Women's LifeStyle Magazine

Page 1

February 2011

Grand Rapids


Heart Health

Romance CHOCOLATE (S)expendables

Stephanie Schlatter

scent with love

Language of (Organized) Love

Love Yourself Prescription for Passion

28 date nights


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February 2011

The People Who Make It Happen . . .

February 2011

Publisher/Owner Victoria Upton victoria @ womenslifestylemagazine.com Editor in Chief Angela Klinske angela@ womenslifestylemagazine.com Creative Inspiration George Clooney Health Writer Brad A. Irving, D.O. Beauty Guru Marianne Bockheim Lifestyle Writer Janice Lynne Lundy Fashionista Sara Cosgrove Contributing Writers Ashley Cole CIndy Bouma Latesha Lipscomb Vikki Stark Marty Stanley Jenny Harper Mary PreFontaine, R.Ph, FAAFM Photography Daniel E. Johnson Ruth Parbel

SALES Sales Manager Roxanne O’Neil roxanneoneil@aol.com Sales Representatives: Shelley Funk Deborah Wentworth

Matters of the Heart

Are You Informed?......................................................................................22 Make it Your Mission to Fight Heart Disease ............................................30 Signs of a Heart Attack ..............................................................................31 10 Foods in Red ..........................................................................................32 Healthier Lifestyle: How to Be More Relaxed ........................................................................33 10 Ways to Love Your Heart ....................................................................34 Women Winning the Fight Against Heart Disease: Erica Chapman ........................................................................................23 Janine Krolikowski, Heart Attack Survivor ..............................................31 Cheryl Holmes, Heart Disease Survivor ..................................................33

Love Notes

21 Days to Loving Yourself More ................................................................4 He Says, She Says........................................................................................12 Conquer Your Clutter: The Language of (Organized) Love..................20 How to Get What You Want with What You Say ....................................24 Surviving Heartbreak: Quit Obsessing ....................................................26 Reader’s Lounge ........................................................................................46

Down the Aisle

10 Trends for “Green” Weddings ..............................................................28

CONTACT US: PHONE: (616) 458-2121 E-MAIL: womenslifestyle@aol.com MAIL: 820 Monroe, NW, Suite 320 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 FAX: (616) 458-2399 INTERNET: Join our e-mail list at www.GoWLM.com

Coming in March 2011

Looking & Feeling Good

Beauty: Scent with Love ..............................................................................6 Pretty as a Princess ......................................................................................8 How Often Do I Need a Pap Smear? ......................................................38 Testosterone: Prescription for Passion ......................................................39


Chocolate Delights Chocolate Caramel Brownies ................................................................18 Very Best Fudge ........................................................................................18 Toll House Party Mix ..................................................................................18 Warm Cherry Bread Pudding with Chocolate Sauce ........................19 Soul Good Chicken Gumbo ......................................................................................36 Ham and Greens Quiche ........................................................................36

Let’s Eat!

Women Who Inspire

Stephanie Schlatter ....................................................................................10

Around Town

NOW Trending ............................................................................................10 28 Date Nights ............................................................................................12 She Means Business ....................................................................................16 Faces in Health Care..................................................................................29 Faces & Places............................................................................................35 Events ..........................................................................................................40

February 2011


21 Days to

Loving Yourself More

By Janice Lynne Lundy

Janice Lynne Lundy is an Interfaith Spiritual Director, retreat leader, author and the woman behind Buddha Chick™. Visit her website to learn more: www.awakenedliving.com.

I’ve banned the “S” word from my vocabulary. I hope after reading this column you will too. “Selfish” is how women often feel when they take time for themselves. And it’s the primary reason, I believe, why so many women do not take good care of themselves – or give themselves what they need to feel healthy and whole. We’re afraid of being perceived as selfish. Why is it that when we manage to get beyond the “S” word and do beneficial things for ourselves, we automatically assume that someone else will be deprived or neglected? Women have been tremendously disserved by this perspective – that we can take time, spend money or indulge in self-care only if: • we’ve done all our other work • no one else needs us at the moment • we have extra money to spend Beneath the surface of each of these faulty notions is the belief that we, and our personal time, are not as valuable as others’. We seem to need to convince ourselves that we are worth it; that we are worth our time, money and personal attention. This February, the month of Love, I invite you to change your thinking about this and to explore and cultivate self-love in a bold new way. Our journey takes off when we begin to say “Yes!” to ourselves more often; to give ourselves permission to receive the same loving regard we give to others. Without the “S” word cropping up, or its evil twin, Guilt, paying a visit. Would you like to try? I hope so because you are worth it, and you – just as much as anyone else – deserve your own lovingkindness. For the next 21 days, practice showing more love to yourself in these simple, yet powerful ways. It takes three full weeks to create any new habit and self-love is no exception. Make consistent time for yourself, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a more loving relationship with YOU!

1 2


Get outside and let nature nurture your spirit.

12 13

Sleep when you’re tired.

14 15 16 17 18

Buy yourself flowers.


Turn off the TV, cell phone and computer; spend time in the quiet and enjoy your own company.

Take yourself on a date and go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.



Do something to cultivate female friendship.

Eat something truly decadent without guilt.



Eat at least one outrageously healthy meal each day.

Become passionately self-aware of what you need in any given moment to be relaxed, happy and healthy and give yourself that!

Say no to taking on more responsibility. Take one-half day a week to do exactly what you want to do.


Spend at least 30 minutes each day by yourself, with no one tugging at you.

4 5

Be a little girl again and play!

6 7 8

Take up the hobby you’ve always wanted to or revive an old one you’ve let go. Stop rushing. Take a long walk, draw a long, hot bath, or stroll as you shop. Allow other people to clean up after themselves. Let them make their own decisions.


Stay away from people who demean or demoralize you. Trust your own choices. Talk lovingly to yourself.

“Self-aware” – now that’s an “S” word I’m more than happy to embrace. And it’s a very good way to reframe any thoughts or feelings that might arise to sabotage our emerging self-love. Stay strong, persevere, be passionate about your journey into love, and, in time, others will appreciate you more. Why? Because people who love themselves more become more loving and magnanimous toward others. And who doesn’t want to be more loved by you?

Quit one bad habit. Give yourself permission to feel all of your feelings.

After 21 days, because you will have created many self-loving habits, I can just hear you giving voice to self-love whenever a wellmeaning person questions what you’re doing, or tries to sabotage your self-care efforts:

“Yes, I am being quite self-aware, thank you, and it feels really good.” Funny, how life works. We give our true self what it needs and everybody benefits.

February 2011

Editor’s Letter Whether it’s health, love or chocolate, February is a month when WL addresses "Matters of the Heart." First and foremost, women’s heart health is more than a trendy topic. It’s a matter of life or death. Do you know the warning signs of heart attack or stroke? Would you call 911 if you were experiencing symptoms? Studies show that you may not. Read throughout this edition about women who are winning the battle against heart disease and how you too can join that fight. Next, I’ve only met one person who doesn’t like chocolate. For the rest of us, there are plenty of good recipes starting on page 18 to tempt your pallette. Finally, February is a month to celebrate love. Whether you have a special someone (romantic or otherwise) or just want to learn more about loving yourself better, there’s something inside for you too. Learn about what’s hot in GR with our new Trends Expert, Latesha Lipscomb, who shares some hot events and places to check out. We also welcome GR dating bloggers, The (S)expendables, who offer us a peek inside west Michigan’s dating scene, while providing some practical tips for dating success. And, if you’re looking for something fun to do, we offer 28 fun, creative and adventurous date night ideas. What’s on your heart this month? We recommend loving yourself more, taking care of you and, by all means, eating some chocolate!

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What is a Happy Heart? By Kathy Hyink, LMSW ACSW

Join us on facebook.com/WLMag See us at www.GoWLM.com Follow us on twitter.com/womenslifestyle We provide women with information that is essential, enlightening and entertaining. We provide our advertisers with the highest-quality service and an effective advertising medium. Women’s LifeStyle Magazine is a positive, inspiring and progressive presence in our community with a strong emphasis on “local first.”

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My job is extremely satisfying. Every day I am privileged to see people move from their burdens and heavy-heartedness to enjoying a sense of freedom and hope for the future. In essence, I get to help people make their hearts happy. In 30 years of practice, this has made my heart happy. Do you have a happy heart? When you have a happy heart you feel lighter, with a spring in your step. Your face brightens, encouraging others to smile. A happy heart gives you confidence to face life’s challenges with courage and positive energy.

What do you do when your heart doesn’t feel the way you want it to? One option is to consider professional assistance from a trained counselor or therapist. As we are still in the beginning of a new year, this is an ideal time to begin your journey.

We all want a happy heart. Unfortunately, our hearts may sometimes feel burdened with stress – like the man who was laid off his corporate marketing job of 20 years. Or the lady who suffers from a contentious divorce ten years ago. Other hearts are filled with fear, anger, and traumatic memories.

I’ve developed a simple system that helps women, men and people of all ages and backgrounds transform their heavy hearts into happy ones. Learn more on my website, KathyHyink.com. To find out more about how my program can help your specific situation, call my office today at (616) 365-6555. I’d be happy to talk with you.

A once-happy person can get stuck in broken-heartedness and feeling sad, anxious and hopeless. You know it’s possible to be happy again, but you don’t know where to begin.

KathyHyink, LMSW ACSW is founder of Performance Enhancement Solutions, Inc., located ten minutes north of downtown Grand Rapids. Call her today at (616) 365-6555.


Scent With Love By Marianne Bockheim

The fragrance of love, also known as pheromones, is the essence emitted by one that could never be duplicated; that scent which is unique to yourself and to which others are attracted. Keep the fire alive and the pheromones open for your dearheart to embrace.

Marianne Bockheim has been waving her magical mascara wand for more than eight years. Her mission includes journalism, teaching, makeup artistry for the consumer as well as media, and providing marketing services to beauty and fashion businesses.

Enhance those pheromones with a spritz of a fine fragrance. Here’s a selection of high spirited, sultry and sophisticated scents.

1) Clive Christian 1872

2) Organic Glam Oud

From world reknown designer Clive Christian, 1872 is a tribute fragrance based on a 130-year-old recipe. Beautiful fragrance in a beautiful bottle, the crown atop the bottle is fashioned after the award that Queen Victoria would bestow (in 1872) to the highest quality perfumery in the empire. The crown is 24 karat gold with a sterling silver collar and tops off the lovely crystal bottle. Absolutely heart-stopping and romantic. $1,700 pure perfume (1 oz. crystal bottle, 24 karat gold top with sterling silver collar), $310 perfume spray (1.7oz.), $490 perfume spray (3.4 oz.). For availability, contact www.clive.com.

This is a 100% natural and organic fragrance line offering no artificial fragrances, colors, phthalates or animal ingredients. Organic Glam offers four great fragrance: Citron, Jasmine, Oriental Blossom and, my current favorite, Oud. Oud captivates the heart with notes of Cedarwood, Sandalwood and Indian Oud, then subduing it with the romance of Rose and Tonka Bean. $220 (3.4oz.) For availability, contact www.theorganicpharmacy.com

3) Estee Lauder Wild Elixir This is a beautiful limited edition fragrance that whisks you into spring with beauty and grace. Expressive and sophisticated, this exotic combination of floral and soft woods leaves a dramatic, sensuous

companies, the divine fragrances of Antic Farmcista last longer (up to 8 hours). Warm up your winter with the vibrancy of pomegranate and black currant. It offers a warm spiciness, paired with a berry-like richness. $62 (1.7oz.). For availability, contact www.anticafarmacista.com.

impression. Enjoy top notes of Mandarin and Marigold, middle notes of Wild Gardenia, Pink Muguet and Dewy Waterlily and finally base notes of Orris, Amberwood and Sandalwood. $55 (1.7oz.). Available at Estee Lauder Counters.

4) Trish McEvoy White Iris Eau de Parfum Spray #11

6) Christian Dior J’Adore L’or

An alluring blend of honeysuckle, white iris and Bulgarian rose, intertwined with a passionate blend of jasmine and sandalwood undertones. $48 (1.7oz.). Available at fine department and specialty stores.

This reinterpretation of J’adore offers an oriental inspired combination of Rose de Mai Absolute and Jasmine de Grasse Absolute and warmed by Tonka Bean Absolute and Vanilla Absolute. Created by Dior Perfumer Francois Demachy, as a nod to the origin of haute perfumery in16th century Grasse. $95 (1.35oz.). Available exclusively at Nordstrom.

5) Antica Farmacista Le Parfum, Melagrana Currante Using a higher percentage of essential oils than most fragrance

4 1 6 3

5 2


February 2011

February 2011


Pretty as a

By Sara Cosgrove

A special date warrants a wardrobe fit for Cinderella. Present your unique sense of style – and romance – with a shimmering handbag, princess shoes and a glamorous coat.

French Connection Polar Express Coat in Brule, $368 This fabulous coat by French Connection is a showstopper for special events or every day. Available in sizes 0-12. French Connection is available at boutiques.

Mary Frances Crystal Ballroom Handbag, $200 This Ivory silk handbag is embellished with pearlescent and frosted beads in various sizes. The handle is an easy to use wristlet. You'll love the soft sound this bag makes as you walk down the aisle or walk through a party. Available at boutiques.

Juicy Jewelry Twinkle as bright as any star with festive cubic zirconia and glass stones snowflake jewelry by Juicy Couture. Bracelet $42, Necklace $48, Earrings $48. Available at boutiques.

Touch Ups Princess shoes The aptly named Princess shoe has a 3” heel and a tiara of its own. Touch Ups shoes are available at various boutiques and bridal shops.


February 2011

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Stephanie Schlatter: Bringing Art to the Third World

Art Education Provides Head Start to Children in Ethiopia


n Ethiopia, most children don’t start school until age seven. Early elementary is all but unheard of, and teaching isn’t viewed as a profession, but rather as a means for adults to pay for their own college educations.

When a child finally does start school, there can be 80 kids in a classroom. All subjects are taught in English, another strike against a child in a country where education seems as hard to reach as the stars. Many will never graduate. Like their parents, they’ll learn to survive, eking out meek livings selling gum or sweeping streets. If you’re reading this, chances are good you’ll never experience this kind of life, but if you’re like most in this community, you’ll find a way to reach out and do something about it. Stephanie Schlatter reaches out with art. For these Ethiopian children, art is a luxury. Her organization, Art Aid International, helps kids realize that they can use creativity not only as a survival skill, but as a way to make the world a better place. “The concept of art is foreign to them,” said Schlatter in a video that describes her nonprofit organization, “but the concept of creativity isn’t.”


