3 minute read
Potential Effects of Ozone Pollution on Your Health
If asked to offer their unfi ltered reactions to the word “ozone,” many people might not hesitate to say, “It’s bad.” But ozone is more complex than that and can actually be good.
Ozone is a gas composed of three atoms of oxygen that occurs in both the upper atmosphere of the Earth and at ground level. Where ozone is found determines if it’s good or bad. Ozone in the upper atmosphere, often referred to as “stratospheric ozone,” occurs naturally.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, this ozone is considered good because it protects humans from harmful ultraviolet rays produced by the sun. While stratospheric ozone can protect humans, ground-level ozone offers no such protection, acting instead as a harmful air pollutant.
How is ground-level ozone formed? Ground-level ozone, also known as tropospheric ozone, is created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. These reactions result when pollutants emitted by various sources, including cars, power plants and refi neries, are exposed to sunlight. The EPA notes that
ground-level ozone is most likely to reach unhealthy levels on hot, sunny days in urban environments. However, ozone levels can still be unhealthy in winter, and rural areas are not immune, as wind can transport ground-level ozone from cities to the countryside.
What are the harmful effects of ozone? Ozone can cause a number of health problems that affect the respiratory system. While more extensive studies are necessary, the EPA notes that existing studies suggest that long-term exposure to ozone may increase the risk of death from respiratory causes. Some of the respiratory issues that can develop as a result of ozone exposure include: • Diffi culty breathing deeply and vigorously • Shortness of breath and pain when taking deep breaths • Infl amed, damaged airways • Greater frequency of asthma attacks • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD
Even healthy people are susceptible to these effects, which can be more serious in people with existing respiratory conditions and diseases, including asthma.
Because their lungs are still developing, children are at the greatest risk of exposure to ozone. Kids also tend to spend more time outdoors than adults when ozone levels are high, increasing their vulnerability to ozone-related health issues. Older adults and people who work outdoors also are most at risk of breathing ozone-contaminated air.
Ozone is not a dirty word, though a certain type of ozone can compromise human health. Learn more at epa.gov.
e Blue Tie Ball is Going Virtual!
Still as fun as ever, and no need for drink tickets!
As you know WMEAC’s Blue Tie Ball raises funds for our water education and protection programs, which are core to WMEAC’s mission. Each year, we work with thousands of students, hundreds of families, and grassroots groups, municipalities and legislators around the region to educate, advocate and activate around protecting our precious freshwater resources from dangerous pollution and practices.
However, because of the impact of the coronavirus crisis, WMEAC has made the decision to transition our April 22nd Blue Tie Ball from a physical event to a virtual one!
e 2020 Virtual Blue Tie Ball and online auction will kick o on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – April 22nd, 2020 for four days!
Here is how you can take part in our Virtual Blue Tie Ball.
You can still purchase tickets! Seriously, enjoy the fun of a virtual gala from the comfort of your own home – no high heels, no ties! And every dollar you spend will go to our water education and protection programs.
You can participate in our online auction. Our volunteers have done an amazing job putting together auction experiences and items that you will love. Again, 100% of your dollars will support watershed education and protection programs.
Share this with your friends and family. e more the merrier!
Stay tuned. We will be updating this page and our social media channels with more details, and we’ll be sending out more information in the next few weeks.
ank you for your support at this di cult time.