Building Program Chicago Foundation for Women/ Chicago, IL $50,000 - Women’s Economic Security Campaign Communities for a New California Education Fund (Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment)/ Sacramento $40,000 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Inc./Watsonville $10,000 - Capacity Building Program Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment/ Los Angeles $20,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
Community Water Center/Visalia $20,000 - Capacity Building Program and Community Action Fund Community Water Center/Visalia $15,000 - Capacity Building Program Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement/ San Bernardino $21,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco Bay Area/ Santa Clara $20,000 - YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Critical Resistance/Oakland $15,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle El Pueblo Para el Aire y Agua Limpia (Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice)/ Kettleman City $10,000 Capacity Building Program El Quinto Sol de América (Pesticide Action Network North America)/Lindsay $15,000 Capacity Building Program EmpowHer Institute/Los Angeles $10,000 - Los Angeles Giving Circle The Foundation for Grossmont & Cuyamaca Colleges/El Cajon $31,000 - Women Give San Diego Foundation For Women/La Jolla $6,000 - Women Give San Diego Fresno Barrios Unidos/Fresno $15,000 - Capacity Building Program Georgia Women for a Change/ Atlanta, GA $30,000 - Women’s Policy Institute Aging Justice Replication Project Girl Scouts of Northern California/ San Jose $20,000 - YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Girls & Gangs/Los Angeles $12,500 Marlborough Student Charitable Fund Girls Incorporated of Alameda County/San Leandro $20,000 Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle HerShe Group Foundation/ Los Angeles $12,500 - Marlborough Student Charitable Fund HerShe Group Foundation/ Los Angeles $10,000 Los Angeles Giving Circle Inland Action (Alexandria House)/ Los Angeles $1,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Inland Congregations United for Change/San Bernardino $1,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project
Jane Addams Senior Caucus/ Chicago, IL $30,000 Women’s Policy Institute Aging Justice Replication Project Justice Now/Oakland $25,000 Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
Sojourn to the Past/San Bruno $20,000 - YWCA of the MidPeninsula Donor Advised Fund
Women’s Foundation of California
Stone Soup Fresno/Fresno $15,000 - Capacity Building Program
340 Pine Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone 415.837.1113 www.womensfoundca.org info@womensfoundca.org
Khmer Girls in Action/Long Beach $15,000 - Community Action Fund
Students Rising Above/ San Francisco $15,000 Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle
League of Mexican American Women/Fresno $5,000 Capacity Building Program
Time For Change Foundation/ San Bernardino $41,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children/San Francisco $30,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
Time For Change Foundation/ San Bernardino $25,500 Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
Maitri/Santa Clara $20,000 YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund
Transgender, Gender Variant, Intersex Justice Project (Justice Now)/San Francisco $5,000 Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle
Matheny Tract Committee (California Rural Legal Assistance)/ Fresno $5,000 - Capacity Building Program Motivating Our Students Through Experience/Los Angeles $10,000 Los Angeles Giving Circle Mural Music & Arts Project/East Palo Alto $20,000 - YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund New Village Charter High School/ Los Angeles $12,500 - Marlborough Student Charitable Fund New Village Charter High School/ Los Angeles $10,000 Los Angeles Giving Circle Organización en California de Líderes Campesinas/Oxnard $15,000 - Capacity Building Program The Peninsula College Fund/ Menlo Park $20,000 - Women of Silicon Valley Donor Circle Planned Parenthood Mar Monte/ San Jose $20,000 - YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Poder Popular of the Coachella Valley/Coachella $1,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Pomona Economic Opportunity Center/Pomona $41,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Public Interest Projects Inc./ New York $7,500 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle Rho Delta Omega–Ivy and Pearls Foundation/Palo Alto $10,000 YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Santa Clara Unified School District/ Santa Clara $20,000 - Women of Silicon Valley Donor Circle
Warehouse Worker Resource Center/Ontario $1,200 - Inland Valley Civic Engagement Project Washington Area Women’s Foundation/Washington, DC $50,000 - Women’s Economic Security Campaign Wisconsin Women’s Network/ Madison, WI $30,000 Women’s Policy Institute Aging Justice Replication Project Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security/Oakland $20,000 YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis/Memphis, TN $50,000 - Women’s Economic Security Campaign Women’s Fund of New Jersey/ Trenton, NJ $16,264 Women’s Policy Institute Aging Justice Replication Project Women’s Fund of Rhode Island/ Providence, RI $30,000 Women’s Policy Institute Aging Justice Replication Project WriteGirl (Community Partners)/ Los Angeles $12,500 - Marlborough Student Charitable Fund Youth Justice Coalition/Inglewood $15,000 - Race, Gender and Human Rights Donor Circle YWCA Berkeley/Oakland/ Berkeley $20,000 - YWCA of the Mid-Peninsula Donor Advised Fund
Kathryn M. Downing, Chair Nicole Vazquez, Chair-Elect Gretchen Sandler, Vice Chair Tam M. Ma, Secretary Theresa Fay-Bustillos Michelle Cale, DPhil MaryBeth Fitzsimmons Kimberly Freeman Mary Anita Jackmon Geri Yang-Johnson Joan Lesser Alexandria Marcus Judy Patrick Lisë Funkhouser Paul Henry A.J. Ramos Ellen Y. Sloan Beatriz Olvera Stotzer Carol Tisson June Tuttleman, PhD Brenda Wright STAFF MEMBERS
Sanja Alajbegovic Inger Brinck Alison Sirkus Brody Fabiola DeCaratachea Katie Egan Tiauna George Milan J. Havel, PhD Kim Kenny Nicole Decouzon McMorrow Alba Mercado Ellen Monroe Judy Patrick Roxy Rogalski Lynn Sagramoso Cathy Schreiber Sande Smith Gregg Solimine Agnes Uboma CREDITS WRITERS
Sanja Alajbegovic, Sande Smith EDITOR
Nicole Decouzon McMorrow DESIGN
Piper Murakami PHOTOGRAPHY
Nader Khouri Photography: cover and pages 2-3, 4, 6, 8, 10 Leslie Flores: inside front cover Terry Lorant: page 9