By Angela Klinske

Schlatter, 37, of Ada, recently returned from her fifth annual trek to Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, where she teaches art. Her program gives preschool-aged children the opportunity for vital whole-brain learning – using art to teach them how to use both sides of their brain and to be more observant of the world around them, while helping them to develop fine motor skills. She founded Art Aid International in 2006. Her organization is the creative arm of Tesfa Foundation, a non-profit organization providing early childhood education to the children of Ethiopia. Schlatter teaches at two of Tesfa’s schools. As the kids learn, most importantly, says Schlatter, the art classes produce a lot of laughs. “Art is about fun,” says Schlatter, adding that criticism isn’t part of the curriculum. “You can make kids never want to do art again with criticism.” Kids engage in fun activities such as dribbling paint on paper, folding it, and then opening it up to see the results. “It provides immediate results for the five and six year olds,” says Schlatter.

“It’s raw, back to basics, but there’s a strong sense of family and spirituality – something that makes me feel alive.” On her trips, she tries to buy as much of the supplies locally as possible, which is difficult since there are no large arts and craft stores in the area. “I buy paper at the stationery store, canvas from a shoe salesman who sells spools of it in the market, and there’s a small paint store that supplies to local artists.” She returns to Grand Rapids with the kids’ artwork to sell. And since the program is completely underwritten, all the money from artwork sales goes right back to the kids’ educations. Their resources may be limited, but Schlatter is clear when she says, “I don’t want people to feel sorry for my kids. They have so much that we don’t. It’s humbling to go to the developing world – to be stripped of the extras. It’s raw, back to basics, but there’s a strong sense of family and spirituality – something that makes me feel alive.” Visit www.stephanieschlatterart.com to learn more.

February 2011

February 2011


Taking on the Grand Rapids Dating Scene . . . two at a time.

This month, we talk about Social Media: Profile Pictures. What works and what doesn’t for the gal (and guy) who’d like to score a second (or perhaps a first) date.

Are you standing in front of a mirror right now, shirtless? Are you getting ready to give someone tickets to the “gun” show? STOP! Holster those guns. If you take a photo by yourself, it looks like you don’t have friends. If you’re shirtless, flexing, you come off as selfabsorbed. Humility, even if false, is important. Girls want you to be confident but not in love with yourself. There’s a fine line between confident and “Jersey Shore.” Write that down. Remember it. Recite it. Unless you’re trying to pick up Snooki. Then, I can’t help you. DO: Make sure you show your personality. Make sure it’s a picture of you (Not a bunch of people, not you and another girl, not a picture of Matt Damon. Unless you are Matt Damon). As my partner SHE says, this may be the first and only look a potential date gets of you. What do you want her to know? That you play “Call of Duty?” Doubtful. That you are kind of a big deal? Possibly. That you are worth (S)experimenting with later? Definitely. Be yourself.

One of the first things I do after meeting a potential dinner date is “Google” the guy. More often than not he has a facebook page… at which point I quickly become Nancy Drew. I check out his interests, education, employment, and, of course, quite possibly one of the best investigative tools… I click through his photos. But before I dive head first into spy mode I assess his main photo. Sometimes this is as far as Nancy gets due to the excellent privacy options provided by the site’s administrators. If his profile is blocked to non-friends… good for him – I like his style. But still viewable should be his basic info, including his main photo. This photo explains how he perceives himself and how he’d prefer others to perceive him. Is he smiling? Is he surrounded by friends? Is the photo recent? What is he wearing? If it’s a tie, is it a good tie? Is he holding a beer? What kind of beer? (Hint: if it’s a Michelob Ultra Light… chances are his bar of choice is Diversions and you’d be better off as friends).

DON’T: Watch an episode of “Jersey Shore.” Ladies, let me take a moment to address a few things. 1. Don’t use pictures with kids. It’s a turn off and the only men you are going to attract will someday be on “Dateline” on NBC. 2. Don’t use a group shot. If I can’t tell who you are, I lose interest. Plus, I am always going to assume that you are the less attractive one in that shot. (Am I wrong guys?) 3. Be real. Show your personality. We want to see how fun you are or can be. It will set you apart. 4. Smile. That thing where you look into the camera and pout like a fish . . . don’t do that. Not attractive or engaging. 5. Be subtle. You can be sexy but don’t be overdone. Make sure you leave us wondering. We hate to admit it, but it works. Be confident. Be humorous. Be yourself.

At the same time, I must also assume that these potential dinner dates are checking out my photos. Knowing this, I stick to the following: 1). Solo pics only – he doesn’t know that’s your brother standing next to you or that the fivemonth-old sitting on your lap isn’t yours. 2). Don’t be a “Snooki.” Stop it with the big hair and shirts that show your ta-tas. More importantly, crop out that drink you’re holding. Unless you have a glass of wine or champagne in your hand, you’re screaming everything but classy.

Women’s LifeStyle’s guide to fantastic date destinations – By Angela Klinske


Take a romantic candlelit hike through the snowy woods with your loved one at Blandford Nature Center. Listen to the crunch of snow, the hoot of owls and sweet whispers in your ear while experiencing the magic of a west Michigan winter’s eve on February 10. This easy paced hike is for all experience and fitness levels. $16 per couple with snowshoe rental; $8 per couple without rental. RSVP required. For adult couples only. 1715 Hillburn Ave. NW 735-6240 www.blandfordnaturecenter.org


Nothing says romance like a night at the opera, especially Puccini. Opera Grand Rapids presents “Manon Lascaut,” February 11 and 12 at DeVos Perforamnce Hall. Sung in Italian with English translations. To continue a themed date-night, head to Pietro’s for a three-course Italian feast (see page 43 for a wonderful coupon)! Opera Grand Rapids 1320 E. Fulton www.operagr.com www.tickemaster.com


Expressions of Grace Yoga offers partner yoga on Friday, February 11. Experience a new way to connect, communicate and develop trust. Namaste. 5270 Northland Drive NE 361-8580 www.expressionsofgraceyoga.com

3). Unique photos rule – for some reason females are afraid to show funny. Here’s a secret, your ability to be humorous shows confidence, and confidence is attractive. So that photo your friend snapped of you riding the rocking horse at the playground… post it (just as long as you didn’t have a skirt on that day). Either way you look at it, profile pics are important. In the dating world a photo can make or break your reputation. So ask yourself, how would you like to be perceived and moreover, is this guy dinner date worthy?

Stay classy GR.

You can read more (and comment on) at www.thesexpendables.wordpress.com, a fun, new blog about the west Michigan dating scene.


Pietro’s Off 28th just west of Breton www.pietros-rcfc.com

February 2011

Be a kid again – enjoy the video games of your youth, race the go karts and eat pizza at Craig’s Cruisers. Tuesday nights, activities such as laser tag, bumper cars and go karts are two for the price of one.



5730 Clyde Park SW Wyoming 530-2900 www.craigscruisers.com

851 Bond NW 774-3100 www.higround.com


First, stop by John Russo’s Wine Warehouse and Deli for all your picnic basket essentials. Then, strap on your Yaktrax (available at Gazelle’s) and head out to your favorite park for a walk and see your favorite summer spots in a new, snowy light.

Scale more than 5,000 square feet of walls and boulders at Higher Ground Rock Climbing Centre. A first timer fee of $22 gets you everything you need to climb for as long as you like that day.

Mood Lighting featuring Fire Balls by Amy Greving


Visit a nearby town, such as downtown Lowell (www.discoverlowell.org) or downtown Rockford (www.Rockford.mi.us) and stroll the shops, restaurants and galleries. Both towns are situated along rivers, so the sights are spectacular.

30 North Main in Rockford (across from the Corner Bar)

(616) 866-7716

Mon thru Fri 10-5:30 Sat 10-5

John Russo’s Wine Warehouse and Deli 4301 Kalamazoo 927-3902 www.johnrussowine.com Gazelle’s 3930 28th Street SE 940-9888 www.gazellesports.com


Once in a while, a movie night is perfect after a long day at the office. Catch a retro feature on Tuesdays at the Meanwhile Film Series at Wealthy Theatre. This month’s features include Batman and Robocop. Bar privileges for members of the Community Media Center. 1130 Wealthy St. 459-4788 x130 www.grcmc.org


❤ Romantic Tip:

A romantic gesture – such fresh flowers and a string of pearls – are excellent ways to say “I love you.” Wealthy At Charles (fresh flowers & vases) 738 Wealthy Street SE 458-6664 www.wealthyatcharles.com Craft Revival 16 Ionia Avenue, Suite 2 678-3650 www.Craft-Revival.com

Create and share a romantic dinner together on Valentine’s Day at the Spartan Stores Culinary Classroom. Participants will learn to prepare an entire five-course meal, including a starter, a main course, two sides and a dessert.

Express Your Sentiments

. . . Perfectly

Family Fare Supermarkets 3960 44th St. SW Grandville (888) 296-5850 www.dwfreshmarket.com


There’s a full moon on February 18 – a great night for stargazing. Visit Veen Observatory in Lowell. 3308 Kissing Rock Ave 897-7065

February 2011

NOW IN! 4” heart vase by 18 Karat

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If you’re like many couples, some date nights include a visit to the furniture store. Have fun planning your dream living room, shop new designs and get inspired at local stores Right at Home and Design Quest. Be sure to include Alexis Designs and the Design Café too. The Design Café features a sensuous dessert “Tiramisu for You” which is served in a martini glass. Enjoy it with a mocha with enough chocolate to make your mouths smile. Alexis Designs / Design Cafe 4187 Chicago Drive Suite 6 Grandville 531-7576 www.alexisdesigns.net Right at Home North Main in Rockford (across from the Corner Bar)

Incredible Prices Personal Service Visit us for the finest in Italian regional groceries, desserts, deli cheeses & meats, and beverages

We make entertaining fun, easy and convenient.

827-3902 Monday - Saturday 10 am to 8 pm www.johnrussowine.com


Ruth Parbel Fine Art Photography 791-4001 www.ruthparbel.com Daniel E. Johnson Photographer www.crossroadone.com


Ice is nice – Skating at Rosa Parks Circle continues. $1 to skate, plus free skate rental with I.D. Normal hours are: Monday-Tuesday 6:00-9:30 p.m. Wednesday-Thur. Noon-9:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday Noon-10:00 p.m. and Sunday Noon-9:30 p.m. Corner of Monroe Ave. and Pearl St., downtown GR • 456-3696

Design Quest Furniture 4181 - 28th St SE 940-9911 www.designquest.biz



Get out of the cold and into the warmth with a hand-holding tour of Frederik Meijer Gardens, then enjoy a romantic “Vino Valentino”dinner at nearby Twisted Rooster featuring a love inspired menu available February 11-14. Frederik Meijer Gardens 1000 E. Beltline NE 957-1580 www.meijergardens.org Twisted Rooster 1600 East Beltline NE 301-8171 www.twistedrooster.com

4301 Kalamazoo at 44th Street SE Towne & Country Plaza


Picture Perfect – schedule a session with a photographer for a beautiful portrait you’ll treasure for years to come.


Swish and Dish – how about some fun on Cannonsburg’s slopes, followed by live entertainment at Cannonsburg’s newly renovated Cedar Lounge? Rentals and ski lessons available. Cannonsburg Ski Area 6800 Cannonsburg Road 874-6711 www.cannonsburg.com

A carriage ride though the downtown streets of Grand Rapids, followed by a nightcap at any of the town’s great cocktail bars is a perfect way to spend an evening in the city. Friday and Saturday evenings, reservations are recommended. $40 for half hour; $70 for one hour. Grand Carriages 893-4984 www.grandcarriages.com


Learn the secrets to a successful relationship when Frank and Cathy Tanana come to Grand Rapids for “Growing Together,” a conference designed for couples. Learn how this major league couple (Tanana pitched for the Detroit Tigers) has made their relationship thrive. Takes place Feb. 18-20 – a perfect Valentine’s Gift for you and your spouse. $30 per couple. Seating is limited. Westwood Church 2828 Richmond NW Walker 466-4148 www.westwoodwired.com

February 2011

Laugh your head off at the next River City Improv performance on February 5. Show starts at 7:33 pm, $9 per person.



Ladies Literary Club 61 Sheldon Blvd. SE 752-8570 www.rivercity.com

The Mud Room 447 Ada Dr. SE 682-9706 www.themudroom.us


VanAndel Arena 130 W. Fulton 774-4585 www.griffinshockey.com


Come closer together by learning the dance of romance. Sign up for an authentic Argentine Tango class with Jackie and Ricardo Davila on Friday evenings at 7 pm at Armenta Studios. Call 648-4265 (Jackie Davila) to reserve your lessons.


Contact Judy Cisler (616) 304-2657 http://judycisler.gotchacovered.com

THE BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE Sofas • Loveseats • Chairs

Grand Rapids Art Museum 101 Monroe Center 831-1000 www.artmuseumgr.org

5041 Alpine Ave. NW Comstock Park 784-2020 www.oasishottubs.com

Mullets, legwarmers and stonewashed jeans are in fashion at Mega ‘80s, a live show featuring all your favorites from the decade of glam rock and break dancing. Multiple shows throughout the year at The Intersection. $10 cover charge.

DeVos Performance Hall 303 Monroe NW 235-6285 www.broadwaygrandrapids.com

with our 3D Décor Creator Software


Oasis Hot Tub offers a selection of private hot tubs available for one- to two- hour rentals. A great way to relax and let the stress of the day evaporate.



“Diana – A Celebration” continues at Grand Rapids Art Museum through Feb. 16, so if you haven’t seen it yet, make a date to do so (the exhibit is a time-ticketed event so you’ll need to schedule your tour in advance). For the royal treatment, the JW Marriott downtown GR is offering special overnight packages that include an overnight stay for two, tickets to the exhibit, spa treatments at Vasaio, and breakfast or lunch at six.one.six. Visit their website for details.

955 Wealthy Street SE www.armentastudio.com

Night on Broadway – Broadway Grand Rapids brings The Shanghai Circus Feb. 15 for an evening of acrobats, jugglers and contortionists – a Chinese circus tradition of more than 2,000 years.

Custom Window Treatments

The Grand Rapids Griffins season continues. Spend an evening cheering for Grand Rapids’ own hockey team. Friday night home games offer $1 beer and $1 dogs, 6-8 pm, while supplies last.

600 Forest Hill Ave SE www.fhfineartscenter.com

133 Grandville Ave. SW 451-8232 www.sectionlive.com



Your hearts may beat as one, but add a performance of “Drumline,” for an unbeatable night of entertainment. February 7, 7:30 p.m. at Forest Hills Fine Arts Center.


From Simple to

Bring out your inner artist – paint matching mugs or work on a tabletop centerpiece together at a paint-your-own pottery studio.

