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Virtual Event Listings
June Virtual Events
Happy Pride!
Visit womenslifestyle.com for coverage of Pride Month in Grand Rapids.

Daily, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Virtual Visits: Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. While many would rather be standing in the solarium amongst the butterfl ies, how lucky we are to be able to still see and connect with nature in our community through social media. Every day, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the staff of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park post Virtual Visit videos where they showcase different plants, sculptures and more at the park. Visit the park’s website to see a full list of cataloged videos and visit the social media channels to see all posts. meijergardens.org
June 1-30 Summer Wonder. Join the Kent District Library for a variety of virtual events focused on science, technology, engineering, art and math. facebook.com/pg/KentDistrictLibrary/events
Through August Virtual Heartside Historic Tours. Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids is hosting a six-week Virtual Historic Heartside Home Tour Experience. Tour guide Caroline Cook will share images and stories highlighting the origins, hospitality, culture and history of Heartside at various locations in Grand Rapids. This online event series is free, but you must RSVP to participate. Register for the event via Eventbrite to get your ticket. After registering, you will be sent an email confi rmation with your order number and a link to join via Zoom.
The series will take place as follows: May 27 (12-1pm): Grand River Ramble: A Focus on Origins, June 10 (12-1pm): Immigrant Gateway: A Focus on Who, June 24 (12-1pm): Entertainment Expedition: A Focus on Hospitality, July 8 (12-1pm): Historic Habitation: A Focus on Living, July 22 (12-1pm): Civic Awakening: A Focus on Culture, August 5 (12-1pm): Fait h & the Future: A Focus on Churches. The series has already begun and the remaining events will take place from 12-1 p.m. on June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22 and August 5. facebook.com/pg/dwellingplacegr/events
Every Wednesday, June 10-July 1, 7 p.m. Poetry, Prose and Pride Facebook Live.In celebration of Pride Month, Schuler Books will host a Facebook Live Event hosted by local author and poet Rosie Accola, with special guest Rivka Yeker, Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Hooligan Magazine, writer, cultural organizer and a Libra based in Chicago. Their writing practice is rooted in intergenerational trauma/ancestral healing, post-Soviet Jewish identity, queerness and media and cinema theory. facebook.com/pg/schulerbooks/events.
June 5, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Grand Rapids Virtual Arts Festival. Due to the global pandemic COVID-19, the annual Festival of the Arts was canceled for this year. In its place, the Grand Rapids Art Museum is hosting a virtual arts festival that will be streamed on WoodTV.com. The video compilation will feature performances from Grand Rapids Ballet, Grand Rapids Symphony, Girls Choral Academy, Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, Opera Grand Rapids, Ebony Road Players and more. In addition, Grand Rapids Art Museum, UICA, ArtPrize, Grand Rapids African American Museum and Archives, Grand Rapids
June Virtual Events
Public Museum, DisArt and others are submitting videos to include in the event. facebook.com/pg/FestivalGR/events
June 10, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Virtual Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass. Local bookstore Books & Mortar is hosting a virtual book club event for the book “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Email info@booksandmortar.com to RSVP. The book is available for purchase, for 10 percent off, on the bookstore’s website: booksandmortar.com/events
June 11, 4:30 p.m. Virtual Parenting Series - Arbor Circle.
Arbor Circle, a local mental health organization, is offering free virtual parent support through an upcoming Zoom call for parents to connect with others and discuss the unique challenges they are facing during this time. facebook.com/pg/arborcircleorg/events

June 11, 6 p.m. Bollywood Dance Lab. Local professional dancer and instructor Laura Armenta, owner of Armentality Movement Arts Center, is presenting an online version of a regular class she offers through her studio, Bollywood Dance. The modern fusion dance style brings the best of Indian culture and fi lms through vibrant music, colorful outfi ts and graceful movement. Armenta encourages women of all generations to join for a fun, fi t activity. Tickets are $10 and Armentality members receive 15 percent off.facebook.com/pg/Armentality/events
June 12, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour with Local First. Join Local First West Michigan, local business owners and community members for a virtual coffee hour. Get updates on what the business support organization is doing right now and what you can do to support your local businesses. RSVP on Eventbrite to get the Zoom link. facebook.com/LocalFirstWestMichigan.
June 29, 8 p.m. LGBTQ/Pride Night at The (Virtual) Drunken Retort. The online performance event is back at the end of the month for their annual pridethemed performance event. Finish off your pride month by breaking out all of your work about celebrating your identity, sharing your story, struggles, and celebrating the beauty of the LGBTQ community. There will be 14 open mic slots for poets, musicians, singers, comedians, and any other talented human beings but members of the LGBTQ community will be prioritized when signing up. facebook.com/TheDrunkenRetort.