Available in over 850 fabrics & leathers

JW Marriott 235 Louis St. NW (800) 844-JWGR www.ilovethejw.com


Casual is the theme for a fun night of pizza and bowling. The Clique is a 16-lane, bi-level bowling alley on Grand Rapids West Side. Enjoy a full menu of sandwiches, burgers and dogs, salads and Mexican fare. 533 Stocking Ave. NW 456-6123 www.cliquelanes.com


Alexis Designs


Sweet & Bubbly. Attend Circle Theatre’s champagne & chocolate tasting on Saturday, February 12. TIckets are $30 per person or $50 per couple. See ad on page 45.

Aquinas College Performing Arts Center 1607 Robinson Road SE 456-6656 www.circletheatre.org

February 2011

Turning Homes into Havens! 4187 Chicago Drive - Suite 6 Grandville 49418 • (616) 531-7576 Mon, Wed, Fri- 9:30-5 • Tues, Thurs 10-8 • Sat 10-4 Design Cafe open daily 7 am a


















By Latesha Lipscomb

14th Annual Bid for Bachelors & Bachelorettes – Ultra-Level Saturday, February 5 at 6 pm Grand Oaks at Thousand Oaks Golf Club 4100 Thousand Oaks Drive • Grand Rapids Ask me about my package? Well, have I got news for you! I am so excited about this annual fundraiser to benefit Friends & Families of Cystic Fibrosis. So... here’s the scoop: The attire is semi-formal, bidding will start at 7:00pm and tickets can be purchased at the door for the low price of $25! Packages can include everything from Keith Urban Concert tickets to a walk-on role for a movie being filmed right here in Grand Rapids. Mark your calendars because bidding opens soon! http://events.friendsandfamiliesofcf.org/ bidforbach.html

Little Black Dress Party – JW Marriott Grand Rapids Saturday, February 12 at 8 pm 235 Louis Campau • Grand Rapids In my best Beyoncé voice: “All the single ladies, all the single ladies”... it’s LBD time again! And this is a hot events in the city where you don’t need a date to have a good time. Guests are encouraged to wear all black and to dine at the ultra-luxe six.one.six restaurant located in the lobby of the hotel before the dancing the night away. Make your reservations today by calling 242-1448 or visit www.ilovethejw.com for more information.


The 2nd Annual RED PARTY - Valentine Vodka* Thursday, February 10 at 8 pm Amway Grand Plaza Hotel (Imperial Ballroom) 187 Monroe Avenue NW • Grand Rapids Contact: Katie Dietrich • 776-6400 OK, Ladies and Gents... Don’t you just LOVE a great Valentine’s Day Party? Well, this exclusive event is sure to please even the coldest of hearts with complimentary hor d’oeuvres, specialty cocktails and delicious drink pricing, music from local DJs Timothy “Slim Tim” Boelman & Sean Boney, and free parking (including free valet service). No reservations needed. So, put on your best RED threads and come party with us. I’ll see you on the dance floor! *Valentine Vodka is distilled in Michigan, just outside of Detroit.

Jammies XII Tuesday, February 15 at The Intersection www.wyce.org Slip into your PJs and celebrate local music all in one place when 88.1 fm WYCE hosts the 12th Annual Jammie Awards at the Intersection where wearing pajama pants in public is perfectly acceptable (and encouraged). At least 20 acts perform during this six hour FREE music extravaganza (all ages welcome).


BOXED WATER IS BETTER is a Michigan based company distributing water in paper packaging under the premise that it’s kinder to the earth. 76 percent of each carton comes from green-certified trees; the cartons can be recycled. Earth and trend conscious consumers are going for the pitch. Boxed Water Is Better sells to everyone from the ubertrendy Sugarcoated Nails in Chicago to local sensation coffee houses like The Sparrows. For more information on what they’re doing and a detailed list on where to find Boxed Water, visit them online at: www.boxedwaterisbetter.com

Whether you’re a woman who lives on trend or one of the stylish men who loves us, All City Kicks has something super cool for everyone in their new swanky sneaker & apparel boutique located in Eastown. Experience the Lady’s Nike air Max 95 now in stock at ACK for a limited time only. And if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, they also offer Lifted Research Group Accessories for him. All City Kicks 1500 Wealthy Street Grand Rapids, MI 49506 For more Information visit: www.ACKGR.com

Boxed Water was publicly launched on Friday, March 13th, 2009 at our favorite place to grab lunch, the Grand Central Market in downtown Grand Rapids.


~ www.boxedwaterisbetter.com

February 2011

Reserve Wine Bar 201 Monroe NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 855-9463 www.reservegr.com West Michigan’s premier wine destination, RESERVE is a wine lover’s dream. Reserve has an exceptional small plate menu and 270 different wines to please every palate. Patrons can feast their eyes on extraordinary design elements plus artist Ran Ortner’s coveted masterpiece, Open Water No. 24. The staff is incredibly accommodating and knowledgeable. They offer wine education by sommeliers and space for private wine tasting dinners. I give RESERVE two thumbs way up and suggest that you not only enjoy it for yourself but make a RESERVE-ation when you’re looking for a local hot spot for outof-town guests. Cheers!

Leopard Lounge Cocktail Boutique 77 Monroe Center N.W. Open 10pm to 2am Valet Parking Available Residents: DJ Xcape, DJ Stolz, Slim Tim Boelman, DJ MT Sultry. Chic. Exotic. Fresh. Tucked inside what used to be the Peninsular Club, inside the Louis Benton Steakhouse, Leopard Lounge is all the rave. This new cosmopolitan bar offers the very best in weekend fun and entertainment. With an eclectic but extensive cocktail menu, this self proclaimed “cocktail boutique” has something for everyone. My favorite is the French Kiss Martini, scrumptiously suited for a romantic evening of dinner and dancing. Smooches!

Introducing our TREND EXPERT Latesha Lipscombe: Seven years on the East Coast in Boston and New York City, five years in Chicago, multiple degrees (one of them is a Doctorate), she is a beauty guru, style maven and arbiter of all things cool. She is the go-to person for all that is hip, hot and happening NOW in west Michigan. Contact her at Latesha@womenslifestylemagazine.com.


MANON LESCAUT FEB 11-12, 2011 DEVOS HALL Tickets start at $20 616.451.2741 Ticketmaster.com


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Mon-Fri 11 am to 6 pm | Wed till 7 pm | Sat 10 am to 5 pm | Sun noon to 3 pm

Discover new products, upcoming events and specials at www.spiritdreamsgr.com


Chocolate Delights

with Jenny Harper courtesy of Nestlé

Jenny Harper is Consumer Test Kitchen Project Manager for the Nestlé Test Kitchens and VeryBestBaking.com.

Chocolate Caramel Brownies Makes 24 brownies 1 1 1 1/2 35 2

package (18.25 ounces) chocolate cake mix cup chopped nuts cup Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk, divided cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted (10-ounce package) caramels, unwrapped cups (12-oz. pkg.) Nestlé Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels

PREHEAT oven to 350° F. COMBINE cake mix and nuts in large bowl. Stir in 2/3 cup evaporated milk and butter (batter will be thick). Spread half of batter into ungreased 13 x 9-inch baking pan. BAKE for 15 minutes. HEAT caramels and remaining evaporated milk in small saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until caramels are melted. Sprinkle morsels over brownie; drizzle with caramel mixture. DROP remaining batter by heaping teaspoon over caramel mixture. BAKE for 25 to 30 minutes or until center is set. Cool in pan on wire rack. Cut into 24 squares.

Very Best Fudge This recipe makes 4 pounds or 48, 2-piece servings

Toll House Party Mix Makes 8 servings

3 cups granulated sugar 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 cups miniature marshmallows 4 cups (24 ounces) or two 12-ounce packages Nestlé Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional) 2 teaspoons vanilla extract LINE 13 x 9-inch baking pan or two 8-inch-square baking pans with foil. COMBINE sugar, evaporated milk, butter and salt in 4- to 5-quart heavy-duty saucepan. Bring to a full rolling boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil, stirring constantly, for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat. STIR in marshmallows, morsels, nuts and vanilla extract. Stir vigorously for 1 minute or until marshmallows are melted. Pour into prepared pan(s). Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm. Lift from pan; remove foil. Cut into pieces. Store tightly covered in refrigerator.


2 2 1 1

cups toasted cereal squares cups small pretzel twists cup dry-roasted peanuts cup (about 20) caramels, unwrapped and coarsely chopped 1-2/3 to 2 cups (11- to 12-oz. pkg.) Nestlé Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Butterscotch Flavored or Premier White Morsels COAT 13 x 9-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. COMBINE cereal, pretzels, peanuts and caramels in large bowl. MICROWAVE morsels in medium, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their original shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until morsels are melted. Pour over cereal mixture; stir to coat evenly. SPREAD mixture in prepared baking pan; cool for 30 to 45 minutes or until firm. Break into bite-size pieces. Store in airtight container.

February 2011

Warm Cherry Bread Pudding with Chocolate Sauce Makes 6 servings Bread Pudding 18 1/2-inch slices (1 pound loaf) Challah or other egg bread 1 can (12 fluid ounces) NestlÊ Carnation Evaporated Milk 1/2 cup water 4 large eggs 1-1/4 cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 package (6 ounces) dried cherries (about 1-1/3 cups) Chocolate Sauce 1 cup (6 ounces) NestlÊ Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels 2/3 cup (5 fluid-ounce can) NestlÊ Carnation Evaporated Milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract For Bread Pudding: PREHEAT oven to 400° F. Grease six 6-ounce ramekins. USE a 2 1/2-inch-round cookie cutter or glass to cut circles in bread slices (save remnants for another use). Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes or until golden brown.

Remove from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 350° F. COMBINE evaporated milk, water and sugar in medium, heavy-duty saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar is dissolved. Whisk eggs in large bowl. Gradually whisk warm milk mixture into eggs. Stir in rum and vanilla extract. PLACE prepared ramekins on baking sheet. Place one bread round in each ramekin. Top with level tablespoon of cherries. Repeat layers, then top each ramekin with a third bread round. Divide custard mixture among ramekins. Let stand for 30 minutes, pressing down on bread occasionally. BAKE for 25 to 27 minutes or until tops are puffed and brown. (Puddings will rise over edge of ramekin but shrink slightly on cooling.) Let cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Serve with Chocolate Sauce. For Chocolate Sauce: COMBINE morsels and evaporated milk in small, heavy-duty saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until morsels are melted. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla extract. Makes about 1 cup. Store any remaining sauce tightly covered in refrigerator.





most aggravating situations only require a small change to accommodate a new, positive behavior. Perhaps it’s as easy as placing a hamper in the “drop location.”

❤And, don’t take it personally. Remember, each of us is wired differently and, as the adage goes, “opposites attract.” When comments are interpreted as attacks on character, it’s time to refocus on the desired outcome and what it will take for the two of you to support each other in a loving, positive way.

Together, take a look at the problem area and come to a shared vision of how you want the space and relationship to feel. ❤Share space, but have “free” zones too. Reserve shared space where you both make the commitment to keep it clear of clutter. Typically this includes the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, family and living rooms. Include “private space” for each of you, even if it’s only a drawer where you can keep it any way you choose without input from the other, or a room or workshop where you can unwind and keep your space as you see fit.

❤Define your strengths and recognize your weaknesses (challenges): For a lot of my clients, paperwork is the biggest challenge and many times it seems the partner with the greatest challenge is the one who’s in charge of it. Piles of mixed papers, junk mail, ads, unpaid bills, school info, medical info, things to follow-up on, magazines, etc. often clutter surfaces, and it can be overwhelming to tackle it, especially when there isn’t a defined system for filing or even knowing what to keep. Avoid tension, and let the one with the best skill set take the lead on setting up the system with input from the other (because you both should know how the system works).

The Language of (Organized) Love By Mary Dykstra, MBA CPO


Sharing space with a loved one can be challenging when you each have very different organizing or time management styles. I have a number of women and men who call asking for organizing help, frustrated with their spouse or significant other’s habits. By the time I enter the situation, it can be tense because the “unorganized one” feels judged and harassed, and the “organized one” can’t understand their love’s seeming resistance to being more organized.


Can you relate? Whether you’re the organized one or not, take heart. You can learn the language of Organized Love.

❤ Strive for desired outcomes and avoid negative or edgy comments. Dirty laundry left on the floor may be less than charming, but saying, “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you ever just pick up after yourself?” rarely creates the desired change. Together, take a look at the problem area and come to a shared vision of how you want the space and relationship to feel. Sometimes the

❤Also, when it comes to sharing the work load, you don’t have to fall into traditional roles. If your spouse/partner is a great cook or can fluff and fold the laundry better, let him. If you prefer landscaping and keeping the car detailed, swap responsibilities, and don’t be afraid to ask for or accept help. Finally, if you find that your unique styles are causing distress to your relationship, you can get outside help. Let a professional who can provide an objective view help set up systems that will work for both of you.

Mary Dykstra MBA, CPO is a Certified Professional Organizer, speaker and Time Management Coach. She is immediate past Director of Examination Development for The Board of Certified Professional Organizers and a current Industry Member Board Director of National Association of Professional Organizers. Her website is www.withinreach.biz.

February 2011

Find your balance!

Putting the

Grand Rapids Tai Chi Center – Classes Now Forming Grand Rapids Tai Chi Center offers Yang and Chen style Tai Chi group classes

in Partner Yoga Workshop Sunday February 6 12:00 – 2:00 pm Share a breath, share the moment. Explore the goodness of a shared yoga practice.

Dance Workshop Wednesday, February 9 8:00 – 9:30 pm This Valentine’s Day show him the latest alluring moves you perfected for a special night.

Weapons classes offered are sword saber fan two person cane short staff Teacher Gary Lee is a certified and long pole instructor and has been teaching Tai Chi for years Private instruction also available

Call ( ) or ( ) for more info or email gtcl@yahoo com All classes held at

Fuller NE • Grand Rapids

find what you’re looking for . . . Healing Dance Workshop • Sunday, February 27 • 12:00 – 2:00 pm Whether you call it dance anthropology or sacred dance, this is an ancient practice that helps us explore women’s spiritual expression.

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February 2011

The Best In

GR Northeast


Good As New Consignment Boutique

Gild the Lily

5280 Northland Drive NE Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 • (616) 363-6622 Featuring an emphasis on contemporary fashion. High-quality, affordable clothing for women, young men and girls. Beautiful new items arrive daily and consignors always welcome.

450 East Division Mon-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-4 • (616) 863-8491 Two floors of fresh fashion for your home & body at “get it now” prices. Formal wear, plus, petite, and designer departments. Nominated 2010 Rockford Retail Store of the Year. www.shopgildthelily.com

Ready Set Grow Boutique


1971 E. Beltline Suite 117 Knapp’s Corner Mon-Fri 10-7, Sat 10-5 (616) 635-2484 Discover name brand clothing in sizes newborn to 5T. Baby gear, toys and locally made beautiful blankets, bibs and tutu’s. In-house "child friendly" professional photography studio with affordable prices.

Flat River Cottage 317 East Main Street Mon 11-5 Tues-Sat 10-6 (616) 897-8601 Eclectic mix of vintage and antique treasures. Beautiful one-of-a-kind custom painted furniture and accessories. Pieces to make a house a home. www.flatrivercottage.com.


Are you more informed than the average woman about your heart risk? by Cindy Bouma, American Heart Association, Midwest Affiliate

Half of women interviewed were aware of heart attack warning signs or said they would dial 9-1-1 if they thought they were having heart attack symptoms.

“It’s particularly important that these national campaigns cut through the mixed messages women receive and deliver the facts about how they can prevent heart disease,” - Helayne Sherman, MD, PhD

If you thought that you were having a heart attack would you call 911? How do you stack up to a 2010 national study about the awareness of cardiovascular health? Results of a study, commissioned by the American Heart Association, revealed that although 60 percent of white women were aware of heart disease as the leading cause of death for women, less than half of African-American (43 percent), Hispanic (44 percent) and Asian (34 percent) women identified heart disease as the leading cause. Racial gaps exist in women’s heart-health awareness and nearly half of women surveyed report they would not call 9-1-1 if they were having heart attack symptoms, according to new research published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, a journal of the American Heart Association. “The American Heart Association just announced its 2020 strategic goal: to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent by 2020,” said Cindy Havard, COO/CFO of Cole’s Quality Foods and chair of the Grand Rapids Go Red For Women initiative. “This study shows that these goals will be virtually impossible to achieve without first creating awareness among women and educating women about the warning signs of a heart attack and underscoring the importance of calling 9-1-1 immediately if they are experiencing heart attack symptoms.”

“It’s particularly important that these national campaigns cut through the mixed messages women receive and deliver the facts about how they can prevent heart disease,” said Helayne Sherman, MD, PhD, a cardiologist with West Michigan Heart and member of Spectrum Health. She is also a spokesperson for West Michigan’s Go Red For Women initiative. “Despite recent research showing no benefit of antioxidant vitamins in women, the majority of women surveyed cited them as a way to prevent heart disease.” Most respondents listed non-evidence based therapies to prevent cardiovascular disease, including the use of multivitamins (69 percent), antioxidants (70 percent), and special vitamins (58 percent); and 29 percent cited aromatherapy as a preventive strategy. Knowledge of heart attack warning signs in 2009 have not improved appreciably since the last study in 1997, with only 56 percent of women citing chest pain and neck, shoulder and arm pain; 29 percent, shortness of breath; 17 percent, chest tightness; 15 percent, nausea; and 7 percent, fatigue. Only 53 percent of all women said they would call 9-1-1 if they thought they were having heart attack symptoms. Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s solution to save women’s lives. It is a premier source of information and education, connecting millions of women of all ages and giving them tangible resources to turn personal choices into life-saving actions. For more information please visit GoRedForWomen.org or call 1-888-MYHEART (1-888-694-3278). Go Red For Women is nationally sponsored by Macy’s and Merck & Co., Inc. and in West Michigan by the Learn Red Sponsor, Spectrum Health.

“This study shows that these goals will be virtually impossible to achieve without first creating awareness among women and educating women about the warning signs of a heart attack and underscoring the importance of calling 9-1-1 immediately if they are experiencing heart attack symptoms.” – Cindy Havard


February 2011

rica Chapman was born with a broken heart on Easter Sunday in San Jose, California. She needed immediate open heart surgery on her fourth day of life to repair her aortic valve. Thanks to cardiac surgeon Dr. Angell, the surgery was a success and her health remained consistent. Other than a small scar, she didn’t focus on this cardiovascular concern. She grew into a healthy, active child and eventually made a move to Michigan.


As she matured into an active 31-year-old adult, she made the decision to train for a half-marathon. It was during this training where she began having shortness of breath and lightheadedness, and felt faint on several occasions. All are symptoms associated with a cardiovascular issue. Concerned about the symptoms, she made an appointment with a cardiologist. At the appointment, the doctor indicated that her earlier heart repair, which worked so well for years, was no longer sufficient to keep her in good health. “There was no doubt that a replacement valve was needed,” said Chapman. Using a mechanical valve is effective, but usually requires the use of blood thinning drugs like Coumadin. Medications such as these make a future pregnancy very difficult and dangerous. The other type, using a tissue valve, doesn’t usually require blood thinners, but may require additional surgery in the future as it doesn’t last as long as the mechanical option.

Wo m e n W i n n i n g t h e F i g h t Ag a i n s t Heart Disease

Erica Chapman by Cindy Bouma, American Heart Association, Midwest Affiliate

“My husband Ron and I agonized over the type of valve because we had hoped to have children one day.” Chapman opted for a tissue valve and had open heart surgery in 2008. The valve has performed very well for her but Chapman understands she will have to undergo another surgery in the future. “It’s a 100% certainty,” said Chapman. “It’s worth it to me; to not be on any medications and to be able to have a child naturally.”

She’s using her experience to educate others about a healthy lifestyle and the importance of knowing the warning signs of heart disease. Had she held off on seeing a cardiologist and continued with her preparations for the half-marathon, she likely would have compromised her health. She knows she must maintain a healthy lifestyle by keeping her weight in check, watching sodium intake and scheduling regular cardiology visits. To her friends and family, she stresses the importance of knowing the warning signs of a heart attack. “I feel great and think I made the right decision about the type of valve surgery. If you are a congenital heart survivor please make sure to see your cardiologist on a regular basis. It’s so important to take care of your heart. Without it, nothing else matters,” said Chapman, a dedicated volunteer for the American Heart Association’s Start! and Go Red For Women programs. These are the most common or “classic” warning signs of a heart attack: • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. • Pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck or arms. • Chest discomfort with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath. These are the less common warning signs of heart attack: • Nausea or dizziness (without chest pain). • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (without chest pain). • Unexplained anxiety, weakness or fatigue. • Palpitations, cold sweat or paleness. Not all of these warning signs occur in every heart attack. If you notice one or more of these warning signs, don’t wait! Call 9-1-1 immediately.

Frederik Meijer Heart & Vascular Institute

Women and Heart Disease: What You Should Know About Cardiac Testing Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park 1000 East Beltline Ave. NE, Grand Rapids

Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC

Registration and appetizers at 5:30 p.m. Lecture from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Prevention and early detection are essential for women in winning the battle against heart disease. Knowing your personal risk is important for maintaining good cardiac health. There are many different resources available to detect heart disease. Join Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC, president of Preventive Cardiology

February 2011

Consultants and director of Cardiovascular Imaging Consultants in Edina, Minn., to learn about different cardiac tests and how your doctor decides which tests are best for you. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can increase your understanding and confidence if your doctor recommends a cardiac test. Preregistration is required. Call 616.267.2626 and select option 4 or call toll free at 877.495.2626. This event is sponsored by the Spectrum Health Frederik Meijer Heart & Vascular Institute Women’s Healthy Heart Program. spectrum-health.org/heart


How to Get What You Want with What You Say By Marty Stanley

Are you tired of not getting what you want? Do you feel like you’re not being heard? Removing barriers to clear communication and carefully choosing your words can help you get what you want – without the drama. Sometimes I think we spend more time crafting our words to order coffee than we do to communicate goals, expectations, preferences or disappointments. I used to order “a double mocha frappacino with a shot of espresso, skinny, Grande in a Venti cup, with a shake of nutmeg and vanilla bean. “Now, I just order a small coffee. It’s a lot easier, and I get what I want: A cup of coffee. Plain and simple.

“Bill, I have a request. I love spending time with you. Can we spend time each weekend doing something together – just the two of us? How about this weekend we go to a hockey game?” In this example there is no drama or blame. The request is clear and an option is given for an activity to do together. NOTE: it’s important to start by providing an option that will ensure participation and not something that would make him cringe. Remember, when making your request, you need to be prepared for it to be declined or engage in a counter offer. If you’re not willing to accept a “no” or a counter offer, then don’t make a request.

If you’re seeking clarity and simplicity in your communication, here’s how:

Align your thoughts and your words. If you’re not getting what you want, I invite you to step back and listen to your choice of words. Are you clear about what you really want before you start talking? Forget instant messaging and texting and other “ondemand” communications for a moment. Instead, take a few moments to determine what it is you really want – the intended outcome you want from this interaction. Not sure? Write it down. Read it. Out loud. Is that what you want? If not, continue writing until you’ve found the clarity and simplicity of your thoughts. Once you have aligned your thoughts and words to your desired outcome, you’re ready to express yourself with clarity, conviction and compassion – or at least, without blame, judgment, drama or exaggeration. (Whenever there is drama around a situation, you can be assured that clear communication is going to be compromised. In these situations, it’s even more critical to step back and be objective about the end result you desire.)

Make a request. One way to reduce the clutter in your communication and get what you want is to make a request. A request is similar to an invitation. When you receive an invitation, you can accept it or decline. In addition, a “request” can provide an opportunity for a counter offer. When you start a sentence with the words, “I have a request,” it forces you to be clear about what you want. It also alerts the listener to pay attention, without the fear, manipulation or apprehension that can happen when someone barks “I need this now!” or candy-coats “Can you do me a favor?” For example, instead of blurting out: “You never spend any time with me!” think through how you want to come across as a loving spouse or partner. Align your thoughts, words and actions to that image. Now you’re ready make your request:


State your expectations.

Keep your promises.

Sometimes we think we’ve communicated expectations, but maybe we’ve only been rehearsing the dialogue in our heads. Did you actually tell the person what is expected? Or did you say something like: “you should know …”

If you say you’ll do something, do it. If you find you’re over committed or can’t follow through, the best thing you can do is acknowledge it to the person to whom you made the commitment. Do it as soon as you’re aware that you can’t keep the promise.

Saying “you should know” can put the other person on the defensive and rarely results in a good outcome. Barking orders yields similar results. Instead of saying to your kids, “I’m not your maid. Your room is a pig sty.” Try this:

The best way to have others keep their promises to you is to model this behavior. For example, if you said you’d take the kids to the mall but only said it to get them off your back, they’ll quickly learn that you don’t keep your word, which gives them permission to do the same. Or if you volunteered for a committee but find you’re over committed, find a way to replace yourself or acknowledge that you’re not able to finish the project. Otherwise you’ll earn a reputation as someone who can’t be counted on.

“Emma, we agreed that your allowance is based on keeping your room clean. That means your bed is made every day and clothes are hung up or in the hamper after wearing them. If you don’t do this consistently, we’ll have to suspend your allowance.” Make sure your expectations are reasonable and have been clearly communicated. Holding others accountable is important, and they need to know what will happen if they don’t fulfill expectations.

Again, there’s no need for drama. Think twice before making a promise. Keep your word. If not, acknowledge the lack of follow through and re-commit, when appropriate.

Marty Stanley is an author, speaker and executive coach. She owns Dynamic Dialog, Inc. and her website is www.alteringoutcomes.com.

February 2011

omen’s LifeStyle is please to present a new monthly feature page highlighting women in business from our west Michigan community. Here you’ll be introduced to women in a variety of capacities - all designed to improve your life.


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February 2011


3 steps (and 4 tricks) to help you

QUIT OBSESSING when your heart s been broken ’

by Vikki Stark



ou know the signs: that sick feeling in your stomach, those tossing/turning nights, food that tastes like cardboard and a mind that whirs relentlessly like an old-time computer that refuses to shut down. When a relationship ends, particularly when you didn’t see it coming, your mind is in torment and it’s exhausting. You’ve been hit by a tsunami and you’re struggling to get your head above water. You’re desperate to understand what happened and what you could have done differently. In other words, you’re obsessed! If you could only get some relief from your thoughts, you’d feel much, much better. But how? Many people are surprised to learn that we actually have more control over our mind than we think we do. We believe ourselves to be helpless because attempts we make to get our thoughts in line don’t work right away, so we give up. But like most things in life, the more we keep at it, the more successful we become. First, we have to make some changes:

Step 1. Believe this painful phase won’t last forever. There’s comfort in recognizing that although you’re suffering now, life won’t always be this hard.

Step 2. Grab back your feelings of self-worth. Just because the one you love no longer loves you does not make a statement about how valuable you are. Don’t let other people define you.


Step 3. Turn your focus from the past to the future. Push yourself to make plans and visualize how good you’ll feel when you’ve accomplished them. Harnessing your mind requires practice and a willingness to reach for happiness, even in the midst of your misery. Too often people wrap the victim label around themselves like a protective garment, reluctant to remove it. But if you can get in touch with the healthiest part inside of you, the one that knows you need to keep building a life for yourself, then you can boost your recovery from heartbreak. No doubt, time is the best healer, but while we’re waiting, here are some tricks you can use to make it through the days: Sweep, Sweep, Sweep. Imagine that your mind is a small, wooden-floored room that keeps getting all dusty and dirty with your negative thoughts. Now visualize a tiny, inch-high cleaning lady snoozing in the corner of the room, an old-fashioned twig broom leaning against her chair. When your thinking drifts into dangerous territory, wake her up and urge her to “sweep, sweep, sweep” away those pesky thoughts! Imagine her working away furiously, tidying up the floor, sweeping all that unwanted muck out the door and making the place spic ‘n span. Barking Dog. This simple but effective trick helps you separate yourself from intrusive thoughts. Imagine that you’re walking down the street and you see a dog chained up to a fence next to the sidewalk, barking wildly at you. Continue on your way down the street knowing that the racket he’s making, which represents the cacophony of thoughts in your head, can’t hurt you. It’s just noise. Hold your head up and keep on walking.

Shake it Off. While we’re on the topic of canines, here’s another very simple option for breaking out of a bad mind-set. You know how a wet dog shakes from head to tail in that goofy way to dry himself off? Well, when you need to lift yourself out of a funk, stand up and literally shake it off. “Shake, shake, shake” from head to toe, good and hard. Waggle your arms, bobble your head, and jiggle your derrière. It’s guaranteed to break the spell at least a little bit. Try it now! Paint the Wall. This technique enables you to manage those rotten bad feelings you walk around with. Picture yourself vigorously painting all those angry, hurt, pent-up feelings in strong colors on a great big wall. Use your whole body, jabbing and stroking until the wall is violent with color. Stand back and take a good look at the turmoil exteriorized. Then imagine grabbing a roller, dipping it in a tray of thick white paint and rolling it criss-cross and up and down until the wall is covered all over with a field of pure white. Stand back again and let yourself exhale. Then inhale and breathe in the clean paint smell! Recovering relatively unscarred from the unwanted end of a relationship requires that you use all your positive energy to fight off those doom and gloom thoughts holding you back. Happiness is a choice we have to keep making for ourselves at every twist and turn in our lives – the choice to roll up our sleeves and do whatever it takes to keep moving forward – even shaking like a dog! For more than 25 years, psychotherapist and family counselor Vikki Stark has helped people grow through hard times, solve problems and restore hope for the future. She is the author of Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal, which grew out of a study of over 400 women who were left out-of-the-blue from what they believed to be happy marriages. Learn more at www.runawayhusbands.com.

February 2011

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February 2011


10 Trends for 'Green' Weddings


nvironmentally friendly ideals are now permeating all aspects of daily living. Many people want to take the concept further and ensure their nuptials – and subsequent reception – are good for the planet as well.

Although there are no firm statistics on the number of green weddings being held each year, emerging trends point to the growing interest in eco-conscious weddings. Individuals who already do their best to recycle, reuse and reduce want to employ those same values on their wedding day. There are many ways to employ a green mindset to wedding planning and execution. Largely the carbon footprint of a wedding can be reduced simply by scaling back and avoiding over-consumption. Here are some ideas to think about: 1. Reduce travel. Research indicates that more than two-thirds of emissions in the United States are produced by energy consumption and transportation. By reducing guests' need to travel far for a wedding or offering transportation that can accommodate several people at once (like a bus), carbon emissions are reduced. 2. Home is where the heart is. Those with big backyards or a park nearby can host the event and reduce dependence on large reception halls that use up large amounts of energy to operate. A home wedding also gives couples the opportunity to shop around for locally produced, organic foods.

3. Shop for floral alternatives. Flowers would seem "green" in themselves. However, many blooms available at florist shops are grown in hothouses with the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, something that is not very good for the environment at all. Brides opting for something more eco-conscious could consider alternative options, such as bouquets made of sustainable succulent plants and centerpieces full of organic fruits and wildflowers. 4. Choose an open registry. Instead of fine china that may never be used, many couples are opting for open registries that enable guests to gift everything from eco-friendly housewares to charitable donations to cash for down payments on a home. 5. Opt for mixed seating arrangements: Instead of formal escort cards indicating firm seating arrangements, couples are saving paper by allowing guests to choose their own seats from


mix-matched options, such as long, communal benches and comfy sofas. 6. Go with something old. Recycled gowns and gently used items are good alternatives for eco-conscious brides. Many websites will match up brides with others looking to swap items at low or no cost. 7. Skip the paper. Though etiquette experts frown on abandoning paper invitations for electronic ones, many couples are doing just that. For those who still prefer paper, print invitations on recycled paper. Reduce other wedding stationery needs by posting information on a wedding website shared with family and friends.

8. Go small scale. Instead of inviting every last cousin and distant uncle, couples are opting for more intimate affairs, including only the people they are closest to, which saves on cost and helps the environment. 9. Reduce some of the wedding day excess. Some couples opt for an all-you-can-eat buffet followed by a dessert bar later in the evening. 10. Choose a charitable party favor. Instead of a party favor that collects dust on a shelf, couples are choosing to gift with organic products or a donation to a charitable organization in the guests' names.

February 2011

Faces in Health Care

Women’s LifeStyle Magazine introduces you to some of our area’s experts in a range of health-related services. Here, you’ll have a chance to get to know these local health professionals as they share their expertise, philosophies, family life and what brought them to our west Michigan community. Meet Bradley Bengtson, M.D.:

radley Bengtson, M.D. is excited to introduce his newly relocated plastic surgery, skin care and laser center focused on cosmetic medicine and surgery. He is passionate about plastic surgery, providing the latest in approved and scientifically proven surgical and non-surgical technology focused on consistent, excellent and safe outcomes.


“It’s all about the patient and their experience. Earning their trust and obtaining the most naturally restored, beautiful result for each patient is what makes my job so incredibly rewarding,” said Dr. Bengtson. Dr. Bengtson’s practice is nestled on the first floor of the Women’s Health Center, where he provides the full range of current cosmetic procedures. He is a national leader in primary and revisional breast augmentation, body contouring with the SlimLipoTM laser liposuction system, 3-D imaging and simulation, and a national trainer for Botox and facial fillers. His focus is on providing naturally restored and refined results for his patients. Dr. Bengtson was recently awarded “Best Plastic Surgeon” by Grand Rapids Magazine and has held the “Best Doctors in America” title for plastic surgery, as awarded by his peers, for 16 consecutive years! Dr. Bengtson graduated summa cum laude from Anderson University and received his Doctor of Medicine with honors from Indiana University School of Medicine.

Bradley Bengtson, M.D., F.A.C.S.

He is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Christian Medical Society.

Bengtson Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery 555 MidTowne Street, NE • Suite 110 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 588-8880


Dr. Bengtson is a leader in ground-breaking research in plastic surgery and has received many grants and awards, including the Tiffany Award for best research from the Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgery.


February 2011


Make It Your

MISSION To Fight Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking the life of 1 in 3 women each year. ore than 42 million American women are living with one or more types of cardiovascular disease, yet only one in five women view heart disease as their greatest health threat. In fact, more women die of cardiovascular disease than the next five causes of death combined, including cancer.


This means women just like you – mothers, sisters, friends – are dying at the rate of one per minute. In fact, in the time it takes to read this, another woman will die from heart disease. Make it your mission to fight against heart disease in women. We hope the stories on the follow pages, along with heart healthy tips and resources, inspire you.


10 Reasons to Make It Your Mission • Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women age 20 and over, killing approximately one woman every minute. • More women die of cardiovascular disease than the next four causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. • While 1 in 30 American women die of breast cancer, about 1 in 3 die of cardiovascular disease. • Only 1 in 5 women believes that heart disease is her greatest health threat. • Ninety percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease. • Eighty percent of cardiac events in women could be prevented if women made the right choices for their hearts involving diet, exercise and abstinence from smoking. • Hispanic women are likely to develop heart disease 10 years earlier than non-Hispanic caucasian women. • More than 8 percent of Hispanics age 18 and older have heart disease. • African-American women are at greater risk for heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases than Caucasians. • African-American females have higher death rates from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases than white females.

February 2011

Wo m e n W i n n i n g t h e F i g h t Ag a i n s t H e a r t D i s e a s e

Janine Krolikowski – Heart Attack Survivor


One week prior to her heart attack, Janine felt a pain between her shoulder blades. “I told myself I must have pulled a muscle when I was doing my yard work.” Even as the pain began to worsen, Janine’s denial grew. But when the pain wrapped all the way around her chest and she became clammy, sweaty and started vomiting, she finally admitted something serious was happening. Even then, instead of immediately going to the hospital, Janine took an aspirin and slowly began getting ready for the day. “After I took the aspirin, my symptoms subsided enough that I took a shower, did my makeup, did my hair and got ready to go to the doctor.” Janine drove herself to the doctor, who immediately sent her to the ER. Once there, an abnormal blood test led to an ultrasound of Janine’s heart using the same type of machine she used at work. That’s when she knew. “The minute the

technician came in and put the probe down on my chest, I knew immediately that I had had a heart attack.” Janine received a stent, but to her, the healing process that began after the heart attack was more difficult than the attack itself. Depression set in. “The realization of what you have gone through hits home and you slow down and process it. There were times I was really down.” Scared, Janine imagined herself following in her parents’ footsteps. “I was basically in the same position they were in and I didn’t think I would make it. I thought this was the end.” Fortunately, Janine found the spirit to take her life in a different direction. “I decided I would take control, exercise and do what the doctor said because I was going to be a survivor.”

courtesy of the American Heart Association • www.goredforwomen.org

anine knew all about the heart and heart disease. She worked as an ultrasound technician for most of her life and lost both of her parents to heart disease at a young age. Yet despite her knowledge and family history, she shrugged her own symptoms off.

Janine believes her life never really began until after her heart attack. Now healthy, she exercises regularly and works each and every day to maintain a heart-healthy diet. “As women, we try to control everything. We live in the future and in the past. We need to stop and live in the moment, capturing what’s happening right now.” Janine Goes Red for her parents.

Signs a heart attack may be happening: • Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. • Shortness of breath. This feeling may occur with or without chest discomfort. • Other signs of discomfort. These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. • As with men, women's most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. If you or someone you are with has chest discomfort, especially with one or more of the other signs, don't wait longer than five minutes before calling 9-1-1 for help. For more information, visit www.goredforwomen.org.

February 2011


10 Foods in Red courtesy of the American Heart Association • www.goredforwomen.org

Red Berry Squares: Make strawberry-flavored gelatin mixed with fresh strawberries and raspberries. Cut into squares before serving.

Frozen Watermelon Bites: Alternate frozen cubes of watermelon and mint leaves on a skewer and serve cold. Ravin’ Red Smoothie: Blend 1 cup low-fat yogurt, 1⁄2 cup frozen strawberries, 1⁄2 cup frozen raspberries and 1 frozen banana.

Red Pasta: Cook whole-wheat spaghetti and top with low sodium marinara sauce, diced tomatoes or sun-dried tomatoes. Baked Red Apple Dessert: Fill 1 whole red apple (cored) with 1⁄4 cup chopped almonds, 1⁄4 cup dried cranberries, 1 tsp. honey, and 1 tsp. brown sugar. Bake for 15 minutes at 350°F or until sugar bubbles. Perfect Polenta: Cook polenta and mix with roasted cherry tomatoes, roasted red bell pepper, and sun-dried tomato.

Stuffed Red Bell Peppers: Stuff 1 red bell pepper (cored) with 1⁄2 cup cooked brown rice, 1⁄4 diced red onion, 1⁄4 cup ground turkey (browned), 1 Tbs. parsley, salt and pepper. Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes or until pepper is heated through.

Roasted Red Cabbage Salad: In a large bowl, combine 2 cups chopped red cabbage (roasted), 1⁄2 cup red onion (thinly sliced and sautéed), 1⁄4 cup red wine vinegar, 1 Tbs. olive oil, and sea salt.

Red Bean Salsa: Combine 2 cups red beans, 1⁄2 cup diced red onions, 1 cup diced red tomato, 1⁄4 cup diced jalapeño (remove seeds), 1⁄4 cup chopped parsley, 2 Tbs. lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Versatile Apples: Have an apple with breakfast, lunch, dinner or even for dessert. For more heart-healthy recipes visit GoRedForWomen.org/betterU or visit ShopGoRed.org


February 2011

Wo m e n W i n n i n g t h e F i g h t Ag a i n s t H e a r t D i s e a s e

Cheryl Holmes –

Heart Disease Survivor

heryl prides herself on knowing her body inside-out. So when she began experiencing breathing difficulties and extreme swelling two weeks before the birth of her third child, she went straight to her doctor. “I felt like I was dying,” she recalls.


Despite her intuition, she trusted her doctor’s advice that her symptoms were normal for pregnancy at her age and pushed the doubts out of her mind. Following the safe birth of her son, Cheryl’s shortness of breath and swelling persisted. “They again told me that this was normal and sent me home.” But when Cheryl returned to the hospital the next morning with shortness of breath, doctors finally diagnosed her with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. While in the hospital, she lost 50 pounds of fluid and her swelling finally subsided. After leaving the hospital, Cheryl faced another uphill battle—her heart was now functioning at only 15 percent.

courtesy of the American Heart Association www.goredforwomen.org

Cheryl began a strict medication regimen in addition to a complete overhaul of her outlook on life.

“Before, I thought I had to be super woman. I had to be all things to all people. I literally had a list of things on my mind all the time, rather than enjoying life.” Cheryl believes her experience with heart disease has actually calmed her nerves. Today, she spends more time loving herself and others, rather than worrying. “I felt released,” she says thoughtfully. With this fresh perspective, Cheryl is determined to get the women in her life talking to one another about heart disease and encouraging their doctors to listen. “When you know something is wrong, you need to stand up for yourself. You know your body.” Cheryl isn’t afraid to talk about her experience, either. “I raise awareness among those next to me. I believe that if you can tell one person, they’ll in turn tell one another and increase awareness of heart disease. To me, that’s empowering.” With that kind of contagious spirit, Cheryl is out to raise awareness among women everywhere. She says it best: “I Go Red For WOMEN!”

A Healthier LifeStyle How can I be more relaxed? • Take 15 to 20 minutes a day to sit quietly, breathe deeply and think of a peaceful picture. • Be more active every day. • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. • Try to avoid things that upset you, such as rush-hour traffic. • Change how you respond to difficult situations. Be positive, not negative.

February 2011


10 Ways to Love Your Heart courtesy of the American Heart Association • www.goredforwomen.org

1. Be active: AHA recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day.

6. Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight can increase your risk of developing heart disease. Losing even a small amount of weight can help to decrease your risk.

2. Eat smart: Enjoy a diet low in sodium, saturated fat and trans fat, and rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber-rich whole grains, and monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat.

3. Don’t smoke: Talk to your healthcare provider about smoking cessation programs.

7. Evaluate your risk: Age, gender, race/ethnicity, family history and other medical conditions can all increase your risk of developing heart disease. Know which factors affect you and what you can do to reduce them.

8. Listen to your heart: When warning signs pop 4. Know your numbers: Write down your blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and body mass index. Discuss with your doctor healthy numbers for you and how to help keep your heart healthy.

5. De-stress: Stress can cause us to overeat, be sedentary or engage in other health-risk behaviors like smoking, all of which can increase your risk of developing heart disease. Take control of stress by meditating, writing in a journal or going for a brisk walk.


up, pay attention to them. By visiting a doctor early, your chances of avoiding a serious condition increase.

9. Know the facts: Read up on heart disease. By knowing about the culprit, you will be better prepared to help prevent and fight it. Visit GoRedForWomen.org for more information.

10. Follow up regularly: Keep track of your heart health and risk factors by visiting your doctor regularly for medical checkups.

hen you quit smoking, you may feel like you’ve lost some of the pleasure in life. But that doesn’t have to be the case. When you stop smoking, your senses of taste and smell start to come back to life. So does your feeling of being in direct contact with the world, without a smoke screen to hide behind. As a nonsmoker, you can go so many places and enjoy so many experiences that were off limits to you as a smoker. Now you can watch a movie in a theater without wanting to jump up and go outside for a smoke. You can take that long trip now, without the discomfort of being unable to smoke on the plane, train or bus. And like many other things, it gets easier to do all of these things with time.

Keep a list of pleasurable activities you can do when you feel urges during your transition phase. Here are some ideas to get you started (or come up with your own):

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

GOING OUT See a new movie Go to a concert Go to sporting events Shop! Buy yourself rewards with the money you’ve saved Visit auctions or garage sales

WITH OTHER PEOPLE Have a party See old friends Play with kids or pets Join a group; get involved in local politics Do volunteer work Have a picnic in the park

BEING OUTDOORS Go skiing Visit a nature center and take a walking tour Take a ride to parts of your city (or county) you haven’t seen for awhile Go fishing Go star gazing

AT HOME Watch movies Build or make something Play a musical instrument Take an afternoon nap Write letters Look at old family photos or home movies

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 34

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Listen to music with headphones Enjoy a massage Eat out at a good restaurant Get a fresh hairstyle Make plans for a vacation Spend time on a favorite hobby Take a continuing education class Sign up for a dance class

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

❏ ❏ ❏

February 2011

Heart of West Michigan United Way Hires Its First Female President

Noe, who was most recently president of Butler County United Way in Hamilton, Ohio, was selected by committee after a national search. “Maureen is a seasoned United Way executive who is known for her strategic leadership skills and strong fundraising background,” said Kate Pew Wolters, who headed the Presidential Search Committee. “We feel she will be a tremendous asset to our community.” During her tenure with United Way organizations, Noe’s key accomplishments included the launch of “Leave No Child Behind,” a school-based program recognized as a best practice by the state of Ohio; the formulation of unique fund-raising opportunities that leveraged dollars from both traditional and non-traditional United Way sources; and the strategic design of United Ways as “go to” organizations that develop and sustain innovative programs and initiatives to support their communities.

DeGraaf Interiors Opens Design Center DeGraaf Interiors recently announced the opening of its Shaw Design Center at 1144 East Paris SE in Cascade. This is the company’s third location and will be the first Shaw Design Center in West Michigan. DeGraaf Interiors has worked on high-profile local projects, including Boardwalk, Union Square, Celadon, Villas of Ada, 38 Commerce, Gallery on Fulton, Thousand Oaks, and Railside. Visit www.degraafinteriors.com for more information.

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The Visualization of Movement


Maureen Noe has accepted the position of president and will lead the organization beginning February 14 . Noe is the West Michigan chapter’s first female president.

Fun & Funky yet Sweet & Girly

See the complete series at


Join Calvary Church Women’s Ministries Feb. 25 and 26 for Winter Thaw, a retreat that promises respite and refreshment (and chocolate!). At Winter Thaw you’ll hear from dynamic, nationally known speaker Angela Thomas. She’ll share her story as a single mom, her remarriage and, most importantly, how she’s learned that no matter what “mistakes” we make, we’re still a Beautiful Offering to God. Angela is the best-selling author of numerous books including Do You Think I’m Beautiful, My Single Mom Life and A Beautiful Offering, the theme for this year’s retreat. She’s a gifted teacher and storyteller, speaking to thousands each year and sharing life experiences that draw her and others into a deeper passion for knowing God. Angela graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill & Dallas Theological Seminary. She has filmed and written four video studies with LifeWay including When Wallflowers Dance. Living in Greensboro, North Carolina, Angela is also a wife, mother and an ordinary woman. Angela will teach on the Beatitudes, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. For many years, Angela thought of the Beatitudes as a list of “Gotta Bes,” as in Gotta be meek. Gotta be merciful. And when she compared her life to the standard they set, she always felt that she came up short. But through God’s great mercy, she has come to see this passage instead as a roster of “When You Ares.” When you are meek, there is a spiritual inheritance. When you are merciful, you will be shown mercy. This shift in thinking has led Angela to understand that God does not require perfection, but rather our gracious obedience. In His eyes, our lives – complete with mistakes, blemishes, and imperfections – are a Beautiful Offering. Winter Thaw will also be a time of fellowship, worship and even some great giveaways. For only $40, it’s a great opportunity to spend some time with your girlfriends, sisters, moms and daughters. To register on-line, visit calvarygr.org/winterthaw or contact Karen Marsman at 616-956-5517. Learn more about Angela at www.angelathomas.com

February 2011

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Soul Good!

Ham and Greens Quiche Serves 6; 1 wedge per serving Cooking spray Crust 3/4 cup water 1/2 cup uncooked whole-wheat couscous 2 tablespoons egg white or egg substitute Filling 10 ounces frozen chopped turnip greens 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon minced garlic 4 ounces sliced lower-sodium, low-fat ham, diced 2 tablespoons shredded or grated Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup egg substitute 1/2 cup fat-free half-and-half 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Preheat the oven to 400°F. Lightly spray a 9-inch pie pan with cooking spray. In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir in the couscous. Remove from the heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes, or until most of the water is absorbed. Stir the egg white into the couscous. Spoon into the pie pan. Form a crust by spreading the mixture over the bottom and up the side, pressing to flatten. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn off the oven. Transfer the pie pan to a cooling rack and let the crust cool completely, about 30 minutes. After about 20 minutes, preheat the oven to 325°F. Meanwhile, prepare the turnip greens using the package directions. Drain well in a colander, if needed. Transfer to a medium bowl.

Chicken Gumbo

courtesy Healthy Soul Food Recipes, Copyright © 2010 by the American Heart Association

Serves 4; 1 cup per serving 2 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 1/2 1/4 1

tablespoons canola or corn oil tablespoons all-purpose flour 14.5-ounce can no-salt-added stewed tomatoes, undrained cup fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth or water ounces boneless, skinless chicken breasts (all visible fat discarded), cut into bite-size pieces cup frozen cut okra, thawed medium onion, chopped medium green bell pepper, chopped medium dried bay leaves teaspoon Worcestershire sauce (lowest sodium available) teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled teaspoon salt teaspoon Louisiana hot sauce or red hot-pepper sauce

In a small skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat, swirling to coat the bottom. Cook the onion for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in the garlic. Cook for 30 seconds, stirring occasionally. Stir the onion mixture and half the ham into the turnip greens. Spoon into the crust. Sprinkle with the remaining ham and Parmesan. In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg substitute, half-and-half, and nutmeg. Pour into the pie pan. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

In a large nonstick skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat, swirling to coat the bottom. Stir in the flour. Cook for 3 minutes, or until dark brown, stirring constantly. Stir in the tomatoes with liquid, broth, chicken, okra, onion, bell pepper, bay leaves, Worcestershire sauce and thyme. Bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for about 45 minutes, or until the okra is very tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in the salt. Discard the bay leaves. Ladle the gumbo into bowls. Sprinkle each serving with the hot sauce. Cook’s Tip: If possible, make the gumbo the day before you plan to eat it so the flavors have more time to blend. Nutrients per Serving Calories 197 Total Fat 8.0 g Saturated Fat 0.5 g Trans Fat 0.0 g Polyunsaturated Fat 2.0 g Monounsaturated Fat 4.5 g Cholesterol 33 mg Sodium 275 mg

Carbohydrates 15 g Fiber 4 g Sugars 8 g Protein 16 g Dietary Exchanges 3 vegetable 2 lean meat 1/2 fat

Nutrients per Serving Calories 152 Total Fat 2.5 g Saturated Fat 0.5 g Trans Fat 0.0 g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5 g Monounsaturated Fat 1.0 g Cholesterol 9 mg Sodium 283 mg

Carbohydrates 22 g Sugars 3 g Protein 13 g Dietary Exchanges 1 starch 1 vegetable 1 lean meat

These recipes are reprinted with permission from Healthy Soul Food Recipes, Copyright © 2010 by the American Heart Association. Published by Publications International, Ltd. Look for Healthy Soul Food Recipes at grocery-store checkouts in May, while supplies last, and online at ShopPower.org.


February 2011

River Hollow Unique casual and rustic home dÊcor. Beautiful handmade candles through lodge classic furniture. Woolrich sportswear for men and women. 223 W Main Street • (616) 897-5000

Daisy Floral and Gifts All occasion FTD floral experts, unique mix of home dÊcor and furniture. Big city style, small town costumer service! www.daisyfloraloflowell.com 216 W Main Street • (616) 897-2588

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February 2011


How Often Do I Need

a Pap Smear? By Brad A. Irving, D.O. Grand Rapids Women’s Health

“What do you mean I don’t need a Pap smear every year?” you may ask. It seems like one of the few things that must be done every year: update the Christmas list, pay taxes . . . get a Pap smear. In the last 10 years there have been several changes in how we, your doctors, screen for cervical cancer. The main reason for that Pap smear is to detect changes in the cervix that can lead to cervical cancer, and because of the common use of the Pap, the incidence of cervical cancer in the United States has been cut nearly in half.

What exactly is the Pap smear? The Pap smear was developed by zoologist George Papanicolaou, to examine the vaginal debris of guinea pigs (yes, guinea pigs). Eventually, this same technique was tried on human subjects, and a pathologist was able to detect a cancer cell. Eventually, the Pap smear became a routine test to look for precancerous changes to the cervix. The test consists of gathering a sample of cells and looking at them under a microscope to see if they are normal or abnormal. Cervical cancer is the first known suspected sexually transmitted cancer. The first research suggesting the connection between sexual contact and cervical cancer dates back more than 150 years. In the mid-1970s, it was determined that certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease, was the common denominator in cancer tissue. Today, we know that there are around 15 types of HPV associated with the changes in the cervix that lead to cervical cancer, with two types causing 70 percent of cervical cancer in the United States.

Who’s at risk for cervical cancer? Women who start having sex early in life, who have multiple partners or have partners who’ve had


many “contacts.” Women with some sort of immunosuppression, such as HIV or an organ transplant, have an elevated risk of contracting HPV, which can lead to cancer. Women who smoke are also at a higher risk of HPV disease because smoking disrupts some natural immune responses that clear out HPV. Young women seem especially sensitive to getting HPV infections, but in most cases, young women can rid the virus naturally without intervention. It’s when HPV persists for years that a woman becomes at risk for cervical cancer. With the increased ability to detect HPV and also knowing how it infects, the guidelines that help your doctor to know how often Pap smears should be done have changed significantly in the last few years. New guidelines suggest starting Pap smears at age 21, regardless of when sexual activity started. The main reason for this is that although younger women frequently become infected with HPV, their bodies also clear it out naturally 90 percent of the time. If doctors routinely screen young women for HPV, find it, and treat the affected areas on the cervix, those young women may be at increased risk of future problems carrying children because of that treatment. However, it’s still strongly encouraged that STD screening be done on all women sexually active under the age of 26.

When should screening occur? The other area of significant change in Pap screening is when women reach 30 years of age. If there have been no significant abnormalities or no evidence of HPV, then clinical evidence suggests that the chance of something new showing up year by year is less than 1/1000. The new recommendation is that, starting at age 30, Pap smears should be done every three years. If they stay normal the whole time, it’s a waste of money to have it checked every year. Most doctors are now suggesting that Pap screening stop at 65-70 years old or if the cervix gets taken out during hysterectomy.

How can cervical cancer be prevented? A major development in the fight to prevent cervical cancer is the available HPV vaccine. Gardasil and Cervarix are two FDA-approved vaccines that teach the immune system to fight the strains of HPV most likely to cause cancer. Both are approved to be used between the ages of nine and 26 years old. The thought is that it is best to have been immunized well before sexual activity starts. The vaccines, if used widely, could prevent 70 percent of the cases of cervical cancer we are seeing today. It will take years before we see this effect, but the impact in the future is significant. Even though the average woman doesn’t need a Pap smear every year, it’s still important to visit your OB/GYN, family doctor or internist every year. Your annual exam consists of more than just a lab test; your doctor needs to assess any changes in your health or sexual activity, do a professional breast exam, and evaluate any need you may have for more frequent screenings for cervical cancer. Sadly, the majority of the cancer diagnoses are in women who have never been screened, or have not been screened in the last five years. Your doctor is your best ally in cervical cancer prevention. So keep on visiting your doctor – it’s the best thing you can do for your reproductive health!

Dr. Brad A. Irving D.O. can’t imagine himself doing anything other than practicing medicine; specifically, obstetrics and gynecology. He provides prenatal care and well woman exams, performs gynecological and urologic surgeries, and delivers babies.

February 2011

Testosterone: Prescription for Passion By Mary PreFontaine, R.Ph, FAAFM

s women age, their level of testosterone naturally decreases. The ovaries and the adrenal glands produce testosterone. However, a woman in her forties has on average only half of the testosterone circulating in her blood stream as does a woman in her twenties. Studies have shown that oral contraceptive use can permanently lower the free level of testosterone in women long after birth control has been discontinued. Levels of testosterone can greatly impact sexual libido and sexual function in women.


Symptoms of decreased levels of testosterone include: absent or greatly diminished sexual motivation and/or desire; persistent, unexplainable fatigue; or lack of energy. Treatment, in the form of testosterone replacement therapy, is available. Testosterone is available commercially in a patch and gel, both of which are not FDA approved for women and come in much higher strengths than women can safely use. As a compound, it’s available in topical and vaginal creams, troches, gels, as well as other formulations, depending on patient-specific factors and choice. Compounded Testosterone cream is becoming increasingly popular because it does not irritate the skin as much as commercially made patches or gel.

A 2007 study found that testosterone cream significantly improved sexual scores in menopausal women with low sexual desire. It was effective, easy to use and had no side effects over the three-month period of active treatment. The North American Menopause Society stated in a mission statement: “Postmenopausal women with decreased sexual desire associated with personal distress and with no other identifiable cause may be candidates for testosterone therapy.� Side effects may occur with high doses of testosterone, including oily skin, acne, aggressive behavior, increased hair growth, deepening of the voice, weight gain, and changes in cholesterol. The dose can be adjusted if any of these adverse effects occur. Testosterone therapy is contraindicated in women with a history of breast or uterine cancer or in those with cardiovascular or liver disease.

Mary PreFontaine, R.Ph. FAAFM is a consulting pharmacist specializing in dosages for hormone therapy. PreFontaine works with physicians to find the best possible dosage and dosage forms for patients experiencing a variety of symptoms caused from hormonal imbalances.


February 2011


Saturday, February 5

SPECIAL EVENTS Tuesday, February 1 • Art that Speaks - Now Say it Out Loud. 10 am - 6 pm. www.lowellartscouncil.org • “Beanie and the Bamboozling Adventure Machine” - Youth Theatre Prod. 7 pm - 9 pm. www. lowellartscouncil.org • Learn to Sew Felt Valentine’s Cookies! Hop Scotch Children’s Store www.hopscotchstore.com • Topics in Health Care Lecture Series at Grand Rapids Public Museum www.grmuseum.org

Wednesday, February 2

ONGOING SPECIAL EVENTS: Every Wednesday Wine Socials at Bar Divani. www.bar-divani.com

Every Thursday Acoustic Stew Concert Series at One Trick Pony. Bringing you West Michigan’s finest acoustic musicians! Reservations are encouraged. www.onetrick.biz

Every Friday Paranormal Investigations Tours delivers you into the darkest places in our city. Stay close to your paranormal tour guide. You’ll hear bone chilling tales, learn how to use authentic ghost hunting equipment and test your ability to sense paranormal activity. www.cityscapeadventures.com

Every Saturday Salsa Dance at Pietro’s Italian Restaurant Pietro’s dance floor is hot! A friendly group of locals and folks from different countries gather to dance, socialize and have a good time on Saturday nights.

Every Sunday Revival ‘80s Dance Night at Billy’s Lounge. www.billyslounge.com

Through May 1 Bodies Revealed at Grand Rapids Public Museum. www.grmuseum.org Through May 08, 2011 Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park presents the work of sculpture Jim Dine This comprehensive exhibition will feature works in the sculpture galleries and neighboring terrace as well in interior garden conservatories. www.meijergardens.org

Through March 13 Design Gallery at Design Quest exhibits the work of Michigan artist, Hugh Acton. ww.DesignQuest.biz

Through February 27 “Betty Ford: An Extraordinary Life,” at Gerald R. Ford Museum. 254-0400 or www.FordLibraryMuseum.gov


Through February 16 “Diana – A Celebration,” at Grand Rapids Art Museum. www.ArtMuseumGR.org

Through February 13 West Grand Neighborhood Organization, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks, and the City of GR present Winterwest. Enjoy an ice rink, a broomball tournament, a 3 v 3 hockey tournament, open skating, a crazy cardboard creation sledding contest and more. www.westgrand.org/wgno/winterwest

• Art that Speaks - Now Say it Out Loud. 10 am - 6 pm. www.lowellartscouncil.org • Author Wade Rouse “It’s All Relative: Two Families, Three Dogs, 34 Holidays, and 50 Boxes of Wine” at GR Public Library. www.grpl.org • See “Marwencol” at UICA. uica.org

Thursday, February 3 • Acoustic Stew with The Beanpoles One Trick Pony www.onetrick.biz • Crazy Ladies Quilting Circle Coopersville Farm Museum • • See “Marwencol” at UICA. uica.org

Friday, February 4 Through February 7 100 Years ~ 100 Works of Art at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. www.ArtMuseumGR.org

February 4-27 Master Arts Theatre presents musical comedy Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming. Runs Fri. and Sat. evenings at 7:30 pm; Sat. matinees at 2 pm; and Sun. matinees at 3 pm. Tickets are $17 for adults with a $2 discount for senior citizens & students. All seats reserved. 455-1001 or visit www.masterarts.org.

• American Heart Association presents Wear Red Day. www.goredforwomen.org/wearredday • Thebes Players present Beanie and the Bamboozling Adventure Machine. www. lowellartscouncil.org • Grand Rapids Ballet presents Nine Sinatra Songs. www.grballet.com

• 14th Annual Bid for Bachelors & Bachelorettes at Thousand Oaks Golf Club to benefit Friends & Families of Cystic Fibrosis. www.friendsandfamiliesofcf.org • DTE Energy Foundation Ethnic Heritage Festival at GR Public Museum. www.grmuseum.org • Grand Rapids Ballet presents Nine Sinatra Songs. www.grballet.com • Thebes Players present Beanie and the Bamboozling Adventure Machine. www. lowellartscouncil.org • River City Improv at Ladies Literary Club. www.rivercityimprov.com • Grand Rapids Ballet presents Nine Sinatra Songs.www.grballet.com • Potato Moon at One Trick Pony. www.onetrick.biz

Sunday February 6 • Partner Yoga Workshop at Armenta Studios. Share the moment and explore the goodness of a shared yoga pracice. 12 to 2 pm. www.armentastudio.com • Tapping the Creative Source at Expressions of Grace Yoga. www.expressionsofgrace.com • Grand Rapids Ballet presents Nine Sinatra Songs. www.grballet.com

Monday, February 7 • Drumline Live! Forest Hills Fine Art Center www.drumlinelive.com • Story Time and Book Signing with Author Shirley Neitzel. www.hopscotchstore.com

Drumline Live! at Forest Hills Fine Art Centeron Monday, February 7

February 5 – 24 Classes are now forming for the winter/spring term at the Spartan Culinary Classroom located at Family Fare in Grandville, across from Rivertown Crossings Mall. Highlights include “Mideastearn Cuisine” on February 12, “Romantic Dinner for Two” on February 14 and “A Taste of the Islands” on February 22. Visit www.dwfreshmarket.com or www.familyfaresupermarkets.com for more delicious details, complete schedule and to register.

February 25 - March 9 First United Methodist Church celebrates its 38th anniversary of Celebration of the Arts, a juried exhibit of spiritual and sacred art. Special artists reception and awards presentation on Feb. 25, 7-9 pm. Exhibit hours are 10 am to 6 pm daily, at First United Methodist Church, 227 East Fulton Street. 451-2879 or www.theCelebrationoftheArts.com

February 2011

Andy Paige Beauty & Style Expert Starting Over and TLC’s Ten Years Younger Glam Squad Beauty Boot Camp – All Three Days

Shari Steinbach, MS RD Healthy Living Advisor Meijer Healthy Living Cooking Stage – All Three Days

Melinda Myers Garden Expert, TV Host & Author Birds, Butterflies & Blossoming Gardens – On Friday Sponsored by

“Fashion” Your Seatbelt! Your Health • Your Home • Your Style


Join us on facebook West Michigan Women’s Expo

February 2011



February 2011

Tuesday, February 8

Friday, February 11

Sunday, February 13

“What You Should Know About Cardiac Testing.” Knowing your personal risk is important for maintaining good cardiac health. There are many different resources available to detect heart disease. Join Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC, president of Preventive Cardiology Consultants and director of Cardiovascular Imaging Consultants in Edina, Minn., to learn about different cardiac tests and how your doctor decides which tests are best for you. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can increase your understanding and confidence if your doctor recommends a cardiac test.

• Opera Grand Rapids presents Puccini’s “Man Lescaut.” The wild success of this, Puccini’s third opera, launched the string of masterworks that made him the most popular composer in history. www.operagr.com • Partner Yoga at Expressions of Grace. Recapture your playful inner child. www.expressionsofgraceyoga.com • “A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline” at Van Single Fine Arts Center www.vsfac.com • West Michigan Golf Show at Devos Place. www.WestMichiganGolfShow.com

• Riverdance at Devos Performance Hall • West Michigan Golf Show at Devos Place www.WestMichiganGolfShow.com • Film: The Mermaid www.uica.org • Jubal Brass Concert Milbrook Christian Reformed Church www.jubalbrass.org

Preregistration is required. Call 2672626 and select option 4 or call toll free at (877) 495-2626. This event, sponsored by the Spectrum Health Frederik Meijer Heart & Vascular Institute Women’s Healthy Heart Program is at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. Registration and appetizers at 5:30 pm. Lecture 6 pm to 7:30 pm. spectrum-health.org/heart

Wednesday, February 9 • Learn alluring moves at Armenta Studio’s Dance Workshop. 8 - 9:30 pm. • Carl Anthony, author of “Like No One Else” at the Gerald R Ford President Library and Museum. www.FordLibraryMuseum.gov

Thursday, February 10 • The 2nd Annual Red Party presented by Valentine Vodka in the Imperial Ballroom at the Amway Grand Plaza. www.amwaygrand.com • A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline Van Single Fine Arts Center www.vsfac.com • Acoustic Stew with Kimber Cleveland & Michael Crittenden at One Trick Pony. www.onetrick.biz

Saturday, February 12 • Opera Grand Rapids presents Puccini’s “Man Lescaut.” The wild success of this, Puccini’s third opera, launched the string of masterworks that made him the most popular composer in history. www.operagr.com • Little Black Dress party at JW Marriott.www.ilovethejw.com • 2011 West Michigan Bridal Expo at The Pinnacle Center. 12 - 4 pm. • An Afternoon of Fashion and Tea at the Voight House. grmuseum.org • Go Red For Women Casting Calls at Macy’s Rivertown Crossings. 2 - 4:30 pm. www.GoRedforWomen.org • The Circle Theatre presents Sweet & Bubbly, a Valentine’s champagne and chocolate tasting event at the John F. Donnelly Conference Center on the campus of Aquinas College, featuring live entertainment by The Women of Broadway, as well as special prize giveaways. Tickets are $30 per person or $50 per couple. Please RSVP by 2/9/11 at (616) 456-6656. • “A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline” at Single Fine Arts Center www.vsfac.com • West Michigan Golf Show at Devos Place www.WestMichiganGolfShow.com • The Wonderful World of Chocolate at the Grand Rapids Public Libraray www.grpl.org

Monday, February 14 Happy Valentine’s Day!

Tuesday, February 15 • 88.1 FM wyce presents Jammies XII at the Intersection Lounge. 20+ local bands. All ages. Free. www.wyce.org • Nurishing Ways of West Michigan presents “Tips on kitchen gardens, mineral rich soil, and growing nutrient dense food” with Katie Brandt at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. www.nourishingways.org • Broadway Grand Rapids presents Shanghai Circus www.broadwaygrandrapids.org

Wednesday, February 16 • Improve Your Sex Life in 90 Days! Learn why HRT is not the only answer and the role of Nutrition, Lifestyle and Relationships presented by Jamie Wright, DO, FACOOG, ABAARM 6:30 pm -8 pm. www.keystonerx.com • Grand Rapids RV Show at the Delta Plex. 12 - 9 pm. www.deltaplex.com

Thursday, February 17 • Grand Rapids RV Show at the Delta Plex. 12 - 9 pm. www.deltaplex.com

Friday, February 18 • Growing Together Relationship Conference with Frank and Cathy Tanana 7 pm - 8:30 pm • Grand Rapids RV SHow at the Delta Plex. 12 - 9 pm. www.deltaplex.com • Bow Wows & Brews to benfit C-Snip www.csnip.org

• GR Symphony presents Passion and Romance www.grsymphony.org

Saturday, February 19 • Bridal Show at Devos Place. www.wmbridalshow.com • Grand Rapids Ballet presents “Mother Goose & The Boy Who Wouldn’t Do His Homework.” www.grballet.com • Grand Rapids RV Show at the Delta Plex. www.deltaplex.com • Ken Walsh, author of “Family of Freedom: Presidents and African Americans in the White House” at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum. 2 pm. • Growing Together Relationship Conference Frank and Cathy Tanana. 7 pm - 9 pm. www.westwoodwired.com • River City Improv at Ladies Literary Club. www.rivercityimprov.com • GR Symphony presents Passion and Romance www.grsymphony.org

Sunday, February 20 • Growing Together Relationship Conference Frank and Cathy Tanana 7 pm - 9 pm. www.westwoodwired.com • Grand Rapids Ballet presents “Mother Goose & The Boy Who Wouldn’t Do His Homework”. www.grballet.com • Bridal Show at Devos Place. www.wmbridalshow.com • The Yoga of Weight Loss - Healing Body Image 1:30 pm - 3 pm. www.expressionsofgraceyoga.com • Author Ken Walsh at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum. • Grand Rapids RV Show at the Delta Plex. 12 - 5 pm. www.deltaplex.com • Grand Rapids Ballet presents “Mother Goose & The Boy Who Wouldn’t Do His Homework”. www.grballet.com • Bridal Show at Devos Place. • Taste Of Soul Sunday at Grand Rapids Public Library celebrates African American history and culture at the Sixth Annual Taste of Soul Sunday featuring art, music, literature, history and food. www.grpl.org

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February 2011

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Monday, February 21 • Great Discussions at Aquinas College presents Germany Rising • Make a Pet for Presidents Day at Hop Scotch Children’s Store www.hopscotchstore.com

Tuesday, February 22 Happy National Margarita Day!

Sunday, February 27

Wednesday, February 23 • Whatever Happened to Idlewild Grand Raids Public Library.

Thursday, 24 February, 2011 • Girl’s Night Out at the Melting Pot. www.themeltingpot.com

Friday, February 25 • Go Red For Women Conference and Luncheon at Frederik Meijer Gardens 10 am - 1:30 pm. • 3rd Annual Legacy Ball at the JW Marriott. 5:00 pm. www.eventsbyja.com • Calvary Church Women’s Ministry presents “Winter Thaw”. www.calvarygr.org/winterthaw • Civic Theatre presents Hello Dolly www.grct.org • Broadway and Beyond, a celebration of the arts at First United Methodist Church. www.grandrapidsfumc.org

Saturday, February 26 • Grand Rapids Ballet presents “Mother Goose & The Boy Who Wouldn’t Do His Homework.” www.grballet.com • Winter Beer Festival at Fifth Third Ballpark www.mbgmash.org/FF • Broadway and Beyond, a celebration of the arts, at First United Methodist



• Armenta Studio presents a “Healing Dance Workshop. Whether it’s dance anthropology or sacred dance, this ancient practice explores women’s spiritual expression. 12 – 2 pm. www.lauraarmenta.com • Classical Guitarist Jeff Dwarshuis performs a free concert at The First Presbyterian Church of Hastings.www.firstchurchhastings.org. • Grand Rapids Ballet presents Mother Goose and The Boy Who Wouldn’t Do His Homework. www.grballet.com • Foreign Film Series at UICA presents “Letter From an Unknown Woman.” uica.org • Civic Theatre presents “Hello Dolly.” www.grct.org

Monday, February 28 • A Pancake Celebration at Hopscotch Children’s Store. www.hopscotchstore.com • Grand Rapids Public Library presents “Life Through the Lens of Merze Tate. www.grpl.org • DJ SuperDre and Billy’s Lounge present BassBin! Grand Rapids’ Premier Drum ‘n Bass and DubStep night. www.billyslounge.com


Thursday, Feb 10 Inforum presents a networking dinner and wine tasting at six.one.six in the JW Marriott. 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Call Sharon Dykhouse for details at 974-8923.

Wednesday, Febraury 16 Saturday, February 1 Local First presents their 2011 Annual Meeting & LocalMotion Awards at the Goei Center at 818 Butterworth St. SW. Enjoy a celebration at the beautiful Goei Center while sharing your feedback to help shape the future of Local First. Connect and exchange with west Michigan community and business leaders. Heavy hors d’oeuvres, cash bar. $25 per person. Tickets at www.localfirst.com/events.

Saturday, February 1 Intro to GROW. growbusiness.org

Saturday, February 1

(Re)STORE Grand Rapids - Lunch with PUNCH 11:00 AM - 01:30 pm

Monday, February 21 Join the Networking Dinner Affinity Group at San Chez Bistro and enjoy delectable Spanish Tapas. 5:30 pm. Call Catherine Lazarock at 250-0055 or Marnie Johnson at 308-4446 for details.


Unstoppable Women Networking group: Attracting Your IDEAL People. www.meetup.com

Monday, February 3

Wednesday, February 9

February 8

Interchange lunch program, “Opening the DeVos Children’s Hospital” with speaker Tom Hanley, director of communications at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. 11:30 am registration; lunch and program, 12-1 pm. Members $20, Non-members $30, Students $15. At University Club. www.interchangewmi.org.

Torch Club Meeting at the University Club. “Is This Art?” with Lany Grow. www.torchclubgr.org

Bluebird Cancer Retreats Support Group in Spring Lake. 616-240-5808

Group breastfeeding classes at baby beloved inc. $40. Pre-register at 977-5683.

First Monday Mothers & More Chapter 137 at St. Thomas Catholic Church. 648-6988 or www.grmothersandmore.com

Chick Flicks

Whether you prefer a tear-jerker drama, or a laugh- til-you-cry romantic comedy, here’s a quick rundown of some favorites, courtesy of our Facebook fans (listed in no particular order):

1. Serendipity 2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3. Pretty Woman 4. Why Did I Get Married? 5. Leap Year 6. Return to Me 7. Dear John 8. The Notebook 9. Pride & Prejudice 10. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 11. The Time Traveler’s Wife 12. Fried Green Tomatoes 13. Terms of Endearment 14. Gas, Food, Lodging 15. Joy Luck Club 16. Wizard of Oz 17. Circle of Friends 18. Some Kind of Wonderful 19. Once Around 20. Thelma & Louise

Church. www.grandrapidsfumc.org • A special night with The New Midwest and Ralston Bowles One Trick Pony www.onetrick.biz • Carol’s Ferals & Friendlies Adoptable Cat and Kitten Adoption Day at CenterPointe Mall. 481-0940 or www.carolsferals.org

21. Kill Bill 22. Beaches 23. Ghost 24. Dirty Dancing 25. Moonstruck 26. You’ve Got Mail 27. Letters to Juliet 28. Pretty in Pink 29. Love Affair 30. Sleepless in Seattle 31. Baby Boom 32. It’s Complicated 33. Like Water for Chocolate 34. The Holiday 35. A League of Their Own 36. City of Angels 37. Message in a Bottle 38. Bride & Prejudice 39. The Women 40. Legally Blonde 41. Steel Magnolias 42. Red Dawn 43. Next Stop Wonderland 44. Dances with Wolves join ous on facebook: www.facebook.com/WLMag

February 2011


Second and Fourth Tuesdays


Breastfeeding Support Group at the Spartan Stores Family Childbirth Center. 252-7985

MomsBloom Postpartum Depression Support group meets at Spartan Stores Family Childbirth Center. 252-7985 or antoinette.lopez@metrogr.org

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups. 774-1079 or grafg.org

Women’s Co-Dependant Support Group meets at Kentwood Community Church. 455-1740 ext. 3162

Second & Fourth Mondays Citizens for Parental Rights. WKTV, 5261 Clyde Park, SW, Wyoming. secretary@abusedswan.com

The Mother-to-Mother Support Group meets at 10 am at 555 Midtowne St NE, Suite 100. 977-5683 or www.babybelovedinc.com

Michigan Blood is in need of volunteers to fill positions at mobile drives. Scheduling is flexible and no experience is necessary. 233-8523

Third Wednesdays

The Public Museum needs volunteer interpreters, guides, office workers and special event assistants. 456-3588

Progressive Women’s Alliance of West Michigan meets at the Women’s City Club. www.progressivewomensalliance.org

Tuesdays DeGraw Ministries invites women to attend “In His Presence for Women,” at 4264 Caddo S.W. Grandville.

First Thursdays Tuesdays Domestic abuse survivors support group meets at 25 Sheldon Blvd SE. 451-2744

The Zonta Club of Grand Rapids meets at Pietro’s Italian Restaurant. membership@zontagr.org

Second Tuesdays

Third Thursdays

The National Organization for Women (NOW) meets at 629 Michigan St NE. 855-1526

Mothers & More hosts “Mum time: crafts, projects, crumpets, and tea.” 648-6988 or mattandmandysuhan@hotmail.com

Second Tuesdays

First Thursdays

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & CFSrelated Fibromyalgia support group meets at the Peter M. Wege Health & Learning Center. 531-7088 or cfssolutionswm@gmail.com

Free Caregiver Support Group for adult cancer caregivers, 7-8:30 pm, at the Bluebird Cancer Retreats office, 917 W. Savidge, Suite 36, in Spring Lake. RSVP not required but appreciated. rdenslow@bluebirdmi.org or 847-0839

Second Tuesdays Diabetes Support Group at the Metro Health Professional Building Conference room. 252-7985 or antoinette.lopez@metrogr.org



Third Thursdays Sexual assault/abuse survivors support group meets at 25 Sheldon Blvd SE. 459-7062 ext. 106

February 2011

Junior Achievement of the Michigan Great Lakes seeks volunteers to teach in classrooms K-12 in the Kent County area. Training is provided. Contact Ivy Kowalski at 575-9080 ext. 225 or ivy.kowalski@ja.org. Lutheran Social Services of Michigan Refugee Services needs volunteer reading tutors. 356-1934 Lutheran Social Services of Michigan needs volunteer sewing teachers. 356-1934 MomsBloom is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping new moms. Volunteers help support the mother during this postpartum transition. Join us for free training at Grand Rapids Womens Health at 6:30 pm. Contact Angie for more information at angie@momsbloom.org or 828-1021.

American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids seeks volunteers to donate blood, help run blood drives, assist in set-up/take-down, and serve as registration greeters and refreshment providers. 456-8661 Faith Hospice seeks volunteers for respite care, visiting, massage therapy, beauty services, and more. 356-4859 Faith in Action Program of Guardian Angel Homes seeks volunteers for friendship/mentoring to adults with developmental disabilities. 458-7000 ext. 14 Inner City Christian Federation’s Home Ownership Program needs volunteers for their childcare room during class times. 831-1205 ext. 116 The WORD Project ESL is looking for tutors to work in the ESL program as one-on-one tutors. 454-4874 Spectrum Health seeks volunteers to work with florists, patient escort, and the emergency department. 391-1804 The Literacy Center of West Michigan needs volunteer tutors. 459-5151 ext. 10

Event information can be submitted on our online calendar at www.womenslifestylemagazine.com. You can also email information to womenslifestyle@aol.com


Reader’s Lounge

Conversation Starter By Alexandra Fix

Having someone read to you is a very special treat. It harkens back to the comfort of childhood and adds a new dimension of interpretation to hear a novel read aloud. Once in awhile the sheer size of a book deters us. When that’s the case, pick up the audio version and let yourself be pleasantly entertained for hours on end.

The Invisible Bridge By Julie Orringer Random House Audio, 2010, $50 (28 hours unabridged) It’s 1937 and the three sons of the Levi family, from the Hungarian village of Konyar, set out on their life journeys. Andras Levi leaves for Paris, ready to embark upon his long-anticipated study of architecture. His older brother, Tibor, secures a muchdesired opportunity to study medicine in Italy. The third and youngest, Matyas, with youthful exuberance, leaves school for the stage of music and dance. Each is on his way to a dream, as the world teeters on the edge of war. In the ensuing years, this war will change all of their plans and alter each of their lives forever. This is a powerful story of cultural pride, of the strength to be found in love and family, of fear and the courage to endure incredible hardships. As Jewish Hungarian countrymen, the Levi brothers must fight beside their German allies under the hatred of Hitler. Author Julie Orringer describes the world in upheaval as “a continent intent on eliminating the entire Jewish population.” The scene is vividly and authentically set, from classrooms to forced labor camps, from the balconies of the opera houses of Budapest to the bowels of the ships holding refugees heading to a new Jewish homeland. This is a marvelously long novel to experience as an audio book—28 hours of satisfying listening. It is particularly enjoyable to hear the Hungarian and French names and places read with such beautiful European inflection. This novel, one of my favorites this year, is also available in hardcover (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010, $26.95).

The Widower’s Tale By Julia Glass Random House Audio, 2010, $45 (18 hours unabridged) Since the death of his wife more than thirty years ago, 70-year-old Percy Darling has lived a genteel, but overall solitary life, in his rambling farmhouse outside of Boston. He raised two daughters alone but not without challenges. One daughter is highly successful in her medical oncology career and the other faces numerous hurdles in life. A staunch New Englander, Percy steps out of his loner attitude to allow a new private preschool to

take over his barn and create a job for his struggling daughter. The disruption of the ordinary forces Percy to examine the years that have passed and open his mind to the new: Still haunted by his wife’s death, Percy meets a complicated woman for whom his caring grows. He befriends a quiet Guatemalan gardener with a history of missed chances. He continues a deep friendship with a grandson that will prove to be lifesaving at its lowest moment. This novel is also available in hardcover (Pantheon Books, 2010, $26.95).

Alexandra Fix is the author of ten non-fiction children’s book, including the series “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” (Heinemann Library). Over the years, she has truly enjoyed being a children’s librarian, registered nurse, freelance writer, mother and grandmother.


Juliet By Anne Fortier Random House Audio, 2010, $40 (20 hours unabridged) After the death of a beloved aunt, Julie Jacobs receives a puzzling inheritance: a letter and a key that leads Julie from her home in America to Siena, Italy, in search of a secret family treasure. Guided by her aunt’s instructions, Julie travels under her true given name, Giulietta Tolomei. As Guilietta, Julie discovers her own link to history and her ties to the “real” Juliet of Shakespeare’s play. She lands in the center of a centuries-old antagonism between the Tolomei and the Salimbeni families. Skillfully moving back and forth from the 1300s to the present day, author Anne Fortier unfolds the story of the star-crossed lovers of the past and their feuding families, who inspired Shakespeare’s pen. But, all of the love and romance is not trapped in the past, as Julie meets her own Romeo of today with equally dangerous results. Murder and intrigue, dark clues and false trails, secret societies and vicious vendettas fill this novel with page turning excitement. Juliet provides a more sophisticated Da Vinci Code-type romp through medieval history. Book groups will quite naturally be drawn to re-reading Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” to watch the plots juxtaposed and to deepen their sense of 14th century history. Each chapter of Juliet begins with select lines from “Romeo and Juliet.” Some seem obvious; others are shrouded in mystery and Fortier poses the challenge to book groups to crack the code. The author and her mother have shared a lifelong love of both Italy and Shakespeare. While Fortier was growing up in Denmark, they often traveled together to Verona, Italy, always including a visit to the presumed site of Juliet’s balcony. Then one day, they discovered that the true source of Shakespeare’s inspiration for the fictional Capulets and Montagues did not lie in Verona, but rather in the Tolomei and Salimbeni families in Siena. At the heart of this novel is a wonderful mother/daughter collaboration. Fortier, who now lives in the United States, was writing the novel here while her mother, Birgit Malling Eriksen, was in Siena doing research. The audio version presents a rich, visual portrait of Siena, Italy, today and yesterday. This novel is also available in hardcover (Ballantine Books, 2010, $25).

February 2011

Click name of business for direct link to website

SHOPPING & RETAIL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Art of the Table Burgett Floral, Inc Clothing Matters Compucraft Eastern Floral Ferris Coffee & Nut Retail Shoppe Frames Unlimited Gazelle Sports Global Gifts – Your Fair Trade Store Harvey Automotive – Cadillac, Hummer, Lexus Heather Lane Pottery Horizen Hydroponics LaFontsee Galleries Underground Studio Literary Life Bookstore & More, Inc Nawara Bros. Appliance, TV & Bedding Robinette’s Apple Haus & Winery Rylee’s Ace Hardware Southland Auto Wash Spirit Dreams Standale Interiors Stonesthrow/EQ3 Wealthy At Charles

HOME PRODUCTS & SERVICES ■ DeGraaf Interiors, Inc ■ Godwin Plumbing ■ Pat’s Curios, Sewing & Alterations ■ The Shade Shop, Inc ■ UBU Furniture ■ Verhay Carpets


DINING & CATERING ARTS & ■ Applause Catering + Events ENTERTAINMENT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Bar Divani Bistro Bella Vita Café Stella Cambridge House Connie’s Cakes, LLC Derby Station Founders Brewing Company Graydon’s Crossing GRPD - Grand Rapids Pizza Delivery Marge’s Donut Den One Trick Pony Pietro’s Italian Restaurant San Chez Bistro, Café & Catering The Gilmore Collection The Green Well The Score Restaurant & Sports Bar Wealthy Street Bakery

GROCERY & FRESH FOOD ■ Cascade Winery ■ Eggland’s Best Eggs ■ Dancing Goat & Cowslip Creamery ■ Grand Central Market & Deli ■ Grand River Grocery ■ John Russo’s Wine Warehouse & Deli ■ Making Thyme Kitchen

■ Community Media Center ■ Exceed Consulting



Celebration! Cinema Grand Rapids Civic Theatre GRBrides.com GRnow.com River City Improv The Mud Room Women’s Expo Kohler Expos, Inc

BUILDING & DESIGN ■ Ashley Cole Design, Inc ■ Eden Environments – sustainable design center


■ Beacon Hill at Eastgate ■ Capelli Salon ■ Discover Chiropractic Center, PC ■ Expressions of Grace Yoga & Books ■ Grand Rapids Eye Institute ■ Holistic Care Approach ■ Keystone Pharmacy ■ Partners in Dental Care ■ Stonecastle Dentistry ■ The Center for Physical Rehabilitation ■ Yoga Studio

BUSINESS SERVICES ■ EPS Security, Inc ■ The Image Shoppe


HOSPITALITY & TRAVEL ■ Lasting Impressions Bed & Breakfast ■ Witte Travel & Tours

■ Julie Grevengoed, JGR Real Estate ■ Ultimate Staging & Décor, LLC


Ad Shop, etc. AMC Marketing Group, LLC Clark Communications Top Of The List – search engine marketing ■ Women’s LifeStyle Magazine

■ Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women - GROW/AWE ■ Grand Rapids Public Library ■ Widowed Persons Service



■ Christine Wedding & Portrait Design





■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■



FINANCIAL & LEGAL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Baker Spindler Holtz Culver, Wood & Culver CPAs Discovery Financial, LLC Doug Zandstra CPA EA Founders Bank & Trust FourSquare Financial Group Northpointe Bank Option 1 Credit Union United Bank Watermark Insurance Services



Learn more about these businesses and Local First at www.localfirst .com

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